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Unit Test 5

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Answer on a separate sheet of paper. Then check your answers. Follow the examples.

ABILITY: CAN, CAN’T (10 points) 4 Make and answer questions about future plans
using the prompts.
1 Complete the table with the verbs from the box
in accordance with your abilities. ‘What / he / do / tomorrow?’
‘What’s he doing tomorrow?’
sing / play golf / do karate / ski / ride a horse / ‘He / do / homework.’
speak Chinese / tell good jokes / dance the ‘He’s doing his homework.’
tango / play a musical instrument / use a 1 ‘What / they / do / next weekend?’
computer / ‘They / go / country.’
speak English 2 ‘You / leaving / tomorrow morning?’
I can … I can’t … ‘No / We / stay / here / tomorrow.’
very well a little 3 ‘Where / she / go / this afternoon?’
speak English ‘She / visit / friends.’
4 ‘John / come with you / party / Friday?’
2 Make five sentences about what you can’t or can ‘No / he / take / daughter / zoo.’
do a little / very well using verbs from table. 5 ‘You / do / anything / Saturday evening?’
I can speak English a little. ‘I / skate board / brother.’
3 Put the verbs in the right form of the Past 5 Complete with a, an, some, any & a pair of.
Simple. We’re camping, so bring a tent,
‘What (you do) yesterday?’ ‘(I visit) my family.’ 1 You need … walking shoes to go trekking.
‘What did you do yesterday?’ ‘I visited my 2 Take … suntan cream, we’re going to the
family.’ beach.
1 ‘Where (you go) yesterday?’ 3 It’s raining, have you got … umbrella?
‘(I go) to the cinema.’ 4 Is there … food in the fridge? I’m hungry.
2 ‘What (he eat) for breakfast this morning?’ 5 Can you play … musical instrument?
‘(He have) cornflakes and milk.’ 6 I need to buy …boots to go to the mountain.
3 ‘What time (they start) school last Monday?’ 7 I’d like to have … coffee, please.
‘(They not go) to school on Monday.’ 8 I’ve got … idea! How about eating out?
4 ‘Who (you play) chess with yesterday?’ 9 ‘Have you got … money?’ ‘Sorry, I haven’t.’
‘(I not play) chess, (I cycle) with my friends.’ 10 I can ride … bike very well.
5 ‘(You have) a good weekend?’
‘Yes, thanks. (I travel) to Madrid. (It be) great!’

Framework Self-Check Unit Tests · © Richmond Publishing

SKILLS (10 points) 3 Put this dialogue in the right order.

1 Match the words in the columns. More than one A: Hi, Peter. What are you doing?
answer may be possible. Use the most common A: No, I’m afraid she isn’t. She isn’t feeling very
answers. well.
1-a B: I’m just watching television.
1 cook a) in the kitchen B: Nothing special. Why? Have you got any plans?
2 dance b) in a pool A: What are you doing over the weekend?
3 go c) a boat B: Great! I’d love to. How about camping near the
4 camp d) shopping beach?
5 go on a picnic e) in the shower B: What a shame! I really like her.
6 swim f) in a tent A: Yeah, I’m thinking of spending the weekend at
7 ski g) at the disco the beach.
8 read h) time, money B: What about Mary? Is she going too?
9 hire i) in the country A: Well, these things happen! Don’t forget your
10 sing j) the newspaper swimming costume!
11 spend k) in the mountains A: Excellent! I love camping.
B: Who are you going with?
2 Cross out the odd one out. A: Some people from class.
a) water b) a coke c) breakfast
1 watch
a) a movie b) TV c) a newspaper
2 weather
a) time b) cold c) rain
3 ride
a) a bike b) a pool c) a horse
4 play
a) instruments b) sports c) bikes
5 have
a) a good time b) hungry c) supper
6 camping
a) sleeping bag b) rain c) change of clothes
7 go
a) for a jog b) yoga c) sailing
8 leave
a) the house b) money c) a message
9 arrive
a) in London b) home c) to England
10 How is the weather?
a) amazing b) great c) time

Framework Self-Check Unit Tests · © Richmond Publishing

A WEEKEND AWAY (5 points)
4 Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the
box. Find and correct the mistakes.
We’re staying in an a hotel.
 Yes, absolutely. It was a wonderful weekend.
1 Can you to play football very well?
 When did you leave? 2 Did you travelled to England last summer?
 Where did you stop? 3 What do you do next weekend?
 When did you come back? 4 Was you very tired last night?
 Where did you go? 5 I arrive at three o’clock yesterday.
 Were you tired?
 How long did the ride take you?
 Yes, we did. The car had a puncture. TOTAL POINTS: ________ / 50
 We stopped by the road to fix it and then
 What was skiing like?
 A: So, how was your weekend?

A: So, how was your weekend?

B: It was great.
A: …
B: I went skiing in France with some friends.
A: …
B: It was difficult but fun.
A: …
B: On Friday morning at about 9 o’clock.
A: …
B: On Sunday night.
A: …
B: Yes, we were very tired!
A: …
B: About seven or eight hours.
A: …
B: We stopped for lunch in Barcelona. Beautiful
A: Did you have any problems?
B: …
A: What did you do then?
B: …
A: But you had a good time?
B: …

Framework Self-Check Unit Tests · © Richmond Publishing

1 Answers may vary.
2 Answers may vary: I can + verb + very well / a little or I can’t + verb.
3 1 ‘Where did you go yesterday?’ ‘I went to the cinema.’
2 ‘What did he eat for breakfast this morning?’ ‘He had cornflakes and milk.’
3 ‘What time did they start school last Monday?’ ‘They didn’t go to school on Monday.’
4 ‘Who did you play chess with yesterday?’ ‘I didn’t play chess, I cycled with my friends.’
5 ‘Did you have a good weekend?’ ‘Yes, thanks. I travelled to Madrid. It was great!’
4 1 ‘What are they doing next weekend?’ ‘They’re going to the country.’
2 ‘Are you leaving tomorrow morning?’ ‘No, we aren’t. We’re staying here tomorrow.’
3 ‘Where is she going this afternoon?’ ‘She’s visiting her friends.’
4 ‘Is John coming with you to the party on Friday?’ ‘No, he’s taking his daughter to the zoo.’
5 ‘Are you doing anything on Saturday evening?’ ‘I’m skate boarding with my brother.’
5 1 a pair of 2 some 3 an 4 any 5 a 6 a pair of 7 a / some 8 an 9 any 10 a
1 2-g, 3-d, 4-f, 5-i, 6-b, 7-k, 8-j, 9-c, 10-e, 11-h
2 1-c 2-a 3-b 4-c 5-b 6-b 7-b 8-b 9-c 10-c
3 A: Hi, Peter. What are you doing?
B: I’m just watching television.
A: What are you doing over the weekend?
B: Nothing special. Why? Have you got any plans?
A: Yeah, I’m thinking of spending the weekend at the beach.
B: Great! I’d love to. How about camping near the beach?
A: Excellent! I love camping.
B: Who are you going with?
A: Some people from class.
B: What about Mary? Is she going too?
A: No, I’m afraid she isn’t. She isn’t feeling very well.
B: What a shame! I really like her.
A: Well, these things happen! Don’t forget your swimming costume!
4 A: So, how was your weekend?
B: It was great.
A: Where did you go?
B: I went skiing in France with some friends.
A: What was skiing like?
B: It was difficult but fun.
A: When did you leave?
B: On Friday morning at about 9 o’clock.
A: When did you come back?
B: On Sunday night.
A: Were you tired?
B: Yes, we were very tired!
A: How long did the ride take you?
B: About seven or eight hours?
A: Where did you stop?
B: We stopped for lunch in Barcelona. Beautiful city!
A: Did you have any problems?
B: Yes, we did. The car had a puncture.

Framework Self-Check Unit Tests · © Richmond Publishing

A: What did you do then?
B: We stopped by the road to fix it and then continued.
A: But you had a good time?
B: Yes, absolutely. It was a wonderful weekend.
1 Can you play football very well?
2 Did you travel to England last summer?
3 What are you doing next weekend?
4 Were you very tired last night?
5 I arrived at three o’clock yesterday.

Framework Self-Check Unit Tests · © Richmond Publishing

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