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Chapter 3 IGCSE

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Chapter 3 Properties of Waves, Including Light and Sound

Prepared by: Chern Jiek Lee 1kHz = Hz
1MHz = Hz
3.1 What is a Wave? 1GHz = Hz

Tick below which you think are waves. Question 1:

If a wave starts from 0

meters and then moves up
and down sinusoidally 5
times in 1 second. What is
the period of the wave?
What is the frequency of the
wave? Hint: Draw the wave
out first!


Transverse waves: Particles vibrate perpendicular/ along the lines of

motion and consists of a series of “peaks” and “valleys”.

Longitudinal waves: Particles vibrate perpendicular/ along the lines of

motion and consists of a series of compression and expansion.
Wave Language Graph 2 Displacement-Time



Amplitude, A: The maximum displacement from the original position. The

SI unit for amplitude is in meters.

Wavelength, λ: The horizontal distance between two points that are in

phase. The SI unit for amplitude is in

Period, T: Time taken for the wave to complete a cycle or return to its
original displacement. The SI unit for periods is seconds.

Frequency, f: The number of complete cycle’s in a second (How many

times did the wave go up, down and up again or down, up, and down again
in 1 second). The SI unit for frequency is hertz (Hz) OR seconds-1.

Hence, relationship between frequency and period is


How to “Draw” Waves and What Information can We Derive from


Graph 1 Displacement-Distance



Can we find the period of the wave from the D-D graph directly?

Can we find the wavelength of the wave from the D-T graph directly?
A wave can undergo this 3 phenomena:
Reflection, Refraction, Diffraction

Reflection: Change of direction when it collides with a reflective barrier.

Refraction: Change of direction when it goes through a change of medium.

Eg. Water waves change direction when there is a change in the speed of
the water. The speed of the water changes when there is a change in the
depth of the water. From deep to shallow waters the wave’s speed increases/
decreases as the wavelength becomes shorter. From shallow to deep waters
the wave’s speed increases/ decreases as the wavelength becomes longer
(Hint: recall v = fλ). Refraction occurs when the direction of motion is not
perpendicular to border between the deep and shallow regions. Eg. tsunami

Hint: 1) Draw a line representing the direction of the wave

2) Draw the normal line.


Diffraction: Spreads when it passes through an opening or an edge.

Diffraction increases when the size of the gap decreases or the wavelength
of the waves increases. Eg. Sea coves
Wave equation:

Speed (m/s) = Frequency (Hz) x Wavelength (m)


3.2 Light

Light is a wave because it undergoes the same 3 phenomenon that waves go




Types of mirror

Reflection in plane mirror

The image form is

1) Upright
2) Virtual
3) Laterally inverted
4) Same size as object

Refraction is the bending of light ray at the boundary of two medium as the
light ray propagates from a medium to another with different density.

When light passes through a medium which is denser


When light passes through a medium which is less dense


Snell’s law states that the value of (sin i) / (sin r) is constant for light
passing from one given medium into another

sin 𝑖
= 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡, 𝑛
sin 𝑟

Here n is the refractive index. Remember that n>1

Another equation for refractive index is

𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑣𝑎𝑐𝑢𝑢𝑚 𝑐

𝑅𝑒𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥, 𝑛 = =
𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑚 𝑣

Note: The greater the refractive index, the denser is the medium. Hence,
the speed of light in the medium will be slower.

Total internal reflection and the critical angle


sin 𝑐
Note: The light ray must propagate from an optically denser medium to an
optically less dense medium. The angle of incident must exceed the critical

Some phenomenon related to internal reflection and the critical angle

1) Mirage
2) Rainbow

Converging lens (convex lens)

There are 3 rules for drawing ray diagram for convex lens

Note: The characteristics of the image form using a convex lens is always
either virtual or real; upright or inverted; magnify or diminish. DO NOT
memorize the characteristics for different object positions. Try to use the 3
rules and draw them out!!!!

Dispersion of light

Refraction by a prism: When light is refracted by a prism, the incidence ray

is not parallel to the emergent ray, since the prism’s sides are not parallel.
If a beam of white light is passed through a prism it is dispersed into a
spectrum. White light is a mixture of colours, and the prism refracts each
colour by a different amount – red is deviated the least and violet the most.

Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. It consists of electric field and

magnetic field components. It can propagate without the need of a medium
to carry them unlike mechanical waves. The speed that electromagnetic
waves travel at is 3x108 ms-1. If this number seems familiar it’s because
that’s the speed of light. Light is a wave or more specifically an
electromagnetic wave. There are 7 types of waves in the electromagnetic

Mnemonic time!


3.3 Sound

Sound waves are mechanical waves as they require a medium to

propagate through. Another example of mechanical waves is water
waves and a slinky. Sound waves travel through solid, liquid and gas
by “passing along” the vibration from one particle to the next. Hence,
sound travels fastest through , then
and finally through

Difference between pitch and loudness:

Pitch: Is related to the frequency of the sound. The greater the
frequency, the higher the pitch. Human vocal range is between 80 Hz to
1100 Hz. Soprano singers would be in the higher range of frequency
while bass singer would be on the lower! Sound waves less than 20 Hz
are known as infrasound while those above 20 kHz are known as

Loudness: Is related to the amplitude of the sound. The bigger the

amplitude the louder the sound.

Speed of sound is highest in solids (concrete: 5000m/s) then in liquids

(pure water: 1400m/s) and slowest in gases (air: 330m/s)

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