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Database Basics MS SQL Exam – 10.08.

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100 National Tourist Sites of Bulgaria

100 Tourist Sites of Bulgaria is a Bulgarian national movement established in 1966 to promote tourism among
Bulgaria's most significant cultural, historic, and natural landmarks. You are given the task to create a database in
which you will store information about the sites and the tourists who are visiting them.

Section 1. DDL (30 pts)

You have been given the following E/R Diagram.

Create a database called NationalTouristSitesOfBulgaria. You need to create 7 tables:

 Categories – contains information about the different categories of the tourist sites;
 Locations – contains information about the locations of the tourist sites;
 Sites – contains information about the tourist sites;
 Tourists – contains information about the tourists, who are visiting the tourist sites;
 SitesTourists – a many to many mapping table between the sites and the tourists;
 BonusPrizes – contains information about the bonus prizes, which are given to an annual raffle;
 TouristsBonusPrizes – a many to many mapping table between the tourists and the bonus prizes.

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NOTE: Keep in mind that Judge doesn't accept "ALTER" statement and square brackets naming (when the names
are not keywords).
NOTE: Use VARCHAR for strings, not NVARCHAR.

You have been tasked to create the tables in the database by the following models:

Column Name Data Type Constraints

Id Integer from 0 to 2,147,483,647 PK, Unique table identification, Identity

Name String up to 50 symbols Null is not allowed

Column Name Data Type Constraints

Id Integer from 0 to 2,147,483,647 PK, Unique table identification, Identity

Name String up to 50 symbols Null is not allowed

Municipality String up to 50 symbols Null is allowed

Province String up to 50 symbols Null is allowed

Column Name Data Type Constraints

Integer from 0 to PK, Unique table identification, Identity


Name String up to 100 symbols Null is not allowed

Integer from 0 to Relationship with table Locations, Null is

2,147,483,647 not allowed

Integer from 0 to Relationship with table Categories, Null is

2,147,483,647 not allowed

Establishment String up to 15 symbols Null is allowed

Column Name Data Type Constraints

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Id Integer from 0 to 2,147,483,647 PK, Unique table identification, Identity

Name String up to 50 symbols Null is not allowed

In range between 0 (inclusive) and 120

Age Integer from 0 to 2,147,483,647 (inclusive).
Null is not allowed

PhoneNumber String up to 20 symbols Null is not allowed

Nationality String up to 30 symbols Null is not allowed

Reward String up to 20 symbols Null is allowed

Column Name Data Type Constraints

PK, Unique table identification, Relationship with

Integer from 0 to table Tourists
Null is not allowed

PK, Unique table identification, Relationship with

Integer from 0 to table Sites.
Null is not allowed

Column Name Data Type Constraints

Id Integer from 0 to 2,147,483,647 PK, Unique table identification, Identity

Name String up to 50 symbols Null is not allowed

Column Name Data Type Constraints

PK, Unique table identification, Relationship with

Integer from 0 to table Tourists
Null is not allowed

PK, Unique table identification, Relationship with

Integer from 0 to table BonusPrizes
Null is not allowed

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1. Database design
Submit all of your created statements to Judge (only creation of tables).

Section 2. DML (10 pts)

Before you start you have to import " 01. DDL_Dataset.sql ". If you have created the structure correctly the data
should be successfully inserted.
In this section, you have to do some data manipulations:

2. Insert
Let's insert some sample data into the database. Write a query to add the following records into the corresponding
tables. All Ids should be auto-generated.
Name Age PhoneNumber Nationality Reward
Borislava Kazakova 52 +359896354244 Bulgaria NULL
Peter Bosh 48 +447911844141 UK NULL
Martin Smith 29 +353863818592 Ireland Bronze badge
Svilen Dobrev 49 +359986584786 Bulgaria Silver badge
Kremena Popova 38 +359893298604 Bulgaria NULL

Name LocationId CategoryId Establishment
Ustra fortress 90 7 X
3. Upd
Karlanovo Pyramids 65 7 NULL ate
The Tomb of Tsar Sevt 63 8 V BC For some
Sinite Kamani Natural Park 17 1 NULL of the
St. Petka of Bulgaria – Rupite 92 6 1994 tourist
sites there are no clear records when they were established, so you need to update the column 'Establishment'
for those records by putting the text '(not defined)'.

4. Delete
For this year's raffle it was decided to remove the Sleeping bag from the bonus prizes.

Section 3. Querying (40 pts)

You need to start with a fresh dataset, so recreate your DB and import the sample data again (01.

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5. Tourists
Extract information about all the Tourists – name, age, phone number and nationality. Order the result by
nationality (ascending), then by age (descending), and then by tourist name (ascending).

Name Age PhoneNumber Nationality

Danny Kane 39 +32487454880 Belgium

Krasen Krasenov 62 +359897653265 Bulgaria

Pavel Mateev 51 +359879632123 Bulgaria

Kameliya Dimitrova 42 +359898645326 Bulgaria

Dobroslav Mihalev 39 +359889632200 Bulgaria

Mariya Petrova 37 +359887564235 Bulgaria

… … … …

6. Sites with Their Location and Category

Select all sites and find their location and category. Select the name of the tourist site, name of the location,
establishment year/ century and name of the category. Order the result by name of the category (descending),
then by name of the location (ascending) and then by name of the site itself (ascending).

Site Location Establishment Category

Clock Tower – Botevgrad Botevgrad 1866 Spare time in the


Clock Tower of Etropole Etropole 1710 Spare time in the


House of Humour and Satire Museum – Gabrovo 1972 Spare time in the
Gabrovo city

Museum of Education – Gabrovo Gabrovo 1974 Spare time in the


Antique Theater – Plovdiv Plovdiv II Spare time in the


Salt Museum – Pomorie Pomorie 2002 Spare time in the


… … …

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7. Count of Sites in Sofia Province
Extract all locations which are in Sofia province. Find the count of sites in every location. Select the name of the
province, name of the municipality, name of the location and count of the tourist sites in it. Order the result by
count of tourist sites (descending) and then by name of the location (ascending).

Province Municipality Location CountOfSites

Sofia Sofia Sofia 11

Sofia Etropole Etropole 3

Sofia Botevgrad Botevgrad 1

Sofia Koprivshtitsa Koprivshtitsa 1

Sofia Svoge Osenovlag 1


Sofia Samokov Samokov 1

8. Tourist Sites established BC

Extract information about the tourist sites, which have a location name that does NOT start with the letters 'B', 'M'
or 'D' and which are established Before Christ (BC). Select the site name, location name, municipality, province and
establishment. Order the result by name of the site (ascending).
NOTE: If the establishment century is Before Christ (BC), it will always be in the following format: 'RomanNumeral

Site Location Municipality Province Establishment
Asen's Fortress Asenovgrad Asenovgrad Plovdiv V BC
National archaeological Yambol Yambol Yambol II BC
reserve Kabile
Perperikon – Medieval Rhodope NULL NULL V BC
Archaeological Complex Mountain
Shumen Fortress Historical- Shumen Shumen Shumen I BC
Archaeological Preserve
Starosel – Thracian Temple Starosel Hisarya Plovdiv V BC
Complex village
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak Kazanlak Karlovo Plovdiv IV BC

9. Tourists with their Bonus Prizes

Extract information about the tourists, along with their bonus prizes. If there is no data for the bonus prize put '(no
bonus prize)'. Select tourist's name, age, phone number, nationality and bonus prize. Order the result by the
name of the tourist (ascending).
NOTE: There will never be a tourist with more than one prize.

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Name Age PhoneNumber Nationality Reward
Alonzo Conti 36 +393336258996 Italy (no bonus
Brus Brown 42 +447459881347 UK (no bonus
Claudia Reuss 54 +4930774615846 Germany Sleeping bag
Cosimo Ajello 51 +393521112654 Italy (no bonus
Cyrek 64 +48503435735 Poland (no bonus
Gryzbowski prize)
Danny Kane 39 +32487454880 Belgium Water filter
… … … … …

10. Tourists visiting History and Archaeology sites

Extract all tourists, who have visited sites from category 'History and archaeology'. Select their last name,
nationality, age and phone number. Order the result by their last name (ascending).
NOTE: The name of the tourists will always be in the following format: 'FirstName LastName'.

LastName Nationality Age PhoneNumber

Bauer Germany 49 +496913265224

Becker Germany 36 +491711234567

Bianchi Italy 51 +393125965845

Brown UK 42 +447459881347

Conti Italy 36 +393336258996

Dimitrova Bulgaria 42 +359898645326

… … … …

Section 4. Programmability (20 pts)

11. Tourists Count on a Tourist Site
Create a user-defined function named udf_GetTouristsCountOnATouristSite (@Site) which receives a
tourist site and returns the count of tourists, who have visited it.


SELECT dbo.udf_GetTouristsCountOnATouristSite ('Regional History Museum – Vratsa')

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SELECT dbo.udf_GetTouristsCountOnATouristSite ('Samuil’s Fortress')



SELECT dbo.udf_GetTouristsCountOnATouristSite ('Gorge of Erma River')


12. Annual Reward Lottery

A reward scheme has been developed to encourage collection of as many stamps as possible. Depending on the
number of stamps collected, participants may receive bronze, silver or gold badges.
Create a stored procedure, named usp_AnnualRewardLottery(@TouristName). Update the reward of the
given tourist according to the count of the sites he have visited:
 >= 100 receives 'Gold badge'
 >= 50 receives 'Silver badge'
 >= 25 receives 'Bronze badge'
Extract the name of the tourist and the reward he has.


EXEC usp_AnnualRewardLottery 'Gerhild Lutgard'

Name Reward

Gerhild Lutgard Gold badge


EXEC usp_AnnualRewardLottery 'Teodor Petrov'

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Name Reward

Teodor Petrov Silver badge


EXEC usp_AnnualRewardLottery 'Zac Walsh'

Name Reward

Zac Walsh Bronze badge


EXEC usp_AnnualRewardLottery 'Brus Brown'

Name Reward

Brus Brown NULL

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