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Trans Riph Midterm

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The process of critically examining and analyzing the
records and survivals of the past.

To study objectively (intention of acquiring detached

and truthful knowledge independent of one’s personal
 The English word history is derived from the reactions) a thing must first be an object and must have
Greek word “istoia” meaning learning an independent resistance outside the human mind).
 According to Aristotle, history is the Most of history is based on the human mind since most
systematic account of a set of natural of history is based upon recollection (written or spoken
phenomena whether or not chronological history).
ordering was a factor in an account, and this is
considered as natural history. As time passed, In reconstruction, only a part of what was observed is
the equivalent Latin word “scientia”, which is remembered, only a part of what was remembered is
science in English later was used more to recorded, only a part of what was recorded survives,
designate non-chronological systematic only a part of what survived comes to the historian’s
accounts of phenomena. attention.
 Presently, the word “history” means the “past
of mankind”. History is the study of past Only of a part of what is credible has been grasped, only
events, particularly in human affairs. a part of what has been grasped can be expounded and
 History in German is “Geschichte”, meaning, narrated by the historian.
“that which has happened”. This means that the
word implies that history teaches and we may
learn from the lessons of history.
 With the definition of history, it brings man to HISTORICAL SOURCES
a recognition that history cannot be  Objects from the past or testimony concerning
reconstructed, that the past of mankind, much the past which historians use to create their own
of it, is beyond recall. And that even the best of depiction of the past.
our memories cannot re-create our past.
1. According to Form
 The reconstruction of the total past of
*Written Sources
mankind is the total goal of historians which,
 Published materials (books, journals etc.) and
however, is unattainable. Historians will never
manuscript (handwritten and unprinted like
really know everything that happened in the
archival materials and memoirs)
*Non written Sources
 The problem that every historian confronts is
 Oral history, artifacts, fossils, etc.
that the evidence they rely on is likely to be
fragmented, incomplete and even 2. According to Origin
contradictory. The result is, each historian’s *Primary Sources
conclusions are influenced by the evidence  Testimony of an eyewitness
they have selected from what is available and  It is any source of information that was created,
from how they interpreted it. written, or narrated during the time under
 And from whatever a historian only has will be investigated.
the only thing that he can use to connect him  It must have been produced by a contemporary
to the past. of that is narrated. It is a document or physical
object written or created during the time under
study. These sources were present during an

experience or time period and offer an inside
view of a particular event. Internal Criticism
EXAMPLES  deals with the problem of credibility.
 Written Sources Tests of credibility are:
 Images  Determine the Character of the Author, his
 Artifacts and Fossils reliability, and his ability and willingness to tell
 Oral Testimony the truth
*Secondary Sources  date
 Interpret and analyze primary sources  Determine the Corroboration, historical facts
 They are one or more steps removed from the rest upon the testimony of two or more
event. Examples are printed textbooks reliable witnesses

 Settles matters on the form and content of a  Records of social and cultural observations
source  Chronicles
 it is the subjective writing that expresses the  Human Fossils (remains of ancient man
writer’s opinion or evaluation of a text. imbedded in the earth such as bones, hair, skin
 Artifacts ( cultural evidences of man in the past
External Criticism such as tools and implements)
 Records of Detective Investigations
 Deals with the problem of authenticity  Royal Decrees and Laws
 To spot hoaxes, fakes, forgeries and fabrications  Official Reports
Tests of Authenticity are:  Maps
 Determine the date if it is Anachronistic: a  Memoirs or Autobiographies
material, skill or culture does not exist at that  Personal accounts: record of interviews
time  Newspapers and Magazines: reports of
 Determine the author in the uniqueness of his correspondents
handwriting or signature  Legislative journals
 Determine the provenance or  Court Records

custody: genuineness
Determine the Semantics, meaning of a text or

Determine the Hermeneutics, the ambiguities
 National Archives of the Philippines
OTHER  National Library of the Philippines
 Determine the Author  National Historical Commission of the
 Determine the date of the document
 National Museum of the Philippines
 Anachronistic style (napapanahon, kung legit
ung time)
Other Repositories of Primary Sources are the
 Orthography (spelling, hypen etc)
libraries of various universities in the Philippines
 Semantics (meaning)
such as the University of the Philippines, the Ateneo
 Hermeneutics (interpretation)
de Manila Rizal Library and Museum, the American
 Provenance or custody
Historical Collection in ADMU, and the University of
Sto. Tomas Central Library and Museum.

 Hobby having sex
 Demarcation line
 3G
a. God
 Venetian Merchant c. Glory
 China
 Travels of Marco Polo (Nag trend)

a.k.a Antonio Pigafetta


 Prince of Portugal
 Ship/sea Lover <3
 Established schools
✘ Ship builders
✘ Sailors
✘ Craftsmen

 Venice, Italy
 Geography
 Cartography
a.k.a Ferdinan Magellan
 Portuguese
 Captain
 Good boy din to promise
 the captain-general sent his slave ashore to
ask the king is he had any food to have it
carried to the ships and to say that they come
to the islands as friends and not as enemies.
They have met and toured Raia Colambu and
Raia Siaui to their ship giving visa vis the
trading opportunity on both parties.
 The first recorded mass done by the Spaniards
happened and the resurrection of the cross on
the top of the highest mountain for the
protection of the natives in any catastrophe
might happen and a symbol of Christianity.
The Raia give his one man to accompanied
Magellan to Zubu (Cebu), the largest island
and the center of trading of the whole
 Magellan fleet reached Zubu. Magellan has the
honored to talk to the king of Zubu despites of
not giving a tribute to the king
 the first blood compact happened between the
natives and the Spaniards.
 they ask the natives to where they should bury
 270 men the dead member of the crew.
 Ships APRIL 12
 Trinidad  the merchandise of them were traded into
 Victoria gold but the captain-general refused to have a
 San Antonio lots of gold in his ship because he thinks that
 Santiago some of the merchandise they have are
 Concepcion precious than gold.
MARCH 16, 1521 APRIL 13
 They landed on the island of Zamal (Samar).  Magellan’s crew members was preparing for
MARCH 17 the mass tomorrow.
 the captain-general desired to land on another APRIL 14
island (Homonhon) which was uninhabited  the mass conversion of Christians happen in
and to get water. They set up two tents on the the island of Zubu. Raia Humabon, his wife and
shore for the sick and had a sow killed for other people who converted to Christianity
them. changed their names into the Christian and
MARCH 18 Spanish names. Magellan named Raja
 Nine men reached the shore giving those gifts Humabon as Fernando and his wife as Juana,
and foods; in return they give back also foods both names are derived in the ruling monarch
good for four days. of Spain. Magellan gave the Sto Niño as a gift to
the wife of Raia Humabon and also as a  He and his contemporary Renato Constantino
replacement to their idol. were among the first Filipino historians
APRIL 26 renowned for promoting a distinctly
 Zula, chief of the island of Matan (Mactan), nationalist point of view of Filipino history.
sent one of his sons to the captain-general to Excerpt from Robert Fox's The
inform that Raia Cilapulapu (Lapu-Lapu) did
not recognized the authority of the king of
Tabon Caves and William Henry
Spain. Magellan, himself together with some of Scott's Prehispanic Source
his men and the Christian natives organized a Materials for the Study of
coalition to sue Raia Cilapulapu.
APRIL 27 Philippine History
 a spear with poison hit the leg of Magellan ROBERT FOX
causing him to deteriorate, afterwards a large  An anthropologist and leading historian on the
number of natives come to him to kill him. The prehispanic Philippines
troops were ordered to surrender and to go  He led a six-year archaeological research
back on shore by the captain-general to avoid project in Palawan, focusing mainly on the
large number of casualties. caves and rock shelters of Lipuun Point in the
MAY 1 southern part of the island. Its most
 Raia Humabon arranged a party for the fleet of outstanding site is the Tabon Cave complex,
Magellan but all crew members who attended the large main cave delivered the only
that party die because of poisoning, except Pleistocene human fossils found in the
Enrique de Malacca, the slave of Magellan. It is Philippines to date. The fossil finds include a
also the last sighting to Enrique because he skullcap, jaw bones, teeth and several other
was completely vanished after the incident. fragmented bones. Dubbed as the "Tabon
That day also they left Zubu because they think Man", the finds represent more than just one
that there life is endangered due to the fact individual.
that the Raia Humabon attempted to kill them  He was the leading historian on the
all. Prehispanic Philippines. He led a six-year
archaeological research project in Palawan,
Excerpt from Santiago Alvarez's focusing mainly on the caves and rock shelters
Katipunan and the Revolution: of Lipan Point in the southern part of the
Memoirs of a General and
Teodoro Agoncillo's History of  A historian of the Gran Cordillera Central and
the Filipino People Prehispanic Philippines
 He published his dissertation, titled
SANTIAGO ALVAREZ “Prehispanic Source Materials for the Study of
 A revolutionary general and a founder and Philippine History” in 1968.
honorary president of the first directorate of
the Nacionalista Party
 Also known as Kidlat ng Apoy because of his
inflamed bravery and dedication as  Tabon Man (Brown race) (Earliest skull
commander of Cavite's famous battles found in the Philippines were found in
 The only child of revolutionary general Palawan
Mariano Alvarez  They inhabited the land for 22,000-24,000
 A prominent 20th-century Filipino historian
 Excavated by 3 individuals of Physical
 There are some tendencies that the fossils
were disturbed my megapodes Birds
 Tabon man – It refers the first group of people
who inhabited on our archipelago and the one
also called as “Pre-Mongoloid,” Mongoloid” DOWRIES
being the term anthropologists apply to the  are anything given by the groom to the parents
racial stock by which the South East Asian and of his wife to be before their wedding day.
Pacific Islanders came from. SIMBAHAN
 which means a temple or place of adoration
and when they wished to celebrate a festival,
 by Juan de Portocarrero aka Juan de pandot or worship.
Plasencia BATHALA,
 Written by Juan de Portocarrero aka Juan de  seems to signify “all powerful”, or “maker of all
Plasencia who was a member of the things”.
Franciscan who came with the first batch of
missionaries to the Philippines in 1578. He
was one of those who assigned to do mission
 the morning star
works in Southern Tagalog area. Plasencia
helped in the foundation and organization of DIAN MASALANTA
numerous towns in Quezon, Laguna, Rizal and  the patron of lovers and of generation.
 The Customs of the Tagalog where he vividly  the patrons of cultivated lands and husbandry.
described the political, social, economic, and - BUWAYA – Water lizard
cultural practices of the Filipinos before they CATOLONAN
were Christianized. Plasencia died in Liliw,
 the head priest of the natives; it can be male or
Laguna in 1590.

 1578
 witches who deceived by pretending to heal
 Franciscan
the sick.
 Doctrina Christiana
a. Manila  same as the magagauay, however they had the
b. Quezon power of applying remedies to lovers that they
c. Laguna - liliw would abandon and despise their own wives
d. Rizal and in fact could prevent them from having
e. bulacan intercourse with the wife.

 Barangay “balangay”  it was his office to help one to die, at which
time he predicted the salvation or
 50-100 family
condemnation of the soul.
 Social strata
b. Maharlika  was a soothsayer, and predicted the future
c. Aliping namamahay MANCOCOLAM
d. Aliping saguiguilir  whose duty it was to emit fire from himself at
night, once or oftener each month.
 without the use of medicine, and by simply
saluting or raising the hand, thy killed whom
 A Spanish friar of the Franciscan Order.
they chose.
 He spent most of his missionary life in the
SILAGAN Philippines, where he founded numerous
 if they saw anyone clothed in white, to tear out towns in Luzon and authored several religious
his liver, and eat it, thus causing his death. and linguistic books, most notably the
MAGTATANGAL Doctrina Cristiana (Christian Doctrine), the
 whose purpose was to show himself at night to first book ever printed in the Philippines.
many persons, without his head or entrails.
 people say that they have seen it flying and
that he murdered men and ate their flesh.

 they made charms for lovers out of herbs,
stones, and wood, which would infuse the
heart with love.
Excerpt from Antonio Pigafetta's
First Voyage Around the World
 A Filipino General during the Philippine
 An Italian scholar and explorer from the  He was one of the highest-ranking officer in
Republic of Venice. the Philippine Revolution and was one of the
 He joined the expedition to the Spice Islands highest-ranking officers of the revolutionary
led by explorer Ferdinand Magellan under the society Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-galang na
flag of King Charles I of Spain and, after Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan, or simply
Magellan's death in the Philippines, the and more popularly called Katipunan, being a
subsequent voyage around the world. member of its Supreme Council.
 During the expedition, he served as Magellan's
assistant and kept an accurate journal which
later assisted him in translating the Cebuano
language. It is the first recorded document
concerning the language.

KARTILLA defeated at the Battle of Manila Bay on 1 May
 served as the guidebook for new members of 1898 during the Spanish-American War.
the organization, which laid out the group's  The Act of the Declaration of Independence
rules and principles. The first edition of the was prepared and written by Ambrosio
Kartilya was written by Andres Bonifacio. Rianzares Bautista in Spanish, who also read
Emilio Jacinto later pen a revised Decalogue. the said declaration. The Philippine
Declaration was signed by ninety-eight
persons, among them an American army
officer who witnessed the proclamation.
 Filipino revolutionary leader, educator,
 The Act declared that the Filipinos “are and
lawyer and statesman who served first as a
have the right to be free and independent,” and
legal and constitutional adviser to the
that the nation from ”this day commences to
Revolutionary Government, and then as the
have a life of its own, with every political tie
first Prime Minister of the Philippines upon
between Filipinas and Spain severed and
the establishment of the First Philippine
 He is regarded as the "Utak ng Himagsikan" or
"Brain of the Revolution".
 Mabini performed all his revolutionary and  A Filipino revolutionary, politician, and
governmental activities despite having lost the military leader who is officially recognized as
use of both his legs to polio shortly before the the first and the youngest President of the
Philippine Revolution of 1896. Philippines (1899–1901) and first president of
a constitutional republic in Asia.

 The Philippine Declaration of
 History is the documented study of the past.
Independence occurred in Kawit, Cavite
on 12 June 1898 where Filipino  History is reserved for accounts of phenomena
revolutionary forces under General Emilio especially human affairs in chronological
Aguinaldo proclaimed the sovereignty and order.
independence of the Philippine islands from  History is the past of mankind.
Spanish colonization after the latter was
 History is the story of a nation’s rise,  Tries to answer the problem of credibility of
development and fall. the material.
 History is the sharing of important narratives  Credibility- compromises the objective and
that involve the shaping of a society and its subjective believability of a source.
people. Test of Credibility
 Identification of the author
 History gives us the capacity to understand  Determination of the approximate date
and analyze issues and concerns of our  Ability to tell the truth
contemporary world.  Willingness to tell the truth
 History enables one to participate in finding  Corroboration
solutions of present-day problems in the
society.  any objects from the past or testimonies of the
 History teaches us to see the world through eyewitness concerning the past on which
different perspective. historians depend in order to create their own
 History enables us to analyze critically the depiction of the past.
present contexts of society and beings.  Eyewitness- a person, who has personally
 History records and explains the events of the seen, experienced and can give first-hand
past which includes people, places, and dates. description of what happened during an event.
 Testimony- it is a form of evidence obtained
 it is the process of critically examining and from a person who has seen the actual event
analyzing the records and survival of the past. under study.
 it is any source of information that was
 it is the subjective writing that expresses the created, written or narrated during the time
writer’s opinion or evaluation of a text. under investigated.
EXTERNAL CRITICISM  Four Main Categories of Primary Sources
 it is a kind of historical criticism that is  Written Sources such as diaries and memoirs,
concerned with establishing the authenticity journals, minutes of meetings, speeches etc.
or genuineness of data.  Images
 Tries to answer the problem of authenticity of  Artifacts And Fossils such as Human Remains
the material.  Oral Testimony
 Authenticity- means a reliable or accurate B. SECONDARY SOURCE
representation of information.  it interprets and analyzes an original source.
Test of Authenticity  Examples Secondary Sources
 Anachronistic style  History Books
 Orthography- the way in which the words of a  Periodicals
language are spelled.
 Serials
 Determine the date of the document
 Determine the author
 Semantics- concerns on the determination of
the meaning of a text.
 Hermeneutics
 Provenance or custody
 Anachronistic reference to events  Written by the Antonio Lombardo aka Antonio
INTERNAL CRITICISM Pigafetta , he studied astronomy, geography
and cartography. His biographers described
 it is the attempt of the researcher to restore
him as well-educated young man possessing
the meaning of the text.
an avid curiosity of the world around him. He idea of secularization, grant for Filipino
was among the 18 survivors who returned to priest to officiate mass in their parishes,
Spain on September 6, 1522 aboard the for regular clergy. For that so, the three
Victoria with Juan Sebastian Elcano, as the martyr priest were accused for that
captain. subversive act. The three martyr priests,
 Pigafetta’s account is the longest and most also known as GOMBURZA, were Padre
comprehensive. It recounted the individual Mariano Gomez, Padre Jose Burgos,
fates of the five ships (Trinidad, San Antonio, and Padre Jacinto Zamora who were
Concepcion, Santiago and Victoria) that executed on February 15, 1872 in the
comprised the Magellan expedition. manner of garrote.


 The founding head of the Katipunan was Andres

Bonifacio, the Supremo of the Katipunan who
asked to visit Dr. Jose Rizal in Dapitan to
encourage him to support the Katipunan, but the
Dr. Pio Valenzuela latter refused the offer
because he thinks that Filipinos are not yet
ready to have their own government.
 Happened on the Feast Day of the Virgin of
Loreto, January 20, 1872 at Fort San  On August 19, 1896 the Colonial Government of
Felipe, Cavite. Spain discovered the existence of Katipunan.
Many members of the Katipuneroes were
 A memorial event the Philippines that
happened in 1872.
 The Katipuneroes met to plan for the revolution,
 The Cavite Mutiny had two faces: the Filipino
so the Supremo call the attention of its surviving
version was authored by Dr. T. H. Pardo de
members to gather on the barn of Cabesang
Tavera and the Spanish version was
Melchora hence it used to believed that it was
provided by Jose Montero y Vidal.
happened on the two sites either Balintawak
 Around 200 men comprised of soldiers,
nor on Pugad Lawin which is now part of Brgy.
laborers and residents rose arms against
Project 8, Quezon City.
Spanish officials to express their
 The First Cry of the Philippine Revolution was in
disappointments to the government because
August 1896 to defend the people’s freedom.
The awakening of nationalism among the
a. The iron-fisted governor-general
Filipinos that was commemorated by tearing of
assigned in the Philippines during the
the cedulas by the Katipuneroes yelling “Long
Spanish colonization was Gov. Gen.
Live the Sons of the People”.
Rafael Izquierdo.
 Dr. Pio Valenzuela wrote his memoirs about
b. Abolition of privileges of native Filipino
the revolution in 1896. And Gregoria De Jesus,
wife of Andres Bonifacio, gave her account about
c. The central government of Spain
the event.
announced to deprive the friars in the
 The defeat of the Katipunan in Manila during the
Philippines to all powers of intervention.
Philippine revolution, Bonifacio and his men
d. The three martyr priests were implicated
retreated in the mountains of Montalban, Rizal.
by Governor General Rafael Izquierdo in
the Cavite Mutiny because they recall the
 He issued an affidavit recounting his
involvement in securing the retraction
document from the Archbishop of Manila.
 “Aloud and slowly, and even with a certain
 A leader of the reformist movement in Spain, Dr.
solemnity, he read his own retraction…”
Jose Rizal was arrested, tried, and sentenced to
 He pleased Rizal to sign the retraction letter
death by a Spanish court-martial after being
because of some objections. And he said that
implicated as a leader of the Philippine
Rizal signed it with his own hands.
Revolution. The night before his death by firing
squad at the Luneta on December 30, 1896, 3. RAFAEL PALMA
accounts exist that Rizal allegedly retracted his  He claimed that Rizal was a man of character
Masonic ideals and his writings and reconverted and had demonstrated it in his many
to Catholicism following several hours of circumstances of his life.
persuasion by Jesuit priest.  The retraction of Rizal was an ecclesiastical
 A Catholic Prayer book was discovered by fraud.
Father Manuel Garcia on the cell room of Rizal.  The document of retraction was kept secret
 The question of authenticity of presented so that no one except authorities was able to
documents as primary source. The following see it at that time.
primary sources are of two kinds: the first two  The canonical marriage with Josephine
are the official accounts as witnessed by Jesuit Bracken was denied.
priests presented to their own personal account
of the event. Father Villaclara and Father 4. AUSTIN COATES
Balaguer went to the chapel cell of Jose Rizal in  The act of conversion and retraction of Jose
Fort Santiago to persuade Rizal to retract. Rizal was mere hearsay.
(Official accounts witnessed by Jesuits priests).  He believed that Father Balaguer’s account
 And the other two are critical analyses by two had in fact ruined the church’s case and
Rizalist scholars who doubted the story of the unwittingly revealed his own fraud.
retraction: Rafael Palma’s and Austin Coates  There was no signed letter of retraction.
critical analysis.  Rizal knew too well the damage such letter
1. FR. VICENTE BALAGUER would do him. He believed before God he
had nothing to retract.
 He claimed to have persuaded Rizal to
denounce Masonry and return to Catholic
 He solemnized the marriage of Rizal and
Josephine Bracken hours before the former’s
 “ In the morning of December 29, Father
Vilaclara and I went to Fort Santiago where
the chapel cell of the convict was.”  The Katipunan, a revolutionary movement
 “I found Dr. Rizal impatient. He asked for the against Spanish colonial rule, was founded by
formula of the Prelate.” Andres Bonifacio but due to the defeat of the
 The retraction letter was signed by Dr. Rizal Katipunan in Manila, Bonifacio and his men
together with Señor Fresno, Chief of the retreat to the mountain of Montalban. Hence, it
Picket and Señor Moure, Adjutant of the was a different story in Cavite. In here, the
plaza. Katipunan under Emilio Aguinaldo managed to
subdue the Spanish forces by surprise and take
control of the province. However, the Katipunan
in Cavite was divided into two factions; the
Magdiwang and Magdalo group. Emilio  Panghihimagsik, thou he is not around
Aguinaldo invited the Supremo Andres Bonifacio during the Assembly.
to mediate the conflict between the two and also
to discuss some clarification about Katipunan,  Mariano Trias, the elected Vice-President of
like: the “K” in the middle of the sun in the the Revolution during the Tejeros Assembly.
Katipunan flag used in the Revolution stood  Emiliano R. de Dios was elected as the offer
for Kalayaan not for Kaharian. for Director of Wars.
 When he arrived the two groups finally agreed  Andres Bonifacio was elected Director of
to form a revolutionary government which Interior. However, Daniel Tirona questioned
would lead the revolution. Andres Bonifacio’s qualifications to his
 The first election of president and the election of position, and insisted that Jose del Rosario, to
officers of the Philippines and the Pamahalaang whom they think is capable to handle the
Panghihimagsik were held in Barrio Tejeros, position of the Secretary of Interior because of
San Francisco de Malabon. The Tejeros his educational attainment and career, would
assembly was convened in March 25, 1897 take over the position of Andres Bonifacio
according to Santiago Alvarez’s account. instead. Due to the insult received by Andres
Bonifacio he declared the election null and


 Emilio Aguinaldo
 Baldomero Aguinaldo
 Mariano Trias Closas
 Daniel Tirona
 Antonio Montenegro

 Andres Bonifacio
 Santiago Alvarez
 Severino de las Alas
 Mariano Alvarez
 Cayetano Topacio

 Jacinto Lumbreras was the first chairman of

the committee during the Tejeros Assembly
but he passed down the chairmanship to
Andres Bonifacio as a symbol of respect to
the Supremo of Katipunan.
 The First Philippine Republic was composed
of around eight officials, and the highest
position was President.
 The declared winner after the votes for
president were counted during the Tejeros
Assembly was Emilio Aguinaldo. Making him
the first elected president of the


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