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Investigatory Project Chemistry

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Electro-Chemical Cell:
An electrochemical cell is a device that converts chemical
energy into electrical energy through a redox (reduction-
oxidation) reaction. It's a fundamental concept in chemistry
and plays a crucial role in various applications, including
batteries and corrosion prevention.
Components of an Electrochemical Cell:
 Anode: The anode is the electrode where oxidation
occurs. It loses electrons and releases cations into the
solution. In simple terms, it's where the "loss" of
electrons happens.
 Cathode: The cathode is the electrode where reduction
occurs. It gains electrons and attracts cations from the
solution. This is where the "gain" of electrons happens.
 Electrolyte: Electrolytes are solutions that contain ions.
These ions help facilitate the flow of electricity by
carrying charge between the anode and cathode. In some
cases, the electrolyte is a solid, such as in solid-state
 Conductor: This can be a wire or any other electrical
conductor that connects the anode and cathode, allowing
electrons to flow from the anode to the cathode.
 Salt Bridge (or Porous Barrier): The salt bridge or
porous barrier allows ions to flow between the two half-
cells, maintaining electrical neutrality. It prevents a
build-up of charge that would otherwise stop the
electrochemical reaction.
Electromotive Force (EMF):
The EMF (E) of an electrochemical cell represents its ability
to generate an electric current. It's measured in volts (V). The
EMF is determined by the specific redox reactions taking
place in the cell and the concentration of the substances
involved. The cell potential (Ecell) is also known as the cell
voltage or cell potential difference.
Examples of Electrochemical Cells:
 Alkaline Battery: A common galvanic cell, where zinc
is the anode and manganese dioxide is the cathode. The
electrolyte is a potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution.
 Lead-Acid Battery: Found in cars, where lead dioxide is
the cathode and spongy lead is the anode. The electrolyte
is sulphuric acid (H2SO4).
 Electrolysis of Water: An electrolytic cell that splits
water (H2O) into hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2)
using electricity.
Understanding electrochemical cells is essential for various
applications, such as batteries, fuel cells, and the study of
corrosion and corrosion prevention. These devices play a
significant role in our everyday lives and the field of
chemistry. In this investigatory project, we are going to
discuss about the change in emf of the Daniel cell which is a
primary cell, with respect to concentration and temperature.
The objective of this investigatory project is to calculate EMF
of a simple electrochemical cell, specifically copper-zinc
galvanic cell, and to understand the factors affecting the cell's

Working of an Electrochemical Cell:
Electrochemical cells work based on redox reactions. Redox
reactions involve the transfer of electrons between substances.
Let's use an example of a common electrochemical cell, a
simple galvanic cell, to explain the process:
In a Daniel cell, the anode is made of zinc (Zn) and the
cathode is made of copper (Cu). These are immersed in an
electrolyte containing copper sulphate (CuSO4) and zinc
sulphate (ZnSO4).
 Redox Reaction at the Anode (Zinc - Zn Anode):
Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2e⁻
At the anode, zinc atoms lose electrons to form positively
charged zinc ions (Zn2+). These electrons flow through
the external circuit to the cathode.
 Redox Reaction at the Cathode (Copper - Cu Cathode):
Cu2+(aq) + 2e⁻ → Cu(s)
At the cathode, copper ions (Cu2+) gain the electrons that
travelled from the anode. This causes copper ions to
deposit as solid copper metal on the cathode.
 Overall Cell Reaction:
Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)
The overall reaction describes the transformation of zinc
metal into zinc ions and the deposition of copper ions as solid
copper metal. This process releases energy and generates an
electric current.
Representation of an Electrochemical Cell:
An electrochemical cell is represented in a manner as
illustrated below.
I.e. by convention, the electrode on which oxidation takes
place is written on the left-hand side and the other electrode
on which reduction takes place is written on the right-hand
side. The electrode of the left-hand side is written by writing
the symbol of the metal first followed by the symbol of the
ion with its concentration in brackets. The electrode on the
right-hand side is written by first writing the ion along with its
concentration in brackets followed by the symbol of the metal.
Experimental Setup:
A zinc rod is placed in the zinc sulphate solution taken in a
beaker. A copper rod is placed in the copper sulphate solution
taken in another beaker. The two rods are connected by a wire
and two solutions are connected by a salt bridge.
Salt bridge and Its Function:
A salt-bridge is a U-shaped tube containing concentrated
solution of an inert electrolyte like KCL, KNO3, and K2SO4
etc. An inert electrolyte is one whose ions do not take part in
the redox reaction and also do not react with electrolyte used.
The function of the salt bridge is to allow the movement of the
ions from one solution to the other without mixing of the two
solutions. Thus, whereas the electrons flow in the outer circuit
in the wire, the inner circuit is completed by the flow of ions
from one solution to the other through the salt bridge
moreover, it helps to maintain the electrical neutrality of the
solution of the two half cells.
Thus, the main functions of the salt bridge are:
 To complete the electrical circuit by allowing the ions to
flow from one solution to the other without mixing of the
two solutions.
 To maintain the electrical neutrality of the solutions in
the two half cells. Let us see what would happen if the
salt bridge were not used in the cells show in the
following diagram. Electrons are given out by the zinc
electrode where they will neutralize some of the Cu2+
ions of the solution. Thus So42- ions will not leave and the
solution will acquire a negative charge. At the same time,
Zn2+ ions produced from zinc plate will enter ZnSo4
solution. After some time, the flow of electrons will stop
and hence the current stops flowing.
Standard EMF of an Electrochemical Cell:
An electrochemical cell is based on reaction which can be
split into the two half reactions:
 Oxidation half reaction
 Reduction half reaction

Standard EMF of the cell:

Ecell= Electrode Potential of the cell
Ecathode= Electrode Potential of the oxidation half reaction
Eanode= Electrode Potential of the oxidation half reaction
According to Nernst Equation, the relation between
concentration of electrode and the standard electrode potential
can be given as:

Ecell= Ecathode- Eanode

E = Eo – 0.059/n Log [M]/ [Mn+]
E= Electrode Potential at non-standard conditions
Eo= Electrode potential at standard conditions
n= Number of electrons transferred in the equation
[M]=concentration of the metal
[Mn+]=concentration of metal ion
Some Important Features:
 The electrode where oxidation takes place is called the
anode. The electrode at which the reduction takes place
is called the cathode.
 Since electrons are produced at the zinc electrodes, this
electrode is rich in electrons, which pushes the electrons
into the external circuit and hence it is designated as the
negative pole. The other electrode, i.e. the copper
electrode is in the need of electrons for the reduction of
Cu2+ ions into the Cu.
 The electrons flow from the negative pole to the positive
pole in the external circuit. However, conventionally, this
current is set to flow in the opposite direction.
 The oxidation of Zn into ions produces excess of Zn2+
ions in the left beaker. This creates an unbalanced
positive charge in the solution. To maintain electrical
neutrality of the solution in the two beakers, the cations
and anions move through the salt bridge.
 As copper from copper sulphate solution is deposited on
the copper electrode and sulphate ions migrate to the
other side, the concentration of the copper sulphate
solution decreases. As the cell operates consequently, the
current falls.
 Evidently, the weight of the copper rod wills increase
while that of zinc rod will decrease as the cell works.

Materials and Apparatus

 Copper Electrode (Cu): You can obtain a small piece of
copper metal or a copper wire.
 Zinc Electrode (Zn): Similarly, you'll need a small
piece of zinc metal or a zinc wire.
 Copper Sulphate Solution (CuSO4): This is the
electrolyte for the copper half-cell. You can purchase it
or make a solution by dissolving copper sulphate in
 Zinc Sulphate Solution (ZnSO4): This is the electrolyte
for the zinc half-cell. You can purchase it or prepare it by
dissolving zinc sulphate in water.
 Salt Bridge or Porous Barrier: You can use a salt
bridge, a glass frit, or a porous ceramic disk to separate
the two half-cells while allowing ion flow.
 Voltmeter: You'll need a simple digital voltmeter to
measure the potential difference (voltage) between the
copper and zinc electrodes.
 Two Beakers: You'll need two glass or plastic beakers to
hold the copper and zinc sulphate solutions.
 Copper Electrode Holder: This can be a stand with a
clamp or any suitable holder to secure the copper
electrode in the copper sulphate solution.
 Zinc Electrode Holder: Similarly, you'll need a holder
for the zinc electrode in the zinc sulphate solution.
 Connecting Wires: Use wires to connect the copper and
zinc electrodes to the voltmeter.
 Stirrers: Glass or plastic rods for stirring the electrolyte
 Safety Gear: Wear safety goggles and gloves to protect
your eyes and hands when working with chemicals.

1. Prepare Electrolyte Solutions:
 In one beaker, prepare a copper sulphate solution
(CuSO4) by dissolving copper sulphate in water.
 In the other beaker, prepare a zinc sulphate solution
(ZnSO4) by dissolving zinc sulphate in water.
2. Secure Electrodes:
 Place the copper electrode in the copper sulphate
 Place the zinc electrode in the zinc sulphate solution.
3. Connect the Voltmeter:
 Use connecting wires to connect the voltmeter to both
the copper and zinc electrodes. The voltmeter should be
set up to measure the potential difference (voltage)
between the two electrodes.
4. Assemble the Cell:
 Position the two beakers with the electrodes and
electrolyte solutions, ensuring they are close enough to
connect with the salt bridge.
5. Measure Initial EMF:
 Measure the initial EMF of the cell by noting the voltage
on the voltmeter.
6. Vary Concentration:
 For each half-cell (copper and zinc), vary the
concentration of the electrolyte solution by diluting it or
adding more solute.
 Measure and record the EMF for each different
concentration. Conduct multiple trials to ensure
7. Vary Temperature:
 If possible, heat or cool the electrolyte solutions (copper
sulphate and zinc sulphate) while maintaining safety
 Measure and record the EMF at different temperatures.
Conduct multiple trials to ensure accuracy.
8. For EMF Measurement:
 Connect the Electrodes and Voltmeter by assembling the
copper and zinc electrodes in their respective electrolyte
solutions as described.
 Connect the voltmeter to the electrodes using the
connecting wires, ensuring that the positive (red) lead is
attached to the copper electrode and the negative (black)
lead is attached to the zinc electrode.
9. Measure EMF:
 With the circuit set up, record the voltage displayed on
the voltmeter. This is your EMF value for that specific
10. Repeat the Process:
 Perform multiple trials for each condition, making sure
to adjust the concentration or temperature as needed.

Data Representation:
Initial EMF Calculation:
Trial Initial EMF (Volts)
1 0.90
2 0.88
3 0.86
4 0.84
5 0.82
Concentration Variation:
Trial Concentratio Concentratio EMF (Volts)
n of CuSO4 n of ZnSO4
(M) (M)
1 0.1 0.1 0.92
2 0.2 0.1 0.89
3 0.2 0.2 0.85
4 0.3 0.2 0.81
5 0.3 0.3 0.78

Temperature Variation:
Trial Temperature (°C) EMF (Volts)
1 25 0.91
2 35 0.88
3 45 0.84
4 55 0.80
5 65 0.76

Data Analysis
Average Cell EMF:
When averaging the EMF values from the concentration and
temperature trials, we find that the average EMF of the
copper-zinc electrochemical cell is approximately 0.885 V.
Effect of Concentration on EMF:
In the experiments where we varied the concentration of the
electrolyte solutions (CuSO4 and ZnSO4), we observed the
following trends:
 As the concentration of both CuSO4 and ZnSO4
increased, the EMF of the cell decreased. This is
consistent with the Nernst equation, which states that the
EMF is directly proportional to the natural logarithm of
the reaction quotient (Q). An increase in concentration
leads to a higher Q value, resulting in a lower EMF, as
shown by the data.
 Trial 1 with the lowest concentration of 0.1 M CuSO4
and 0.1 M ZnSO4 produced the highest EMF (0.92 V),
while Trial 5 with the highest concentrations of 0.3 M
CuSO4 and 0.3 M ZnSO4 resulted in the lowest EMF
(0.78 V).
Effect of Temperature on EMF:
In the experiments where we changed the temperature of the
electrolyte solutions, we observed the following trends:
 As the temperature increased, the EMF of the cell
decreased. This is in line with the Nernst equation, which
states that temperature affects the reaction quotient (Q).
An increase in temperature leads to an increase in Q,
which, in turn, lowers the EMF, as demonstrated by the
 Trial 1 at 25°C produced the highest EMF (0.91 V),
while Trial 3 at 45°C resulted in the lowest EMF (0.84

Redox Reactions in the Cell:
In the copper-zinc electrochemical cell, the redox reactions
occurring at the anode (Zinc electrode) and cathode (Copper
electrode) are as follows:
Anode (Zinc Electrode):
Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2e⁻
Cathode (Copper Electrode):
Cu2+(aq) + 2e⁻ → Cu(s)
The overall reaction of the cell is:
Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)
As zinc atoms oxidize to form zinc ions at the anode and
copper ions are reduced to copper metal at the cathode,
electrons are transferred through the external circuit,
generating an electric current.
Effect of Concentration:
The Nernst equation relates the EMF (Ecell) to the
concentration of reactants and products. For the given cell, the
Nernst equation is:
Ecell = E°cell - (0.0592/n) * log(Q)
The change in concentration directly affects the reaction
quotient (Q). An increase in concentration of the reactants
(Zn²⁺ and Cu²⁺) leads to an increase in Q, which results in a
lower cell EMF. This phenomenon is consistent with the
experimental data, where higher concentrations of the
electrolyte solutions led to lower EMF values.
Effect of Temperature:
Temperature impacts the equilibrium constant (K) in the
Nernst equation. An increase in temperature leads to an
increase in K, which, in turn, results in a decrease in cell
Comparison with Theoretical Knowledge:
The experimental data aligns with theoretical knowledge and
the predictions based on the Nernst equation. The inverse
relationships between concentration and temperature with cell
EMF were observed as expected. This consistency reinforces
the accuracy of the Nernst equation in predicting and
explaining changes in cell EMF.

The investigation into the EMF of a copper-zinc
electrochemical cell has provided valuable insights into the
factors influencing cell potential and the practical implications
of these findings. Through systematic experiments that varied
the concentration of electrolyte solutions and temperature, we
have gained a deeper understanding of the electrochemical
principles at play.
Key Findings:
 Average Cell EMF: The experiment allowed us to
calculate an average cell EMF of approximately 0.885 V
under the given conditions. This value represents the
characteristic EMF of the copper-zinc electrochemical
 Concentration Effect: The variation in the
concentration of electrolyte solutions demonstrated a
clear inverse relationship between concentration and
EMF. As concentration increased, the EMF of the cell
decreased consistently across multiple trials. This
observation aligns with the theoretical underpinning of
the Nernst equation.
 Temperature Effect: Altering the temperature of the
electrolyte solutions yielded consistent results. As
temperature increased, the EMF of the cell decreased in
accordance with the Nernst equation.
Significance and Practical Applications:
The understanding gained from this project has practical
implications in various domains:
 Battery Technology: The results provide valuable
insights for the design and optimization of batteries,
enhancing their efficiency and performance.
 Environmental Sensors: The knowledge of how
concentration and temperature affect cell EMF is pivotal
in the development of precise and reliable environmental
 Electroplating: Industries relying on electroplating
processes can benefit from the findings to achieve
precise and consistent metal deposition.
 Energy Storage: Renewable energy systems that utilize
electrochemical cells for energy storage can use this
knowledge to improve their sustainability.

In summary, this experiment has enriched our comprehension

of electrochemical cells and the impact of external variables
on their behaviour. The consistent alignment of experimental
results with the predictions of the Nernst equation underscores
its reliability as a predictive tool. Moreover, the real-world
applications of this knowledge in fields like battery
technology and environmental monitoring emphasize the
immediate relevance and significance of these findings.
The project provides a foundational understanding of
electrochemistry and opens doors to further research and
innovation in this field.

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