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Gerry Copeman Nov 26 2023 Rev3 PDF

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Announcements Sharon Christie

Welcome to the family of All People’s United Church!

If you are joining us for the first time, please sign the guest book.
Saturday Dec 2 – Christmas Bazaar coming up
Sunday Nov 26th, 2023
Dec 2nd Christmas Bazaar
Collecting donation items for penny table & Bake table.
Also items for our food basket Raffle.
Guiding us in worship
today is Gerry Copeman

We are collecting donations for

Sleeping Children Around the World. See Nancy
Bed kits $35 or any amount is appreciated.
Collecting donations for Shoe Boxes for homeless Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty!
Sudbury Secondary School - The Value Vault Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
The Value Vault at Sudbury Secondary School (SSS) Holy, holy, holy, merciful, and mighty
students who need food, clothing, God in three persons blessed Trinity!
.small household items, living supplies. Etc.…

Words of Welcome
Our Prayer List
Nancy McDonald, Call to worship. (Responsive)
Gil Davies, Phil Christie
Grace to you and peace from the One who is,
and was, and is present among us.
E-mail “” Grace to you also, and the peace of Jesus,
the faithful witness and teacher of love.
Facebook @allpeoplesunited Let us lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving.
for the end is no longer the end, but the beginning. Let us open our hearts and minds
that we may renew our world with the vision of
Upcoming peace and justice that Jesus would have.
Dec 10rd – Gerry Copeman Join us for coffee, Tea and God is the Alpha and the Omega,
Conversation following the one who is, and who was, and is always with us. Amen.
Dec 17th - Gerry Copeman
the Service.
Opening Hymn VU 232 Joyful Joyful we adore thee Invitation to Offering:

Offering Song (Sung by all)

Loving Leader, we give you thanks Praise and thanksgiving, thanks be to God.
for guiding us with compassion and sensitivity. Thanks for the food we eat,
For the sake of this confusing world, we turn to you for wisdom and
And for the friends we meet.
May all creation one day experience the wonder of blessed wholeness. For each new day we greet
May tender light shine into obscure places. Thanks Be to God!
Let hope echo into empty valleys. Let possibility unfold into new life.
In the name of the Reigning Christ, we pray. Amen.
Welcome and Announcements Joyfully and dutifully we offer
the work of our hands and the plenty of our hearts.
Minute for Mission Bless us as we continue to become
ever more the people of the Way of Jesus.
Equip us in our self-giving
Scripture readings for your reign here and now. Amen.
Ezekiel 34:11-12,15-16
Psalm 100 (Page 824 VU)
Prayer’s of the people and the Lords Prayer
Matthew 25:31-40

Readings Response:
Closing hymn VU 288 Great is thy faithfulness

All: This is the word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.
From this place let us go into the waiting world,
remembering the mission to build Jesus' dream.
GLORIA PATRI – (Sung by all) Let us go with his Spirit, within us, and before us. Amen.
Glory be to the father and to the son,
and to the Holy Spirit… BENEDICTION (Sung by all)
As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, May God’s sheltering wings,
world without end…………. AMEN Her gathering wings protect you
May God’s nurturing arms,
His cradling arms sustain you.
Sermon SLEEPING ON A BENCH And hold you in her love and hold you in his love.

Hymn VU 579 The Church is wherever

May God bless and keep you always; God Bless You
With Joy, Peace, Happiness today

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