Finals Cardiovascular System
Finals Cardiovascular System
Finals Cardiovascular System
The major organs of the cardiovascular system, the heart and blood vessels,
play a vital role in human physiology. The major function of the cardiovascular
system is transportation. Using blood as the transport vehicle, the system
carries nutrients, gases, wastes, antibodies, electrolytes, and many other sub-
stances to and from body cells. Its propulsive force is the contracting heart.
The anatomy and location of the heart and blood vessels and the important
understandings of cardiovascular physiology (for example, cardiac cycle,
electrocardiogram [ECG], and regulation of blood pressure) are the major
topics of this chapter.
The hearT
anatomy of the heart
1. Complete the following statements by inserting your answers in the answer
208 Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook
_________________________ 1. From the right atrium through the tricuspid valve to the (1) ,
through the (2) valve to the pulmonary trunk to the right
_________________________ 2. and left (3) , to the capillary beds of the (4) , to the right
and left (5) , to the (6) of the heart through the (7)
_________________________ 3. valve, to the (8) through the (9) semilunar valve, to the
(10) , to the systemic arteries, to the (11) of the body tissues,
_________________________ 4. to the systemic veins, to the (12) and (13) , which enter
the right atrium of the heart.
_________________________ 5.
Figure 11–1
_________________________ 6.
_________________________ 7.
_________________________ 8.
_________________________ 9.
_________________________ 10.
_________________________ 11.
_________________________ 12.
_________________________ 13.
Key Choices
A. Vessels serving head
and upper limbs
B. Vessels serving body trunk
and lower limbs
C. Vessels serving the viscera
D. Pulmonary circulation
E. Pulmonary “pump”
F. Systemic “pump”
Chapter 11 The Cardiovascular System 209
10 9
5 12
14 (region)
Figure 11–2
210 Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook
Figure 11–3
5. The events of one complete heartbeat are referred to as the cardiac cycle.
Complete the following statements that describe these events. Insert your
answers in the answer blanks.
_________________________ 7. _________________________ 9.
Figure 11–4
7. Figure 11– 5 is a diagram of the frontal section of the heart. Follow the
instructions below to complete this exercise.
(B) Correctly identify each of the heart valves (numbers 6–9 on the figure)
by inserting the appropriate terms in the blanks left of the figure.
(C) Draw in and identify by name the cordlike structures that anchor the
flaps of the atrioventricular (AV) valves.
(D) Use the numbers from the figure to identify the structures described
below. Place the numbers in the lettered answer blanks.
______ A. ______ B. Prevent backflow into the ventricles when the heart is relaxed
______ C. ______ D. Prevent backflow into the atria when the ventricles are contracting
_________________________ 2.
_________________________ 3.
_________________________ 4. trunk
vena cava
2 7
_________________________ 6.
3 8
_________________________ 7.
_________________________ 8.
4 Wall of left
_________________________ 9. ventricle
vena cava
Figure 11–6
_________________________ 5. According to Starling’s law of the heart, the critical factor that
determines force of heartbeat, or (8) , is the degree of
_________________________ 6. (9) of the cardiac muscle just before it contracts. Conse-
quently, the force of heartbeat can be increased by increasing
_________________________ 7. the amount of (10) returned to the heart.
11. Check (✓) all factors that lead to an increase in cardiac output by influencing
either heart rate or stroke volume.
12. For each of the following statements that is true, write T in the answer blank.
For any false statements, correct the underlined term by writing the correct
term in the answer blank.
_________________________ 3. If the right side of the heart fails, pulmonary congestion occurs.
13. Circle the term that does not belong in each of the following groupings.
Then, fill in the answer blanks with the correct group name.
1. Pulmonary trunk Vena cava SA node Left side of heart Group: ____________
2. QRS wave T wave P wave Group: ____________
3. AV valves closed AV valves opened First heart sound
Semilunar valves open Group: ____________
4. Papillary muscles Aortic semilunar valve Tricuspid valve
Chordae tendineae Group: ____________
5. Tricuspid valve Mitral valve Bicuspid valve Group: ____________
6. Ischemia Infarct Scar tissue repair Heart block Group: ____________
Blood Vessels
Microscopic anatomy of Blood Vessels
14. Complete the following statements concerning blood vessels.
_________________________ 1. The central cavity of a blood vessel is called the (1) . Reduc-
tion of the diameter of this cavity is called (2) , and enlarge-
_________________________ 2. ment of the vessel diameter is called (3) . Blood is carried to
the heart by (4) and away from the heart by (5) . Capillary
_________________________ 3.
beds are supplied by (6) and drained by (7) .
_________________________ 4. _________________________ 6.
_________________________ 5. _________________________ 7.
15. Briefly explain in the space provided the need for valves in veins but not in
16. Name two events occurring within the body that aid venous return. Place
your responses in the blanks that follow.
___________________________________ and ___________________________________
Chapter 11 The Cardiovascular System 215
17. Figure 11–7 is a diagram of the structure of the three types of blood vessels.
(A) Select different colors for each of the three blood vessel tunics listed in
the key choices. Then, color the color-coding circles and the corresponding
structures in the three diagrams.
(B) Using the key choices, identify the blood vessel tunics described in each
of the following descriptions. Insert the term or letter of the key choice in the
answer blanks.
(C) In the blanks beneath the illustrations, correctly identify each vessel type.
(D) In the additional spaces provided, list the structural details that allowed you
to make the identifications.
Key Choices
A. ○ Tunica intima B. ○ Tunica media C. ○ Tunica externa
Figure 11–7
19. Using the key choices, complete the crossword puzzle by identifying
the veins described in each of the clues provided.
Key Choices
Anterior tibial Cephalic Great saphenous Internal jugular
Azygos Common iliac Hepatic Renal
Basilic Femoral Hepatic portal Subclavian
Brachiocephalic Gastric Inferior vena cava Superior vena cava
Cardiac Gonadal Internal iliac Ulnar
5. Veins that drain venous blood from the myocardium of the heart into the
coronary sinus.
6. Vein that drains the dural sinuses of the brain.
9. Vein that receives blood from the arm via the axillary vein.
10. Radial and ____ are deep veins, draining the forearm.
11. Vein that drains the kidney.
13. Two veins that join to become the superior vena cava.
15. Large vein that carries nutrient-rich blood from the digestive organs to the
liver for processing.
1. Vein that is formed by the union of the external and internal iliac veins.
2. Posterior tibial and ______ are veins that drain the leg and foot.
3. Deep vein of the thigh.
4. Largest vein below the thorax.
7. Longest superficial vein of the body; found in the leg.
8. Inferior mesenteric, superior mesenteric, and ______ are the three veins that
form/empty into the hepatic portal vein.
12. Vein that drains the ovaries or testes.
14. Vein that drains the thorax, empties into the superior vena cava.
6 7
13 14
Chapter 11 The Cardiovascular System 219
Figure 11–10
21. Using the key choices, identify the special circulations described below.
Letters or terms may be used more than once.
Key Choices
A. Cerebral C. Hepatic E. Skeletal muscle
B. Coronary D. Pulmonary F. Skin
_________________________ 1. The blood flow increases markedly when the body temperature rises.
_________________________ 2. These arteries characteristically have thin walls and large lumens.
_________________________ 3. These vessels do not constrict but are compressed during systole.
_________________________ 4. This circulation receives constant blood flow whether the body is
at rest or strenuously exercising.
_________________________ 5. This circulation has a much lower arterial pressure than that in
systemic circulation.
_________________________ 6. This circulation is indicated by impermeable tight junctions in
capillary endothelium.
_________________________ 7. During vigorous physical activity, this circulation receives up to
two-thirds of blood flow.
220 Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook
Key Choices
A. Aorta F. Inferior mesenteric artery K. Renal arteries
B. Celiac trunk G. Inferior vena cava L. Renal veins
C. Common iliac arteries H. Lumbar arteries M. Left gonadal vein
D. Gonadal arteries I. External iliac artery N. Right gonadal vein
E. Hepatic veins J. Superior mesenteric artery O. Internal iliac artery
Figure 11–11
Chapter 11 The Cardiovascular System 221
23. Figure 11–12 is a diagram of the hepatic portal circulation. Select different
colors for the structures listed below and use them to color the color-coding
circles and corresponding structures on the illustration.
Hepatic Pancreas
Figure 11–12
222 Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook
24. Using the key choices, complete the crossword puzzle by identifying the
arteries described in each of the clues provided.
Key Choices
Anterior tibial Coronary Inferior mesenteric Radial
Aorta Deep artery of thigh Intercostals Renal
Brachial Dorsalis pedis Internal iliac Subclavian
Brachiocephalic External carotid Peroneal (fibular) Superior mesenteric
Celiac trunk Femoral Phrenic Ulnar
Common iliac Hepatic Posterior tibial Vertebral
1. Arterial network on the dorsum of the foot.
3. Arterial trunk that has three major branches, which serve the liver, spleen,
and stomach.
5. External iliac becomes this artery on entering the thigh.
6. Common carotid and _____ are two arteries formed by the division of the
brachiocephalic trunk.
8. Artery that supplies the diaphragm.
9. Damage to the left semilunar valve would interfere with blood flow into this
10. Artery that splits to form the radial and ulnar arteries.
11. Anterior tibial, posterior tibial, and _____ are the three arteries serving the leg
inferior to the knee.
12. Artery generally used to feel the pulse at the wrist.
13. First artery that branches off the ascending aorta; serves the heart.
2. Major artery, serving the tissues external to the skull.
3. The terminal branches of the dorsal, or descending, aorta.
4. Artery that serves the pelvis.
7. Internal carotid and _____ are two paired arteries serving the brain.
1 2
4 5
6 7
Chapter 11 The Cardiovascular System 223
25. Figure 11–13 illustrates the arterial circulation of the brain. Select different
colors for the following structures and use them to color the coding circles
and corresponding structures in the diagram.
Frontal lobe
of cerebral
Pituitary gland
Vertebral artery
Figure 11–13
Chapter 11 The Cardiovascular System 225
27. Eight structures unique to the special circulations of the body are described
here. Identify each, using the key choices. Place the correct terms or letters in
the answer blanks.
Key Choices
A. Anterior cerebral artery E. Ductus venosus H. Posterior cerebral artery
B. Basilar artery F. Foramen ovale I. Umbilical artery
C. Circle of Willis G. Middle cerebral artery J. Umbilical vein
D. Ductus arteriosus
_________________________ 3. The shunt that allows most fetal blood to bypass the liver
_________________________ 6. The posterior cerebral arteries, serving the brain, arise from here
_________________________ 7. Fetal shunt between the aorta and pulmonary trunk that
allows the lungs to be bypassed by the blood
_________________________ 8. Opening in the interatrial septum that shunts fetal blood from
the right to the left atrium, thus bypassing the fetal lungs
28. Briefly explain in the space provided why the lungs are largely bypassed by
the circulating blood in the fetus.
Physiology of Circulation
29. Circle the term that does not belong in each of the following groupings.
Then, fill in the answer blanks with the correct group name.
2. Carotid artery Cardiac vein Coronary sinus Coronary artery Group: ____________
4. High blood pressure Hemorrhage Weak pulse Low cardiac output Group: ____________
Column a Column B
D. Constriction of
_________________________ 3. _________________________ 4. Factors
related to blood pressure
E. Diastolic blood
_________________________ 5. Event primarily responsible for pressure
peripheral resistance
F. Peripheral resistance
_________________________ 6. Blood pressure during heart
contraction G. Pressure points
31. Complete the following statements about capillary functions by placing an-
swers from the key in the answer blanks. Use terms or letters from the key.
Key Choices
A. Blood E. Fat soluble H. Osmotic pressure
B. Capillary clefts F. Hydrostatic pressure I. Vesicles
C. Diffusion G. Interstitial fluid J. Water soluble
D. Fenestrations
_________________________ 1. All exchanges to and from the blood and tissue cells occur
through the (1) . Generally speaking, substances tend to
_________________________ 2. move according to their concentration gradients by the pro-
cess of (2) . Substances that are (3) pass directly through
_________________________ 3. the plasma membranes of the capillary endothelial cells; other
Chapter 11 The Cardiovascular System 227
_________________________ 7.
_________________________ 8. _________________________ 9.
32. Indicate what effect the following factors have on blood pressure. Indicate an
increase in pressure by I and a decrease in pressure by D. Place the correct
letter response in the answer blanks.
33. For each of the following statements that is true, insert T in the answer
blank. If any of the statements are false, correct the underlined term by
inserting the correct word in the answer blank.
_________________________ 6. The fetal equivalent of (functional) lungs and liver is the placenta.