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Is 7332 1 1991

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इंटरनेट मानक

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in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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IS 7332-1 (1991): Spherical Valves for Hydropower Stations

and Systems, Part 1: Criteria for Structural and Hydraulic
Design [WRD 12: Hydraulic Gates and Valves]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
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“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 7332 ( Part 1 ) : 1991

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( q~~T tj~~TelU1 )

Indian Standard

( fl"rsl Revision)

DOC 621'046'22: 621'224 - 225'12

OBIS 1991

8 r: n E A LJ () FIN D I A N S TAN I) A R II S
NE\V DELHI 110002

November ) 99] Price Groull 3

IS 7332 ( Part 1 ) : 1991 SPHERICAL VALVES FOR
( First Revision)

( Page I, clause S.l ) - Substitute the following for the existing text:
'The body of the valve should be: designed for various loading conditions given
in IS 11639 (Part I),IS 11639 (Part 2) and IS 11639 (Part 3):
( Page 4, clause 6.4.1, para 2 ) - Delete.
( Page 5, Annex A ) - Delete 'IS 226 : 1975 Specification for structural
steel (standard quality) (fifth rt!vision)' .
(Page 5, Annex A ) - Substitute 'IS 1030: 1998 Specification for carbon
steel castings for general engineering purposes (fifth revision)' for 'IS 1030 :
J982 Specification for steel castings for general engineering purposes (fourth
( Page 5, Annex A) - Substitute 'IS 2002 : 1992 Specification for steel
plates for pressure vessels for intermediate and high temperature service
including boilers (second revision)' for 'IS 2002 : 1982 Specification for steel
plates for pressure vessels for intermediate and high temperature service
including boilers (first revision)'.
( Page 5, Annex A ) - Substitute 'IS 2004 : 1991 Specification for carbon
steel forgings for general engineering purposes (third revision)' for 'IS 2004 :
1978 Speci fication for carbon steel forgings for general engineering purposes
(second revision)'.
( Page 5, Annex A ) - Substitute 'IS 2062 : 1999 Specification for steel for
general structural purposes (fifth revisionr for 'IS 2062 : 1984 Specification for
weldable structural steel (third rev;swnf.
( Page 5, Annex A ) - Substitute 'IS 2708 : 1993 Specification for 1.5
percent manganese steel castings for general engineering purposes (third
revision)' for 'IS 2708 : 1984 Specification for 1.5 percent manganese steel
castings for general engineering purposes (J~cond revision)'.
Amend No.1 to IS 7332 ( Part 1 ) : 1991

( Page 5. Anllex A) - Insert the following at the end:

IS No. Title
'IS 11639 (Part 1) : 1986 Criteria for structural design of penstocks ; Part
Surface penstocks.
IS 11639 ( PaJ12 ) : 1995 Criteria for structural design of penstocks : Part 2
B urriedlembcdded penstocks
IS 11639 ( Part 3 ) : 1996 Criteria for structural design of penstocks : Part 3
Specials for penstocks'
[ Page 6, Annex B, SI No. (i)(a), col 3 ] - Substitute 'IS 1030 : 1998' lor
'IS 1030:1982'.
[ Page 6. Annex B, 51 No. (i)(b), col 3 ) - Substitute 'IS 2062 : 1999 or
IS 2002: 199f' for the existing.
( Page 6, Annex B, Sl No. (i)( c), col 3 ] - Substitute 'IS 2708 : 1993' for
(IS 2708: 1984'.
[ Page 6, Annex B, SI No. (ii)(a), col 3 1- Substitute 'IS L030 : 1998' for
'IS 1030: 1982'.
[ Page 6, Annex B, Sl No. (ii)( b), col 3 ] - Substitute 'IS 2062 : 1999' for
'IS 2062 : 1984 and IS 226 : 1975' .
[ Page 6, Annex B, SI No. (ii)( e), col 3 ] - Substitute 'IS 2708 : 1993'/or
'IS 2708: 1984'.
[ Page 6, Annex B, SI No. (iii)(a) ,co/3 ] - Substitute 'IS 1030: 1998' for
'IS 1030: 1982'.
[ Page 6, Annex B, 51 No. (iii)(b), col 3 ] - Substitute 'IS 2708 : 1993' for
'IS 2708: 1984'.
[ Page 6, Annex B, 51 No. (ivXa) , col 3 ) - Substitute 'IS 1030 : 1998' for
'IS 1030: 1982'.
( Page 6, Annex B, SI No. (iv)(b), col 3 ] - Substitute 'IS 2004 : 1991' for
'IS 2004 : 1978'.

ReproaraphyUnit.81S, NewDell1i, Indil
Hydraulic Gates and Valves Sectional Committee, RVD 12


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the
Hydraulic Gates and Valves Sectional Committee had been approved by the River Valley Division

Spherical valve is a shut-oil" device most commonly used in Hydro-power stations for a head 200 III
and above. These valves may be used at lower heads also if desired by the designer. Its use is
favoured at high heads as there is no hydraulic loss due to valve itself when valve is open and
provided a better tight sealings when valve is closed.

It serves the following purposes:

a) Stops the water entry to the turbine when the Jatter is stopped to decrease the water leakages
and to protect the guide vanes against slit cavitation and silt erosion;
h) Stops the water entry in case of emergency. that is. non-closure of guide apparatus or in the
event of low oil pressure in the system;
c) Unit isolation in multi-unit plants where one penstock feeds more than one unit; and
d) To facilitate inspection of water path passages.

Basically spherical valve consists of spherical shaped body air valve and water/oil pressure system or
any other control system are required for operation of spherical valves.

This standard covers only the guidelines (criteria) for structural and hydraulic design or valves so
as to permit necessary flexibility in their detailed design as per requirements of the designer.

These guidelines are based on the available expertise and the practices prevaling in this field at
present so that the same could be utilized. As and when some more information is available the
same will he incorporated in the standard. Therefore these are expected to he used by those
designers who have sufficient knowledge in this field.

This standard is being published In parts. Part I deals with structural and hydraulic aspects or
design. Part 2 deals with the guidelines for design and selection of the control equipment used in
spherical valves. Part 3 deals with the. operation and maintenance of spherical valves.

This standard (Part I) was first published in 1974. This revision is being done on the baSIS of
experience gai ned during the use of this standard for the last 16 yean as well as the experience
gained during this period in the operation of these valves at the various power stations. The
principal modifications made in this revision arc as below:
a) In the construction provision or conical shape body has also been made;
h) The provision of rubber type seals has been deleted;
c l Self-lubricated bushes have been added:
d) Permissible bearing stress level has been increased h) 35 Njmm"; and
c) Clauses for, ( 1 ) hydraulic condition of design, ( .2 ) design criteria for by pass valve, scaling
valve and air valve. (3) permissible leakages have been added.

For the purpose or deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the
final value, observed Of calculated. expressing the result ora test or analysis. shall be rounded off
in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 "Rules for rounding off numerical values i revised r. The number
of significant places retained in the rounded otT value should be the same as that of the specified
value in this standard.
IS 7332 ( Part 1 ) : 1991

India11 Standard

( First Revision )
1.1 This standard (Part 1 ) lays down the. guide- 6.1' Valve Body
lines (criteria) for the structural and hydraulic
design of spherical valves for hydropower stations. 6.1.1 The valve body may be cast or fabricated
or cast fabricated from materials recommended in
2 REFERENCES Annex B. The body shou ld have two holes for
The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are trunnion bearing housings and suitable bosses for
necessary adjuncts to this standard. by-pass connection, drainage, air release and for
mechanical locks if necessary. Flanges for con-
3 STANDARD SIZES necting to penstock should be at right angle to
the axis of the bore and concentric with the bore
3.1 As far as possible, the valves should be and the faces should be parallel. The flanges
designed in any of the following sizes ( in 111m ): should have tapped or through holes. In case
500. 600, 700, 800, 900, I 000. 1 100, I 20H, repair sea I has been provided, it should have a
1 300, 1 400, 1 500, I 600, I 800, 2000, boss on upstream side for connection of a pipe
2 200, 2400, 2 600. 2 800, 3 000, 3 200, for pressure and on inlet side a
3 400, 3 600, 3 800. 4 000 and 4 200. cylindrical surface lined with stainless steel should
he provided where movable ring of repair seal
3.2 Size of the valve should normally be the same slides. This may be provided only in case valve
as that of inlet dia of the spiral case/distributor. has got repair seal arrangement. On the outlet
However reduction in the size if any can be side it should have a cylindrical surface for
considered by user taking into consideration the fitting the service seal.
extra head loss in the reducer and expander.
6.1.2 The body should be made in two parts from
4 TYPE OF VALVES AND THEIR USE assembly point of view. The joint may be vertical,
horizontal or diagonal according to the suitability
4.1 Normally two types of valves are designed: of assembly and transport. For large valves the
body may be made in more than two parts having
a) Valve with service seal only, and joint in vertical as well as in the horizontal plane.
b) Valve with service and repair seals. The joint in horizontal plane gives possibility of
assembling the valve directly at the place of
Typical details of valves with disc type and piston installation. Two halves should have necessary
type seals ( for service and repair seals) are shown spigots and sockets, seal provision, locating
in Fig. 1 and 2.
arrangement and should be held together by
4.1.1 For a station having long penstock or re- means of sufficient number of bolts and studs.
quiring unit isolation it is recommended to use 6.1.3 The fasteners of parting flanges and two
the valve with both the seals, that is service as end flanges should be tightened with specified
well as repair seals. Repair seal jives possibility initial tightening by heating or slogging or by
of changing the service seal without draining the hydraulic bolt tensioner to have controlled total
long penstock which may take more time or may stresses developed in the fasteners.
require closing of gates.
5 Hydraulic Conditions for Design 6.1.4 The body should be designed, such as to
sustain maximum pressure including water
5.1 The body of the valve should be designed for hammer. Supporting feet for installing the valve
the condition of dynamic head, which is the head on foundation should be provided. These feet, or
attained after closure of the turbine. part thereof. are to be integral with the valve
Dynamic hcad=Max Static headl Pressure rise body, and may not extend beyond the flange faces
head of the valve. These supporting feet should have
holes bigger than the diameter of foundation
5.2 The rotor and trunnions of the valve should bolts to allow for axial movement of valve thus
be designed for the condition of head being avoiding axial load on foundation.
attained after its closure or for the head which is
1'10 times the maximum static head whichever is 6.1.5 Suitable of adequate strength for
more. lifting the valve should be provided.
2 5 Ci3
1 .,,- -3 .....
r- ._:;;.,... Ii.~-, r.:


1 Body 2 Door 3 Main Seal 4 Maintenance Seal 5 Lever 6 Servomotor


IS 7332 ( Part 1 ) : 1991


" ..... ~

. .~ .. .
... ..' '1" ~
\II , ••

1 Body 2 Door 3 Main Seal 4 Maintenance Seal 5 Lever 6 Servomotor


IS 7332 ( Part 1 ) : 1991

6.2 Rotor and Trunnions It may be metallic of materials given in Annex B

and should have provision of movement.
6.1.1 Rotor and trunnions should be joined
together by means of welding or bolts or should 6.4.2 Repair Sca!
he integrally cast, cast-fabricated or fabricated
from materials recommended in Annex B. Bolted
connection should he used in case dimension of It should consist of movable and fixed rings and
rotor does not permit machining or transportation mechanism for movement of movable ring. Fixed
of rotor together with trunnions or it is necessary
ring should be fixed on the rotor and movable
ring should slide on the valve body. Mechanism
from assembly point or view) when body is split
(1)(' movement of movable ring should be designed
vertically hut away from the trunnion centre lines.
that is bodies are off-set split. Rotor should such that ring should move in axial direction very
have necessary provision to accommodate service smoothly and should give a good tightness when
seal and repair seal, if provided. repair seal is closed. Clearance between movable
ring and valve body should be sealed by suitable
design rubber seal or cord. A by-pass connection
6.2.2 Trunnions should be made of material as should be provided to equalize the pressure to
given in Annex B and of forged steel or cast steel enable smooth opening of the repair seal. This
when integral with rotor. Levers may be fixed by by-pass connection should be provided with a
means of wedge pins, parallel pins or keys. The hand operated stop valve.
split of the pin may be perpendicular to the
shearing planes. The levers should further be 6.4.3 Lapping of seal rings may be carried out
connected to the servomotor. lor better water tightness.
6.2.3 The angular travel of rotor should be 90(} 6.4.4 Seal should be made from material
from open to close position. recommended in Annex B.
6.2.4 Cylinder of the rotor should be horizontal
when valve is open and vertical when valve is 6.5 Dismantling Joint
closed. Intermediate position for allowing partial
flow should not be allowed. In order to facilitate dismantling and also for
taking care of certain amount of correction of
6.2.5 There should be provision for movement to errors in erection, suitable dismantling joint may
open and close the service seal. he provided. The dismantling joint may be
designed either to transmit the hydraulic thrust
6.2.6 The design of rotor and trunnions should in the penstock to the upstream of valve or may
be such that they will safely sustain maximum act as dismantling-cum-expansion joint depending
differential pressure including any surge pressure upon whether the thrust is required to be trans-
across the closed valve) and the maximum forces mitted downstream of valve or sustained on the
due to the servomotor. upstream by some means.

6.3 lJt'ariD~s 6.6 Foundations

6.3.1 Valve should have hush bearing made from The valve foundations should be designed to
material given in Annex B. Self-centering bearings cater for complete tensile and compressive forces
may be used incase of valve where deflection of produced by operating gear occurring during
trunnions is considerable. It should be designed worst conditions of its operations. No hydraulic
for the maximum load imposed by the rotor. thrust will be taken on the foundations of the
valve in closed position. The purchaser should
6.3.1 Suitable provision should be made for provide a suitable means to sustain thrust in the
lubricating the bearings unless bearings are of penstock design or on the downstream of the
self lubricating type. valve ( by providing a thrust collar or brackets)
as agreed by the purchaser and the supplier.
6.3.3 There should be provided for limiting the
movement of rotor along its axis of rotation. 6.7 Bypass Valve
6.3.4 Bearing should be provided with suitable The size of the by-pass valve should be sufficient
seal for stopping the leakage of water and grease. to balance the downstream pressure at least by
60 percent of the upstream pressure, considering
6.4 Seal the maximum leakages through the guide vanes.

6.4.1 Service Seal

6.8 Sealing Valves
The service seal should be manufactured using
the material as mentioned in Annex B under The size of the sealing valve should be sufficient
para 'Seal Rings'. The design should have pro" to drain pressurized water behind the disc to
vision for movemen t of the seal. withdraw the disc instantaneously.

IS 7332 ( Part I ) : 1991

6.9 Air Valve Shear stress = 60 percent of tensile stress.

The size of the air valve should be sufficient to b) Bronze Bushings:
release or admit air according to rate of filling or
Bearing stress . ::;; 35 N/mm~.
draining of water in the spiral casing/distributor.
c) Self-Lubricated Bushes :
Bearing stress < 35 Njrnm"
7.1 Maximum permissible leakage from main
( operating) seal should not exceed 1 litre/minI
metre periphery of seal, when valve is new or
9.1 The tests to be performed after final assembly
of the valve are given in Annex C.
7.2 Maximum permissible leakages from repair/
maintenance seal should not exceed 3"0 litres/
min/metre periphery of seal. If required by the 10 SPECIAL CLEANING, PROTECTION
user in consultation with manufacturer the AND PAINTING
maximum permissible leakages can be reduced.
10.1 Before transportation all unfinished surfaces
8 PERMISSIBLE STRESS LEVELS of ferrous material should he thoroughly cleaned,
wire-brushed to remove all loose scale, smoothed
8.1 The permissible stress levels at the designed and painted with black bitumen paint or red lead/
head for the materials used are given below: steel gray paint or any other paint agreed between
the supplier and the purchaser.
F or design head refer 5
10.2 All material should be carefully boxed,
a) Steel: crated or otherwise protected for transportation.
Tensile stress == 1 ofultimate tensile stress Flanges should be protected and exposed finish
or ! of yield strength, surface should be thoroughly preserved before
whichever is less. transportation.

( Clause 2.I )


IS No. tia, IS s« Title

28 : 1985 Specification for phosphor bronze 2002 : 1982 Specification for steel plates for
ingots and castings (fourth pressure vessels for intermediate
revision) and high temperature service
including boilers (first revision)
226 : 1975 Specification for structural steel 2004 : 197H Specification for carbon steel
(standard quality) ( fifth forgings for general engineering
revision ) purposes ( second revision)
2062 : 19~4 Specification for weldable
318 : 1981 Specification for leaded tin structural steel ( third revision)
bronze ingots and castings
27t)8 : 1984 Specification for l '5 percent
( second revision)
manganese steel castings for
Specification for steel castings general engineering purposes
1030 : 1982
for general engineering purposes ( second revision )
(fourth revision ) 2856 : 1987 Specification for carbon steel
castings for pressure containing
1570 Schedules for wrought steels: parts suitable for high tempera-
( Part 5) : 1985 Part 5 Stainless and heat resis- ture service t fusion welding
tins steels ( second revision) quality) ( third revision)
IS 73'2 ( Part 1) 1991

( Clauses 6 1 I, 6 2 1, 6 2 2, 6 1 1, 6 4 1 and 6 4 4 )

f)/N() Materials Confornunu to

( I ) ( 2) ( 1)
I) valve Bods
d) Cast steel IS 2856 : 1987 or IS 1030 1982
b) Mild steel JS 2062 1984 or IS 226 1975
IS 2002 1982
c) Manga ncse steel l~ 2708 1984
11) Rotor
a) Cast steel IS 2856 1987 or IS 1030 1982
b) MIld steel IS 2062 1984 or IS 226 1975
c) Manganese steel IS 2708 1984
111) Seal
a) Cast steel I~ 2856 1987 or IS 1030 1982
b) Manganese steel IS 2708 1984
c) Stainless steel IS 1570 ( Part') 198~
tv) Trunnion
a) Cast steel is 2856 19H7 or IS 1030 1982
b) Carbon steel IS 2004 1978
c) HIgh tensile steel IS 1570 ( Part 5) 1985
d) Stainless steel lmmg is 1570 (Part 5) 1985
a) Bronze IS 28 1985
b) Gunmetal IS 318 1981
c) Self-fabricated
VI) Seal Rings
Stainless steel is 1570(PlrtS) 1985
NOlL - Any other rmtct ral not mentioned III thl" \nnex rmv be used It found suit .. ble by the

( Clause 9 1 )

<>1 I)ERrORMANC~ rE~T should be maintamed at least for a

period of 15 minutes Under this test, there
C-l.l Alter final assembly, each valve should be should be no leakage from the Interior of
shop operated three times or as agreed by the valve body to the atmosphere due to
the purchaser from the fully closed to the fully porosity blow-holes, cracks or any other
open posinon and \ Ice versa under no flow defects
condinon to demonstrate that the assembly I~ b) Rotor or Closing Dive 7 est - Rotor or
workable disc should be tested for strength at a
pressure one and a half urnes the specified
(,-2 PRE&SURE TE~IS pressure mcluding pressure rise This
pressure should be maintained at least for a
C-2.t All tests should be earned out with water period of 15 minutes No leakage through
al the test medium but other media may be used the dISC or rotor or structural damage
d.Ci agreed by the purchaser
should be permitted
c) Seal Test With one end open to atmo-
C.22 Valve subjected to the following tests sphere and the valve In closed posmon,
test for leakage should be earned out to a
a) Body Test - With both ends closed a hydro pressure equivalent to maximum closmg
static pressure of one and a half times pressure This test should be carried out for
the specified pressure including pressure service as well as repair seal For perrms-
rile or as agreed by the purchaser Sible leakages refer 7

Standard :\tark

The usc: or
the Standard Mark is governed bv tile provisions n( the Bureau o] Indian
Standards Act, /98() and the Rules and Reculations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an I ndian Standard ~conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by HIS and operated by the
producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by HIS for conformity
to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the
use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained
from the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Bureau or Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau ot Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


HIS hal) the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of HIS. This does not preclude the free lise, in the
course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes. type or grade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ). HIS.

Revision or Indian Standards

Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when necessary and amendments. if any. are
issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of
the latest amendments or edition. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent to HIS giving the
following reference:

Doc: No. RVD 12 ( 4666 )

Amendment. Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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