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Work English

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Date :


I. Grammar
The English Alphabet
There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.
There are 5 vowels: A, E, I, O and U. The rest of the letters are consonants.
Practise reading the letters out loud:
Capital letters (upper case letters):
Small letters (lower case letters):
II. Vocabulary
1. Ability : kemampuan 11. Cab : taksi
2. Able : mampu/bisa 12. Cabbage : kol
3. About : tentang 13. Cabin : kabin
4. Above : di atas 14. Cabinet : lemari kaca
5. Abroad : luar negeri 15. Cable : kabel
6. Babysit : mengasuh 16. Cage : kandang
7. Back : kembali/belakang 17. Daily : harian
8. Background : latar belakang 18. Damage : kerusakan
9. Backpack : tas 19. Dance : menari
10. Backwards : terbalik/mundur 20. Danger : bahaya
Make a sentence example for each words in your book and translate the sentence!
III. Reading
1. We must have the ability to protect ourself from the danger around us.
2. The birds are able to fly above the tall tree.
3. I will discuss about going to study abroad with my parents.
4. I have to babysit my nephews and nieces on weekend.
5. I sit for a long time and now my back hurts.
6. His background was an office worker.
7. I bring my big backpack everyday to school.
8. Please walk backwards two steps.
9. The cab will arrive in 5 minutes.
10. Cabbage is one of my favorite vegetables.
11. There are a big cabin in that ship.
12. The servants have to take the responsibility about the damage of the cabinet.
13. Don’t put the cable on the cage.
14. I will tell you about my daily activity.
15. I like to dance with my husband.

IV. Speaking
Listen to the teacher and repeat the sentence!
Hello. What is your name?
How are you? Do you live here?
Fine. Yes, I live here.
Fine, thank you. Do you speak English?
Okay, thanks. I speak a little English.
Good morning. Have you lived here long?
Good afternoon. I have lived here for two years.
Good evening. Thank you.
Excuse me. Goodbye.
What time is it?
It is 2 o'clock.
Thank you.
My name is John.
Name :

Date :


I. Grammar
Completing Form
Complete the form according to your information.
Mr/Miss : _________________________________________________
First name : _________________________________________________
Surname : _________________________________________________
Address : _________________________________________________
Mobile Number : _________________________________________________
Email Address : _________________________________________________
Age : _________________________________________________
Date of Birth : _________________________________________________
Nationality : _________________________________________________
Occupation : _________________________________________________
Marital Status : single/married/divorced
Number of Children : _________________________________________________

II. Vocabulary
1. Each : tiap 11. Gain : mendapatkan
2. Earache : sakit kuping 12. Gallery : galeri
3. Early : awal 13. Game : permainan
4. Earn : memperoleh 14. Gap : sela
5. Earring : anting 15. Garden : taman
6. Facility : fasilitas 16. Habit : kebiasaan
7. Fact : fakta 17. Haircut : potongan rambut
8. Factory : pabrik 18. Half : setengah
9. Fail : gagal 19. Hall : aula
10. Fair : adil 20. Hand in : mengumpulkan

Make a sentence example for each words in your book and translate the sentence!
III. Reading
1. Each students must join at least one of the extra curricular club in this school.
2. An insect got into my ear and now I got an earache
3. Please come early tomorrow so we can spend more time together.
4. I can earn a lot of money from selling my handmade earrings.
5. It is a known fact that this school has the best facilities.
6. The rubber factory cannot pay their employee fairly.
7. I have to study hard so I will not fail the test.
8. I have gained three kilograms since a month ago.
9. I have to empty my gallery to add this game in my mobile phone.
10. There is a big time gap between my breakfast and my lunch.
11. Going to the garden is one of my favorite habit.
12. This haircut suits you better than before.
13. The people only fill half of the hall.
14. The teacher asks us to hand in the homework tomorrow morning.
15. It is not fair, you can’t do this to me.
IV. Speaking
Listen to the teacher and repeat the sentence!
Hello, how are you? What kind of work do you do?
Fine, thank you I work in a store.
Okay, thanks. Do you have a phone?
Are you sick? Yes, I have a phone.
No, I’m not sick, but I hurt my arm May I call you?
Is your child sick? Yes, you may call me.
No, my child is not sick. Thank you
Do you live here in the city? Goodbye
Yes, I live near here.

I. Grammar
Fill the blanks with the correct names!
Days of the Months of the year: Numbers:

week: _______________ 1 : _______________ 17 : _______________

_____________ _______________ 2 : _______________ 18 : _______________

_____________ _______________ 3 : _______________ 19 : _______________

_____________ _______________ 4 : _______________ 20 : _______________

_____________ _______________ 5 : _______________ 21 : _______________

_____________ _______________ 6 : _______________ 30 : _______________

_____________ _______________ 7 : _______________ 40 : _______________

_____________ _______________ 8 : _______________ 50 : _______________

_______________ 9 : _______________ 60 : _______________

_______________ 10 : _______________ 70 : _______________

_______________ 11 : _______________ 80 : _______________

_______________ 12 : _______________ 90 : _______________

13 : _______________ 100 : _______________

14 : _______________ 101 : _______________

15 : _______________ 1000 : ______________

16 : _______________ 2022 : ______________

II. Vocabulary
1. Idea : ide 11. Keen : rajin
2. Identification : identifikasi 12. Keep : menjaga/tetap
3. Identity : identitas 13. Kettle : ceret
4. If : jika 14. Keep up : pertahankan
5. Ill : sakit 15. Keep on : terus (menerus)
6. Jacket : jaket 16. Label : label
7. Jail : penjara 17. Laboratory : laboratorium
8. Jam : selai 18. Lack : kurang
9. Jar : toples 19. Ladder : tangga
10. Jealous : cemburu 20. Lady : wanita

III. Reading
1. That is a good idea! But now we lack the time to do that.
2. Use labels for easy identification.
3. They use fake identity to do the evil job.
4. If you come to my house, I will make you a delicious fried chicken.
5. She is very ill.
6. Don’t forget to put on your jacket, it’s cold outside.
7. He has been in jail for 10 years.
8. There is a jar of jam on the table.
9. Don’t be jealous, she’s just a friend.
10. She’s a keen student.
11. The students have to keep silent in the laboratory.
12. The beautiful lady brings a gold kettle in her hand.
13. We have to keep up our excellent team work.
14. She keeps on talking when everybody ignores her.
15. They borrow my ladder to fix the roof.

IV. Speaking
Say your name after the sentence
My name is __________
Hello, my name is __________
Hi, my name is __________
I’m glad to know you, my name is __________
Nice to meet you, my name is __________
Nice to know you, my name is __________
I’m __________

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