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Art App Rewiewer Midterms

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"The man is the measure of all things" Art is Subjective

Protagoras (481-411 BCE) General Function of Arts

Why Study Humanities? 1. The human need for expression.

2. The social need for display, celebration &
• •Humanities came from the Latin word "humanus" communication.
which means, human, cultured and refined. 3. The physical needs for functional objects
• •To be human to show characteristics of rationality,
benevolence and care; to show good tastes and manners Art: As views by Philosophy
indicative of good, proper education.
Philosophy - a field of discipline that attempted to explain almost
These are manifested in all of the thoughts and actions that center all aspects of human existence.
on human interests and ideals; values and sentiments.
Aesthetics - the philosophical study of beauty and taste. It is
Humanities: concerned with the nature of art and used as basis for interpreting
and evaluating works of art.
• Music and Arts
• Philosophy Plato
• History
• Religious Studies • Famous for his dialogues
• Literature • He loved and hated art at the same time
• Considered arts as threatening
Individuals' manner of expression varies as they record human • He contended that although the arts can be used to train
experiences and how the way of documenting these forms a citizens to have an ideal society, using arts to
connection between and among humans of the past, present and accomplish this should be strictly prohibited.
future. (Foxx, 2014) • Plato explained that the physical world is a copy of a
perfect, rational, eternal, changeless original – FORMS
Fundamental Principle of Humanities
Art is imitation. Art is dangerous.
• Associated with beliefs about freedom.
• Human beings are capable of making significant • Good - always presents itself in some action
personal choices. • Beauty - may exist even in motionless objects or
Underlying Principles of Humanism Immanuel Kant
• Human nature is inherently good.
• His interest is not the art itself but on beauty.
• Individuals are free and are capable of making
• Kant thought that beauty does not rest on the properties
of the objects but on the manner of how people will
• Human potential for growth and development is
respond to it.
virtually unlimited • Beauty is a matter of taste.
• Self-Concept plays an important role in growth and
• Subjective taste does not focus on the properties of the
object itself but rather on the pleasure one experiences
• Individuals have an urge for self-actualization
as he responds to it.
• Reality is defined by each person.
• Universal taste is non-aesthetic and does not consider
• Individuals have a responsibility to both themselves and the beauty of the work or the mastery of the artist, but
to others. rather, the artwork is appreciated for what it is.
NATURE OF ARTS Artist and Artisans
Ar – ‘to join’ or ‘to put together’ Artists
Sars and Artis - Everything that is artificially made or composed • Person who exhibits exceptional skills in the visual
by man. and/ or the performing arts.
• More sensitive, very perceptive and more creative
According to Adams (2002)
• The artist gives experience (substance) form using a
Arts particularly refers to skillfully arrangement or compositions skillful composition of the media.
of some common but significant qualities of mature such as
sounds, colors, lines, movements, words, stone, and
wood to express feelings, thoughts, imaginations, and dreams in • A person who is skilled trade that involves making
an amazing, meaningful, and enjoyable way. things by hand.
• He is a craft worker who makes or creates objects of
What is the Relationship of Arts and Humanities? great beauty by hand
Humanities through the Arts deals with man's internal world. his • INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION
personality and experiences. matters that cannot directly be
measured. classified and controlled
Different Art Forms
Combined Arts
• Painting
• Sculpture • Also called as “Ephemeral Arts”
• Architecture • Those that the viewers can see and hear which
• Music considers both time and space
• Dance • Dances, Drama and Cinema
• Literature
• Theater The Process of Art Production

Appreciating Arts • Medium

• Technique
• Give a good physical description of the artwork • Curation - Latin word ‘curare’ which means to take
based on their knowledge of art elements and care. Involves managing, overseeing, and assembling or
materials. putting together a presentation or exhibit for some type
• Analyze the artwork in terms of what the artist wants of historical or artistic collection.
his work to represent and their (learners) subjective • Curator - Person who decides on what objects to
reaction to the works which includes their thoughts and select to be part of a collection for exhibit.
• Perceive the artwork in the context of its history. Different Media of Arts
This would enlighten the learners of the artist’s
Graphic or 2-Dimensional Art
intention in doing the work and add to the
understanding of the meaning of the work it is Drawing - Sketch which shows the general organization or design
supposed to convey. of a product being planned.
• Give meaning to the artwork based on its
description, analysis and context Different Media for Drawing
• Judge the artwork as to whether it is good or bad
based on the learner’s perception of it and its 1. Pencil - made from graphite which comes in different
aesthetic and cultural value. hardness from soft to hard or thickness from thick to
needle like. The higher the B number the softer
“Art should disturb the comfortable and comfort the the lead and the darker is the tone it can create.
Different Pencil Techniques
Hatching – parallel lines that run in the same direction.
Kinds of Artists
Cross Hatching - thin parallel lines and crisscrossing it with
• Visual Artists - These includes painters, sculptors and another set of thin parallel lines.
the architects
-They are also composed of Stippling - Using sharp point of pencil to make dot patterns to
filmmakers and graphic artists create depth in drawing
• Creative Artists - More adept at writing word and Blending - Accomplished by using a finger or a paper stump to
arranging musical notes to entice the imagination and gradually change the tone from dark to light.
evoke emotions.
- These artists include writers, poets, 2. Ink - Oldest material in drawing. Allows a great
playwright, novelists and composers. variety of qualities depending on the tools and
• Performing Artists - Expressed art through technique used. Used in calligraphy
execution in front of an audience 3. Pastel - Composed of old and dry pigment held
- Artists are: dancers, singers, stage together by a gum binder and compressed into
performers, actors and musicians sticks.
- Hone their skills through rehearsals and
trainings Different Pastel Techniques

Medium - Refers to the materials that an artist uses to Stippling - Using pastel of different color to produce marks
communicate their ideas, feelings and emotions.
Feathering - Using the point of the pastel to make parallel strokes
Arts can be further classified into the following based on creating a feather like effect
their medium:
Scumbling - layering but using pastel. Pastel is lightly drawn on
Visual Arts top of an existing color but still making the first layer visible

• Art Form= Sight Impasto - thickly applying the pastel by pressing it hard on paper
• Its medium are those materials that can be seen and creating an opaque effect
occupy space.
• Graphic or 2-dimensional art Sgrafitto - Applying thick deposit on the support then using a
• Plastic or 3-dimensional art blunt pen, scrapes it to revel the underlying color and create a
Auditory or Time Arts design

• The medium of this art is those that viewers can hear

and expressed in time
• Music and Literature
In drawing, a fixative is a liquid, similar to varnish, which is Two Types of Subjects
usually sprayed over a finished piece of artwork, usually a dry
media artwork, to better preserve it and prevent smudging. Such a • Representational or objective arts
technique requires a workable fixative. • Non-Representational or non - objective art

Artwork media requiring fixative include drawings done in pencil, Sources of Subject
charcoal, and pastel.
4. Charcoal - This is an organic medium that comes
from burnt wood. Compressed charcoal- made People - Human subjects, whether real or imagined, are the most
from loose charcoal mixed with binder interesting. How people are depicted can offer clues to the artists’
5. Paper - This is the most common surface used in thoughts, moods, and the genre the artwork is presenting.
two-dimensional art.
History- Historical artworks depict real events which are verifiable
Painting - It Is a process of applying paint onto a smooth surface facts that occurred in the past. The purpose of such works is either
like paper, cloth, canvass, wood or plaster. to commemorate events or to teach history to the viewers.

Different Media of Painting: Legends- Artworks based on legends present to viewers of the
art something tangible even when unverified. Art brings ‘life’ to
Watercolor - The pigments are mixed with water and applied to these stories.
paper. The colors are applied in layers.
Religion -These artworks are based on the sacred texts: The holy
Gouache - This is paint in which the pigment has been mixed bible of Christianity. The Qur’an of Islam and Torah of Judaism
with water and added with a chalk-like material to give it an
opaque effect Mythology- Artworks can also be based on the stories of gods and
goddesses of Ancient Greece, Rome, Celts, Norse and the Egyptians
Oil Paints - Pigments are mixed with oil as its binder Oil paint and any other mythologies.
tends to rise to the surface and forms film that makes the color
dull Dreams and fantasy- The intrigue of the unconscious also
inspires the artist to present it through art for others to see, relate
Tempera - This is pigment mix with egg yolk as a binder. The and interpret.
ideal surface for tempera is wood.
Technology- The modern era with its tall buildings and amazing
Fresco - This pigment mixed with water and applied on portion machines are also subject matter for the artist.
of the wall with wet plaster. Used for mural painting

Acrylic - This is the modern medium of synthetic paint using

acrylic emulsion as binder. Has the quick drying quality of
watercolor and is as flexible as oil paints.

Mosaic - Are wall or floor decorations made of small tiles or

irregularly cut of colored stones or glass called Tesserae.

Collage - Collage is derived from a French word “coller” which

means to stick. Technique of making art work by gluing or pasting
on a form support

Print Making - is a process used for making and reproductions of

graphic works. Allows for the repeated transfer of a master image
from a printing plate (matrix) onto a surface

Printmaking Techniques:
Relief Printing (Raised) - This is the oldest method of
printmaking. Cutting away the certain parts of the surface.
Usually used in wood cut or wood engraving.

Intaglio Printing (Depressed) - Italian term for “engrave”

Is the opposite of relief painting; instead of using the surface of

the plate for the image, the lines of the image are cut or incised to
a metal plate.

Surface Printing (Flat) - This includes all processes in which is

done from a flat surface (plane). Example of this type is
serigraphy or silkscreen printing.


Subject - what the work represents. It could be a person, an object,
a scene or an event. Some artworks have subject others do not
Ways of Presenting the Art Fauvism - Fauvism means "Wild Beasts".

Naturalism - Was a broad movement in 19th century which • Did not express ethical, philosophical, or
represented things closer to the way we see them. psychological themes.
Considered as the extreme type of realism Pays attention to very • Used bright colors (that do not reflect reality but
accurate and precise details, and portrays things as they are. showcase comfort, joy, ad pleasure.)
• Use of color for its own sake, as a possible end in art.
Realism - Depicts the artist's attempt of portraying the subject as • Rich surface texture, with awareness of the paint.
it is. Realists try to be as objective as possible in their • Spontaneity lines drawn on canvas, and
presentation. Work seems so real, just like a photograph. Most suggested by texture of paint.
Popular way of presenting art • Use of clashing (primary) colors, playing with
values and intensities.
Abstraction - Abstract means "to move away or to
separate from" Subject presentation moves away from reality, Dadaism - A movement that doesn't follow traditions and
from presenting the subject as it really is. It involves process of principles art.
simplifying and reorganizing the work
• Aims to show weakness in the society.
Four Types of Abstraction • Tries to shock and provoke the public with
outrageous pieces.
Distortion - This is manifested when the subject is misshapen • Rejection of capitalism, bourgeois culture, and
or twisted out It is done to dramatize the shape of the figure wartime politics that are aligned with 'left’.
or to create an emotional effect. • Non-traditional art materials, satire, and nonsensical
Elongation - the subject is stretched vertically and/ or some content are utilized
parts lengthened to give the impression of thinness. • 'dada', is meant to be a word with no meaning

Mangling- This may not be so common in paintings but may be Futurism- Artist of this movement wanted their works to capture
popular in other art forms (sculpture, theatre, and film). the speed and force of the modern industrial society.
Artist show subject as cut, lacerated, mutilated or hacked Paintings and sculptures highlight the technologies of
with repeated blows modern life. Speed, violence, and the working class
(believing they would advance change using blurring and
Cubism- Abstract form is presented through the use of figures: a repetition techniques.)
cone, cylinder, sphere, triangle, cube and circle in place of
real pictorial elements. The Cubists want to show forms in their Surrealism – is an invented word for superrealism.
basic geometrical shapes. Emphasized the activities of the subconscious mind. Subjects in
this kind of presentation attempt to show man’s inner mind
Symbolism- A symbol is defined as visible such as an idea or and how he may perceive his outside world
quality. Symbols in art draws the viewer’s attention to what
another message the artist may be trying to convey Expressionism – This style of art depicts the emotions aroused by
aside from what is obviously observed. objects and events. Involves chaos, sadness, tragedy and
defeat. Artists aim to depict the subjective emotions and
responses, not the objective reality.
Plastic or three-dimensional art  From Romblon, Philippines come some of the
most beautiful shades of marble.

Sculpture Wood is also natural medium. When compared to

-The word sculpture has originated from the Latin stone, wood is relatively easy to work on. Wood
word 'sculpere,' which means to carve. varies in hardness and durability depending on the
-It is defined as the art or practice of creating three- kind of tree it came from.
dimensional forms or figures.  in the Philippines, the best woods for
-It is the art form that is described as having length, sculpture are Molave, Acacia, Langka wood,
width and volume. Ipil wood, Kamagong, Palm wood and
 The major weaknesses of wood are moisture
Kinds of Sculpture that causes it to rot; fire and termites
 Techniques staining and waxing
1. Freestanding (in the round). These are
sculptures which can be viewed from all Metal. This medium is used for sculpture because of its
sides. three unique qualities: tensile strength, ductility and
2. Relief. These are sculptures in which the malleability. The two ways by which metal can turn into
figures project from a background. There beautiful sculptures is through assembling (welding) and
are two variations of relief sculptures: casting. The ideal metals for sculpture are alloys which is
a combination of two elements.
 Low relief (bas relief). The figures
are slightly raised/projected from its  Stainless steel is also known as Inox steel. It is
background, les shadows are made from a combination of steel and chromium.
created. This medium does not rust or stain when exposed
 High relief. Almost half of the to moisture and water.
figures project from its background,  Bronze is an alloy of two elements: tin and
more shadows are created. copper. Its color is reddish-brown and will
3. Kinetic (mobiles). A sculpture that is corrode fi constantly exposed to water and
capable of movement by wind, water or moisture.
other forms of energy.  Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc that gives it
a yellowish golden color. Brass si more
The Process of Creating Sculptures malleable than bronze and has a lower melting
1. Subtractive process. This process involves
removing or cutting away pieces of the material to Plaster, specifically, Plaster of Paris is finely ground
form the figure. gypsum mixed with water and poured into a mold. This
material dries quickly depending on the size of the mold.
2. Additive process. This process involves the After it has dried, it can be painted with different colors.
construction of a figure by putting together bits of
the material or by welding together metal parts to Terra cotta (cooked earth). This is baked clay or clay
create figures. Modeling and assembling are fired in a kiln at a relatively high temperature. Firing the
examples of this process clay causes the moisture to evaporate hardening the clay.
Clay can be molded into any form before it is baked. The
3. Process of Substitution. This process is also major weakness of clay is its fragility; it breaks easily.
known as casting. This method involves using a
mold to produce a 3D figure in another material. Glass. This is made by heating and cooling a
The material should be in liquid form for it to a combination of sand and soda lime. Glass may be
poured to the mold. Three are three types of casting: transparent, translucent or opaque. it can be molded not
sand-casting, plastic casting and lost-wax casting. various shapes and colors. Sculptures of glass can be
made using the following techniques:
Different Media of Sculpture

Stone is a natural medium. It is hard and relatively

permanent. Sculptures made from stone will last for  Hot sculpting is using a metal rod to gather the
many years. molten glass from the furnace and shapes it using
another tool.
 Cold working is using cold hardened glass. This
 Marble is deemed by sculptors as the most involves sandblasting, engraving, polishing and
beautiful stone for sculpture. Marble is grinding to create the sculpture of glass.
mined and comes in a variety of color and  Glass blowing is gathering the molten glass from
grain. the furnace using a blowpipe. Ari is blown into
the pipe and shapes the glass before it cools

Plastic is a synthetic medium made from organic

polymers. While plastic is soft, it can be molded into
a form. Sculptures using plastic are usually
reproductions of the original work.

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