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Intro To Business Final Project - Madison Williams

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Business During The

Covid-19 Pandemic
Madison Williams
The Coronavirus outbreak in 2020 forced the
entire world to shift drastically. Less economic
activity was taking place, the unemployment
rate spiked, and workers hours, wages, and
benefits were cut. These changes as the world
adjusted to a new normal greatly affected
businesses and how they function. Though many
people and companies struggled through this
time, there have been areas of change that have
benefited the workforce. We see both positive
and negative consequences along with many
new opportunities and growth.
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Success Stories
During the pandemic, all businesses had to develop
new ways to continue to be successful throughout a
time where this seemed impossible. This being said,
some companies were able to pivot in a way that led
to their greater success. Service companies such as
DoorDash and Uber Eats were able to use the fact
that people were unable to leave their homes to eat
out at restaurants to their advantage gaining traction
through Covid-19. Large online shopping companies
similar to Amazon experienced exponential growth
and even smaller ecommerce businesses were able to
get connected to a larger audience as people were in
quarantine. Streaming services also saw an increase
in usage and subscriptions throughout 2020.
“Companies that thrived during Covid hope customers stick around did-well-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic/?sh=1175720b7409
Etsy: Growing E-commerce Company

As of December of 2020 Forbes Magazine reported

that Etsy's stock increased by 340% . There were many
pandemic related factors that fueled the quick growth
of this online business. For one, as people were forced
to stay home significantly more, a lot of people began to
redecorate. Etsy’s availability and market supported
many in this desire. Furthermore, the variety and supply
of homemade masks that could be found on Etsy
throughout 2020 generated a significant percentage of
their revenue engrossing $600 million by September of
2020. Unlike Amazon, Etsy allowed costumes to
connect directly with sellers providing a more personal
experience that people were searching for.
Business is always changing, to be successful companies need to constantly adapt. Though Covid caused a
bigger shift than would normally occur over time, it shows a company's strength when they are able to be
flexible and continue to profit. In chapter 1.2 we learned that management in some form has been around
for ages (ie. the Incas, the Egyptians, and the Chinese). Over time there have been immense changes to
how businesses are forced to function. One major example being the Industrial Revolution when
companies had to make the switch from human and animal power to machine produced power.
Throughout the pandemic people had to adapt to working from home. This can make it especially had for
them to manage their work/life balance. As noted in chapter 3.4 workplaces can help their employees
deal with these problems by implementing processes. In times where people were working remotely
companies had to be creative and find new ways to help people make the distinction between home and
work to continue to be successful. People have different priorities now then they did even 50 years ago.
Especially now, in our post-pandemic world, peoples ideals have changed therefore companies have to
stay flexible to ensure employee satisfaction.
Inevitable Change
Covid-19 has permanently changed most, if not all,
industries and greatly affected how and where people
work. With this, there has also been adaptations in
business functions and strategies. Some major
modifications during the height of the pandemic consist
of increased remote work, pay changes, flexible hours,
and different benefits. According to the U.S Bureau of
Labor Statistics, “Approximately 46 percent of
establishments in firms with more than 5,000
employees increased telework for some or all
employees.” Now, as we establish a new normal
post-pandemic, businesses have continued to adapt to
workers changed wants and needs. Hybrid/remote jobs
are significantly more prominent even still and people
value more flexibility in their work schedules. Curbside
pick-up in retail stores and restaurants, online classes,
grocery delivery and pickup, etc.
Delta Airlines: Transportation Through a Pandemic

In the midst of the pandemic the demand for travel via

airplane dropped immensely. The mix of travel
restrictions, higher health risk of an enclosed flight, and a
shift in wages all played a part in this decine. Travel
industries became an especially difficult industry to work
for during the pandemic due to the lack of remote job
options available. Delta Airlines pivoted, providing new
services, programs, and implementing safety measures
that became a necessity for air travel. The company
continued to be successful throughout this uncertain
time by changing flight schedules, enforcing social
distancing, and working tirelessly to maintain a clean
environment. Employees on the frontline were forced to
risk their own health, handle increased aggravation from
passengers, and deal with the uncertainty and lack of job
security. 19%20has%20had%20a,travel%E2%80%94has%20also%20been%20registered
As noted before, change is constant in business. In chapter 5.2 we learn why managers must go about
change in a particular way. Change can cause unrest in employees. To avoid this, managers must plan,
communicate, involve, educate, and support the entire organization throughout. Everyone was subject to
great change in not only their work environment but in their personal lives as well, this made it so all of
these functions were more important than ever. In chapter 7.2 there is discussion about how change is
imminent and managers have to be able to redesign as necessary. This chapter has information about how
personal responsibilities can greatly affect an individual therefore affecting their ability to work. With
kids out of school, remote learning/work, and higher health risks companies needed to figure out more
ways to support their employees through this time while also maintaining a business through a pandemic.
Some ways a company can do this listed in the book are improving the health and safety of employees and
implementing family-friendly practices to support employees with children. In chapter 8 there is a deeper
dive into economics. During the pandemic the United States was in a recession, “a decline in the GDP
(Gross Domestic Product) that continues for six months or more.” The economy is directly related to
business and how well they are able to function, to stimulate the economy companies had to change the
way they were doing business throughout this time.
Innovation During Covid
Telehealth: Remote Healthcare Covid-19 brought an increased anxiety to the
public concerning healthcare. Telehealth options,
the ability to meet with are healthcare
professional via your phone or computer, gave
people peace of mind in a time where hospitals
were flooded and put people at risk. This
innovation provides a convenient way to get real,
specific information helping the public avoid
misinformation. In addition, it helped slow the
spread of the virus by allowing sick people to avoid
contact with others. In our current,
post-pandemic world, telehealth has continued to
be a popular alternative to going into a doctors
Robots: No-contact Deliveries The pandemic created an opportunity for technology
companies to implement robot deliveries. The demand
for no-contact, socially distanced, services grew rapidly.
Starship Technologies was at the forefront of this new
innovation. The small robots are able to find their way
by using a system of sensors and unique GPS software.
They can provide efficient services that removed the
risk of spreading Covid-19. Many believe that robots
are the future of these services, they’re sustainable and
provide a more cost-effective option to companies.
Chapter 6.2 defines innovation as “a new idea or implementation of an existing idea.” In the era of
technology companies are able to develop at a exponential rate. Telecommunications allowed people to
continue working from their homes during the quarantine. Computers, phone, and the internet has
become a major part of business functions in recent years. During Covid supply and demand shifted,
certain things were now more important to the public than others, and companies could use this as an
opportunity to innovate a ‘million dollar idea.’
Giving Back
There are a million different ways companies can
give back to their communities and society as a
whole. The breakout of Covid not only created
more opportunities for acts of services but also a
higher expectation of large corporations to create
positive change. Companies began to support relief
organizations more, help healthcare institution,
support vital research, combat the growing
unemployment rate, and assist small business.
Though all businesses struggled and were forced to
adapt throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic there
was an immense bloom in support for essential
workers and those working to create a cure.
GAP: Support Through Shutdown

GAP Inc. was forced to temporarily shut down due to

the severity of Covid in March of 2020. This did not
affect their willingness to provide support important
causes. They used their resources to provide medical
necessities to healthcare providers and connected
their suppliers with hospitals to provide what they
could not give. Additionally, the company has
donated over $1 million to nonprofit organizations
helping aid covid relief and offered free storage
space to first responders to use for supplies.

Chapter 7 discusses ethics and the social responsibility of businesses. Companies must make decisions
for themselves on what is ethical and what is not. Though virtually every business has the main goal of
making a profit and being successful, today, social responsibility is another important aspect that may not
result in direct profit. Due to the fact that companies rely on society they have an obligation to it. Social
Responsibility is described as “the duty of a business to contribute to the well-being of society.” Some
examples of social responsibility are donating money, sponsoring events, providing training or education
to those who would benefit from it, providing a service to the surrounding community or individuals, etc.

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