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1.International units SI and the method of use

1-1. Sphere of application This standard specifies how to use the International System of Units SI) other international unitary systems, ( and as well as units used in correlation with units from international systems, and other units which may be used.

1-3. Integral multiplication in SI units Prefixes The multiple for composing the integral multiplication of 10 in SI units, names of prefixed and their symbols are shown in Table 4. Table 4. Prefixes Multiple to be combined with unit 10 18 10 15 10 12 10 9 10 6 10 3 Prefixes Name Exsa Peta Tera Giga Mega Kilo Sign E P T G M k Multiple to be combined with unit 10 2 10 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-6 Prefixes Name Hect Deca Deci Centi Milli Micro Sign h da d c m O Multiple to be combined with unit 10 -9 10-12 10-15 10-18 Prefixes Name Nano Pico Femt Ato Sign n p f a

1-2. Terminology and definitions Terminology used in this specification and definitions thereof are as follows: (1)International System Coherent system of units adopted and recommended by the International Committee on Weights and of Units SI) ( Measures. It contains base units and supplementary units,units derived from them, and their integral exponents to the 10th power. (2)SI unit SI is the abbreviation of Systeme International d'Unites International System of Units) ( . (3)Base unit Those units given in Table 1. (4)Supplementary unit Those units given in Table 2. Table 1. Base unit Volume Length Mass Time Electric current Thermodynamic temperature Amount of substance Luminous intensity Unit Meter Kilogram Second Ampere Kelvin Mole Candela Sign m kg s A K mol cd Definition The meter is the distance light travels in 1/299,792,458 of a second in a vacuum. The kilogram is a unit of mass not weight nor force)equal to the mass ( , of an international prototype stored in Sevres, France. The second is a fundamental unit of time, equal to 9, 192, 631, 770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two superfine levels of the ground state of an atom of cesium-133. The ampere is a unit of electric current, defined as a 2M10-7newton force of attraction exerted at 1 meter intervals between two parallel current-carrying linear conductors that are infinitely small in circular cross-sectional area and infinitely long in length. The kelvin is a unit of absolute temperature equal to 1/273.16 of the absolute temperature of the triple point of water. The mole is the amount of substance of a system (with a specific composition) which contains (1) as many elementary units as there are atoms of carbon in 0.012 kilogram of pure nuclide carbon12. The mole is used to specify both the elementary unit and system. The candela is a unit of luminous intensity, defined as the luminous intensity of a steradian light source which emits a monochrome radiation at a frequency of 540M1012 Hz, in a specified direction and at a force equal to 1/683 watts.

2.Table of conversion rate of JIS units attendant upon switchover to SI units

The units contained in bold lines are SI units. N Force 1 1M10-5 9.806 65 dyn 1M10 5 1 9.806 65M10

kgf 1.019 72M10 -1 1.019 72M10 -6 1 Viscosity

Pa Cs 1 1M10-3 1M10-1

cP 1M10 3 1 1M10 2

P 1M10 1M10-2 1

1P=1dynCs/cm =1g/cmCs Note) 2 1PaCs=1NCS/m, 1cP=1mPaCs Pa or N/m 2 Stress 1 1M10 6 9.806 65M10

MPa or N/mm 2 1M10-6 1 9.806 65 9.806 65M10 -2

kgf/mm 2 1.019 72M10 -7 1.019 72M10 -1 1 1M10-2

kgf/cm 2
Kinematic viscosity

m 2 /s 1 1M10 -6 1M10

cSt 1M10 6 1 1M10


St 1M10 4 1M10-2 1

1.019 72M10 -5 1.019 72M10 1M10 1


Note 1) The elementary unit must be specified and must be an atom, molecule, ion, electron, photon or a specified group of such units. ( : Table 2. Supplementary unit Volume Plane angle Solid angle Unit Radian Steradian Sign rad sr Definition The radian is a unit of plane angle, defined as the central angle of a circle determined by two radii and an arc joining them, all of the same length. The steradian is the unit of measurement for solid angles, equal to the solid angle subtended center of a sphere by a portion of the surface of the sphere whose area equals the square of the sphere's radius.

9.806 65M10 4

1St=1cm 2 /s, 1cSt=1mm/S 2 Note)

1Pa=1N/m2, 1Mpa=1N/mm2 Note)

mmHg or Torr

Pa 1 Pressure 1M10

kPa 1M10 -3 1 1M10 3 1M10 2 9.806 65M10 1.013 25M10 2 9.806 65M10
2 -3 -1

MPa 1M10 -6 1M10 1 1M10 -1 9.806 65M10 -2 1.013 25M10 -1 9.806 65M10 1.333 22M10
-6 -4 -3

bar 1M10 -5 1M10 1M10 1 9.806 65M10 -1 1.013 25 9.806 65M10 1.333 22M10
-5 -3 -2

kgf/cm 2 1.019 72M10 -5 1.019 72M10 1.019 72 1 1.033 23 1M10

-4 -3 -2


mmH 2 0

9.869 23M10 -6 1.019 72M10 -1 9.869 23M10 9.869 23 9.869 23M10 -1 9.678 41M10 -1 1 9.678 41M10 1.315 79M10
-5 -3 -3

7.500 62M10 -3 7.500 62 7.500 62M10 3 7.500 62M10 2 7.355 59M10 2 7.600 00M10 2 7.355 59M10 -2 1

(5) Derived units The units of derived quantity in International units. Those are expressed algebraically in terms of the base units and supplementary units. Besides, the derived units that have proper names are shown in Table 3. Examples of the units derived from the base units Volume Area Volume Velocity Acceleration Wave numbers Density Electric current density Magnetic field strength Concentration of substance Specific volume Luminance Derived units Unit Square Cubic Meter/second Meter/second 2 Every meter Kilogram every cubic meter Ampere every square meter Ampere every meter Mole every cubic meter Cubic meter every kilogram Candela every square meter Sign m2 m3 m/s m/s 2 m-1 kg/m 3 A/m 2 A/m mol/m 3 m 3 /kg cd/m 2 Volume Unit Frequency Force Pressure, stress Energy, work, heat Work rate, process rate, power, electric power Electric charge, quantity of electricity Potential, potential difference, voltage, electromotive force Electrostatic capacity, capacitance Electric resistance Conductance Magnetic flux Magnetic flux density, magnetic induction Inductance Celsius temperature Light flux Illumination Radioactivity Quantity of absorption radio Radio equivalent Hertz Newton Pascal Joule Watt Coulomb Voltage Farad Ohm Siemens Weber Tesla Henry
Celsius degree or Degree

1.019 72M10

1M10 6 1M10 5 9.806 65M10 4 1.013 25M10 5 9.806 65 1.333 22M10

1.019 72M10

1.019 72M10 5 1.019 72M10 4 1M10 4 1.033 23M10 4 1 1.359 51M10

Table 3. The derived units having proper names Derived units Sign Hz N Pa J W C V F q S Wb T H A lm lx Bq Gy Sv Expressing method by derived unit or supplementary unit/others 1Hz=1s-1 1N=1kg Cm/s 2 1Pa=1N/m 2 1J=1N Cm 1W=1J/s 1C=1A Cs 1V=1J/C 1F=1C/V 1q=1V/A 1S=1q-1 1Wb=1V Cs 1T=1Wb/m 2 1H=1Wb/A 1tA= (t+273.15) k 1lm=1cd Csr 1lx=1lm/m 2 1Bq=1s-1 1Gy=1J/kg 1Sv=1J/kg

1.333 22M10

1.359 51M10

Note) 1Pa=1N/m
Work, energy, quantity of heat

Thermal conductivity

J 1 3.600 M10

kW Ch 2.777 78M10 -7 1 2.724 07M10 -6 1.162 79M10 -3

kgf m C 1.019 72M10 -1 3.670 98M10 1 4.268 58M10

2 5

kcal 2.388 89M10 -4 8.600 0 M10 1


W/(mC ) K 1 1.162 79
2 W/(m C ) K

( kcal/ mCh CA) 8.600 0M10 -1 1

2 kcal/(mCh A) C

9.806 65 4.186 05M10 3

2.342 70M10 -3
Coefficient of heat transfer

1J=1W , 1J=1NCm Cs Note)

Power, heat flow rate

W 1 9.806 65 7.355 M10 2 1.162 79

kgf m/s C 1.019 72M10 -1 1 7.5 M10 1.185 72M10


PS 1.359 62M10 -3 1.333 33M10 -2 1 1.580 95M10


kcal/h 8.600 0 M10 -1 8.433 71 6.325 29M10 2 1

1 1.162 79 J/(kg ) CK 1 4.186 05M10 -3

8.600 0M10 -1 1
kcal/(kg A) C cal/(g A) C

Specified heat

Lumen Lux Becquerel Gray Sievert

2.388 89M10 -4 1

Note) 1W=1J/s, PS:French horsepower

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