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On-Road vehicle Breakdown Assistance

Thesis · June 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11833.39521


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1 author:

I.H Dhanuka Nadeeshani

University of Bedfordshire


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On-Road vehicle Breakdown Assistance

Vibhavi Artigala I.H. Dhanuka Nadeeshani

Departement of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
and Technology and Technology
The University of Bedfordshire The University of Bedfordshire


“HelpMe” is an android application for On-

Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance that mechanic by his specialty, contact details,
can search a mechanic basis of the user’s image, and rating. After job completed user
location. On-road vehicle breakdown
can rate and give feedback to the relevant
assistance is designed for the user to get
mechanic. User requests included user
quick service at the event on any vehicle
location, required service type, vehicle
details, and description. Admin can view all
Many android users can access this registered user and mechanic details.
application. This application will help to
reduce wasting user time for found a proper
mechanic. Android application shows the
user locating and direct the nearest service
provider to user. There is a chat platform to
chat with others. In that chat platform user
can ask questions and other user and
mechanic and they can reply for that
relevant question. User can rate the answers
in FAQ Users can search for a mechanic
based on user location. When the user
searching mechanic application will show


First and foremost, I have to thank my

research Senior Lecture, Ms. Gayana
Fernando and supervisor Mr. Vibhavi
Artigala & other lectures in SLIIT
Academy. Without their assistance and
dedicated involvement in every step
throughout the process, this paper would
have never been accomplished. I would like
to thank you very much for your support.

I would also like to show gratitude to Mr.

Nuwan Thilina and Mr. Kasun
Wanniarchchi and Mr. Sandun Tharaka
who help when problem occurred the
version trouble in Android Studio and give
advice. I discussed versions and technology
of the Android Studio with Ms. Chamani
Wickramarathna. She raised many precious
points in our discussion. Ms. Prbhani
Maheshika help me to test the Android
App. She taught me about the test case. Ms.
Mudupani thiloshana and Ms. Jayani
Chamali encourage me while the studying.

efficiency of mechanic and
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Project Background
1.2.2 Objectives
Today most of people user their own
 To identify the reason for
vehicle for travel. While traveling most of
vehicle breakdown.
drivers are face to trouble as vehicle
 To design a web ontology
breakdown on the road. Vehicle breakdown
that can identify a suitable
cause to waste the user valuable time. That
is a worst experience they have to face. As
 To build a common
well as it causes to get tired for the journey.
when the vehicle breakdown on the road, platform that connect with

the driver has to search for mechanic and mechanic and driver.

have to see a spare-part shops near to their

location. At that time if driver unable to 1.3 Description About
search a good mechanic they have to ask for Artifacts
help someone, but that may be not good The user logging in to the App after User
technological help for driver. Registration. Then User current location

But if driver have android phone and using track by GPS. Then user location goes to

this vehicle breakdown assistance, user can DB and match with the mechanic who

find suitable mechanic within the few registered with the App. There is shown

minutes. The most advantage of that is user mechanic that nearest to user location.

can find a mechanic basis on user location. There is facility that user can search spare

If user need vehicle spear-part shop, there part shops basis on the user location. There

are the facility search any shops. If user is admin to add a mechanic to the

have a technical problem related to vehicle application. Admin can view user and

they can ask it via chat. mechanic detail.

1.2 Project Aim and 1.4 Structure of the Report

Objectives This is the final report of the project. In this
report there are discuss project information
1.2.1 Aim gathering to testing at the end of the android

 To develop a platform application. This is discussed within the

which improve the five chapters. There are

 Introduction

 Literature Review
 Methodology
 Implementation and
 Evaluation
 Conclusion and
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Further Works.
2.1 Introduction
Introduction chapter is discussing about
Literature review is a searching similar
background of the project and it describe
system and identify the difference between
the aim, objectives and artifacts of the
researcher project with existing systems.
project. That is introduce of the project to
This is help to get a deep idea of the project.
others. Literature review describe the
It provides the combination of theoretical,
related project as a second chapter. There
methodological and current knowledge of
are discuss how “HelpMe” is difference
findings according to subject. There are
from other similar system and compare
need to gather the information according to
with each other. Then Methodology chapter
the project. This chapter describe the how
discuss the Methodology that use,
difference the “HelpMe” with other similar
requirement gathering and design of the
project. Implementation and testing chapter
is discussing the tools and technology that 2.2 Existing System
use to the application and how tests for the A car breakdown service station locator
final product. Evaluation chapter discuss system is connected Car Repair Service
about the user feedback for the android Provider (CRSP). The user could enter
application. Finally, as a conclusion there information with the place of breakdown
are describe the benefits, limitation and into the system and it will automatically
future works of the project. search for nearby Car Repair Service
Provider who registered with the system.
The On-Road Vehicle Breakdown
Assistance is like a car breakdown service
station locator. But there is a chat platform
to discuss the type of breakdown and
exchange ideas about vehicle breakdown.
(Monica, 2018)

Emergency breakdown Assistance Kit is an breakdown type before the major
automobile emergency signaling kit, that breakdown the vehicle. On-Road Vehicle
shown “HELP” in front transparent panel. Breakdown Assistance (HelpMe) couldn’t
Below the HELP sign indicate the specific detect any special breakdowns and didn’t
nature of the disable. In On-road vehicle show any specific signal about breakdown.
Breakdown Assistance didn’t display any (Masahiko, 2000)
special sign in front panel. There are need
Geo Location Tracking System and Method
mechanic for identify the nature of the
is geo tracking routing from point to point
disable. (Sophie, 2001)
in geographical location. In “HelpMe”
Car Talk 2000 is focus on new driver there is a location tracking based on user
assistance system based on inter-vehicle location. User can search the spare parts
communication. Radio network use as a shops based on their location. (Morales,
Communication. That help to communicate 2016)
with other vehicle. “HelpMe” didn’t use
radio network as a communication.
Because the system using android operating 2.3 Conclusion
system and user can locate mechanic by P1= A car breakdown service station
locator system
using GPS. (Reichardt, 2002)
P2= Emergency Breakdown Assistance
Mobile Chat system for Real Time Polling, Kit
Rating and rsvp’ing can rate the chat. While P3= Car Talk 2000
the chatting user can give star rate to the
P4= Mobile chat systems for real time
reply. On-Road Vehicle Breakdown polling, rating and rsvp'ing
Assistance user can reply and rate the chat P5= On-Vehicle Breakdown-warning
using stars. When the new user signs up report system
with the system, new user can see top rated P6= Geo Location Tracking System and
mechanic and can see the chat. (Florian,
2017) P7= On Road Vehicle Breakdown
On-Vehicle Breakdown-Warning Report
System installs an electronic control panel
and when the occurring breakdown
Table 1 Conclusion of the Similar Projects
detected and shown the signal on control
Features Existing
panel. That may be help to detect the

network system.” HelpMe” didn’t use any
special communication method. Assistance)
There are
P1 P2 P3 P4 the mechanic
shown P5 P6 with phone
details P7
Chat Platform - - - -
number. Using that user can contactYes
mechanic. Mobile Chat System to the Real
Location Yes - - - - Yes Yes
Tracker Time Pooling is a chat system, that user can
Communicati - Display in Radio ad- Online - - Chat
give star rete to the reply. In the “HelMe”
on font panel hoc chat
network there are user and mechanic can chat with
Show Signal - Yes - - Yes - No
each other. It can bee see other users too.
Star Rate - - - Using
- that chat
- platform
- user canYes
questions related to vehicle breakdown
Rate through - - - - - - Yes
comments from mechanic. On-Vehicle Breakdown-
Any Special Automa Display Inter Electron
Warning Report SystemUse Use GPS
has an electronic
tically “HELP” Vehicle ic GPS
search in front Communic control panelcontrol
and it used to detect the type
panel ation of breakdown.”panelHelpMe” can’t detect the
any type of breakdown. Geo Location
A car breakdown service station locator is a Tracking System and Method is geo
car repair station locator. When the vehicle location tracking system. “HelpMe” is use
breakdown the user enters the information to track the user location and shown the
and there are automatically search the mechanic and spare-part shop near by the
service stations near to user location. But in user.
On-Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance
(“HelpMe”) user don’t want to enter the
details, but can be search mechanic basis on
user location. When user search the
mechanic through the app there are
automatically track the user location. In
Emergency Breakdown Assistance Kit,
there are display “HELP” in vehicle front
panel. But On-Road Vehicle Breakdown
Assistance didn’t show any special signal
when the breakdown occurs. Car Talk 2000
is an inter vehicle communication system.
There are communicate using radio ad-hoc
of the project. When using prototype
Chapter 3: Methodology
methodology, developer can get an early
3.1 Prototype feedback from user and if there are add new
features, that can be added. If users need
While developing the Android Application any other special functions researcher can
there are requirement gathering as a be adding and test the project because of the
primary data and secondary data. As a first prototype Methodology. There are describe
step of the project there are need to search the feedback of users in Evaluation
if there are any needy of proposed system Chapter.
for society and the availability of the
system. As a collecting primary data there
is a Google survey form launched by the
researcher as a Market research for the
“help ME” Android Application. As a
result of that the researcher able to found
the needy of the Vehicle Breakdown Figure 1 Prototype Methodology
Assistance to the Sri Lanka.

Secondary data collecting means

information that someone said or done. As
a collecting secondary data, the researcher
used to check-up about the similar system
3.2 Requirement Gathering
through the Internet. Google scholar, IEEE,
Beginning of the app there should gather
web sites and the journals at the internet.
the requirements for the android app. First
Search about the similar system and
of all, there should search are there any
compare each other. That conclusion and
need of that kind of app for the society.
information about similar project are
There for the researcher launch the Google
describe through the Second Chapter
form survey. As a result of that there are
Literature Review.
most of people who participate for the
As a developing methodology for this survey are used android phone.
android application the researcher used the
Prototype Methodology. Prototype is
development method that do build, test and
reworked it until the fulfill the expectation

Figure 2 Phone OS Figure 4 People Who Like to get a Help

Most of them are feel the needy of the On-

Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance.
80.6% of participants are feel the needy of
Road Assistance app.

Figure 5 Marker Research

When the requirement gathering, most of

Figure 3 Need of Vehicle Breakdown Assistance
information are gather through the Google
Scholar. Some information is gather
through the IEEE.
Most of them are like to get a mechanic help
while the breakdown the vehicle.

3.3 Design with the firebase database and check the

When the design the project there should mechanic around the user location. That

make a design the project flow. Therefor data sends back to user. There is a admin to

there are design the architectural design add the mechanic and see tha user detail

and UML diagram for that. That is help to who registered with the android app.

make get idea how should implement the

app as user expectation. This is also help
User case diagram show the relationship
to develop the project and can be get an
that how user and other user are interact
idea how to internal development should
with each other through the system. It is the
simplest way to represent the user
interaction with the system.

User case diagram show the relationship

that how user and other user are interact
with each other through the system. It is the
simplest way to represent the user
interaction with the system.

Figure 6 Architectural Diagram

In this architecture diagram shows that how

data flow within the system. User search the
data; then mobile network tower sends the
user location. There map sdk to detect the
user location. That location data connects

Chapter 4: Implementation
and Testing
4.1 Tools and Technology
When the implementation the android
application the researcher use Android
Studio as a tool. All UI development and
implementations are done by the Android
Studio. As a technology there are use
Firebase. It is used for real time database.
There are use igortrncic dotted-progress,
theartofdev image crooper dexter, glide,
circleimageview as a main library for the
android app. There is use the image
crooper API to crop the image. That is
help to edit user profile.

4.2 Interfaces and code

There are interfaces for Admin, mechanic
Figure 7 User Case Diagram
and User.

In this user case diagram describe that user

and mechanic can be logging after
registration to the system. User can search
mechanic, search spare part shop. Both
use4r and mechanic can be chat after
logging. Admin of the system can see the
details of both User and mechanic who
registered with the system.

Figure 8 Admin
Figure 9 User Registration
There is an admin panal. The admin of
This is a user registration. User can
the system can be logged using this form.
register to the application after entering
valid Email and password there.
email_value, password_value)” is used to
create a user with email and password.
There are used “Intent” is a simple
message object that can be communicate
the between activities. (Anon., 2019)

new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull
Task<AuthResult> task) {
"createUserWithEmail:onComplete:" + task.isSuccessful(),
if (!task.isSuccessful()) {

Toast.makeText(RegisterActivity.this, "Authentication failed." +


} else { Figure 10 Chat Platform

There is a chat platform for user that can be

Toast.makeText(RegisterActivity.this, "Authentication Sucess." +
chat with mechanic. User can ask questions
according vehicle trouble and mechanic can

Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); be reply for that. There is a code segment

of chat
Intent i = newactivity. There are use
“showAllOldMessages()” to show the all
Intent(RegisterActivity.this, LoginActivity.class);
messages that chat with the mechanic.
There is used “FirbaseDatabase” to connect
} with real time database and used “push()”
to push the entered message to database.

r().getUid()” there are firbaseAuth is
authentication for firbase database get a
current user by using use id. (firebase,

FloatingActionButton fab = (FloatingActionButton)

final EditText input = (EditText) findViewById(;
User can register their vehicle using this
listView = (ListView) findViewById(;
fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
if (input.getText().toString().trim().equals("")) {
Toast.makeText(FAQsActivity.this, "Please enter
some texts!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else {
.push().setValue(new ChatMessage(input.getText().toString(),


input.setText(""); }}
private void showAllOldMessages() {
loggedInUserName =
Log.d("Main", "user id: " + loggedInUserName);
11 adapter = new MessageAdapter(this, ChatMessage.class,
FirebaseDatabase database =

final DatabaseReference myRef

Car car = new


Lifting 3 Code for Vehicle regist

Figure 11 Vehicle Registration

User can register their own vehile using Vehicle

Register activity. There are use
communicate with firebase database.
“setVisibility(View.VISIBLE” use to view
the details from the activitry. (firebase,

access the Google Play Services library.
(firebase, 2020) (Anon., 2020)

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(i

int[] grantResults) {
switch (requestCode) {
if (grantResults.length
&& grantResults[
if (

== PackageMa

Figure 12 Map
if (mGoogleApiCl
This interface detected the user location }
and user can search the mechanic basis on
user location there.
} else {
android permission that that allow the API
to determine the exact location as well as
// Permission denied
GPS. There is used the
that depends on this permission.
“GoogleApiClient”. That is an object that
used to access the android application’s Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
map with google sign in. That can be }
Dashboard is the main layer of the android
application. There are main activities are
displayed. After logging user can access the

Figure 13 Dashboard

auth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();
inputEmail = findViewById(R.
btnReset = findViewById(
btnBack = findViewById(
progressBar = findViewById(
public void onClick(View
finish(); } });
public void onClick(View
String email =
if (TextUtils.isEmpt
registered email id", Toast.LENGTH_S
return; }
OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
public v
Task<Void> task) {
Figure 14 Reset Password
if (

instructions to reset your password!
If user forgot the password or user want to Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
change the password, they can use that
activity for that. There are reset the
password that related to its email. Email is
never change. But user can change the Toast.makeText(ResetPasswordActivity
password. email!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
using user can change only password
belong to their registered email. (firebase,
2020), (Anon., 2020) progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE)

Lifting 5 Code for Reset

4.3 Test Cases
Strat the testing after the implementation the system. All test cases
are written in Microsoft Excel sheets.
Project Name: HelpMe
Module Name: Logging
Case Test Case Expected Actual Pre- Post
ID Description Test Steps Test Data Result Result Conditions Conditions Status Test date Comment
log_001 Check the Insert Valid Insert Email as Navigate Navigate User After Click Pass 18/04/2020 Successfully
Logging email & to to Register the Button Navigate to
Functionality Valid & insert password as Dashboard Dashboard Successfully Logging to Dashboard
Password Dhanu the system
Insert Valid Insert email as Error Show the 18/04/2020
Email & Message Error
Invalid & insert the password Message
Password as 123
Insert Invalid Insert email as Error Show the 18/04/2020
email & Message Error
Valid & insert password as Message
Password Dhanu
Insert Invalid Insert email as Error Show the 18/04/2020
email & Message Error
invalid and insert password as Message
password 123
Functionality Click the Button Navigate Navigate Lord the url After Click Pass 18/04/2020 Button Work
of Logging to to the Button Successfully
Button Dashboard Dashboard Logging to
the system

Figure 15 Error Message in Logging

There is error message when the password is wrong in logging page. =confirm
That error message is named as “Authentication Fail”. password

Project Name: HelpMe

Module: User Register
Create Date: 17/04/2020

Test Test Case Expected Pre- Post

Case ID Description Test Steps Test Data Result Actual Result Conditions Conditions Status Test date Comment
reg_001 Check Enter valid Enter email as Next step Next step App run Logging Pass 20/04/2020 Successfully
Registration Email successfully page with navigate to
Functionality email and logging page
password & Save the
Enter Enter password as 123 Error Error message 20/04/2021
Password message as "maximum
with 3 letters length is 6"

Enter Enter password as Next step Next step 20/04/2022

Password Dhanu123
with more
than 6 letters
Enter wrong Enter confirm password as Error Error message 20/04/2023
confirm dhanuka123 message as "confirm
password message is
not match

Enter Enter confirm password as Register Register Pass 20/04/2024

password Dhanu123 Successfully Successfully

Table 2 Test Case for Geo location

Project Name: HelpMe

Module: Geo location track
Create Date: 20/04/2020

Test Test Case Expected Actual Pre- Post

Case ID Description Test Steps Result Result Conditions Conditions S
geo Click the Show Show Lord the Show the p
_001 check user button mechanic the map mechanic
location "Mechanic" nearby location
track user
correctly location

Figure 16 Registration Fail

Table 3 Test Case for chat Platform

Project Name: HelpMe

Module: Platform
Create Date: 26/04/2020

Test Test Case Test Expected Actual Pre- Post

Case ID Description Steps Result Result Conditions Conditions Status Test date Comment
cht_001 Send a Send Type & Type & Dashboard Send Pass 30/04/2020 Send
message Message send send message message
message message Successfully

cht_002 Star rate Star rate Star rate Unable Chat Rate the fail 30/04/2020 Unable to
for chat to rate platform chat star rate to

Figure 17 Chat platform

Table 4 Test Case for Car Details

Project Name: HelpMe

Module: Register
Create Date: 30/04/2020

Test Test Case Test Expected Pre- Condition
Case ID Description Steps Result Actual Result Conditions s Status Test date Comment
car_001 Enter Click Text Another page Navigate Enter the Pass 2/5/2020 Add a car
Vehicle the fields for for the data Dashboard data details
data button data enter with text successfully
"Add enter fields

Figure 18 Register Vehicle test Data

Table 5 Test Case for Change User Information

Project Name: HelpMe

Module: Edit User
Create Date: 03/05/2020

Test Test Case Test Expected Actual Pre- Post Test

Case ID Description Steps Result Result Conditions Conditions Status date Comment
usr_001 Edit User Edit Edit can edit Dashboard Change Pass 6/5/2020 Successfully
information name name username navigate the edited
to User username

usr_002 Edit Edit unable to Dashboard Unable to fail 6/5/2020 Unable to

password password edit navigate change edit
password to User password password

Figure 19 Edit user Information test data

User Testing

Table 6 test Case for Admin

Project Name: HelpMe

Module: Admin
Create Date: 30/04/2020

Test Test Case Test Expected Actual Pre- Post Test

Case ID Description Steps Resut Result Conditions Conditions Status date Comment
adm_001 Edit Admin Edit Can Edit Can Edit Loard the Edit pass 5/5/2020 Admin
Information Name the the admin username Username
Username Username profile edit

adm_002 Edit Can't edit Can't edit Loard the Unable to pass 5/6/2020 Unable to
Password the the admin edit Figureedit admin
20 User Friendly
password password profile password password
The majority of the participation to google survey, are said that this
android application is easy to use. The 90.3% people who
participate for the feedback survey form are said that “HelpMe” is
easy to use.

The majority of the people who participate for the feedback survey
form are said that “HelpMe” app is help to find mechanic and
spare-part shop basis on their location.

Figure 21 User Testing

There are some people suggest some new
improvements to the android application. A
Chapter 5: Evaluation
Evaluation is a process of improvement and person requests to searched mechanic

quality. For make a better user friendly details to dub the voice for the details.

android app there are need a feedback from Another people who responds for the

the clients. As a result of selecting survey said that make user registration

prototype methodology there should be get editable. But there is user can edit only

a feedback from the users. Therefore, the username. The email of the user didn’t

researcher launches the Google survey make editable because of the security

form through the internet. Someone are reason. As a future work there are decide to

send the feedback. cooperate this android application with

insurance company. That may become
more benefit to the user when the claim the
repair. Another person suggest that improve
the system for the accident situation. That
also decide in future works. When the
accident there can be add a button to search
Hospital, Insurance company and Police
nearby the user location.

Figure 22 features need to improve

Figure 23 Feedback

Chapter 6: Conclusion and
Further Work
6.1 Benefits of the System
When the vehicle breakdown occurs the
driver have to see a mechanic or the repair
shop. The driver has to ask for help from the
people. If driver using this vehicle break
down assistance user can find mechanic
basis on user location easily. Driver can get
the mechanical help directly and easily.

If there are any need of spare parts while

repairing the vehicle user have to looking
for spare parts shop. When the breakdown
occurs user can find repair shop or spare-
parts shops also. This is help to save user’s
Figure 24 User Feedback
time while the traveling.
There are asked from the users that are there
any feature need to remove from the When the breakdown occur, user can fix
android application. Most of people who their vehicle immediately. They won’t
participate to the survey said that there isn’t waste their time on the road. That help to
any option remove from the app. But one save their valuable time. That make
person said that no need to user update. In comfortable the user. They won’t make
the application there are user can only tired their journey.
update their name. someone said that There is a chat platform that user and
remove the notification from the dashboard. mechanic can chat. There user can ask
another one said that remove the question that related to vehicle breakdown.
background images from the app. But it The mechanic can reply for that. This is
keeps more attractive than the plain color to help to improve user’s technological
the app. knowledge about vehicle.

There is user can make star rate to mechanic

All feedback questionnaire is on appendix. after the repair done. This is help to

mechanic that they are rated by their client. include other taxi services, Mother Bick
That is help to burnish the mechanic skills. and Tuk-Tuk also.
It is help to outrank them self.
There is not a payment method in this
Using “HelpMe” android application, user “HelpMe” app. To add a payment method
can do their repair for reasonable price. for the app there are need to Google
That help to save user money from cheated payment gateway for that. It is a large
merchant. procedure. For now, there are limitation for
not to add a payment method.
6.2 Discussion
There are few changes in UI designs for When editing the user details there are

such as background color and images for limitation for edit user information. User

the better attraction for the android app. At can only change user name. User cannot

the beginning of the development of the edit user email or password.

android app the researcher uses plain colors

for the background.
6.4 Future Works
There are some changes in technology that
This project can be further expanded and
used for the app. In the beginning of the
cooperate with insurance company. Then
project there was a plan for data transfer
user able to claim the vehicle repair. That is
through the web ontology. Therefor that
big sedative for the user.
become the one of objective of the project.
But when the implementation the android The Android app is also expected to be

app, the researcher used firebase for the real developed for Cab Services, Moto-Bick and

time database. Therefore, one of objective Tuk-Tuk drivers. It is help to many users

changed. get a service from the “HelpMe” android


The vehicle and spare-parts shop will be

6.3 Limitation categorized according to the vehicle model.
There are few limitations for now. This is That is help to user found their spear-parts
an android application for privet vehicle according to the type of the vehicle by
user. As a first step of the project this saving their time.
android application is introduce for only
In in future development of the project
car, van and jeep. After the further more
there can be add the payment method for
development of the project there can be
the project. That help to user do their

vehicle repair in a reasonable price. That
also mention by someone in Market
research survey.

Figure 26 Market Research Suggestion 2

According to the market research there are

many suggestions to the project. There is a
suggestion for that app could be connect with
insurance company. “HelpMe” can be
incorporate with the police too. That is help
Figure 25 Market research Suggestion 1
when the vehicle met with accident. If the
accident situation there can be show the
nearest hospital to the user. At that situation
normally user have to call for the police and
insurance company. But “HelpMe” app
home to develop to user able contact
insurance company as well as police and
hospitals nearby basis on the user location.

6.5. Recommendation
“HelpMe” can be recommend for android
users, because it is an android application
for vehicle breakdown assistance. It’s SDK
vision is 27. Then people who have android

vision more than 25 can be use. Users can
be install that application on Orio, Naugat
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Monica, 2018. A Car Breakdown Service

Station Locator System. INTERNATIONAL
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Morales, O., 2016. Google Patent. [Online]

Available at:

Gant chart

Figure 27 Gantt Chart

Figure 28 Gantt Chart

Work Bench Chart
Table 7 Work Bench Chart

On-Road Vehicle
Breakdown Assistance

1.0 2.0 3.0

Initialize Requriement 2.3 Time Plan
Plan Gathering &
2.3.1 WBS 3.1
1.1 Select
Project 2.1 Requirement 2.2
Topic Gathering Analysis
2.3.2 Gantt
Chart 3.2
Figure 29 Gantt Chart

1.2 Project 2.1.1 Google Literature
Proposal Scholar Review

2.1.3 questionnaire

Poster Feedback

Figure 31 Feedback Survey

Figure 32 Feedback Survey

Figure 30 Poster

Figure 33 Feedback Survey

Figure 35 Feedback Survey

Figure 34 Feedback Survey

Figure 36 Feedback Survey

Figure 37 Feedback Survey


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