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Warlord v. 1.5

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The Warlord

Battle is more for you than just the clash of steel or the glory of individual triumph.
You are more than a warrior; you are a leader, a champion of your team who's
always looking out for the group. Whether your leadership skills come from a
lifetime in the eld, formal training in a military academy, or sheer natural charisma,
you're able to keep your team together and make the most of their talents.

KEY ABILITY HIT POINTS Initial Proficiencies

STRENGTH OR OTHER 10 plus your Constitution modi er At 1st level, you gain the listed
At 1st level, your class gives you an You increase your maximum pro ciency rank in the following
ability boost to your choice of number of hit points by this amount statistics. You are untrained in any
statistics not listed, unless you
Strength or another ability score at 1st level and every time you gain
gain a better pro ciency rank in
determined by your Leadership a level.
some other way.
During Combat Encounters… Expert in Perception
You engage foes with your own martial abilities while supporting and SAVING THROWS
directing your allies to control the battle. Expert in Fortitude
Trained in Re ex
During Social Encounters… Expert in Will
Your wide array of knowledge and social skills make you a capable SKILLS
diplomat and strategist. Trained in Warfare Lore
Trained in one skill determined by
While Exploring…. your choice of Leadership Style
You keep yourself ready to leap into combat, maintaining a careful eye Trained in a number of additional
out to watch for dangers. You might also use your training to overcome skills equal to 3 plus your
physical obstacles, solve mysteries, or answer questions your allies raise. Intelligence modi er.
In Downtime… ATTACKS
You continue your training, potentially retraining techniques that you
Trained in simple weapons
Trained in martial weapons
no longer nd useful. You might also repair gear, maintain a profession,
Trained in unarmed attacks
or gather information from local communities.
You might… Trained in light armor
Constantly be looking for ways to perfect your group's Trained in medium armor
coordination and battle tactics. Trained in unarmored defense
Regularly seek out or read tomes on martial strategy or new CLASS DC
technologies. Trained in warlord class DC
Spend your time attempting to raise the morale of your team - even
if they'd rather be left alone.

Others probably…
Respect your tactical acumen (even if they nd you bossy).
Look to you for guidance on how to move forward, in or out of combat.
Think you'd be better o focusing on either book learning or combat, depending on their own bent.
TABLE 1-1: WARLORD ADVANCEMENT power, training in a skill, and the choice of an
Your Class Features optional key ability score. For more information, see
Level Leadership Styles on page 4.
Ancestry and background, initial pro ciencies,
1st leadership style, battle cry, inspiring word, shield Battle Cry
block, warlord feat
At 1st level, you gain the Battle Cry associated with
2nd Skill feat, warlord feat
your Leadership Style.
3rd General feat, lightning re exes, skill increase
4th Skill feat, warlord feat Inspiring Word
5th Ability boosts, ancestry feat, skill increase, warlord
weapon expertise
You can inspire your allies to keep ghting, even if
they're nearly beaten. You gain the Inspiring Word
6th Skill feat, warlord feat
7th Commanding presence, general feat, iron will, skill
increase, weapon specialization
8th Skill feat, warlord feat
9th Ancestry feat, skill increase, vigilant senses,
warlord expertise
You urge your ally to keep ghting, even though the
10th Ability boosts, skill feat, warlord feat
odds seem impossible. One ally that you can see
11th General
feat, medium armor expertise, skill
gains 1d6 temporary hit points, which last for 1
12th Skill feat, warlord feat minute. The ally then becomes immune to your
Inspiring Word for 1 hour.
13th Ancestry
feat, leader's cry, skill increase, weapon

14th Skill feat, warlord feat As your warlord level increases, so does the number
15th Ability
boosts, general feat, greater resolve, skill of temporary hit points granted by your inspiring
word. Increase the number of dice by one at 5th,
16th Skill feat, warlord feat
11th, and 17th levels.
17th Ancestry feat, extraordinary presence, great
fortitude, skill increase
18th Skill feat, warlord feat
Shield Block
You gain the shield block general feat (found on
19th Armor mastery, general feat, skill increase, master
of warfare Core Rulebook page 266), a reaction that lets you
20th Ability boosts, kill feat, warlord feat reduce the damage you take with a shield.

Class Features Warlord Feats

You gain the following class features as a warlord. At 1st level and at every even-numbered level
Abilities gained at higher levels list the level gained thereafter, you gain a warlord class feat.
next to the ability's name.
Skill Feats 2nd
Ancestry and Background At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
In addition to the abilities provided by your class at skill feat. Skill feats appear in Chapter 5 of the Core
1st level, you have the bene ts of your selected Rulebook and have the skill trait. You must be
ancestry and background, as described in Chapter 2 trained or better in the corresponding skill to select a
of the Path nder Core Rulebook. skill feat.

Initial Proficiencies General Feats 3rd

At 1st level, you gain a number of pro ciencies that At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a
represent your basic training, noted at the start of general feat. General feats are listed in Chapter 5 of
this class. the Core Rulebook.

Leadership Style Skill Increases 3rd

All warlords are battle eld leaders, but not all focus At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
on the same type of command. You have specialized skill increase. You can use this increase to either
in a particular style and technique of leadership. become trained in one skill, or become an expert in
Your leadership style grants you an initial battle cry one skill in which you’re already trained.
At 7th level, you can use skill increases to become a
Warlord Expertise 9th
master in a skill in which you’re already an expert,
You're continually trying to perfect the art of war.
and at 15th level, you can use them to become
Your pro ciency rank for Warlord Class DC
legendary in a skill in which you’re already a master.
increases to Expert.
Lightning Reflexes 3rd Medium Armor Expertise 11th
Your re exes are lightning fast. Your pro ciency
You’ve learned to defend yourself better against
rank for Re ex saves increases to Expert.
attacks. Your pro ciency ranks for light armor,
Ability Boosts 5th medium armor, and unarmored defense increase to
At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you boost
four di erent ability scores. You can use these ability
Leader's Cry 13th
boosts to increase your ability scores above 18.
Your battle cry gains new potency thanks to your
Boosting an ability score increases it by 1 if it’s
team's familiarity with it. You gain the Leader's Cry
already 18 or above, or by 2 if it starts out below 18.
ability associated with your Leadership Style.
Ancestry Feats 5th Weapon Mastery 13th
In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you
You fully understand the intricacies of your weapons.
gain an ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4 levels
Your pro ciency ranks for simple and martial
thereafter. The list of ancestry feats available to you
weapons and unarmed attacks increase to master.
can be found in your ancestry’s entry.

Warlord Weapon Expertise 5th Greater Resolve 15th

Your unbelievable training grants you mental
You’ve dedicated yourself to perfecting the craft of
resiliency. Your pro ciency rank for Will saves
the battle eld. Your pro ciency ranks for simple and
increases to legendary. When you roll a critical
martial weapons and unarmed attacks increases to
failure on a Will save, you get a failure instead.
expert. Choose one weapon group. You have access
When you fail a Will save against a damaging e ect,
to the critical specialization e ects (Core Rulebook
you take half damage.
page 283) of all weapons in that group.

Commanding Presence 7th Extraordinary Presence 17th

Your Commanding Presence pervades the battle eld.
Your experience leading your team has given you a
You gain the Extraordinary Presence bene t of your
presence on the battle eld that cannot be denied.
Leadership Style.
You gain the commanding presence associated with
your leadership style. Great Fortitude 17th
Iron Will 7th You've weathered the fury of war without being
beaten down. Your pro ciency rank for Fortitude
Few can sway you from your course. Your
saves increases to Master, and when you roll a
pro ciency rank for Will saves increases to Master.
success on a Fortitude save you get a critical success
When you roll a success on a Will saving throw, you
get a critical success instead.

Weapon Specialization 7th Armor Mastery 19th

Your armor has become like a second skin for you.
You’ve learned how to in ict greater injuries with the
Your pro ciency ranks for light armor, medium
weapons you know best. You deal 2 additional
armor, and unarmored defense increase to master.
damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which
you are an expert. This damage increases to 3 if Master of Warfare 19th
you’re a master, and to 4 if you’re legendary.
You are a master of the eld of battle. Your
Vigilant Senses 9th pro ciency rank in warlord class DC increases to
You've honed your attention to better take in the
qualities of any battle eld. Your pro ciency rank for
Perception increases to Master.
Leadership Styles against fear e ects increases to +2, and it grants a +1
status bonus to all other Will saving throws.
You have cultivated a particular battle eld presence,
sculpting it into a persona that o ers a steady
Insightful Style
guiding hand to your allies. You might lead through
You guard your allies' anks, whether near or far,
daring example, cunning tactical acumen, or sharply
and warn them of impending danger. Concerned
honed guerilla maneuvers. Each leadership style
primarily with keeping your team safe, you likely
begins with a simple battle cry and develops into a
also serve as either primary or backup medic. You
core part of your presence on the battle eld, o ering
are trained in the Medicine skill, and can choose
bene ts to your allies just for being near you. In
Wisdom as your key ability score.
many ways, your leadership style de nes you as a
warlord. BATTLE CRY
Each leadership style lists some abilities that you gain Your battle cry is a warning shout, alerting an ally to
at 1st level, and then speci es the bene ts you gain the peril you're all in. When you roll initiative, one
from your warlord class features as you gain levels. ally of your choice gains a +1 status bonus to saves
No one can gain bene ts from any of these features if and AC until the end of their rst turn. You can
you are unconscious. select the ally after initiative is rolled, but must select
them before the rst combat round.
Bravura Style
You engage in daring stunts, aggressive tactics, and COMMANDING PRESENCE (7TH LEVEL)
risky maneuvers that pay o …or end disastrously. Your sharp eyes and watchful instincts keep all of
You're always willing to expose yourself to harm if it your allies on their toes, and the care you take to
means getting the tactical edge or keeping an ally help each other has produced solid teamwork. You
safe, and your ghters see this and are willing to take and all allies within 15 feet of you who can see or
their own risks to reciprocate. You are trained in hear you gain a +1 status bonus to Perception checks
Intimidation, and you can choose Charisma as your to Seek and Sense Motive, and to any checks used to
key ability score. Aid an ally.


Your battle cry is a ringing shout that draws all eyes Your allies' re exes have become honed to your
to you, focusing your enemies' wrath and inspiring voice, so that they instinctively look for shelter when
your companions. When you roll initiative, you can you call a warning. When you use your battle cry,
choose to become at-footed until the start of your the ally you designate can Stride and then Take
second turn to grant all allies who can see and hear Cover as a free action.
you a +1 status bonus to attack rolls until the end of
their rst turns.
Your wariness has left your allies prepared for attack
COMMANDING PRESENCE (7TH LEVEL) from any quarter. Your Commanding Presence a ects
Seeing you wounded only spurs your team to greater all allies who can see or hear you within 30 feet, and
heights. As long as you have fewer than your a ected allies take only a -1 penalty to AC for being
maximum hit points, allies within 15' of you who at-footed, rather than the usual -2.
can see or hear you gain a +1 status bonus to your
saving throws and Will DC against fear e ects.
Inspiring Style
You urge your allies to keep ghting even when the
LEADER'S CRY (13TH LEVEL) odds seem stacked against them, and rally them in
You leap into the fray when battle is joined. When the face of adversity. You're both a team player and
you use your battle cry, you become quickened a cheerleader for your companions, likely making
during your rst turn. You can use the extra action sure that everyone is getting along well even when
only to Stride or Strike. there are disagreements. You're trained in
Diplomacy, and you can choose Charisma as your
Your allies stand steadfast, knowing that you're
willing to bleed for them. Your Commanding
Presence a ects any allies within 30' of you who can
see or hear you. The bonus it grants to saving throws
Your battle cry is an earnest, righteous call to arms When combat breaks out, your word sends your
that inspires your companions. When you roll whole team darting into new positions in a practiced
initiative, all allies who can hear your battle cry gain maneuver. When you use your Battle Cry, all allies
temporary hit points equal to 1/2 your level plus within 30 feet of you can Stride up to half their
your Charisma modi er (minimum 1 temporary hit speed.
point). These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.
COMMANDING PRESENCE (7TH LEVEL) Your allies are so light of foot that they y across the
Your gure on the battle eld lls your companions battle eld. Your Commanding Presence a ects allies
with unswerving devotion to your shared cause. You who can see or hear you who begin their turns
and all allies within 15 feet who can see or hear you within 30 feet of you. All allies who can see or hear
gain a +1 status bonus to saving throws against you and are within 30 feet of you can Step into non-
enchantment e ects. magical di cult terrain, and ignore up to 10 feet of
such terrain during their movement each turn.
Your battle cry hardens your allies' resolve, and they Tactical Style
easily weather the rst blows of combat. As long as Thoughtful and educated, you're constantly looking
an ally retains the temporary hit points granted by for better positioning on the battle eld and guiding
your battle cry, they also gain a +1 status bonus to your allies' strikes to the most valuable targets. You
Fortitude and Will saving throws. are trained in the Society skill, and can choose
Intelligence as your key ability score.
Your allies are so devoted to your joint cause that BATTLE CRY
they shrug o attempts to sway them from it. Your Your tactical acumen allows you to see danger
Commanding Presence a ects all allies within 30 coming a split second before it arrives. When you
feet, and when a ected allies roll a critical failure on roll initiative, you and all allies within 10' of you
a saving throw against an enchantment e ect, they gain a +1 status bonus on your initiative checks.
get a failure instead.
Skirmishing Style Your steady hand in the battle eld helps make every
You keep your team mobile, helping to coordinate opportunity count; even those that seem lost. When
their movements and control the ow of battle. You an ally who can see or hear you and is within 15 feet
favor guerilla tactics and the exibility of having of you misses with a Strike, that ally gains a +1
both ranged and melee weaponry. You are trained in circumstance bonus to their next attack roll on that
the Stealth skill, and can choose Dexterity as your turn.
key ability score.
BATTLE CRY When battle begins, your allies leap into the fray
With a shout or a hissed word, you spur an ally to with a watchful eye for enemies. Your battle cry
dart into a better position at the opening of combat. a ects you and all allies within 20 feet of you, and
When you roll initiative, you can choose one ally when you use it, you can choose a number of allies
within 30 feet of you. That ally can Stride up to half (including yourself) equal to your Intelligence
their speed as a free action before the rst turn modi er (min. 1). Those allies can Seek as a free
begins. action before the rst combat turn.


Your nimbleness on the eld of battle inspires others Your allies constantly maneuver for better
with a similar sense of haste. Your Speed positioning. Your Commanding Presence a ects all
permanently increases by 5 feet. Allies who begin allies within 30 feet, and the rst time an allly
their turn within 15 feet of you who can see or hear a ected by your Commanding Presence misses with
you gain a 5-foot status bonus to their speeds until an attack roll on their turn they can Step as a free
the end of their turn. action.
At each level that you gain a warlord feat, you can You'll note that many warlord class feats include the
select one of the following feats. You must satisfy Formation trait. A Formation is a general combat
any prerequisites before taking the feat. strategy that you lead your team to adopt by using an
action or activity with the Formation trait. All
1ST level
Formations have requirements to enter andand apply
BATTLEFRONT COMMANDER FEAT 1 bene ts to you and allies who meet certain
requirements; once you have entered a Formation, you
can remain in that Formation until the encounter ends
Prerequisites You are trained in medium armor. or you enter a new Formation, as long as you use the
You prefer to lead from the vanguard of your force, Maintain Formation action during each of your
and wear the armor most suited to protecting you subsequent turns. Maintaining Formation is a single
there. You become trained in heavy armor. Whenever action that has the auditory, concentration, mental,
you would gain a class feature that grants you expert and visual traits. Each Formation feat has a
or greater pro ciency in medium armor, you also gain Maintenance entry; its Maintenance entry is a
that pro ciency in heavy armor. requirement to use the Maintain Formation feat for
that formation. If you do not Maintain Formation on
COMBAT ASSESSMENT FEAT 1 turns after the one when you enter the Formation, the
Formation ends at the end of your turn. You can enter
or be in a Formation only in encounter mode.
You make a telegraphed attack to learn about your
foe. Make a melee Strike. On a hit, you can OPENING SHOVE FEAT 1
immediately attempt a check to Recall Knowledge
about the target. On a critical hit, you gain a +2
Requirements You are able to Shove.
circumstance bonus to the check to Recall
You knock your foe back to create some room for
Knowledge. The target is temporarily immune to
your ally to maneuver. Attempt to Shove an
Combat Assessment for 1 day.
opponent; if you get a success or a critical success,
MYRMIDON FORMATION FEAT 1 the action gains the following additional bene ts:
FORMATION WARLORD Critical Success One ally within 30' of you can Step
Requirements You are wielding a shield and and then Stride using their reaction.
adjancent to at least one ally. Success One ally within 30' of you can Stride or Step
using their reaction.
You rally your allies to your sides, gathering into a
tight defensive knot. As long as you Maintain RISKY GAMBIT FEAT 1
Formation, you and allies adjacent to you gain a +1
status bonus to AC, and to Fortitude or Re ex DCs to
You deliberately leave yourself open to retaliation
avoid being Shoved or Tripped.
after an aggressive attack, hoping to lure your foe
Maintenance: You are wielding a shield and adjacent into exposing themselves. Make a melee Strike
to at least one ally. against one opponent. If your Strike hits, you become
at-footed to that opponent until the start of your
ONE FOR ALL FEAT 1 next turn. If an opponent attempts to Strike you
AUDITORY CONCENTRATE EMOTION LINGUISTIC MENTAL while you are at-footed to them due to this feat,
SWASHBUCKLER WARLORD they become at-footed until the start of your next
Prerequisites Trained in Diplomacy turn.
With precisely the right words of encouragement,
you bolster an ally's e orts. Designate an ally within
30 feet; this action counts as su cient preparation to
Aid that ally. When you use the Aid reaction to help
that ally, you can roll Diplomacy in place of the usual

Trigger An enemy you can see attempts to Strike one You aim your weapon to snag a foe's armor, clothing,
of your allies. or esh to pull them closer. Make a melee Strike. If
Seeing a foe about to act, you shout a warning to you hit a target that is your size or smaller, that
your ally, hoping to alert them in time. Your ally gains creature is at-footed until the end of your current
a +1 status bonus to their AC against the triggering turn, and you can move it 5 feet toward you. When
Strike. you move the creature, you can move the same
distance in the same direction as it, even if you're
YOU'RE NEXT FEAT 1 adjacent to the target. This movement doesn't trigger

Prerequisite Trained in Intimidation. This Strike has the following failure e ect.
Trigger You reduce an enemy to 0 hit points. Failure The target becomes at-footed until the end
of your current turn.
After downing a foe, you menacingly remind another
foe that you’re coming after them next. Attempt an FURIOUS SMASH FEAT 2
Intimidation check with a +2 circumstance bonus to
Demoralize a single creature that you can see and
that can see you. If you have legendary pro ciency in You deliver a violent blow that leaves a foe reeling
Intimidation, you can use this as a free action with and vulnerable. Make a melee Strike against a foe. On
the same trigger. a hit, that foe must attempt a Fortitude save against
your class DC.
2nd level Failure The foe is at-footed until the start of its next
Critical Failure The foe is at-footed until the start of
your next turn.
You strike a foe and taunt one of their allies, daring
them to retaliate. Make a Strike and choose one foe Your Strike gains the following Failure e ect:
within 30' of you other than the one you targeted. Failure The foe is at-footed until the end of your
That foe attempts a Perception check to Sense current turn.
Motive with a DC equal to your class DC or your
Deception DC (whichever is higher). It has the
following failure conditions in addition to the usual
ones for Sense Motive: Trigger An enemy you can see ends its movement
Failure The creature believes you have exposed adjacent to one of your allies.
yourself. On its next turn, it must spend at least one You shout a warning, giving your ally the chance to
action to Stride or Step toward you or use an attack dart away. Your ally can Step using their reaction.
action targeting you.
Critical Failure The creature believes you to be
completely exposed. On its next turn, it must spend
all of its actions to Stride or Step toward you or Prerequisites Inspiring Word
attack you. You are an inspiring presence on any battle eld.
Increase the die size of the temporary hit points
granted by your inspiring word ability to d8s, and
add your Charisma modi er (min. 0) to the temporary
hit points.
STAGGERING SHOT FEAT 2 Drive: On the rst round of combat, you and
your allies gain a +1 circumstance bonus to
Athletics checks to Shove, Trip, or Disarm foes.
Taking careful aim, you attempt to temporarily Momentum: You and your allies gain a +5'
disable a foe. Make a ranged Strike. The Strike gains circumstance bonus to your Speeds on the rst
the following additional success conditions: round of combat.
Critical Success The foe takes a -10-foot status Positioning: You designate a 5' radius surface
(typically the ground) within as di cult terrain.
penalty to their speed for 1 minute.
Success The foe takes a -10-foot status penalty to At 15th level, increase the number of battle eld
their speed for 1 round. advantages you gain by 1.


Frequency Once per day.
Prerequisite You are trained in Intimidation.
You gain the Choose Your Ground exploration Requirements You are able to move.
activity, in which you carefully study a potential Trigger A foe reduces an ally to 0 hit points with a
battle eld, giving your team instructions on where to melee attack, and both are within a distance of
position themselves, how to conduct the battle, and you equal to or less than your movement speed.
so on. This activity takes 10 minutes to complete; if Seeing an ally fall under a blow, you streak across the
you are interrupted for more than a few moments battle eld to their aid, inspiring them to new heights
during your instructions, you must start over. When of courage. You Stride until you are adjacent to the
you've nished, the GM makes a Warfare Lore check triggering ally (this feat does not grant you the
against a standard DC for your level (the GM may ability to move in ways that you normally can't, or to
adjust the DC depending on the circumstances of the exceed your normal movement speed). During this
battle eld). Stride (which provokes reactions as normal) and until
the end of your next turn, you are at-footed. At the
If a combat breaks out in the battle eld you surveyed
end of your Stride, make a melee Strike against the
before your next daily preparations, the GM will
foe that reduced your ally to 0 hit points. If your
reveal the result of your check, and you immediately
Strike hits, you can attempt to Demoralize the foe as
get to select the advantages you gain (if any). You
a free action. Whether you hit or miss, your ally
can only prepare for one battle eld at a time.
immediately gains 1 hit point (leaving them
Critical Success You gain two battle eld advantages conscious, prone, and with their wounded condition
of your choice. increased, as normal). They also gain temporary hit
Success You gain one battle eld advantage of your points equal to your Charisma modi er. If your Strike
choice. or Demoralize attempt was a critical success, they
Failure You gain no battle eld advantage. gain double the number of temporary hit points they
Critical Failure You instruct your team poorly; the normally would.
GM secretly chooses one of the battle eld
advantages and grants it to your foes.

Battle eld Advantages: You can select any of the You attack and let out an inspiring cry to help an ally
advantages from the following list. shake o a debilitating e ect. Make a Strike against
Ambush: You and your allies gain a +2 one enemy, and choose one ally within 50 feet of
circumstance bonus on Stealth checks to Avoid you. That ally can immediately attempt a saving
Notice and roll initiative. throw against an enchantment e ect or a at check
Cover: You create an area that is protected by to end persistent damage that is currently a ecting
cover surrounding a 5' radius surface. This cover them. If your Strike is a critical success, they gain a
can't be used to Hide unless you are also gaining +2 status bonus on the saving throw or at check.
the Ambush advantage.
Prerequisites Myrmidon Formation
Requirements You must be in Myrmidon
Trigger A creature within your reach uses a
manipulate action or a move action, makes a
You and your allies advance slowly but inexorably.
ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move
You Step 5 feet. Every ally who is bene ting from
action it’s using.
Myrmidon Formation before your movement may
You lash out at a foe that leaves an opening. Make a
also Step 5 feet, though if they choose to do so they
melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your
must end that Step in a position adjacent to you.
attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a
RACE THE ARROW FEAT 4 manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike
doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty,
and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this
Requirements You are wielding a ranged or thrown
Your missile signals the plan of attack to your allies. HAMMER AND ANVIL FORMATION FEAT 6
You make a ranged Strike against one foe. Choose AUDITORY FORMATION WARLORD
one ally within 30' of the foe. If your Strike hits, that
Requirements You are anking a foe with at least one
ally can Stride up to their Speed, provided they end
their movement adjacent to the foe you targeted
You call out to your allies to work together, as you've
with your Strike. If your Strike is a critical hit, the foe
drilled many times before. As long as you Maintain
is at-footed against the rst attack your ally makes
Formation, any ally within 30 feet of you deals
against them on your ally's next turn.
precision damage equal to your Intelligence modi er
SOCIAL TACT FEAT 4 when they successfully Strike a anked foe.
Maintenance: At least two of your allies (including
Your keen insight helps you navigate social situations you) are anking a foe.
with the same ease as a battle ed. When you
successfully Sense Motive, you may use your INSPIRED DRIVE FEAT 6
Perception bonus in place of the usual skill bonus for EMOTION WARLORD
your next attempt to Coerce, Make an Impression, or Whenever you grant allies temporary hit points with
Request something of the target. your inspiring word, they gain a +1 circumstance
WHITE RAVEN FORMATION FEAT 4 bonus on attack rolls for as long as they retain those
temporary hit points.

Requirements At least two allies are within 15 feet of QUICK STEP FEAT 6
You and your allies begin a complex movement You shout a quick command to spur your allies on.
across the battle eld, making well-timed attacks to One ally within 50 feet of you gains a 5-foot
create openings for each other. As long as you circumstance bonus to their Speed until the start of
Maintain Formation, the rst time you or any ally your next turn. At 16th level, increase this bonus to
within 15 feet of you successfully Strikes on their 10 feet.
turn, the striker can allow one other creature
bene ting from the formation to Step as a free

Maintenance: At least two allies are within 15 feet of

Your eyes sweep the battle eld, constantly watching
Prerequisites You are trained in Intimidation and
for traps or foes. You Seek, then Point Out any one
have the Inspiring Word class feature.
result of your Seek action.
You burst into a urry of action, laying about you
RUB SOME DIRT ON IT FEAT 6 until your foes are defeated. Make up to 3 melee
Strikes, applying your multiple attack penalty
normally. You gain di erent bene ts depending on
Prerequisites You are trained in Intimidation
how many Strikes are successful:
With a brusque command, you order your ally to pick
3 strikes You can attempt a check to Demoralize
themselves up and carry on. Choose one ally within
all foes who can see you within 15' as a free
30' and make an Intimidation check against a
action, and allies who can see you within 15'
standard DC for your level. If you are successful, the
gain temporary hit points equal to those granted
ally may immediately heal 9 hit points and make a
by your inspiring word and a +1 status bonus to
DC 5 at check. If they fail the at check, they
their attack rolls for 1 round.
become sickened 1 (with a Fortitude save DC equal to
2 strikes You can attempt a check to Demoralize
a standard DC of your level). An ally can bene t from
any one foe who can see you within 15', and
this feat only once per hour, and you must be in
allies who can see you gain temporary hit points
encounter mode to use it.
equal to those granted by your inspiring word.
Special For every 2 levels you gain above 6th, 1 strike You can attempt a check to Demoralize
increase the healing your ally receives by 3. the foe you struck as a free action, and allies
who can see you gain 1d6 temporary hit points.
SHIELD WARDEN FEAT 6 No strikes Allies who can see you take a -1
WARLORD status penalty to attack rolls until the start of
Prerequisites Shield Block your next turn.
You use your shield to protect your allies. When you After you complete your Strikes, you become
have a shield raised, you can use your Shield Block fatigued. You cannot use Commander's Wrath while
reaction when an attack is made against an ally fatigued, but unlike normal fatigue you can recover
adjacent to you. If you do, the shield prevents that from this fatigue by resting quietly for 10 minutes (as
ally from taking damage instead of preventing you though you were using the Refocus activity).
from taking damage, following the normal rules for HAMMER FALLING FEAT 8
Shield Block. Damage exceeding the shield's hardness
is dealt to the shield and to you, as usual.
Prerequisites Hammer and Anvil Formation
TEMPTING TARGET FEAT 6 Allies who are bene ting from Hammer & Anvil
STANCE WARLORD Formation gain double the normal precision damage
You swing wildly, clearly lowering your guard and on the rst Strike they make each turn as long as
attempting to draw foes to you. While you are in this they move at least 10' prior to making the Strike.
stance, you are at-footed to all foes, and all foes MYRMIDON WALL FEAT 8
adjacent to you are at-footed to your allies. When a
foe adjacent to you is reduced to 0 hit points while
you are in the stance, you gain temporary hit points Prerequisites Myrmidon Formation
equal to 1/2 your level plus your Charisma modi er. You and your allies form an impenetrable defensive
wall. On any turn in which you Maintain Formation
for Myrmidon Formation but do not move, the status
bonuses granted by Myrmidon Formation increase to

Requirements At least one of your allies has the Prerequisites White Raven Formation
Dying condition. Requirements You are in White Raven Formation
You pause in the battle to deliver a short, energizing Your attack creates the opening for your allies to
speech that rouses your allies and even causes them reposition themselves. Make a melee Strike. If your
to cling to life. Allies who are conscious and can hear Strike is a success, all allies bene ting from white
you immediately gain temporary hit points equal to raven formation can Step as a free action.
your Charisma modi er and a +2 status bonus on
attack rolls that lasts as long as the temporary hit
10th level
points remain (maximum 1 minute for both). Allies AVENGE ME! FEAT 10
who are unconscious but stable are una ected, but AUDITORY EMOTION MENTAL WARLORD
allies who are currently dying immediately stabilize
Frequency Once per hour.
(remaining unconscious and increasing their
Trigger You are reduced to 0 hit points.
wounded value as normal).
As you su er a mortal blow, you let out a cry that
POSITIONING ASSAULT FEAT 8 inspires your allies to action. Each of your allies who
FLOURISH WARLORD can hear you is quickened 1 during their next turn.
They can use this extra action only to Stride or
Requirements You are wielding a two-handed melee
weapon and your target is within reach.
With punishing blows, you force your opponent into EXEMPLARY COOPERATION FEAT 10
position. Make a Strike with the required weapon. If AUDITORY VISUAL WARLORD
you hit, you move the target 5 feet into a space in
Your example of teamwork inspires your company to
your reach. This follows the forced movement rules.
work together. When you successfully Aid an ally, all
PREPARATORY STRIKE FEAT 8 of your allies who can see or hear you (depending on
WARLORD the manner of your aid) gain a +1 circumstance bonus
on checks to Aid each other for a number of rounds
Your carefully placed strike leaves a foe more
equal to your Charisma modi er (min. 1). If your Aid
vulnerable than they'd ordinarily be. Make a melee
is a critical success, allies gain a +2 circumstance
Strike. If your Strike is a success, the target gains
bonus to their checks instead.
Weakness 5 to your choice of acid, cold, electricity,
re, or sonic until the start of your next turn. If your
Strike is a critical success, the target gains Weakness
10 to the chosen energy type instead. Creatures who
are resistant to the energy type you name instead
lose the equivalent amount of resistance, and any
remaining Weakness is applied (e.g. if you critically
Strike a creature that has Resistance re 5, you can
make them have Weakness re 5 until the start of
your next turn). Creatures who have immunity to the
energy type you select are una ected.

Frequency Once per turn. You deliver a massive follow-up blow, leaving your
Requirements You must not be su ering from the enemy vulnerable. Make a melee Strike. It gains the
blinded or deafened conditions. following critical success, success, and failure e ects.
You cast your senses over the battle eld, quickly
evaluating your situation. Attempt a Perception Critical Success or Success The target must make a
check against a standard DC of your level. Fortitude saving throw against your class DC. On a
failure, weapon and unarmed strikes against it
Critical Success You can make two evaluations. until the start of your next turn are a critical hit on
Success You can make one evaluation. a 19 on the die as long as that result is a success.
Failure You make no evaluations. This has no e ect on a 19 if the result would be a
Critical Failure You make no evaluations, and are failure.
stupe ed 1 until the beginning of your next turn as Failure The target is at-footed until the end of your
you are overwhelmed by the chaos of battle. current turn.

On a success or a critical success, you evaluate the WITHDRAW, REGROUP FEAT 10

battle eld by asking the GM one or more of the INCAPACITATION FLOURISH WARLORD
following questions, which they will answer honestly. Seeing the need to regroup, you create the opening
What here is the biggest threat? This is typically to pull yourself and your allies free. Make a melee or
the enemy of the highest level, but might be a ranged Strike; on a success, the target must make a
di erent creature - for example, a minion in the Fortitude save against your class DC or be stunned 1.
process of arming a powerful magical weapon. Whether you hit or miss, one ally adjacent to the
Which foe here is most vulnerable to ____? You target can Stride as a free action after your attack
can ask which foe is most vulnerable to a resolves.
particular ally or type of attack. This might
mean, for example, realizing that a foe has a 12th Level
weakness to energy damage that spells can
deal, or is vulnerable to area damage from
bombs. The answer might be, "None are
particularly more vulnerable." Prerequisites Timely Warning
How can we best triumph quickly? Though not a Your warning gives an ally the chance to strike back
guarantee of success, the GM will o er you a against a blow. When you use Timely Warning, your
succinct, one-sentence summary of what they ally receives a +2 circumstance bonus to their AC
view as the best route forward (i.e. suggesting instead of +1, and if the triggering attack critically
weak points in the foe's party). The answer misses them, they can make a melee Strike against
might be, "Stand down and attempt to parley," the triggering opponent using their Reaction.
but only if there is a reasonable chance of that
progressing your goals.

Prerequisites Hammer and Anvil Formation Prerequisites Remarkable Inspiration

You and any ally who is bene tting from Hammer Increase the die size of the temporary hit points
and Anvil Formation gain the following reaction while granted by your inspiring word ability to d10s.
in formation.
Trigger A foe adjacent to you is dealt precision OPEN VISUAL WARLORD

damage by an ally through Hammer and Anvil You lead a charge that inspires your allies to follow
Formation. suit. Stride up to your speed and make a melee
E ect As the foe staggers under your ally's blow, you Strike. One of your allies within 50' can immediately
put your shoulder into them. You deal bludgeoning use their reaction to Stride and make a melee Strike
damage to the triggering foe equal to your as well, provided they end the Stride adjacent to
Strength modi er, and the foe must make a basic either you or the foe you targeted.
Re ex saving throw against the class DC of the
warlord who is Maintaining Hammer & Anvil
Formation. On a failure or critical failure, the foe FORMATION WARLORD

falls prone. Prerequisites Myrmidon Advance

When you use Myrmidon Advance, you and your
allies can Step up to 10 feet each instead of 5 feet.

You gain the armor specialization e ects of all armor

that you are an expert in. AUDITORY FORMATION WARLORD

Requirements You are adjacent to two or more foes,

DRIVING VOLLEY FEAT 12 and none of your allies are adjacent to you or the
Requirements You are wielding a ranged weapon. You let out a yell urging your allies to unleash their
Your shot drives a foe back, making room for an ally. bloodlust. As long as you Maintain Formation, you
Make a ranged Strike against one foe. The Strike and any ally within 50 feet of you who is adjacent to
gains the following success and critical success 2 foes and none of your allies gains a 1d6 status
e ects, in addition to its normal ones. bonus to damage rolls for their weapon and unarmed
Critical Success You push the target up to 10 feet
away from you. One of your allies within 30' of Maintenance: None of your allies (including you) are
you can Step as a free action. adjacent to one another, and at least one is adjacent
Success You push the target 5 feet away from you. to two or more foes.
One of your allies within 30' of you can Step as a
free action.



Frequency Once per turn

You prepare to Aid an ally. You can make any
preparations that would normally take no more than
a single action. You must still be able to physically
complete whatever action you would do (so you
typically couldn't use this action while paralyzed, for

Prerequisites You are trained in Athletics.

Requirements You are adjacent to a foe and able to
Prerequisites Rapid Survey
Your sharp eyes and quick commands help your allies
Trigger An ally throws a bomb, casts a spell with an
nd even the most well-hidden enemies. If you
area of e ect, or otherwise targets an area with a
choose to spend an action to Point Out a creature
spell, weapon, or ability that deals damage.
undetected by your allies (rather than doing so as
Seeing an opening, you knock your foe toward your
part of Rapid Survey), that creature is merely
ally's attack. You can attempt to Shove an adjacent
concealed from them rather than hidden. This lasts
foe, but can only Shove them toward the triggering
only until the creature moves, at which point their
ally's area of e ect. If your Shove places them in the
normal status reasserts itself.
area, they are a ected normally.
Prerequisites You are trained in Intimidation.
Requirements You are wielding a melee weapon.
You throw yourself into a furious attack, making
As you leap into the battle, your fearless carriage
yourself the target of foes' ire even as you startle
inspires your allies to keep ghting. As long as you
them with your viciousness. Make a melee Strike.
remain in this stance, allies within 30' who can see
This counts as two attacks when calculating your
you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma
multiple attack penalty. If this Strike hits, you deal an
modi er when you successfully Strike an opponent.
extra die of weapon damage. Each foe within 30' who
can see you must make a Will saving throw, with a 16th level
DC equal to either your class or Intimidation DC (your
Critical Success The foe is una ected. Prerequisites Shark Frenzy Formation
Success The foe is frightened 1. You spur your allies into an even greater frenzy,
Failure The foe is frightened 2. though they pay little heed to the battle. At the start
Critical Failure The foe is stunned 1 and frightened 3; of each of their turns, allies who are bene ting from
this is an Incapacitation e ect. Shark Frenzy Formation can choose to increase the
bonus to damage they gain from the formation to
Special Foes who are frightened by this a ect can
3d6 and take a -2 circumstance penalty to their AC.
reduce their frightened value by 1 after any attempt
These conditions last until the start of their next
to use an attack action against you on their turn
(whether or not their attack is successful).


Prerequisites White Raven Formation
Requirements You are wielding a ranged weapon.
You lead your team in a well-coordinated dance
You send a missile into the air, guiding your allies'
across the battle eld, moving with dizzying
attention to a particular foe. Make a ranged Strike.
coordination. White Raven Formation a ects all allies
Until the start of your next turn, whether you hit or
within 30 feet instead of 15 feet (and its Maintenance
not, all allies who can see you gain a +1 circumstance
entry also requires allies within 30 feet), and when
bonus to their ranged attack rolls against the target
you or an ally bene ting from it rst Strikes an
(including ranged spell attacks).
enemy on their turn, they can allow another ally to
either Stride up to half their speed or Step.
18th Level 20th Level

Requirements You are wielding a ranged weapon. You constantly call out orders and encouragement to
Your incredible shot inspires your allies to let loose a your allies around the battle eld. At the end of each
hail of missiles of their own. Make a ranged Strike. of your turns, you may select one ally you can see.
Every ally within 30' of you who is currently That ally can Stride or Strike using their reaction.
wielding a ranged weapon can make a single Strike
with their ranged weapon as a free action.
EYES OF THE HAWK FEAT 18 Prerequisite at least two formations
You are practiced at giving di erent orders to
Your constant surveys of the battle eld have given di erent people, carefully dividing your forces into
you incredibly sharp senses. Increase your tactical groups. You can now enter a second
pro ciency in Perception to legendary. Formation without ending your current formation,
and when you Maintain Formation, you maintain up
FRENZIED ASSAULT FEAT 18 to two formations at once. You and your allies gain all
FLOURISH FORMATION PRESS WARLORD the bene ts of any formations that they qualify for.
Prerequisites Shark Frenzy Formation
Requirements You must be in Shark Frenzy INSPIRING BEACON FEAT 20
Formation WARLORD

You launch yourself into a wild assault, and your Prerequisites Remarkable Inspiration
allies follow your lead. Make a melee Strike. Each of You are a font of inspiration, and your allies never
your allies in the Formation can attempt a melee tire. When you use your Inspiring Word ability, it
Strike as a free action, but these Strikes are subject a ects all allies who would be viable targets for the
to the same Multiple Attack Penalty as your current ability, and a ected allies are immune for only 1
Strike. Your Strike gains the following failure minute, rather than an hour.
Failure Your multiple attack penalty does not AUDITORY FORTUNE VISUAL WARLORD
increase after this attack. Trigger An ally you can see fails an attack roll, saving
RIGHTEOUS FURY FEAT 18 throw, skill check, or ability check.
Your timely words of encouragement bolster your
ally, pushing them to unheard-of heights. Your ally
Prerequisites Righteous Stance gains the bene ts of having spent a hero point to
Your zeal inspires your allies to ght harder, even reroll a check, and gains a +4 status bonus to the
when they're at their weakest. Allies who are within check. That ally is then immune to Profound
30' of you while you're in Righteous Stance gain a +1 Encouragement until your next daily preparations.
circumstance bonus to their attack rolls whenever
they are at fewer than half their maximum hit points.
Warlord Multiclass BATTLE CRY FEAT 4

Many martial characters who want to be better Archetype Warlord

leaders can bene t from becoming warlords, and Prerequisites Warlord Dedication
characters who aren't as skilled in arms can also reap
You gain the Battle Cry ability associated with your
rewards from the class's leadership skills.
Leadership Style.
Archetype Warlord
Archetype Warlord
Prerequisites Strength 14
Prerequisites Basic Tactics
You become trained in martial weapons and light
You gain one warlord feat. For the purpose of
armor and gain a Leadership Style. You are trained in
meeting its prerequisites, your warlord level is equal
the skill associated with your Leadership Style. If you
to half your character level.
were already trained in that skill, you instead become
trained in a skill of your choice. You do not gain any Special You can select this feat more than once. Each
of the other bene ts of the Leadership Style. You also time you select it, you gain another warlord feat.
become trained in Warlord Class DC.
Special You can't select another dedication feat until ARCHETYPE
you have gained two other feats from the warlord
Archetype Warlord
Prerequisites Warlord Dedication
BASIC TACTICS FEAT 4 You gain the Commanding Presence feature of your
Leadership Style.
Archetype Warlord WILL OF IRON FEAT 12
Prerequisites Warlord Dedication ARCHETYPE
You gain a 1st- or 2nd-level warlord feat.
Archetype Warlord
INSPIRATIONAL WORDS FEAT 4 Prerequisites Warlord Dedication
Your pro ciency in Will saving throws increases to
Archetype Warlord
Prerequisites Warlord Dedication LIGHT ARMOR EXPERTISE FEAT 14
You gain the inspiring word class feature, except that ARCHETYPE
it grants 1d4 temporary hit points, increasing to 1d6
Archetype Warlord
temporary hit points at 6th level. You don't increase
Prerequisites Warlord Dedication, expert in
the number of dice as you gain levels.
unarmored defense.
Your pro ciency rank for light armor increases to

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