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Numerical Study of Laterally Loaded Batter Pile Groups with the

Application of Anisotropic Modified Cam-Clay Model
Yida Zhang
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College

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Recommended Citation
Zhang, Yida, "Numerical Study of Laterally Loaded Batter Pile Groups with the Application of Anisotropic
Modified Cam-Clay Model" (2012). LSU Master's Theses. 3496.

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A Thesis

Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the

Louisiana State University and
Agricultural and Mechanical College
in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Civil Engineering


The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Yida Zhang
B.S., Zhejiang University, 2010
December 2012
To my wife Yuxi, for her unwavering love and trust.


My deepest appreciation goes to my advisor Dr. Murad Abu-Farsakh for his invaluable

guidance, inspiration and suggestions through this entire study. Dr. Murad’s broad knowledge on

foundations, soil mechanics and numerical methods has influenced me very much, which directly

lead to the accomplishment of this practical-motivated, theoretical-based and numerical-realized

research. I am especially grateful for his endless tolerance and kindness in every situation

occurred during this study. I will not achieve so many things without his trust on me.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my co-advisor Dr. George Voyiadjis for

guiding me exploring the kingdom of material mechanics. His profound insight on the subject

and rigorous attitude towards academics will have lasting influence in my future voyage in the

ocean of knowledge. I also appreciate Dr. Guoping Zhang for agreeing to serve on my thesis

committee and for his advices. I would like to thank Dr. Xinbao Yu for his help in performing

FB-MultiPier analysis of this research. I also thank Mr. Danial Faghihi for his discussions of the

soil constitutive modeling.

I would like to extend my gratitude to many friends and colleagues in LTRC and LSU. I

appreciate Dr. Qiming Chen, Dr. Xiaochao Tang, Hao Ying and Xiaoling Tan for their help on

my living and studying. I would also like to thank Sanjay Dhakal, Imran Akond and Md. Nafiul

Haque for sharing the office in the past two years and helping me with the thesis writing.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my wife and my parents for their unstinting support

and encouragement throughout this research.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................................... III

LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... VI

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ IX

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... X

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Pile Foundations................................................................................................................ 1

1.1.1 Laterally Loaded Single Pile .................................................................................. 2
1.1.2 Laterally Loaded Pile Groups ................................................................................ 2
1.1.3 Batter Piles ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Motivation, Objectives and Scope of the Work ................................................................ 7
1.3 Structure of the Thesis ...................................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................... 10

2.1 The Full-Scale Lateral Load Test ................................................................................... 10

2.1.1 Summary of Past Full Scale Tests on Laterally Loaded Piles ............................. 10
2.1.2 The Full-Scale Lateral Load Test at the New I-10 Twin Span Bridge ................ 11
2.2 Research Methods on Laterally Loaded Piles ................................................................. 17
2.2.1 P-y Method........................................................................................................... 18
2.2.2 Elastic Analytical Approaches ............................................................................. 23
2.2.3 Finite Element Method Approaches .................................................................... 26

CHAPTER 3 SOIL CONSTITUTIVE MODELING ................................................................... 34

3.1 A Brief Review on Soil Mechanics ................................................................................ 34

3.1.1 Effective Stress and Consolidation Theories ....................................................... 34
3.1.2 Critical State Soil Mechanics ............................................................................... 36
3.2 Anisotropic Modified Cam-Clay Model ......................................................................... 39
3.2.1 Clay Anisotropy ................................................................................................... 39
3.2.2 Formulation of AMCCM ..................................................................................... 40
3.3 Implementation of AMCCM........................................................................................... 42
3.3.1 The Structure of Nonlinear Finite Element Method ............................................ 42
3.3.2 Integration of Elastoplastic Equations ................................................................. 44
3.3.3 Sub-Stepping Algorithm for AMCCM ................................................................ 46
3.4 Numerical Testing ........................................................................................................... 52
3.4.1 Comparison with ABAQUS Inbuilt MCCM ....................................................... 52
3.4.2 Simulating Anisotropic Behavior ........................................................................ 56
CHAPTER 4 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 60

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 60

4.2 The Finite Element Models ............................................................................................. 61
4.3 Constitutive Models of Materials and Their Parameters ................................................ 66
4.3.1 Sands .................................................................................................................... 67
4.3.2 Clays .................................................................................................................... 69
4.3.3 Concretes.............................................................................................................. 75
4.4 Coupled Pore Fluid Diffusion and Stress Analysis in ABAQUS ................................... 75
4.5 FB-MultiPier Analysis .................................................................................................... 78

CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................. 81

5.1 Nomenclatures ................................................................................................................ 81

5.2 Coupled Pore Fluid Diffusion and Stress Analysis on Single Pile Model ...................... 81
5.3 Lateral Deformation ........................................................................................................ 85
5.4 Contours of Stress\Strain Distribution ............................................................................ 93
5.4.1 Mean Effective Stress & Volumetric Strain ........................................................ 93
5.4.2 Deviatoric Stress &Deviatoric Strain................................................................... 96
5.5 Bending Moment .......................................................................................................... 100
5.6 Distribution of Lateral Load ......................................................................................... 105
5.7 Evolution and Distribution of Axial Load .................................................................... 108
5.8 Soil Resistance Profiles................................................................................................. 112
5.9 P-y Curves ..................................................................................................................... 117
5.10 P-Multipliers Obtained from FE Analyses ................................................................. 122

CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................... 126

6.1 Summary ....................................................................................................................... 126

6.2 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 128
6.3 Recommendations for Future Works ............................................................................ 133

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 135


VITA ........................................................................................................................................... 149

Figure 1. 1: Lateral response of soil................................................................................................ 3
Figure 1. 2: Shadow and edge effects on a laterally loaded pile group (Walsh, 2005). ................. 4
Figure 1. 3: The concept of p-multiplier (Rollins et al. 1998). ....................................................... 4
Figure 1. 4: Type of batter piles (after Prakash and Subramanyam, 1965) .................................... 6
Figure 1. 5: Sketch illustrating probable distribution of soil reactions during a pull-over test of
3-pile model Dolphin (Tschebotarioff, 1953) ......................................................................... 7
Figure 2. 1: M19 east and west bound piers ................................................................................. 13
Figure 2. 2: Summary of in-situ exploration and testing of site M19 pier.................................... 14
Figure 2. 3: Layout of instrumented piles ..................................................................................... 15
Figure 2. 4: a) Eastbound pier with steel strands anchored at the dead end side; b) Jacking system at
the live-end of westbound pier. ............................................................................................. 16
Figure 2. 5: Schematic diagram of lateral load test setup ............................................................. 17
Figure 2. 6: Model of laterally loaded pile (Reese, 1997) ............................................................ 19
Figure 2. 7: Element for beam-column (Hetenyi, 1946) ............................................................... 19
Figure 2. 8: Characteristics shape of p-y curves for (a) soft clay (Matlock, 1970); (b) stiff clay
(Reese, 1975); (c) sand (Reese et al., 1974) ......................................................................... 22
Figure 2. 9: Effect of pile-soil separation and soil plasticity on lateral head load-deflection
behavior of single pile (Trochanis et al., 1991) .................................................................... 27
Figure 2. 10: Effects of pile-soil separation and soil plasticity on horizontal soil surface
displacements away from pile loaded laterally (Trochanis et al., 1991) .............................. 28
Figure 2. 11: P-y curves obtained from different methods (Brown and Shie, 1990) .................... 29
Figure 2. 12: The plastic zones by different soils (Yang and Jeremic, 2002) ............................... 30
Figure 3. 1: Illustration of the principle of effective stress (Lambe & Whitman, 1979) .............. 34

Figure 3. 2: a) Normal compression line and unloading-reloading line in plane; b)

Elliptical yield surface for Modified Cam Clay model in p’-q plane. .................................. 37
Figure 3. 3: Schematic illustration of the anisotropic yield surface in the triaxial p-q space
(Dafalias, 1987)..................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3. 4: Materially nonlinear finite element method solution strategy (Hashash and Whittle,
1992) ..................................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 3. 5: Stress paths predicted by the UMAT-MCC and ABA-MCCM ................................ 53
Figure 3. 6: Stress-strain curves predicted by the UMAT-MCC and ABA-MCC........................ 54
Figure 3. 7: Volumetric behavior predicted by UMAT-MCC and ABA-MCCM ........................ 56
Figure 3. 8: Stress paths with different anisotropic parameters under CV tests ........................... 58
Figure 3. 9: Stress-strain curves with different anisotropic parameters under CV tests ............... 59
Figure 4. 1: Finite element models ............................................................................................... 65
Figure 4. 2: Pile layout .................................................................................................................. 65
Figure 4. 3: Soil classification for FE analysis ............................................................................. 66
Figure 4. 4: Yield surface of Drucker-Prager model on meridional plane ................................... 68

Figure 4. 5: Relationships between , OCR and based on correlations for Drammen

clay (Andresen et al., 1979) .................................................................................................. 70

Figure 4. 6: Chart for estimating (EM 1110-1-1904) ............................................................ 72

Figure 4. 7: as function of sleeve friction and overconsolidation ratio (Masood and Mitchell,
1993) ..................................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 4. 8: FB-MultiPier model for M19 pier ............................................................................. 79
Figure 5. 1: Comparison between partially and the fully drained analysis ................................... 83
Figure 5. 2: Excessive pore water pressure and total geostatic pressure along the path............... 84
Figure 5. 3: Excessive pore water pressure dissipation curves of soil at various depths .............. 84
Figure 5. 4: At a lateral load of 1870kips, the a) contours of lateral displacement of the whole
model and b) displacement vectors of the pile nodes on the deformed pile group. .............. 86
Figure 5. 5: Contour of the void ratio at first clay later after 1870kips lateral load ..................... 87
Figure 5. 6: Lateral deflection under different lateral load ........................................................... 88
Figure 5. 7: Lateral deflection profiles from field test, FEM and FB-MultiPier .......................... 90
Figure 5. 8: Lateral deflection profiles of piles in different location ............................................ 91
Figure 5. 9: lateral deflection profiles obtained from different FE models .................................. 92
Figure 5. 10: Contour of the mean effective stress for clays a) before and b) after lateral loading
............................................................................................................................................... 94
Figure 5. 11: Contour of volumetric strain after lateral loading ................................................... 95
Figure 5. 12: Failure surface in positive and negative batter piles (Prakash and Subramanyam,
1965) ..................................................................................................................................... 95

Figure 5. 13: Deviatoric stress of piles in different columns ........................................................ 96
Figure 5. 14: Contour of a) deviatoric stress and b) deviatoric strain of the first three soil layers97
Figure 5. 15: Deviatoric stress distribution at the second layer .................................................... 98
Figure 5. 16: Deviatoric stress distribution of various FE models ............................................... 99
Figure 5. 17: Bending moment profiles under different lateral loads from FE analysis ............ 101
Figure 5. 18: Bending moment profiles from the strain gauges, FEM and FB-MultiPier analyses
............................................................................................................................................. 102
Figure 5. 19: Bending moment profiles of piles in different location ........................................ 104
Figure 5. 20: Bending moment profiles from various FE models .............................................. 104
Figure 5. 21: lateral load distribution pattern evaluated at pile head for various FE models ..... 106
Figure 5. 22: Increment of axial load from strain gauges and FEM ........................................... 109
Figure 5. 23: Axial load distribution pattern for piles in different rows from various FE models
............................................................................................................................................. 111
Figure 5. 24: The trapezoidal zone under batter pile group foundation...................................... 111
Figure 5. 25: Soil resistance profiles at different lateral loads from FEM ................................. 113
Figure 5. 26: Soil resistance profiles for different piles from FEM and FB-MultiPier analysis 114
Figure 5. 27: Soil resistance profiles from various FE models ................................................... 116
Figure 5. 28: Soil resistance profiles under different lateral loads from single pile and vertical pile
group model ........................................................................................................................ 117
Figure 5. 29: P-y curves from FEM and FB-MultiPier analysis ................................................. 119
Figure 5. 30: P-y curves from different FE models .................................................................... 121
Figure 5. 31: Load-deflection curves for single pile and normal spacing GB ............................ 123

Table 1. 1: Some reported p-multipliers ......................................................................................... 5
Table 2. 1: Designed loading time table ....................................................................................... 17
Table 2. 2: The FE models on laterally loaded piles in literatures ............................................... 32
Table 3. 1: Initial values and material parameters for numerical tests ......................................... 52
Table 4. 1: Summary of all the FE models ................................................................................... 64
Table 4. 2: Soil properties determined from in-situ and UU tests ................................................ 67
Table 4. 3: Typical void ratio for some soils (Das, 1990) ............................................................ 71
Table 4. 4: Parameters for AMCCM and DP model ..................................................................... 74
Table 4. 5: Typical permeability k for various soils (Das, 1990) ................................................. 77
Table 4. 6: Summary of input parameter of p-y curves used in FB-Multipier ............................. 78
Table 4. 7: Input parameters for FB-MultiPier analysis ............................................................... 80
Table 5. 1: Total axial load developed at middle column in different FE models at 1870kips lateral
load...................................................................................................................................... 112
Table 5. 2: P-multipliers obtained from FE analysis .................................................................. 124
Table 5. 3: Variation of p-multipliers at different depth for normal spacing GB model ............ 125


This study presents a series of numerical studies of laterally loaded batter pile groups based

on data of the full-scale lateral load test on M19 eastbound pier foundation of the new I-10 Twin

Span Bridge, Louisiana. The numerical studies include several continuum-based 3D finite

element analyses on batter/vertical pile/pile groups and a FB-MultiPier analysis of the pile

foundation. The Anisotropic Modified Cam Clay Model, has been implemented into UMAT and

applied for describing clay behavior in all FE models. The explicit substepping scheme with

modified Euler algorithm is selected to implement the model in ABAQUS software. The

resultant UMAT shows good accuracy compared to the ABAQUS in-built Modified Cam Clay

model. Also it exhibits wonderful computational stability and efficiency in the pile group

analyses, which greatly accelerated the whole research processes. The results of FE analyses

were compared with the measured field data from lateral load test and those predicted by

FB-MultiPier. All of them showing good agreement on lateral deformation profiles and bending

moment profiles. The comparison of the lateral deflection, bending moment, soil resistance and

lateral/ vertical load distributions between different spacing batter/ vertical pile groups and single

isolated pile illustrate that small spacing and the vertical piles will produce intensified group

effect. The concept of “trapezoidal zone” is firstly proposed to explain the axial load distribution

pattern of batter pile group foundation. An additional coupled pore fluid diffusion and stress

analysis on a single pile model demonstrated that the resultant excessive pore pressure caused by

lateral loads has limited influence on the result of FE analyses.



1.1 Pile Foundations

Piles are slender structural members that are often made of steel, concrete, timber, polymers

or composite materials. They can be used in single or group to construct pile foundations. Several

conditions that require the use of pile foundations include: 1) the upper soil layers are highly

compressible and the use of shallow foundations cannot support the upper structure; 2) the

structure are subjected to horizontal forces and 3) the presence of large amount of expansive and

collapsible soils. Typically pile foundations can provide much higher vertical and lateral bearing

capacities than shallow foundations, since they are able to transmit the vertical load to deeper

stronger soil layers (or bedrock) as well as providing bending and lateral resistance to a horizontal


Pile foundations are primarily designed for vertical support of structures, while specific

consideration should be taken on their lateral response for supporting high buildings, bridges and

offshore structures due to wind loads, frequent wave loads, possible huge lateral impact and

earthquake loadings. According to Rao et al. (1998), lateral loads are usually in the order of 10-15%

of the vertical loads in case of onshore structures and 25-30% in case of costal and offshore

structures. The lateral load capacity and maximum lateral deflection of the pile foundation are the

two most concerned aspects for engineers. It is believed that the later one is the major criterion on

the design.

1.1.1 Laterally Loaded Single Pile

The resistance of a pile to a horizontal displacement is provided by its surrounding soils via

two components: 1) the side resistance from friction and adhesion due to relative movement

between soil and pile and 2) the normal stresses due to the difference between the soil passive

pressure in front of the pile and the soil active pressure behind the soil (Figure 1.1a). The soil

resistance to a certain portion of a pile is related with the lateral displacement of that portion, and

their relations are always presented in the so-called p-y curves (Figure 1.1b).

The p-y curves are influenced by many factors such as soil types, soil properties, soil

saturation and drained conditions, pile geometries and pile group interactions. Various p-y curves

for sand and clay are discussed in Chapter 2.

1.1.2 Laterally Loaded Pile Groups

The p-y curves for group pile foundation can be different from those obtained in single pile

tests due to the group interaction effect. In pile groups, each pile pushes against the soil behind it

creating a shear zone which can be enlarged and overlapped with each other as the lateral load

increases (Figure 1.2). Such overlapping will be amplified with the decreased pile spacing. The

overlapping between two piles in the same row is called “edge effects” and the one between piles

in different rows is known as “shadowing effects.” These group interaction effects result in

reduced lateral resistance and thus produce larger bending moment and lateral displacement than
the single isolated pile for the same given average load per pile. To quantify the reduction of later

resistance in group pile foundation, Brown et al. (1987) introduced a reduction factor or

“P-multiplier ( )” concept to deduct the value of p in the single pile p-y curves (Figure 1.3).

(a) Composition of total soil resistance

(b) Typical p-y curve

Figure 1. 1: Lateral response of soil

The lateral resistance of the piles within the group is a function of row location. It has been

proved in many literatures that the lead row piles carried more load than the trailing row piles.

Many researchers found that the last row carries the least load. However, some other researchers

(Rollins et al., 1998; Zhang et al., 1999; Rollins et al., 2003b) reported that the last row carries a

slightly higher load than the preceding row.

Figure 1. 2: Shadow and edge effects on a laterally loaded pile group (Walsh, 2005).

Figure 1. 3: The concept of p-multiplier (Rollins et al. 1998).

Spacing also affects the lateral resistance of the pile groups. Rollins et al. (2003b) reported

that the group spaced at 5.6D (D is the diameter of the pile) showed very little reduction on lateral

resistance. However, lateral resistance consistently decreases with closer spacing. The

p-multipliers from past experiments by several researchers are summarized in Table 1.1.

Table 1. 1: Some reported p-multipliers

st nd
Researchers Soil Type Row Spacing 1 2 3rd 4th 5th
row row row row row
3D (30 mm
0.7 0.6 0.5
Stiff clay
Brown et al. (1987) 3D (50 mm
0.7 0.5 0.4
Medium dense
3D 0.8 0.4 0.3
sand over clay
Ruesta and Sand over
3D 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.3
Townsend (1997) cemented sand
Rollins et al. (1998) Silts and soft clays 2.82D 0.6 0.38 0.43
5.65D (50 mm
0.98 0.95 0.88
Rollins et al. deflection)
Silts and soft clays
(2003a) 5.65D (99 mm
0.90 0.80 0.63
3D 0.82 0.61 0.45
Rollins et al. Medium stiff clays 3.3D 0.82 0.61 0.45 0.45 0.46
(2003b) with sand 4.4D 0.90 0.80 0.69 0.73
5.6D 5.6 0.94 0.88 0.77
* D=diameter of the pile

1.1.3 Batter Piles

Batter piles or group batter pile foundations are often used in foundation design in order to

achieve a higher lateral capacity of the foundation. According to their direction of inclination,

batter piles are classified into positive batter piles which are inclined against the loading direction

and negative batter piles which are battered toward the loading direction (Figure 1.4). It is reported

(Prakash and Subramanyam, 1965; Ranjan et al., 1980) that negative batter piles show a definite

increase in lateral resistance over that of vertical piles while positive batter piles exhibit less lateral

resistance than that of vertical piles. Lu (1981) supported these observations by explaining that the

soil reaction at ground level is zero for a positive batter pile and maximum for a negative batter pile,

indicating that the upper layer soil offer much higher lateral resistance to a negative batter pile than

a positive batter pile. However, for the batter pile groups, such soil resistance distribution will also

be influenced by the pile alignment. Tschebotarioff (1953) reported that the positive batter pile in

the leading row of the group batter pile foundation took the most stress during their 1:10 scaled

lateral load tests. Possible soil reaction distribution for a batter pile group is shown in Figure 1.5.

Figure 1. 4: Type of batter piles (after Prakash and Subramanyam, 1965)

Figure 1. 5: Sketch illustrating probable distribution of soil reactions during a pull-over test of
3-pile model Dolphin (Tschebotarioff, 1953)

1.2 Motivation, Objectives and Scope of the Work

Recently, a full-scale lateral load test was performed on the batter pile group foundation of

the M19 eastbound pier of the new I-10 Twin Span Bridge over Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana.

The test provides complete subsurface information and large amount of measured data on pile

deflection and moment distribution during the lateral loading, which allows one to evaluate

current design methodology for laterally loaded piles, or to carry out comprehensive analyses of

the performance of group batter piles subjected to lateral loads.

Currently, the most popular method in designing laterally loaded piles is the p-y method,

which will be discussed in Chapter 2. FB-MultiPier, a nonlinear finite element method software

based on the concept of p-y curves, has been used during the design of the new I-10 Twin Span

Bridge by LADOTD. Hence, the study of the full-scale lateral load test will provide a direct

evaluation of the FB-MultiPier program and, of course, the p-y design method itself.

The most important objective of this research is to carry out a comprehensive

three-dimensional continuum-based finite element analysis (FEA), which is considered to be the

most advanced method in analyzing pile foundations, of the whole lateral load test mentioned

earlier. Such FE analysis will provide much more details of the problem that p-y methods cannot

provide, which helps the reader to better understand the response of the soil-pile system under

lateral loads.

In order to achieve the objective, considering one FE model of the original batter pile group

geometry is not enough. The author will study the same problem with a single vertical pile model,

a vertical pile group model with the same spacing as the batter pile model, and two batter pile

group model with larger and smaller spacings. These analyses will provide complete information

of how the group effect and pile inclination will influence the lateral response of pile foundations.

Among all the factors that affect the quality and reliability of FEA, the selection of

constitutive model for soil is critical. An advanced soil model, Anisotropic Modified Cam Clay

(AMCC) Model, has been selected to describe the clay behavior in this study.

In addition, there is a section discussing the coupled pore water FE analysis. Since the test is

performed on the foundation in the lake with clay-dominating subsurface, a correct assumption of

drainage condition is very important in pertain high reliability of the FEA.

1.3 Structure of the Thesis

Chapter 2 includes a brief review of past lateral load tests on pile foundations and the

description of the recent full-scale lateral load test on M19 pier of the new I-10 Twin Span Bridge.

A detailed literature review covering current approaches with emphasis on finite element method

on analyzing laterally loaded piles will also be presented in this chapter.

Chapter 3 starts with an overview of soil plasticity, followed by introducing Anisotropic

Modified Cam Clay model. Its numerical implementation will also be discussed. Some numerical

test results of the implemented model are presented at the end.

Chapter 4 presents the details of finite element models including FE mesh and the

determination of various parameters for soil constitutive models. The coupled pore fluid diffusion

and stress analysis in ABAQUS will also be introduced. In addition, the FB-MultiPier model is

briefly described.

Chapter 5 presents the results of finite element analysis, including lateral deflection, bending

moment, soil resistance, lateral and axial load distribution and back calculated p-y curves.

Chapter 6 presents summaries, conclusions and recommendations.



2.1 The Full-Scale Lateral Load Test

Full-scale load tests are always desirable by researchers for providing direct field

measurements that can be used to verify their models or to develop empirical methods. However,

only a few full-scale lateral load tests on piles were reported in the literature due to their high

cost and technical difficulties.

2.1.1 Summary of Past Full Scale Tests on Laterally Loaded Piles

The first full-scale lateral load test shown in the literatures is conducted by Feagin (1937)

on timber and concrete piles. Matlock (1970) carried out a lateral load test on steel pipe piles of

12.75 diameters for both static and cyclic loading. Kim et al. (1976) conducted a full-scale test

on batter pile group foundation and found out that battered piles provide more lateral resistance

with less bending moment. Brown et al. (1987, 1988) conducted full-scale test on vertical pile

groups on steel piles and generated the corresponding p-y curves. Later, Brown et al. (1988)

introduced the p-multiplier concept to modify p-y curves of single piles to consider the reduced

resistance of the group pile. Ruesta and Townsend (1997) carried out full-scale tests on

reinforced concrete pile and noted that the outer piles took more loads than the inner pile of same

row due to the smaller influence of shadowing effect they encountered than inner piles. Rollins et

al. (1998) suggested various p-multipliers after conducting a full-scale test on vertical pile group

in clay. They observed that the displacement of pile group is 2-2.5 times higher than the single

pile for the same average pile load. They also reported that the back row (trailing) carried

somewhat higher loads than middle row, which completely conflicted with the conclusion of

Brown et al. (1988) that the back rows resist lowest loads.

In the nearest decades, Huang et al. (2001) conducted a full-scale test on bored and driven

precast pile groups to investigate the influences of installation procedure of pile in lateral soil

resistance. He reported that the driven pile installation increased the group interaction by causing

the soil to move laterally and hence becomes denser; while bored pile installation loosens the soil

and hence decreases the group interaction. Rollins et al. (2003a, 2003b and 2005) carried out

several full-scale lateral load tests of piles in clayey and sandy soils at various pile spacings. The

major findings out of their study are: 1) the middle pile of the same row carries the smallest load

in that row while the side piles carry 20-40% higher loads in the sandy soil, which agrees with

other studies conducted in sands (Ruesta and Townsend. 1997; McVay et al., 1998) and conflict

with some tests results in clays (e.g. Brown et al., 1987; Rollings et al., 1998); 2) The group

effect becomes negligible when the spacing between rows increased to more than 6D, where D is

the pile diameters; 3) Group pile has significantly higher bending moments than those in isolated

single pile for a given load.

2.1.2 The Full-Scale Lateral Load Test at the New I-10 Twin Span Bridge

A new (5.4 mile long) I-10 Twin Span Bridge has been recently constructed over Lake

Pontchartrain between New Orleans and Slidell, Louisiana, to replace the old bridge that was

seriously damaged from the storm surge and water waves associated with Hurricane Katrina that

hit the southern part of Louisiana in August of 2005. The new bridge is located 300 ft east of the

old bridge. It was built with an elevation of 30 ft, which is 21 ft higher than the old bridge, and

an 80 ft high-rise section near Slidell to allow for marine traffic, making it less susceptible to

high storm surge. The bridge consists of two parallel structures with three 12 ft travel lanes and

two 12 ft shoulders on each side (a total of 60 ft wide).

The M19 pier is the second pier south of the marine traffic underpass. It supports 200 ft

long steel girders in the north side and 135 ft long concrete girders in the south side. The

foundations of M19 piers consist of 24 precast prestressed concrete (PPC) battered piles of 110 ft

long and a 3 ft ×3 ft square section with an outer width of 36 inch and a circular void of 22.5

inch. All piles are inclined with a slope of 1:6; half of them are negative or reverse batter and the

rest are positive or forward batter. The piles were spaced at 4.3 pile width in the direction of

lateral loading and 2.5 pile width in the other direction. The average embedded length of the

piles was 87ft. The size of M19 pile cap (or footing) is 44 ft long × 42.5 ft wide × 7 ft deep. The

water depth is 12 ft. Figure 2.1 presents a photo of the M19 eastbound and westbound piers site.

Subsurface exploration and testing programs were performed to characterize the subsurface

soil conditions along the entire I-10 Twin Span Bridge, including the M19 eastbound pier

location. This includes soil sampling, laboratory testing and in-situ standard penetration tests

(SPT) and cone penetration tests (CPT). One soil boring was performed close to M19 pier to a

depth of 200 ft and 48 Shelby tube samples were extracted from cohesive layers for laboratory

testing, such as unconsolidated undrained (UU) triaxial tests. SPT were also conducted in sandy

layers. In addition, five CPT tests were conducted at M19 pier site down to a depth of 160 ft each,

one CPT at the center of M19 pier foundation, and four CPTs at distances 5-10 ft out from the

four corners of the pile cap. The purpose of the CPT was to define the subsurface soil profile and

identify any variations across the site, and to locate the depth of the bearing sand layer to support

the piles. The depth of sand layer at M19 pier was found to be at depths ranging from 100 ft to

110 ft below the water surface. However, the piles at M19 eastbound pier were tipped in stiff

silty clay layer at an average depth of about 87 ft below the mudline.

Figure 2. 1: M19 east and west bound piers

The site investigation at the M19 pier site showed that the subsurface soil stratigraphy

consists of a medium to stiff silty clay to clay soil with silt and sand pockets and seams down to

110 ft depth (the undrained shear strength, Su, ranging from 0.28 tsf to 2.02 tsf) with a layer of

medium dense sand located between 35 ft to 47 ft depth (the SPT-N values ranging from 16 to

22). Medium dense to very dense sand with interlayers of silty sand, clayey sand, and silty clay

soil was found between 110 ft and 160 ft depth (the SPT-N values ranging from 3 for loose

clayey sand to 86 for very dense sand). The subsurface soil description from soil boring, profiles

of Su and SPT-N values, profiles of cone tip resistance (qc) and sleeve friction (fs), and the CPT

probabilistic region estimation soil classification are presented in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2. 2: Summary of in-situ exploration and testing of site M19 pier(Abu-Farsakh et al.,
Eight selected piles were instrumented with Micro-Electro-Mechanical Sensor (MEMS)

In-Place Inclinometers (IPIs) pile deflection profile and twelve selected piles were instrumented

with resistance type sister bar strain gauges. The locations of instrumented piles are presented in

Figure 2.3. The IPI consists of a string of tilt sensors connected together and placed permanently

in the pile through a PVC casing. Six IPI-MEMS sensors were installed in each of the eight piles

at depths of 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, and 65 ft from the bottom level of the pile cap with the lowest one

tied to an anchor point at the bottom of PVC casing at 85 ft from the bottom of the pile cap. Two

pairs of strain gauges were installed in each of the 12 piles at locations of -16 ft and -21 ft from

the pile top before pile cut off to measure the strain distribution. The profile of pile deformation

due to applied lateral load can be calculated from the IPI data; and the bending moment and axial

load of piles can be obtained from the strain gauges data.

■ IPI □ Sister Bars

Figure 2. 3: Layout of instrumented piles (Abu-Farsakh et al., 2011)
The lateral load test was conducted by pulling the eastbound and west bound toward each

other using high strength steel tendons run through two 4 in PVC pipes installed in both pile caps.

For setup of lateral load test, the M19 eastbound pier was designed as dead end and the M19

west bound pier was designed as live end. The steel strands were first anchored at the dead-end

side, and then were threaded one-by-one through the two 4 in PVC pipes from the dead-end at

M19 eastbound pier toward hydraulic jack of the live-end at M19 westbound pier. Each steel

tendon includes 19-0.62 in diameter strands of low relaxation, high yield strength steel

( ). The lateral load was applied using 600 ton jacks with piston-end facings to

pull M19 eastbound and west bound pier toward each other using the steel tendons. Figure 2.4

presents the photos of M19 eastbound dead end and westbound piers live end design.

(a) (b)
Figure 2. 4: a) Eastbound pier with steel strands anchored at the dead end side; b) Jacking
system at the live-end of westbound pier (Abu-Farsakh et al., 2011)
The designed sequence of lateral load test includes preloading each tendon to 300 kips, then

loading, unloading and reloading. The design maximum applied load was 2000 kips. However,

the test was unloaded earlier at a maximum applied load of 1870 kips when the stroke in one of

the 600-ton jacks reached its maximum limit. The schematic diagram of lateral load setup at M19

pier is depicted in Figure 2.5 and the designed loading sequence is presented in Table 2.1.

Figure 2. 5: Schematic diagram of lateral load test setup

Table 2. 1: Designed loading time table

Lateral Loads Lateral Load
Total Lateral Load Duration Lateral
No. Per Cable No. Loads Per Duration
Loads (kips) (min) Loads
(kips) Cable (kips) (min)
Preload 300 600 90 10 700 1400 15
1 350 700 5 12 800 1600 20
2 400 800 5 13 850 1700 20
3 450 900 5 14 900 1800 20
4 500 1000 15 15 935 1870 20
5 400 800 5 16 800 1600 10
6 300 600 5 17 550 1100 10
7 400 800 5 18 300 600 10
8 500 1000 10
19 Strands Cut
9 600 1200 15

2.2 Research Methods on Laterally Loaded Piles

Due to different objectives of research studies, laterally loaded piles were investigated in

various methods, which can be generally classified into two categories: simplified methods and

continuum-based methods. The former emphasize on capturing the problem in the most effective

way with maximum engineering applicability, while the later discusse the problem in a more

physical-sounded way which allows one to see how a particular factor affect the pile lateral


The simplified methods basically model the soil through a set of independent linear or

nonlinear springs attached to the piles, which provide resistance to the lateral movement or

vertical movement of piles. In this type of approach, which also known as the “p-y” or “t-z”

methods (Matlock and Reese, 1960; Reese et al., 1974), the load displacement curves of springs

are assumed to be known a priori. These curves are obtained from observations of past

experiments results. Continuum-based methods treat the soils surrounding piles as elastic or

elasto-plastic continuum media. It allows one to investigate how the lateral performance of the

pile is influenced by many particular issues such as soil-pile interaction, soil inelastic behavior or

pore water dissipation.

In the following sections, both the simplified methods and continuum-based methods will

be discussed and the recent works on continuum-based finite element analysis of laterally loaded

piles will be briefly summarized.

2.2.1 P-y Method

The well-known p-y method is proposed by McClelland and Focht (1956) and developed by

Reese and his coworkers (Matlock and Reese 1960; Matlock 1970; Reese et al. 1974). This

method can conveniently incorporate the effect of soil nonlinearity by indicating that the soil

resistance p is nonlinear function of local lateral deflection y. This method has become widely

used for design with the development of computer techniques for solving nonlinear fourth-order

differential equations and the remote-reading strain gauges for obtaining p-y curves from field


Figure 2.6 illustrated the analytical framework of the laterally loaded pile problem for p-y

analysis. Based on this model, the governing differential equations can be obtained by analyzing

the equilibrium of momentum of an infinite small element of the pile (Figure 2.7):

Figure 2. 6: Model of laterally loaded pile (Reese, 1997)

Figure 2. 7: Element for beam-column (Hetenyi, 1946)

dM dy
 Px  Vv  0 (2.1)
dx dx


d 2M d 2 y dVv
 Px  0 (2.2)
dx 2 dx 2 dx


d 2M d4y
 E I
p p
dx 2 dx 4
p  E py y

into Eq. (2.2), the governing differential equation take the form:

d4y d2y
E p I p 4  Px 2  E py y  0 (2.3)
dx dx

here = axial load on pile; y = lateral deflection of pile at point x ; p = soil resistance per unit

length along pile; = flexural rigidity of the pile; = soil reaction.

Some typical p-y curves for sand and clay are presented in Figure 2.8. Figure 2.8a

represents the p-y curve for soft clay, proposed by Matlock (1970). The initial portion can be

established by using . The middle portion of the curve is described by the equation

( ) , where is the lateral soil resistance per unit length; is the ultimate lateral

soil resistance per unite length; y is the lateral displacement; represents the lateral

displacement corresponding to one half of the ultimate lateral soil resistance and can be

computed according to .

Reese et al. (1975) conducted a series of lateral load tests on overconsolidated stiff clay and

proposed the typical p-y curve for stiff clay (Figure 2.8b). Mathematical description of the curve

is presented below:

a. The initial straight portion:

b. The first parabolic portion (a-b): ( )

c. The second parabolic portion (b-c): ( ) ( )

d. The third inclined straight line: ( ) ( )( )

where stands for the area correction factor.

Figure 2.8c illustrated typical p-y curves for sand, which described as Reese model (Reese

et al. 1974). Similarly, the initial straight line is ; The slope of linear line between u

and m is ; The parabolic section (k-m) can be obtained from , where

and .

Based on the p-y approaches, several computer programs such as COM624P (Wang and

Reese, 1993), LPILE (Reese et al., 1997) and FB-MultiPier (University of Florida, 2000) are

developed to facilitate the analysis and design of laterally load piles. COM624P and LPILE

program are constructed by finite difference method. Nonlinear behavior of soils based on prior

established p-y curves are implemented into the softwares. Piles are simulated as beams with

lateral stiffness and typically concrete pile stiffness is assumed nonlinear whereas steel pile

stiffness is assumed linear. One significant deficiency of LPILE and COM624P program is that

they are unable to analyze pile group foundation.

(a) (b)

Figure 2. 8: Characteristics shape of p-y curves for (a) soft clay (Matlock, 1970); (b) stiff clay
(Reese, 1975); (c) sand (Reese et al., 1974)
The FB-MultiPier, developed by University of Florida, is programed based on finite

element method for carrying out more flexible analysis of piles in different configurations and

alignments. The FB-MultiPier program couples the nonlinear structural finite element analysis

and the nonlinear static soil models for axial, lateral and torsional soil behavior, thus being

capable of analyzing complex structure-foundation systems. Due to these appealing

characteristics of the FB-MultiPier, it will be adopted in this study to analyze the lateral load test

on M19 foundation and the results will be compared to those produced by ABAQUS model and

measured in the field.

The P-y methods successfully take the nonlinearity of soil property into account and are

quite versatile in practical applications. However, the simplification of a three-dimensional

pile-soil interaction by one-dimensional spring element is a major disadvantage of these methods

(Ahmadi and Ahmari, 2009).

2.2.2 Elastic Analytical Approaches

Continuum-based analyses are attractive for their direct physical basis. Continuum-based

methods treat the soils surrounding piles as elastic or elasto-plastic continuums. Solutions of this

kind of analysis are attempted by many scholars both analytically and numerically (e.g. Poulos,

1971a; Sun, 1994; Basu and Salagado, 2007).

The analytical solutions of continuum-based method are of highly complexity, thus only

some analytical or semi-analytical elastic solutions were achieved so far. The first systematic

analysis based on the theory of elasticity was reported by Poulos (1971 a, b). In this approach,

the soil is idealized to be an isotropic homogeneous elastic material with constant elastic

parameters and , which are unaffected by the presence of the pile, while the pile is

assumed to be a thin rectangular vertical strip with constant flexibility . As a compromise of

accuracy and computational cost, the pile is divided into 21 portions, and each portion is

assumed to have a uniform horizontal stress p distributed along width and length. The solution of

the problem starts from equating soil displacements and pile displacements. The former is

evaluated from the Mindlin equation for horizontal displacement due to a horizontal load within

a semi-infinite mass, and the latter is obtained from the equation of flexure of a thin strip. Two

necessary boundary conditions for solving the equations are considered: a free-head pile and a

fixed-head pile. The major obstacle of application of this theory is the determination of the

in-situ soil modulus . Poulos suggests that such modulus should be determined from a

full-scale pile loading test.

Sun (1994) developed an elastic solution for cylindrical pile based on the modified Vlasov

model for the static analysis of beams on elastic foundations. The soil and the pile are idealized

similarly to those by Poulos (1971). Slippage and separation at the pile/soil interface are also not

allowed in the analysis. Express soil displacements in cylindrical coordinate:

u  F ( z ) (r ) cos( )
v   F ( z ) (r ) sin( )

where ( ) is the displacement along the pile axis; and ( ) is a dimensionless function

representing the variation of the soil displacement in the r direction. Then governing equations

can be derived by the principle of virtual work. Assuming ̅ and ̅ , the

governing equation can be expressed as

d 4F d 2F
 2t  kF  0 (2.4)
dz 4 dz 2


d 2 d    2

r 2
r   r   0 (2.5)
dr 2
dr  R 

here is a nondimensional parameter that is considered to be a principal parameter in this

research. The determination of parameter requires iterative technique that was discussed by

Vallabhan and Das (1988). Solving the differential equations with different boundary conditions

using the above procedures, the closed-form solutions of dimensionless displacement of vertical

pile in homogenous medium, ̅ ( ̅), was expressed in equations. In this research, the effect of

various factors to principal parameter was studied and discussed, and a detailed computing

procedure is outlined for design engineers.

Later on, Basu and Salagado (2007) extend Sun’s analysis to multi-layered elastic continua,

which can take into account an arbitrary number of soil layers. The governing differential

equations were obtained using the principle of minimum potential energy, and were solved

analytically through the method of initial parameters. Similarly, the principal parameter in Eq.

(2.5) is determined through iterative technique.

The advantage of above analytical or semi-analytical approaches is that the soils are treated

in a more physically founded and mathematically rigid way. The obvious disadvantages are that

they over simplified the soil property and can hardly take into account the nonlinear soil

behavior as well as the gapping and slippage effect of pile-soil interface. Therefore, many

scholars yield to numerical methods including finite element method, finite difference method

and boundary element method to extend their interpretation of the problem by investigating the

influence of soil nonlinearity and interface effect to the lateral response of pile. Among them, the

finite element method is considered to be the most powerful method in analyzing the laterally

loaded pile problems.

2.2.3 Finite Element Method Approaches

Several representative works on recent approaches by finite element method are presented

herein. Muqtadir and Desai (1986) developed a 3D FEM model to simulate axially and laterally

loaded steel batter pile groups. Soil was governed by nonlinear (hyperbolic) elastic model, and a

special “thin layer element” was adopted to simulate the debonding and slippage of pile soil

interface. The constitutive law at normal direction for such interface elements is similar to those

of surrounding soil, whereas tangential behavior is calibrated by direct shear test of steel-soil

interface. The research reveals that the inclusion of soil non-linearity and interface effects can

significantly affect the behavior of pile group.

Trochanis et al. (1991) focused on investigating the behavior of single pile subjected to

combinations of both lateral and axial loads with incorporation of nonlinear soil behavior and the

soil-pile interaction effects by means of 3D finite element elastoplastic model which is built on

ABAQUS 4.6. It is stressed that the vast amount of information obtained from the 3D FEM

model can provide the reader much insight into the behavior of pile foundations, whereas such

information could not be easily gained in field tests. The soil materials is idealized as

Drucker-Prager elastoplastic continuum, and modeled by 3D quadratic isoparametric 27-node

elements, and 2D quadratic 18-node interface elements governed by modified Coulomb’s friction

theory were adopted to account for pile-soil separation and slippage. The model is verified by the

comparison of the vertical and horizontal soil surface displacements to those obtained by Poulos

and Davis (1980) and the field data from a test conducted in Mexico City. Both of them show

good agreements. This study showed that the pile-soil slippage could produce dominating

influence of the vertical response of the pile, while pile-soil separation leads to significant

change on the lateral behavior of the pile. Both cases were more or less affected by soil plasticity.

Figure 2.9 and Figure 2.10 illustrate the effect of pile-soil separation and soil yielding on the

lateral response of a single pile and the soil displacements in the vicinity of the pile.

(a) Elastic soil (b) Inelastic soil

Figure 2. 9: Effect of pile-soil separation and soil plasticity on lateral head load-deflection
behavior of single pile (Trochanis et al., 1991)
Another systematic study of laterally loaded piles via 3D nonlinear FEA was carried out by

Brown and Shie (1990, 1991), which put more emphasis on comparison with empirical design

procedures. The FEM model was constructed on ABAQUS 4.7. Two types of soil, clay and sand,

were considered in this model. The Von Mises yield surface with associate flow rule was used

for clay and the extended Drucker-Prager model with nonassociated flow was adopted for sand.

Gapping and slippage of pile-soil interface were also simulated by 18-node interface elements.

The development of this FEM model stressed on reveal some limitations of currently analytical

techniques and design procedures rather than being applied to practical uses directly. The results

of von Mises model were compared to those given by subgrade reaction approaches by

comparing the p-y curves given by the FE model and those obtained from the COM624 output

using soft clay criteria (as shown in Figure 2.11). The comparison of the two set of p-y curves

shows that the finite element results gave greater soil stiffness near the ground surface than the

design procedures’. The authors suggested the following explanations:

1) The loading path that the soil near ground surface experienced is more close to triaxial

extension than triaxial compression that has been used to develop empirical p-y curves.

2) The Von Mises constitutive model is basically unable to simulate saturated clay subjected to

undrained loading.

(a) Along line of loading (b) Normal to line of loading

Figure 2. 10: Effects of pile-soil separation and soil plasticity on horizontal soil surface
displacements away from pile loaded laterally (Trochanis et al., 1991)

(a) FEM, VM model (b) COM624, Clay soil
Figure 2. 11: P-y curves obtained from different methods (Brown and Shie, 1990)
Yang and Jeremic (2002) developed a FE model based on the OpenSees finite element

framework to study the soil layering effect on laterally loaded piles. The FE model was used to

generate the p-y curves and were compared to those obtained from the centrifuge test and design

method (LPILE program). The constitutive models adopted in this research were simple von

Mises model for clay and Drucker-Prager with nonassociated flow rule for sand. Interface effects

are taken into account by implementing interface elements. The influence of layered soil on pile

lateral response was investigated in four cases: 1) uniform clay; 2) clay-sand-clay; 3) uniform

sand; 4) sand-clay-sand. They investigated the distribution of plastic zone by visualizing the

plastified Gauss points. It was illustrated that for unified clay soil the plastic zone propagates

very deep while does not extend far horizontally (Figure 2.12a), whereas for uniform sand case

the plastic zone was more likely to propagate toward the surface (Figure 2.12b). The main

findings of their study were 1) When a sand layer is present within a clay deposit, the increase in

lateral pressure in clay near the interface is confined to a narrow zone, up to two times of pile

width, therefore the layering effect in this case is not prominent; 2) When a clay layer is present

within a sand deposit, the reduction in pressures spread well into the sand layer (up to four times

of pile width). The layering effects are of more importance in this case since the disturbance

zone is large and the pressure reduction is significant. Reduction factors were given in terms of

charts of pressure reduction versus the distance from the interface.

(a) Uniform clay (b) Uniform sand

Figure 2. 12: The plastic zones by different soils (Yang and Jeremic, 2002)
Recently, Ahmadi and Ahmari (2009) studied Brown’s works and developed their own

finite element model to further investigate the two proposed reasons that account for the

disagreement of FEM and p-y methods on soil stiffness near ground surface. They analyzed the

different stress paths behind and in front of the pile, and pointed out that the soil anisotropy

effect was responsible for the discrepancy of shear strength values subjected to different stress

paths. Thus, an isotropic von Mises constitutive law incorporation different back-calculated

shear strength values was used to account for anisotropy soil behavior. The results showed that

the displacements decrease more rapidly in the horizontal direction than in the vertical direction,

which was also obtained by Yang and Jeremic (2004). The predicted displacements showed good

agreement with field data. Some discrepancy between the predicted and field measured bending

moment was attributed to inaccuracies in simulation of the initial stress, constitutive law, and

back calculation procedure.

Abbas et al. (2009) studied the consolidation effect of laterally loaded pile problems. A 2D

finite element program was employed in their study and produced the development of pile lateral

displacement, lateral soil pressure and soil friction stress with respect to time. Biot (1941)

consolidation equations were implemented in incremental form at the element level, which can

be expressed as:
[ ] [ ] { }
[ ]{ } { } (2.6)
[ ] [ ] [ ]{ }

where [ ] and [ ] are the solid stiffness and fluid conductivity matrices; [ ] is the

coupling matrix; is using to interpolate time; is the calculation time step; { }

represents the external load vector which may itself be time dependent; & are the

displacement and access pore water pressure, respectively. Their results showed that the pile in

cohesionless soil has more resistance in the rapid loading and less resistance in the long-term

loading, while the pile in cohesive soil had the opposite property.

Detailed information of soil constitutive models and simulation scopes of above mentioned

FEM works are organized and compared in Table 2.2.

Table 2. 2: The FE models on laterally loaded piles in literatures
Pile/soil Pore-water
Drained/Undrained Constitutive
References interface pressure Soil type
condition modeling
model analysis
Trochanis et al., Coulomb
Undrained N Clay/ sand Drucker-Prager
1991 Friction
Muqtadir and Nonlinear
Not specified N Sand Nonlinear Elastic
Desai, 1986 Elastic
Brown and Shie, Coulomb Von Mises/
Not specified N Not Specified
1990,1991 Friction Drucker-Prager
Yang and Coulomb Von Mises/
Not specified N Sand & Clay
Jeremic, 2002 Friction Drucker-Prager
No interface
Abbas et al., 2009 Biot Consolidation N Not Specified Mohr-Coulomb
Ahmadi and Coulomb
Undrained N Clay Von Mises
Ahmari, 2009 Friction

In summary, using three dimensional FEA for laterally loaded pile problems has the

following advantages as compared to other approaches:

1) It can simulate the soil surrounding piles as 3D continuums rather than simplify it as a series

of one dimensional springs.

2) It is able to capture the different elasto-plastic behavior of clay and sand soils rather than

assume them to be pure elastic media.

3) It is able to realistically capture some essential features of the lateral loading problems. For

example, the pile-soil interface behavior can be simulated using interface elements, which

allow separation and slippage of the interface while pile is subjected to large lateral loads.

However, it is noticed that most of the past and recent numerical approaches suffer the

problem of over simplifying the subsurface soil conditions of the pile foundations (e.g.,

homogenous soil or maximum three layers of soil was considered). More importantly, nearly all

of previous works adopted some simple constitutive laws (such as Mohr-Coulomb or Von Mises)

to simulating natural soils, which has already been criticized to be inadequate (Brown and Shie,

1990) to represent the actual behavior of clay surrounding the laterally loaded piles.

In our case, the subsurface investigations of the M19 pile of 1-10 Twin Span Bridge

indicate that the dominant of the soil layers consist of soft or stiff clays. Thus the selection of a

proper constitutive model for clay will lead to a big difference of the reliability of the FEA

results. As the great improvement of computer speed in the past decade, a FEA with improved

constitutive models for soils are desirable to achieve more reliable finite element results.



3.1 A Brief Review on Soil Mechanics

3.1.1 Effective Stress and Consolidation Theories

The starting point of classical soil mechanics should be the principle of effective stress

(Terzaghi, 1936), which can be illustrated by establishing equilibrium across a wavy plane

joining interparticle contacts (Figure 3.1). The principle of effective stress can be expressed as

( )

where is the effective stress, is the total stress and is the pore water pressure

Figure 3. 1: Illustration of the principle of effective stress (Lambe & Whitman, 1979)
Such simple illustration highlights several basic principles that underlying classical soil

mechanics (Gens, 2010): the material is multiphase; the microstructure is implicitly considered; a

new variable, pore water pressure, is incorporated; and there is coupling between mechanical

variables (stresses) and hydraulic variables (pore pressures).

One of the most critical issue in classical soil mechanics is to describe the consolidation

behavior of soils. The pioneer work on one-dimensional consolidation theory was accomplished

by Terzaghi and Frolich (1936). The general three-dimensional consolidation theory was

established by Biot (1941). Assuming the soil to be isotropic and linear elastic, the consolidation

equation can be expressed as

𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 𝑡
∇ ( + + ) ( )
𝜕𝑥 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕

where is the permeability of the soil; is the unit weight of water; is the inverse of the

bulk modulus; 𝑡 is the total stress.

Biot’s consolidation equation is a result of the combination of a set of balance equations

(solid mass balance, water mass balance and equilibrium) and constitutive equations that

governing water flow and soil deformation. In fact the constitutive equations adopted in this

theory are very simple:

- Darcy’s law for water flow:

( + ) ( )

- Isotropic linear elasticity for soil skeleton:

( )

Obviously, the isotropic linear elasticity is inadequate in representing complex soil behavior.

The blank of soil elasto-plastic model has been well filled by the later development of critical

state soil mechanics (CSSM) (Roscoe et al., 1958; Roscoe and Burland, 1968; Schofield and

Wroth, 1968). CSSM provide a complete and unified framework that brought together many key

features of saturated soil behavior, such as shear and volumetric behavior, strength, dilatancy and

yielding, in a consistent manner. Based on the framework of CSSM, the Cam Clay model was

developed for mathematically describing the complex elastoplastic behavior of soils. Such model

has been modified later (Roscoe and Schofield, 1963) into Modified Cam Clay Model (MCCM)

by redefining the shape of the yield surface. The model itself is very attractive due to its

simplicity; hence it has been widely used both in engineering practice and academic study. The

MCCM also provide a foremost framework that can be extended to describe other features such

as soil anisotropy (e.g. Ohta and Hata, 1971; Banerjee and Yousif, 1986; Dafalias, 1987), thermo

behavior (e.g. Graham et al., 2001; Cui et al., 2000) and cyclic behavior (e.g. Dafalias and

Hemnann, 1980; Yu et al., 2006). Before extending our discussion to higher soil constitutive

models, it is necessary to give a brief review of MCCM.

3.1.2 Critical State Soil Mechanics

One should firstly consider the volumetric behavior of clay under normal compression and

unloading-reloading conditions, as shown in Figure 3.2a. It is often found that the linearity of

normal compression lines and unloading-reloading lines in the compression plane is improved if

data are plotted with a logarithmic scale for the mean stress axis. Mathematically, the normal

compression line (ncl) takes the form:

( )

and the unloading-reloading line (url) can be expressed as:

( )

where and are slope of the two lines and and are the intercepts on the lines at p’=1;

is specific volume; represents mean effective stress.

It is very important to notice that the unloading-reloading line actually represents a

nonlinear elastic behavior (often referred as porous elastic), which differs from the linear

elasticity of metal. Thus it is convenient to discuss clay’s elastic response in incremental form:

[ ] [ ][ ] ( )

where p’ and q are effective mean stress and deviatoric stress; and are volumetric strain

and deviatoric strain; K and G are tangent bulk modulus and shear modulus, respectively.

Obviously, the bulk modulus and the shear modulus of clay are dependent on current mean

effective stress and specific volume, which can be obtained by taking derivative of both side of

Eq. (3.6):

( )

A complete elastoplastic model needs a yield surface to separate the elastic and plastic

regime. The yield surface of MCCM is an ellipse as illustrated in Figure 3.2b.

(a) (b)
Figure 3. 2: a) Normal compression line and unloading-reloading line in plane; b)
Elliptical yield surface for Modified Cam Clay model in p’-q plane.

The corresponding yield function is expressed by

[ ( )] ( )

where M is the slope of critical state line on p-q plane; is the pre-consolidation pressure.

The shape and size of the yield surface is determined by both M and . However, only

pre-consolidation pressure controls the expansion (or shrinkage) of the yield surface, which

means the yield surface can change size but keeps constant shape. In this way, the expansion of

the yield surface and the hardening of the soil are linked with the normal compression of the soil.

The relation between and specific volume v completely follows the normal consolidation

line which can be expressed the same as Eq. (3.5). Rewriting Eq. (3.5) and Eq. (3.6) in

incremental form and replace specific volume by volumetric strain, one obtains the hardening

law for MCCM:

( )

The formulation of MCCM has been completed now. The model can successively predict

the response of soil samples in conventional triaxial drained and undrained compression tests.

Besides, the model itself is simple, and the corresponding parameters , , M and have direct

physical meanings and can be easily obtained from triaxial or oedometer tests.

3.2 Anisotropic Modified Cam-Clay Model

3.2.1 Clay Anisotropy

Experimental results have shown that the yield surface for naturally deposited clay tends to

align along the consolidation line (e.g., Graham et al., 1983). Banerjee et al. (1981) distinct

such soil anisotropy into two types: the “inherent anisotropy” comes from the formation of the

soil, and the “induced anisotropy” occurs during subsequent loading.

Stems from this finding, several researchers proposed anisotropic models based on

extension of Modified Cam-Clay Model (Ohta and Hata, 1971; Banerjee and Yousif, 1986;

Dafalias, 1987). Ohta and Hata (1971) presented an anisotropic model for normally consolidated

clay. The yield surface can be inclined at the origin of the stress space at the before shearing but

it does not include rotational hardening when subjected to consecutive shearing. Banerjee and

Yousif (1986) developed an incremental plasticity theory to describe the mechanical behavior of

anisotropically consolidated clays. The yield ellipse is allowed to initially align along the

line and rotate, when it is subjected to shearing, following isotropic and anisotropic hardening

law, Moreover, the concept of bounding surface is introduced in order to simulate the inelastic

material behavior under monotonic and cyclic loading. Started with a different energy dissipation

assumption, Dafalias (1987) developed an Anisotropic Modified Cam Clay Model (AMCCM)

which extended the Modified Cam-Clay Model by introducing an anisotropic variable α and two

anisotropic parameters c and x. This model is attractive due to its simplicity and the effectiveness

in capturing both “inherent” and “induced” anisotropic of clay. Hence, the AMCCM by Dafalias

(1987) will be implemented into UMAT in this study and then be assigned as the clay

constitutive model in the FEA of a batter pile group foundation.

3.2.2 Formulation of AMCCM

In triaxial space, the formulation of the yield surface of traditional Modified Cam-Clay

Model started from the plastic work dissipation assumption Eq. (3.11) proposed by Burland


+ √( ) +( ) ( )

Note that all the stresses we discussed in this chapter are effective stresses, so the prime

used to denote “effective” is omitted in this section. Dafalias (1987) added a non-dimensional

anisotropic variable into the plastic work dissipation assumption to account for the effect of

internal residual stresses and the coupling of ̇ and ̇ . Eq. (3.11) becomes:

+ √( ) +( ) + ( )

Rearranging (3.12) and applying normality rule one obtains:

( )
( )
Noticing , we have + . Substituting in (3.13) and rearranging the terms:

( )
( )

Integrate both sides of (3.14):

( )
Replacing with and rearranging the terms, one obtains the yield function:

+ ( + ) ( )
which is the identical to the yield function of AMCCM. Dafalias (1987) proposed an evolution

equation for anisotropic variable :

+ 𝜕
〈 〉 | | ( 𝑥 ) ( )
where the x and c are two new model constants. The value of x controls the ultimate level of

anisotropy and c controls the pace at which such anisotropy develops. When setting c=0 and

initial , the model degenerate into original Modified Cam-Clay Model.

An illustration of the yield surface is presented in Figure 3.3. The yield ellipse is rotated and

distorted comparing to the yield locus of MCCM. The degree of such rotation and distortion is

controlled by . Several characteristic points are shown in this figure. The normal of the ellipse

at points C and C’ are along q-axis and also are the intersection point between yield locus and

critical state line. The normal of the ellipse at points O and A are along p-axis with point A

satisfying ⁄ . It should be noticed that the value is no more denoting the

intersection of yield locus and p-axis but is the projection of point A on p-axis.

Equation (3.16) and (3.17) are discussed under the triaxial loading space. Generalization of

the above works into multiaxial stress space can be achieved by replacing the scalar by a

second-order tensor and denoting:

√ √

Figure 3. 3: Schematic illustration of the anisotropic yield surface in the triaxial p-q space
(Dafalias, 1987)
Then the generalized AMCCM yield function and hardening law for is presented as

follows (Dafalias, 1987):

+ (( )( )+( ) ) ( )
+ 𝜕
〈 〉 | | ( 𝑥 ) ( )

3.3 Implementation of AMCCM

3.3.1 The Structure of Nonlinear Finite Element Method

The displacement-based implicit nonlinear finite element method such as

ABAQUS/STANDARD solver contains a Full/Quasi Newton iteration procedure to solve the

global equilibrium equations. The solution scheme is schematically presented in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3. 4: Materially nonlinear finite element method solution strategy (Hashash and Whittle,
As summarized by Hashash and Whittle (1992), the implicit nonlinear finite element

method contains a core procedure:

+ 𝛥𝑈 𝑅 + + ( )

𝑈 + 𝑈 + 𝛥𝑈 + ( )

with initial conditions:

+ + 𝑈 + 𝑈

where is the increment step number; 𝑖 is the iteration number of current step; K is the global

tangent stiffness matrix; U is the nodal displacement vector, R is the vector of the applied nodal

forces and F is the vector of nodal force due to stresses in the element. The term 𝑅 + + at

the right hand side of Eq. (3.20) is often recognized as residual load vector. Every global Newton

iteration start with a predicted incremental nodal displacement Δ𝑈. Such Δ𝑈 is passed into each

element and processed with different interpolation methods (which depend on the type of the

element) to obtain the incremental strains Δ at each Gauss points. Then the material

constitutive equations will be integrated via some algorithms with respected to this strain

increment Δ at each Gauss point. As a requirement of the global Newton iteration, the output of

the material level calculation must contain the updated stress and the Jacobian matrix 𝐽

𝜕 𝜕 . Finally the updated stress and Jacobian will be assembled into the global nodal force

vector and global tangent stiffness matrix for the next iteration.

The user-subroutine UMAT is a user interface provided by ABAQUS that allows customers

to use self-defined constitutive relations at material calculation level. In this research, the

AMCCM will be implemented into the UMAT and then the subroutine will be numerically tested

by a series of triaxial compression procedure under constant volume (CV) or constant pressure

(CP) conditions.

3.3.2 Integration of Elastoplastic Equations

Numerically implementing the Cam Clay plasticity has been attempted by many researchers.

Only several selected works are presented herein. Borja and Lee (1990) firstly implemented the

Modified Cam-Clay Model under the framework of implicit return mapping algorithm with

closest point projection for associative flow rule and central return mapping for non-associative

flow rule. In the following work, Borja (1991) point out that an ‘average’ bulk modulus along

with an iterative scheme are required to calculate the nonlinear elastic behavior described in

modified cam clay model. Hashash and Whittle (1992) also developed an integration algorithm

for the Modified Cam-Clay Model using return mapping algorithm with general closest point

projection algorithm. Both Borja and Lee (1990) and Hashash and Whittle (1992) emphasized

the use of consistent tangent stiffness matrix (Simo and Taylor, 1985), which has been proved

that it can guarantee a quadratic convergence for the global Newton iteration, in their works.

Devi and Singh (2008) implemented the MCCM in an Object-Oriented FE system. Yamakawa et

al. (2010) developed a return mapping algorithm of the subloading surface Cam-clay model

applicable to large deformation analysis.

The use of implicit return mapping algorithm is conceptually appealing for its accuracy and

unconditional stability. However, such method requires second order derivatives of the yield

function, which will result in tedious Jacobian for a complex constitutive relation. One can see

that just for Modified Cam-Clay model it becomes fairly complicated of the resultant consistent

tangent matrix and the Jacobian for local Newton iteration. Noticing that the AMCCM has one

more anisotropic variable in its constitutive equations, it is desirable to adopt a more

straightforward explicit integration algorithm to develop a sufficient robust and efficient code

which can work with a 68,000-element FEA model. Sloan (1987) proposed an explicit

substepping scheme for implementing general elastoplastic relations. Modified Euler algorithm

is used in order to achieve a controlled error during the integration of the constitutive equations.

This method has been concluded to have superior robustness and efficiency than implicit

achievements when applied to Modified Cam-Clay Model (Potts and Ganerdra, 1992; 1994).

Sloan et al. (2001) refined this method with adding elastoplastic unloading algorithm and

extending the applicability to Cam-Clay plasticity. In this work an explicit integration algorithm

will be developed within the framework of substepping scheme for AMCCM.

3.3.3 Sub-Stepping Algorithm for AMCCM

The complete pseudo algorithm for implementing AMCCM can be found in Appendix I. In

the following sections we will focus on discussing some key issues in realizing the AMCCM via

explicit sub-stepping algorithm. Elastic Loading and Determination of Initial yielding

As introduced in section 3.1, clay exhibits nonlinear behavior even in elastic regime. Recall

the tangent bulk modulus that relates infinite small stress and strain increments

( )

As indicated by Borja (1991) and Sloan et al. (2001), such tangent modulus cannot be directly

utilized in numerically implementing the elastic response of MCCM since the calculation is over

a finite time step 𝛥 during which the stress and strain increments are so large that the

nonlinearity of K cannot be ignored. Rearranging (3.22):

( )

and integrating its both side over time span ( , + ), one obtains:

Δ ( )

Rearrange (3.24) equation and substitute + where e is the void ratio:
+ +
+( + )

+[ ( + )] Δ ( )

Introducing secant bulk modulus:

̅ ( ) ( )

then Eq. (3.26) becomes the familiar form as traditional linear elasticity:

+̅ ( )

This secant bulk modulus ̅ actually represents the averaged changing of over ( ,

+ ). Assuming Poisson’s ratio to be a constant throughout the elastic regime, the secant

shear modulus ̅ can be obtained using:

̅( )
̅ ( )
( + )

Keep in mind that both ̅ and ̅ are functions of the void ratio and the stress state at

the beginning of the current step and the strain increment of this step. Hence the assembled

secant elastic stiffness matrix ̅ is also a function of , and :

̅+ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅

̅+ ̅ ̅ ̅
̅ ̅( ) ( )
̅+ ̅
[ ̅]

47 Yield Surface Intersection

Stresses can be updated using the secant stiffness matrix ̅ defined in Eq. (3.29) for a

given strain increment if the stress path is completely in the elastic realm. When the strain

increments causes current stress state exceeds the yield surface, it is necessary to find the

intersection point of the stress path with the yield surface. Introducing a multiplier that

controls the strain increments, such problem is equivalent to find a 𝑡 that satisfying:

(( + 𝑡
̅ ) ) ( )

For 𝑡 the stress state is inside the yield surface while for 𝑡 the stress state

is outside the yield surface where integration algorithm should be applied. Since no yielding

occurs within elastic regime, the anisotropic variable and preconsolidation pressure will

not develop and hence can be treated as constant. An algorithm for finding the intersection point

based on the work of Sloan et al. (2001) is developed and presented in Appendix I. The

difference here is that the method of false position is used for determining 𝑡 instead of the

Pegasus algorithm. Elastoplastic Loading

The constitutive equations of AMCCM can be summarized in tensor form (where a tensor is

denoted in a bold letter instead of its components) as follows:

- Yield function:

+ (( ) ( )+( ) ) ( )

- Hardening laws:

+ 𝜕
〈 〉 | | ( 𝑥 ) ( )
+ + 𝜕
〈 〉 | | ( )
- Flow rule:
〈 〉 ( )
A key point in explicitly implementing AMCCM is the derivation of the explicit expression

for loading index . According to consistency condition:

𝜕 𝜕 𝜕
( ) + + ( )
𝜕 𝜕 𝜕
Noticing is a function of , one can apply chain rule to the third term.

Denoting , Eq. (3.32) becomes:

𝜕 𝜕
+ + ( )
𝜕 𝜕

Applying additive decomposition of the incremental strain and flow rule,

the constitutive equation can be rewrite as:

̅ ( ) ̅ ̅ ( )

Combining Eqs. (3.33) and (3.34), the loading index can be derived as follows:

̅ 𝜕
𝜕 ( )
̅ 𝜕

One can notice the presence of the term in the right hand side of Eq. (3.35). On the

other hand, also partially depend on the value of according to Eq. (3.31b). Substituting

Eq. (3.31b) into Eq. (3.35), the completely explicit expression of the loading index is

expressed as follows:

( )
̅ 𝜕 + 𝜕
| | ( 𝑥 )
𝜕 𝜕

The terms , and are derived by Voyiadjis and Song (2000) and are rewritten in

tensor forms here as follows:

( )
+ [( ) ] + [( ) ( ) ]( )
( ) ( )
𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 +
[{ + } ] ( )
𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 Yield Surface Correction

For explicit integration algorithms, the stresses may drift away from the yield surface at the

end of each substep. This kind of drifting may be very small compare to the stress increment in

that step but can accumulate to a large scale of error after thousands of steps. Sloan et al. (2001)

proposed a combined consistent correction and normal correction scheme which provides an

enhanced stability of the whole correction procedure. Such algorithm is adopted in the present


Firstly the uncorrected stresses and hardening parameters will be processed through a

consistent correction scheme. The 1st Taylor polynomial of the yield function about

( ) is:
𝜕 𝜕 𝜕
+ + + ( )
𝜕 𝜕 𝜕
Here , and will be viewed as a small correction to the current , and .

Such corrections make the change of stress and hardening parameters together while remaining

the total strain increment unchanged, which is consistent with the philosophy of the

displacement finite element procedure (Potts and Gens, 1985). Assume a correction index

that defined as:

( )
Similar to Eq. (3.34) and noticing , one obtains the stress correction:

̅ ( )

The hardening parameter corrections can be simply obtained by replacing by in to

Eqs. (3.31b) and (3.31c):

+ 𝜕
| | ( 𝑥 ) ( )
+ + 𝜕
| | ( )
Substituting (3.39)-(3.42) into (3.38), the expression for the correction index is obtained as:

( )
̅ 𝜕 + 𝜕
| | ( 𝑥 )
𝜕 𝜕

The correction of the stresses and hardening parameters can be proceeded using ,

and evaluated by from Eq. (3.43).

If the previous consistent correction scheme cannot achieve a convergence, such method

will be abandoned for one step and use the backup normal correction scheme (Sloan et al., 2001).

The hardening parameters and are assumed to be constant and only stresses are corrected

back to the yield surface using formula:

( )

3.4 Numerical Testing

Firstly, the correctness of the implemented AMCCM will be tested by comparing the stress

path, stress-strain curve and volumetric behavior with the corresponding curves produced by the

inbuilt MCC model provided by ABAQUS. Then its capability of capturing soil anisotropy will

be checked by comparing the yield locus of AMCCM with different anisotropic parameters.

Two types of triaxial tests are carried out under an axial strain of 10%. The CV test is aimed

to simulate the undrained condition, while CP test is for drained condition. Table 3.1

summarized the parameters adopted in the numerical tests which are arbitrarily chosen from the

common values of these parameters of medium clay.

Table 3. 1: Initial values and material parameters for numerical tests
(psf) M x

1.0 100 0.05 0.2 0.9 0.2 1.33

3.4.1 Comparison with ABAQUS Inbuilt MCCM

Setting and , there is neither initial anisotropy nor evolution of , hence

AMCCM is reduced to classical MCCM (denote as UMAT-MCC). All tests will be run on the

samples with two different initial mean stresses and in order to observe

the yielding behavior from both wet side and dry side. The same thing will be done using

ABAQUS inbuilt MCC model (denote as ABA-MCC) with identical material parameters. The

stress paths of all the eight numerical tests are presented in Figures 3.5. The corresponding

curves and the curves of the CP test are illustrated in Figure 3.6 and 3.7

Figure 3. 5: Stress paths predicted by the UMAT-MCC and ABA-MCCM
Figure 3.5 demonstrates a perfect match of the stress paths calculated by the UMAT and the

inbuilt MCCM in all four cases. This figure is presented via MATLAB software and the yield

ellipse is mathematically drawn according to the MCCM yield function Eq. (3.9) with input

parameters M=0.9 and . It can be seen that the sample entered the plastic zone exactly

at the moment the stress paths touch the ellipse. The successive yield surfaces are expanding

when the sample yields from the wet side, while they are shrinking when the specimen yields

from dry side.

The stress strain curves given by UMAT-MCC and inbuilt ABA-MCC shown in Figure 3.6

exhibit some discrepancies in elastic regime. The UMAT-MCC indicates a stiffer elastic

response than the ABA-MCC and thus these curves achieve their peaks faster.

(a) Constant Volume Tests

(b) Constant Pressure Tests

Figure 3. 6: Stress-strain curves predicted by the UMAT-MCC and ABA-MCC

One possible explanation is that these differences are due to the use of secant modulus in

the elastic part calculations. According to ABAQUS Theory Manual 4.4.1 Porous elasticity, the

shear modulus for porous material with zero tensile strength is:
( )( + )
( )
( + )
Comparing to Eq. (19), one can find the expression of bulk modulus adopted by ABAQUS

( )

which has been called “instantaneous” modulus in the Manual. This modulus clearly differs from

the secant modulus adopted in this research. As we explained earlier the tangent bulk modulus

is a function of , and . With a constant and , increased will result in a stiffer

modulus. Hence, the use of a secant modulus (averaged over the step) instead of the tangent

modulus (evaluated at the beginning of that step) will produce a stiffer stress-strain response.

After the sample starting plastic deformation, good agreements are observed at both peak stresses

and stresses at critical state.

The volumetric behaviors predicted by both UMAT-MCC and ABA-MCC under the

constant pressure tests show excellent agreement (Figure 3.7). It is observed that for lightly and

heavily overconsolidated clay, the volumetric behavior in elastic regime is almost the same.

However, as soon as the plastic strain develops, the former will continue shrinking in volume

while the latter exhibit volumetric dilation.

Figure 3. 7: Volumetric behavior predicted by UMAT-MCC and ABA-MCCM

3.4.2 Simulating Anisotropic Behavior

Both triaxial compression and extension tests under CV condition are performed to observe

the anisotropic behavior. The use of CV condition is for the easiness of distinguishing the elastic

and elastoplastic segments on plane. The following cases are considered:

- No anisotropy: , CV compression;

- Only induced anisotropy: , CV compression;

- Both inherent and induced anisotropy: , CV compression+ extension.

Notice that the √ is corresponding to a tensor:

[ ]

which is arbitrarily chosen for convenience. All the tests will be performed on the samples with

two different initial mean stresses and in order to observe the yielding

behavior for both wet side and dry side.

Figure 3.8 illustrates the stress paths of the samples yield from dry side and wet side

with/without initial anisotropy and with/without induced anisotropy under triaxial

compression/extension procedures. The figure is presented via MATLAB and the two yield

surfaces are mathematically drawn according to the AMCCM yield function Eq. (3.18) with

input parameters M=0.9, and or respectively. Several

conclusions can be made from Figure 3.8:

1) The samples under triaxial compression with initial anisotropy ( ) goes through a

much longer elastic path before entering the plastic zone than the one with initial anisotropy

( ); while for those under triaxial extension the former will begin yielding much

quicker than the latter. This effect is consistent with the concept of “inherent anisotropy”.

2) For the samples without inherent anisotropy effect ( ), the yield locus of the sample

with c=0 only experience expanding/shrinking; while for those with c=1 this

expanding/shrinking is also companied with an additional counter-clockwise rotation. Such

rotation hardening is equivalent to the “induced anisotropy”.

3) As soon as the stress paths touch the analytically drawn ellipse, yielding occurs and they start

to develop towards the CSL. This exact match between numerically obtained stress paths and

analytically drawn yield locus indicates an outstanding accuracy of the code.

Figure 3.9 further displays such rotational hardening and the effect of inherent anisotropy in

plain. In conclusion, the validity of the AMCCM UMAT has been well proved through

the series of numerical tests above. Setting the anisotropic factor c=0, the implemented AMCCM

produces identical results as ABAQUS inbuilt MCC does except exhibiting a slight stiffer

stress-strain response in elastic regime. CV tests running under different anisotropic parameter

combinations illustrate that the implemented AMCCM can successively capture both inherent

anisotropy and induced anisotropy of the soil. During the numerical verification, the authors

noticed the efficiency and stability of the code is amazingly good, which greatly benefit the

following FE analysis on group batter piles.

Figure 3. 8: Stress paths with different anisotropic parameters under CV tests

Figure 3. 9: Stress-strain curves with different anisotropic parameters under CV tests



4.1 Introduction

As the rapid development of computers, the application of numerical methods for solving

geotechnical problems is becoming more recognized by both geotechnical researchers and other

engineers. The numerical methods that are frequently used to study pile foundations includes finite

difference method (FDM) (e.g. Fakharian et al., 2008; Huh et al., 2008), finite element method

(FEM) (e.g. Muqtadir and Desai, 1986; Trochanis et al., 1991), boundary element method (BEM)

(e.g. Filho, 2005) and discrete element methods (DEM) (e.g. Uchida and Kawabata, 2004;

Lobo-Guerrero and Vallejo, 2007). Among those, the FEM have been regarded as the most

versatile and widely used approach for analyzing boundary value geotechnical engineering

problems (Carter et al., 2000).

As a numerical treatment, researchers firstly need to identify a mathematical description

(such as a set of partial differential equations and boundary/initial conditions) of the problem that

they are dealing with, and then develop their FEM codes to numerically solve these equations.

Alternatively, there exist many commercial FEM packages (e.g. ANSYS, ABAQUS and PLAXIS)

that can be directly used by geotechnical researchers. These commercial FEM softwares greatly

promoted the application of FEM in geotechnical engineering and significantly facilitated the

studies based on FE analysis. However, such advancement does not guarantee any enhanced

reliability of the numerical results. In fact, the users of ANSYS or ABQUS, especially

geotechnical engineers, should handle their FEA with great cautions since these softwares were

developed for general-purpose analysis and design, which need a strong background on both FEM

and soil mechanics to ensure the reliability of the outputs. As indicated by Potts and Zdravkovic
(1999), proficient experience with the finite element codes (i.e. understanding their capabilities

and limitations) as well as understanding the relevant theories behind soil mechanics and soil

constitutive models are the key issues in solving numerical problems accurately.

In this chapter, we will discuss in details the FE model used for the batter pile group

foundation including its mesh, interface modeling, constitutive models for materials and the

determination of the model parameters. The coupled pore fluid diffusion and stress analysis

provided by ABAQUS will be discussed. A brief introduction of the FB-MultiPier model will also

be presented since we intended to compare the result of FEM with the p-y approach.

4.2 The Finite Element Models

A three-dimensional finite element model with exact geometry of the M19 pier foundation

was developed on ABAQUS. The lateral load was applied on the left side of pile cap and directed

horizontally to the right. Only half of the foundation including 12 piles is simulated due to the

symmetric nature of this problem. The size of the mesh was selected such that the length of soil

media is 220 ft, which is 5 times the size of pile cap (44 ft), and the depth of the soil media is 165

ft, which is 1.7 times the embedded depth of the piles (97 ft). To assess the effect of boundary

distance on the results of FE analysis, another model was developed using a mesh with 440 ft

length (10 times of pile cap size) and the resulted lateral deformation of pile cap was about 2%

different than the original model. This small discrepancy demonstrates that the boundary effect on

the model is negligible. Thus, the FE model with 220 ft wide is adopted in this study for its

economic computation cost. The mesh includes 12 piles of 110 ft long and 3 ft ×3 ft square section

that are inclined with a slope of 1:6 and spaced exactly the same as the M19 pier foundation. The

cap is located 12 ft above the mudline. The lateral load was applied on the left side of pile cap and

directed horizontally to the right (along +y direction). A uniformly distributed pressure load is

applied to the loading positions as in the field test.

The final FE mesh (Figure 4.1a) consists of a total of 68,229 three-dimensional linear

interpolation reduced integration solid elements (C3D8R). This type of elements is superior to the

fully-integrated linear elements in representing more variations in bending and also avoided the

“shear locking” problem that occurs during shearing. However, the linear reduced integration

elements are allowing spurious singular modes (“hourglassing”) which can only be avoided by

setting proper hourglassing stiffness by the users. A hourglassing stiffness of 1.0 is proved to be

adequate for the FEA in this study.

The boundary conditions for the FE model include restraining the horizontal movement along

the side boundaries ( or ), restraining the vertical movement along the bottom boundary

( ), set symmetric boundary ( , 𝑅 , 𝑅 ), and applying a uniformly

distributed hydrostatic pressure (10ft water=624psf) on the mud surface to simulate the effect of

water above mudline.

The initial geostatic balance condition of layered soil is installed in the soil body using

command “*initial conditions, type=geostatic” for each layer according to its total unit weight.

Meanwhile, the gravity is applied to the whole model body with each soil layers assigned

corresponding density. In this way the inner geostatic stress and the external gravity are able to

reach a balance at the beginning of the analysis without any settlements (or with a neglectable

amount of settlements due to the weight of pile group). The information of soil unit weight or

density is directly obtained from the UU tests and the CPTs performed near M19 piers. It should be

noticed that this procedure actually simulated the cast-in place types of pile since it assumes

initially undisturbed soil stress with the presence of piles. This is not the case for M19 foundation

which is constructed with driven piles.

Trochanis et al. (1991) discussed the significance of incorporating slippage and separation in

pile-soil interface in the FE simulation of laterally loaded piles. ABAQUS provides several

contact formulations. Each formulation is based on a choice of a contact discretization, a tracking

approach, and assignment of “master” and “slave” roles to the contact surfaces. The tracking

approaches are to account for the relative motion of two interacting surfaces in mechanical contact

simulations. Two options of tracking approaches are offered: finite sliding, which is the most

general and allows any arbitrary motion of the surfaces, and small sliding assuming relatively little

sliding of one surface along the other. ABAQUS applies conditional constraints at various

locations on interacting surfaces to simulate contact conditions. The locations and conditions of

these constraints depend on the contact discretization used in the overall contact formulation. Two

discretization methods: “node-to-surface” and “surface-to-surface” are provided. Both contact

discretization methods enforce the slave nodes not to penetrate into the master surface, however

the node-to-surface contact discretization allows the master surface to penetrate into the slave

surface while large undetected penetrations of master nodes into the slave surface do not occur

with surface-to-surface contact discretization, since the surface-to-surface formulation enforces

contact conditions in an average sense over regions nearby slave nodes rather than only at

individual slave nodes. In this study, the surface-to-surface contact discretization with

small-sliding tracking approach is adopted for the pile-soil interface modeling.

The mechanical contact property consists of two components: one normal to the surfaces and

one tangential to the surfaces. The interface in the normal direction is assumed to be “hard” contact

which minimizes the penetration of the slave surface into the master surface at the constraint

locations and does not allow the transfer of tensile stress across the interface, while the tangential

interaction behavior is governed by Coulomb friction model which relates the normal force to its

shear behavior. A friction coefficient of 0.424 has been assigned to the tangential behavior, which

corresponds to an angle of interface friction =23o between the soil and the piles. Separation is

allowed after contact and slippage can happen when the tangential stress reached certain limit.

One of the objectives of this research is to investigate the effect of group interaction and pile

inclination. Such objective can be achieved by comparing the lateral deflection, bending moment

and soil resistance profiles produced by FE models with different spacing and pile inclinations.

Repeating the same techniques, four additional FE models with varied geometry features from the

original group pile model are constructed. They are summarized in Table 4.1. The meshes of all the

five FE models developed in this research are presented in Figure 4.1. The various colors in Figure

4.1b distinguish the soil stratification which will be discussed in next section. Figure 4.2 presents

the pile plane view of the pile layout and the numbering of the piles.

Table 4. 1: Summary of all the FE models

Spacing Between Spacing Between
Pile inclination
Rows Columns
Original Group Batter
Pile Model
Small-Spacing Group
Batter Pile Model
Large-Spacing Group
Batter Pile Model
Group Vertical Pile
Single Vertical Pile
N/A N/A Vertical
* is the pile diameter
(a)Normal Spacing (b)Single Vertical pile

(c)Small Spacing (d)Large Spacing (e) Group Vertical

Figure 4. 1: Finite element models

Figure 4. 2: Pile layout

4.3 Constitutive Models of Materials and Their Parameters

Subsurface condition of M19 pier foundation site is of high heterogeneity (as shown in Figure

2.2), so it is convenient to classify the soil into certain layers and then discuss their constitutive

models. Combining the soils with similar properties, the subsurface soil can be divided into eight

layers including two sand layers and six clay layers (Figure 4.2).

The unit weights and corresponding overburden pressure, the clays’ undrained shear

strength , and plasticity index , and the sands’ friction angle are determined based on the

overall evaluation of the five CPTs, the SPT and the UU tests and listed in Table 4.2.

Figure 4. 3: Soil classification for FE analysis

Table 4. 2: Soil properties determined from in-situ and UU tests
Total Unit Friction
Soil Type Below
Weight Angle
ft pcf psf psf psf
Soft Clay 0-15 123 240 20 925.58 456.02
Stiff Clay 15-25 119 1560 40 2446.05 1194.93
Medium Clay 25-38 108 1104 35 3742.78 1774.06
Medium Sand 38-49 120 35 5104.90 2387.38
Stiff Clay 49-70 113 1533.6 30 6951.40 3235.48
Stiff Clay 70-81 122 3162 35 8809.13 4094.81
Stiff Clay 81-99 128 1796.4 35 9992.28 4685.16
Dense Sand >99 124 38

4.3.1 Sands

The sand soil layers are simulated using the Drucker-Prager (DP) model with non-associated

flow rule. DP model had been used in many studies to describe the behavior of sand soils (e.g.,

Brown and Shie, 1990; Trochanis et al., 1991; Yang and Jeremic, 2002; Karthigeyan et al., 2006).

The Drucker-Prager yield function incorporated the effect of hydrostatic stress, which is expressed

as follows:

( )


( + ( )( ) ) ( )

which describes the shape of the yield stress on the -plane; describes the slope of the yield

surface in the p–t stress plane and is referred as the angle of friction; d describe the cohesion of the

material, p is the mean stress, q is the Mises equivalent stress which has the expression
√ ; is the is the ratio of the yield stress in triaxial tension to the yield stress in triaxial

compression, and r is the third invariant of deviatoric stress. The yield surface of Drucker-Prager

Model on meridional plane is presented in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4. 4: Yield surface of Drucker-Prager model on meridional plane

It is worth mentioning that the angle of friction  and cohesion d in the Drucker-Prager

criterion are different from the friction angle  and cohesion c in the Mohr-Coulomb criterion.

They have following relations:

( )
√ ( 𝑖 ) √ ( 𝑖 )

The angle of friction of sand layers was calculated from the estimated friction angle

from the corrected SPT-N values, and the cohesion is artificially set to a small value to avoid

convergence difficulties. The Young’s modulus of cohesionless soil was estimated from the

corrected SPT-N value using the following formula proposed by Kulhawy and Mayne (1990):


where is the atmospheric pressure,  is 10 for clean normally consolidated sand and is the

corrected SPT-N value.

4.3.2 Clays

All the clay layers were simulated using the AMCCM that was implemented into ABAQUS

through UMAT subroutine. The FE analysis is based on the assumption that all the clay layers are

fully drained so no excessive pore water pressure exists (the validity of such assumption will be

discussed in chapter 5). In other words, if we consider the whole soil body as the superposition of

water and soil skeleton, the stresses contributed by water will be exactly the hydrostatic water

pressure while the stresses offered by soil skeleton are under the governing of AMCCM or DP

constitutive law. Hence the stresses given by ABAQUS must be processed with:

( )

before passing the stresses into AMCCM. After successful updating of the stresses and state

variables, remember to recover the effective stress to total stress before passing back to ABAQUS:

+ ( )

The Above treatment can guarantee the response of the whole system is driven by total stress

while remain the implemented AMCCM only manipulate the effective stress. Keep in mind that

the correctness of such handling is based on fully drained assumption.

The AMCCM has six material constants: Poisson’s ratio; M slope of critical state line;

slope of unloading-reloading line (or logarithmic bulk modulus); slope of normal compression

line (or logarithmic hardening constant); and the anisotropic parameters c and x. Also, it has three

state variables (e void ratio, preconsolidation pressure and back stress), thus requires the

users to provide three initial values of these state variables ( , and ). These

parameters will be either calculated from empirical correlations from CPT data or estimated based

on past experiences of the normal range of the parameter for a certain type of clay.

The preconsolidation pressure can be calculated from the OCR of soil which is defined


𝑅 ( )

where is the effective overburden pressure of each layer, which can be simply calculated by

averaging the overburden pressure at the top and bottom of that layer. The OCRs are obtained by

and plastic index via the diagram (Figure 4.5) proposed by Andresen et al. (1979)

Figure 4. 5: Relationships between , OCR and based on correlations for Drammen

clay (Andresen et al., 1979)

The initial void ratio of clay can be estimated from the typical range of soil void ratio

suggested by Das (1990) (Table 4.3).

The logarithmic bulk modulus , Poisson’s ratio and logarithmic hardening

constant should be systematically calibrated via hydrostatic compression test and triaxial

compression tests. Unfortunately, undisturbed soil samples were unavailable at the time of this

research and also these parameters belong to the school of critical state soil mechanics that can

hardly be correlated from CPT or SPT data. However, the in-situ tests provided some direct soil

strength information, which can help us make the proper judgments within the common range of

these parameters. It will be helpful to make such judgments if one firstly obtains the Clay’s

Young’s modulus . According to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Manual

1110-1-1904, the Young’s modulus is related with undrained shear strength by the following


( )

where is a function of OCR and plasticity index and can be determined according to Figure

4.6. Although the Young’s modulus cannot directly be used in AMCCM, they are good indicator

of the relative elastic stiffness of all the six clay clays. According to Yu (2006), the slope of

swelling line for clay ranges from 0.01 to 0.06 and the Poisson’s ratio is among 0.15 and 0.35

for both clay and sand. The typical value of for clay is in the range of 0.1-0.2. Combining all

above information, , and can be determined empirically.

Table 4. 3: Typical void ratio for some soils (Das, 1990)

Type of soil Void Ratio
Loose uniform sand 0.8
Dense uniform sand 0.45
Loose angular-grained silty sand 0.65
Dense angular-grained silty sand 0.4
Stiff clay 0.6
Soft clay 0.9-1.4
Loess 0.9
Soft organic clay 2.5-3.2

Glacial till 0.3

Figure 4. 6: Chart for estimating (EM 1110-1-1904)

The slope of critical state line M is determined based on the back-calculation of undrained

shear strength interpreted from CPT data. According to critical state soil mechanics, the

relationship between clay undrained shear strength and Cam-clay parameters is expressed as

follows (Wood, 1990):

( ) ( )

where ; is the initial effective mean stress; is the ratio of tip pressure to critical state

pressure and for modified cam clay model . Using this equation, one can back-calculate the

M value with , 𝑅, and that were determined earlier for each layer.

Some suggestions of anisotropic constants c and x from literatures can be used in this study.

Wheeler (1997) suggested a value of 4/3 for x. In the same work by Wheeler (1997), a new

parameter is introduced to describe the rate at which approaching to its target value 𝑥 :

𝑥( + )
( )
( )
Wheeler (1997) suggested that in the absence of suitable experimental data, a value of 30 for

can be considered for a typical value. Having each layer’s , , 𝑥, , and , one is can back

calculate the c parameter for each layer assuming .

As indicated by Graham et al. (1983), the yield surface for naturally deposited clay tends to

align along the consolidation line, which means the initial inclination angle can be

determined if one knows the of the in-situ soil. For each layer, is obtained according to the

relationship between , OCR and proposed by Masood and Mitchell (1993) (Figure 4.7).

Then is set to be identical to the angle of the consolidation line on the plane,

which can be determined as follows:

( ) ( )
( )
( + ) ( + ) +

Figure 4. 7: as function of sleeve friction and overconsolidation ratio (Masood and Mitchell,

Finally, the basic soil properties directly correlated from the in-situ tests and the material

parameters used for AMCCM and Drucker-Prager model are summarized in Table 4.4.

Table 4. 4: Parameters for AMCCM and DP model

Depth AMCCM Drucker-Prager

Soil Type Below OCR
M x c β d

ft ksf psf degree psf

Soft Clay 0-15 71.7 0.30 3.2 0.9 1459.3 1.5 6.1 0.9 0.03 0.1 1.33 1.10

Stiff Clay 15-25 1307.9 0.15 2.7 1.0 3226.3 1.2 0.0 1.1 0.01 0.14 1.33 0.87

Medium Clay 25-38 780.0 0.25 2.2 0.9 3902.9 1.3 6.1 1.0 0.01 0.12 1.33 0.77

Medium Sand 38-49 600.0 0.40 1.9 1.0 15.27 10

Stiff Clay 49-70 1307.9 0.20 1.3 0.8 4206.1 0.9 13.2 0.9 0.01 0.12 1.33 0.57

Stiff Clay 70-81 2400.2 0.20 1.0 0.9 4094.8 0.9 6.1 1.1 0.01 0.12 1.33 0.44

Stiff Clay 81-99 1620.0 0.20 1.0 0.8 4685.2 0.9 13.2 1.1 0.01 0.12 1.33 0.44

Dense Sand >99 1200.0 0.45 1.0 1.0 16.60 10

4.3.3 Concretes

The piles and pile cap are made of concrete which is simulated using a linear elastic model in

this study. The elastic Young’s modulus was estimated based on the average results of 28-day

concrete compressive strength on cylindrical specimens ( = 9064 psi). Since the lateral

load test was conducted six months after pile construction, the average compressive strength was

increased by 20% to account for concrete curing and the prestressed confinement effect. The

Young’s modulus of the concrete was then estimated using the following equation:

√ ( )

The value of pile Young’s modulus was estimated to be 8.56 × 108 psf. A common value of

0.2 is assumed to be concrete’s Poisson’s ratio.

4.4 Coupled Pore Fluid Diffusion and Stress Analysis in ABAQUS

As mentions earlier, we assume the soils to be under fully drained conditions when handling

the pore water pressure problem. However, the adoption of such assumption will not be validated

until one performs a coupled pore fluid diffusion analysis of this problem and compares its results

with the non-coupled one. In this section, the coupled pore fluid diffusion and stress analysis in

ABAQUS will be discussed, and then it will be used to carry out a series of drained,

partially-drained and undrained analyses on the single pile model.

In ABAQUS, a coupled pore fluid diffusion/stress analysis is used to model single phase,

partially or fully saturated fluid flow through porous media and can be performed in terms of either

total pore pressure or excess pore pressure by including or excluding the pore fluid weight. In this

study we are focusing on the saturated fluid flow since all the soils are submerged under the lake’s

water and are believed to be fully saturated.

ABAQUS can provide the solutions either in terms of total or “excess” pore fluid pressure.

The excess pore fluid pressure at a point is the pore fluid pressure in excess of the hydrostatic

pressure required to support the weight of pore fluid above the elevation of the material point. In

ABAQUS the total pore pressure solutions are provided when the gravity distributed load is used

to define the gravity load on the model, while excess pore pressure solutions are provided in all

other cases; for example, when gravity loading is defined with body force distributed loads.

Recalling the use of “gravity” type of load in our FE models, the pore fluid obtained from the FEA

in this research is total pore fluid pressure.

The pore fluid flows are governed by Forchheimer's law, which can be expressed as follows:
( + √ ) ( )
where is the volumetric flow rate of wetting liquid per unit area of the porous medium;

is the fluid saturation (s=1 for a fully saturated medium); n is the porosity of the porous

medium; is the fluid velocity; ( ) is a “velocity coefficient” which may be depend on the

void ratio of the material; is the dependence of permeability on saturation of the wetting liquid

such that at ; is the density of and specific unit weight the fluid respectively;

( ) is the permeability of the fully saturated medium, which can be a function of void ratio

e, temperature and field variables ; g is the gravitational acceleration;

The Forchheimer's law tells us that high flow velocities have the effect of reducing the

effective permeability and, therefore, “choking” pore fluid flow. As the fluid flow velocity reduces,

Forchheimer's law approximates the well-known Darcy's law.

In this research, a coupled pore fluid diffusion and stress analysis is carried out on single pile

model. All the soil constitutive models and their parameters are the same as the uncoupled models.

Clays and sands are assigned different permeability according to the typical permeability k for

various soils (Table 4.5. Das, 1999). Times allowed for consolidation after each load increments is

exactly following the time table of the full scale load test on M19 pier eastbound foundation,

which is listed in Table 2.1. In the finite element model, the C3D8R elements are replaced by

C3D8RP elements to perform the coupled analysis, since the latter one has an additional degree of

freedom on pore water pressure. The upper surface of the soil bulk is assigned the boundary

condition , which is equivalent to a fully drained condition at ground surface. Drainage

from other part of the soil bodies including the pile-soil interface are not allowed.
Table 4. 5: Typical permeability k for various soils (Das, 1990)
Type of soil k (cm/sec)

Medium to coarse gravel Greater than 10-1

Coarse to fine sand 10-1 to 10-3

Fine sand, silty sand 10-3 to 10-5

Silt clayey silt silty clay 10-4 to 10 -6

Clays 10-7 or less

4.5 FB-MultiPier Analysis

The FB-MultiPier program is based on finite element approach and can be used to analyze the

entire components of the bridge from bridge slab to soil layer. It uses the iterative solution

technique to predict the lateral displacements. During iteration, the stiffness of soils and piles are

calculated and eventually generated the stiffness matrix to predict the lateral displacement of piles

as output. Then, this displacement is used to predict the internal forces of structure members. The

advantages of FB-Multipier for simulating laterally loaded piles is that it has an in-built library of

soil p-y curves, and the group effect can be easily taken into account by user defined p–multipliers

for pile group analysis. Some in-built p-y curves included in FB-Multipier and their input

parameters are listed in Table 4.6

Table 4. 6: Summary of input parameter of p-y curves used in FB-Multipier
Soil Soil Parameter
Soil location P-y curve
Type stiffness s

Loose- Above groundwater table O’Neill and Murchison (1984)

dense Below groundwater table Reese et al. (1974)

Soft/ Above groundwater table O’Neill and Gazioglu (1984)

Below groundwater table Matlock (1970)
Above groundwater table Reese and Welch (1972)
Below groundwater table Reese et al. (1975)

* is the internal friction angle; is subgrade modulus; is the unit weight; is the
undrained shear strength; is the major principal strain at 50% soil strength.
The whole structure of M19 eastbound pier was modeled including 24 batter piles, 2-pier

columns, shear wall, and a cantilever bent (Figure 4.8). Piles are modeled as three dimensional

discrete elements. The nonlinear behavior of concrete material are modeled by using input or

default stress-strain curves that are a function of compressive stress of concrete ( ) and modulus

of elasticity of concrete ( ). The pile model is generated by inputting the same geometry

properties as the original foundation. The fixed headed pile cap is modeled using nine nodded shell

elements which is based on Mindlin’s theory that can consider the bending and shear deformations.

The soils are classified into eight layers to be consistent with the FE models introduced earlier in

this chapter. Each soil layer surrounding piles are modeled as an attached nonlinear spring that

characterized by a proper selected of p-y curve. The input parameters ( for sand and

for clay) are determined using the UU tests or in-situ CPT and SPT tests results. The input

parameters for the FB-MultiPier analyses are summarized in Table 4.7.

Figure 4. 8: FB-MultiPier model for M19 pier

Table 4. 7: Input parameters for FB-MultiPier Analysis
Depth lateral model
Soil Type Below Su
Mudline (p-y curve)

ft pcf pcf psf pcf

Soft Clay 0-15 Clay (Soft < Water) 123 240 0.02

Stiff Clay 15-25 Clay (Stiff < Water) 119 1560 120 0.005

Medium Clay 25-38 Clay (Stiff < Water) 108 1104 60 0.007

Medium Sand 38-49 Sand (Reese) 120 35 120

Stiff Clay 49-70 Clay (Stiff < Water) 113 1533.6 100 0.005

Stiff Clay 70-81 Clay (Stiff < Water) 122 3162 150 0.004

Stiff Clay 81-99 Clay (Stiff < Water) 128 1796.4 150 0.005

Dense Sand >99 Sand (Reese) 124 38 150



5.1 Nomenclatures

Before systematically presenting the FEA results, it is desirable to reintroduce the pile

numbering and their position in the pile group (recall Figure 4.2) for the convenience of

discussion in the following sections.

The nomenclature for the rows is the same as the one adopted by Zhang et al. (1999), where

the 1st row is named as “lead row” and the 4th row is called “trail row”. The most outside column

is called “side column”, followed by “middle column” and then the most inside one is named

“inner column”. In the following sections many aspects will be compared between different rows

(e.g., piles 2, 4, 5, 6) and different columns (e.g., piles 1, 2, 3). Among all, pile 2 is selected here

to be the reference pile that connects the comparisons between rows and columns.

5.2 Coupled Pore Fluid Diffusion and Stress Analysis on Single Pile Model

First of all, it is necessary to examine the soundness of our fully drained assumption the

fully drained assumption adopted in the construction of all the FE models, as introduced in

section 4.3. A coupled pore fluid diffusion analysis is performed on a single pile model. In the

coupled analysis, the time duration of each loading increment becomes very important since the

consolidation process is involved. Such time durations are set to be the exactly the same as the

time schedule followed in the full-scale lateral load test that carried on M19 east bound pier

foundation. Unloading-reloading processes are not included in this analysis for the sake of
comparing with the previous uncoupled FE analysis. In this analysis, we neither assume its fully

drained nor fully undrained condition, but set the upper surface of the soil body to be the drained

boundary and let the whole soil body consolidate according to the testing time. Hence, this

coupled pore fluid diffusion analysis can be regarded as “partially drained” analysis.

The lateral deflection and bending moment profiles obtained from the partially drained

model and the previous fully drained model at 1870 kips lateral load are presented in Figure 5.1.

It can be seen that the results from the partially drained analysis and the fully drained analysis

are very close to each other with a maximum difference of about 3% in lateral deflection and 4%

in bending moment. To investigate possible causes of such small discrepancy between the two

draining conditions, we extracted the excessive pore water pressure developed along depth in

front of the pile at the end of loading (when the steel strands are cut) and plot it with the total

geostatic pressure in Figure 5.2. It can be seen that the major excessive pore water pressure is

developed within the top 15ft of the soil, which is the soft clay soil layer. Such excessive pore

pressure is really small compared to the total stress due to soil self-weight.

The excessive pore water pressure dissipation curve of the point at 3.75 ft, 11.25 ft and

21.65 ft below ground surface are plotted in Figure 5.3. It is observed that there is a bouncing up

of the pore water pressure after each load increment applied, and then dissipation occurs during

the resting period. In this four-hour loading procedure the excessive pore pressure is kept

accumulating until the steel strands are cut. The overall excessive pore water pressure developed

at 3.75 ft is lower than that at 11.25 ft since this point is very close to the ground surface which is

the drained boundary. The excessive pore pressure of soil at 21.65 ft depths is neglectable

compared to the other two points.

(a) Lateral deflection

(b) Bending moment

Figure 5. 1: Comparison between partially and the fully drained analysis
Figure 5. 2: Excessive pore water pressure and total geostatic pressure along the path

Figure 5. 3: Excessive pore water pressure dissipation curves of soil at various depths

Based on Figures 5.2 and 5.3, the small discrepancy of the lateral deflection and bending

moment profile observed between partially drained and fully drained analysis in Figure 5.1 can

be explained. The excessive pore water pressure are mainly concentrated near the ground surface

which is the drainage boundary, hence the accumulated excessive pore water pressure after the

four-hour loading procedure is still small compared to the initial geostatic pressure of the site.

In conclusion, although some variations (maximum 3% - 4%) are observed between the

partially drained and fully drained analyses, the latter can still provide quite reliable results

representing the lateral response of the piles in the full-scale lateral load test on M19 eastbound

pier foundation while having a significant saving in the computational cost of the analysis.

5.3 Lateral Deformation

The lateral displacement contour of the whole soil body after applying a lateral load of 1870

kips is illustrated in Figure 5.4a. It can be seen that the pile cap and the surface soil close to piles

have the largest displacement. The soils within 28 ft width and 29 ft depth from the center of

pile location are mobilized from 0.21 in to 0.63 in due to the maximum applied lateral load of

1870 kips. Such influence is neglectable for the soil beyond this region. Figure 5.4b presents the

displacement vectors for all nodes of the pile group at 1870 kips lateral load. A scale factor of

250 is adopted to visualize the lateral deflections of the piles. It is noticed that the toes of left

side piles and right side piles are not in the same level. The negative battered piles (left side piles)

are subjected to uplifting while the positive battered piles (right side piles) are subjected to down

dragging, indicating a rotation of the entire pile group.


Figure 5. 4: At a lateral load of 1870kips, the a) contours of lateral displacement of the whole
model and b) displacement vectors of the pile nodes on the deformed pile group.

As a result, the whole pile foundation exhibits a tendency of rising of the elevation due to

the lateral load. This phenomenon is consistent with our experience: piles are easier to pull out

than drive in, thus when rotation occurs the whole foundation are tend to be lift up. Figure 5.5

shows the distribution of void ratio of the first layer. As expected, the soil exhibit densification in

front of the lead row and expansion behind the trail row.

Figure 5. 5: Contour of the void ratio at first clay later after 1870kips lateral load
Figure 5.6 presents the profiles of lateral deflection generated from the FE model on batter

pile group foundation under different lateral loads. The FE predicted maximum pile cap lateral

deformation is 0.79 in. Due to the “fixed” condition of pile head (enforced by pile cap), the

deflection curves always tend to keep perpendicular to bottom of the pile cap.

Figure 5. 6: Lateral deflection under different lateral load
Figure 5.7 compares the FE predicted lateral deflection profiles obtained from FEM using

AMCCM with those measured in the field using the IP inclinometers and those predicted by the

FB-MultiPier analysis under lateral load 1870kips. Here the group factors of 0.9, 0.8, 0.8 and 0.7

for lead row to trail row were used in the FB-MultiPier analyses. The deflection profiles from the

FEM show slightly larger deflection near the pile cap than the measured values. However, the

overall deflection curves along the pile have very good match with the field measured data. The

FB-MultiPier predicted pile head displacement is close to the measured value; however the

deflection curve drifts away as the depth increasing along the pile. The “Stationary point” (the

point with no lateral deformation) obtained from FB-MultiPier analysis is much shallower than

those given by field measurements and FEM. Such discrepancies were also reported by McVay

et al. (2005) in there barge impact tests on a bridge pier at St. George Island Causeway. A

possible explanation of such discrepancy could be due to the simple way that FB-MultiPier

account for group interaction effects. In FB-MultiPier, the group effect is empirically considered

using the p-multiplier, which is determined by comparing the single pile p-y curves with group

pile p-y curves from field tests. The p-multiplier of the pile in the same row assumed to be

constant along the pile depth regardless of the soil type. First of all, the unified p-multiplier for

the pile representing average value of the different group interaction effects of various soil types.

Secondly, such assumption neglected the possible variation of group interaction effect for the

same soil at different depth. Thus, for the soil, the shallower layers may suffer more group

interaction effect than the deeper layers due to larger mobilization of shallower soil and thus

more shadowing effect. For the batter pile group cases, it becomes even more questionable to use

a unified p-multiplier to reduce all the p-y curves along the entire pile depth, since the spacing of

rows spacing vary dramatically from pile top to the pile toe. Take the M19 pier foundation as an

example, the spacing between 2nd and 3rd rows is 4.5D (13.6ft) at ground level and becomes

15.4D (46.1ft) at pile toes. Obviously the pile-soil system near the ground surface will

experience more pile-soil-pile interaction effects than at deeper depths. This statement will be

further discussed later in this section.

Figure 5. 7: Lateral deflection profiles from field test, FEM and FB-MultiPier
The lateral deflection profiles of the piles aligned in the same row but different columns

(pile 1, 2 and 3) and those in the same column but varied rows (pile 2, 4, 5 and 6) under 1870

kips lateral load are presented in Figures 5.8a and 5.8b, respectively. The lateral deflections of

the piles near the pile cap are almost the same due to the confinement of the pile cap. However,

some variation occurs at deeper portion of the pile and such difference reaches its maximum at

30 – 35 ft below pile cap, which is corresponding to the second soil layer (stiff clay). The piles

located in the side column, lead row and trail row show larger bent than the other piles,

indicating that these piles are encountered more soil resistance than the rest. This observation

will be verified later in the soil resistance profile section.

(a)Different columns (b)Different rows

Figure 5. 8: Lateral deflection profiles of piles in different location
The Comparison of the lateral deflection profiles obtained from different FE models at a

lateral load of 1870 kips is presented in Figure 5.9. In the figure GV represents group vertical

pile foundation and GB stands for group batter pile foundation. All the comparison is based on

the reference pile (pile 2). Many conclusions can be drawn from Figure 5.9:

1) All the pile groups regardless of their pile inclination or spacing show much higher lateral

displacement than that of a single pile, which is consistent with most field or model tests.

2) For the batter pile groups, the small spacing model produces largest lateral deformation

(0.94in) while large spacing model shows relatively small lateral deformation (0.71in).

3) The vertical pile group model exhibits significant large lateral deformation (1.22in), which is

54% greater than the batter pile group with the same spacing (0.79in) and 130 % larger than

the single isolated pile (0.53in).

Figure 5. 9: lateral deflection profiles obtained from different FE models

Beside for above findings, Figure 5.9 supported the author’s discussion earlier in this

chapter regarding the oversimplification of group effect using a unified p-multiplier for an entire

pile. The “fixed point” for single vertical pile model is much shallower than the group piles, and

is very close to the FB-Multipier predicted depth. It suggests that when pile group is subjected to

lateral loading, the soils near the ground surface are mobilized as a block, extending the soil’s

influence zone due to lateral load to be deeper than the single pile case. This comparison

confirms the authors’ believe that the group effect has influence on both pile head movement and

the deflection pattern along depth. The p-y curves of the soils located near ground level are

subjected to greater reduction due to group interaction effects which can be incorporated with

increased p-multipliers.

5.4 Contours of Stress\Strain Distribution

5.4.1 Mean Effective Stress & Volumetric Strain

The Contour of the mean effective stress (SDV10 in the UMAT) distribution for soil layer

clays before and after lateral load is presented in Figure 5.10. The mean effective stress after

geostatic process (Figure 5.10a) shows generally uniform distribution at the same elevation with

only a little disturbance near the pile due to gravity of the pile group. Significant change of the

mean effective stress field for the top three soil layers is observed after application of a lateral

load of 1870 kips (Figure 5.10b). The soils behind the piles (on the left side of the pile in the

figure) show a decrease of mean effective stress while the soils in front of the piles (on the right

side of the pile in the figure) are subjected to increased mean effective stress. This finding

indicates that the stress path of the soil near ground surface behind the pile is similar to that of

triaxial extension test while the stress path of the soil in front of the pile is close to the one in

triaxial compression test, which further supported the statement made earlier that the soil

anisotropy could be a key issue in simulating the laterally loaded pile behaviors. The influence of

lateral load to the mean effective stress distribution becomes less significant for the soil layers

located at deeper depths.


Figure 5. 10: Contour of the mean effective stress for clays a) before and b) after lateral loading
The change in mean effective stress should be discussed together with the volumetric strain

(SDV12 in the UMAT) distribution after loading (shown in Figure 5.11). Obviously the lateral

load transmitted from the pile pushes the soil in front of the piles to a denser state and the gaps

left behind the piles are instantaneously filled by soils and thus result in a relaxation of the soil

behind the piles. Such densification effect is most significant for the soil in front of the lead row

and the maximum relaxation occurs at the soils behind the trail row. It is worth to notice that the

volumetric strain contour is very similar to the possible failure surfaces for batter piles described

by Prakash and Subramanyam (1965), which is presented in Figure 5.12.

Figure 5. 11: Contour of volumetric strain after lateral loading

Figure 5. 12: Failure surface in positive and negative batter piles (Prakash and Subramanyam,
5.4.2 Deviatoric Stress &Deviatoric Strain

The deviatoric stress q (also called “Mises stress” in ABAQUS) of piles at different

columns is shown in Figure 5.13. Only the top halves of the piles are presented since the

deviatoric stress variation of the bottom half are neglectable compares to the top portion. The

yellow-red area indicates the largest concentration of the deviatoric stress. It is notice that such

high deviatoric stress area occurs at the cap-pile connection and 0-10ft and 24-35ft below pile

cap. The piles located in the lead row show larger deviatoric stress at the cap-pile connection

than those in the rest rows. Also, it is observed that the piles in the side column share more

deviatoric stress than that of middle and inner column piles.

Figure 5. 13: Deviatoric stress of piles in different columns

The contours of deviatoric stress of the first three soil layers are shown in Figure 5.14a. It is

observed that a large fraction of the lateral load is absorbed by the second stiff clay layer, while

the rest are mainly taken by the third medium clay layer. The first clay layer is so soft that only a

small fraction of deviatoric stress is allocated in this layer. Such distribution pattern will be

observed again when we discuss the soil resistance profiles along the piles in section 5.8. The

situation is reversed for the contours of deviatoric strain (Figure 5.14b) of the first three soil

layers. For example, a large region of the first soft clay layer undergoes deviatoric strains while

only a small area near the pile of the second stiff clay layer developed some deviatoric strains.

Extracting the second layer and readjust the limit ranges of the contour (Figure 5.15) allows

one to overlook the deviatoric stress distribution at the cross-section that offer major lateral

resistance. The deviatoric stress distribution pattern indicates that the soils in front of the lead

row contributed much more soil resistance that those in between the piles or behind the trail row.


Figure 5. 14: Contour of a) deviatoric stress and b) deviatoric strain of the first three soil layers

Figure 5. 15: Deviatoric stress distribution at the second layer
The shadowing\edge effects caused by pile group interaction have been discussed in many

literatures (e.g. Rollins et al., 1998; Zhang et al., 1999). However, no literature has illustrated

how such effect influence the stress distribution of the soil under lateral loads. In this research,

the shadow effect can be well visualized by comparing the plane view of deviatoric stress

contours of the second stiff clay layer (which offer the major lateral resistance) of all the three

varied-spacing group batter pile modes and the vertical group pile model, as shown in Figure

5.16. Notice that all the contours are plotted under the same color limit (from 300 psf to 2430 psf)

for convenience of comparison.

Firstly, there is a significant increase of the deviatoric stress of the soil in front of the lead

row for the vertical pile group (Figure 5.16b) comparing to the batter pile group (Figure 5.16a) at

same spacing. The main reason is that major portion of the lateral load on pile cap is directly

transferred to the soils for vertical piles, while for inclined piles part of the lateral load is

transmitted into axial component of the piles and then digested by skin friction and toe resistance.

Hence, the deviatoric stress developed in the soil surrounding the vertical piles will be much

larger than that of batter piles.

(a) Normal spacing-GB (b) Normal spacing-GV

(c) Large spacing-GB (d) Small spacing-GB

Figure 5. 16: Deviatoric stress distribution of various FE models
Secondly, the deviatoric stress distribution patterns are very different for batter pile groups

with various spacing. The negative batter piles of large spacing model (Figure 5.16c) produce

relatively independent stress concentration zones under a lateral load of 1870 kips, while these

isolated zones turn out to be a united region when comes to normal spacing model. Such region

even extends into a larger area when the pile spacing further narrowed (Figure 5.16d). Obviously,

this phenomenon is caused by increased overlapping of the piles’ influenced zones when pile

spacing getting closer. It is also interesting to notice that the maximum deviatoric stress in front

of the lead row of large spaced piles is 1485 psf with a relatively spread out pattern, while for the

normal spacing model it becomes 1924 psf and distributed more compactly. The small spacing

model has the most concentrated stress zone with an average deviatoric stress of 2324psf located

in front of the lead row. Still, such zone is formed due to the highly overlapped shadowing and

edge effect caused by closely spaced piles.

5.5 Bending Moment

The piles bending moment profiles along depth were extracted from the FE model at

different load increments and presented in Figure 5.17. Evidently, the maximum positive

bending moments occur at pile head for all piles due to rigid cap-pile connection. The maximum

negative bending moments occurs at approximately 28 ft below pile cap for all lateral loads.

As introduced in Chapter 2, two pairs of strain gauges were installed on each of the 12

selected piles at two different locations. The strain gauge data for each pair was used to calculate

the bending moment and axial load. The moments can be calculated using the following

( 𝑡 )
( )

where 𝑡 is the tensile strain; is the compressive strain; h is the horizontal distance between

the two gauges; and EI is the flexural stiffness of the pile.

Figures 5.18 present the comparison of bending moments generated from the FEM, strain

gauges and the FB-MultiPier analyses at two different load increments (970 kips and 1745 kips).

Figure 5. 17: Bending moment profiles under different lateral loads from FE analysis

There is a missing of the second pair strain gauge data at pile 4 since one gauge was damaged

during pile installation. The position of pile 8 is located in the trail row of the other half of the

pile group foundation which is not simulated in the FE model. The counterpart to pile 8 is pile 1

in the FE simulated half, thus the FE and FB-MultiPier results shown in the bottom two figures

of Figure 5.18 are actually the same and only the SG data changed.

Figure 5. 18: Bending moment profiles from the strain gauges, FEM and FB-MultiPier analyses

Generally speaking, both FEM and the FB-MultiPier predicted bending moments agree well

with those deduced from the strain gauges data. The point of zero bending moment (which is

corresponding to the inflection point of the deflection curves) occurs at about 15-18ft below the

bottom of the pile cap. For both case (970 kips and 1745 kips), the maximum positive moment

predicted by the FEM are very close to those by FB-MultiPier; while the maximum negative

bending moment obtained from FEM is 21%-24% lower than those predicted by the

FB-MultiPier analysis. Besides, the location of maximum negative moment from the FEM

occurs at slightly shallower depth (27.5 ft below pile cap) than the location from the

FB-MultiPier analysis (31.5 ft below pile cap).

The bending moment profiles of the piles aligned in the same row but different columns

(pile 1, 2 and 3) and those in the same column but different rows (pile 2, 4, 5 and 6) under 1870

kips lateral load are plotted in Figure 5.19a and 5.19b, respectively. A very important finding

from this figure is that the pile located at side column (pile 1) shows 11.7% higher maximum

positive bending moment (at pile head) and 18.0% higher maximum negative bending moment

(at 27.5ft below pile cap) than those piles in inner column. Such significant variation of bending

moment for the piles in the same row is normally neglected in practice. This phenomenon will be

further discussed in section 5.8 when we comparing the soil resistance profiles of the piles in

different columns. For the piles aligned in the same column, it is found that the piles in lead row

and trail row take an averagely 7% more bending moment than those in the 2nd and 3rd rows, with

a slightly higher bending moment of pile 6 than pile 2.

(a)Different columns (b)Different rows
Figure 5. 19: Bending moment profiles of piles in different location
Figure 5.20 presents the different bending moment distribution of the reference pile (pile 2)

obtained from all the five FE models described in Figure 4.1 at lateral load of 1870 kips. The

figure showed that:

Figure 5. 20: Bending moment profiles from various FE models

1) The batter pile groups show very similar bending moment profile with the small spacing

model produces a slightly larger bending moment compared to the normal spacing and large

spacing models.

2) The batter pile groups have smaller (30%) bending moment than the vertical pile groups

regardless of the spacing, but these are still significantly higher (60%) than the bending

moment developed on a single isolated pile.

5.6 Distribution of Lateral Load

Researchers are very interested to know how the lateral load is distributed at each pile

among the group pile foundation. Figure 5.21 illustrated the lateral load distribution pattern of all

the piles in different rows and columns evaluated at pile head for various FE models. The lateral

load distributions among piles in different columns (Figure 5.21a) show that the side column

piles take the most lateral load followed by the middle column and then the inner column.

Similar finding was also reported by Ruesta and Townsend (1997) in their lateral load test at

Roosevelt Bridge. This variation exists in all pile group models and more significantly in small

spacing group and less obvious in large spacing group, which indicates that the edge effect is

intensified when spacing between columns is reduced.

For the piles in same column (Figure 5.21b), there is no surprise that the one located in lead

row is subjected the highest lateral load, followed by the 2nd and 3rd rows. For the large spacing

and normal spacing batter group models, the trail row takes the smallest portion of lateral load.

This lateral load distribution pattern is well known by researchers and also obeys our knowledge

Lateral load at pile head

Lateral load (Kips)





Side column Middle column Inner column
Large spacing-GB 78.81 67.32 63.99
Small spacing-GB 94.70 72.17 66.23
Normal spacing-GB 84.81 68.56 64.15
Normal spacing-GV 93.29 81.56 78.51

(a) Piles in different columns

Lateral load at pile head


Lateral load (Kips)





Trial row 3rd row 2nd row Lead row
Large spacing-GB 67.32 81.61 85.99 88.04
Small spacing-GB 72.17 71.18 75.58 96.30
Normal spacing-GB 68.56 77.79 82.19 90.26
Normal spacing-GV 81.56 69.88 72.95 101.82

(b) Piles in different rows

Figure 5. 21: lateral load distribution pattern evaluated at pile head for various FE models
on how the load is transferred for a deformable body. However, it is observed that the small

spacing batter group and the vertical group model have slightly higher lateral load distributed on

the trail row than that of the 3rd row or even the 2nd row.

This phenomenon is very interesting and there are some contradict observations to what

reported in the literatures. Many researchers concluded that the lateral load distribution is rigidly

decreasing from lead row to trail row (Brown et al., 1987; Ruesta and Townsend, 1997).

However, according to the lateral load tests reported by other researchers (Rollins et al., 1998;

Rollins et al., 2003b), trail row sometimes takes higher lateral load than 3rd or 2nd rows. In this

study, we noticed that such effect occurred at small spacing batter group and vertical group

models, which are believed to have the highest group effects among all the four models (as

illustrated in Figure 5.16). It can be inferred that when piles comes closed to each other, the most

influenced piles are those located in between lead and trail rows because they are suffering the

shadowing effect of the rows behind them and meanwhile their supporting zone (the shadow they

created) are disturbed by rows in front of them. On the contrary, the lead row and trail row are

less influenced because the shadow created by the lead row remains integrity and the trial row is

free from the shadow effect from other piles. Therefore when group interaction effect increases

(due to closer spacing or changing of batter to vertical), the rows in between will suffer higher

reduction of lateral strength while the lead and trail row are less affected. Based on this

observation, a possible explanation of the phenomenon that the trail row takes higher lateral load

than the 3rd or even the 2nd rows in high-group-effect pile foundations could be due to the

decreases of the lateral stiffness of the 2nd and 3rd row been faster than the lead and trail rows

during development of group effect, which finally result in a higher load distribution on the trail


5.7 Evolution and Distribution of Axial Load

Batter pile group foundation is able to transfer part of the lateral load on pile cap to the axial

load of the piles, which will increase the lateral capacity of the foundation. In the full-scale test,

the changes in pile axial load can be derived from measurements of strain gauge data. Figures

5.22 compares the measured axial load increments for piles 1 and 7 with those obtained from the

FE model. Good agreement is observed for the measured data and FE predicted curves. As

expected, the negative batter pile (pile 1) is subjected to axial extension and the positive batter

pile (pile 7) is subjected to axial compression. Both FEM and full-scale test results show that

such increment or reduction in axial load is proportional to the increase of applied lateral load.

Figure 5.23 shows the axial load distribution pattern of all the piles in different rows for

various FE models. Notice that the axial load shown in this figure are purely caused by applied

lateral load at cap, which is a result of subtraction of the total axial load by the axial load after

geostatic balance. The axial load developed on vertical pile groups are in accordance with our

empirical judgments. The lead row is subjected to highest compressive axial load while the trail

row takes the maximum axial traction load. The 2nd row and 3rd row are subjected to a small

amount of axial compression and tension loads, respectively.

(a) Pile 1

(b) Pile 7
Figure 5. 22: Increment of axial load from strain gauges and FEM
A dramatic difference of axial load distribution patter among vertical pile group and batter

pile groups is observed. The major axial load is no longer taken by the lead and trail rows but

shifted onto the 2nd and 3rd row piles. One possible explanation is that the trapezoidal soil block

formed between of 2nd and 3rd rows strengthened its resistance to rotation and then more axial

load is shifted to the piles beside this block, as illustrated in Figure 5.24. One can find that for

both vertical and batter pile group, there is a zone between 2nd and 3rd row where soil is subjected

to rotational stress states. The resistance to such rotation comes from the soil-pile interface shear

force developed along sides of the block and the normal force by the soil bed underneath the

block. Obviously, the trapezoidal zone formed by the batter pile foundation is able to create

higher rotation resistance by providing higher value of both components than the narrow

rectangular zone of vertical pile foundation do, since the former has a broader side area and

wider base zone. It is also noticed that the axial load developed in lead and trail rows are

increased as the pile-pile spacing decreased, indicating that a stronger group effect will reduce

the “trapezoidal zone effect” and thus shift more axial load to lead and trail row piles.

Summary of total axial load developed on both models at middle column is presented in

Table 5.1. It shows that regardless of pile spacing, the 1:6 batter piles are able to transmit part of

the horizontal load to their axial components, as expected.

Axial load distribution


Axial load (Kips)





Trial row 3rd row 2nd row Lead row
Large spacing-GB 28.60 156.26 -156.46 -27.96
Small spacing-GB 103.53 146.57 -147.23 -106.13
Normal spacing-GB 55.31 159.60 -160.20 -55.08
Normal spacing-GV 137.35 19.86 -20.61 -137.45

Figure 5. 23: Axial load distribution pattern for piles in different rows from various FE models

Figure 5. 24: The trapezoidal zone under batter pile group foundation

Table 5. 1: Total axial load developed at middle column in different FE models at 1870kips
lateral load
Normal Normal Small Large
spacing-GV spacing-GB spacing-GB spacing-GB
Total Axial Load
at middle column 315.27 430.19 503.46 369.28
Percentage in Reference 36.5% 59.7% 17.1%
Axial Component

5.8 Soil Resistance Profiles

Figure 5.25 presents the soil resistance profiles obtained from normal spaced batter pile

group model at different loads for all the piles. It can be seen that the first soft clay layer (0-15 ft

below mudline or 12-27 ft below pile cap) provides a relatively small and uniform lateral

resistance regardless of the depth at all levels of lateral load. Significant rise in the lateral

resistance profile occurs when entered the second stiff clay layer (15-25 ft below mudline or

27-37 ft below pile cap). A peak of positive lateral resistance is achieved at 27.5 ft and a

maximum negative lateral resistance occurs at 35.5 ft below pile cap for all the six piles under

any lateral loads. Both peaks are within the second stiff clay layer. It is interesting to notice that

the point 27.5 ft below the pile cap takes the maximum positive lateral resistance and the

maximum negative bending moment at the same time. Soil resistance reduced to zero at 33 ft

below cap. The third medium clay layer (25-38 ft below mudline or 37-50 ft below pile cap) are

basically offering some negative lateral resistance to the piles. Under this layer, the soils

resistance is negligible.

Figure 5. 25: Soil resistance profiles at different lateral loads from FEM
Figures 5.26 present the soil resistance profiles for different piles under 1870 kips lateral

load, which are also compared with the FB-MultiPier profiles. The Figure 26a shows that the

side pile 1 encountered higher lateral resistance in the first soft clay layer than the piles located

in the middle and inner columns do. It has also a slightly higher maximum positive soil

resistance at 27.5 ft depth than the middle and inner piles. The negative lateral resistance

provided by soils below 33 ft shows little variance for the three piles.

(a)Different columns (b)Different rows

Figure 5. 26: Soil resistance profiles for different piles from FEM and FB-MultiPier analysis
Figure 5.26b shows that the piles located in the lead and trail rows have higher soil

resistance in the first soft clay layer than the 2nd and 3rd row piles. The lead row has the highest

maximum positive soil resistance (21.1 kips) at 27.5 ft depth, followed by the 2nd row pile (19.5

kips) and the 3rd row pile (18.4 kips). The trail row takes a slightly higher maximum resistance

(18.8 kips) than the 3rd row but still less than the 2nd row and lead row. One major difference

between the Figure 26a and 26b is that the negative lateral resistance below 33 ft has significant

variation among different rows. The lead row takes the highest maximum negative resistance

(-7.3 kips) followed by the trail row (-6.0 kips) and then the 2nd and 3rd rows (-4.0 and -3.9 kips


According to both figures, the soil resistances near the ground surface and the maximum

positive lateral resistance predicted by FB-MultiPier are generally close to those generated by the

FEM model. However, it predicts a deeper zero soil resistance point (43 ft below cap) which

makes the fourth medium sand layer offer the major part of the negative lateral resistance.

The soil resistance profiles of the reference pile (pile 2) obtained from the different FE

models are presented in Figure 5.27. Some very interesting facts can be observed:

1) All the three different spaced batter pile groups has similar soil resistance distribution pattern.

Among them, the large spacing model encountered the highest soil resistance at all depth

regardless of soft or stiff clay soil layer, followed by the normal spacing model and then the

small spacing model. This phenomenon indicates: a) the group interaction effect will reduce

the lateral resistance offered by soils; b) such reduction of resistance nearly covers the soil at

all depth except those not influenced by the lateral load on pile cap; c) closely spaced pile

group suffer more reduction in lateral soil resistance due to group interaction effect than the

one that has larger spacing.

2) The comparison of the vertical pile group and the batter pile groups shows that the soil

resistance offered by the former is higher than that of the latter. The maximum positive

lateral resistance from the vertical group (26.4 kips) is 28.7% higher than that of the normal

spacing batter group (18.8 kips).

3) It is also noticed that the vertical pile group exhibits extremely sharp fluctuation in soil

resistance, while the single isolated vertical pile model produces a relatively smooth

distribution on the resistance. This phenomenon is very interesting since it shows that the

group interaction not only affects the soil resistance but also influences its distribution

pattern. For the easiness of discussion, we plot their soil resistance profile under different

lateral load separately in Figure 5.28.

Figure 5. 27: Soil resistance profiles from various FE models

It can be seen that under all lateral loads the first soft clay later offers higher horizontal

resistance to the single isolated pile than to the vertical group piles. Such stiffer response by soft

layer directly reduced the responsibility of the second stiff clay layer and hence less lateral

resistance is occurred in this layer compared to vertical group piles. An explanation of this could

be that when isolated piles assembled into a group, their interaction (shadowing\edge effect)
between each other significantly reduced the strength/stiffness of the first layer, hence a large

portion of lateral load have to be transmitted in to the second stiff clay layer, due to which a

sharp increase in lateral resistance at the soft-stiff joint surface (27 ft below pile cap) is occurred.

Figure 5. 28: Soil resistance profiles under different lateral loads from single pile and vertical
pile group model

5.9 P-y Curves

As mentioned in chapter 2, the advantage of 3D finite element model is that it can consider

the effect of pile geometry, group pile spacing, soil-pile interface and inelastic behavior of soil in

a more physical sounded way. Such 3D FEM analysis can produce the p-y curves rather than

assuming them as input parameters as the case for the FB-MultiPier. The p-y curves at selected

depths can be deduced from the soil reaction p profiles obtained at different load levels and the

corresponding lateral deformation y.

Observation of the soil resistance profiles of various models shows that the first soft clay

layer and the second stiff clay layer provide the major part of positive lateral resistance. Hence, it

is desirable to extract the p-y curves for both of them. The points locate at 16 ft and 28 ft below

pile cap (or 4 ft and 16 ft below ground level) are selected to produce the p-y curves representing

the first soft clay layer and the second stiff clay layer.

Figures 5.29 present the p-y curves obtained from the normal spacing group batter pile

model for piles 2, 4, 5, and 6 at two different depths, 16ft and 28ft below pile cap, respectively.

For comparison, the p-y curves generated by single pile model and those extracted from the

FB-MultiPier for these two layers are also included in the figure.

For the p-y curves of piles in different rows of the batter group model, the one that belong

to the lead row shows the highest stiffness at both depth, and that of 2nd and 3rd rows indicates a

significant soften due to group effect. For both depths, the trail row pile produces higher stiffness

p-y curves than the 2nd and 3rd rows but less stiff compare to the lead row. It is noticed that the

p-y curves from the lead row and the trail row are very close for the point at 16 ft below pile cap

but separated for deeper depth (28ft below pile cap). Recall that for batter pile group, the pile

spacing goes larger as the position going deeper, indicating a larger group effect near ground

surface. Relating such fact to this case, it seems that larger group interaction effect will shift

more responsibility of lateral resistance to the boundary piles such as lead row and trail row piles.

Surprisingly, such conclusion was also obtained at section 5.6 when we comparing the lateral

load distribution of different FE models.

(a) 16 ft below pile cap

(b) 28 ft below pile cap

Figure 5. 29: P-y curves from FEM and FB-MultiPier analysis
As expected, the single pile has higher soil stiffness than the group piles at all depth due to

the absence of group effect. Comparing the discrepancy between the single pile and the group

pile p-y curves at 16 ft depth and 28 ft depth, it is again confirmed that the soils near ground

level will experience higher pile group interaction effect than those in deeper location.

The FB-MultiPier p-y curves generally give larger soil resistance than the FEM generated

p-y curves. At 16 ft, the resulted FB-MultiPier p-y curve suggests that the soil has entered a

plastic range, which is not the case for the FEM predicted p-y curves. Interestingly, the tangent

stiffness of single pile p-y curves are very close to the FB-MultiPier p-y curves at elastic stage.

The p-y curves of the reference pile (pile 2) that obtained from different FE models at both

depths are presented in Figure 5.30. It further supported some conclusions that we made earlier

in previous sections:

1) Large spacing batter group pile model has the least group interaction effect, while small

spacing one has the most group effect. Normal spacing vertical group model also has high

group interaction effect.

2) Soils near ground surface suffer higher group effect than those in deeper locations.

(a) 16 ft below pile cap

(b) 28 ft below pile cap

Figure 5. 30: P-y curves from different FE models
5.10 P-Multipliers Obtained from FE Analyses

The p-multiplier for reducing the single pile p-y curve to the group pile p-y curve is a

function of the location of the pile but is a constant over the entire depth of pile. According to the

definition of P-multiplier, it should be determined by directly comparing the p-y curve obtained

from single pile model and group pile model. However, such directly determined p-multiplier

can be varied at different depth (e.g. 16 ft and 28 ft below pile cap). In practice, the p-multipliers

are often determined by comparing the load-deflection curves of pile head of the group piles and

that of the single pile, so that they can represent an average reduction of the piles over their

entire depths.

The load-deflection curves for single pile and the piles 1 to 6 in different pile group model

is presented in Figure 5.31. It can be seen that the single pile has the highest stiffness of the

lateral responses, while due to group effect the piles in different locations in the batter pile group

are more or less subjected to a reduction in lateral stiffness. By applying proper p-multipliers, the

single pile load-deflection curve can be reduced to match those from batter pile group foundation.

The back-calculated p-multipliers for different pile locations are summarized in Table 5.2. In the

similar way, the calculated p-multipliers for the small-spacing GB model, large-spacing GB

model and the group vertical pile model are also obtained and summarized in Table 5.2.

Figure 5. 31: Load-deflection curves for single pile and different pile group models
The comparison of the p-multipliers for the vertical pile group model and the batter pile

model shows a significant reduction, indicating a better performance of batter pile group

foundation than vertical pile group foundation when subjected to lateral loads. In all cases the

lead row has the least reduction in soil reaction and such reduction will be intensified for the

trailing rows; while for those models suffer higher group effects, the trail row sometimes will

take more load than the 3rd rows. Side columns always have higher p-multipliers than the middle

and inner columns.

Table 5. 2: p-multipliers obtained from FE analysis

Spacing Spacing p-multipliers

FE Model Between Between Lead 2nd Trail Side Inner
Rows Columns 3rd Row
Row Row Row Column Column

4.3D 2.5D 0.78 0.74 0.67 0.59 0.73 0.55

3.0D 1.5D 0.70 0.57 0.51 0.52 0.68 0.48

6.0D 3.5D 0.84 0.82 0.78 0.64 0.75 0.61

4.3D 2.5D 0.57 0.41 0.39 0.45 0.52 0.45

As discussed earlier, the above obtained p-multipliers representing an average reduction of

the soil resistance of the pile over its depth. However, directly comparing the p-y curves at

different depths for the normal spacing batter pile group model (Figure 5.29) allows one to

evaluate the variation of p-multiplier for different soil layers. These directly obtained

p-multipliers are summarized in Table 5.3. As the author expected, the shallower soils for batter

pile group foundation will suffer much higher group interaction effect than deeper soils. Also

one can observe that under high group interaction effect, the 2nd and 3rd row piles will have

highest reduction in lateral reaction and shift more responsibilities to the boundary piles (the lead

and trail row piles).

Table 5. 3: Variation of p-multipliers at different depth for normal spacing GB model

Lead Row 2nd Row 3rd Row Trail Row Side Column Inner Column

Average value

(obtained from 0.78 0.74 0.67 0.59 0.73 0.55

Load-deflection curves)

16ft below pile cap

0.29 0.14 0.14 0.28 0.44 0.26
(soft clay)

28ft below pile cap

0.63 0.52 0.48 0.55 0.95 0.34
(stiff clay)



6.1 Summary

In this study, a series of finite element analyses are carried out based on the data obtained

from the full-scale lateral load test on the batter pile group foundation of M19 eastbound pier of

the new I-10 Twin Span Bridge over Lake Ponchartrain, Louisiana.

A finite element model with exactly the same pile geometry, inclination and pile to pile

spacing as of the M19 eastbound foundation is constructed using the finite element analysis

software ABAQUS. The subsurface exploration data (including five CPTs, a SPT and a soil

boring test) from the same site of full-scale lateral load test project is directly used to interpret

the subsurface condition of the M19 eastbound pier site. Soils are classified into eight layers

including two sandy layers and six clayey layers. Different soil constitutive models are assigned

to these layers, and the parameters associated with these models are correlated or estimated from

laboratory and in-situ tests.

For the sake of investigating the effect of group interaction and pile inclination, four

additional FE models (including a large spacing / small spacing batter pile group model, a

normal spacing vertical pile group model and a single vertical pile model) are developed to

perform the same lateral load tests. A coupled pore fluid diffusion and stress analysis on a single

pile model is performed to estimate the influence of excessive pore water pressure on laterally

loaded piles. To compare the continuum-based FEM results with the widely used p-y curve

methods, the FB-MultiPier software is used to perform a p-y curve based analysis of the

full-scale lateral load tests.

All the results of FE and FB-MultiPier analysis are compared with the field measured data

including lateral deflection profiles, bending moment profiles and axial load evolution curves.

Besides, the lateral/axial load distribution, soil resistance profiles and the p-y curves obtained

from these analyses are compared with each other and some interesting conclusions were


Another major contribution of this research is the use of a more advanced soil constitutive

model for clay in the FE analysis of laterally loaded piles. Many researchers (e.g. Brown and

Shie, 1990; Ahmadi and Ahmari, 2009) realized the importance of incorporating the anisotropic

strength behavior of soils into numerical analysis of laterally loaded pile problems. In this

research, the Anisotropic Modified Cam-clay Model (AMCCM) proposed by Dafalias (1987) is

implemented in UMAT which is a user interface that provided by ABAQUS to allow the use of

self-defined constitutive models in the FE analysis. Being aware that the UMAT is going to be

used in a large 3D FE model, the algorithm that adopted to implement AMCCM needs to have

high computational efficiency as well as a controllable accuracy. The explicit substepping

scheme with modified Euler algorithm is selected to carry out such task since the combination of

substepping and modified Euler algorithm provides a mean to control the error in explicit

integrations. In the later FE analysis of the full-scale tests, the implementation of AMCCM

shows a wonderful computational stability and efficiency, which greatly accelerated the whole

research process.

6.2 Conclusions

Some important conclusions obtained from the implementation of Anisotropic Modified

Cam-clay model and the FE analysis of the laterally loaded batter pile groups are summarized


AMCCM and its implementation

1. The Anisotropic Modified Cam-clay model (Dafalias, 1987) is capable to capture both

“inherent” and “induced” anisotropic of the clay behavior in a simple but effective


2. The explicit substepping scheme proposed by Sloan (1987) shows excellent stability,

efficiency and accuracy in implementing complex elasto-plastic constitutive models. Such

advantages greatly facilitated the application of advanced constitutive models in large 3D FE


Coupled pore fluid diffusion and stress analysis

3. The profiles of lateral deflection and bending moment from partially drained and fully

drained analysis are very close to each other with a maximum difference of about 3% in

lateral deflection and 4% in bending moment.

4. The effect of excessive pore pressure caused by lateral load on pile cap is really small

compared to the total geostatic pressure due to soil self-weight. Therefore, the presence of

pore water pressure has limited influence to the FE analysis results.

Lateral deformations

5. The soils within 28 ft width and 29 ft depth were mobilized ranges from 0.20 in to 0.65 in

due to the applied lateral load. Such influence is neglectable for the soil beyond this region.

6. The lateral deflection profiles from the FEA show very good match with the field measured

data. The one by FB-MultiPier has good prediction in pile cap movement, however, the

“Stationary point” (the point with no lateral deformation) is much shallower than those given

by the field measurements and the FEM. Such discrepancies were attributed to the simple

way that the FB-MultiPier accounts for the group interaction effects.

7. The comparison between the five FE models that have various pile spacing and inclination

shows that: 1) Pile groups have much higher lateral displacement than that of a single pile; 2)

For the batter pile groups, small spacing model produces largest lateral deformation (0.94in)

while large spacing model shows relative small lateral deformation (0.71 in); 3) Vertical pile

group model exhibits significant large lateral deformation (1.22 in), which is 54% greater

than the batter pile group with the same spacing (0.79 in) and 130 % larger than the single

isolated pile (0.53in).

Contours of stress\strain distribution

8. The lateral load transmitted from the pile pushes the soil in front of the piles to a denser state

and the gaps left behind the piles are instantaneously filled by soils and thus result in a

relaxation of the soil behind the piles.

9. The second stiff clay layer takes major portion of the deviatoric stresses caused by lateral

movement of piles, while the first soft clay layer accumulated highest deviatoric strains.

10. The comparison between the five FE models shows that: 1) There is a significant increase of

the deviatoric stress of the soil in front of the lead row for the vertical pile group comparing

to the batter pile group at same spacing. 2) Deviatoric stresses become more concentrated

and intensified when pile spacing reduces due to stronger shadowing and edge effect between

the piles.

Profiles of bending moment

11. Both the FEM and the FB-MultiPier predicted bending moments agree well with those

deduced from the strain gauges data. The maximum positive moment predicted by the FEM

are very close to those by FB-MultiPier; while the maximum negative bending moment from

FEM is 21%-24% lower than those predicted by the FB-MultiPier. Besides, the location of

maximum negative moment from the FEM occurs at slightly shallower depth (27.5 ft below

pile cap) than the location obtained from the FB-MultiPier analysis (31.5 ft below pile cap).

12. The bending moment profiles of the piles aligned in different columns (pile 1, 2 and 3) show

that the pile located at side column has 11.7% higher maximum positive bending moment (at

pile head) and 18.0% higher maximum negative bending moment (at 27.5 ft below pile cap)

than those of the pile in inner column. For the piles aligned in different rows, it is found that

piles in lead row and trail row have an averagely 7% more bending moment than those in 2nd

and 3rd rows.

13. The comparison between the five FE models shows that: 1) Small spacing batter group model

produces a slightly larger bending moment compared to the normal spacing and large spacing

models; 2) All batter pile groups have smaller (30%) bending moments than the vertical pile

group regardless of the spacing; however, they are still significantly higher (60%) than the

bending moment developed on a single isolated pile.

Distribution of lateral load

14. For the piles in different columns, the side column piles take the most lateral load followed

by the middle column and then inner column. This variation exists in all pile group models

and more significantly in small spacing group and less obvious in large spacing group, which

indicates that the edge effect is intensified when spacing between columns reduced.

15. For the piles in different rows, the one located in the lead row has the highest lateral load,

followed by the 2nd and the 3rd rows. For the large spacing and normal spacing batter group

models, the trail row takes the smallest portion of lateral load; while for the small spacing

batter group and vertical group model the trail row takes slightly higher lateral load than 3rd

row or even 2nd row. The proposed explanation is that the increased group interaction effect

have more influence on softening the soil in between the rows and thus shift more lateral load

to the lead and trail piles.

Axial load evolution and distribution

16. The results of axial load from FEA show good agreement with strain gauge data, showing

that the negative batter pile is subjected to axial extension and the positive batter pile is

subjected to axial compression.

17. For the vertical pile group model, more axial load is taken by the lead and trail rows; while

more axial load are taken by the 2nd and 3rd rows piles in the batter pile group model. This

phenomenon is attributed to the trapezoidal soil block formed in between of 2nd and 3rd rows,

which strengthened this area’s resistance to rotation.

Soil resistance profiles and p-y curves

18. For the piles in different columns, the side piles encountered higher lateral resistances than

the piles located in the middle and inner columns. For the piles in different rows, the piles

located in the lead and trail rows have higher soil resistance than the 2nd and 3rd row piles.

19. The soil resistances by FB-MultiPier are generally close to those generated by the FEM

model. However it predicts a deeper zero soil resistance point (43ft below cap).

20. The comparison between the five FE models shows that: 1) All the three different spaced

batter pile groups has similar soil resistance distribution pattern; 2) The soil resistance by the

vertical pile group is higher than that of the batter pile groups. The maximum positive lateral

resistance from the vertical group (26.4 kips) is 28.7% higher than that of the normal spacing

batter group (18.8 kips); 3) The vertical pile group exhibits extremely sharp fluctuation in

soil resistance, while the single isolated vertical pile model produces a relatively smooth

distribution on the resistance.

6.3 Recommendations for Future Works

From present work, it was found that piles in side columns take innegligible larger bending

moments and lateral loads than those of the inner columns, which is also observed by Ruesta and

Townsend (1997) in their full-scale lateral load test. However, in most literatures on laterally

loaded pile groups (e.g. Brown et al., 1988; Rollins et al., 1998), such variations between

columns are normally ignored and the only piles in different rows are treated with different

p-multipliers. Therefore, it is suggested that researchers should pay more attention on lateral load

distribution of piles in different columns in the future numerical studies or field tests on laterally

loaded pile groups

In this study, it was also observed that for some group pile models that the lateral load taken

by lead row and trailing rows are descending, while in some other models show that the trail row

takes larger lateral load than the 3rd or even the 2nd rows. Interestingly, the lateral load

distribution patterns observed from many lateral load tests are also varied from each other. This

phenomenon is attributed to the group interaction effect, which should be examined by future

numerical analyses or field tests on pile groups with different spacing.

The concept of “Trapezoidal zone” for batter pile groups is firstly introduced in this study.

The author believes this zone is responsible for the increased allocated axial load on the 2nd and

the 3rd row piles as compared to the lead and trail row piles. However, such axial load

distribution pattern is fully obtained from the FE analysis without any support from field. It is

suggested that the axial load distribution pattern in batter pile group foundation to be further

investigated by conducting more field lateral load tests and/or numerical studies such as finite

element analyses on batter pile group foundations to study the effect of trapezoidal zone to the

distribution of axial load on batter piles.

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1) INPUT: , Δ , , , , FTOL, STOL

2) Set

3) Calculate

̅ ̅( )

̅ ̅( )

( + )

( + )

4) If , the stress path is within elastic regime. Update stress and void ratio:

( + )
Else if & ≥ , the stress path is crossing yield locus. Perform steps 5 to 9

MAXITS times to determine 𝑡 and update stress and void ratio for the 𝑡 part.

Else, perform substepping algorithm for elastoplastic loading, goto step 11.

Method of False Position for Finding 𝑡

5) Calculate
( )

̅ ̅( )

̅ Δ

( + )

6) If | | then goto step 9

7) If then set , ;

Else, set , .

8) Maximum iteration number has reached, exit with error message.

9) 𝑡 has been found, update stress and void ratio:

← +

( + )
10) Set Δ ← ( )Δ , pass the current Δ , and e into step 11 to perform substepping


Modified Euler Algorithm with Substepping for AMCCM

11) Set , . While , Perform steps 12-25 MAXSTEP times.

12) For 𝑖 , calculate

̅ Δ

Δ ̅
Δ | | ( 𝑥 )


̅ ̅( Δ )

( )

𝛥 𝑥{ 𝛥 ( 𝛥 )}


, ,

+ , + , +

The explicit expression of ( ) and ( 𝛥 ) can be found in Eq. (27a) and


13) Update the stresses and hardening parameters, the bar denotes that these quantities are not the

final updated values but just stored temporally.

̃ + ( + )

̃ + ( + )

̃ u dated
+ ( + )

14) Determine the relative error.

‖ ‖ ‖ ‖ | |
𝑅 𝑥{ }
‖̃ ‖ ‖̃ ‖ ̃ u dated

15) If 𝑅 then this substep has failed. Reduce the size of current time step using the

factor q

𝑥{ √ 𝑅 }

← m x{ }

Then return to step 12.

16) This substep has succeeded. Permanently update the stresses and hardening parameters.

̃ 𝑡

Update void ratio:

𝑡 ( )
( + )
Yield Surface Correction Scheme for AMCCM

17) If ( 𝑡
) then perform step 18-21 MAXIT times. In

the following equations the subscribe u and c denotes uncorrected and corrected quantities


18) Set

( 𝑡

Calculate using Eq. (33).

19) Correct stresses and hardening parameters:

+ | | ( 𝑥 )
+ ( )

20) If | ( )| | ( 𝑡
)| then abandon previous correction

and calculate:

21) If | ( )| then goto step 23;

Else, set , , , GOTO step 18.

22) Convergence cannot be achieved after MAXIT iterations, exit with error message.

23) Converged, update stresses and hardening parameters

Estimation of Next Substep Size and Completion of the Total Step

24) Estimate the size of the next step by using the following formula:

𝑖 { √ 𝑅 }

Update pseudo time, ensure the next step size larger than the minimum step size and less than

← 𝑖 { 𝑥{ } }

← +

25) Integration of stresses at this whole step is successful. Pass the updated stresses, hardening

parameters and state variables back to ABAQUS. Set the Jacobian the same as the secant

stiffness matrix of the latest substep, and pass it back to ABAQUS.


Yida Zhang was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, on March 19th, 1987. He received his

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Zhejiang University, China, on July of 2010. He

went to the United States in pursuing higher level of education. He expects to receive the degree

of Master of Science in Civil Engineering in the area of geotechnical engineering from Louisiana

State University in December 2012.


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