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Geo 1

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Q1) What are the main socio-economic implications arising out of development of IT
industries in major cities of India. (2021)

Similar questions:
● Discuss the various social problems which originated out of the speedy process
of urbanisation in India. (2013)


Introduction: Fact based.

The rate of growth in the IT sector for 2019-20 was approximately ten percent. The Indian IT
industry has grown rapidly with an exponential growth rate after the economic reform of 1991-
92. Indian IT companies have set up thousands of centres mainly concentrated in major cities in

Body: Institution based.

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Conclusion: SDG Based.

Development of sustainable and resilient IT hubs can drive the social and economic
development needed for us to achieve SDG 11 of Sustainable cities and communities.

Q2) Major cities of India are becoming more vulnerable to flood conditions. Discuss.

Similar Question:
● Account for the huge flooding of million cities in India including the smart ones
like Hyderabad and Pune. Suggest lasting remedial measures. (2020)


Introduction: Current Affairs based.

Recent flooding of major cities like Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Pune etc has put forward issues of
urban flooding as a major disaster and has also exposed the underlying vulnerabilities these
cities face with respect to mitigation.

Body: Supply chain based.

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Conclusion: Summarise.
Urban flooding has major social, economic and humane implications. There is a need to tackle
this as a major disaster and make a comprehensive plan for them as well as rural floodings, as
both are not so much of a separate phenomenon.

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Q3) How is efficient and affordable urban mass transport key to the rapid economic
development of India? (2019)


Introduction: Data\Fact based

As per the Ministry of Finance, India aspires to become a USD 5-trillion economy by 2024
and a USD 10-trillion economy by 2030. The rapid-fire pace with which urbanization is taking
place is shifting the focus to the issue of transportation in our metropolises. Increased business
traffic is performing in slow civic mobility which can have a huge impact on the frugality and
quality of life of citizens.

Body : Stakeholders Approach.

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Conclusion: Futuristic Approach.
To ensure the effective implementation and long-term advantages of urban mass transportation
in India, it is crucial to acknowledge and satisfy the requirements and interests of various
stakeholders. India should create SAHI (Safe, Adequate, and Holistic Infrastructure) for all of
its citizens, including women, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

Q4) Mention the significance of straits and isthmus in international trade. (2022 - 250


Introduction: Definition based. (Define Straits and


Isthmus: An isthmus is a narrow strip of land that

connects two larger land areas, typically with water on
either side. It acts as a link or bridge between two larger
bodies of land and separates two bodies of water.
● Isthmus of Panama: It connects North
America and South America, separating the
Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.
● Isthmus of Corinth: Located in Greece, it
connects the Peloponnese peninsula with
mainland Greece, separating the Gulf of
Corinth and the Saronic Gulf.
● Isthmus of Tehuantepec: It is in Mexico and
connects the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific

Straits: Straits are narrow water passages

that connect two larger bodies of water,
usually separating two landmasses. They are
narrow channels of water that serve as a
connection between seas, oceans, or lakes,
allowing for the passage of ships and other
maritime activities.
● Strait of Gibraltar: It separates Europe
and Africa, connecting the Atlantic
Ocean with the Mediterranean Sea.
● Strait of Hormuz: Located between
Oman and Iran, it connects the Persian
Gulf with the Gulf of Oman.
● Strait of Malacca: It is a strategic waterway between the Malay Peninsula and the
Indonesian island of Sumatra, connecting the Indian Ocean with the South China Sea.

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Body: Supply Chain Approach (What happens at a port.)
Their significance in International Trade:

Conclusion: Summarise

Straits hold not only economic importance but also strategic significance, serving as major
choke points worldwide. To ensure unrestricted movement of shipping vessels, many nations
establish military bases near these choke points, such as the presence of military bases in
Djibouti near the Bab al-Mandeb strait.

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Q5) Troposphere is a very significant atmospheric layer that determines weather
processes. How? (2022 - 250 Words)


Introduction: Definition based. (Define Troposphere)

The troposphere is the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere, extending from the Earth's surface up
to an average height of about 7 to 20 kilometres (4 to 12 miles) above sea level, depending on
the location and season. It is where weather events occur and is characterised by decreasing
temperature with increasing altitude. The troposphere contains the majority of the Earth's air mass
and is rich in water vapour, clouds, and various atmospheric pollutants. It plays a crucial role in
regulating the Earth's climate and supporting life on the planet.

Body : Component based approach (Components forming a particular weather).

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Hence, the troposphere holds great significance within Earth's atmosphere as it is the layer
where human life exists and where weather phenomena occur. It plays a crucial role in defining
agro-climatic zones and providing essential resources such as food, water, and vital gases like
oxygen for humans and animals, as well as carbon dioxide for plants. Given the importance of
the troposphere, it becomes imperative for each individual to prioritise the protection of this layer
by actively addressing global warming and taking steps to safeguard our planet and the well-
being of our species.

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Q6) There is no formation of deltas by rivers of the Western Ghat. Why? (2019 - 150


Introduction: Definition based. (Define deltas)

Deltas are landforms that form at the mouth of a river where it meets a larger body of water.
They are created by sediment deposition carried by the river, resulting in a triangular or fan-
shaped landmass. Deltas consist of various channels and distributaries and are important
ecological habitats. They provide fertile soil for agriculture and play a vital role in land formation.

Body : Reason why rivers of western ghats don’t form deltas: Component based

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Conclusion: Summerize

These factors collectively contribute to the absence or limited development of deltas in the rivers
of the Western Ghats in India.

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Q7) Discuss the geophysical characteristics of the Circum-Pacific Zone. 2020

Approach: Knowledge based

Introduction: Fact based/ Definition based

The Circum-Pacific Zone, also known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, is a geologically active area
characterised by a high concentration of tectonic plate boundaries, volcanic activity,
earthquakes, and the formation of mountain ranges. It encircles the Pacific Ocean and spans a
vast region, including the western coast of North America, the coasts of South America, Japan,
the Philippines, Indonesia, and various Pacific island nations.

Body : Lifecycle Approach. (Life Cycle of development of geo-physical characteristics of

a region)

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Conclusion: (Summarise)

Conclusion: Summerize

The geophysical features of Circum-Pacific Zone are a result of the dynamic tectonic processes
occurring along the plate boundaries within the Pacific Ring of Fire. The Circum-Pacific Zone is
a region of significant geological activity and provides valuable insights into Earth's dynamic

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Q8) Briefly mention the alignment of major mountain ranges of the world and
explain their impact on local weather conditions, with examples. (2021)

Related Question:

● Why are the world’s fold mountain systems located along the margins of
continents? Bring out the association between the global distribution of Fold
Mountains and the earthquakes and volcanoes. (2014)


Introduction: Definition based

A mountain range is a series or group of mountains that are geographically connected and often
share similar geological and topographical characteristics. They typically form through tectonic
processes, such as plate collisions or volcanic activity, which result in the uplift and deformation
of the Earth's crust.

Body: Component based approach (Components forming weather patterns).

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Conclusion: Counter-argument based

However, In recent times, climatic and weather patterns have been a dominant force which is
shaping the mountain ranges in the form of glacial melts, heat waves in the wake of
anthropogenically induced climate change.

Q9) Differentiate the causes of landslides in the Himalayan region and Western Ghats.

Related Questions:

● “The Himalayas are highly prone to landslides.” Discuss the causes and suggest
suitable measures of mitigation. 2016
● Bring out the causes for more frequent landslides in the Himalayas than in
Western Ghats 2013


Introduction: Definition based

Landslides refer to the downward movement of a mass of rock, soil, or debris on slopes or
inclined surfaces. They occur when the forces acting on the materials overcome their strength,
causing them to slide or flow downhill under the influence of gravity.

Approach: Supply Chain Approach: Map to Himalayas and Western Ghats

Preconditions ---> Weathering/ Erosions ----> Triggering Event

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Conclusion: (Way Forward)
Managing landslides in the Himalayas and the Western Ghats requires region-specific
strategies due to variations in geology, climate, and terrain leading to differential causation of
landslides in both the regions.

Q10) Mention the global occurrence of volcanic eruptions in 2021 and their impact on the
regional environment. (Answer in 150 words) 2021


Introduction: Fact based/ Definition based

Volcanic eruptions are natural events where molten rock, gas, and other materials are expelled
from a volcano's vent or fissure onto the Earth's surface or into the atmosphere. There were 81
confirmed eruptions at some point during 2021 from 76 different volcanoes; 33 of those were
new eruptions that started during the year.

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Impact on regional environment : Component based approach (Components of local

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Conclusion: Summarise.

It's important to note that volcanic eruptions are complex events, and each volcano has its
unique characteristics and eruption patterns. The study of volcanoes and their eruptions helps
scientists better understand Earth's dynamic processes and improve volcanic hazard
assessment and preparedness.

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