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(Lab Manual)
PEE-753 FACTs Lab using MATLAB

Experiment # 1 :- Series-Compensated Transmission System

Description of the Transmission System
The example described in this section illustrates modeling of series compensation and related
phenomena such as subsynchronous resonance in a transmission system.
The single-line diagram shown here represents a three-phase, 60 Hz, 735 kV power system
transmitting power from a power plant consisting of six 350 MVA generators to an equivalent
system through a 600 km transmission line. The transmission line is split into two 300 km lines
connected between buses B1, B2, and B3.
Series and Shunt Compensated Transmission System

To increase the transmission capacity, each line is series compensated by capacitors representing
40% of the line reactance. Both lines are also shunt compensated by a 330 Mvar shunt reactance.
The shunt and series compensation equipment is located at the B2 substation where a 300 MVA-
735/230 kV transformer feeds a 230 kV-250 MW load.
Each series compensation bank is protected by metal-oxide varistors (MOV1 and MOV2). The
two circuit breakers of line 1 are shown as CB1 and CB2.
This power system is available in the power_3phseriescomp model. Load this model and save it
in your working directory as case1 to allow further modifications to the original system.
Compare the Simscape™ Electrical™ Specialized Power Systems circuit model (Series-
Compensated System (power_3phseriescomp)) with the schematic diagram above (Series and
Shunt Compensated Transmission System). The generators are simulated with a Simplified
Synchronous Machine block. A Three-Phase Transformer (Two Windings) block and a Three-
Phase Transformer (Three Windings) block are used to model the two transformers. Saturation is
implemented on the transformer connected at bus B2.
The B1, B2, and B3 blocks are Three-Phase V-I Measurement blocks taken from the
Measurements library. These blocks are reformatted and given a black background color to give
them the appearance of bus bars. They output the three line-to-ground voltages and the three line
currents. Open the dialog boxes of B1 and B2. Note how the blocks are programmed to output
voltages in pu and currents in pu/100 MVA. Notice also that the voltage and current signals are

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sent to internal Goto blocks by specifying signal labels. The signals are picked up by the From
blocks in the Data Acquisition subsystem.
The fault is applied on line 1, on the line side of the capacitor bank. Open the dialog boxes of the
Three-Phase Fault block and of the Three-Phase Breaker blocks CB1 and CB2. See how the
initial breaker status and switching times are specified. A line-to-ground fault is applied on phase
A at t = 1 cycle. The two circuit breakers that are initially closed are then open at t = 5 cycles,
simulating a fault detection and opening time of 4 cycles. The fault is eliminated at t = 6 cycles,
one cycle after the line opening.
Series-Compensated System (power_3phseriescomp)

Series Compensation1 Subsystem

Now, open the Series Compensation1 subsystem of the power_3phseriescomp model. The three-
phase module consists of three identical subsystems, one for each phase. A note indicates how
the capacitance value and the MOV protection level are calculated. Open the Series
Compensation1/Phase A subsystem. You can see the details of the connections of the series
capacitor and the Surge Arrester block (renamed MOV). The transmission line is 40% series
compensated by a 62.8 µF capacitor. The capacitor is protected by the MOV block. If you open
the dialog box of the MOV block, notice that it consists of 60 columns and that its protection
level (specified at a reference current of 500 A/column or 30 kA total) is set at 298.7 kV. This
voltage corresponds to 2.5 times the nominal capacitor voltage obtained at a nominal current of 2
A gap is also connected in parallel with the MOV block. The gap is fired when the energy
absorbed by the surge arrester exceeds a critical value of 30 MJ. To limit the rate of rise of
capacitor current when the gap is fired, a damping RL circuit is connected in series. Open the
Energy & Gap firing subsystem. It shows how you calculate the energy dissipated in the MOV
by integrating the power (product of the MOV voltage and current).
When the energy exceeds the 30 MJ threshold, a closing order is sent to the Breaker block
simulating the gap.
Series Compensation Module

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Series Compensation1/PhaseA Subsystem

Series Compensation1/PhaseA Subsystem/Energy and Gap Firing

Three-Phase Saturable Transformer Model

Open the 300 MVA 735/230 kV Transformer dialog box and notice that the current-flux
saturation characteristic is set at

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[0 0 ; 0.0012 1.2; 1 1.45] in pu

These data are the current and flux values at points 1, 2, and 3 of the piecewise linear
approximation to the flux linkage curve shown here.
Saturable Transformer Model

The flux-current characteristic is approximated by the two segments shown in the graph here.
The saturation knee point is 1.2 pu. The first segment corresponds to the magnetizing
characteristic in the linear region (for fluxes below 1.2 pu). At 1 pu voltage, the inductive
magnetizing current is 0.0010/1.0 = 0.001 pu, corresponding to 0.1% reactive power losses.
The iron core losses (active power losses) are specified by the magnetization resistance Rm =
1000 pu, corresponding to 0.1% losses at nominal voltage.
The slope of the saturation characteristic in the saturated region is 0.25 pu. Therefore, taking into
account the primary leakage reactance (L1 = 0.15 pu), the air core reactance of the transformer
seen from the primary winding is 0.4 pu/300 MVA.
Setting the Initial Load Flow and Obtaining Steady State
Before performing transient tests, you must initialize your model for the desired load flow. Use
the load flow utility of the Powergui to obtain an active power flow of 1500 MW out of the
machine with a terminal voltage of 1 pu (13.8 kV).
Open the Powergui block and select Machine Initialization. A new window appears. In the
upper right window you have the name of the only machine present in your system. Its Bus type
should be PV Generator and the desired Terminal Voltage should already be set to the nominal
voltage of 13800 V. In the Active Power field, enter 1500e6 as the desired output power. Click
the Compute and Apply button. Once the load flow is solved, the phasors of AB and BC

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machine voltages as well as currents flowing in phases A and B are updated in the left window.
The required mechanical power to drive the machine is displayed in watts and in pu, and the
required excitation voltage E is displayed in pu.
Pmec 1.5159e9 W [0.72184 pu]
E/Vf 1.0075 pu
Notice that Constant blocks containing these two values are already connected to the Pm and E
inputs of the machine block. If you open the Machine block dialog box, you see that the machine
initial conditions (initial speed deviation dw = 0; internal angle theta, current magnitudes, and
phase angles) are automatically transferred in the last line.
Once the load flow is performed, you can obtain the corresponding voltage and current
measurements at the different buses. In the Powergui block, select Steady State Voltages and
Currents. You can observe, for example, the phasors for phase A voltages at buses B1, B2, and
B3 and the current entering line 1 at bus B1.
B1/Va 6.088e5 V ; 18.22 degrees
B2/Va 6.223e5 V ; 9.26 degrees
B3/Va 6.064e5 V ; 2.04 degrees
B1/Ia 1560 A ; 30.50 degrees
The active power flow for phase A entering line 1 is therefore
Pa=Va⋅Ia⋅cos(φa)= G2⋅ G2⋅cos(30.50.−18.22)=464 MW
608.8 kV 1.56 kA
corresponding to a total of 464 * 3 = 1392 MW for the three phases.
Transient Performance for a Line Fault
To speed up the simulation, you need to discretize the power system. The sample time is
specified in the Powergui block as a variable Ts. The sample time Ts=50e-6 has already been
defined in the Model Initialization function in the Callbacks of the Model Properties. The sample
time Ts is also used in the Discrete Integrator block of the MOV energy calculator controlling
the gap.
Ensure that the simulation parameters are set as follows.
Stop time 0.2
Solver options type Fixed-step; discrete (no continuous state)
Fixed step size Ts
Line-to-Ground Fault Applied on Line 1
Ensure that the fault breaker is programmed for a line-to-ground fault on phase A. Start the
simulation and observe the waveforms on the three scopes. These waveforms are shown here.

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Simulation Results for a Four-Cycle Line-to-Ground Fault at the End of Line 1

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The simulation starts in steady state. At the t = 1 cycle, a line-to-ground fault is applied and the
fault current reaches 10 kA (a: trace 3). During the fault, the MOV conducts at every half cycle
(b: trace 2) and the energy dissipated in the MOV (b: trace 3) builds up to 13 MJ. At t = 5 cycles
the line protection relays open breakers CB1 and CB2 (see the three line currents on trace 2) and
the energy stays constant at 13 MJ. As the maximum energy does not exceed the 30 MJ threshold
level, the gap is not fired. At the breaker opening, the fault current drops to a small value and the
line and series capacitance starts to discharge through the fault and the shunt reactance. The fault
current extinguishes at the first zero crossing after the opening order given to the fault breaker (t
= 6 cycles). Then the series capacitor stops discharging and its voltage oscillates around 220 kV
(b: trace 1).
Three-Phase-to-Ground Fault Applied on Line 1
Double-click the Three-Phase Fault block to open the Block Parameters dialog box. Select the
Phase B Fault and Phase C Fault check boxes, so that you now have a three-phase-to-ground

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Restart the simulation. The resulting waveforms are shown.

Simulation Results for a Four-Cycle Three-Phase-to-Ground Fault at the End of Line 1

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Note that during the fault the energy dissipated in the MOV (b: trace 3) builds up faster than in
the case of a line-to-ground fault. The energy reaches the 30 MJ threshold level after three
cycles, one cycle before the opening of the line breakers. As a result, the gap is fired and the
capacitor voltage (b: trace 1) quickly discharges to zero through the damping circuit.
Frequency Analysis
One particular characteristic of series-compensated systems is the existence of subsynchronous
modes (poles and zeros of the system impedance below the fundamental frequency). Dangerous
resonances can occur if the mechanical torsion modes of turbine/generator shafts are in the
vicinity of the zeros of the system impedance. Also, high subsynchronous voltages due to
impedance poles at subsynchronous frequencies drive transformers into saturation. The
transformer saturation due to subsynchronous voltages is illustrated at the end of this case study.
The torque amplification on a thermal machine is illustrated in another example (see the
power_thermal model).
Now measure the positive-sequence impedance versus frequency seen from bus B2.

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The section Analyze a Simple Circuit explains how the Impedance Measurement block allows
you to compute the impedance of a linear system from its state-space model. However, your
case1 model contains several nonlinear blocks (machine and saturation of transformers). If you
connect the Impedance Measurement block to your system, all nonlinear blocks are ignored. This
is correct for the transformer, but you get the impedance of the system with the machine
disconnected. Before measuring the impedance, you must therefore replace the machine block
with an equivalent linear block having the same impedance.
Delete the Simplified Synchronous Machine block from your case1 model and replace it with the
Three-Phase Source block from the Electrical Sources library. Open the block dialog box and set
the parameters as follows to get the same impedance value (L = 0.22 pu/ (6 * 350 MVA) Quality
factor = 15).
Phase-to-phase rms voltage 13.8e3
Phase angle of phase A 0
Frequency (Hz) 60
Internal connection Yg Specify impedance using short-circuit level
3-phase short-circuit level 6*350e6
Base voltage 13.8e3
X/R ratio 15
Save your modified model as case1Zf.
Open the Fundamental Blocks/Measurements library and copy the Impedance Measurement
block into your model. This block is used to perform the impedance measurement. Connect the
two inputs of this block between phase A and phase B of the B2 bus. Measuring the impedance
between two phases gives two times the positive-sequence impedance. Therefore you must apply
a factor of 1/2 to the impedance to obtain the correct impedance value. Open the dialog box and
set the multiplication factor to 0.5.
In the Powergui block, select Impedance Measurement. A new window opens, showing your
Impedance Measurement block name. Fill in the frequency range by entering 0:500. Select the
linear scales to display Z magnitude vs. frequency plot. Click the Save data to workspace
button and enter Zcase1 as the variable name to contain the impedance vs. frequency. Click the
Display button.
When the calculation is finished, the magnitude and phase as a function of frequency are
displayed in the two graphs on the window. If you look in your workspace, you should have a
variable named Zcase1. It is a two-column matrix containing frequency in column 1 and
complex impedance in column 2.
The impedance as a function of frequency (magnitude and phase) is shown here.
Impedance vs. Frequency Seen from Bus B2

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You can observe three main modes: 9 Hz, 175 Hz, and 370 Hz. The 9 Hz mode is mainly due to
a parallel resonance of the series capacitor with the shunt inductors. The 175 Hz and 370 Hz
modes are due to the 600 km distributed parameter line. These three modes are likely to be
excited at fault clearing.
If you zoom in on the impedance in the 60 Hz region, you can find the system's short-circuit
level at bus B2. You should find a value of 58 Ω at 60 Hz, corresponding to a three-phase short-
circuit power of (735 kV)2 / 58 = 9314 MVA.
Transient Performance for a Fault at Bus B2
The configuration of the substation circuit breakers normally allows clearing a fault at the bus
without losing the lines or the transformers. You now modify your case1 model to perform a
three-cycle, three-phase-to-ground fault at bus B2:
1. Disconnect the Three-Phase Fault block and reconnect it so that the fault is now applied on bus
2. Open the Three-Phase Fault block and make the following modifications in its dialog box:
Phase A, Phase B, Phase C, Ground Faults All selected
Transition times [2/60 5/60]

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Transition status [1, 0, 1...] (0/1)

3. You have now programmed a three-phase-to-ground fault applied at the t = 2 cycles.
4. Open the dialog boxes of circuit breakers CB1 and CB2 and make the following modifications:
Switching of Phase A Not selected
Switching of Phase B Not selected
Switching of Phase C Not selected
5. The circuit breakers are not switched anymore. They stay at their initial state (closed).
6. In the Data Acquisition subsystem, insert a Selector block (from the Simulink ® Signals &
Systems library) in the Vabc_B2 output of bus B2 connected to the scope. Set the Elements
parameter to 1. This allows you to see the phase A voltage clearly on the scope.
7. You now add blocks to read the flux and the magnetization current of the saturable transformer
connected at bus B2.
Copy the Multimeter block from the Measurements library into your case1 model. Open the
Transformer dialog box. In the Measurements list, select Flux and magnetization current.
Open the Multimeter block. Verify that you have six signals available. Select flux and
magnetization current on phase A, and click OK.
8. You now have two signals available at the output of the Multimeter block. Use a Demux block
to send these two signals on a two-trace scope.
9. In the Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters dialog box, change the stop time to
0.5. This longer simulation time allows you to observe the expected low-frequency modes (9
Hz). Start the simulation.
The resulting waveforms are plotted here.

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Simulation Results for a Three-Cycle Three-Phase-to-Ground Fault at Bus B2

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The 9 Hz subsynchronous mode excited at fault clearing is clearly seen on the phase A voltage at
bus B2 (trace 1) and capacitor voltage (trace 3). The 9 Hz voltage component appearing at bus
B2 drives the transformer into saturation, as shown on the transformer magnetizing current (trace
5). The flux in phase A of the transformer is plotted on trace 4. At fault application the voltage at
transformer terminals drops to zero and the flux stays constant during the fault.
At fault clearing, when the voltage recovers, the transformer is driven into saturation as a result
of the flux offset created by the 60 Hz and 9 Hz voltage components. The pulses of the
transformer magnetizing current appear when the flux exceeds its saturation level. This current
contains a 60 Hz reactive component modulated at 9 Hz.

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Experiment # 2 :- SVC and PSS (Phasor Model)

This example shows the use of the phasor solution for transient stability analysis of multi-
machine systems. It analyzes transient stability of a two-machine transmission system with
Power System Stabilizers (PSS) and Static Var Compensator (SVC).
Gilbert Sybille (Hydro-Quebec)

A 1000 MW hydraulic generation plant (machine M1) is connected to a load center through a
long 500 kV, 700 km transmission line. The load center is modeled by a 5000 MW resistive load
. The load is fed by the remote 1000 MW plant and a local generation of 5000 MW (machine
M2). The system has been initialized so that the line carries 950 MW which is close to its surge
impedance loading (SIL = 977 MW). In order to maintain system stability after faults, the
transmission line is shunt compensated at its center by a 200-Mvar Static Var Compensator
(SVC). Notice that this SVC model is a phasor model valid only for transient stability solution.
The SVC does not have a Power Oscillation Damping (POD) unit. The two machines are
equipped with a Hydraulic Turbine and Governor (HTG), Excitation system and Power System
Stabilizer (PSS). These blocks are located in the two 'Turbine and Regulator' subsystems.Two
types of stabilizers can be selected : a generic model using the acceleration power (Pa=
difference between mechanical power Pm and output electrical power Peo) and a Multi-band
stabilizer using the speed deviation (dw). The stabilizer type can be selected by specifying a
value (0=No PSS 1=Pa PSS or 2= dw MB PSS) in the PSS constant block.
In this example we apply faults on the 500 kV system and observe the impact of the PSS and
SVC on system stability.
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Note: Before starting the example, open the Powergui block and notice that 'Phasor simulation'
has been checked. The phasor solution is much faster than the 'standard' detailed solution. In
this solution method, the network differential equations are replaced by a set of algebraic
equations at a fixed frequency, thus reducing dramatically the simulation time. This allows
transient stability studies of multi-machine systems, as illustrated below.
1. Initialization
Note that the system has already been initialized to start in steady-state. If you are familiar with
the Load Flow procedure you can skip this item and proceed to step 2.
Open the mask of the M1 1000 MVA and M2 5000 MVA Synchronous Machine blocks:
In the Load Flow tab of machine M1, the 'Generator type' parameter is set to 'PV', indicating that
the load flow will be performed with the machine controlling its active power and its terminal
voltage. The 'Active power generation' parameter is set to 950e6 W and the terminal voltage is
defined by the Load Flow Bus block labeled M1 and connected to the machine terminals.
The 'Generator type' parameter of machine M2 is set to 'swing', indicating that the machine will
be used as a swing bus for balancing the power.
In the Powergui menu, select 'Load Flow'. A new window appears. A summary of the load flow
settings is displayed in a table. Press the 'Compute' button to solve the load flow. The table now
display the actual machine active and reactive powers.
Press the 'Apply' button to apply the load flow solution to the model.
Look in the hydraulic turbine and governor (HTG) and Excitation system contained in the two
Regulator subsystems to note that the initial mechanical power and field voltage have been
automatically initialized by the Load Flow. The reference mechanical powers and reference
voltages for the two machines have also been updated in the two constant blocks connected at the
HTG and excitation system inputs: Pref1=0.95 pu (950 MW), Vref1=1pu; Pref2=0.8091 pu
(4046 MW), Vref2=1 pu.
2. Single-phase fault - Impact of PSS - No SVC
Open the SVC dialog box and notice that the SVC is set to operate in 'Var control (fixed
susceptance)' mode with Bref = 0. Setting Bref to zero is equivalent to putting the SVC out of
service. Verify also that the two PSS (Pa type) are in service (value=1 in the PSS constant block)
Start the simulation and observe signals on the 'Machines' scope. For this type of fault the system
is stable without SVC. After fault clearing, the 0.8 Hz oscillation is quickly damped. This
oscillation mode is typical of inter-area oscillations in a large power system. First trace on the
'Machine' scope shows the rotor angle difference d_theta1_2 between the two machines. Power
transfer is maximum when this angle reaches 90 degrees. This signal is a good indication of
system stability. If d_theta1_2 exceeds 90 degrees for a too long period of time, the machines
will loose synchronism and the system goes unstable. Second trace shows the machine speeds.
Notice that machine 1 speed increases during the fault because during that period its electrical
power is lower than its mechanical power. By simulating over a long period of time (50 seconds)
you will also notice that the machine speeds oscillate together at a low frequency (0.025 Hz)
after fault clearing. The two PSS (Pa type) succeed to damp the 0.8 Hz mode but they are not

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efficient for damping the 0.025 Hz mode. If you select instead the Multi-Band PSS (value=2 in
the PSS constant block) you will notice that this stabilizer type succeeds to damp both the 0.8 Hz
mode and the 0.025 Hz mode.
You will now repeat the test with the two PSS out of service (value=0 in the PSS constant
block). Restart simulation. Notice that the system is unstable without PSS. You can compare
results with and without PSS by double clicking on the 2nd blue block on the right side. You can
also compare the results obtained with the two solution methods 'Detailed' and 'Phasor' by
double-clicking on the first blue block on the right side.
Note: This system is naturally unstable without PSS, even for small disturbances. For example, if
you remove the fault (by deselecting phase A in the Fault Breaker) and apply a Pref step of 0.05
pu on machine 1, you will see the instability slowly building up after a few seconds.
3. Three-phase fault - Impact of SVC - two PSS in service
You will now apply a 3-phase fault and observe the impact of the SVC for stabilizing the
network during a severe contingency. Put the two PSS (Pa type) in service (value=1 in the PSS
constant block. Reprogram the 'Fault Breaker' block in order to apply a 3-phase-to-ground fault.
Verify that the SVC is in fixed susceptance mode with Bref = 0. Start the simulation. By looking
at the d_theta1_2 signal, you should observe that the two machines quickly fall out of
synchronism after fault clearing. In order not to pursue unnecessary simulation, the Simulink®
'Stop' block is used to stop the simulation when the angle difference reaches 3*360degrees.
Now open the SVC block menu and change the SVC mode of operation to 'Voltage regulation'.
The SVC will now try to support the voltage by injecting reactive power on the line when the
voltage is lower than the reference voltage (1.009 pu). The chosen SVC reference voltage
corresponds to the bus voltage with the SVC out of service. In steady state the SVC will
therefore be 'floating' and waiting for voltage compensation when voltage departs from its
reference set point.
Restart simulation and observe that the system is now stable with a 3-phase fault. You can
compare results with and without SVC by double clicking on the 3rd blue block on the right side.
[1] D.Jovcic, G.N.Pillai "Analytical Modeling of TCSC Dynamics" IEEE® Transactions on
Power Delivery, vol 20, Issue 2, April 2005, pp. 1097-1104

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Experiment # 3 :- STATCOM (Detailed Model)

This example shows the operation of a +100 Mvar/-100 Mvar 48-pulse GTO STATCOM.
P. Giroux ; G. Sybille (Hydro-Quebec)

A 100-Mvar STATCOM regulates voltage on a three-bus 500-kV system. The 48-pulse
STATCOM uses a Voltage-Sourced Converter (VSC) built of four 12-pulse three-level GTO
inverters. Look inside the STATCOM block to see how the VSC inverter is built. The four sets
of three-phase voltages obtained at the output of the four three-level inverters are applied to the
secondary windings of four phase-shifting transformers (-15 deg., -7.5 deg., 7.5 deg., +7.5 deg.
phase shifts). The fundamental components of voltages obtained on the 500 kV side of the
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transformers are added in phase by the serial connection of primary windings. Please refer to the
"power_48pulsegtoconverter" example to get details on the operation of the VSC.
During steady-state operation the STATCOM control system keeps the fundamental component
of the VSC voltage in phase with the system voltage. If the voltage generated by the VSC is
higher (or lower) than the system voltage, the STATCOM generates (or absorbs) reactive power.
The amount of reactive power depends on the VSC voltage magnitude and on the transformer
leakage reactances. The fundamental component of VSC voltage is controlled by varying the DC
bus voltage. In order to vary the DC voltage, and therefore the reactive power, the VSC voltage
angle (alpha) which is normally kept close to zero is temporarily phase shifted. This VSC voltage
lag or lead produces a temporary flow of active power which results in an increase or decrease of
capacitor voltages.
One of the three voltage sources used in the 500 kV system equivalents can be varied in order to
observe the STATCOM dynamic response to changes in system voltage. Open the
"Programmable Voltage Source" menu and look at the sequence of voltage steps which are
Dynamic response of the STATCOM
Run the simulation and observe waveforms on the STATCOM scope block. The STATCOM is
in voltage control mode and its reference voltage is set to Vref=1.0 pu. The voltage droop of the
regulator is 0.03 pu/100 VA.Therefore when the STATCOM operating point changes from fully
capacitive (+100 Mvar) to fully inductive (-100 Mvar) the STATCOM voltage varies between 1-
0.03=0.97 pu and 1+0.03=1.03 pu.
Initially the programmable voltage source is set at 1.0491 pu, resulting in a 1.0 pu voltage at
SVC terminals when the STATCOM is out of service. As the reference voltage Vref is set to 1.0
pu, the STATCOM is initially floating (zero current). The DC voltage is 19.3 kV. At t=0.1s,
voltage is suddenly decreased by 4.5 % (0.955 pu of nominal voltage). The SVC reacts by
generating reactive power (Q=+70 Mvar) in order to keep voltage at 0.979 pu. The 95% settling
time is approximately 47 ms. At this point the DC voltage has increased to 20.4 kV. Then, at
t=0.2 s the source voltage is increased to1.045 pu of its nominal value. The SVC reacts by
changing its operating point from capacitive to inductive in order to keep voltage at 1.021 pu. At
this point the STATCOM absorbs 72 Mvar and the DC voltage has been lowered to 18.2 kV.
Observe on the first trace showing the STATCOM primary voltage and current that the current is
changing from capacitive to inductive in approximately one cycle. Finally, at t=0.3 s the source
voltage in set back to its nominal value and the STATCOM operating point comes back to zero
If you look inside the "Signals and Scopes" subsystem you will have access to other control
signals. Notice the transient changes on alpha angle when the DC voltage is increased or
decreased in order to vary reactive power. The steady state value of alpha (0.5 degrees) is the
phase shift required to maintain a small active power flow compensating transformer and
converter losses.
How To Regenerate Initial Conditions

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The initial states required to start this example in steady state have been saved in the
"power_statcom_gto48p.mat" file. When you open this example, the InitFcn callback (in the
Model Properties/Callbacks) automatically loads into your workspace the contents of this .mat
file ("xInitial" variable).
If you modify this model, or change parameter values of power components, the initial
conditions stored in the "xInitial" variable will no longer be valid and Simulink® will issue an
error message. To regenerate the initial conditions for your modified model, follow the steps
listed below:
1. In the Simulation/Configuration Parameters/Data Import/Export Parameters menu, uncheck
the "Initial state" parameter and check the "Final states" parameter.
2. In the Programmable Voltage Source menu, disable the source voltage steps by setting the
"Time variation of " parameter to "none".
3. Make sure that the Simulation Stop Time is 0.4 second. Note that in order to generate initial
conditions coherent with the 60 Hz voltage source phase angles, the Stop Time must an
integer number of 60 Hz cycles.
4. Start simulation. When simulation is completed, verify that steady state has been reached by
looking at waveforms displayed on the scope. The final states which have been saved in the
"xFinal" structure with time can be used as initial states for future simulations. Executing the
next two commands copies these final conditions in "xInitial" and saves this variable in a
new file (myModel_init.mat). * >> xInitial=xFinal; * >> save myModel_init xInitial
5. In the File/Model Properties/Callbacks/InitFcn window, change the name of the initialization
file from "power_statcom_gto48p.mat" to "myModel_init.mat". Next time you open this
model, the variable xInitial saved in the myModel_init.mat file will be loaded in your
6. In the Simulation/Configuration Parameters menu, check "Initial state".
7. Start simulation and verify that your model starts in steady-state.
8. In the Programmable Voltage Source menu, set the "Time variation of" parameter back to
9. Save your Model.

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Experiment # 4 :- TCSC (Detailed Model)

This example shows the Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) test system.
Dragan Jovcic (University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK)

A TCSC is placed on a 500kV, long transmission line, to improve power transfer. Without the
TCSC the power transfer is around 110MW, as seen during the first 0.5s of the simulation when
the TCSC is bypassed. The TCSC consists of a fixed capacitor and a parallel Thyristor
Controlled Reactor (TCR) in each phase. The nominal compensation is 75%, i.e. using only the
capacitors (firing angle of 90deg). The natural oscillatory frequency of the TCSC is 163Hz,
which is 2.7 times the fundamental frequency. The test system is described in [1].
The TCSC can operate in capacitive or inductive mode, although the latter is rarely used in
practice. Since the resonance for this TCSC is around 58deg firing angle, the operation is
prohibited in firing angle range 49deg - 69deg. Note that the resonance for the overall system
(when the line impedance is included) is around 67deg. The capacitive mode is achieved with
firing angles 69-90deg. The impedance is lowest at 90deg, and therefore power transfer increases
as the firing angle is reduced. In capacitive mode the range for impedance values is
approximately 120-136 Ohm. This range corresponds to approximately 490-830MW power
transfer range (100%-110% compensation). Comparing with the power transfer of 110 MW with
an uncompensated line, TCSC enables significant improvement in power transfer level.

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To change the operating mode (inductive/capacitive/manual) use the toggle switch in the control
block dialog. The inductive mode corresponds to the firing angles 0-49deg, and the lowest
impedance is at 0deg. In the inductive operating mode, the range of impedances is 19-60 Ohm,
which corresponds to 100-85 MW range of power transfer level. The inductive mode reduces
power transfer over the line. A constant firing angle can also be applied and the same limits will
apply as above.
TCSC Control
When TCSC operates in the constant impedance mode it uses voltage and current feedback for
calculating the TCSC impedance. The reference impedance indirectly determines the power
level, although an automatic power control mode could also be introduced.
A separate PI controller is used in each operating mode. The capacitive mode also employs a
phase lead compensator. Each controller further includes an adaptive control loop to improve
performance over a wide operating range. The controller gain scheduling compensates for the
gain changes in the system, caused by the variations in the impedance.
The firing circuit uses three single-phase PLL units for synchronisation with the line current.
Line current is used for synchronisation, rather than line voltage, since the TCSC voltage can
vary widely during the operation.
Run the simulation and observe waveforms on the main variables scope block. The TCSC is in
the capacitive impedance control mode and the reference impedance is set to 128 Ohm. For the
first 0.5s, the TCSC is bypassed using the circuit breaker, and the power transfer is 110 MW. At
0.5s TCSC begins to regulate the impedance to 128 Ohm and this increases power transfer to
610MW. Note that the TCSC starts with alpha at 90deg to enable lowest switching disturbance
on the line.
Dynamic Response
At 2.5s a 5% change in the reference impedance is applied. The response indicates that TCSC
enables tracking of the reference impedance and the settling time is around 500ms. At 3.3s a 4%
reduction in the source voltage is applied, followed by the return to 1p.u. at 3.8s. It is seen that
the TCSC controller compensates for these disturbances and the TCSC impedance stays
constant. The TCSC response time is 200ms-300ms.
Note: Using the Simulink® Accelerator™ can speed up the execution of this model by
approximately 9 times.
[1] D.Jovcic, G.N.Pillai "Analytical Modelling of TCSC Dynamics" IEEE® Transactions on
Power Delivery, vol 20, Issue 2, April 2005, pp. 1097-1104

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Experiment # 5 :- UPFC (Detailed Model)

This example shows a detailed model of a 48-Pulse, GTO-based unified power flow controller
(500 kV, 100 MVA).
Pierre Giroux ; Gilbert Sybille (Hydro-Quebec, IREQ)

A Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is used to control the power flow in a 500 kV
transmission system. The UPFC located at the left end of the 75-km line L2, between the 500 kV
buses B1 and B2, is used to control the active and reactive powers flowing through bus B2 while
controlling voltage at bus B1. It consists of two 100-MVA, three-level, 48-pulse GTO-based
converters, one connected in shunt at bus B1 and one connected in series between buses B1 and
B2. The shunt and series converters can exchange power through a DC bus. The series converter
can inject a maximum of 10% of nominal line-to-ground voltage (28.87 kV) in series with line
This pair of converters can be operated in three modes:

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 Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) mode, when the shunt and series converters are
interconnected through the DC bus. When the disconnect switches between the DC buses of the
shunt and series converter are opened, two additional modes are available:
 Shunt converter operating as a Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) controlling
voltage at bus B1
 Series converter operating as a Static Synchronous Series Capacitor (SSSC) controlling
injected voltage, while keeping injected voltage in quadrature with current.
The mode of operation as well as the reference voltage and reference power values can be
changed by means of the "UPFC GUI" block.
The principle of operation of the harmonic neutralized converters is explained in another
example entitled "Three-phase 48-pulse GTO converter". This power_48pulsegtoconverter
model is accessible in the Power Electronics Models library of examples. When the two
converters are operated in UPFC mode, the shunt converter operates as a STATCOM. It controls
the bus B1 voltage by controlling the absorbed or generated reactive power while also allowing
active power transfer to the series converter through the DC bus. The reactive power variation is
obtained by varying the DC bus voltage. The four three-level shunt converters operate at a
constant conduction angle (Sigma= 180-7.5 = 172.5 degrees), thus generating a quasi-sinusoidal
48-step voltage waveform. The first significant harmonics are the 47th and the 49th.
When operating in UPFC mode, the magnitude of the series injected voltage is varied by varying
the Sigma conduction angle, therefore generating higher harmonic contents than the shunt
converter. As illustrated in this example, when the series converter operates in SSSC mode it
generates a "true" 48-pulse waveform.
The natural power flow through bus B2 when zero voltage is generated by the series converter
(zero voltage on converter side of the four converter transformers) is P=+870 MW and Q=-70
Mvar. In UPFC mode, both the magnitude and phase angle and the series injected voltage can be
varied, thus allowing control of P and Q. The UPFC controllable region is obtained by keeping
the injected voltage to its maximum value (0.1 pu) and varying its phase angle from zero to 360
degrees. To see the resulting P-Q trajectory, double click the "Show UPFC Controllable Region".
Any point located inside the PQ elliptic region can be obtained in UPFC mode.
1. Power control in UPFC mode
Open the UPFC GUI block menu. The GUI allows you to choose the operation mode (UPFC,
STATCOM or SSSC) as well as the Pref/Qref reference powers and/or Vref reference voltage
settings . Also, in order to observe the dynamic response of the control system, the GUI allows
you to specify a step change of any reference value at a specific time.
Make sure that the operation mode is set to "UPFC (Power Flow Control)". The reference active
and reactive powers are specified in the last two lines of the GUI menu. Initially, Pref= +8.7
pu/100MVA (+870 MW) and Qref=-0.6 pu/100MVA (-60 Mvar). At t=0.25 sec Pref is changed
to +10 pu (+1000MW). Then, at t=0.5 sec, Qref is changed to +0.7 pu (+70 Mvar). The reference
voltage of the shunt converter (specified in the 2nd line of the GUI) will be kept constant at
Vref=1 pu during the whole simulation (Step Time=0.3*100> Simulation stop time (0.8 sec).
When the UPFC is in power control mode, the changes in STATCOM reference reactive power

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and in SSSC injected voltage (specified respectively in 1st and 3rd line of the GUI) as are not
Run the simulation for 0.8 sec. Open the "Show Scopes" subsystem. Observe on traces 1 and 2 of
the UPFC scope the variations of P and Q. After a transient period lasting approximately 0.15
sec, the steady state is reached (P=+8.7 pu; Q=-0.6 pu). Then P and Q are ramped to the new
settings (P=+10 pu Q=+0.7 pu). Observe on traces 3 and 4 the resulting changes in P Q on the
three transmission lines. The performance of the shunt and series converters can be observed
respectively on the STATCOM and SSSC scopes. If you zoom on the first trace of the
STATCOM scope, you can observe the 48-step voltage waveform Vs generated on the secondary
side of the shunt converter transformers (yellow trace) superimposed with the primary voltage
Vp (magenta) and the primary current Ip (cyan). The dc bus voltage (trace 2) varies in the 19kV-
21kV range. If you zoom on the first trace of the SSSC scope, you can observe the injected
voltage waveforms Vinj measured between buses B1 and B2.
2. Var control in STATCOM mode
In the GUI block menu, change the operation mode to "STATCOM (Var Control)". Make sure
that the STATCOM references values (1st line of parameters, [T1 T2 Q1 Q2]) are set to [0.3 0.5
+0.8 -0.8 ]. In this mode, the STATCOM is operated as a variable source of reactive power.
Initially, Q is set to zero, then at T1=0.3 sec Q is increased to +0.8 pu (STATCOM absorbing
reactive power) and at T2=0.5 sec, Q is reversed to -0.8 pu (STATCOM generating reactive
Run the simulation and observe on the STATCOM scope the dynamic response of the
STATCOM. Zoom on the first trace around t=0.5 sec when Q is changed from +0.8 pu to -0.8
pu. When Q=+0.8 pu, the current flowing into the STATCOM (cyan trace) is lagging voltage
(magenta trace), indicating that STATCOM is absorbing reactive power. When Qref is changed
from +0.8 to -0.8, the current phase shift with respect to voltage changes from 90 degrees
lagging to 90 degrees leading within one cycle. This control of reactive power is obtained by
varying the magnitude of the secondary voltage Vs generated by the shunt converter while
keeping it in phase with the bus B1 voltage Vp. This change of Vs magnitude is performed by
controlling the dc bus voltage. When Q is changing from +0.8 pu to -0.8 pu, Vdc (trace 3)
increases from 17.5 kV to 21 kV.
3. Series voltage injection in SSSC mode
In the GUI block menu change the operation mode to "SSSC (Voltage injection)". Make sure
that the SSSC references values (3rd line of parameters) [Vinj_Initial Vinj_Final StepTime] ) are
set to [0.0 0.08 0.3 ]. The initial voltage is set to 0 pu, then at t=0.3 sec it will be ramped to 0.8
Run the simulation and observe on the SSSC scope the impact of injected voltage on P and Q
flowing in the 3 transmission lines. Contrary to the UPFC mode, in SSCC mode the series
inverter operates with a constant conduction angle (Sigma= 172.5 degrees). The magnitude of
the injected voltage is controlled by varying the dc voltage which is proportional to Vinj (3rd
trace). Also, observe the waveforms of injected voltages (1st trace) and currents flowing through
the SSSC (2nd trace). Voltages and currents stay in quadrature so that the SSSC operates as a
variable inductance or capacitance.

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Experiment # 6 :- OLTC Phase Shifting Transformer (Phasor Model)

This example shows the operation of two models of delta-hexagonal Phase Shifting Transformer
(PST) using On Load Tap Changers (OLTC).
Gilbert Sybille (Hydro-Quebec)

Two 120 kV 1000 MVA networks are interconnected through a phase shifting transformer
(PST). The phase shift can be varied on load by means of On Load Tap Changers (OLTC).

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Open loop control of power transfer

In order to observe impact of phase shift on power transfer, the phase shift is increased from zero
to 32.2 degrees lagging (tap +5), then phase shift is reduced to zero and increased again up to
32.2 degrees leading. This is performed by sending 5 pulses to the "Up" input, and then, 10
pulses to the "Down" input ". As the tap selection is a relatively slow mechanical process (3 sec
per tap as specified in the "Tap selection time" parameter of the block menus), the simulation
Stop time is set to 50 s.
Start simulation and observe PST operation on the Scope. Results obtained with the two models
are superimposed on five traces.
 Trace 1 shows the tap position.
 Trace 2 shows a superposition of positive-sequence voltages measured at bus B1 (yellow) and
bus B3 (magenta).
 Trace 3 shows the phase shifts of positive-sequence voltages measured at output terminals (abc)
with respect to input terminals (ABC).
 Trace 4 compares the active power measured at bus B1 (yellow) and bus B3 (magenta).
 Trace 5 compares the phase currents at bus B1 (yellow) and bus B3 (magenta).
When simulation starts the OLTCs are at position 0 (zero phase shift). As the two networks are
symmetrical with both internal angles set at 0 degree, there is no current flowing. Then, phase
shift is increased and bus B2 (or B4) is lagging bus B1 (or B3). As B2 is lagging the internal
voltage of the source located on right side, power flows from right to left. Power measured from
left to right is therefore negative for positive tap positions. The maximum power is obtained at
tap +5, or -5 when the phase shift is respectively -32.2 degrees and +32.2 degrees. The active
power can be computed from P= V1.V2*sin(psi)/ (X1 +X2 + Xpst) , where: V1=V2=internal
voltages= 1.0 pu ; X1= X2 = network reactances = 1pu /1000 MVA Xpst= PST leakage
reactance at tap 5. The PST leakage reactance varies with tap position (from zero at tap zero to
0.15 pu at maximum tap (10)). The positive-sequence impedance of the phasor model is
available as a signal at its measurement output "m". The reactance obtained at tap 5 is
Xpst=0.1067 pu/ 300 MVA. The total reactance expressed in pu/100 MVA is X= 0.1 +0.1 +
0.1067/3 =0.2356 pu/100 MVA. The expected active power at tap 5 is P= 1*sin(32.2deg)/0.2356
= 2.26 pu/100 MVA or 226 MW, which corresponds well with the measured value on trace 4
(224 MW). Because of the voltage developed across the PST leakage reactance, the phase shift
measured between PST input and output voltages (trace 3) is lower than the expected value. For
example, 27.2 degrees is obtained at tap 5, instead of the 32.2 degrees theoretical value
computed at no load. The phase shift variation depends on load current.
Initializing the phasor model
For the phasor model to start initialized at t=0, the current sources used in the model must be
initialized with current values corresponding to steady state. Suppose that you want to start with
the initial tap position 5. First, in the two block menus, "set Initial tap" parameter to 5. Then
disconnect the signals connected to the "Up" and "Down" inputs of the two models, so that the
taps stay at position 5. If you start simulation you will notice a transient in the phasor model
signals at t=0 because the model is not initialized. Use the "Steady-State Voltages and Currents"
option of the powergui to obtain the initial current flowing in the detailed model at bus B4. The

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phase A output current identified "B2/Ia" is 1129.4 A rms, 169 degrees. This current converted
to per unit based on PST rating is 1129/1443 = 0.7824 pu/ 300MVA. Specify [ 0.7824 169] in
the "Initial pos. seq. output current" parameter. If you now restart simulation, you should observe
no transient at t=0.
Operation under unbalanced conditions
The phasor model is valid for unbalanced conditions. If you check "Phase A Fault" in the two
fault breakers, a single phase fault will be applied at t=5s. The currents measured at buses B1 and
B3 should be identical. (For example at tap position +5: Ia=3.48 pu, Ib=2.25 pu Ic=2.10 pu ).
Simulation with phasor model only
In order to appreciate the gain in simulation speed provided by the phasor model, delete the
detailed PST model and replace it with a duplicate of the phasor model. Reconnect control
signals to the "Up" and "Down" inputs. Restart simulation. The model runs approximately 5
times faster, mainly because the OLTC switches of the detailed model are not simulated.

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Experiment # 7 :- AC/DC Three-Level PWM Converter

This example shows the operation of an AC-DC three-level PWM Converter.

P. Giroux ; G. Sybille Hydro-Quebec (IREQ)

1) Converter rating: 500 Volts DC, 500 kW
2) AC Supply: three-phase, 600 V, 30 MVA, 60 Hz system
3) Voltage-sourced Converter (VSC): - Three-level, three-phase IGBT bridge (modeled using the
"Three-Level Bridge" block) controlled by a PWM modulator (carrier frequency of 1620 Hz) -
DC Link: 2 capacitors of 75000 uF
4) Controller: The DC regulator uses two PI regulators to control the DC voltage while
maintaining a unity input power factor for the AC supply.
Simulation Parameters
- Discrete (no continuous states)
- Two sample times: Ts_Power= 5 us (used by PSB for the simulation of the power system +
converters) Ts_Control= 100 us (used for the simulation of the DC regulator)

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- Initial conditions are set at the start of the simulation (by automatically loading the file
power_3levelVSC.mat prior to the simulation). This file has been generated by running an initial
simulation to steady-state for an integer number of cycles of 60 Hz. The final states (both
Specialized Power Systems and Simulink® controllers states) were saved in a structure with
time, called xInit. This variable was saved in "power_3levelVSC.mat" file.
- In the simulation (lasting 200 ms), we can observe the following signals: 1) the DC voltage
(Vdc Scope) 2) the primary voltage and current (phase A) of the AC supply (VaIa Scope), 3) the
device currents of leg A of the IGBT bridge (double-click on the "Measurements & Signals"
block to look inside the "Ia_Devices" Scope). 4) the phase-to-phase AC voltage generated by the
VSC (Vab_VSC Scope)
- At t=50 ms, a 200-kW load is switched-in. We can see that the dynamic response of the DC
regulator to this sudden load variation (200 kW to 400 kW) is satisfactory. The DC voltage is
back to 500 V within 1.5 cycle and the unity power factor on the AC side is maintained.
- At t=100 ms, a "Stop Pulsing" signal is activated (pulses normally sent to the converter are
blocked). We can see that the DC voltage drops to 315 V. A drastic change in the primary
current waveform can also be observed. When the pulses are blocked, the Three-Level Bridge
block operation becomes similar to a three-phase diode bridge.
Regenerate Initial Conditions
The initial states required to start in steady state have been saved in the "power_3levelVSC.mat"
file. When you start simulation, the StartFcn callback (in the Model Properties/Callbacks)
automatically loads into your workspace the contents of this .mat file ("xInit" variable).
If you modify this model, or change parameter values of power components, the initial
conditions stored in the "xInit" variable will no longer be valid and Simulink will issue an error
message. To regenerate the initial conditions for your modified model, follow the steps listed
1. In the Simulation/Configuration Parameters/Data Import/Export Parameters menu, uncheck
the "Initial state" parameter and check the "Final states" parameter.
2. Double click on the Breaker block and temporarily disable the breaker closing by multiplying
the "Switching time(s)" parameter by 100.
3. Double click on the Timer block labeled "0=Stop pulsing". Temporarily disable pulse
blocking by multiplying the " Time(s)" parameter by 100.
4. Change the Simulation Stop Time to 0.5 second. Note that in order to generate initial
conditions coherent with the 60 Hz voltage source phase angle, the Stop Time must an
integer number of 60 Hz cycles.
5. Start simulation. When simulation is completed, verify that steady state has been reached by
looking at waveforms displayed on the Ctrl_Signals scope. The final states which have been
saved in the "xFinal" structure with time can be used as initial states for future simulations.
Executing the next two commands copies these final conditions in "xInit" and saves this
variable in a new file (myModel_init.mat). * >> xInit=xFinal; * >> save myModel_init xInit

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6. In the File/Model Properties/Callbacks/StartFcn window, change the name of the

initialization file from "power_3levelVSC" to "myModel_init". Next time you start a
simulation with this model, the variable xInit saved in the myModel_init.mat file will be
loaded in your workspace.
7. In the Simulation/Configuration Parameters menu, check "Initial state".
8. Start simulation and verify that your model starts in steady-state.
9. Double click on the Breaker block and reset the "Switching time(s)" parameter back to 0.05 s
(remove the 100 multiplication factor).
10. Double click on the Timer block labeled "0=Stop pulsing". Re-enable the pulse blocking at
t=0.1 s by removing the 100 multiplication factor.
11. Change the Simulation Stop time back to 0.2 s.
12. Save your Model.

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Experiment # 8 :- SSSC (Phasor Model)

This example shows a Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) used for power
oscillation damping.
Pierre Giroux and Gibert Sybille (Hydro-Quebec)

The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), one of the key FACTS devices, consists of
a voltage-sourced converter and a transformer connected in series with a transmission line. The
SSSC injects a voltage of variable magnitude in quadrature with the line current, thereby
emulating an inductive or capacitive reactance. This emulated variable reactance in series with
the line can then influence the transmitted electric power. The SSSC is used to damp power
oscillation on a power grid following a three-phase fault.
The power grid consists of two power generation substations and one major load center at bus
B3. The first power generation substation (M1) has a rating of 2100 MVA, representing 6
machines of 350 MVA and the other one (M2) has a rating of 1400 MVA, representing 4

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machines of 350 MVA. The load center of approximately 2200 MW is modeled using a dynamic
load model where the active & reactive power absorbed by the load is a function of the system
voltage.The generation substation M1 is connected to this load by two transmission lines L1 and
L2. L1 is 280-km long and L2 is split in two segments of 150 km in order to simulate a three-
phase fault (using a fault breaker) at the midpoint of the line. The generation substation M2 is
also connected to the load by a 50-km line (L3). When the SSSC is bypassed, the power flow
towards this major load is as follows: 664 MW flow on L1 (measured at bus B2), 563 MW flow
on L2 (measured at B4) and 990 MW flow on L3 (measured at B3).
The SSSC, located at bus B1, is in series with line L1. It has a rating of 100MVA and is capable
of injecting up to 10% of the nominal system voltage. This SSSC is a phasor model of a typical
three-level PWM SSSC. If you open the SSSC dialog box and select "Display Power data", you
will see that our model represents a SSSC having a DC link nominal voltage of 40 kV with an
equivalent capacitance of 375 uF. On the AC side, its total equivalent impedance is 0.16 pu on
100 MVA. This impedance represents the transformer leakage reactance and the phase reactor of
the IGBT bridge of an actual PWM SSSC.The SSSC injected voltage reference is normally set
by a POD (Power Oscillation Damping) controller whose output is connected to the Vqref input
of the SSSC. The POD controller consists of an active power measurement system, a general
gain, a low-pass filter, a washout high-pass filter, a lead compensator, and an output limiter. The
inputs to the POD controller are the bus voltage at B2 and the current flowing in L1. Use the
Edit/Look under mask" menu to see how the controller is built.
1. SSSC Dynamic Response
We will first verify the dynamic response of our model. Open the "Step Vqref" block (the red
timer block connected to the "Vqref" input of the POD Controller).This block should be
programmed to modify the reference voltage Vqref as follows: Initially Vqref is set to 0 pu; at
t=2 s, Vqref is set to -0.08 pu (SSSC inductive); then at t=6 s, Vqref is set to 0.08 pu (SSSC
capacitive). Double-click on the POD Controller block and set the POD status parameter to "off".
This will disable the POD controller. Also, make sure that the fault breaker will not operate
during the simulation (the parameters "Switching of phase A, B and C" should not be selected).
Run the simulation and look at Scope1. The first graph displays the Vqref signal (magenta trace)
along with the measured injected voltage by the SSSC. The second graph displays the active
power flow (P_B2) on line L1, measured at bus B2. We can see that the SSSC regulator follows
very well the reference signal Vqref. Depending on the injected voltage, the power flow on line
varies from 575 to 750 MW. In a real system the reference signal Vqref would typically be
changed much more gradually in order to avoid the oscillation we see on the transmitted power
(P_B2 signal). Double-click on the SSSC block and select "Display Control parameters". Modify
the "Maximum rate of change for Vqref (pu/s)" parameter from 3 to 0.05. Rerun the simulation.
The power oscillation on the active power should now be very small.
2. SSSC damping power oscillation
We will now compare the operation of our SSSC with and without POD control. Open the "Step
Vqref" block and multiply by 1000 the time vector in order to disable the Vqref variations.
Double-click on the fault breaker and select the parameters "Switching of phase A, B and C" to
simulate a three-phase fault. The transition times should be set as follows: [ 20/60 30/60]+1; this

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means that the fault will be applied at 1.33 s and will last for 10 cycles. Run a simulation and
observe the power oscillation on the L1 line (second graph on Scope1) following the three-phase
Now, you will run a second simulation with the POD controller in operation. Double-click on the
POD Controller block and set the POD status parameter to "on". Start the simulation. Looking
again at the second graph on Scope1(P_B2 signal), we can see that the SSSC with a POD
controller is a very effective tool to damp power oscillation. To see a figure showing a
comparison of the SSSC operation with and without POD control, double-click on the blue block
on the bottom right of the model

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