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Contemporary Art Q1 (Week 1)

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Republic of the Philippines Content: Appreciation of contemporary art forms, found in the various

Department Of Education regions by understanding the elements and principles


Contemporary Philippine Art from the Regions Local Materials to Contemporary Arts
1st Quarter (Week 1)
Philippines is very rich in natural resources. We can maximize the use of
Name:________________________ natural resources even in creating arts. Arts express the artistic feelings
Section:_______________________ Score:______ towards any aspect of life.
Focusing and Learning
Contemporary artists found used bottles, rice stalks, plastic straw,
and other recyclable materials useful in creating artworks. A real artist sees
Lesson/Topic: Various contemporary art forms and their practices from the
the beauty of art even the peelings of garlic and corn. They create artworks
various regions
from wood, wire, thread, rattan, metal and leaves.
MELCS’S: Identifies various contemporary art forms and their practices
One of the Country’s biggest and most colorful harvest festival every May
from the various regions (CAR11/12IAC-0A-1) and Classifies various art
15th, along with the gravest festivals of the towns of tayabas, Sariaya,
forms found in the Philippines (CAR11/12IAC-0b-2)
Gumaca and Tiaong. These are the Philippines best known harvest
festivals to honor Sn Isidro Labrador the patron saint of farmers. Known as
the “Pahiyas” , the festival is deeply rooted in the traditional celebration of
Lesson Objectives: the townsfolk in thanksgiving for bounty harvest. Decorations called
“Kiping”, leaf – shaped and multi-colored rice paste wafers which used to
After going through this module, you are expected to: decorate the facades of the homes along with fruits and flowers from
nature. The visual and culinary feast has gained national and international
1. Identifies various contemporary art forms and their practices from the recognition. The Lucban town center is a permanent facility for
various regions merchandising crafts and delicacies including special events that
showcases the lifestyle if its envivors.
2. Classifies various art forms found in the Philippines
Sanikulas Cookie Mold Cravings Pagbuburda (Laguna)
Trying to “encourage” to try embroidery when. Somehow it
This folk art is elegant and beautiful as it is dying art. was a pre – requisite then (and probably a birth right) for
Sanikulas cookies are arrowroot cookies that have the all women to know basic housework and embroidery. For
image of St. Nicholas molded on it ergo the name teaching how to do a chain stitch and other sewing
Saniculas. St. Nicholas is also known as “the healer” techniques but its just did not have the skill she did for
and is the go to saint for those who need “healing” pagbuburda. The art or embroidery is happily alive and
from illnesses. Legend say that if you consume these flourishing in these towns. Although it’s mostly done by
cookies when one is ill, you get healed and recover in women who are wives of the farmers who are also
a shorter amount of carefully and delicately embroidering flora designs during
their” off-season”.
time that it would usually take. The moulds are an exceptional piece of folk
art and a rarity, if I do say so myself. Saniculas cookie makers would
commission the carvers of these moulds with one of a kind designs. They
would also have the initials of the owner monogrammed on the moulds. Singkaban or Bamboo Art (Bulacan)
This is why it’s so rare – it is considered a family heirloom and are of
different shapes and sizes. They would have a carved piece and wooden A fairly new type of Philippine folk art, Singkaban is the
presser. art of shaving bamboo into artful creations that can be
used as décor for arches or for the home. Skilled
craftsmen patiently shaves off the bamboo, layer by
Taka (Laguna)
layer, to create curls and delicate twirls of thin bamboo.
have been around for centuries. In the Philippines, Singkaban is usually a celebratory art. Singkaban
the first recorded or mention of a created taka was craftmen create these gregariously designed bamboo
by a woman named Maria Bague in the 1920’s. arches for fiestas, weddings andother celebrations that
She The art of “taka” or “taka-making” is not an involve the entire community. Perhaps it is our sense of
exclusive Pinoy art. Paper mache and decouping “bayanihan” that inspired this artform ensuring that art is
has wooden moulds that were covered in strips of appreciated and is accessible to everyone in the
paper dipped in a sticky paste. She would later community and their guests.
paint them colorfully and presented them as
children’s toys. Due to a fire though, none of the
original takas were save. Taka making became
more popular during the American colonization
period when there was an excess of newsprint.
And because Pinoys hate wasting anything, the
people of Paete decided to create more takas and
even diversified into different animals and not just
the traditional red horse.
Puni or Palm leaf folding (Bulacan)
Functions of Art
❖ Personal or Individual Function
Artists have their personal reasons for indulging in art.
e.g. The poet, Edwin Markham, wrote the poem “The Man
with the Hoe” because he was inspired by the painting of a farmer
that he had seen earlier

Another dying folk art, Puni or palm leaf folding was intended to create
artful toys for kids. However, puni can also be used to create woven

baskets, bags, and even fans! The most common permutation of Puni art is
the palaspas we see every Holy Week. Because of the abundance of
coconut leaves, the Pinoys have ingeniously created toys and other items
through Puni. Although fresh coconut or palm leaves are most commonly
used, the leaves dry and crumble withina few days. It is now are dried,
treated and dyed for strength and color
What is an art?
Art is “human ingenuity in adapting natural things to man’s use.” (Webster)
It is synonymous with skill, artifice, and craft, which all mean the faculty of
what devised.

Skill -stresses technical knowledge and proficiency.

Cunning- suggests ingenuity and subtlety in devising,

inventing, or executing.
Artifice- suggests mechanical skill especially in imitating things
in nature.
Craft -may imply expertness in workmanship and guile in
attaining one’s end. ‘’ Vincent’’
Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer’s day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul

Shadows on the hill

Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy linen land.
Political Function

When Imelda Romualdez – Marcos, a patroness of the arts became the

Social Function Governor of Metro Manila, she promoted her political programs by means
Man is a social being and as much as such of the arts.

Choral Singing
Historical Function
Paintings, sculptures, architectural works, and other art forms serve to
record historical figures and events.

Economic Function
Many people believe that it does not pay to be an artist.
However, this belief is negated by these facts.
Cultural Function

Buildings, furniture (chairs, table, etc.) clothes, and the like form
part of the country’s material culture.

Physical Function
Religious Function Houses and other buildings are constructed to protect their occupants
Almost all, if not all, art forms evolved from religion. People in olden and all others inside them
times worshipped their Gods in the form of songs and dances.

The earliest dramatic forms were religious in nature

Aesthetic Function

Artworks serve to beautify

As a youth how will you know your talents?
________________________________________________________ Activity:
________________________________________________. Create a brochure that shows at least five (5) of different fine arts that are
found in your community.Each art form should have a picture and a
caption explaining the artwork. Prepare to provide the following
What I have Learned
The statement above talks over the Filipino have a different Content 25 pts.
talent. Try to ask a family member or friends if what creative arts practices Creativity 15pts.
in their daily living. Write your reflection below. Layout 5 pts.
Timeliness 5 pts.
__________________________________________________ 50pts
____________________________________________________________ Assessment
____________________________________________________________ Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct words that will complete
______________________________________. the sentence.

__________1. The festival is deeply rooted in the traditional celebration of the

townsfolk in thanksgiving for bounty harvest.
What I Can Do
____________2. Is the art of shaving bamboo into artful creations that can be used
Go back to the statement above. Write what you can help as décor for arches or for the home?
our country to be recognized in the World.
____________3. Art is “human ingenuity in adapting natural things to man’s use.”
____________ 4. Arts are vehicle for the artists’ expression of their feeling and
___________________________________________________ ideas.The arts also serve as means of expression for us.
_________________________________________________________ ____________5. May imply expertness in workmanship and guile in attaining one’s
_________________________________________________________ end.

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