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11-Unit 9

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Fit and healthy

with your friends and

someone suggests a
game. What do you do?

A You join in and run the

Starting off furthest and fastest -
O Answer questions 1-8 in the quiz. you don't like to lose.
B After a minute or two
you sit on the grass

How fit and active are you? again for a well-

deserved rest.
C You say 'No way!' You
T a k e t h i s s h o r t a n d s i m p l e t e s t to find o u t . . . really dislike running
1 How imuch exercise do you think you should
every' d a y ?

A Some, but I don't know how much I should do. You're bored
B At least 30 minutes a day - more if I have time. a n d n e e d to find
C A s little a s possible. something to do.
What's your first

A G o for a ride on
your bike, or go out
for a walk.
B C h a t ó n the
computer with your
C Text your friends to
suggest meeting up in a café

6 You'rre on the ground floor of a building and you

2 What's your perfect
haveí to go to the 5th floor. What do you d o ?
way to s p e n d a free
afternoon? A walk up the stairs
B run up the stairs
A shopping with
C wait for the lift
B watchingTV
C rollerblading, playing
football, or doing
another sport A l'm exhausted.
B l'm fit s o I feel fine.
3 How many times a week do you actually e x e r c i s e ? C I a m a bit out of breath

1 You c a n include things like dancing, or tidying your

A never
8 Which would you d e s c r i b e yourself a s ?

A slow and tired all the time

B 3-4 times B fine, but l'd love to have a bit more energy
C most days C full of energy all the time

88) Unit 9
0 Look at your score on page 211. Do you think you Vocabulary
should make any changes to the way you live? lllnesses and accidents
O Listen to this extract from Listening Part 4
and answer the questions.
Listening Part 4 'coughs and colds and sore throats: perhaps a headache
O í^h You are going to hear two young people ora stomach ache'
talking about health. Read the first part of their • How do you say the underlined words?
conversation, then listen and fill in the missing • What do they mean?
words which show agreement or disagreement.
© In pairs or groups, put these words under the
three headings.
Kelly: They keep saying on TV things like
'today's teenagers are unfit and aspirin bandage bruise cut disease earache
unhealthy', and I just don't believe it. flu fracture high temperature injection injury
Jason: (1) There's all this stuff medicine operation pill plaster plastercast
about us not getting enough exercise sprain tablet wound X-ray
because we're watching TV or playing
computer games all the time, when in
accidents illnesses treatments
fact, nowadays everyone is mad about
Kelly: Well, (2) , but certainly
a lot of young people are doing active
things. Perhaps more than older
generations did.

© In pairs or groups, think of other expressions that

show we agree or disagree with somebody. Which
are polite, and which show strong disagreement? © In pairs, write ten short sentences with words
© (fy Look at sentences 1-6, then listen to the rest from the table, using the points below to help you.
of Kelly and Jason's conversation. Decide if each Remember that we normally use my, your, their,
sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put etc. with parts of the body.
a tick (/) in the box under A for YES. If it is not • We form verbs from the 'accident' nouns (e.g. She
correct, put a tick (/) in the box under B for NO. injured her leg; l've cut my thumb).
• We use have or have got w i t h the 'illnesses' (e.g.
A B He's got flu; She's got a high temperature).
YES NO • We use have, take or put on w i t h the 'treatments'
(e.g. Yve had an operation; Joe took a pill for his

Kelly thinks that people's diets now
are less healthy than in the past.
Jason and Kelly share the same
• • headache; A nurse put a bandage on my arm).

© Tell your partner about any illnesses or injuries

opinión about people not sleeping
• •
you have had (for instance when doing sports),
enough. then say what treatment you had, using

• •
3 Kelly believes that cycling to school is expressions from Exercise 3 and the words in
becoming more popular. the table.
4 Kelly says that air pollution in the
.ctties jsjgetting worse.
n n
5 Jason says that Kelly is often i l l .
• •
6 In the end, Jason and Kelly agree
about young people's health. • •

Fit and healthy [88

Grammar © Quickly read this text and answer the questions.
Which, that, who, whose, when and where clauses 1 What is the problem?
(defining and non-defining] 2 What solution does the speaker recommend?
Q page 139 Grammar reference: Which, that, who, whose,
when, where clauses (defining and non-defining] People (1) W.ko /. /Aa/
: work very hard, and
individuáis (2) lives are busy
O With a partner, read this text about sports in other ways, may suffer from a kind of stress
injuries and circle the correct relative pronoun in
(3) can actually damage their health.
italics for options 1-8.
One way (4) they can reduce stress
Most people (1) which /(that)do regular sport are levéis is to find a time, every day. (5)
healthier, and often feel happier, than those (2) who they can relax. They should find something
/ whose do little or no exercise. Care must be taken, (6) they enjoy doing, such as reading,
though, to avoid the injuries (3) when / which sport in a place (7) they feel comfortable
can sometimes cause. People (4) whose / that íavourite and unlikely to be disturbed.
sports are running or jumping, for instance, may
injure their ankles or knees. Training (5) where / that © Complete spaces 1-7 with relative pronouns.
involves doing the same exercise again and again can
© fil Listen to check your answers.
do serious damage, particularly to athletes in their
early teens, (6) when / which their bodies are still © Look at the text again and decide which of
developing. It is important not to do too much too relative pronouns 1-7 we could leave out.
soon. Everyone should 'warm up' before they begin -
© Correct sentences 1-6 by adding a relative
if possible in the place (7) who / where they are going pronoun, if necessary.
to exercise. It is essential, too, to follow any safety
advice (8) when / that they receive. The TV series^starts tonight is about doctors.
People swim a lot are usually quite fit.
© tfh Listen to check your answers. That road is a place accidents are common.
Lucy has recovered from the illness she had.
© Complete the rules with the correct relative The boy tooth hurt went to the dentist.
pronouns, then answer the question below. Winter is the time many people catch flu.

© Work in pairs. Make as many sentences as you

can beginning with these words.
1 Going to the dentist is something which
Defining relative clauses Jyigfr-feKS me. / l do*t l¡kt.
«e use definin relative ¿lause* to ive eeeential
9 9
2 My room is the place where ...
3 Watching sport on TV is something that ...
information about someone or
4 Sunday is the day when ...
vJe use: 5 A good friend is someone who ...
6 A lucky person is somebody whose ...
® 1M an¿ ® < or W l e

and (A) fa"

^ for time
((,) for places
^ for possession.

-5» We can leave out a relative pronoun (e.cept w M ) *

\t the pbject of the clause.
U injuries (which) sport can «mtirm cause

Which other relative pronouns in the text are the

object of the clause and could be left out?

(90) Unit9
E-ules Vocabulary
Non-aefinine relative clauses Sports
We use non-definine re\at¡ve clauses to add e>tra
O Match comments 1-3 with pictures A - C , then
information about someone or something. answer the question below.
1 'Doing gymnastics can be hard work, but I want to
be the best.'
Q, In pairs, look at this example of a non-defining 2 ' I really enjoy playing basketball - it's so fast-
relative clause and answer questions 1-6. moving.'
3 'I always look forward to going paragliding in the
Cycling to school, which is very healthy, is more and summer.'
more common.
• Would you like to do, or watch, any of these
1 What is the relative pronoun? sports? Why (not)?
2 What is the relative clause?
3 What do the commas do to the relative clause?
4 Does the sentence make sense without the relative
5 Can we leave out the relative pronoun?
6 Can we use that to begin a non-defining relative
clause, do you think?

Q) Make one sentence from 1-6, using non-defining

relative clauses.
1 My arm is better now. I hurt it last week.
My arm, which 1 At<W /asi week, is beWer now.
2 My aunt works in the hospital. She's a doctor.
My aunt, who is ...
3 The lake was very cold. I went there for a swim.
The lake, where ...
4 Ricky is my best friend. His sister is a nurse.
Ricky, whose ...
5 In 2010 the sports centre opened. I was 12 then.
In 2010, when I ...
6 Surfing is popular in my country. I really enjoy it.
Surfing, which I ...

& Defining and non-defining relative clauses can

be difficult for Spanish-speaking students. Correct
one mistake in each of sentences 1-10 written by P E T
candidates. (Sometimes the mistake is with punctuation.)
1 Her farm has a swimming pool that we can swim.
Or Hev jar*
x Aas a swintming pool ikai we can
svüim ¡n.
2 I am visiting my mother who is i l l .
3 He has a son, that is about my age.
4 The last book that I read it was 'The Lord of the Rings'.
5 Tve met a guy, who's ñame is Daniel.
6 l'm in Brazil, that is a beautiful country.
7 That is all what I can tell you.
8 There are many places are very beautiful.
9 1*11 tell everyone whose I know.
10 I have to go to the airport which it is quite far from
the city.
Fit and healthy (9^
• Ü 81
0 Look at comments 1-3 again. Which verb - do, © In pairs, look for patterns for which kinds of
go or play - do we use with each sport? Write the sports often go with which verbs.
sports in the table.
© & Spanish-speaking P E T candidates often find it
difficult to put the right verb and the right sport
do go play
together. Correct the mistakes in sentences 1-6.

1 I practise horse riding twice a week.
2 You can make a lot of sports and activities.
3 In winter you can make snowboarding.
4 We have done table tennis.
5 At first, we made aerobics.
6 We played windsurñng.

© Add these sports to the table. © With a partner, note down as many sports as you
can that are played in these places.
athletics baseball boxing climbing cycling
football golf ice hockey jogging running court gym pitch ring stadium track
skiing squash surfing swimming tennis volleyball

© Look at the words in the box and decide if they are clothes or equipment.
Then think about which sports they are used in and complete the mind map as for racket.

bat board boots gloves helmet net Faeket trainers

so«ask iab/e iewis boLclrtinien

Vi "

0 Complete expressions 1-3 by matching the verbs from the box with the right nouns.

beat draw lose score win

1 ¿>ea{ a player or team

2 a goal
3 , or a match or game

92) Unit9
Reading Part 5 © Read the text again and choose the correct word,
A, B, C or D, for each space.

Choose your sport

Everyone knows that exercise is good (0) 3.
the body and the mind. We all want t o (1)
fit and look good, but too many of us take
(2) the wrong sport and quickly lose
interest. So now fitness experts are advising
people to choose an activity (3) matches
their character.
For instance, those (U) like to be with
other people often enjoy golf or squash, or
playing for a basketball, football or hockey
(5) If, though, you're happier on your
own, you may prefer to (6) jogging or
Do you like competition? Then try something
like running, or a (7) sport such as tennis.
If, on the other hand, (8) isn't important
to you, then activities like dancing can be an
enjoyable (9) without the need to show
you're better than everyone else.
Finally, think about whether you find it easy
to make yourself do exercise. If so, sports like
weight training at home and cycling are fine. If
not, book a skiing holiday, Taekwondo lessons,
O Which of these words would you use to describe or a tennis (10) You're much more likely
the sports in the pictures? to do something you've already paid for!

competitive individual non-competitive team

Q Work in pairs. Discuss which kinds of sports you

prefer to take part in and why.
0 A lo B © C with I) by
1 A keep B have c last I) hold
© Read the text Choose your sport. T r y to fill in gaps 2 A in B down c out I) up
1-10 without looking at any of options A, B, C or 3 A when B that c how D where
D. Use these clues to help you. 4 A which B who c whose D what
1 Which verb often goes w i t h the adjective fifí 5 A team B group c band D crew
2 Which phrasal verb means start doing a sport or
6 A play B do c make D go
3 Which relative pronoun can we use with things? 7 A bat B board c stick D racket
4 Which relative pronoun can we use w i t h people? 8 A beating B gaining c winning D knocking
5 Which noun do we use for a number of people who 9 A defeat B challenge c victory D score
play a sport?
6 Which verb goes w i t h jogging and swimming? 10 A track B ring c court D gym
7 What does a tennis player use to hit the ball?
8 Which verb means doing better than all the othersl
9 Which noun means something that tests your
ability .

10 Where do people play tennis?

Fit and healthy (93

Speaking Part 2 © @\n to Claudia and David talking about
which sport they would like to do during the
O Listen and complete these expressions that
holidays. Decide if statements 1-4 are true (T)
show agreement or disagreement. or false (F).
1 You may be K/$M. , but...
1 Claudia explains why she doesn't like David's
2 l'm not really about that.
3 Yes, I agree w i t h you.
2 David explains well why he likes football.
4 I don't think because ...
3 David explains well why he thinks swimming is a
5 That's not the I see it.
good idea.
6 I don't agree at
4 Claudia sounds more polite than David.
7 That's
8 I think so © Choose the correct option in italics to complete
the advice.
@ Which of expressions 1-8 do we use to do the
following? Write the numbers in the boxes. 1 If you say why you disagree, you sound more /
less polite.
a agree? [J] •
2 If you use words like ' w o u l d ' and 'could', you
b disagree strongly? sound more / less polite.
c disagree politely? 3 Commenting on your partner's ideas shows that
^ you are / aren't interested.
© Listen again. Underline the stressed word(s)
in each expression from Exercise 1.
Speaking tip
y o* be rigki, boíl...
Notice how you can sound more polite when you
© Listen again and repeat, stressing the same disagree with someone by commenting on your
words as in the recording. partner's ideas and saying why you disagree. The
expressions you use to disagree with someone and
© In these final parts of conversations, the speakers
your tone of voice also affect how polite you sound.
make a decisión. Complete the sentences with
words from the box.
© Look at an extract from Claudia and David's
agreed both glad idea
conversation. Use phrases a-h below to make it
so then thing what
more polite.

A: Yes, that's a good (1) mm Let's do a l'm not sure about that.
that, (2) b more relaxing
B: Right, we're (3) That's c could be
(4) we'll do. d would be really tiring if it's hot
A: OK, we (5) like the idea. e I love playing team sports and you can
(6) shall we do that? make friends and have fun together [7]
B: Yes, that's the best (7) to do. l'm
f you have to r u n around a lot and jump, too
(8) we agree.
g you can stop and have a rest when you want
© ¿53} Listen to the recording to check your answers. h I can't swim very well so it's not relaxing
for me
© (z^ Listen again and underline the words which
are stressed. David: What I'd most like to do is play football
because (1)
Exam advice Claudia: (2) Football (3) I think we
should do something (4)
It is important in Speaking Part 2 that you talk fully David: OK then, perhaps we should try
about all the options, before reaching agreement with basketball.
your partner on what decisión to make. Claudia: Well, actually, l'm not really sure about
that because, w i t h basketball, (5)

94) Unit 9
David: A l l right, why don't we go swimming? © Do this Speaking Part 2 task with a partner. Read
That could be the best way to relax. the instructions, then think about these things:
Claudia: l'm sorry. I don't agree at all because • which kind of sport would suit your personality
(6) Tennis (7) better • which you would enjoy most
because (8) • which would be best for your fitness and health

© Work in pairs. Take turns to agree and disagree Talk together for at least two minutes.
with statements 1-6. Remember to be polite.
1 Skiing would be the best thing to do this weekend. Your f r i e n d a n d you would like to start doing
2 We should have a picnic on Saturday! a sport, but you are not sure which to choose.
3 Let's study in the library.
Talk together about the different sports you
4 If it rains, we should go for a walk.
c o u l d do a n d decide w h i c h you are going to
5 We could walk up the stairs instead of taking
take up.
the lift.
6 Team sports are more fun than individual sports. Here is a picture with some ideas to help you.

Spelling and sounds

® Write words a - e in the column with the correct
sound for letters y or ;'.
a hobby b try c myth d June e you

1 l\l 2/i/ 3 /ai/ 4/j/ 5 /d /5

1 11 11 1i i1 1

@h Listen to check your answers. Listen again

and practise saying the words correctly.

Pronunciation tip
In English, notice how the lettery can represent four
different sounds: /ai/ and When a word Writing Part 3
starts with y, the sound it represents is / j / [you).
O In Writing Part 3 you have to write a story or
The sound represented by the letter/ is always /á^/.
a letter. Look at these instructions and answer
— questions 1-4.
© Work in pairs. Complete the words with y or
Then write them in the table in Exercise 12. • Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
1 c _ cling 4 ph _ sics 7 _ oung 10 bod _ • Your story must have the following title:
2 funn _ 5 esterday 8 _ ob 11 ear The most frightening experience of my Ufe
3 _ azz 6 injur _ 9 sk _ 12 fl _
© |23^ Now listen to check your answers. Practise 1 Do you have to write a letter, or a story?
saying the words correctly. 2 Do the instructions give you a title, or the first
3 Should you write in the first person [í] or the third
person (he/she/it)l
4 Which are the key words?

Fit and healthy (95

U a s t monfh l w & n t snowboafístin^ \n CwnÁn wi+Vi my
j\\or\c\ who is a chtAm¿>')Or\\owbo0\fc\vr. I was f^cclin^
>WVOIA-S vMw wo rtrtchtA fnt/fof' i t \\<*c\
to SKIOW h-c^ivily wc\ ooud¿\r\'f soo mv^ch.

U i c c y s c t o f f f V s t bi/ct b y tn-e/tmc/ I fbüowed sh-e/ ha^

^ i s a ^ e ^ - e d . I worrt* Áowr\w wc\' MC\ TVIORAW"
l saw h-e/r AO o f f t o " t t a rfoni; so I ttcr/ved rf^rrfc "too. p>nt
soon I o^mt/fo somc c\\ffí <wc\l "to s t y . I was "hwrYffiw.
Had s t a <^ora o v w th-e> -cAyo?

I w a i t e d MÁ á\oufcAj MÁ £\¿AÁtA\j Uiu^y was fhvro.

\'c\ vffonfr way b i d * shc/¿l ke>aird caüintfj m<Á
cvt/trfuaüy sh-e/d Toioad m&. I fc-H' s a f e a t l a s t

Q The story on this page has three paragraphs. Read © We often use the past perfect to form longer
it and decide which paragraph: sentences in stories. Join the sentences using the

describes the main events • words given and the past perfect.

sets the scene for the action • 1 I sprained my ankle. I didn't go for fitness training.

states the writer's feelings afterwards • I didn't go to fitness training because l'd spyainecl

tells us about the final event

explains what really happened
• 2
my ank/e.

I walked all the way home. I felt tired.

1 felt tired because ...

introduces the story, saying who did what,
3 The match started. I arrived at the stadium.
where and when
By the time I ...
4 I left my trainers at home. I couldn't run in the
Past perfect race.
Q page 140 Grammar reference: Past perfect As I ...
5 1 decided to get fit. I took up squash.
© We use the past perfect when we are already After I ...
talking about the past and we want to say
something happened earlier. In pairs, look at this © With a partner, look at these instructions
example from the text. Then do questions 1-3. for Writing Part 3. Ask and answer the four
questions in Exercise 1.
/ was feeling neruous when we reached the top because
it had started to snow heavily. • Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

1 Find five more examples of the past perfect in the • Your story must begin with this sentence:
text. / felt nervous when the game began.
2 What is the question form of the past perfect?
3 What is the short form of the past perfect?

Exam advice
Try to use a range of past tenses to tell your story,
including the past simple, the past perfect and the
past continuous.

© Write your story in about 100 words. Use three

or four paragraphs and include similar points to
those in a-f in Exercise 2.

96) Unit9
Unit 9 Vocabulary and grammar review
Grammar Vocabulary
O Match these beginnings (1-6) and endings (a-f), O Circle the correct option in italics in each of these
then add relative pronouns from the box to form sentences.
complete sentences.
1 Skiers have to wear good(güwes)/ boots / trainers
that when when where who whose to keep their hands warm.
2 Last week I was coughing and I had a really hurt /
Sotmday is ike day wken / relax ai kome. sore I injured throat.
3 In last night's football match, Brazil won / beat /
1 Sunday is the day a cut his hand. drew the United States 6-0.
All the races
Winter is the time
\ tennis is played.
I relax at home.
4 I'd cut my arm quite badly, so the medicine /
nurse / patient at the hospital put a bandage on it.
4 James is the boy d took place were exciting. 5 Nowadays, many people take / have / have got an
5 A court is a place e husband is very í 11. £ injection to stop them catching flu.
6 That's the woman f people catch flu. 6 I was practising hitting the ball w i t h a baseball
racket / bat / board.
© Put the words in the correct order, starting with 7 Lydia is good at jogging / gymnastics / athletics,
the word that has a capital letter. Add commas to particularly the long jump and 100 metres.
form non-defining relative clauses. 8 If I have a headache, I usually take a medicine /
pill I treatment with a glass of water.
1 a swimming champion / is / Zara / only 14 / 9 After I fell off my bike, I had a big black bruise /
is / who Zara, wko is only ¡4, is a swimming flu I disease on my leg.
ckampion. 10 The two boxers waiked into the ring / pitch /
2 we play tennis / the weather / good / In summer / court, both hoping to become World Champion.
when / is
3 won / the best player of all / was / whose / Stevie /
4 we Uve / a lot of pollution / is / where / In the city
centre / there
5 better now / who / My brother / an accident / is
feeling / had
6 a team sport / on a court / which / is / Volleyball /
is played

© Complete the text using the past simple or the past perfect of the verbs in brackets.

My first tennis match home, but as soon as he arrived we (11)

(start) the match. I quickly (12) (realise)
At ten o'dock last Saturday morning, I (1) vas (be)
that in the past I (13) (play) against
ready to play my first real match at the tennis club. I
stronger players than him, and I (14) (be)
(2) (practise) all the previous week and
sure that I could win.
I really (3) (feel) good, especially as I
(4) (bring) my lucky trainers. Suddenly, though, I (15) (slip)
on the wet grass and (16) (fall).
When I (5) (put) them on, I waiked onto
I (17) (know) immediately that I
the court. I noticed that the grass (6) (be)
(18) (twist) my ankle quite badly, so that
very wet, as it (7) (rain) a lot the night
was the end of the game. I (19) (go) to
before, but that (8) (not seem) important.
hospital for an X-ray, and fortunately I (20)
Jack, the other player, (9) (be) a little (not broke) it. But after that I never (21)
late because he (10) (leave) his racket at (wear) my 'lucky' trainers again!

Unit 9 (97]

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