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ElectroMedicine From The Rife Hand Book of Frequency

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Published Studies in Electromedicine from The Rife Handbook of Frequency

Therapy and Holistic Health: an integrated approach for cancer and other
diseases, 5th Edition

Article · August 2019

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1 author:

Nenah Sylver
The Union Institute


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Electromedicine, EM Spectrum View project

The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health View project

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Published Studies in
© Nenah Sylver, PhD

Appendix D of the

The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy
and Holistic Health
an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases
5th Edition

© 2018 by Nenah Sylver, PhD
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Appendix D

Published Studies in Electromedicine

Don’t worry about people stealing an idea.
If it’s original, you will have to ram it down their throats.
—Howard A iken, A merican computer pioneer and physicist (1900–1973)

There are thousands of articles in medical and scientific hundred years ago. Of the journal articles, I include peer
journals on the use of electromagnetic fields, electric reviewed titles that for the most part are in English. The
fields, electrical current, static magnetic fields, pulsed therapeutic effects of various EM fields is emphasized, as
magnetic fields, frequency-induced diathermy (heat) and my purpose here is to cite articles examining the healing
more, to treat all kinds of conditions, ranging from bone potential of electromagnetic therapies that use frequencies in
fractures and muscle sprains to Parkinson’s and cancer. beneficial ranges and amounts. For literature on the harm
Special mention should be made of treating cancer of EM fields—such as from cell phone radiation and high
with hyperthermia: a simple, safe, and effective method. tension wires—see Appendix I, “Recent Studies on the
During hyperthermia, most of the body or selected Dangers of Harmful Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs).”
smaller areas are safely subjected to high temperatures. The majority of authors write about the practical
The cancerous tissue is either killed directly by the heat, applications of frequencies to treat disease conditions that
or it becomes so permeable that only minute amounts of include bone breaks, cancer, neurological degeneration,
locally injected chemicals are needed to destroy it (thus and infections. Other authors discuss how to evaluate
avoiding the chemical poisoning of the entire system). The or improve the equipment used to disseminate the
clinical use of hyperthermia is not new. It was routinely therapies, while still others address the effects of
employed seven thousand years ago in Egypt, and has different frequencies on specific biological functions,
been used by Western physicians for about 200 years. Yet such as enzyme and immune cell production. In a few
despite the article “Hyperthermia, still experimental, may instances, I mention which frequencies were used
win place in cancer therapy”—which appeared in a 1981 in the clinical trials. Some are well known to rifers.
issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association — Many of the articles describe Rife’s technology without
few people with cancer today are given the option of using his name or referring to his research or clinical trials.
receiving heat treatments. For example, the abstract of a 2009 paper, “Amplitude-
My very small sample lists titles of articles from the most modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment
recent back to the 1970s, as well as titles of entire books of cancer: Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and
on electromedical modalities that were published over one assessment of a novel therapeutic approach,” states in part:

958 The Rife Handbook

Because in vitro studies suggest that low levels 2018

of electromagnetic fields may modify cancer cell “Underlying Signaling Pathways and Therapeutic Applications
growth, we hypothesized that systemic delivery of of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in Bone Repair.” Yuan J,
a combination of tumor-specific frequencies may Xin F, Jiang W. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 2018;
have a therapeutic effect. We undertook this study 46(4):1581–1594.
to identify tumor-specific frequencies and test
the feasibility of administering such frequencies “Electrochemotherapy in the treatment of melanoma.”
to patients with advanced cancer. . . . Cancer- Wichtowski M, Murawa D. Contemporary Oncology; 22(1):8–13.
related frequencies appear to be tumor-specific “Effects of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy at different
and treatment with tumor-specific frequencies frequencies and durations on rotator cuff tendon-to-bone healing
is feasible, well tolerated and may have biological in a rat model.” Hochsprung A, Escudero-Uribe S, Ibáñez-Vera
efficacy in patients with advanced cancer.” 1 AJ, Izquierdo-Ayuso G. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery,
March 2018; 27(3):553–560.
The article also mentions that two of the authors have
filed a patent on the use of electromagnetic fields for the “Effectiveness of monopolar dielectric transmission of pulsed
diagnosis and treatment of cancer—in other words, Rife’s electromagnetic fields for multiple sclerosis-related pain: A
technology! pilot study.” Hochsprung A, Escudero-Uribe S, Ibáñez-Vera AJ,
Despite the fact that Royal Rife is conspicuously absent Izquierdo-Ayuso G, Neurologia, May 8, 2018
in medical literature citations, one very recent article does
specifically mention the Rife-Bare device as the equipment 2017
used in modern experiments: “Is Victory over Pancreatic
Cancer Possible, with the Help of Tuned Non-Invasive “Role of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on tenocytes
Physiotherapy? A Case Study Says Yes.” Appearing in a and myoblasts-potential application for treating rotator cuff
tears.” Liu M, Lee C, Laron D, Zhang N, Waldorff EI, Ryaby
2014 issue of the Journal of Cancer Therapy, the abstract
JT, Feeley B, Liu X. Journal of Orthopedic Research, May 2017;
states in part:
Could the conventional treatment of pancreatic
cancer effectively be supplemented by a low level “Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy improves tendon-to-bone
healing in a rat rotator cuff repair model.” Tucker JJ, Cirone JM,
and non-invasive bio-electromagnetic treatment?
Morris TR, Nuss CA, Huegel J, Waldorff EI, Zhang N, Ryaby
A case study, based on the regular exposure of a
JT, Soslowsky LJ. Journal of Orthopedic Research, April 2017;
patient to an electromagnetic field, EMF, emitted 35(4):902–909.
by a Rife-Bare technology device, suggests so. The
plasma confined in a tube of this apparatus emitted “Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on postmenopausal
radiofrequency solitons. [A soliton is a wave or osteoporosis.” Zhu S, He H, Zhang C, Wang H, Gao C, Yu X,
pulse that maintains its shape while transmitting He C. Bioelectromagnetics, September 2017; 38(6):406–424.
at a constant velocity.] These low level emissions “Pulsed magnetic field enhances therapeutic efficiency of
were modulated by an “audio” frequency generator, mesenchymal stem cells in chronic neuropathic pain model.”
pre-programmed for the treatment of this disease. Mert T, Hakan Kurt A, Altun I, Celik A, Baran F, Gunay I.
After less than two months of exposure to these Bioelectromagnetics, May 2017; 38(4):255–264.
EMFs, the tumor completely disappeared in
approximately two weeks. . . . [The biological “Pulsed magnetic field treatment as antineuropathic pain
mechanism of how the machine operates] is therapy.” Mert T, Reviews in the Neurosciences, October 26,
characterized by a critical resonance frequency 2017; 28(7):751–758.
leading the “unicellular” tumoral cell to adopt “Effects of local vibration and pulsed electromagnetic field
a self-destructive behavior. On the other hand, on bone fracture: A comparative study.” Bilgin HM, Çelik F,
EMFs with low level solitons have no effect on the Gem M, Akpolat V, Yildiz I, Ekinci A, Özerdem MS, Tunik S.
tissues of complex multicellular organisms.] 2 Bioelectromagnetics, July 2017; 38(5):339–348.
Most of the following articles, and thousands more, are
at, which links to other sites that 2016
display the entire articles or their abstracts. “Noninvasive neurostimulation methods for migraine therapy:
Note that some of the books are from the 19th century, The available evidence.” Schoenen J, Roberta B, Magis D,
before antibiotics were invented and became profitable. Coppola G. Cephalalgia, October 2016 t;36(12):1170–1180.
appendix D: selected published studies in electromedicine  959

“Electrical stimulation enhances the acetylcholine receptors 2013

available for neuromuscular junction formation.” Lozano R,
“Effects of pulsed electromagnetic field on knee osteoarthritis:
Gilmore KJ, Thompson BC, Stewart EM, Waters AM, Romero-
a systematic review.” Ryang We S, Koog YH, Jeong KI, Wi H.
Ortega M, Wallace GG. Acta Biomaterialia, November 2016;
Rheumatology (Oxford), May 2013;52(5):815–824.
“Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy for management of
“Efficacy and Safety of Treating Glioblastoma With Tumor-
osteoarthritis-related pain, stiffness and physical function:
Treating Fields Therapy.” Saria MG, Kesari S. Clinical Journal of
clinical experience in the elderly.” Iannitti T, Fistetto G,
Oncology Nursing, October 1, 2016;20(5 Suppl):S9–S13.
Esposito A, Rottigni V, Palmieri B. Clinical Interventions in
[From Abstract: “Nonbiochemical and nonablative, TTFields use
frequency-specific, low-intensity, alternating electric fields to Aging 2013;8:1289–1293.
disrupt structures within the cancer cell during mitosis [cell
division], leading to apoptosis [cell death]. Specifically, TTFields 2012
technology takes advantage of the special characteristics,
geometric shape, and the rate of dividing cancer cells, which “Cancer cell proliferation is inhibited by specific modulation
make them susceptible to the effects of TTFields. TTFields frequencies.” Zimmerman JW, Pennison MJ, Brezovich I, Yi N,
alter tumor cell polarity at an intermediate frequency (100–300 Yang CT, Ramaker R, Absher D, Myers RM, Kuster N, Costa
kHz). The frequency used for TTFields is specific to the target FP, Barbault A, PascheB. British Journal of Cancer 106, 307–313.
cell type (e.g., 200 kHz for gliomas).”]
“Treating cancer with amplitude-modulated electromagnetic
fields: a potential paradigm shift, again?” C.F. Blackman, British
2015 Journal of Cancer 106, 241–242.
“Frequency-dependent effects of sequenced pulsed magnetic “Low-level laser therapy vs. pulsed electromagnetic field on
field on experimental diabetic neuropathy.” Mert T, Gisi G, neonatal rat calvarial osteoblast-like cells.” Emes Y1, Akça K,
Celik A, Baran F, Mehdi Uremis M, Gunay I. International Aybar B, Yalçın S, Çavusoglu Y, Baysal U, Isever H, Atalay B,
Journal of Radiation Biology, 91(10):833–842. Vural P, Ergüven M, Çehreli MC, Bilir A. Lasers in Medical
“Modulation of cytokine levels in ameliorative effects of Science, May 2013; 28(3):901–909.
pulsed magnetic field on an experimental model of Chronic
Constriction Injury.” Mert T, Altun I, Celik A, Sürer T, 2011
Gunay I. International Journal of Radiation Biology, July 2015;
91(7):596–602. “Treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with very low
levels of amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields.” Costa
“Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy promotes healing and FP, de Oliveira AC, Meirelles R, Machado MCC, Zanesco T,
microcirculation of chronic diabetic foot ulcers: a pilot study.” Surjan R, Chammas MC, de Souza Rocha M, Morgan D, Cantor
Kwan RL, Wong WC, Yip SL, Chan KL, Zheng YP, Cheing GL. A, Zimmerman J, Brezovich I, Kuster N, Barbault A, Pasche B.
Advances in Skin and Wound Care. May 2015;28(5):212–219. British Journal of Cancer 105, 640–648.

2014 2010
“Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) on infarct “Effect of 99 GHz continuous millimeter wave electro-magnetic
size and inflammation after cerebral ischemia in mice.” radiation on E. coli viability and metabolic activity.” Cohen I,
Pena-Philippides JC, Yang Y, Bragina O, Hagberg S, Nemoto Cahan R, Shani G, Cohen E, Abramovich A. International Journal
E, Roitbak T. Translational Stroke Research, August 2014; of Radiation Biology 86(5): 390–399.
“Electromagnetic field treatment protects against and
“Electrotherapy modalities for adhesive capsulitis (frozen reverses cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease mice.”
shoulder).” Page MJ, Green S, Kramer S, Johnston RV, McBain Arendash GW, Sanchez-Ramos J, Mori T, Mamcarz M, Lin X,
B, Buchbinder R. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Runfeldt M, Wang L, Zhang G, Sava V, Tan J, Cao C. Journal
October 1, 2014;(10):CD011324. of Alzheimers Disease 19(1): 191–210.
[The authors discuss a number of different electromedical
modalities: Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), therapeutic “Medical applications of electromagnetic fields.” Henry C
ultrasound, pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF), Lai and Narendra P Singh. IOP Conference Series: Earth and
continuous short wave diathermy, Iodex phonophoresis, Environmental Science, Volume 10, Number 1.
Iodex iontophoresis, continuous short wave diathermy, and
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).]
960 The Rife Handbook

“Neurobiological effects of pulsed magnetic field on diabetes- “In vivo electrical conductivity measurements during and
induced neuropathy.” Tufan Mert, Ismail Gunay, Isil Ocal. after tumor electroporation: conductivity changes reflect the
Bioelectromagnetics, January 2010 ;31(1):39–47. treatment outcome.” Ivorra A, Al-Sakere B, Rubinsky B, Mir
LM. Physics in Medicine and Biology 54(19): 5949–5963.
2009 “Radiofrequency energy delivery to the anal canal: is it a
“Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment promising new approach to the treatment of fecal incontinence?”
of cancer: Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and Kim DW, Yoon HM, Park JS, Kim YH, Kang SB. Americal
assessment of a novel therapeutic approach.” Barbault A, Costa Journal of Surgery 197(1): 14–18.
FP, Bottger B, Munden RF, Bomholt F, Kuster N, Pasche B. “Increased c-fos immunoreactivity in the spinal cord and brain
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 28:51. following spinal cord stimulation is frequency-dependent.”
“Alterations in adenylate kinase activity in human PBMCs after Maeda Y, Ikeuchi M, Wacnik P, Sluka KA. Brain Research 1259:
in vitro exposure to EMF: comparison between extremely 40–50.
low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF) and therapeutic “Circumference reduction and cellulite treatment with a
application of a musically modulated electromagnetic field TriPollar radiofrequency device: a pilot study.” Manuskiatti W,
(TAMMEF).” Albanese A, Battisti E, Vannoni D, Aceto E, Wachirakaphan C, Lektrakul N, Varothai S. Journal of the
Galassi G, Giglioni S, Tommassini V, Giordano N. Journal of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 23(7):
Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2009 820–827.
“Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the “A new pulsed electric field therapy for melanoma disrupts
treatment of cancer: discovery of tumor-specific frequencies the tumor’s blood supply and causes complete remission
and assessment of a novel therapeutic approach.” Barbault A, without recurrence.” Nuccitelli R, Chen X, Pakhomov AG,
Costa FP, Bottger B, Munden RF, Bomholt F, Kuster N, Baldwin WH, Sheikh S, Pomicter JL, Ren W, Osgood C,
Pasche B. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research Swanson RJ, Kolb JF, Beebe SJ, Schoenbach KH. International
28(1): 51. Journal of Cancer 125(2): 438–445.
“Electromagnetic field at 15.95-16 Hz is cardio protective “Growth inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus induced by low-
following acute myocardial infarction.” Barzelai S, Dayan A, frequency electric and electromagnetic fields.” Obermeier A,
Feinberg MS, Holbova R, Laniado S, Scheinowitz M. Annals of Matl FD, Friess W, Stemberger A. Bioelectromagnetics 30(4):
Biomedical Engineering 37(10): 2093–2104. 270–279.
“Frequency-modulated electromagnetic neural stimulation “Radiotherapy with 8-MHz radiofrequency-capacitive regional
enhances cutaneous microvascular flow in patients with diabetic hyperthermia for stage III non-small-cell lung cancer.” Ohguri T,
neuropathy.” Conti M, Peretti E, Cazzetta G, Galimberti G, Imada H, Yahara K, Morioka T, Nakano K, Terashima H,
Vermigli C, Pola R, Scionti L, Bosi E. Journal of Diabetes and Korogi Y. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology
Its Complications 23(1): 46–48. Physics 73(1): 128–135.
“Pulse low-intensity electromagnetic field as prophylaxis of “Transcutaneous electrical stimulation of urinary bladder in
heterotopic ossification in patients with traumatic spinal cord patients with spinal cord injuries.” Radziszewski K, Zielinski H,
injury.” Durovic A, Miljkovic D, Brdareski Z, Plavsic A, Radziszewski P, Swiecicki R. International Urology and
Jevtic M. Vojnosanitetski Pregled 66(1): 22–28. Nephrology 41(3): 497–503.
“Cell proliferation induction: healing chronic wounds through “Evidence-based use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy
low-energy pulsed radiofrequency.” Frykberg R, Tierney E, in clinical plastic surgery.” Strauch B, Herman C, Dabb R,
Tallis A, Klotzbach T. International Journal of Lower Extremity Ignarro LJ, Pilla AA. Aesthetic Surgery Journal 29(2): 135–143.
Wounds 8(1): 45–51.
“Static magnetic fields impair angiogenesis and growth of solid
“Differentiation of human adult cardiac stem cells exposed to tumors in vivo.” Strelczyk D, Eichhorn ME, Luedemann S,
extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields.” Gaetani R, Brix G, Dellian M, Berghaus A, Strieth S. Cancer Biology and
Ledda M, Barile L, Chimenti I, De Carlo F, Forte E, Ionta V, Therapy 8(18): 66–72.
Giuliani L, D’Emilia E, Frati G, Miraldi F, Pozzi D, Messina E,
Grimaldi S, Giacomello A, Lisi A. Cardiovascular Research 82(3): “Low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in
411–420. fibromyalgia: a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled
clinical study.” Sutbeyaz ST, Sezer N, Koseoglu F, Kibar S.
Clinical Journal of Pain 25(8): 722–728.
appendix D: selected published studies in electromedicine  961

2008 “The influence of extremely low frequency magnetic fields

on cytoprotection and repair.” Robertson JA, Thomas AW,
“Effects of biophysical stimulation in patients undergoing
Bureau Y, Prato FS, Bioelectromagnetics 28(1): 16–30.
arthroscopic reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament:
prospective, randomized and double blind study.” Benazzo F, “Computational feasibility of deformable mirror microwave
Zanon G, Pederzini L, Modonesi F, Cardile C, Falez F, Ciolli L, hyperthermia technique for localized breast tumors.”
La Cava F, Giannini S, Buda R, Setti S, Caruso G, Massari L. Arunachalam K, Udpa SS, Udpa L, International Journal of
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 16(6): 595–601. Hyperthermia 23(7): 577–589.
“Percutaneous pulsed radiofrequency in the treatment of “Static magnetic fields enhance skeletal muscle differentiation in
cervical and lumbar radicular pain.” Chao SC, Lee HT, Kao TH, vitro by improving myoblast alignment.” Coletti D, Teodori L,
Yang MY, Tsuei YS, Shen CC, Tsou HK. Surgical Neurology Albertini MC, Rocchi M, Pristera A, Fini M, Molinaro M,
70(1): 59–65. Adamo S 7, Cytometry Part A 71(10): 846–856.
“Changes of leukocyte adherence ability under the influence “Carbon nanotube-enhanced thermal destruction of cancer cells
of magnetic field in the course of a treatment of patients with in a noninvasive radiofrequency field.” Gannon CJ, Cherukuri P,
laryngeal and pharyngeal carcinoma.” Cocek A, Hahn A, Yakobson BI, Cognet L, Kanzius JS, Kittrell C, Weisman RB,
Ambrus M, Dohnalova A, Jandova A, Pokorny J. Electromagnetic Pasquali M, Schmidt HK, Smalley RE, Curley SA7, Cancer
Biology and Medicine 27(3): 277– 288. 110(12): 2654–2665 [13,560,000 Hz].
“Electromagnetic fields alter the expression of estrogen receptor “The biologic effects and the therapeutic mechanism of action
cofactors in breast cancer cells.” Girgert R, Gründker C, of electric and electromagnetic field stimulation on bone
Emons G, Hanf V. Bioelectromagnetics 29(3): 169–176. and cartilage: new findings and a review of earlier work.”
Haddad JB, Obolensky AG, Shinnick P7, Journal of Alternative
“Quick recovery of orientation after magnetic seizure therapy
and Complementary Medicine 13(5): 485–490.
for major depressive disorder.” Kirov G, Ebmeier KP, Scott AI,
Atkins M, Khalid N, Carrick L, Stanfield A, O’Carroll RE, “Prospective, randomized, single-blind, sham treatment-
Husain MM, Lisanby SH. British Journal of Psychiatry 193(2): controlled study of the safety and efficacy of an electromagnetic
152–155. field device for the treatment of chronic low back pain: a
pilot study.” Harden RN, Remble TA, Houle TT, Long JF,
“Pulsed radio frequency energy in the treatment of complex
Markov MS, Gallizzi MA, Pain Practice 7(3): 248–255.
diabetic foot wounds: two cases.” Larsen JA, Overstreet
J, Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 35(5): “Pulsed radiofrequency: a novel treatment for chronic cervical
523–527. radicular pain?” Jensen TS, Pain 127(1–2): 3–4.
“Recovery of motor disability and spasticity in post-stroke after “Alternating electric fields arrest cell proliferation in animal
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS).” Mally J, tumor models and human brain tumors.” Kirson ED, Dbaly V,
Dinya E, Brain Research Bulletin 76(4): 388–395. Tovarys F, Vymazal J, Soustiel JF, Itzhaki A, Mordechovich D,
Steinberg-Shapira S, Gurvich Z, Schneiderman R, Wasserman Y,
“Anti-inflammatory effects of electronic signal treatment.”
Salzberg M, Ryffel B, Goldsher D, Dekel E, Palti Y, Proceedings
Odell Jr RH, Sorgnard RE, Pain Physician 11(6): 891–907.
of the National Academy of Sciences USA 104(24): 10152–10157.
“A pilot study with very low-intensity, intermediate-frequency
“Pulsed radiofrequency for the treatment of chronic ilioinguinal
electric fields in patients with locally advanced and/or metastatic
neuropathy.” Mitra R, Zeighami A, Mackey S, Hernia 11(4):
solid tumors.” Salzberg M, Kirson E, Palti Y, Rochlitz C,
Onkologie 31(7): 362–365
“Low frequency and low intensity pulsed electromagnetic
“Extremely low frequency electromagnetic field enhances
field exerts its antiinflammatory effect through restoration
human keratinocyte cell growth and decreases proinflammatory
of plasma membrane calcium ATPase activity.” Selvam R,
chemokine production.” Vianale G, Reale M, Amerio P,
Ganesan K, Narayana Raju KV, Gangadharan AC, Manohar BM,
Stefanachi M, Di Luzio S, Muraro R, British Journal of
Puvanakrishnan R, Life Sciences 80(26): 2403–2410.
Dermatology 158(6): 1189–1196 [50 Hz].
“A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical
trial using a low-frequency magnetic field in the treatment
of musculoskeletal chronic pain.” Thomas AW, Graham K,
“Can electrons act as antioxidants? A review and commentary.” Prato FS, McKay J, Forster PM, Moulin DE, Chari S, Pain
Oschman JL, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Research and Management 12(4): 249–258
Medicine, Volume 13, Number 9, 955–967.
962 The Rife Handbook

“Effectiveness of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in lateral “Effect of millimeter waves on natural killer cell activation.”
epicondylitis.” Uzunca K, Birtane M, Tastekin N, Clinical Makar VR, Logani MK, Bhanushali A, Kataoka M, Ziskin MC,
Rheumatology 26(1): 69–74. Bioelectromagnetics 26(1): 10–19.
“Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on patients’ recovery “Magnetically labeled human natural killer cells, accumulated in
after arthroscopic surgery: prospective, randomized and double- vitro by an external magnetic force, are effective against HOS
blind study.” Zorzi C, Dall’Oca C, Cadossi R, Setti S, Knee osteosarcoma cells.” Nakashima Y, Deie M, Yanada S, Sharman
Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 15(7): 830–834. P, Ochi M, International Journal of Oncology 27(4): 965–971.
“Slow transcranial magnetic stimulation can rapidly reduce
2006 resistant auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia.” Poulet E,
“Use of a static magnetic field to promote recovery after Brunelin J, Bediou B, Bation R, Forgeard L, Dalery J,
peripheral nerve injury.” Kelleher MO, Al-Abri RK, Lenihan d’Amato T, Saoud M, Biological Psychiatry 57(2): 188–191.
DV, Glasby MA, Journal of Neurosurgery 105(4): 610–615. “Do magnetic fields cause increased risk of childhood leukemia
“Efficacy of pulsed electromagnetic therapy for chronic via melatonin disruption?” Henshaw DL and Reiter RJ.
lower back pain: a randomized, double-blind, placebo- Bioelectromagnetics; Supplement 7: S86–97.
controlled study.” Lee PB, Kim YC, Lim YJ, Lee CJ, Choi SS, “Transcranial magnetic stimulation accelerates the
Park SH, Lee JG, Lee SC, Journal of International Medical antidepressant effect of amitriptyline in severe depression:
Research 34(2): 160–167. a double-blind placebo-controlled study.” Rumi DO, Gattaz
“Extremely low frequency 7 Hz 100 microT electromagnetic WF, Rigonatti SP, Rosa MA, Fregni F, Rosa MO, Mansur C,
radiation promotes differentiation in the human epithelial cell Myczkowski ML, Moreno RA, Marcolin MA, Biological
line HaCaT.” Lisi A, Foletti A, Ledda M, Rosola E, Giuliani L, Psychiatry 57(2): 162–166.
D’Emilia E, Grimaldi S, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine
25(4): 269–280 [7 Hz]. 2004
“Effect of millimeter wave irradiation on tumor metastasis.” “High-frequency pulsed electromagnetic energy in tinnitus
Logani MK, Szabo I, Makar V, Bhanushali A, Alekseev S, treatment.” Ghossaini SN, Spitzer JB, Mackins CC, Zschommler
Ziskin MC, Bioelectromagnetics 27(4): 258–264. A, Diamond BE, Wazen JJ, Laryngoscope 114(3): 495–500.
“Nanosecond pulsed electric fields cause melanomas to “Disruption of cancer cell replication by alternating electric
self-destruct.” Nuccitelli R, Pliquett U, Chen X, Ford W, fields.” Kirson ED, Gurvich Z, Schneiderman R, Dekel E,
Swanson RJ, Beebe SJ, Kolb JF, Schoenbach KH, Biochemical Itzhaki A, Wasserman Y, Schatzberger R, Palti Y, Cancer
and Biophysical Research Communications 343(2): 351–360. Research 64(9): 3288–3295.
“Localized pulsed magnetic fields for tendonitis therapy.” “Effects of low-intensity ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic
Owegi R, Johnson MT, Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 42: radiation on inflammatory processes.” Lushnikov KV,
428–433. Shumilina YV, Yakushina VS, Gapeev AB, Sadovnikov VB,
Chemeris NK, Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
“Electromagnetic therapy for treating venous leg ulcers.” 137(4): 364–366.
Ravaghi H, Flemming K, Cullum N, Olyaee Manesh A, Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews (2): CD002933. “Experimental study of a novel thermotherapy for hepatocellular
carcinoma using a magnesium ferrite complex powder that
“Pulsed radiofrequency denervation for the treatment of produces heat under a magnetic field.” Muraoka A, Takeda
sacroiliac joint syndrome.” Vallejo R, Benyamin RM, Kramer S, Matsui M, Shimizu T, Tohnai I, Akiyama S, Nakao A,
J, Stanton G, Joseph NJ, Pain Medicine 7 (5): 429–434.
Hepatogastroenterology 51(60): 1662–1666 .
“A multicenter clinical trial on the use of pulsed electromagnetic
fields in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders.”
“Ice and pulsed electromagnetic field to reduce pain and swelling Peroz I, Chun YH, Karageorgi G, Schwerin C, Bernhardt O,
after distal radius fractures.” Cheing GL, Wan JW, Kai Lo Roulet JF, Freesmeyer WB, Meyer G, Lange KP, Journal of
S, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 37(6): 372–377 [50 Hz, Prosthetic Dentistry 91(2): 180–187.
“Low electric field enhanced chemotherapy can cure mice with
CT-26 colon carcinoma and induce anti-tumour immunity.”
Plotnikov A, Fishman D, Tichler T, Korenstein R, Keisari Y,
Clinical and Experimental Immunology 138(3): 410–416.
appendix D: selected published studies in electromedicine  963

“Induction of apoptosis and necrosis in cancer cells by electric “Radio-frequency energy delivery to the anal canal for
fields, electromagnetic fields, and photodynamically active the treatment of fecal incontinence.” Takahashi T, Garcia-
quinoids.” Radeva M, Berg A, Berg H, Electromagnetic Biology Osogobio S, Valdovinos MA, Mass W, Jimenez R, Jauregui LA,
and Medicine 23(3): 185–200. Bobadilla J, Belmonte C, Edelstein PS, Utley DS, Diseases of the
Colon and Rectum 45(7): 915–922.
2003 “Evaluation of electromagnetic fields in the treatment of pain in
“Radiofrequency for the treatment of allergic rhinitis refractory patients with lumbar radiculopathy or the whiplash syndrome.”
to medical therapy.” Lin HC, Lin PW, Su CY, Chang HW, Thuile C, Walzl M, NeuroRehabilitation 17(1): 63–67.
Laryngoscope 113(4): 673–678 [465 Hz]. “Functional magnetic stimulation facilitates gastric emptying.”
“The use of pulsed electromagnetic fields with complex Lin VW, Kim KH, Hsiao I, Brown W, Archives of Physical
modulation in the treatment of patients with diabetic Medicine and Rehabilitation 83(6): 806–810.
polyneuropathy.” Musaev AV, Guseinova SG, Imamverdieva SS,
Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology 33(8): 745–752. 2001
“The effect of the pulsatile electromagnetic field in children “Experimental clinical study of the effect of millimeter waves
suffering from bronchial asthma.” Sadlonova J, Korpas J, on microbial and inflammatory renal diseases.” Bagdasarova IV,
Salat D, Miko L, Kudlicka J, Acta Physiologica Academiae Rudenko AV, Tumanyants EN, CRC Critical reviews in Biomedical
Scientiarum Hungaricae 90(4): 327–334. Engineering 29(5–6): 635–643.
“Extended two-year results of radio-frequency energy delivery “Mechanical and electromagnetic induction of protection
for the treatment of fecal incontinence (the Secca procedure).” against oxidative stress.” Di Carlo AL, White NC, Litovitz TA,
Takahashi T, Garcia-Osogobio S, Valdovinos MA, Belmonte C, Bioelectrochemistry 53(1): 87–95.
Barreto C, Velasco L, Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 46(6):
711–715. “Electromagnetic therapy for the treatment of venous leg ulcers.”
Flemming K, Cullum N, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
“Treatment of chronic pain with millimetre wave therapy (1): CD002933.
(MWT) in patients with diffuse connective tissue diseases: a
“The efficacy of ununited tibial fracture treatment using
pilot case series study.” Usichenko TI, Herget HF, European
pulsing electromagnetic fields: relation to biological activity on
Journal of Pain 7(3): 289–294.
nonunion bone ends.” Ito H, Shirai Y, Journal of Nippon Medical
“Pulsed radiofrequency treatment of the Gasserian ganglion in School 68(2): 149–153.
patients with idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia.” van Zundert J,
Brabant S, Van de Kelft E, Vercruyssen A, Van Buyten JP, Pain “Effect of a wound healing electromagnetic field on
inflammatory cytokine gene expression in rats.” Jasti AC,
104(3): 449–452.
Wetzel BJ, Aviles H, Vesper DN, Nindl G, Johnson MT,
Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 37: 209–214.
“Electromagnetic fields used clinically to improve bone healing
“Healing of chronic arterial and venous leg ulcers with systemic also impact lymphocyte proliferation in vitro.” Johnson MT,
electromagnetic fields.” Canedo-Dorantes L, Garcia-Cantu R, Vanscoy-Cornett A, Vesper DN, Swez JA, Chamberlain JK,
Barrera R, Mendez-Ramirez I, Navarro VH, Serrano G, Archives Seaward MB, Nindl G, Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 37:
of Medical Research 33(3): 281–289. 215–220.
“The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on the “Transurethral microwave therapy of the prostate.”
osteointegration of hydroxyapatite implants in cancellous bone: McEwen DR, Alejos P, Seminars in Perioperative Nursing 10(1):
a morphologic and microstructural in vivo study.” Fini M, 17–23.
Cadossi R, Cane V, Cavani F, Giavaresi G, Krajewski A,
Martini L, Aldini NN, Ravaglioli A, Rimondini L, Torricelli P, “Magnetic field therapy for epilepsy.” McLean M, Engstrom S,
Giardino R, Journal of Orthopaedic Research 20(4): 756–763. Holcomb R, Epilepsy and Behavior 2: S81–S89.

“Effects of static magnets on chronic knee pain and physical “Electromagnetic phased arrays for regional hyperthermia:
function: a double-blind study.” Hinman MR, Ford J, Heyl H, optimal frequency and antenna arrangement.” Seebass M,
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 8(4): 50–55. Beck R, Gellermann J, Nadobny J, Wust P, International Journal
of Hyperthermia 17(4): 321–336.
964 The Rife Handbook

“Therapeutic electromagnetic field effects on angiogenesis and “Damage induction by direct electric current in tumoural target
tumor growth.” Williams CD, Markov MS, Hardman WE, cells.” Holandino C, Veiga VF, Capella MM, Menezes S, Alviano
Cameron IL, Anticancer Research 21 (6A): 3887–3891. CS, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 38(6): 554–558.
“A historical perspective of the popular use of electric and “Static magnetic field therapy for pain in the abdomen and
magnetic therapy.” Basford JR, Archives of Physical Medicine genitals.” Holcomb RR, Worthington WB, McCullough BA,
and Rehabilitation 82(9): 1261–1269. McLean MJ, Pediatric Neurology 23(3): 261–264.
“Electrochemical treatment of mouse Ehrlich tumor with “Development of inductive regional heating system for breast
direct electric current.” Cabrales LB, Ciria HC, Bruzon RP, hyperthermia.” Kotsuka Y, Watanabe M, Hosoi M, Isono I,
Quevedo MS, Aldana RH, De Oca LM, Salas MF, Od Pena, Izumi M, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Bioelectromagnetics 22(5): 316–322. 48(11): 1807–814.
“Low-amplitude, extremely low frequency magnetic fields for “The use of millimeter wavelength electromagnetic waves in
the treatment of osteoarthritic knees: a double-blind clinical cardiology.” Lebedeva AY, CRC Critical reviews in Biomedical
study.” Jacobson JI, Gorman R, Yamanashi WS, Saxena BB, Engineering 28(1–2): 339–347.
Clayton L, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 7(5):
54–64, 66–69 . “Experiments showing that electromagnetic fields can be used
to treat inflammatory diseases.” Nindl G, Balcavage WX,
“Effect of a wound healing electromagnetic field on Vesper DN, Swez JA, Wetzel BJ, Chamberlain JK, Fox MT,
inflammatory cytokine gene expression in rats.” Jasti AC, Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 36: 7–13.
Wetzel BJ, Aviles H, Vesper DN, Nindl G, Johnson MT,
Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 37: 209–214. 1999
“A study of millimeter wave’s clinical and immunological effects “An imposed oscillating electrical field improves the recovery
on oral lichen planus patients.” [not in English] Jin Z, Lin M, of function in neurologically complete paraplegic dogs.”
Xia J, Zhuang J, Yang R, Li X, He Y, Hua Xi Kou Qiang Yi Xue Borgens RB, Toombs JP, Breur G, Widmer WR, Waters D,
Za Zhi (West China Journal of Stomatology) 19(6): 366–368. Harbath AM, March P, Adams LG, Journal of Neurotrauma
“Electromagnetic fields used clinically to improve bone healing 16(7): 639–657.
also impact lymphocyte proliferation in vitro.” Johnson MT, “A pilot study on the extremely low frequency (ELF) pulsing
Vanscoy-Cornett A, Vesper DN, Swez JA, Chamberlain JK, magnetic field (PMF) effect on soft tissue injuries: a preliminary
Seaward MB, Nindl G), Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 37: analysis of the results.” Baldi E, Lithgow B, Heath B, Cohen
215–220. M, Cosic I, Grace RJ, Medical and Biological Engineering and
“Magnetic field therapy for epilepsy.” McLean M, Engstrom S, Computing 37: 103–104.
Holcomb R, Epilepsy and Behavior 2: S81–S89. “Electroporation therapy: a new approach for the treatment
of head and neck cancer.” Hofmann GA, Dev SB, Dimmer S,
2000 Nanda GS, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 46(6):
“Hyperthermia and radiotherapy for inoperable squamous cell
carcinoma metastatic to cervical lymph nodes from an unknown “Using a direct current electrical field to promote spinal-cord
primary site.” Amichetti M, Romano M, Cristoforetti L, Valdagni regeneration.” Shen NJ, Wang SC, Journal of Reconstructive
R, International Journal of Hyperthermia 16(1): 85–93. Microsurgery 15(6): 427–431.
“Blood-specific whole-body electromagnetic hyperthermia.” “Low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
Babincova M, Sourivong P, Leszczynska D, Babinec P, Medical improves intractable epilepsy.” Tergau F, Naumann U, Paulus W,
Hypotheses 55(6): 459–460. Steinhoff BJ, Lancet 353(9171): 2209.
“Minimally invasive treatment of malignant hepatic tumors: at the “Magnetic mattress pad use in patients with fibromyalgia: a
threshold of a major breakthrough.” Dodd 3rd GD, Soulen MC, randomized double-blind pilot study.” Colbert AP; Markov
Kane RA, Livraghi T, Lees WR, Yamashita Y, Gillams AR, M, Banerji M, Pilla A. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal
Karahan OI, Rhim H, Radiographics 20(1): 9–27. Rehabilitation, July 1, 1999, Volume 13, Number 1, 19–31.
“Transcranial magnetic stimulation and auditory hallucinations
in schizophrenia.” Hoffman RE, Boutros NN, Hu S,
Berman RM, Krystal JH, Charney DS, Lancet 355(9209):
appendix D: selected published studies in electromedicine  965

1998 1995
“Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation: an alternative to “A novel electric design for electromagnetic stimulation—the
antiviral drugs for acute herpes zoster.” Ahmed HE, Craig WF, Slinky coil.” Ren C, Tarjan PP, Popovic DB, IEEE Transactions
White PF, Ghoname ES, Hamza MA, Gajraj NM, Taylor SM, on Biomedical Engineering 42(9): 918–925.
Anesthesia and Analgesia 87(4): 911–914.
“Improvement of right hemispheric functions in a child with
“Treatment with AC pulsed electromagnetic fields normalizes Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome by weak electromagnetic
the latency of the visual evoked response in a multiple sclerosis fields.” Sandyk R, International Journal of Neuroscience 81(3–4):
patient with optic atrophy.” Sandyk R, International Journal of 199–213.
Neuroscience 93(3–4): 239–250.
“Chronic relapsing multiple sclerosis: a case of rapid recovery
“Initial exploration of pulsing electromagnetic fields for by application of weak electromagnetic fields.” Sandyk R,
treatment of migraine.” Sherman RA, Robson L, Marden LA, International Journal of Neuroscience 82(3–4): 223–242.
Headache 38(3): 208–213.
“Effectiveness of electrochemical treatment of primary
pulmonary malignant tumors.” Song Y, Zhang X, Du X,
1997 Wang Z, Chen Y, Chinese Medical Journal 108(1): 66–67.
“Electrochemical treatment of mouse and rat fibrosarcomas
with direct current.” Chou CK, McDougall JA, Ahn C, Vora 1994
N, Bioelectromagnetics 18(1): 14–24.
“Treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head with electrical
“Multicentre experience with combined hyperthermia and stimulation.” Aaron RK, Instructional Course Lectures 43:
radiation therapy in the treatment of superficially located non- 495– 98.
Hodgkin’s lymphomas.” Donato V, Zurlo A, Nappa M, Capua A,
“Electromagnetic stimulation of the auditory system of deaf
Banelli E, Martelli M, Gabriele P, Amichetti M, Biagini C,
patients.” Counter SA, Borg E, Bredberg G, Linde G, Vainio
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 16(1):
M, Acta Otolaryngologica 114(5): 501–509.
“Electrochemical therapy of pelvic pain: effects of
“The results of a double-blind trial of pulsed electromagnetic
pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on tissue trauma.”
frequency in the treatment of Perthes disease.” Harrison MH,
Bassett CA, Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 17(2): 264–265. Jorgensen WA, Frome BM, Wallach C, European Journal of
Surgical Supplies 574: 83–86.
“DC electrical stimulation for chronic wound healing
“Alzheimer’s disease: improvement of visual memory and
enhancement.” Karba R, Semrov D, Vodovnik L, Benko H,
visuoconstructive performance by treatment with picotesla
Savrin R, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 43(2): 265–270.
range magnetic fields.” Sandyk R, International Journal of
Neuroscience 76(3–4): 185–225.
“Improvement in word-fluency performance in Parkinson’s
“Application of weak electromagnetic fields facilitates disease by administration of electromagnetic fields.” Sandyk R,
sensory-motor integration in patients with multiple sclerosis.” International Journal of Neuroscience 77(1–2): 23–46.
Sandyk R, International Journal of Neuroscience 85(1–2):
“Treatment with electromagnetic field alters the clinical course
“Therapeutic effects of electromagnetic fields in the stimulation
of chronic progressive multiple sclerosis—a case report.”
of connective tissue repair.” Aaron RK, Ciombor DM, Journal
Sandyk R, International Journal of Neuroscience 88(1–2): 75–82.
of Cellular Biochemistry 52(1): 42–46.
“Microwave diathermy treatment for primary dysmenorrhea.”
“Pain control using high-intensity pulsed magnetic stimulation.”
Vance AR, Hayes SH, Spielholz NI, Physical Therapy 76(9):
Ellis WV, Bioelectromagnetics 14(6): 553–556.
966 The Rife Handbook

“Magnetic facial nerve stimulation in Bell’s palsy.”
Rimpilainen I, Karma P, Laranne J, Eskola H, Hakkinen V, “Effect of external pulsing electromagnetic fields on the healing
Acta Otolaryngologica 112(2): 311–316. of soft tissue.” Glassman LS, McGrath MH, Bassett CA, Annals
of Plastic Surgery 16(4): 287–295.
“Therapeutic effects of pulsed magnetic fields on joint diseases.”
Riva Sanseverino E, Vannini A, Castellacci P, Panminerva Medica
34(4): 187–196. 1985

“The influence of the pineal gland on migraine and cluster “Microwave hyperthermia for brain tumors.” Winter A, Laing J,
headaches and effects of treatment with picoTesla magnetic Paglione R, Sterzer F, Neurosurgery 17(3): 387–399.
fields.” Sandyk R, International Journal of Neuroscience 67(1– 4):
145–171 [2 Hz to 7 Hz]. 1984
“Use of pulsed electromagnetic fields in Perthes disease: report
1991 of a pilot study.” Harrison MH, Bassett CA, Journal of Pediatric
“Magnetic stimulation in the treatment of partial seizures.” Orthopaedics 4(5): 579–584.
Anninos PA, Tsagas N, Sandyk R, Derpapas K. International “Design and thermometry of an intracavitary microwave
Journal of Neuroscience, October 1991;60(3–4):141–171. applicator suitable for treatment of some vaginal and rectal
“Long-term follow-up of fracture nonunions treated with cancers.” Li DJ, Luk KH, Jiang HB, Chou CK, Hwang GZ,
PEMFs.” Garland DE, Moses B, Salyer W. Contemporary International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
Orthopaedics, March 1991; 22(3):295–302. 10(11): 2155–2162.
“Results of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) in ununited
1990 fractures after external skeletal fixation.” Marcer M, Musatti G,
Bassett CA, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (190):
“Pulsed high frequency (27 MHz) electromagnetic therapy 260–265.
for persistent neck pain. A double blind, placebo-controlled
study of 20 patients.” Foley-Nolan D, Barry C, Coughlan RJ, “Whole-body hyperthermia induction techniques.” Milligan AJ,
O’Connor P, Roden D, Orthopedics 13(4): 445–451. Cancer Research 44 (10 Supplement): 4869S–4872S.
“Bone density changes in osteoporosis-prone women exposed to
pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs).” Tabrah F, Hoffmeier M, 1983
Gilbert Jr F, Batkin S, Bassett CA, Journal of Bone and Mineral “Review of pulsing electromagnetic field therapy and its possible
Research 5(5): 437–442. application to horses.” Auer JA, Burch GE, Hall P, Equine
Veterinary Journal 15(4): 354–360.
“Effects of pulsing electromagnetic fields on bone growth and
“Radio frequency (13.56 MHz) energy enhances recovery articular cartilage.” Smith RL, Nagel DA, Clinical Orthopaedics
from mild hypothermia.” Hesslink RL, Pepper S, Olsen RG, and Related Research (181): 277–282.
Lewis SB, Homer LD, Journal of Applied Physiology 67(3):
“Electromagnetic applicators for regional and whole-body
hyperthermia.” Wahid PF, Hagmann MJ, Gandhi OP, Physics
“Prevention of osteoporosis by pulsed electromagnetic fields.” in Medicine and Biology 28(3): 301–307.
Rubin CT, McLeod KJ, Lanyon LE, Journal of Bone and Joint
Surgery—American Volume 71(3): 411–417. 1982
“Pulsing electromagnetic field treatment in ununited fractures
and failed arthrodeses.” Bassett CA, Mitchell SN, Gaston SR,
“Treatment of the damaged rat hippocampus with a locally Journal of the American Medical Association 247(5): 623–628.
applied electric field.” Politis MJ, Zanakis MF. Experimental
“Clinical experiences with combined hyperthermia and
Brain Research 1988; 71(1):223–226.
radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer.” Friedenthal E,
“The use of DC electric fields to promote regeneration in the Mendecki J, Botstein C, Sterzer F, Paglione R, Nowogrodzki
mammalian nervous system.” Zanakis MF. ASAIO Transactions, M, Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 107: 751–760.
October-December 1988;34(4):947–951.
appendix D: selected published studies in electromedicine  967

1981 1976
“A new approach to microwave hyperthermia therapy for “Percutaneous electrical stimulation for clinical tibial fracture
cancer.” Heinmets F, Physiological Chemistry and Physics and repair.” Romano RL, Burgess EM, Rubenstein CP. Clinical
Medical NMR 13(6): 561–564. Orthopaedics and Related Research, January–February
“Hyperthermia, still experimental, may win place in cancer
therapy.” Johnson RS, Journal of the American Medical Association
245(11): 1109–1116. 1975
“Radiation sensitization of tumor cells by microwaves—end
1980 of the oxygen problem.” Dietzel F, Naturwissenschaften 62(1):
“Microwave applicators for localized hyperthermia treatment
of cancer of the prostate.” Mendecki J, Friedenthal E, Botstein “Effects of magnetic field on inflammation.” Mizushima Y,
C, Paglione R, Sterzer F, International Journal of Radiation Akaoka I, Nishida Y, Experientia 31(12): 1411–1412.
Oncology Biology Physics 6(11): 1583–1588.
“Electromagnetic fields and skin wound repair.” Romero-
“Microwave adjuvant to radiotherapy and chemotherapy for Sierra C, Halter S, Tanner JA, Roomi MW, Crabtree D, Journal
advanced lymphoma.” Nelson AJ, Holt JA, Medical Journal of of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy 10(1): 59–70.
Australia 1(7): 311–313.
“Augmentation of bone repair by inductively coupled
“Microwave diathermy: the invisible healer.” Greene J, FDA electromagnetic fields.” Bassett CA, Pawluk RJ, Pilla AA,
Consumer 13(1): 7–11. Science 184(136): 575–577.
“The cause of cancer: biochemical defects in the cancer cell “The effects of pulsed electromagnetic energy on peripheral
demonstrated by the effects of electromagnetic radiation, nerve regeneration.” Wilson DH, Jagadeesh P, Newman PP,
glucose and oxygen.” Holt JA, Medical Hypotheses 5(1): 109–143. Harriman DG, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 238:
“Fracture healing in rats exposed to extremely low-
frequency electric fields.” Marino AA, Cullen JM, Reichmanis M,
Becker RO, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (145): 1968
239–244. “Effects of coherent electromagnetic fields on the neoplastic
malignant process.” [Czech] Pokorny J, Jelinek V, Casopis Lekaru
1978 Ceskych, April 12, 1968; 107(16): 474–482.
“Repair of non-unions by pulsing electromagnetic fields.”
Bassett CA, Mitchell SN, Norton L, Pilla A, Acta Orthopaedica
Belgica 44(5): 706–724.

1977 7
“Increase in X-ray sensitivity of cancer after exposure to
434 MHz electromagnetic radiation.” Holt JA, Journal of
Bioengineering 1(5–6): 479–485.
“Electrical bone-growth stimulation in an experimental model
of delayed union.” Paterson DC, Carter RF, Maxwell GM,
Hillier TM, Ludbrook J, Savage JP, Lancet 1(8025): 1278–1281 .
968 The Rife Handbook

7 1910
8 J. H. Kellogg, M.D. Light Therapeutics: A Practical Manual of
Phototherapy for the Student and the Practitioner, with Special
Note: For this next section, all of which are books, Reference to the Incandescent Electric-Light Bath (Battle Creek,
detailed descriptions are included to give readers Mich.: The Good Health Publishing Co.).
an idea of the scope of electromedical therapies [The author is none other than John Harvey Kellogg, who
offered (in both clinics and hospitals), and the medical
headed a world-famous sanitarium or “health spa” that hosted
community’s openness to electromedicine. In most
a range of clients, some of them famous (the Roosevelts,
cases, the title pages contained a great deal of text, a
Charles Lindburgh, Mary Todd Lincoln, Sojourner Truth,
some of which is reproduced here. Due to the amount
of text, it was sometimes difficult to discern between
and Amelia Earhart). Kellogg was later known for creating
the actual titles and the explanatory subtitling. a breakfast food, corn flakes, and starting a cereal company.
His “incandescent electric-light bath” was the first far infrared
Thousands of titles were available in the 1880s
sauna, which used special light bulbs created by Kellogg’s
and some were published even earlier in the 1700s.
For historical interest, the degrees of the authors are
friend Thomas Edison. The title page lists his credentials
included where applicable. All of these books are as follows: “Author of “Rational Hydrotherapy,” “The Art
available in eBook form online, without charge.
of Massage,” etc. Member of the British Gynaecological
Society, the International Periodical Congress of Gynaecology
and Obstetrics, American and British Associations for the
Advancement of Science, the Société d’Hygiéne of France,
1946 American Society of Microscopists, American Climatological
Society, American Medical Association, Michigan State
Richard Kovaçs, M.D. Electrotherapy and Light Therapy, 5th Ed. Medical Society, Superintendent of the Battle Creek (Mich.)
(Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1946). Sanitarium.”]
[Subtitled: with the Essentials of Hydrotherapy and Mechanotherapy.
This is a major work in the field. Topics include electrophysics;
generation, measurement and transfer of electrical charges; 1904
effects of currents, injury vs. harm, and passage through
all parts of the body; electrodiagnosis; galvanic current Toby Cohen (“nerve specialist, Berlin”) and Francis A.
and ion transfer; low-frequency current and apparatus; Scratchley, M.D. Electro-Diagnosis and Electro-Therapeutics:
high-frequency current and apparatus; medical diathermy; A Guide for Practitioners and Students (New York and London:
hyperthermy; electrosurgery; electrical injuries; physics of Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1904).
radiant energy; infrared, ultraviolet and luminous radiation;
helio or sun therapy; hydrotherapy; massage; exercise; physical Margaret A Cleaves, M.D. Light Energy: Its Physics, Physiological
therapies. There are also lengthy chapters on treating, with Action and Therapeutic Applications (New York and London:
electromedicine, afflictions of the respiratory tract; central Rebman Company and Rebman Limited, 1904).
and peripheral nervous system; bones, joints, muscles and [The author’s credentials and affiliations are given on the
tendons; genital tract; urinary tract; cardiovascular system; title page as follows: “Fellow of the New York Academy
ear, nose and throat; eyes; and gastrointestinal tract (which of Medicine; Fellow of the American Electro-Therapeutic
includes metabolic conditions). Arthritis and fibrosis Association; Member of the New York County Medical
(fibromyalgia) are also addressed. The author gives detailed Society; Fellow of the Societe Francaise d’Electrotherapie;
instructions on what electromedical equipment to use for Fellow of the American Electro-Chemical Society; Member
what ailment.] of the Society of American Authors; Member of the New
York Electrical Society; Professor of Light Energy in the
New York School of Physical Therapeutics; Late Instructor in
1920 Electro-Therapeutics in the New York Post-Graduate Medical
F. Miramond de Laroquette, M.D. Atlas for Electro-Diagnosis School.”]
and Therapeutics (London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1920).
George Knapp Abbott, A.B., M.D. Essentials of Medical
Electricity for Medical Students and Nurses (Philadelphia and
London: W.B. Saunders Company, 1920).
appendix D: selected published studies in electromedicine  969

1902 1883
W.F. Brady, M.D. et al. A System of Electrotherapeutics, Volume Dr. Wilhelm Erb, professor in the University of Leipzig;
6: Electrotherapy (Scranton: International Textbook Company, Translated by L. Putzel, M.D. (Neurologist to Randall’s Island
1902). Hospital, and Physician to the Clinic for Nervous Diseases,
Bellevue Out-Door Department, etc.). Handbook of Electro-
Dr. Wilhelm Winternitz (Professor of Clinical Medicine in Therapeutics (New York: William Wood & Company, 1883).
the University of Vienna; Director of the General Polyclinic in [Contains an extensive chapter outline on many topics:
Vienna), assisted by Dr. Alois Strasser (Instructor in Clinical electronics, physiology, physical examination, electro-
Medicine at the University of Vienna) and Dr. B. Buxbaum diagnosis, general electro-therapeutics, diseases, and
(Chief Physician of the Hydrotherapeutic Institute in Vienna) and conditions of the urinary tract, sexual organs, nervous system,
Dr. E. Heinrich Kisch (Professor in the University of Prague; muscles, glands, digestive system, and more.
Physician at Marienbad Spa). Hydrotherapy, Thermotherapy,
Heliotherapy, and Phototherapy, Volume IX. A System of Physiologic
Therapeutics: A Practical Exposition of the Methods, Other than 1878
Drug-Giving, Useful in the Prevention of Disease and in the Edwin D. Babbitt. The Principles of Light and Color (New York:
treatment of the Sick. Babbitt & Co., 1878).
S.H. Monell, M.D. X-Ray Methods and Medical Uses of Light, John Butler, M.D., L.R.C.P.E., L.R.C.S.I. Electro-Therapeutics
Hot-Air, Vibration and High-Frequency Currents. (New York: and Electro-Surgery (New York and Philadelphia: Boericke &
E.R. Pelton, 1902) Tafel, 1878).
William Benham Snow, M.D. (Editor). The Journal of Advanced
Therapeutics, Volume XXI (A.L. Chatterton & Co., 1902).
[Many medical professionals contributed to Snow’s journals,
which included information on all types of diseases and their Gen. A.J. Pleasonton and Others. The Influence of the Blue Ray
treatment with phototherapy, thermotherapy, hydrotherapy, of the Sunlight and of the Blue Colour of the Sky, in developing
diet, therapeutic exercise, psychotherapy, and “mechanical animal and vegetable life: in arresting disease, and in restoring
vibration therapy.” Volume XXI was published in 1902 and health in acute and chronic disorders to human and domestic
Volume XXXI (also available online) was published in 1913, animals (Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1877).
one volume per year. Therefore, we can guess that the first
volume of Journal of Advanced Therapeutics was probably Herbert Tibbits, M.D., F.R.C.P.E. How To Use a Galvanic
published in 1882.] Battery in Medicine and Surgery, 2nd Ed.

Elizabeth J. French. A New Path in Electrical Therapeutics
(Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1886).
[Also appearing on title page: Electrical Therapeutics:
An Account of the Author’s Great Discovery of Electrical
Cranial Diagnosis, and the Scientific Application of Different
Currents of Electricity to the Cure of Disease. A Brief Treatise
on Anatomy and Physiology. An Historical Account of the
Discoveries in Magnetism and Electricity, the Progress of
Medical Science, and Brief Sketches of the Lives of Eminent
Practitioners, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Century;
Also a Thorough System of Hygiene; to which are Added Plain
Directions for the Treatment of Disease by the Author’s System
of Electrical Applications.]
970 The Rife Handbook


Appendix D
selected published studies in electromedicine

1 A. Barbault, F.P. Costa, B. Bottger, R.F. Munden, F.

Bomholt, N. Kuster, and B. Pasche, “Amplitude-modulated
electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer: Discovery of
tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel therapeutic
approach.” Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research,
April 14, 2009; 28:51. Abstract at
pubmed/19366446 (November 3, 2010).
2 Pierre Le Chapellier and Badri Matta, “Is Victory over
Pancreatic Cancer Possible, with the Help of Tuned Non-Invasive
Physiotherapy? A Case Study Says Yes.” Journal of Cancer Therapy
2014, Volume 5, Number 5, 460.

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