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BOARD Diploma EXAMINATION GENERAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (Ee- gps) £20 * uNIT sest-! PART-AL JO) Detine Tensile stress tn Single Stotenwmt b) Write Hue function fd piston In Pe Engine C) Write the formula 0 find out the factor & Satety of 2 mokutial- A) Doe Spar. Ignition engine need Carburetor? (Trus| pale YDefine poisso's ratio amd State i Umits- 3) List amy Six type & claysification of BC engines 4) A red of 20mm dioweler ot leuath 15% 7 Subjec: ted £0 OM ania pull of yokn, LE E= Ixw=N| mm Cole lake Stress, Strain and elongation of the ‘nod: 5) Define the below tewams aelated -to TC gine. 4) Bore 91) Stroke , Volume PART 8 6)0) Drow tHe Strets- strain diagram for oO typical ductile material and locate tie Soliont Points on iE (or) A Copper baw 250mm loug UU B0mm An diameter for ISomm o- lngth amd Qowmn diamttey forthe wema- fonder A tensile load i¢ applied te the bar $0 that “the rMoowmum trees duduced im the material fs S0N|on: © scanned with OKEN Scanner Determine he auagni tude of load and caledote —totar extention of the od» For Coppers = 03x10 nfaune. Ha) Explain the looking of 4-gtroke ST engine ewith | meat Sketches - | | Cor) b) Differentiate between 2-Stroke amd y- Stroke Cycle emgine: 8) &) Explain Hw Loosing of Coil Spark agnition System with @ meat Sketch: ; (02) 6) the. follbwing qeults awe obtained’ tom a temile toe En mS Specimen: . 1) Diameter fa the Specie = 20mm iD hay leragith = (00 iD) Farmsion ak a load of Sokn = orl2smm jv) Load at ‘yield point © NON v¥) Maximum toad =15okn vi) Fraal | elongation © 30mm Vit) Diameter of neck = 12-6%m Coloutoke 1) Young's m dulus 2) Stress al- yield point 3) Ultimate tense Stress yd percentaae elongation 5) peramtoge weduction in Area. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Answers i » O) Tumile gress: the Streis induced Im a body "whith ts Subjeuted to two equal amd opposite Pulls F5 known on "tensile stress", >) cumction. d piston: UIt aut aa om gu taht Seal Toside te cylinder C) Factor & gately = UiieLe is rest Working, Stress +o keep the ques da) True of He lateral Stroin ZQ ° i : ) poisson's ootio +The catio o- BLE (4 to Linear strain js cauad poilsson's oti be demoted by Up. Loteral Strom with elastic Limit poisSon's gatio= corres ponaina Livean étrain. Gt hes mo unit: 3) Types ¢ Fe Evgines % + petrol engine Diesel evgine Tp Stroke Engine Four - Stroke, engine SE Engine THe wr = CL engine © scanned with OKEN Scanner 4) Given :- D = 20mwM Le 5 > |500w1m P= Yokw Eee? v/ mon Cross Sectional oven f Ha bars A> Ry —P a F laa? = 31 etowon* 3 6.Stress, o = Po _ Yoxin © 124:32Nlenm> Style he atrocw cate: t Youngs Modula, = 2 deaf = !2432 _5 0, 6 366 @ € Byte straim j= Ab > al~exl Elongation £ Section. A locaLised geduction yb tHe cross Sectional aver appears on te Specimen, the load crops and; ak oa Certain mowent foilume oceuns ak. point 'E": 6)b) Give: _ 7 —T le— 159 = Diowmeter of Smaller Section, d, 20mm a are a a ney = loo ww uy t Diameter of lavaer Section, d, ~Sown Aven , A= mle 2225 Kaw y Youma's modulus , ¢ < 103% 10° Nhu? ' Mosimum Stress ws Puduced at Smaller Section: gtres Imduced at Swatler Section Oo, = 50N/anmn® © scanned with OKEN Scanner “loads P= KO; = 7rl00 X50N. = 15 KN Total elongation, sl st,+8-Lfh+] ; ELA Ap bo xe loo 225%. ™= 0 OB wm a Pea) four stroke SE_bugine | Pa peusengey Cars, motor te | SL mgine ave ced A (aaa Cycles , pavcvoFt amd agricettural eyitt “pug ie Coampleted an #70 yevolution of Cramk shaft Cyc : cowtitute the Hollowineg Strokes. too revolutions Br Expomion Stroke t Suction Stroke ‘ ys Exhaust Stroke. 2-Comprestiont Sfroke cat ge BORE PG it “y se ve aw? a © Suction (b) Compression (© Exfamsion (a) exhaust © scanned with OKEN Scanner I Suction stroke: During ht suction Stroke, dnlet Valve opemed amd the ouhaut velve Closed. piston aneving downunros create the partial vaccum tm the Oy Ginter « Due to pressure aif ference, the air Fuck min- have [6 Sucked auto the engine tglinder: 2-Compresson Stroke: During Compression stroke, both Valves ave Closed, piston amoving upwards cowprers the charge —to required presume and tumpesature. Near te end & Compression Stroke, the charge ts iquited by Spark given out by Spark plug Duet Combution the ressune ond dempuature Are MCR aed further at measly Constomt volume 3: Expavsien Stroke: This & porer or woorkang, Stroke. ecm thas Stroke both vals are closed and high (preitun ges expangs: At the end of trpansion Stroke, exhaust valve spent, Some of the Spent gases lowe out through exhaust volve-"Due -to this, pressuwe decreases oF anearly Cowtant volume. Uy. Ex hawt Stroke: Durirg “is Stoke, exhaust rolre its open, amd anlee valve aewain Closed ; piston movin upwards (BDC +e TDC) fortes tho Spent ques through Jexhawt valve - AL He ena od thas Stroke, exhaust valve closes lamd aulet valve ope. sthe Fresh charge is take, arto engine cylinder, while the Piston syoying down eee: All the above events Are Vepeaked forthe nent © scanned with OKEN Scanner om S-Ni 46) Comparison between two Str ri 2-Stroke Engine oke and four Soke | ye Stroke Engine _| L the charge tinct emters the cramk Case, amd there lfore Cramk Case iS ymode the charge is directly adwi- dted into the mgine Cu bind gas ight Volumetric efficiency ¥ low dus to lesdea tare Lfor Suction - Volumetric eFicienay i more ri to amore eens Suction Torque I more wnthrms amd thus vequires Lighter Fly cwheel- Torque + Tok -uyrforwe and 7 requires heavier fly coheel- | [Poe nok requives valwes amd| oly ports are Provided thes Requires Vales and are actuated by Cam mechamiim. ports are opened ancl closed by piston — — 5° | All events are completed tu | All the werts are completed -strokes of “the piston: Jin Ui Stroke 0) i Ge oobi etticiency is [therraal obfici ecg is highex Aaa a Fe Specrhi Hf! ‘6 wore due 10 fuel loss | elimination of Suction exhaust Strokes minimise q-\ The wear amd tear i |__| more- 1] brenuratly Cwegloyed a Light duty veh Auch as Scooters, wor cyels, bond [Spray ens: .| at Yequives Wore g er of Lebricamt tion | SpecrFic fuck comsumplion — Ss lew. j More frictional loo, |. the Wear and tear ci Goel eoGliyed dx Tea duty vehicles such as Ca, bodes, truck, qoresating units Sk consume Ws aywount A | Uubricamt: © scanned with OKEN Scanner & : ; ] be Coil Spark Lonation System che Coil tquition System har an “induction Lo Kmown a pre Coils eobich consists of “tuo Coi amd Secondany ‘coils cooumd on a Soft iron Core, as shoo au Figere belao- One ond of the privacy coil iS Commec- ted 40 the ignition Switch, ammetet and battery 9 evum- of 6 volts The othe umd f the primary cpil if Con nected to a condenses and @ Contact breakes: A Covden- Ser iS Commected across the Contact breaker for -the -folloc- ivg twd reouow; 9) TE prevents Sparking QCYO6S the. gap between ~itre points- Fi)TE Guses a wore rapid: break of the prowieny Current, giving 0 hag hew voltage tm ths. Secondary Circuit: the Secon coil is Ounected +0 a distributes with the Central terurival of the Sparking plugs. the outer tevuinals of the Sparking plugs asrcearthed together amd re ed to the. body of to engine Secondary winds 1 Ban core oe Zz sel : Ga nition Suvi eaaelt wt a a 4 Span rg © scanned with OKEN Scanner 8)b) Solution: Ze t) Youmna's modulus d= 20mm 2 as AQ) = 314 lem (aod, y stro at Boer eon Land © + 80KIe L2sy 65 nmw Biy-le stain at 8okNn load a bo pe wo = i) 6 225W6S 2 2 + X10 Naam 2 Youngs Modulus «6° * eas I [2s K10> gi) Stress ak qield point + toes = a50ly Nw = load ab qed pone UOxO : Bly rl — Cross-Sectional area 1) oltiwote temile Stress [50x10 - 2 YFF4RBN [mm oi. < Man load Cross-Se cHiorad. amen Stub Wv) Percentage of clang ation : 8 BE pio» ~ 2 yop? Boh o V) peramtane veduction im amea : nl)” « p2ip, eqn? Area, ot Cross-Sectio at neck = “1 pereuntag e aeduttion ™M area, fe eae 24-69 Ix109 = 60131" © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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