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Chapter 1 of Potential in Computer Skill

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Technology has been very essential to everyone as we move to a more

technological dependent lifestyle and that includes people’s jobs. A total of 275,735

establishments in the non-core ICT industries were recorded in 2019. Of this number,

94.7 percent owned and used computers and office productivity application in their

business operations. With the advancement of technology, numerous public and private

sector organizations used computer. (Economic Council of Canada), and according to

Czaja et la. (2016) the increase use of technology in the workplace workers in more

advanced age group can adopt more quickly at using technology, because they are

more expose to technology in their everyday life thus generation’s learning styles and

behaviors to enable them to succeed in the workplace.

Existing research has primarily focused on academic factors that contribute to

students' office productivity skills development, including the integration of technology in

the curriculum, teacher training, and access to computer labs. The research gap lies in

understanding the influence of non-academic factors on students' office productivity

skills development. Non-academic factors encompass a wide range of influences,

including family background, socio-economic status, parental involvement, access to

technology at home, extracurricular activities, and cultural factors, among others. These

factors can significantly impact students' opportunities to practice and enhance their

office productivity skills outside of the classroom environment (The assessment of Basic

Computer Proficiency Among Business Course Student)

Addressing the research gap surrounding the unleashing of teenagers' full

potential in computer skills development requires a multi-faceted approach. Firstly,

comprehensive assessments need to be developed to evaluate a broader range of skills

beyond basic computer literacy. Engaging and interactive learning environments play a

vital role in nurturing teenagers' motivation and interest in computer skills and equitable

access to resources, including technology devices, internet connectivity, and learning

materials, is crucial in bridging the digital divide. By unlocking teenagers' full potential in

computer skills, they can be empowered to excel in the digital age, pursue diverse

career pathways, and contribute to the ever-evolving field of technology.

Senior High School students is one of the advance age who the researchers

believe to have a potential in computer works. In this case the researchers know that

there are students who have an experience at operating computers, and there are who

don’t. Through this conducted research the researchers aim to discover the office

productivity skill different for TVL and Academic Track and to be able to discern which

office productivity skill (Word, Excel, Power Point) they need to develop for the school

administration to know which area to focus in teaching for the different track/strand.

Research Design

This study will use a quantitative research design in assessing the data of

the “Office Productivity Skill Among Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) and

Academic Track”. To support the study, information relevant to the study were obtained

from both primary and secondary data. Primary data were acquired from the

respondents of the study, forty student respondents of Dr. Cecilio Putong National High

School. \

Research Environment

The study was conducted to The Dr. Cecilio Putong National High School

(DCPNHS), originally the Bohol National High School or BNHS is a public, secondary

educational institution consist of Senior High School (SHS) and a Junior High School

(JHS) department of. It is located along Carlos P. Garcia or CPG Avenue, Tagbilaran

City, Bohol, Philippines. The Campus has a 21,674 square meter with 50-60 students

per class some teacher opted to use lapel during class. The Senior High School (SHS)

department offers the Academic, Sports, Art and Design, and Technical Vocational

Track with the Junior High School combined DCPNHS has the biggest population in

Bohol Province with a total of more than 6,000 populations.

Research Participants

The respondents of the study are the students of Dr. Cecilio Putong National

High School (DCPNHS) School Year 2022-2023 who are belong to the grade 12

students in both the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) and Academic Track. List of

forty (40) Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track students that will be classified

according to their strand and another list of thirty (30) Academic Track students that will

be classified according to their strand, a total of seventy (70) respondents. They will be

evaluated base on their office productivity skill.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use a survey questionnaire to collect the data of the

respondents. The survey questionnaire are divided on three parts (Word, Excel,

Powerpoint) contains clear and simple questions that enable the respondents to provide

accurate information. Each item in the survey questionnaires are intended to answer the

research subproblems.

Research Procedure

Gathering of Data. The researchers will ask the permission from the school

principal to conduct a study entitled “AN ASSESSMENT OF THE OFFICE


ACADEMIC TRACK”. After the approval, they will also send a letter of request to the
respondents to ask for their participation and their cooperation of the said research


Ethical Considerations. In observance of the ethical procedures in conducting

research, the researcher faithfully complied the protection of their respondents. The

identity and personal information of the participants were kept confidential. The selected

respondents were provided with information about the study, its purpose, and voluntary

nature of their participants. They were given the opportunity to ask questions and

provided their informed consent before participating in the research. The selected

students has the right to decline participation or withdraw from the study at any time

without facing any consequences.

Data Analysis. After determining the validity and reliability of the data collection

method, developing study-relevant questions, and making any necessary changes to

the selected respondents. Questionnaires distributed through the use of Survey

Questionnaires have successfully completed. As a result, the corresponding answer to

the question is kept in accordance with the respondents' and researchers' agreement.

The data that were gathered and collected already tallied.

Descriptive statistics, including means, medians, and standard deviations, will be

computed to summarize the data. Descriptive analysis allowed for a clear comparison of

the office productivity skills between the TVL and academic track students.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) were employed to determine significant

differences between the two groups. These tests were used to draw conclusions about

the broader population based on the sample data. (mamili pami asa mas nice gamiton

Review of Related Literature


Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)

The theoretical model of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology

(UTAUT) of Marikyan, D. & Papagiannidis, S. (2023) suggests that the actual use of

technology is determined by behavioral intention. The perceived likelihood of adopting

the technology is dependent on the direct effect of four key constructs, namely

performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions.

The effect of predictors is moderated by age, gender, experience and voluntariness of

use. UTAUT also recognizes that individuals' intentions to adopt and use technology

can be influenced by certain individual characteristics, such as gender, age, and

experience. However, these characteristics have a more indirect influence through their

impact on the four key constructs mentioned above.

Social Constructivist Learning Theory

Social constructivist learning theory was selected and evaluated to establish criteria for

evaluation of Office 365 and SharePoint. Social constructivist learning theory

emphasizes several key elements to the learning process. Reflection, metacognition,

sociocultural learning, prior and authentic experiences, and generative learning

strategies (Malcolm S. Knowles, III, & Swanson, 2005).

Through reflection upon learned information or skills the learner internalizes knowledge.

This process also encompasses the self-evaluation of one’s strengths and weaknesses

regarding a subject. By doing so the learner can focus on becoming more capable in

areas of weakness (Jonassen, 2011). Many forms of reflection are structured into a

cycle of thought. “What, So what, Now what?” is a popular learning cycle used to

prompt the learner to describe, analyze, and construct knowledge about an experience

(Borton, 1970) as a form of metacognition. Through this cycle of inquiry into the

experience, learners critique their own abilities and seek ways to improve. While

reflection may be reachable as an action for individuals, it is not an intuitive act and

most are not taught reflection as a structured skill (Watanabe, 2016). Providing learners

with opportunities for reflection does not mean they will make a valuable practice of it.

Facilitation and creation of process awareness by the educator is needed.

Technology Affordance Theory

The Theory of Gibson (2014) states that increasing use of digital technologies leads to

more contingent, flexible, and distributed work arrangements between individuals and

organizations, resulting in wide adoption of digital work. This makes understanding the

impact of digital technologies on job performance critical. The theory shows that using

digital technologies can enhance job performance through improved coordination,

communication, knowledge sharing, and decision-making. TAT suggests that users'

perceptions of affordances are influenced by their prior experiences, knowledge, and

mental models of similar technologies. These perceptions guide users in determining

how they can interact with the technology and what actions they can perform.



∙Republic act 1760 The local

government code of 1991
∙Department Order no.37 1997
Amendatory rules and regulation
governing the monetization of leave
credits of government officials and

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Level of office productivity skills of the

Type of tracks:
1. Technical-Vocational-Livelihood 1.1 Word Processing
1.2 Spreadsheet
2. Academic Track
1.3 Presentation Graphic

 Unified Theory of Acceptance and
Use of Technology (UTAUT)
 Social Constructivist Learning
 Technology Affordance Theory

Department Order no. 37 1997 In line with the modernization program of the

Department of Education, Culture and Sports, a new batch of teachers who are

computer-literate will be fielded to all public schools across the country at the beginning

of the school year 1997-1998. This campaign will complement other moves and thrusts

of the DECS in achieving a sizeable group in the teaching force who have computer

skills and who will be expected to vitalize teaching-learning processes in the schools

through the use of their information technology skills. Teacher-applicants with computer

background in word processing, spreadsheets, and data base softwares are preferred

for the new/vacant teaching positions this SY 1997-98. Teacher-applicants with no

computer background are advised to have a crash course this summer to be able to

present certification on computer literacy before he/she will be accepted for teaching

job. Regional directors/schools superintendents are instructed to require applicants to

demonstrate their knowledge and skills on the use of computers in the course of the

screening process.

Republic Act 7160 (basis for need to be proficient in using the computer) also known as

the Local Government Code of 1991, is a comprehensive law in the Philippines that

provides guidelines for the organization, administration, and operation of local

governments. RA 7160 primarily focuses on local governance matters, , it is important

to note that in today's digital age, computer literacy and proficiency have become

increasingly important skills for individuals in various fields and industries. The

importance of computer skills and the need for proficiency in computer usage can be
derived from broader national and international policies and initiatives aimed at

promoting digital literacy, technological advancements, and efficient governance.



Research Design

This study will use a quantitative research design in assessing the data of

the “Office Productivity Skill Among Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) and

Academic Track”. To support the study, information relevant to the study were obtained

from both primary and secondary data. Primary data were acquired from the

respondents of the study, forty student respondents of Dr. Cecilio Putong National High

School. \

Research Environment

The study was conducted to The Dr. Cecilio Putong National High School

(DCPNHS), originally the Bohol National High School or BNHS is a public, secondary

educational institution consist of Senior High School (SHS) and a Junior High School

(JHS) department of. It is located along Carlos P. Garcia or CPG Avenue, Tagbilaran

City, Bohol, Philippines. The Campus has a 21,674 square meter with 50-60 students

per class some teacher opted to use lapel during class. The Senior High School (SHS)

department offers the Academic, Sports, Art and Design, and Technical Vocational

Track with the Junior High School combined DCPNHS has the biggest population in

Bohol Province with a total of more than 6,000 populations.

Research Participants

The respondents of the study are the students of Dr. Cecilio Putong National

High School (DCPNHS) School Year 2022-2023 who are belong to the grade 12

students in both the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) and Academic Track. List of

forty (40) Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track students that will be classified

according to their strand and another list of thirty (30) Academic Track students that will

be classified according to their strand, a total of seventy (70) respondents. They will be

evaluated base on their office productivity skill.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use a survey questionnaire to collect the data of the

respondents. The survey questionnaire are divided on three parts (Word, Excel,

Powerpoint) contains clear and simple questions that enable the respondents to provide

accurate information. Each item in the survey questionnaires are intended to answer the

research subproblems.

Research Procedure

Gathering of Data. The researchers will ask the permission from the school

principal to conduct a study entitled “AN ASSESSMENT OF THE OFFICE


ACADEMIC TRACK”. After the approval, they will also send a letter of request to the
respondents to ask for their participation and their cooperation of the said research


Ethical Considerations. In observance of the ethical procedures in conducting

research, the researcher faithfully complied the protection of their respondents. The

identity and personal information of the participants were kept confidential. The selected

respondents were provided with information about the study, its purpose, and voluntary

nature of their participants. They were given the opportunity to ask questions and

provided their informed consent before participating in the research. The selected

students has the right to decline participation or withdraw from the study at any time

without facing any consequences.

Data Analysis. After determining the validity and reliability of the data collection

method, developing study-relevant questions, and making any necessary changes to

the selected respondents. Questionnaires distributed through the use of Survey

Questionnaires have successfully completed. As a result, the corresponding answer to

the question is kept in accordance with the respondents' and researchers' agreement.

The data that were gathered and collected already tallied.

Descriptive statistics, including means, medians, and standard deviations, will be

computed to summarize the data. Descriptive analysis allowed for a clear comparison of

the office productivity skills between the TVL and academic track students.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) were employed to determine significant

differences between the two groups. These tests were used to draw conclusions about

the broader population based on the sample data. (mamili pami asa mas nice gamiton


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