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Unit-1 Introduction (Smart Grid)

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Sanjivani Rural Education Society’s

Sanjivani College of Engineering, Kopargaon-423 603

(An Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune)
NACC ‘A’ Grade Accredited, ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Department of Electrical Engineering

EE305B - Smart Grid

Prof. Dr.M.Sujith
Assistant Professor
Contact No: 9486820743

Unit- 1 Introduction to Smart Grid

Course Objectives : To learn the fundamentals, objectives and architecture

of the smart grid

Background and history of smart Grid evolution, Definition and characteristics

of smart grid, Benefits of smart grid, Smart Grid vision and its realization,
Motives behind developing the Smart Grid concept, Examples of Smart Grid
projects/initiatives, Smart Grid versus conventional electrical networks, Smart
Grid basic infrastructure, Functions of smart grid components

Course Outcome : Able to describe the concept of smart grid and its
present developments

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Introduction to Electrical Grid

● Interconnected network connecting the generating station to the

end users via transmission and distribution systems.

● Brownout
● Blackout
● Load Shedding

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Smart Grid

● Advanced electricity generation, delivery and consumption

● Advanced information metering, monitoring and management
 Balancing supply and demand
 Stability and safety
 Effective use of renewables
● Components
 Sensors, smart meters
 Wireless communication
 Artificial intelligence

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Smart Grid

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Smart Grid

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Challenges to setup the smart grid

● Old infrastructure
● High investments
● Cyber attack

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● The policy framed to support the modernization of the Nation’s electricity

transmission and distribution system to maintain a reliable and secure

electricity infrastructure that can meet future demand growth and to
achieve each of the following, which together characterize a Smart Grid

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● Increased use of digital information and controls technology to

improve reliability, security, and efficiency of the electric grid.

● Dynamic optimization of grid operations and resources, with full


● Deployment and integration of distributed resources and generation,

including renewable resources.

● Development and incorporation of demand response, demand-side

resources, and energy-efficiency resources.

● Deployment of ‘‘smart’’ technologies (real-time, automated,

interactive technologies that optimize the physical operation of
appliances and consumer devices) for metering, communications
concerning grid operations and status, and distribution automation.
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6. Integration of ‘‘smart’’ appliances and consumer devices.

7. Deployment and integration of advanced electricity storage and

peak shaving technologies, including plug-in electric and hybrid electric
vehicles, and thermal-storage air conditioning.

8. Provision to consumers of timely information and control options.

9. Development of standards for communication and interoperability

of appliances and equipment connected to the electric grid, including the
infrastructure serving the grid.

10. Identification and lowering of unreasonable or unnecessary

barriers to adoption of smart grid technologies, practices, and services.

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● The Smart Grid can be defined as an electric system that uses

information, two-way, cyber-secure communication technologies,
and computational intelligence in an integrated fashion across
electricity generation, transmission, substations, distribution and
consumption to achieve a system that is clean, safe, secure, reliable,
resilient, efficient, and sustainable.

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a. Optimize asset utilization and operating efficiency.

b. Accommodate all generation and storage options.
c. Provide power quality for the range of needs in a digital economy.
d. Anticipate and respond to system disturbances in a self-healing
e. Operate resiliently against physical and cyber-attacks and natural
f. Enable active participation by consumers.
g. Enable new products, services, and markets

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● Adaptive and self-healing

● Flexible
● Predictive
● Integrated
● Interactive
● Optimized
● Secure

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(a) Technical benefits (Key: EGO SQI)

 Energy efficiency improvement (loss reduction, peak shaving)
 Grid reliability improvement (reducing the frequency and duration of power
 Operational efficiency improvement (active control, automation, and
management services in distribution grids )
 Security and safety improvement (by using sensors and automated operations
that will reduce the threats of blackouts )
 Quality of supply
 Improved connection and access of the grid (distributed energy sources
(DERs), including renewable energy sources (RESs) and plugin hybrid electric
vehicles (PHEVs).

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(b) Environment benefits (reduction of CO2 emission)

 Reduction in carbon emissions
 Climate change benefits

(c) Electricity marketing benefits

The electricity price can be reduced compared with that of conventional
grid, due to the dynamic interaction of the demand side of the market
(consumers) with electricity supply side (suppliers/ providers).

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The factors that led to the development of the Smart Grid concept may
be summarized as follows:

● Aging of conventional electrical networks coupled with the

emergence of new applications
● Political and environmental factors
● Liberalization of electricity market (economic factor)
● Motivation and inclusion of customers as players to support the grid

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Session -II



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● Smart Grid is an electrical power network, which is fully automated

as a result of equipping it with communication and information
system and other technological devices and systems such as
distributed control systems, distributed intelligent systems that
enable it to monitor and control every electrical load and node,
ensuring a two-way flow of electricity and information between
generating plants and the appliances, and all points in between.

● Its distributed intelligence, coupled with broadband

communications and automated control systems, enables real-time
market transactions and seamless interfaces among people, buildings,
industrial plants, generation facilities, and the electric networks.

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● According to this vision, the complexity of such a Smart Grid can be

tackled by adopting top-down to the lowest levels of architectures
approach and ensuring an interactive cooperation between smart
components, each with a level of autonomy.

● The proposed Smart Grid vision is based on a three-layered

approach: architectural, functional, and technological concepts
layers as shown in Figure 1:

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Architectural concepts layer 1

● The architectural concepts layer 1 sits at the top level. It consists of architectural
concepts (AC-i) related to electrical grid configurations and operations, where i =1,
2, 3, . . . n.

● Architectural concepts explain Smart Grid goals and characteristics, general grid
types, as well as computing concepts that are considered common across grid types.

● The proposed visionary architectural concepts have introduced important concepts in

the following areas:
 Evolution of energy supply mix
 Enhancement of transmission networks
 Coexistence of electrical network configurations
 End-use as an active component
 Advancement of enabling technologies
 Control methodologies

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Functional concepts layer 2

● Functional concepts layer 2 is placed underneath the architecture concept layer 1. It

consists of large number of FC-i, where i =1, 2, 3, . . . n that are required to support any
Smart Grid vision.

● Many functional concepts are currently in operation, while many others are at the
stage of research and development.

● Additionally, some functional concepts represent an imagined capability but without

clear idea as how such a capability will be achieved.

● Functional concepts under layer 2 cover high-level electrical power system

infrastructure functions as well as functions at end-user sections of the system,
including end-use devices and systems.

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Functional concepts layer 2

● Huge importance of the Smart Grid and its expected support of

sustainable energy systems to the global economy and energy

● The functional areas considered for the development of this proposed

Smart Grid vision may be broadly defined as follows,
• Communications networks
• Cyber-security
• Markets and economics
• Operations, monitoring, and control
• Planning, analysis, and simulation
• Systems engineering
• Visualization and data management

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Technological concepts layer 3

● Technological concepts layer 3 consists of technological concepts (TC-i), where i = 1,

2, 3, . . . n.

● These technological concepts take the advantage of advancements in computational

hardware and software technologies, including information systems, interaction
protocols, networks, frameworks, middleware, resource management, and
operating systems.

● Since computing technologies continue to contribute to the advancement of all

sectors of society’s activities, including industry, commerce, finance, health,
agriculture, and infrastructure, they will evolve along abstract ideas of methodology
and tools that will be applied to realize new capabilities in all these sectors.

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Technological concepts layer 3

● In addition, each functional concept that is derived by assembling the capabilities

expressed in multiple technological concepts must also be independent. According to
this vision, the technological concept areas include:
 Computer applications
 Cyber-security
 Distributed systems architectures
 Information science

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Smart Grid Vision

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● The Smart Grid concept has recently been promoted in many

countries which led to the initiation of several research
projects/initiatives aiming at practically realizing this concept.

● IntelliGridSM
● Grid Wise
● European Smart Grid efforts
● China’s Smart Grid efforts
● India Smart Grid Status

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Intelli GridSM (1972)

● The EPRI in the USA has initiated a research program called ‘‘Intelli
GridSM’’ involving several electrical utility members, aiming at establishing
the best way that ensures the creation of a Smart Grid and incorporating
it into the operations of individual electrical utilities.

● This is based on creating technical foundation for a smart power grid that
links electricity with communications and computer control to enhance
reliability, capacity, and customer services


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The aim of the IntelliGrid Architecture was to integrate two systems in the
power industry, that is, the electrical power and energy delivery system and
the information system that support it. The information system consists of
communication, networks, and intelligence equipment

This is achieved by developing of open standards, advanced communications,

and networking technologies capable of ensuring interoperability between
various system components from different vendors so that it can work with
intelligent equipment and algorithms to execute increasingly sophisticated
electric utility system functions.

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The IntelliGrid program addresses several key industry issues that include:

1. Understanding what does a Smart Grid mean for a particular utility.

2. Developing an industry architecture that enables interoperable systems and
3. Conducting technology assessments for the potential components that can
make up a Smart Grid.

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GridWise (2003)

● According to the GridWise vision the responsibility for managing the

resulting new grid is shared by a ‘‘society’’ of devices and system entities.

● According to the same vision the new grid is expected to be highly intelligent

and interactive electric system; one with decision-making information

exchange capability and market-based opportunities


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Therefore, the vision grid is expected to:

1. Allow electric devices, enterprise systems, and their owners to interact and
adapt as full participants in the grid operations.
2. Have the connectivity for intelligent interactions and interoperability
across all automation components of the electric system from end-users, such as
buildings or high voltage alternating current (HVAC) systems, to distribution,
transmission, and bulk power generation.
3. Address issues of open information exchange, universal grid access,
decentralized grid communications and control, and the use of modular and
extensible technologies that are compatible with the existing infrastructure.

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European Smart Grid efforts

● European Smart Grid project is explained in detail in three-series documents.

● The first document, “Vision and Strategy for Europe’s Electricity

Networks of the Future,” established the need to have a vision for the future
European electricity networks.

● The second, “Strategic Research Agenda’’, consolidated the views of

stakeholders on the research priorities necessary to deliver these networks.

● The third, ‘‘The Smart Grids Strategic Deployment Document for

Europe’s Electricity Networks of the Future,’’ concluded the series and
focused on the deployment of new network technologies and the delivery of
the Smart-Grids vision.

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European Smart Grid efforts

Such envisioned network should be:

● Flexible: It must fulfill customers’ needs and at the same time responding to the
changes and challenges ahead;

● Accessible: It should be able to grant connection access to all network users,

particularly for renewable energy sources and high efficiency local generation with
zero or low carbon emissions;

● Reliable: It should have the ability of assuring and improving security and
quality of supply, consistent with the demands of the digital age with resilience to
hazards and uncertainties;

● Economic: It should have the capability of providing best value through

innovation, efficient energy management, and ‘‘level playing field’’ competition
and regulation.

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China’s Smart Grid efforts

● It is viewed as a sophisticated control system that can efficiently

manage resources and consumptions.

(i) enhance grid reliability,

(ii) supply capacity, and

(iii) help reduce grid losses

Phase 1: Planning and pilot projects (2009–2010)

Phase 2: Construction and development (2011–2015)

Phase 3: System upgrades (2016–2020)

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The main features of Smart Grid technology that is planned to be
implemented in China are:

1. Development of policy and strategy for Smart Grid.

2. Upgrade and development of latest transmission and distribution

(T&D) to improve grid connectivity, capacity, and efficiency.

3. Development of interoperability and standards to improve the

connectivity of the grid components.

4. Preparing the engineering workforce for the emergence of the

Smart Grid technologies.
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The main features of Smart Grid technology that is planned to be
implemented in China are:

5. Development of smart metering and AMI.

6. Management platforms, integration, and security of Smart Grid


7. Integration of renewable energy and environmental issues

related to it.

8. Identifying grid requirements for large-scale electric vehicle

(EV) integration
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● National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM)

(Activity) (

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Conventional electrical supply networks normally have vertical structure whereby the
electric power generated by the generation system is passed to transmission system
which is then transferred to distribution network for feeding it to connected loads

Main characteristics of conventional

electrical networks
(i) Conventional electrical network has
vertical structure

(ii) Power flow is unidirectional. This is

particularly true for distribution networks.

(iii) The price of electricity is dictated by the

utility to which the consumer is connected.
In other words, consumers have no choice of
opting from where they buy their electricity,
that is, consumers are considered passive.
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Feature/component Conventional Smart Grid

Communications None or one-way, Two-way, real-time
not real-time
Customer interaction Limited Extensive Digital
Metering Electromechanical (Enabling real time
pricing and net metering)
Operation and Manual Equipment Remote Monitoring,
maintenance checks predictive, time-based
Generation Centralized Centralized and
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Feature/component Conventional Smart Grid

Power Flow control Limited Comprehensive,
Reliability Prone to failures and Automated, proactive
cascading outages, protection, prevent
essentially reactive outages before they start
Restoration following Manual Self-Healing
Topology of Radial, generally Network, multiple power
distribution networks one-way power flow flow pathways

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The Smart Grid basic infrastructure can be thought to consist of the

following four systems as shown in Figure

1. Electrical power system

2. Communication and information system
3. Intelligent protection, automation, and distributed control system
4. Electricity marketing system

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The function is based on composition of smart grid components.

According to these attempts, composition of the Smart Grid has been
defined using the following basis:
● Standards adaptation
● Technical components’ perspective
● Technical perspective
● Conceptual reference model perspective

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Composition of Smart Grid based on standards adaptation

The Smart Grid is assumed to comprise of :

(i) a ‘‘utility electric system’’ which consists of several individual systems,
including generation, transmission, distribution, and customer systems
within the utility,

(ii) other entity systems comprised of the many unique customer systems,
services provider systems and resources supplier systems, and

(iii) an overall macrosystem such as a wide area control system and RTO/ISO
systems. (Independent System Operators and Regional Transmission

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Composition of Smart Grid based on standards adaptation

the interfaces between the

boundary of the utility’s
transmission, distribution,
and customer systems and
the boundary of another
entity’s systems or devices

interfaces within the

boundary of the utility’s
system of transmission,
distribution, and customer

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Composition of Smart Grid based on technical components’

Its main components, as illustrated in Figure, consist of:

(i) new and advanced grid components,
(ii) smart devices and smart metering,
(iii) integrated communication technologies,
(iv) software programs for decision support and human interfaces,
(v) advanced control systems.

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Composition of Smart Grid based on technical components’

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Composition of Smart Grid based on technical perspective

From technical perspective point of view the Smart Grid is

considered to consist of the following three major systems

(i) Smart infrastructure system

(ii) Smart management and control system

(iii) Smart protection system

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Composition of Smart Grid based on technical perspective

(i) Smart infrastructure system -Electrical energy subsystem, Information

subsystem, communication infrastructure subsystem

(ii) Smart management and control system

Energy efficiency, ensure supply and demand balance, ensure greenhouse gas

emission control, reduce operation cost, and maximize utility profit.

(iii) Smart protection system

Provides advanced grid reliability analysis, failure protection, and security

and privacy protection services

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Composition of Smart Grid based on conceptual reference
model perspective

S.N Domain Actors in the domain

1 Customers The end-users of electricity. May also generate,
store, and manage the use of energy.

Three customer types are considered, each with its

own domain: residential, commercial, and
2 Markets The operators and participants in electricity markets
3 Service The organizations providing services to electrical
Providers customers and utilities.

4 Operations The managers who control the flow of electricity.

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Composition of Smart Grid based on conceptual reference
model perspective

S.N Domain Actors in the domain

5 Generation Generators of electricity may also store energy for
later distribution.
This domain includes traditional generation sources
(traditionally referred to as generation) and distributed
energy resources (DER).
DER (at a logical level) is associated with customer-
and distribution domain-provided generation and
storage, and with Service provider- aggregated energy
6 Transmission The carriers of bulk electricity over long distances
may also store and generate electricity.
7 Distribution The distributors of electricity to and from customers
may also store and generate electricity
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Composition of Smart Grid based on conceptual reference
model perspective

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