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Machine Learning Based Antenna Array Beamforming: Dokuz Eylül University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences

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January, 2023

A Thesis Submitted to the

Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences of Dokuz Eylül University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in
Electrical and Electronics Department


January, 2023

We have read the thesis entitled "MACHINE LEARNING BASED ANTENNA

ARRAY BEAMFORMING " completed by Muhammed UĞUR KILIÇ under
supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Özgür Tamer and we certify that in our opinion it is
fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Özgür Tamer


........................................................................ ........................................................................
Doç. Dr. Hatice Doğan Prof. Dr. Mustafa Seçmen

Jury Member Jury Member


Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences


My sincere thanks,

To my advisor, Mr Özgür Tamer, who guided me in my work,

To my family who made me come to this day and always supported me,

To my colleagues who supported me in my business life,

To my dear friends Mazlum Unay and Ulaş Yüksel who helped me in this work,

To my wife Burcu Mutlu Kılıç, who supported me in every difficulty and stood by
me in all my moments.

Muhammed Uğur KILIÇ



With the development of communication technologies, transmitting a wireless

signal with maximum efficiency has gained importance. As the growing demand for
mobile communications is constantly increasing, the need for better coverage,
improved capacity, and higher transmission quality rises. Therefore, smart
optimization methodologies such as beamforming has become more important.
Beamforming is used to eliminate interference and improve the signal to noise ratio.

The present study focuses on estimating proper weights for beamforming of an array
beamforming with the help of a neural network structure. Training set was created from
different users located at different angles. Neural network classifies signal strength
calculated for each user. Test user locations are selected randomly and according to
these locations test steering vectors are created.Algorithm starts and creates classified
signal strength and arrival angle outputs according to test steering vectors. It is aimed
to provide better quality mobile network service for users in the concentrated region in
cases that progress compared to the trained network.

Keywords: Beamforming, Neural Network, communication with neural network,

mobile communications with beamforming, beamforming with neural network,
machine learning.



İletişim teknolojilerinin gelişmesiyle birlikte kablosuz sinyalin maksimum verimle

iletilmesi önem kazanmıştır. Mobil iletişim için artan talep sürekli arttıkça, daha iyi
kapsama alanı, gelişmiş kapasite ve daha yüksek iletim kalitesi ihtiyacı da artmaktadır.
Bu nedenle hüzme şekillendirme gibi akıllı optimizasyon metodolojileri daha önemli
hale gelmiştir. Hüzmeleme ise paraziti ortadan kaldırmak ve sinyal-gürültü oranını
iyileştirmek için kullanılmaktadır.

Bu çalışma, bir sinir ağı yapısı yardımıyla bir dizi hüzme şekillendirmenin hüzme
şekillendirme için uygun ağırlıkları tahmin etmeye odaklanmaktadır. Farklı açılarda
konumlanmış farklı kullanıcılardan eğitim seti oluşturulmuştur. Sinir ağı, her
kullanıcı için hesaplanan sinyal gücünü ve açısını sınıflandırır. Test kullanıcı
lokasyonları rastgele seçilir ve bu lokasyonlara göre test yönlendirme vektörleri
oluşturulur. Algoritma test yönlendirme vektörlerine göre sınıflandırılmış sinyal gücü
ve varış açısı çıktıları oluşturur.Eğitimli ağa göre ilerleme gösteren durumlarda,
yoğunlaşan bölgedeki kullanıcılara daha kaliteli mobil ağ hizmeti sunulması

Anahtar kelimeler: Hüzlemeleme, sinir ağı, sinir ağı ile haberleşme, hüzmeleme ile
mobil haberleşme, sinir ağı ile hüzmeleme, makine öğrenmesi.



M.Sc THESIS EXAMINATION RESULT FORM.............................................. ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................iv
ÖZ ..............................................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................ix
LIST OF TABLES .........................................................................................x

CHAPTER ONE – INTRODUCTION ...........................................................1

1.1 Literature Survey.................................................................................1

1.2 Aim of The Study................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO – THEORETICAL BACKGROUND...................................5

2.1 Antenna Systems.................................................................................5

2.1.1 Monopole Antenna Systems ............................................................5
2.1.2 Dipole Antenna Systems.................................................................6
2.2 Array Antenna Systems ........................................................................7
2.2.1 Phased Array Antenna Systems ..................................................... 10 Uniform Line Array .............................................................. 12 Uniform Planar Array............................................................ 13
2.3 Smart Antenna System ....................................................................... 14
2.4 Beamforming ................................................................................... 15
2.5 Machine Learning ............................................................................. 17
2.6 Neural Network ................................................................................ 18
2.6.1 Feedforward Neural Network ........................................................ 19
2.6.2 Convolution Neural Networks ....................................................... 20
2.6.3 Recurrent Neural Network ............................................................ 21
2.7 Mathematical Model Of The Project ..................................................... 25

2.7.1 Multi Layer Neural Network ......................................................... 26 Training Step ....................................................................... 26
2.7.2 Flowchart of The Training Algorithm ............................................. 27

CHAPTER THREE – APPLICATIONS AND RESULTS .............................. 28

3.1 Beamforming Architecture.................................................................. 30

3.2 Neural Network Architecture............................................................... 32
3.3 Results ............................................................................................ 33
3.3.1 Graph of Results ......................................................................... 37
3.3.2 Challenges and Solutions .............................................................. 42
3.4 Comparison...................................................................................... 42

CHAPTER FOUR – CONCLUSION ........................................................... 43

REFERENCES.......................................................................................... 45



Figure 2.1 VHF ground plane antenna..........................................................5

Figure 2.2 Rubber ducky antenna on 446 MHz UHF ......................................6

Figure 2.3 Basic Dipole Antenna.................................................................6

Figure 2.4 Broad Antenna Array and Radiation .............................................8

Figure 2.5 Endfire Antenna Array and Radiation............................................8

Figure 2.6 Parasitic Antenna Array and Radiation (Electronics Desk, 2012) .......8

Figure 2.7 Phased Array Antenna .............................................................. 10

Figure 2.8 A Phased Array ....................................................................... 11

Figure 2.9 Uniform Line Array ................................................................. 12

Figure 2.10 Uniform Planar Array............................................................... 13

Figure 2.11 Switched and Adaptive Array System ......................................... 14

Figure 2.12 Beamforming Types ................................................................. 16

Figure 2.13 Artificial Intelligence and its sub-branches ................................... 17

Figure 2.14 Block Model Of Perceptron ....................................................... 18

Figure 2.15 Feedforward neural network architecture ..................................... 19

Figure 2.16 CNN Architecture.................................................................... 20

Figure 2.17 Basic RNN structure vs FNN structure ........................................ 21

Figure 2.18 Elman neural network .............................................................. 22

Figure 2.19 Jordan Network ....................................................................... 23

Figure 2.20 Hopfield Network .................................................................... 24

Figure 2.21 Flowchart of The Training Algorithm.......................................... 27

Figure 3.1 Base Station in site viewer ........................................................ 29

Figure 3.2 Beam Pattern and Azimuth Plot without Beamforming .................. 29

Figure 3.3 Receiver Site........................................................................... 30

Figure 3.4 Beamforming Block Diagram .................................................... 31

Figure 3.5 Beam Pattern and Azimuth Plot for First Beamforming .................. 31

Figure 3.6 Beam Pattern and Azimuth Plot for 9th Beamforming.................... 32

Figure 3.7 Classification Values for Angle Estimation................................... 33

Figure 3.8 Elman Neural Network Training................................................. 34

Figure 3.9 Feedforward Neural Network Training ........................................ 35

Figure 3.10 Error Graph Feedforward Neural Network ................................... 37

Figure 3.11 Error Graph Feedforward Neural Network ................................... 37

Figure 3.12 Error Graph Elman Neural Network............................................ 38

Figure 3.13 Error Graph Elman Neural Network............................................ 38

Figure 3.14 Error Graph Fitting Neural Network ........................................... 38

Figure 3.15 Error Graph Fitting Neural Network ........................................... 38

Figure 3.16 Regression Output Feedforward Neural Network .......................... 39

Figure 3.17 Regression Output Feedforward Neural Network .......................... 39

Figure 3.18 Regression Output Elman Neural Network................................... 40

Figure 3.19 Regression Output Elman Neural Network................................... 40

Figure 3.20 Regression Output Fitting Neural Network................................... 41

Figure 3.21 Regression Output Fitting Neural Network................................... 41



Table 2.1 Neural Network Types Comparison. ............................................. 21

Table 3.1 Base Station Parameters Definition .............................................. 28
Table 3.2 Elman Neural Network Training Options ...................................... 33
Table 3.3 Original & Estimation Arrival Angle Value for 1st & 17th Users ....... 34
Table 3.4 Original & Estimation Arrival Angle Value for 1st & 17th Users ....... 35


Many techniques have been investigated for network communication. Especially

with the requirements of mobile communication, improvements in signal quality have
gained importance.As the increasing demand for mobile communication is constantly
increasing, the need for better coverage, enhanced capacity and higher transmission
quality also increases. Therefore, it is necessary to use the radio spectrum more
efficiently. Smart antenna systems are capable of using the radio spectrum efficiently
and promise an effective solution to existing wireless system problems while
providing reliable and robust high-speed, high-data-rate transmission (P.Ioannides &
Balanis, 2005). With the developments supported by artificial intelligence, users have
reached a faster and higher quality communication.

User-oriented applications such as beamforming are included in such

developments and in this thesis, artificial neural networks and beamforming are
combined and examined.

1.1 Literature Survey

Beamforming is used to change the direction of signal for maximum efficiency and
quality signal and decrease interference in communication system. In 1905, the
German physicist and inventor Karl F. Braun presented the first public demonstration
of beamforming. Braun built a phased array by placing three antennas so that
radiation was amplified in one direction and reduced in another. (Braun, 1909).

Beamforming especially has gained more importance with the development of 4g

and later with 5g. With the artificial neural network algorithm supported beamforming
structure, user-oriented actions are taken at speeds far beyond human capacity and it is
aimed to maximize the user experience.

When Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts developed a computational model for
neural networks based on threshold logic algorithms in 1943, the history of artificial
neural networks (ANN) officially began. This method provided the path for the
division of the research into two methods. One method emphasized biological
processes, while the other concentrated on using neural networks to create artificial
intelligence (Warren & Pitts, 1943).

The Hebbian learning theory was developed by D. O. Hebb in the late 1940s and is
based on the brain plasticity mechanism. Unsupervised learning is hebbian learning.

Werbos’ (1975) back-propagation method, which made it possible to train

multi-layer networks in practice, was a major catalyst for the resurgence of interest in
neural networks and learning. By adjusting the weights at each node,
back-propagation sent the error term back up through the layers (Hebb, 1949).

Feed-forward neural networks and recurrent neural networks evolved between 2009
and 2012 in Eight worldwide contests in pattern recognition and machine learning were
won by Schmidhuber’s research team.

When it comes to today, the importance of machine learning has increased with
the developments in the field of communication and it has started to take its place in
the field of telecommunication. Some of the articles used in this field and applied in
different telecommunication fields are as follows;

In May 24, 2019, beamforming neural network based on convolutional neural

network (CNN) was proposed for minimizing power problem and achieving max
SINR value.With MSE (mean square error) algorithm, weights are updated
(Yongxu Zhu & Zheng, 2019).

In July 25, 2016, neural network is performed with using beamforming technique
called mimimum variance distortionless response (MVDR). The trained NN can serve
as an adaptive beamformer that enables a linear antenna array to orient the main lobe
to a desired signal and inserts nulls into the corresponding interference signals in the

presence of additional zero-average Gaussian noise (Zaharis, 2016).

In September, 2019, to overcome distortion on speech signal, convertional neural

network beamformer is used to decrease non-linear distortion on speech signal to
improve speech quality (Mizumachi, 2019).

In November, 2020, to improve Line of Sight (LOS) communication between

receiver and transmitter sites , linear regression machine learning model was
studied.The antenna array weights are pre-calculated for a number of beam directions
and kept as a database. The signal weights are calculated from the arriving signal and
given input data to a linear regression model and direction of arrival signal is
predicted (Singh & Jayakumar, 2020).

In Dec, 2021, It is aimed to determine the precoder with the neural network by using
the user’s location.It allows to reduce or even eliminate the need for pilot symbols,
depending on how the location is obtained(Le Magoarou & Crussière, 2021).

In article written by Maja Sarevska and Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem, the problem of

Null-Steering beamforming using Neural Network (NN) approach for antenna array
system are considered.The focus of antenna array signal processing is on DOA
estimation and beamforming(Maja Sarevska, 2008).

In article written by Paramanand Sharma, A three-layer radial basis function neural

network (RBFNN) is used, which treats the problem of calculating the weights of an
adaptive array of antennas as a mapping problem.RBNN algorithm improves the array
system performaence and signal steering mishmashes under non ideal conditions and
gives best output SINR(Sharma, 2009).

In Dec,1998, neural network approach to problem finding weights of 1D (one

dimensional) and 2D (two dimensional) adaptive arrays.With using using three-layer
radial basis function neural networks (RBFNN), aiming to find optimum
weights(El Zooghby & Georgiopoulos, 1998).

Article published in International Journal of Computer Applications in Nov,2015
by Adheed H. Sallomi,Sulaiman Ahmed, as we used in this thesis , this study focuses
on the study that calculates the optimum weights on the adaptive beam using the
elman neural network. In this study, Levenberg Marquardt (LM) algorithm and
Resilient Backpropagation (Rprop) algorithms are used comparatively (Sallom &
Ahmed, 2015).

In article written by Murat Güreken, the real-time target tracking issue is solved
with a Neural Network (NN) based beamforming technique. The approach is used to
two different types of arrays: circular and linear.SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) value
was calculated by calculating the direction of arrival angle (DOA) according to the
GPS-based location of the users. Then, the error was calculated by running NN training
according to the angle and SNR (Güreken, 2009).

1.2 Aim of The Study

In this project, it is aimed to form the signal to improve the user oriented signal
level and quality by creating data for the learning mechanism by using receivers at
different points. In the first case, the function defined to provide the best between the
users whose location is known and the base station is used and the steering vectors are
calculated. Afterwards, by training with this data with neural network structure, the
system will aim to increase the user experience by shaping the signal according to the
location information received from the system user, without using the function.


2.1 Antenna Systems

A metallic object called an antenna is used to receive and/or transmit radio waves.
Numerous distinct antenna types with unique characteristics are employed in radio
systems for various applications. Antennas can be categorized in a number of ways.
The following list of common antenna types;

2.1.1 Monopole Antenna Systems

A monopole antenna is made out of a single conductor, typically positioned above

the earth or another artificially conductive surface. The quarter-wave monopole is
the most prevalent type, with the antenna being roughly one-fourth the radio waves’
wavelength. Vertically polarized monopoles are employed for extensive coverage of a
region since they have an omnidirectional radiation pattern (Bevelaqua, 2015).

Figure 2.1 VHF ground plane antenna (Wikipedia, 2012a)

Figure 2.2 Rubber ducky antenna on 446 MHz UHF(Wikipedia, 2012b)

2.1.2 Dipole Antenna Systems

The dipole antenna’s two poles or two conducting components are indicated by the
name "di-pole." As can be seen, the fundamental antenna includes a two-conductor
element. The dipole antenna is typically split in the middle, and these are typically on
the same axis. (Basu, 2010).

Figure 2.3 Basic Dipole Antenna(KONR, 2022)

2.2 Array Antenna Systems

Array antennas are made up of numerous antennas that operate as one compound
antenna when combined.

Generalized mathematical expression of array factor of array antenna is as follows;

Antenna pattern=AFxSingle Element Pattern

In × e j×(n−1)×(cosφ) AF = 1 + I1 e j×(kd cos θ+β1 ) + I2 e j×(2kd cos θ+β2 + ...
AF = (2.1)

φ = kdcosθ + β (2.2)

if the array factor is multiplied by e jxφ

(AF) × e j×(φ) = 1 + I1 e j×(φ) + I2 e j×k2 ×2×(φ) + ...I1 e j×k1 ×N×(φ) (2.3)

AF × (e j × (φ) − 1) = (e j × N × (φ) − 1) (2.4)

e j × N × (φ) − 1
AF = (2.5)
e j × (φ) − 1

Finally array factor becomes equation as follows;

N ×φ
(sin )
AF = (e( j×(N−1)×φ)/2 ) × ( 2 ) (S eanV.Hum, 2021). (2.6)
(sin )

Types of Arrays:

Broadside: Maximum radiation at right angles to main axis of antenna(Amie Study

Circle, 1994).

End-fire: Maximum radiation along the main axis of antenna

Parasitic: Some elements not connected to source. They re-radiate power from other

Phased: All elements connected to source. This type is used for in this thesis.

Figure 2.4 Broad Antenna Array and Radiation

Figure 2.5 Endfire Antenna Array and Radiation

Figure 2.6 Parasitic Antenna Array and Radiation (Electronics Desk, 2012)

For broadside antenna main lobe at at =0 or at=180

For endfire antenna main lobe at at =90,

The maximum value of the array occurs when

φ = kdcosθ + β = 0 (2.7)

Normalized array function of broadside antenna β = 0;

N ×φ
1 (sin 2 )
AF = × φ (2.8)
N (sin )

Normalized array function of endfire antenna β = ±kd;

φ = kd × (cos θ ± 1) (2.9)

N ×φ
1 (sin 2 )
AF = × φ (2.10)
N (sin )

Formulations among antenna types vary according to the arrangement of antenna

elements. The difference between the maximum radiation angle varies according to
the differences between the phase angles. The general antenna array formulation is the
same for all antenna types, regardless of the array.

2.2.1 Phased Array Antenna Systems

Multiple emitters/receivers are found in phased array antennas, which are utilized
for beamforming in RF applications, particularly high frequency ones. There are three
common uses for WiFi, chirped radar, and 5G. (Cadence, 2021). By altering the phase
difference between the signal transmitted to each transmitter in the array, a phased
array antenna enables beamforming. This eliminates the need for the antenna to be
physically moved in order to regulate and steer the radiation pattern to a target
(Torres-Rosario, 2005).

Figure 2.7 Phased Array Antenna(Mailloux, 1992)

Figure 2.8 A Phased Array System (Tougaw, 2018)

The array factor takes into account array characteristics like the separation between
elements and the progressive phase difference between each element.
AF = e j×(n−1)×(kdcosθ+β) (2.11)

where, N are the number of elements, is the ongoing phase shift between each antenna
element, d is the distance between each element in the array, A is the input signal or
element factor and s is steering vector.

 
 e j×θ0 
 
 j×θ1 
 e
s(t) = [s0(t), s1(t)] =  . 
 .. 
 
 j×θ.m 

11 Uniform Line Array

A group of sensor components that are uniformly spaced along a line constitute a
uniform linear array. A dipole antenna that can send and receive electromagnetic waves
is the most popular kind of sensor. It is thought that plane waves of electromagnetic
waves are how they reach the array. This indicates that the transmitter and receiver are
separated by a significant distance. The spacing ’d’ between array elements must be
less than or equal to half the wavelength (Ahmed, 2018).

Figure 2.9 Uniform Line Array

12 Uniform Planar Array

An effective way for improving the performance of wireless communication

systems is antenna array signal processing. Uniform planar array antenna type is
more stable for beamforming than line array antenna because of it enables shape
signal two coordinate.

Figure 2.10 Uniform Planar Array

2.3 Smart Antenna System

Smart antennas, often referred to as adaptive array antennas or multiple antennas,

are antenna arrays with strong and sophisticated signal processing algorithms that are
used to generate beamforming vectors that track and position the antenna beam on the
moving user or target (Prasanthi, 2022).

The two main groups of smart antennas differ in the following ways in terms of
transmitting strategy options;

Switched beam: A finite number of fixed, predefined patterns or combining


Adaptive array: An infinite number of patterns (scenario-based) that are adjusted

in real time.

Figure 2.11 Switched and Adaptive Array System (K. A. Gotsis & Sahalos, 2019)

2.4 Beamforming

A general method for controlling a the beam of antenna is beamforming. By

combining the phases of the signals traveling in the desired direction and canceling
out the pattern traveling in the sidelobe direction, beamforming produces the radiation
pattern of the antenna array. The received signal is optimized by adjusting the phases
and amplitudes (Sharma, 2009). For mmWave communication, beamforming is a very
helpful approach. Since mmWave antenna systems often have small antenna patterns
with significant attenuation, beamforming helps mmWave communications because
multi-element antennas with active beamforming may boost gain and direct the beam
toward a receiver to provide the best signal quality (Kappes, 2019).Beamforming also
enables mmWave signal to have a longer range and higher throughput.

When creating an array, numerous factors must be taken into account. In array
designs, variables including array geometry, element spacing, element lattice structure,
and element tapering are frequently used. Before the final design is executed, it is also
critical to define the impacts of mutual coupling. After the array architecture has been
configured initially, architectural partitioning may be repeatedly assessed against the
system performance objectives. In systems using millimeter waves, the array’s surface
area decreases according to wavelength size. An antenna array created for millimeter
wave frequencies, for instance, can be up to 100 times smaller than one created for
microwave frequencies. You can attain a high beamforming gain by constructing an
array with more antenna components. As beams are directed in a certain direction, the
highly directional beam helps to mitigate the increasing path loss at higher frequencies
of operation (Mathworks, 2020).

There are three types of beamforming seperated each other by physical elements
and connections;

Analog beamforming sends same signal to each antenna element and controlling the
phase of each transmitted signal.

Digital beamforming uses various signals for each antenna. It needs the carrier
frequency of the processed signal to be upconverted after a crossover RF chain that
comprises digital-to-analog (D/A) converters, mixers, and power amplifiers since it
regulates the phase and amplitude of the signal (Ali & Nordin, 2017).

Hybrid beamforming mixes digital and analog beamforming, which means that part
of the beamforming is done digitally in the baseband and portion is done by analog RF
beamformers (Kim, 2013).

Figure 2.12 Beamforming Types (Wondie & Steinbrunn, 2020).

2.5 Machine Learning

An application or branch of artificial intelligence is machine learning. A system

may learn itself, without being explicitly coded, and improve with time thanks to
machine learning.

Understanding data structure and fitting it into models that people can use and
comprehend is the goal of machine learning. The majority of jobs in machine learning
may be divided into broad groups. These categories define how learning occurs, and
supervised learning and unsupervised learning are two of the most popular machine
learning techniques (Pedamkar, 2022).

Figure 2.13 Artificial Intelligence and its sub-branches

2.6 Neural Network

Neural network has been investigated by scientist in a diverse range of disciplines

including computer science, psychology, biology, organic chemistry and
telecommunication industry which we analyse and implement (Xu Y. & C., 2021). An
technique used for machine learning that models data using graphs of Artificial
Neurons, a mathematical model that "mimics how a neuron in the brain operates," is
known as a neural network. The program is designed to mimic the functioning of a
biological brain network. By reducing the discrepancy between the expected result
and the actual result, it seeks to identify patterns between the input attributes and the
anticipated output. Every neuron functions like a perceptron.The perceptron, a
fundamental neural network building component, is one of the oldest supervised
training techniques. Figure below that will help us understand better (Sharma, 2009).

Figure 2.14 Block Model OF Perceptron (Sharma, 2009).

There are three important types of neural network are used to improve performance
of models;

2.6.1 Feedforward Neural Network

A collection of many neurons are found in each layer of an feedforward neural

network. Because the inputs are typically evaluated in the forward direction.

Counting the number of inputs, outputs, hidden neurons, and hidden layers is part
of defining an FNN design (Facundo Bre & Fachinott, 2018).A simple FNN is shown

Figure 2.15 Feedforward neural network architecture (Sharma, 2009).

2.6.2 Convolution Neural Networks

One of the most popular deep neural networks is Convolutional Neural Network.
Its name is derived from the linear convolution process between matrices in
mathematics. The reduction of ANN’s parameter count is CNNs’ most advantageous
feature. Convolutional, non-linear, pooling, and fully-connected layers are among the
many layers that make up CNN. Image, video, and speech recognition are all made
possible by CNN (S. Albawi & Al-Zawi, 2017).

Figure 2.16 CNN Architecture (Shahid, 2019).

2.6.3 Recurrent Neural Network

A recurrent link to the input of a recurrent neural network improves in estimating

the layer’s result. Each output element in an RNN is handled as a function of earlier
output elements (Zaremba Wojciech & Oriol, 2014).

RNN results from a looping restriction on the hidden layer of an ANN.

Figure 2.17 Basic RNN structure vs ANN structure (Pai, 2020).

Neural network types have some differences. Some of the main ones are listed in
the table below.

Table 2.1 Neural Network Types Comparison.


Sequence Data
Data Tabular Data Image Data
(Time Series,Text,Audio)
Recurrent Connections No Yes No
Parameter Sharing No Yes Yes
Spatial Relationship No No Yes

Many training algorithms have been proposed for RNN also called feedback neural;

Elman Neural Network, the first type of neural network employed in this study, is
made up of several models of neuronal cells that are organized in accordance with
predetermined criteria. Elman’s 1990 research on the backpropagation (BP) neural
network led to the development of a straightforward RNN known as the Elman neural
network. (D. E. Rumelhart & Williams, 1986). Comparing to traditional neural
networks, ENN has additional inputs from the hidden layer, which forms a new
layer-the context layer (Guanghua Ren & Zeng, 2018).

Figure 2.18 Elman neural network (Caceres, 2020).

Jordan networks and Elman networks are related. Instead of the hidden nodes, the
context units are provided from the output layer. Context units in the Jordan network
are also called state layers. They have a recurring bond with themselves (Cruse, 2006).

Figure 2.19 Jordan Network (Caceres, 2020).

Recurrent neural networks are recursive artificial neural networks with a certain
structure that of a linear chain.

A recurrent multilayer sensor network (RMLP) network consists of cascading

subnets, each containing multiple layers of nodes. Each of these subnets must feed
forward, except for the last layer, which may have feedback links. Each of these
subnets is connected only by feed-forward links (Tutschku, 1995).

The Hopfield network is an RNN in which all the links between the layers have
equal dimensions. It requires static inputs and is therefore not a generic RNN because
it does not handle pattern sequence(Hopfield, 1982).

Figure 2.20 Hopfield Network (Caceres, 2020).

In this project, to maximize the response to training data, neural networks

algorithms alter the amplitude and phase shift of the system’s structure. The reduction
of the discrepancy between output data and target data is the aim of neural network
training. Coefficients are adjusted iteratively until a user-defined threshold is met.

2.7 Mathematical Model Of The Project

It simulates an antenna array with a homogeneous linear array of 16 elements. It is

expected that a wave guidance will strike each element of the array parallel and at the
same angle because of the far field geometry of the array, with each element’s signal
having a different phase delay. The m-dimensional output of a linear antenna array
with m elements is as follows mentioned before in phased array antenna;

X(t) = As(t) + n(t) (2.13)

The array factor takes into account array factors such as the phase difference
between each element and the distance between elements.
AF = e j×(n−1)×(kdcosθ+β) (2.14)

where N denotes the number of antenna elements, is the progressive phase shift
between each antenna element, d denotes the inter-element distance between each
element in the array, A denotes the input signal or element factor, and s denotes the
steering vector.

 
 e j×θ0 
 
 j×θ1 
s(t) = [s0(t), s1(t)] =  . 

 .. 
 
 j×θ.m 

Q is called the angle vector or arrival angle vector from receiver sites.Arrival angles
coming from all receiver sites are changes and steering vector weights ( phase angles)
are updated. In this way, the output signal is formed to the locations of the users. n(t)
is additional noise. Signal strength, returned as in dBm for each receiver sites.

S S = 10log10(P/1MW) (2.16)

P is the power of the signal on the receiver side coming from transmitter.

2.7.1 Multi Layer Neural Network

Network has more than one neurons,each neurons connected to next layer multiple
neuron. Training Step

• Firstly, random users angle and signal strength or quality is taken an stored in
angle and signal strength vector.

• Steering vector is created by angle vector.

• Input data is angle or signal strength of users.

• The weights are phase angle=0 and steering vector is equal to 1 for all elements.

• After that phase angles are updated for each user.

• Error from each neuron output ;

e j = |Y j − Z| (2.17)

• Adjust weights from each output using gradient descent method;

W j = W j − 1 + r × e j × Y j × f −1 X (2.18)

(r=learning rate)

• Adjust weights from each output using Levenberg Marquardt method;

Wk + 1 = Wk − |J × J T + u × I|−1 J T × e (2.19)

(J is the Jacobian matrix that contains first derivatives of the network errors with
respect to the weights and biases, and e is a vector of network errors)

• Finally , test data is sent to network and classify output.

2.7.2 Flowchart of The Training Algorithm

Figure 2.21 Flowchart of The Training Algorithm


In this section , the method for beamforming and neural network systems having
different algorithm , results from the different user locating different place will be
shown. For each beamform creating for each user are shown step by step, finally
training and test datas will be evaluated.

Firstly, we begin by creating transmitter or base station site with Matlab.We define
transmitter location, frequency and antenna type shown below in table;

Table 3.1 Base Station Parameters Definition

Base Station Physical Values

Antenna Element Dipole Crossed
Power (W) 40
Location Izmir/Buca
Lattitude-Longitude 38.3888 27.1806
Operating Frequency 2.1 Ghz

Then, the angle of arrival according to the locations of the receivers and the steering
vector with this angle are calculated. Each receiver creates its own steering vector or
array factor. This data is then defined in an MxN sized matrix to be used for the neural
network algorithm. Each column has steering vector values specified for individual

M:Number of element N:Number of receiver

Firstly, defining transmitter site to represent a base station operating 2.1 Ghz with
40 watt of power. Location of base station is chosen as Buca/Izmir.

In below, base station can be shown with Site Viewer on matlab;

Figure 3.1 Base Station in site viewer

Then, after determining the antenna type and array type of the base station, the beam
pattern before beamforming (it varies according to the antenna type) is as follows;

Figure 3.2 Beam Pattern and Azimuth Plot without Beamforming

Then, 1000 different locations are determined to be used in training by the recipient.
The angle and signal levels between the transmitter and receiver were calculated using
a separate link for each user. The link established between the first user and the base
station is as follows;

Figure 3.3 Receiver Site

3.1 Beamforming Architecture

Thanks to the steering vectors created for each user the output signal is formed
and basic beamforming is applied. A different phase angle value is applied to each
antenna element according to the arrival angle value and the beam is formed. The
basic beamforming structure applied in this project is as follows;

Figure 3.4 Beamforming Block Diagram()

After taking first angle of user between base station and creating new form of
signal using beamforming technique mentioned above for first user to achieve
maximum signal strength as follows;

Figure 3.5 Beam Pattern and Azimuth Plot for First Beamforming

Figure 3.6 Beam Pattern and Azimuth Plot for 9th Beamforming

3.2 Neural Network Architecture

Data set taken before from each user for neural network training is used.Neural
network uses signal strength or signal quality and arrival angle received with base
station to predict the best beamforming vector at the each receiver site. With the test
steering vector data, best signal strength are calculated for each user.

Firstly in classification method, neural network training outputs according to each

range using the classification method for the outputs, estimating the signal level and
angle for each test user and placing them in a certain range.

Secondly, it is aimed to estimate the angles of the users in different locations

according to the base station from which they receive service by using the signal
quality. In this context, the system was trained by using 10000 signal quality as input
and angle values according to the base station as output. Then, 10000 different user
information with known signal quality is given as input to the trained system. The
system estimated the angle between it and the base station according to the signal
quality of each user as output. The error was calculated by comparing these angle
values with the required angle values.

The results obtained using different algorithms including different types of neural
networks, which were mentioned earlier in section 2, will be observed and the results
related to the beamforming architecture will be examined.

3.3 Results

Firstly, the test angle values were studied with Elman network by using the angle
values between the receiver and the base station. Relevant values were classified with
30 degrees difference between -180 and 180 degree angle values and approximate
results were estimated by Elman network algorithm. Afterwards, the learning rate
values were changed from the training options and the value that would give the
optimum result was found. The best value for the Elman network was chosen as 0.5.
The training values determined for Elman network are as follow;

Table 3.2 Elman Neural Network Training Options

Epoch Learning Rate Error Goal Hidden Layer

Elman Neural Network 10000 0.05 0.0005 Two

Classification options are shown below;

Figure 3.7 Classification Values for Angle Estimation

Figure 3.8 Elman Neural Network Training

After training , estimation values are assigned 1xN vector. N is equal to 1000 which
is test user number. For first and 17th user, estimations are true and it is shown below;

Table 3.3 Original & Estimation Arrival Angle Value for 1st & 17th Users
Training Training
Original Original
Output Output
Value Value
First User 17th User
angtest(1,1)= angtest(:,17)=
-0.1920 -0.0451
-124.0048 117.6860
0.8541 -0.0328
0.1911 -0.2873
0.2088 0.0301
-0.7105 0.0268
0.8697 -0.2572
0.0137 -0.2018
0.3127 -0.1927
-1.5021 -0.1181
-0.7649 0.3468
-0.6816 -0.0080
-0.2052 0.0338

The training values determined for feedforward network are as follow;

Figure 3.9 Feedforward Neural Network Training

Table 3.4 Original & Estimation Arrival Angle Value for 1st & 17th Users
Training Training
Original Original
Output Output
Value Value
First User 17th User
angtest(1,1)= angtest(:,17)=
0.0215 0.0051
-124.0048 117.6860
-0.0166 0.0003
0.0025 -0.0088
0.0067 0.0084
-0.0035 -0.0066
0.0062 0.0086
-0.0190 -0.0015
0.0097 -0.0039
0.0252 -0.0041
0.0407 0.0049
-0.0277 -0.0090
0.0078 0.0026

As a second study, unlike the classification method, instead of classifying the
output, it produces a single output according to the target value defined according to
the angle value from the system trained according to the signal quality. Error was
calculated by comparing these outputs with the required angle. Results determined
for the angle values found in the ranges <-45,45> and <-90,90> and corresponding
measurements accordingly.

• The training values determined for Feedforward Neural Network are as follow;

Levenberg Marquardt is used as backpropagation train function. In this way,

training output gives faster results. In Figure 3.10 and 3.11 show the results of
regression value and Figure 3.16 and 3.17 show the results of Error Graph for
feedforward neural network. Values in the range <-90,90> give better results
because they contain values in a larger area.

• The training values determined for Elman network are as follow;

It works slower than the feedforward neural network and Bayezian Regulation is
used as the train function. It is slower than the Levenberg-Marquardt
backpropagation train function, but provides improved output accuracy when
working with large challenging data. In Figure 3.12 and 3.13 show the results of
regression value and Figure 3.18 and 3.19 show the results of Error Graph for
elman neural network. Also better than feedforward neural network results.

• The training values determined for Fitting Neural Network are as follow;

In fitting neural network has a two-layer feed-forward network to train to solve

data fitting problems. Levenberg-Marquardt is used as backpropagation train
function. Compared to feedforward and Elman neural network training
algorithms, its accuracy rate is lower and it reaches results with less trials than
other training algorithms. In Figure 3.14 and 3.15 show the results of regression
value and Figure 3.20 and 3.21 show the results of Error Graph for fitting neural
network. Fitting neural network has lower prediction accuracy than Elman and
feedforward neural network training algorithms.

3.3.1 Graph of Results

Figure 3.10 Error Graph Feedforward Neural Network for interval <-45,45>

Figure 3.11 Error Graph Feedforward Neural Network for interval <-90,90>

Figure 3.12 Error Graph Elman Neural Network for interval <-45,45>

Figure 3.13 Error Graph Elman Neural Network for interval <-90,90>

Figure 3.14 Error Graph Fitting Neural Network for interval <-45,45>

Figure 3.15 Error Graph Fitting Neural Network for interval <-90,90>

Figure 3.16 Regression Output Feedforward Neural Network for <-45,45>

Figure 3.17 Regression Output Feedforward Neural Network for <-90,90>

Figure 3.18 Regression Output Elman Neural Network for <-45,45>

Figure 3.19 Regression Output Elman Neural Network for <-90,90>

Figure 3.20 Regression Output Fitting Neural Network for <-45,45>

Figure 3.21 Regression Output Fitting Neural Network for <-90,90>

3.3.2 Challenges and Solutions

The reaction of the system to any random signal will be as follows: The system
is expected to produce 2 outputs for the user according to the incoming data. These
outputs are at the same distance from the base station but at different angle values. The
system measures the SINR on the user again with a 10 degree change, determines its
direction according to the improvement or worsening condition, and shapes the signal
according to the angle at the relevant limit value in the neural Network. In this way, the
problem is eliminated with an additional short-term measurement in the Beamforming
algorithm for different users at the same distance and with the same SINR value.

3.4 Comparison

Consequently, the time in seconds between epochs is faster in elman neural

network and slower in feedforward neural network. However, while more epochs are
required for elman neural network, it gives more accurate results. Feed forward gives
results with a much lower epoch number. Feed forward results were less reliable than
elman neural network in our study, but more data sets are required and it would be
useful to work with longer epoch numbers. Since working with the same hidden layer
and number of neurons requires a long time for feedforward neural network, the study
was done with less hidden layers and neurons. When the whole training period is
considered, It was seen that the fitting neural network algorithm was not suitable for
this study and elman neural network gives better results in longer periods. Better
learning rate must be determined for neural network.

According to all training algorithms, the results obtained in the range of <-90,90>
have a higher accuracy rate. The biggest reason for this is that the separation of users
is easier in a wider area. The results may be more accurate if it is studied only for users
with an angle of incidence greater than zero.


In this paper, by using the neural network structure, the signal level and arrival
angle are calculated according to the location of the users, and it is aimed to provide
maximum quality service for a base station and to improve user satisfaction. The
feedforward, elman and fitting neural network algorithms were examined

As a result, Elman neural network training algorithm with Bayesian Regulation

as a training fuction gives better results in accordance with our thesis purpose. The
results obtained with the feedforward network algorithm and the Levenberg-Marguardt
training method gives less accurate results, and the elman neural network will be used
in further studies.

The studies conducted in (Sallom & Ahmed, 2015) and (Güreken, 2009) are similar
to the approaches in our thesis, but they differ in method. In both studies, the error
calculation was made according to the desired and trained angle values obtained by
the neural network study for the location of the user. In our study, as a more complex
structure, the neural network algorithm was used in order to estimate the angle of
arrival according to the signal levels received from the users and also to estimate the
current location of the user.

In (Maja Sarevska, 2008), the blind beamforming study was analyzed and a weight
estimation was made by running the neural network for the user whose location is
unknown. Similarly, in our thesis, the arrival angle and signal level were determined
according to the location of the users at first, but the angle estimation was made
according to the signal level in the training part. In this respect, the two studies are
similar, and the radial basis neural network, which is an artificial neural network, was
used as the neural network algorithm, like the elman neural network we use.

In (Yugo M. Kuno & Madhu, 2019) by using neural network and beamforming

together, the traditional beamforming structure was compared and it was aimed to
send a more specific signal to the target user, that is to give service, by reducing the
side lobe and noises of the NN. The training data includes interfering and target signal
direction, ramdom amplitudes and phases and additive noise. In this way, it is aimed
to obtain a better quality signal by learning the noise shape and direction of arrival.
The minimum variable distortionless resporse bemformer (MVDR) and capon
beamformer are used to transmit signal to the target user in the maximum possible
way. This thesis is different from the techniques and purpose we use, but in further
studies, it is possible to provide a higher quality service by estimating the location of
use with neural network by combining this study and the techniques we use.

In (Mizumachi, 2019), showing similar aspects with the previous study, but aimed
to use this study together with beamforming and deep neural network structure in order
to reduce the noise on the speech signal and to obtain a quality speech signal. In this
study, a different training algorithm than ours is used, and by combining it with our
study in future studies, both the location of the user can be quickly determined and
a very high quality service can be provided by reducing the unwanted noise on the
speech signal by giving a quality signal.

In (Singh & Jayakumar, 2020), RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) was used as a
value indicating how much difference there is between target and calculated values.
The linear regression model was used as the neural network model. Linear regression
is a machine learning model and is a useful method for mapping inputs and outputs. In
our thesis, the neural network structure, which is one of the sub-branches of machine
learning, has been examined. Both studies differ in this respect and are similar in terms
of method and purpose. Both studies make angle estimation as a result of the training

As a further study of this thesis, beamforming will be made according to the user
density and the coverage will be directed to the region where the user is dense. With
machine learning, the hours of these user densities will be determined and
beamforming will be run before the user density.


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