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The Effects of Online Games to the Academic

Performance of all the Grade 10 Students at San

Isidro Integrated School (S.Y 2021-2022)


In our generation, technology is a very powerful and high

tech specially in terms of gaming.The advent and development

of technology brings many things which may either ease or make

life of people more difficult and complicated.One of the

results of this development is the opening of online gaming

through the internet which has become addictive and one of the

widely used leisure activities by many people and teenagers.

Online gaming is a technology rather than a genre; a mechanism

for connecting player together rather than a particular

pattern of a game play. Online Games are played over some form

of computer network,now typically on the internet. This study

aimed to determine the effect of online games to the Academic

Performance of the students at San Isidro Integrated School.

The researchers used the descriptive-correlation

research design. This design described the profile of

respondent and determined the difference in academic

performance of players of online games. On the basis results

of this study, it can be concluded that playing online games

has no significant difference between the Academic performance

of the respondents for they still excelled in their class as

revealed by their academic grades.

The Problem and its Setting

Adolescents and even adults are becoming hooked with online

games which are becoming more and more popular. In fact, most

online games tend to get old too quickly and lost their

appeal. It is because of the ever growing number of online

games being develop from time to time. Nowadays, the popular

online games that encourage the students to play are MOBILE


DUTY,DOTA,RULES OF SURVIVAL etc. These online games have a big

factor that affects the students in their academic

performances in school.

Unfortunately some people feel compelled to escape into

these fantasy worlds because of depression and oppression

daily. Littleton, Colorado these three towns recently

experienced .

As individual beings, we have difficulty accepting deriving

from what violence is and how video games are to different

people. Children who watch television and go to the movies see

thousands of murders and countless other acts of violence.

Many people believe that being exposed to all this violence

causes children to be more aggressive and to commit crimes.

(Shin, 2003)
Furthermore, researchers believe that online gaming opens a

door to computer literacy leading to potential technology

careers (SWS, 2007; AMA Poll, 2008).

The effects of electronic games and other factors in the grade

five pupils’ academic performance at A. Quezon elementary

school, DEPED, Manila was looked into by Dorol (2009). Dorol

concluded that electronic games were related significantly to

pupils’ academic performance with correlation of 194

significant .021 levels. This means that the computer games

played by the pupils before going to sleep, after taking lunch

or supper, and during recess significantly related to their

performance in school.

Mandanas (2007) conducted a study on the effects of playing

computer games and students’ profile in the socialization and

academic performance of selected students in Kapayapaan

National High School, Canlubang, Calamba City. The study

concluded that most of the students playing computer games and

the students’ profile both have a significant effect on the

socialization on the students but no significant effect on the

academic performance of the students.


This study aimed to determine the effect of online games to

the academic performance of the students at San Isidro

Integrated School.Specifically, it aimed to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Civil status: students

2. What are the types of online games being played by the


3. How often and how many hours do the respondents spent in

playing online games in a day?

4. What is the significance of profile of respondents to the

effects of online games to the Academic performance of

the students?

5. What is the significance of the game type being palyed by

the students and the hours they spent in computer games

in the effects of online games to the Academic

performance of the students?


1.There is no significant difference between the two groups of

respondents on the varied exposure time to online games to

their academic performances.

2.Students who spend all their time playing online games will

lose time studying and this will cause grades to drop.

3.Playing online games leads students away from stress,

enhances teamwork, and makes them listen actively to class

Significance of the study

The result of this study is significant of the following



This study may give information to the students about how

online gaming affects the life of a students.


This study may serve as the way to the teachers to determine

the students who are addicted to online games so they can help

the students to avoid being addicted to online games.


This study is significant to the family because it may help

them to know if their children are addicted to online games.

Future researchers.

It would help the future researchers that are interested in

this study. It will serve as their basis and their background

about their research.


The goal of this study was to examine the associations

between mobile game addiction and depression, loneliness,

social anxiety, and the potential gender difference in these

associations were also investigated. The results revealed that

adolescent with mobile game addiction had higher self-reported

depression, social anxiety and loneliness, which have

supported our three hypotheses regarding the association

between mobile game addiction and depression, social anxiety,

and loneliness. Further, gender difference was observed in the

path between mobile game addiction and social anxiety, with

male adolescents having a stronger association between mobile

game addiction and social anxiety. This indicates that male

adolescents may experience more social anxieties if they use

mobile game addictively, compared with female adolescents.

As we expected, mobile game addiction was positively

associated with depression, anxiety, and loneliness, which

have supported all of our three hypotheses and are in line

with prior findings. Literature has consistently shown that

video game addicts reported more anxiety, depression, lower

positive affect and psychological well-being. Literature has

also shown that Internet addictions are related to poorer

emotional health, in particular depression and anxiety

(40, 41). For instance, Wang et al. (41) found a significant

association between degree of Internet addiction and

loneliness and depression.

Adolescents with high Internet use exhibited more

psychopathology, as revealed by the Brief Symptoms Inventory

(BSI, a reduced version of the Symptoms Checklist, SCL-90)

compared with those with low those use (42). In a recent

study, (4) reported that young adults addicted to video games

showed increased depression and anxiety, and felt more

socially isolated. The link between mobile game addiction and

mental health may be due to the social isolation resulting

from spending too much time gaming, which in turn leads to

undermined psychological well-being (43).

Our results regarding the association between mobile

game addiction and loneliness are also in line with the

displacement hypothesis in terms of Internet use, which argues

that digital device users have spent most time in online

settings, rather than offline, and their existing

relationships have suffered as a result (44).

We also expected a gender difference considering the

association between mobile game addiction and mental health

outcomes. We found that males who were addicted to mobile

games tended to suffer more social anxiety, loneliness, and

social anxiety, compared with females. This finding is line

with prior research (e.g., 24). Gender difference on social

anxiety and loneliness has been widely reported in literature.

Compared with female adolescents, male adolescents tended to

lack social skills, were more socially withdrawn and disclosed

less about themselves in offline communication settings (45).

This is also a reason why males are more likely to be

attracted to a virtual world like computer games since the

online world is more comfortable and can offer more sense of

security (46). This would further lead them to be more social

isolated and experience more social anxiety, loneliness, and

depression due to the lack of social bond in offline settings.

Definition of terms

Academic performance-how students deal with their studies how

they cope with accomplish different task given to them by

their teacher.

Education-the knowledge, skills and understanding and attitude

that you can get from attending school.

Effect-a result of something that was exist,done and happened.

Internet-a global computer network providing a variety of

information and communication facilities, consisting of

interconnected networks using standardized communication


Online games- a game played by electronically manipulating

images produced by a computer program which is available on or

performed using the internet or other computer network.

Player- a person taking part in a sport or game specially in

online videogames.

School- a place where the students study or teacher where


Students-a person who studying at San Isidro Integrated


Teacher- the facilitator of students learning.

Technology-invented useful things that use in Science



1. Playing online games is one way to increase my computer


a.agree b.disagree

2. Playing online games can change my attitude through the

character on the games.

a.agree b.disagree

3. Playing online games can destroy my sense of sight.

a.agree b.disagree

4. Playing online games help me become more creative and


a.agree b.disagree

5. Playing online games can loss the appetite of eating.

a.agree b.disagree

6. Video games will affect your physical appearance

especially your postural, muscular and skeletal


a.agree b.disagree

7. Playing online games can stimulate anger and violence due

to games

a.agree. b.disagree

8. Playing online games can enhance my analytic thinking.

a.agree b.disagree
9. Playing online games can consume my time.

a.agree. b.disagree

10. online games makes me smarter. a.agree. b.disagree


The following were used in the analysis and interpretation of

data. Frequency, percentage and T-test distributions were used

to facilitate the analysis of data.


Table 1.Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents’ Profile in terms of Age

The table presents the frequency and percentage distribution

of the respondents' profile in terms of age. The table

revealed that the respondents at SIIS the online players, have

the highest frequency on age which is ranging from 14-15 with

a frequency of 8 or 40 percent and 12 or 60 percent

respectively. The data imply that majority of the respondents

are already on the right age and that they are already aware

of the repercussions of being addictive to online gaming

Age Frequency Percentage

14-15 8 40%

15-16 12 60%

Total: 20 100%
Table2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents’ Profile in terms of Gender

The table shows the frequency and percentage distribution of

respondents as to gender. As revealed from the table, 5 or

equivalent of 25 percent is female while 15 or equivalent of

75 percent are male. Further, the female has the highest

frequency of 9 or equivalent of 56 percent.

Gender Frequency Percentage

Female 5 25%

Male 15 75%

Total: 20 100%

TABLE3: Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the

Respondents’ Perception on the Effects of Online Gaming to

their Academic Performance

Table 3 presents the frequency and percentage distribution on

the respondents’ perception on the effects of online games to

their academic performance. The data showed that online games

have bad effects on their academic performance which the

respondents AGREE with a 14 or 72 percent of total numbers of

20 respondents.

Questions Frequency Percentage

Agree Disagree Agree Disagree

1.Playing online

games is one way 12 8 60% 40%

to increase my



2.Playing online

games can change

my attitude 12 8 60% 40%

through the

character on the


3.Playing online

games can destroy 13 7 65% 35%

my sense of


4.Playing online

games help me

become more 15 5 75% 25%

creative and

5.Playing online

games can loss 10 10 50% 50%

the appetite of


6.Video games

will affect your


appearance 14 6 70% 30%

especially your


muscular and



7.Playing online

games can

stimulate anger 20 0 100% 0%

and violence due

to games

8.Playing online

games can enhance

my analytic 16 4 80% 20%


9.Playing online

games can consume 19 1 95% 5%

my time.
10.Playing online

games makes me 12 8 60% 40%


Total: 14 6 72% 28%


Aldus, Kyle (2014, February 2). Computer gaming effects on

academic performance. Retrieve march 7, 2017 from 5910606 computer gaming effects

academicperformance. Html

Anand, V. (2007). A study of time management: the correlation

between online games usage and academic performance markers.

Cyber psychology and behavior. Retrieve March 7, 2014 from

www. Online

Anderson & Dill, 2000), he found similar null effects.

Anderson and Bushman (2001) have recently published a meta-

analysis of the research. Their analysis concludes that

exposure to violent video games has a negative effect on a

variety of measures

Chen and Voderer, gamers fit into certain categories: the

competitor, explorer, collector, achiever, joker, director,

storyteller, performer, and the craftsmen.

Dwyer & Dwver. 2000; Orbach, 2001). Gaming as an instructional

variable may be analyzed as content

Dwyer & Dwyer, methods of rehearsal by facilitating the

organization and a 2000; Orbach, 2001).

(http:/// m0816/is 6 21/ai

n97723191) (

Prepared by the Researchers;

Group leader;



Denver Almeda

Lea Jean Cariño

Lyka Serrano

Jhoerenz Patagoc

Josephine Tanghal


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