Anti HAV Total 30312
Anti HAV Total 30312
Anti HAV Total 30312
1 MLE card (Master Lot Entry) Specifications for the factory master data required to calibrate the test: to read the
MLE data, please refer to the User’s Manual.
1 Package insert provided in the kit or downloadable from
* This product has been tested and shown to be negative for HBs antigen, antibodies to HIV1, HIV2 and HCV. However, since no
existing test method can totally guarantee their absence, this product must be treated as potentially infectious. Therefore, usual safety
procedures should be observed when handling.
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VIDAS Anti-HAV Total (HAVT) 08447 K - en - 2015/01
Hazard statement
H318 : Causes serious eye damage.
Precautionary statement
P280 :Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present
and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
For further information, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet.
MATERIALS AND DISPOSABLES REQUIRED BUT • Do not use visibly deteriorated STRs (damaged foil or
NOT PROVIDED plastic).
- Pipette with disposable tip to dispense 150 µl. • Do not use reagents after the expiration date indicated
- Powderless, disposable gloves. on the label.
- For other specific materials and disposables, please • Do not mix reagents (or disposables) from different lots.
refer to the Instrument User’s Manual. • Use powderless gloves, as powder has been reported
- VIDAS family instrument. to cause false results for certain enzyme immunoassay
WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS • Kit reagents contain sodium azide which can react with
• For in vitro diagnostic use only. lead or copper plumbing to form explosive metal azides.
• For professional use only. If any liquid containing sodium azide is disposed of in
• This kit contains products of human origin. No the plumbing system, drains should be flushed with
known analysis method can totally guarantee the water to avoid build-up.
absence of transmissible pathogenic agents. It is • The substrate in well 10 contains an irritant agent (6.6%
therefore recommended that these products be diethanolamine). Refer to the hazard statements "H"
treated as potentially infectious and handled and the precautionary statements "P" above.
observing the usual safety precautions (see • Spills should be wiped up thoroughly after treatment
Laboratory biosafety manual - WHO - Geneva - latest with liquid detergent or a solution of household bleach
edition). containing at least 0.5% sodium hypochlorite. See the
• This kit contains products of animal origin. Certified User’s Manual for cleaning spills on or in the instrument.
knowledge of the origin and/or sanitary state of the Do not autoclave solutions containing bleach.
animals does not totally guarantee the absence of • The instrument should be regularly cleaned and
transmissible pathogenic agents. It is therefore decontaminated (see the User’s Manual).
recommended that these products be treated as
potentially infectious and handled observing the usual
safety precautions (do not ingest or inhale).
• Do not use the SPRs if the pouch is pierced.
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VIDAS Anti-HAV Total (HAVT) 08447 K - en - 2015/01
bioMérieux SA English - 3
VIDAS Anti-HAV Total (HAVT) 08447 K - en - 2015/01
Samples with a concentration > 400 mIU/ml must be Mean (mIU/ml) 20.8 43.5 212.4
retested after dilution of 1/100 in negative human serum. CV % 10.7 3.5 3.3
If the dilution factor has not been entered when the Work
List was created (see User’s Manual), multiply the result Specificity
to obtain the sample concentration.
Interpretation of test results should be made taking into 1521 samples were tested in comparison with another
consideration the patient history, and the results of any commercially available EIA technique in 3 reference
other tests performed. laboratories. The discrepant samples were confirmed with
a modified RIA technique to obtain a detection threshold
Interpretation of borderline positive close to 10 mIU/ml. Equivocal samples were not used in
Samples with concentrations found between 15 and 20 the performance calculations.
mIU/ml contain anti-HAV antibodies. Such a concentration 1) Random population
does not enable patient immunity to be affirmed; it is
recommended to retest the patient after a few days. 1136 samples from blood donors were tested.
One positive and one negative control are included in positive negative
each VIDAS HAVT kit. VIDAS positive 625 0
These controls must be performed immediately after negative 1* 510
opening a new kit to ensure that reagent performance has * This sample was found negative with the RIA
not been altered. Each calibration must also be checked confirmation technique.
using these controls. The instrument will only be able to
Relative sensitivity after confirmation: 100%
check the control values if they are identified by C1 and
(95% Confidence interval: 99.4% -100%).
Relative specificity after confirmation: 100%
Results cannot be validated if the control values deviate
(95% Confidence interval: 99.2% -100%).
from the expected values.
2) Vaccination follow-up samples
200 samples were tested:
It is the responsibility of the user to perform Quality
- 30 samples before the first injection.
Control in accordance with any local applicable
- 60 samples 1 month after the first injection.
- 60 samples 1 month after the second injection.
LIMITATIONS OF THE METHOD - 50 samples 1 month after the third injection.
Interference may be encountered with certain sera EIA 1
containing antibodies directed against reagent positive negative
components. For this reason, assay results should be VIDAS positive 158 0
interpreted taking into consideration the patient history, negative 1* 35
and the results of any other tests performed. *This sample was found negative with the RIA
PERFORMANCE confirmation technique.
Studies performed using VIDAS HAVT gave the following
Measurement range
The measurement range of the VIDAS Anti-HAV Total
reagent is 15 to 400 mIU/ml.
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VIDAS Anti-HAV Total (HAVT) 08447 K - en - 2015/01
6 samples tested using the EIA 1 method were excluded 3) Acute hepatitis A & natural immunity samples
from the evaluation: 51 anti-HAV IgM positive samples and 50 natural
- 5 were equivocal with this method. immunity to hepatitis A samples were tested:
- 1 could not be retested with the confirmation method
(insufficient quantity). EIA 2
positive negative
Relative sensitivity before confirmation: 99.4%.
VIDAS positive 91 10*
Relative sensitivity after confirmation: 100%
negative 0 0
(95% confidence interval: 97.5% -100%).
Relative specificity after confirmation: 100% * These samples were found positive with the RIA
(95% confidence interval: 89.7% -100%). confirmation technique.
Relative sensitivity after confirmation: 100%
(95% confidence interval: 96.2% -100%).
Dilution test
3 samples were diluted in negative human serum and tested singly in 2 runs. The ratio of the mean concentration
measured over the expected concentration is expressed as a mean recovery percentage.
E1 1/10 - 234.8 -
E2 1/10 - 210.4 -
E3 1/10 - 248 -
1/40 62 68 110
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VIDAS Anti-HAV Total (HAVT) 08447 K - en - 2015/01
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