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Rosati Etal BSE 2022 Business Model Innovation For The Sustainable

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Received: 9 June 2022 Revised: 21 November 2022 Accepted: 1 December 2022
DOI: 10.1002/bse.3334


Business model innovation for the Sustainable Development


Francesco Rosati 1 | Vinicius P. Rodrigues 2,3 | Federico Cosenz 4 |

Jason Li-Ying

Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship,
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Abstract
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Business model innovation can be a key driver to realizing the transformation needed
Insper Institute of Education and Research,
São Paulo, Brazil
to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the same
Department of Design, Manufacturing and time, the SDGs can support organizations as they identify and tackle opportunities
Engineering Management, University of for business model innovation. This study uses a constructive research method to
Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Department of Political Sciences and
build a managerial approach that supports business model innovation for the SDGs.
International Relations, University of Palermo, The approach helps organizations assess their contribution to the SDGs, explore and
Palermo, Italy
prioritize SDG-oriented business opportunities and risks, and formulate business
Correspondence model innovation strategies accordingly. The proposed approach was developed
Francesco Rosati, Centre for Technology
through participatory action research conducted in collaboration with two companies
Entrepreneurship, Technical University of
Denmark (DTU), Diplomvej, Building operating in the medical and educational sectors and then applied to Ørsted, a multi-
371, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
national power company, which is strongly committed to a sustainability-driven busi-
ness transformation and aspires to contribute strongly to SDG 7 (Affordable and
Funding information
Danish Industry Foundation, Grant/Award
clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate action). The study furthers the academic and
Number: 2013-0052; Carlsberg Foundation, practical debate on business model innovation for sustainability by providing new
Grant/Award Number: CF20-0439
academic and practical knowledge on how organizations can use the SDGs to stimu-
late business model innovations.

business model innovation, corporate sustainability, opportunities, risks, Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N Companies play a key role within the societies where they oper-
ate and their commitment to the SDGs is a critical success factor for
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly proposed a list of the overall achievement of the Sustainable Development Agenda
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a shared expression of (Kolk et al., 2017; Pizzi et al., 2020; Sachs, 2012). Indeed, the private
the most compelling challenges human beings are facing with respect sector can contribute significantly to the achievement of the SDGs
to environmental, social, and economic sustainability (United Nations through innovation and technological development, strategic thinking,
General Assembly, 2015). The SDGs cover a wide array of areas rang- and provision of unique skills and resources (Scheyvens et al., 2016).
ing from poverty alleviation to gender equality and climate action and At the same time, the SDGs provide companies a concrete set of goals
are structured around five pillars: people, prosperity, planet, peace and targets that support the identification, prioritization, and anticipa-
and justice, and partnership. tion of a wide variety of unmet customer and stakeholder needs.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Business Strategy and The Environment published by ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Bus Strat Env. 2022;1–14. 1

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According to GRI, United Nations Global Compact, and WBCSD (2015, through a constructive research method and based on academic and
p. 4), “[c]ompanies that align their priorities with the SDGs can practical knowledge of business model innovation, sustainable devel-
strengthen engagement of customers, employees, and other stake- opment, and corporate sustainability management.
holders”; those that do not will be exposed to growing legal, reputa-
tional, and other business risks.
According to the Better Business Better World Report by the Busi- 2 | RESEARCH DESIGN
ness and Sustainable Development Commission (BSDC, 2017), the
SDGs can create huge market opportunities worth an estimated US The study was conducted by using the constructive research approach
$12 trillion in business savings and revenue by 2030. Further, they proposed by Kasanen et al. (1993) (Figure 1). According to Kasanen
will contribute to the generation of 380 million new jobs in four eco- et al. (1993, p. 246),
nomic systems (i.e., food and agriculture, cities, energy and materials,
and health and well-being). Therefore, pursuing the SDGs is expected
to uncover myriad opportunities to identify unmet market needs,
[t]he constructive approach may be characterized by divid-
leading to the generation of business model innovation, competitive
ing the research process into phases, the order of which
advantages, and sustainable growth (Muff et al., 2017; Rosati &
may, of course, vary from case to case:
Faria, 2019a; Scheyvens et al., 2016).
Business model innovation has already been used in practice, and
1. Find a practically relevant problem, which also has
investigated in the academic literature, as an approach that supports
research potential.
the achievement of the SDGs (Breuer et al., 2018), which in turn can
2. Obtain a general and comprehensive understanding of
trigger—and be triggered by—new opportunities for sustainable value
the topic.
proposition, value creation, and value capture (Bocken et al., 2014;
3. Innovate, i.e., construct a solution idea.
Lüdeke-Freund et al., 2018; Pedersen et al., 2018). Thus, on the one
4. Demonstrate that the solution works.
hand, the SDGs can provide useful direction that inspires business
5. Show the theoretical connections and the research con-
model innovation for sustainability (Morioka et al., 2017). On the
tribution of the solution concept.
other hand, business model innovation can be a key driver for realizing
6. Examine the scope of applicability of the solution.
the transformation needed to accomplish the SDGs (Rosati &
Faria, 2019b; Sachs, 2012).
However, academic literature and business practice still lack
actionable approaches to implementing business model innovation for Kasanen et al. (1993, p. 261) “argue that a successful constructive
the SDGs. Without actionable approaches to explore and integrate study—in which an innovative solution to a real-world problem is
SDG-oriented opportunities and risks into business model innovation produced, its specific usability and theoretical connections are
strategies, companies are left with a void of true, meaningful progress demonstrated, and its potential for more general adequacy is
on sustainability, leading to misdirection in their contribution to global examined—is apt to fulfil the most significant general characteristics
pressing issues (Kramer & Pfitzer, 2022; Oliveira-Dias et al., 2022). of science (i.e., objectivity, criticalness, autonomy, and progressive-
With that, practitioners and scholars call for more practical and ness).” In this paper, the constructive research approach helped us
applied approaches to exploring and assessing businesses' contribu- combine the theoretical and empirical studies needed to generate a
tion toward the SDGs in a structured fashion (Bashir et al., 2022). managerial approach supporting business model innovation for the
This gap in the research and practical knowledge might lead to a SDGs. Particularly, in Phase 1 (i.e., find a practically relevant problem,
suboptimal business contribution to the SDGs. This study aims to which also has research potential), we highlight the relationship
address the gap by proposing a six-phase approach developed between business model innovation and business contribution to the

FIGURE 1 Elements of the constructive research process (adapted from Kasanen et al., 1993, p. 246)
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SDGs and reflect on the necessity of developing a managerial (iii) prioritize necessary objectives and steps to bridge the gap
approach that supports business model innovation for the SDGs. The between the current and the future desired business models. Action
outcome of Phase 1 is illustrated in the Introduction of this paper research involves researchers' active participation in a change
(Section 1). Applying Phase 2 (i.e., obtain a general and comprehensive situation, often within an existing organization, in order to either
understanding of the topic), we conduct a review of academic and gray solve an immediate problem or generate a reflective process of
literature on business contribution to the SDGs (Section 3) and on the progressive problem solving (Brydon-Miller et al., 2003; Reason &
role of business model innovation for the SDGs (Section 4). For Phase Bradbury, 2001). As defined by Coughlan and Coghlan (2002, p. 222),
3 (i.e., construct a solution idea), the proposed managerial approach is action research is “research in action, rather than research about
developed through an iterative abductive research process (Dubois & action” and takes place concurrently with action. In the roles of both
Gadde, 2002), described in Section 5. This process builds upon the researchers and outside agents, we worked with the two companies
academic and gray literature reviewed in Phase 2 and participatory to develop and propose a new course of action with regard to their
action research conducted in collaboration with BluSense Diagnostics business model innovation while co-designing and co-developing the
and Studynova, two Danish companies operating in the medical and managerial approach presented in Section 5.
educational sectors at a global level. Following Phase 4
(i.e., demonstrate that the solution works), we apply the resulting mana-
gerial approach to Ørsted, a multinational power company, which is 3 | BUS INES S CONT RIBUT ION T O THE
strongly committed to a sustainability-driven business transformation SDGS
(Section 6). Finally, Section 7 discusses the theoretical connections and
the research contribution of the proposed solution along with its scope Among business leaders and policymakers alike, there is widespread
of applicability and methodological limitations (Phase 5 and Phase 6 of recognition of the importance of enhanced and timely adoption of the
the constructive research approach). SDGs as a framework for businesses to deliver results on global chal-
We decided to collaborate with two specific companies, BluSense lenges (Agrawal et al., 2022; Hák et al., 2016; Mustafa et al., 2022;
Diagnostics and Studynova, in order to deploy a participatory action PwC, 2019). The SDGs have increasingly become a robust tool to set
research process that would lead to a collaborative design and devel- strategies and business targets, inform structured disclosures, and per-
opment of a managerial approach. The two companies were selected form gap analyses (Muff et al., 2017; van Zanten & van Tulder, 2021).
from a network of 80 partner companies in a research project on busi- In this respect, companies are not only invited to reflect on their con-
ness model and product development led by the Technical University tribution to the SDGs but also urged to take immediate and long-term
of Denmark. They were selected because they were both willing to actions to make structured progress toward the goals (United Nations
(i) innovate their business models; (ii) address grand challenges at Global Compact, 2017).
global level; and (iii) collaborate with scholars through an action Companies have also been consistently seeking the establishment
research approach. of coordination mechanisms among different key stakeholders, such as
BluSense Diagnostics is a spin-off from the Technical University governments and nonprofit organizations, which aim to advance the
of Denmark and has a highly skilled and internationally diverse mix of Sustainable Development Agenda. The SDGs can support companies in
founders and employees. It is a born-global start-up with operations in defining priorities, articulating the macro–micro consistency of busi-
Denmark and Taiwan and scientific and technological partners in nine ness practices, indicators, and targets and jointly reporting on their pro-
countries worldwide. BluSense Diagnostics contributes to SDG gress within their operating space (Malay & Aubinet, 2021). According
3 (Good health and well-being) by enabling the diagnosis of dengue to GRI, UNGC and WBCSD (2015, p. 9), companies that help advance
and SARS-CoV-2 through its proprietary technology using a single the SDGs will be more likely to (i) improve customer, employee, and
drop of blood. By creating accurate and fast diagnostics tests, they stakeholder engagement; (ii) strengthen their license to operate;
aim to help people live longer and healthier lives. Studynova is a portal (iii) build resilience to costs or requirements imposed by future legisla-
for education in mathematics and sciences, which advances SDG tion; (iv) and reduce legal, reputational, and other business risks.
4 (Quality education) and SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities) by offering Despite the growing recognition of the importance and relevance
students all around the world the opportunity to access free tutorial of the SDGs for business, only a few academic and practice-oriented
videos in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, one-to-one initiatives and tools are geared toward managing SDG progress from a
tutoring, and review courses. The videos go through the relevant the- business perspective. For example, Eriksson et al. (2019) propose the
ory and feature examples and past exam questions showing every step SDG Impact Assessment Tool, a qualitative and reflective approach
of the solution process. Studynova's aim is to offer practical, helpful consisting of five steps:
tools that students can access anytime, anywhere. They facilitate stu-
dent learning by using plain explanations and a healthy dose of humor 1. Gather forces, aiming at engaging and gathering people with differ-
to help students build their confidence in a fun and entertaining way. ent competencies, to strengthen interdisciplinarity and holistic
For each company, we conducted three business model work- thinking.
shops with the company co-founders to (i) identify their current busi- 2. Define, refine, and draw the line, describing the object and scope of
ness model; (ii) outline the future desired business model; and the SDG impact assessment.
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3. Sort the SDGs, with a focus on sorting the SDGs based on their rel- of BM definitions, integrating elements from various perspectives and
evance for the object of the SDG impact assessment. theories that range from competitive advantage, strategic positioning,
4. Assess your impact, aiming at assessing the impacts of the object and dynamic capabilities (Morris et al., 2005; Teece, 2010) to value
under assessment on each SDG, using the following categories: chains, value networks, and stakeholder theory (Chesbrough &
(i) direct negative impact; (ii) indirect negative impact; (iii) no Rosenbloom, 2002; Freudenreich et al., 2019; Richardson, 2008).
impact; (iv) indirect positive impact; (v) direct positive impact; and From an entrepreneurship perspective, Morris et al. (2005, p. 727)
(vi) more knowledge needed. define the BM as “a concise representation of how an interrelated set
5. Choose strategy forward, focused on formulating a strategy on how of decision variables in the areas of venture strategy, architecture, and
to improve the SDG impact of the assessment object. economics are addressed to create sustainable competitive advantage
in defined markets.” In the field of information systems, Osterwalder
Therefore, the tool can support organizations in the identification of et al. (2005, p. 4) define a BM as “a conceptual tool containing a set of
their positive and negative SDG impact and inspire their SDG- objects, concepts, and their relationships with the objective to express
oriented strategic decision making and learning (Eriksson et al., 2019). the business logic of a specific firm.” In subsequent work, Osterwalder
Besides strategies for managing and integrating the SDGs into busi- and Pigneur (2010, p. 14) state that “a business model describes the
ness practices and strategies, Bebbington and Unerman (2018) rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures
explore the role of corporate accounting policies in achieving the value.” Along these lines, Chesbrough (2006) describes the BM as per-
SDGs, with reflections for both theory and practice. Scholars also dis- forming two crucial functions: value creation and value capture.
cuss the emerging role of auditing mechanisms to ensure engagement Although a shared BM definition has not yet been reached (Zott
and achievement around the SDGs (Yusoff et al., 2016). Another et al., 2011), some of the definitions do share certain elements, such
example is the SDG Compass, a guide proposed by the Global Report- as value proposition, economic model, customer relationship, partner
ing Initiative (GRI), the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and network, internal resources, and target markets (Morris et al., 2005).
the World Business Council of Sustainable Development (WBCSD). To understand what a BM really is, it is thus helpful to identify its con-
The SDG Compass delineates a generic five-step process companies stituent elements (Cosenz et al., 2020; Zott et al., 2011). According to
can use to apply the SDGs to their strategic business planning (GRI Schaltegger et al. (2016, p. 267), a business model can be defined as a
et al., 2015; Muff et al., 2017; Pizzi et al., 2021). concept describing what value a company proposes to existing and
Furthermore, conducted as a partnership between GRI and the potential customers (value proposition), how the business is organized
UNGC, the Business Reporting on the SDGs initiative supports busi- to create the value (value creation), with which resources and infra-
nesses in reporting their contribution to the SDGs through the use of structure (value creation infrastructure), under which circumstances
established guidelines for sustainability disclosure (Global Reporting (value creation conditions), and how financial value is retained for the
Initiative, 2018; United Nations Global Compact, 2017). Finally, Barb- company (value capture). Accordingly, a “business model for sustain-
ier and Burgess (2019) propose a trade-off and complementarity anal- ability helps describing, analyzing, managing and communicating (i) a
ysis emphasizing public and corporate policymaking related to company's sustainable value proposition to its customers and all other
prioritization of indicators, points of leverage, and a view on welfare stakeholders, (ii) how it creates and delivers this value, (iii) and how it
effects associated with the SDGs. captures economic value while maintaining or regenerating natural,
social and economic capital beyond its organizational boundaries”
(Schaltegger, Lüdeke-Freund, & Hansen, 2016, p. 268). BMs for sus-
4 | BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION FOR tainability (also referred to as sustainable business models) have been
T H E SD G S discussed in corporate sustainability literature as a necessary element
to fully unlock companies' potential to solve environmental, social,
The business model (BM) concept has been increasingly used in prac- and economic challenges (Lüdeke-Freund et al., 2018).
tice since the Internet boom and the rise of e-commerce in the 1990s Particularly, BM innovation (BMI)—defined as the conscious
(Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002; Magretta, 2002), being appropri- renewal of a company's core business logic (Schneider & Spieth, 2013)
ate to describe and analyze the logic of new forms of businesses and its constituting elements (Carayannis et al., 2015)—can help com-
(Cosenz & Noto, 2018; Timmers, 1998). During the past two decades, panies that are exploring, tackling, and generating new opportunities
the concept has also had a growing relevance in academia, influencing for sustainable value proposition, value creation and delivery, and
and being influenced by literature in various disciplines, such as strate- value capture (Bocken et al., 2014; Bocken & Geradts, 2019; Ferlito &
gic management (Magretta, 2002; Teece, 2010; Zott & Amit, 2007; Faraci, 2022; Lüdeke-Freund et al., 2018; Pedersen et al., 2018).
Zott & Amit, 2008), innovation (Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002), Indeed, BMIs for sustainability are “[i]nnovations that create signifi-
entrepreneurship (Morris et al., 2005), information systems cant positive and/or significantly reduced negative impacts for the
(Osterwalder et al., 2005), and corporate sustainability (Bocken environment and/or society, through changes in the way the organi-
et al., 2014; Boons & Lüdeke-Freund, 2013; Schaltegger et al., 2012; zation and its value-network create, deliver value and capture value
Schaltegger, Hansen, & Lüdeke-Freund, 2016; Stubbs & (i.e., create economic value) or change their value propositions”
Cocklin, 2008). The academic literature has also provided a vast array (Bocken et al., 2014, p. 44).
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Pursuing the SDGs is one of the biggest challenges faced by companies, even in resource-constrained settings, are realizing the
humanity. Indeed, achieving the SDGs will not only require huge importance of moving toward a more systematic and integrated con-
investments from governments and businesses but also present high sideration of the SDGs into their business models (Ferlito &
uncertainty and complexity, which are inherently embedded into com- Faraci, 2022).
plicated sustainability problems (Glass & Newig, 2019; Persson To address this research and practical gap, the next section builds
et al., 2016). In this context, BMI can support companies in consider- upon academic and practical literature on business model innovation,
ing uncertainties as potential sources of business opportunities sustainable development, and corporate sustainability management in
(Schneider & Spieth, 2013) to exploit for both sustainability and viabil- order to design the proposed managerial approach.
ity purposes (Oliveira-Dias et al., 2022). BMIs can thus play a crucial
role in realizing the transformation needed to accomplish the SDGs
(Ferlito & Faraci, 2022; Sachs, 2012) while simultaneously supporting 5 | PROPOSED MANAGERIAL APPROACH
companies in their search for new market opportunities and new ways
to create, deliver, and capture value for stakeholders (Casadesus- The approach outlined in this study builds upon the exploration of
Masanell & Zhu, 2013; Yunus et al., 2010). Indeed, BMI has already SDG-driven business opportunities and risks, which, along with an
been used in practice (e.g., United Nations Development assessment of an organization's current contribution to the SDGs, can
Programme, 2020) and investigated in academic literature as a lever lead to the formulation of a future desired organizational SDG contri-
to create SDG impact (Breuer et al., 2018). van Tulder and bution. The formulation of an organizational future desired SDG con-
Lucht (2019, p. 271) argue that there are two main innovation tribution is then used to envision a future desired business model and
approaches that can be used by leading companies to create impact: inspire business model innovation for the SDGs. This approach uses a
“[I] innovation as an extension of existing business models that are three-dimensional sustainable business model framework, that is, sus-
based on present markets and needs or [II] innovation as an anticipa- tainable value creation and delivery, value proposition, and value cap-
tion of new business models based on future markets and needs.” ture (Bocken et al., 2014). The approach aims to support
Van Tulder and Lucht (2019) also argue that despite many companies entrepreneurs and managers in considering a variety of ways to con-
use the SDGs in various ways (e.g., reactively or proactively), not duct business model innovation for the SDGs. Particularly, the pro-
many companies have explicitly linked them to business model inno- posed approach consists of six phases, which are discussed below and
vation. Interestingly, the three exceptions studied by the authors shown in Table 1. For each phase, key supporting materials and tools
(i.e., Philips, DSM, and Unilever) all set concrete global sustainability that can help achieve the goal of the respective phase are identified.
ambitions. Raith and Siebold (2018) propose four generic strategies Figure 2 illustrates the architecture of the proposed managerial
that can be used by organizations to address the SDGs through busi- approach and its six phases.
ness model design and innovation. These four strategies are based on
a matrix that combines two fundamental strategic decisions to be
made by entrepreneurs in designing their business models. The first 5.1 | Current business model
concerns how a sustainability target is addressed in the process of
value creation (i.e., supportive mode of value creation for the sustain- The goal of the first phase of the approach is to analyze the current
ability target vs. integrative mode of value creation with the sustain- business model. The Adapted Sustainable Business Model Canvas
ability target). The second focuses on how value is captured (SBMC) proposed by Bocken (2015) and Bocken et al. (2018) can be
(i.e., commercial mode of value capture through market revenues used as a guiding framework to perform this analysis, due to its focus
vs. social mode of value capture through the mission, e.g., with mone- on stakeholders and sustainable value creation. The SBMC builds
tary or in-kind donations). upon the Business Model Canvas designed by Osterwalder and
However, academic literature and business practice still lack Pigneur (2010) and the framework developed by Richardson (2008).
approaches supporting organizations in turning SDG challenges into The SBMC includes a value proposition component depicting environ-
business model innovation opportunities. We conclude that this can mental, social, and economic forms of value; a value creation and
lead to a suboptimal business contribution to the Sustainable Devel- delivery component describing how internal resources, capabilities,
opment Agenda, given the key role of innovation in realizing the and activities are used to create and deliver value in cooperation with
transformations needed to accomplish the SDGs (Breuer et al., 2018; a broad set of stakeholders; and, finally, a value capture component
Sachs, 2012; Sachs et al., 2019). In fact, companies are still struggling inspiring economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable ways
to make meaningful progress toward sustainability-related goals, with of capturing value.
the majority of the 2000 global companies tracked by the World
Benchmarking Alliance either having no explicit sustainability goals or
failing to stay on track to meet them—in most cases, companies are 5.2 | Current SDG contribution
building up incremental changes without articulating the more pro-
found, strategic shifts in their business models that are required to The aim of this phase is to assess the SDG contribution of the current
meet the SDGs (Kramer & Pfitzer, 2022). At the same time, several business model. From a practical perspective, such an assessment can
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TABLE 1 Phases of the proposed managerial approach

Phase Name Description Output Supporting materials and tools

Phase Current business Analysis of the current business A graphical description of the Adapted SBM Canvas by Bocken
1 model model current business model (2015) and Bocken et al. (2018)
Phase Current SDG Assessment of the current SDG An assessment of the current SDG Impact Assessment Tool by
2 contribution contribution of the organization organizational SDG contribution, Eriksson et al. (2019)
for each SDG relevant to the
Phase SDG business Exploration of SDG-oriented A list of SDG challenges that Better Business Better World
3 opportunities and business opportunities and risks represent the most relevant Report by BSDC (2017)
risks relevant for the organization business opportunities and risks Gap Frame by Muff et al. (2017)
for the organization SDG Compass by GRI, UNGC and
WBCSD (2015)
Phase Future SDG Envisioning of the future An estimation of the future SDG SDG Impact Assessment Tool by
4 contribution organizational SDG contribution, contribution of the organization, Eriksson et al. (2019)
based on the decision to address resulting from addressing the
the SDG business opportunities SDG business opportunities and
and risks identified in Phase 3 risks identified in Phase 3
Phase SDG contribution Analysis of the SDG contribution A formulation of the most relevant SDG Impact Assessment Tool by
5 gap gap, through the comparison SDG contribution gaps the Eriksson et al. (2019)
between the current (output of organization needs to address to
Phase 2) and future tackle the identified SDG
organizational SDG contribution business opportunities and risks
(output of Phase 4)
Phase Future business Envisioning of the future desired A graphical representation of the Adapted SBM Canvas by Bocken
6 model business model, which will future desired business model, (2015) and Bocken et al. (2018)
address the SDG contribution inspired by the SDG contribution
gap identified in Phase 5 and gaps identified in Phase 5
tackle the SDG business
opportunities and risks identified
in Phase 3

FIGURE 2 The architecture of the proposed managerial approach

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be inspired by Step 3 and Step 4 of the assessment tool proposed by 5.5 | SDG contribution gap
Eriksson et al. (2019). In this phase, the innovation team first sorts the
SDGs based on their relevance to their organization's business model In this phase, the innovation team compares the output of Phase
and then assesses the contribution of the organization's business 4 (envisioning of the future SDG contribution) with the output of
model for each SDG. The SDG contribution can be assessed in a scale Phase 2 (assessment of the current SDG contribution) and identifies
from 1 (direct negative) to 5 (direct positive)—see Eriksson et al. (2019). the organizational SDG contribution gap, indicating the areas where
In this phase, the assessment team can also determine whether more the organization aims to improve its SDG contribution. Addressing
knowledge is needed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the this SDG contribution gap will lead the organization to tackle the
SDG contribution of the current business model. SDG-oriented business opportunities and risks identified in Phase
3 and innovate its business model accordingly.

5.3 | SDG business opportunities and risks

5.6 | Future business model
Based on the output of Phase 2, in this phase the innovation team
reflects upon potential SDG-oriented business opportunities and risks In this phase, the innovation team envisions the future desired busi-
for the organization. Scholars and practitioners have developed various ness model, addressing the SDG contribution gap identified in Phase
practice-oriented guidelines and tools to inspire the identification of 5 and enabling the organization to address the SDG business opportu-
business opportunities unlocked—and business risks reduced—by nities and risks identified in Phase 3. Particularly, in this phase, the
advancing the SDGs (e.g., the Gap Frame by Muff et al., 2017 and the innovation team reflects upon the required changes that the organiza-
SDG Compass by GRI, UN Global Compact and WBCSD, 2015). In par- tion needs to make to its business model to address the SDG contri-
ticular, the Better Business Better World Report by the Business and Sus- bution gap. In this phase, as in Phase 1, the Adapted Sustainable
tainable Development Commission (2017) can help the innovation team Business Model Canvas (SBMC) proposed by Bocken (2015) and
identify SDG-oriented opportunities in four economic systems Bocken et al. (2018) will also serve as a guiding framework. This will
(i.e., food and agriculture, cities, energy and materials, and health and help the innovation team compare the current and future business
well-being). Similar guidelines have also been developed at a national models and support the identification of relevant SDG-driven busi-
level (e.g., in Denmark, Dalberg, 2019). The United Nations Develop- ness model objectives for the organization.
ment Programme (2021, p. 2) suggests that, while identifying relevant
opportunities, organizations should consider which SDG challenges are
relevant to their industry, which are critical to them at present and in 6 | ILLUSTRATIVE APPLICATION
the future, which have the greatest potential in terms of innovation and
impact, and the company's motivation for solving a specific challenge. This section provides an illustrative application of the proposed mana-
In this phase, the innovation team should also explore the busi- gerial approach to Ørsted, a Danish multinational power company
ness risks that would be reduced by advancing the SDGs. Indeed, operating through several branches all over the world. Ørsted is
according to GRI, UNGC, and WBCSD (2015), companies that help strongly committed to a sustainability-driven business transformation
advance the SDGs are more likely to reduce legal, reputational, and and aspires to contribute strongly to SDG 7 (Affordable and clean
other business risks, while improving stakeholder trust and strength- energy) and SDG 13 (Climate action). This company was selected for
ening their resilience and license to operate. this illustrative application based on a twofold rationale. First, the
energy sector has a major impact on the global environment (e.g., in
terms of massive pollution), and, due to this, it is always placed at the
5.4 | Future SDG contribution core of national and international sustainability plans. Second, in com-
parison with other energy companies operating on a global scale,
Based on the outputs of Phase 3, in this phase the organization envi- Ørsted has been recently undertaking a sustainability-driven business
sions the future desired SDG contribution of the business model. model innovation, transitioning from a coal-intensive business
From a practical perspective, this phase can again be inspired by Step model to one based on renewable energy generation (Madsen &
4 of the assessment tool proposed by Eriksson et al. (2019). However, Ulhøi, 2021). Particularly, since 2017, Ørsted (formerly DONG Energy)
in this phase, the innovation team will not assess the current contribu- has focused its business model on the generation and supply of
tion of the organization's business model on each SDG, but its future renewable energy from wind, biomass, and thermal power, thus aban-
desired contribution—still using a scale from 1 (direct negative) to doning its previous operations related to oil and gas power.1
5 (direct positive)—see Eriksson et al. (2019). It is up to the innovation As depicted in the company's 2020 sustainability report
team to choose the preferred time horizon (e.g., 3, 5, or 10 years) to (Ørsted, 2020a), this business model transformation was mainly driven
be considered in this phase. The output of this phase will be a list of
prioritized SDG challenges to be addressed by the organization's 1
An in-depth overview of Ørsted's history related to its transition toward green energy can
future desired business model. be found in Madsen and Ulhøi (2021).
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F I G U R E 3 Ørsted's current business model—output of Phase 1 of the managerial approach (adapted from Bocken, 2015 and Bocken
et al., 2018, and based on the information included into Ørsted, 2020a, Madsen & Ulhøi, 2021, and Kötter & Heil, 2018)

by the opportunity to take on several sustainability challenges inspired contribution gap. Therefore, drawing on SDG-related business oppor-
by the UN SDGs (particularly SDGs 7 and 13). The company is still tunities and risks (Phase 3), the application of the proposed approach
addressing these challenges today, with the intent to become the leads to an assessment of not only the current but also the future
world's most sustainable energy company. This evolutionary pathway desired SDG contribution of the company, supporting the identifica-
toward sustainability entails radical innovations in the current busi- tion of relevant SDG contribution gaps and planned future actions
ness model of the company, thereby providing us the potential to aimed to fill them.
experiment with the suggested managerial approach (see Figure 2) In this illustrative application, Ørsted's SDG contribution gaps
tracing and monitoring its SDG-driven business model innovation. were identified by means of a set of performance indicators measur-
This analysis focuses on the time frame 2017–2020 and expands to ing the current and the future desired SDG contribution of the com-
2025 by taking into account the company's current business plan pany. As reported in Ørsted (2020a), these measures are strongly
(Ørsted, 2020b). connected with the definition of long-term programs inspired by the
Following the phases of the managerial approach proposed in this SDGs (e.g., carbon neutrality, zero coal consumption), the implementa-
study (see Table 1 and Figure 2), Figure 3 portrays Ørsted's current tion of which implies business model innovation along with the
business model by using the Adapted Sustainable Business Model introduction of new elements into the company's strategic and organi-
Canvas proposed by Bocken (2015) and Bocken et al. (2018) (output zational architecture. Following Phase 6 of the proposed approach,
of Phase 1 of the approach). This business model analysis is based on the identification of the company's SDG contribution gap leads to the
information included in the Ørsted's sustainability report formulation of concrete plans to conduct business model innovation.
(Ørsted, 2020a), as well as in the works of Madsen and Ulhøi (2021) Figure 4 displays the future business model of the company and
and Kötter and Heil (2018). highlights—in green—the main changes that Ørsted plans to
Ørsted's current business model displays some elements relevant implement.
to sustainability issues, for example, using the infrastructure for As shown by Ørsted's example, business model innovation can be
renewable energy sources to develop and enable economically viable inspired by various SDG-driven initiatives that are expected to have
renewable energy solutions. However, there is still room to increase positive environmental, social, and economic contributions, for exam-
the current SDG contribution of the company—for example, by work- ple, reaching carbon neutrality (SDG 13) while expanding green
ing on innovative technological and business model solutions for car- energy supply (SDG 7). To succeed in this value proposition renewal,
bon neutrality and zero coal consumption. In this vein, Table 2 shows companies tend to strengthen partnerships with additional actors pro-
the output of Phases 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the approach, illustrating moting sustainable development (e.g., UNGC). Ørsted's illustrative
Ørsted's current SDG contribution (see Ørsted, 2020a), along with example shows how future goals with respect to an organization's
Ørsted's SDG-related business opportunities and risks (based on SDG contribution can be turned into concrete performance indicators
Ørsted, 2020a; BSDC, 2017; and GRI, UNGC and WBCSD, 2015), that can be used in practice to guide business model innovation. In so
future desired SDG contribution (see Ørsted, 2020a), and SDG doing, the example shows how the approach can support the
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T A B L E 2 Ørsted's current SDG contribution, SDG-related business opportunities and risks, future desired SDG contribution, and SDG
contribution gap (output of Phases 2, 3, 4, and 5)

SDG-related business SDG-related business

opportunitieswhat is likely riskswhat is likely to
to happen if the happen if the organization
Current SDG organization improves its does not improve its SDG Future SDG SDG contribution
SDG contribution SDG contribution contribution contribution gap
SDG 5 Share of women in Opportunity to empower Reputational risks related Share of women in 2% increase of
positions as senior women employees and to gender inequality in positions as senior women in
directors or higher in promote diversity and the workplace directors or higher positions as senior
2020: 20% inclusion within the (BSDC, 2017, p. 27) in 2023: 22% directors or higher
organization (BSDC,
2017, pp. 54–55;
Ørsted, 2020a, p. 31)
SDG 5 Share of women in Opportunity to empower Reputational risks related Share of women in 4% increase of
positions of directors, women employees and to gender inequality in positions of women in
senior managers, promote diversity and the workplace directors, senior positions of
managers, and team inclusion within the (BSDC, 2017, p. 27) managers, directors, senior
leads in 2020: 26% organization (BSDC, managers, and team managers,
2017, pp. 54–55; leads in 2023: 30% managers, and
Ørsted, 2020a, p. 31) team leads
SDG 7 Installed offshore wind Opportunity to develop Reputational risks and Installed offshore wind 7.4 GW increase of
capacity in 2020: innovative technological potential loss of capacity in 2025: installed offshore
7.6 GW and business model sustainability-oriented 15 GW wind capacity
solutions aimed at customer segments
increasing offshore wind (BSDC, 2017, p. 43; GRI,
capacity (GRI, UNGC and UNGC and WBCSD,
WBCSD, 2015, p. 8; 2015, p. 8)
Ørsted, 2020a, p. 21)
SDG 7 Installed onshore wind Opportunity to develop Reputational risks and Installed onshore wind 3.3 GW increase of
and solar capacity in innovative technological potential loss of and solar capacity in onshore wind and
2020: 1.7 GW and business model sustainability-oriented 2025: 5 GW solar capacity
solutions aimed at customer segments
increasing onshore wind (BSDC, 2017, p. 43; GRI,
and solar capacity (GRI, UNGC and WBCSD,
UNGC and WBCSD, 2015, p. 8)
2015, p. 8; Ørsted,
2020a, p. 21)
SDG 7 Coal consumption in Opportunity to develop Reputational risks and Coal consumption in 0.6 million tonnes
2020: 0.6 million innovative technological potential loss of 2023: 0 million reduction of coal
tonnes and business model sustainability-oriented tonnes consumption
solutions reducing coal customer segments
consumption (GRI, (BSDC, 2017, p. 43; GRI,
2015, p. 8; Ørsted, 2015, p. 8)
2020a, p. 21)
SDG 8 Total recordable Opportunity to build a Reputational and legal risks Total recordable 0.7 reduction in the
incident rate in 2020: culture of workplace related to workplace incident rate in total recordable
3.6 (number of safety within the safety (GRI, UNGC and 2025: 2.9 (number incident rate
incidents per million organization (GRI, UNGC WBCSD, 2015, p. 8; of incidents per
hours worked) and WBCSD, 2015, p. Ørsted, 2020a, p. 38) million hours
18; Ørsted, 2020a, p. 38) worked)
SDG 13 Reduction in GHG Opportunity to develop Business risks related to Reduction in GHG 11% reduction in
intensity in 2020: innovative technological adverse country intensity in 2025: GHG intensity
87% (% reduction in g and business model regulations toward GHG 98% (base year
CO2e/kWh, base solutions reducing GHG intensity reduction (GRI, 2006)
year 2006) intensity (GRI, UNGC UNGC and WBCSD,
and WBCSD, 2015, p. 8; 2015, p. 8)
Ørsted, 2020a, p. 21)

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TABLE 2 (Continued)

SDG-related business SDG-related business

opportunitieswhat is likely riskswhat is likely to
to happen if the happen if the organization
Current SDG organization improves its does not improve its SDG Future SDG SDG contribution
SDG contribution SDG contribution contribution contribution gap
SDG 13 Reduction in carbon Opportunity to develop Business risks related to Reduction in carbon 37% reduction of
emissions (scope 3) innovative technological adverse country emissions (Scope 3) carbon emissions
in 2020: 13% and business model regulations toward in 2032: 50% (base in Scope 3
(base year 2018) solutions reducing carbon emission year 2018)
carbon emissions (GRI, reduction (GRI, UNGC
UNGC and WBCSD, and WBCSD, 2015, p. 8)
2015, p. 8; Ørsted,
2020a, p. 21)
SDG 13 Green energy share Opportunity to maintain a Reputational risks and Green energy share in 9% increase in
in 2020: 90% global leading position in potential loss of 2025: 99% green energy
terms of green energy sustainability-oriented share
generation, and be customer segments
recognized and trusted (BSDC, 2017, p. 43; GRI,
as such (GRI, UNGC and UNGC and WBCSD,
WBCSD, 2015, p. 9; 2015, p. 8)
Ørsted, 2020a, p. 8)

operationalization of business strategizing and decision making when to Love and Roper (2009, p. 194), “[t]he benefits of cross-functional
it comes to innovating an organization's business model to tackle soci- teams arise from synergies from different sets of views, skills, and
etal grand challenges, such as the ones represented by the SDGs. expertise that can arise only through physical interaction of, and par-
Through this illustrative application and the series of workshops ticularly verbal communication among, specialized personnel.”
conducted with BluSense Diagnostics and Studynova, we learned two The next section of the paper discusses the research and practical
key lessons. First, the application of the approach works substantively contribution of the study along with future research perspectives for
better when key decision makers are fully committed in the process. theory and practice.
For example, in a workshop conducted in collaboration with BluSense
Diagnostics, it was crucial to obtain CEO's validation of the analysis of
the current business model (output of Phase 1 of the approach) and 7 | FI NA L R E M A R KS
SDG contribution (output of Phase 2) to ensure that the first two
phases of the approach were adequately addressed by the innovation Private organizations can contribute substantively to achieving the
team. Indeed, the first two phases of the approach serve as starting SDGs through innovation and technological development, strategic
points to envision an organization's sustainability transformation and thinking, creative processes, and the provision of unique skills and
its corresponding SDG contribution and future business model. This is resources (Scheyvens et al., 2016). At the same time, organizations
in line with studies on change management (Aladwani, 2001), quality can also benefit from the SDGs, as they provide a concrete set of
management (Soltani, 2005), and information technology (Dong goals and targets that support the identification, prioritization, and
et al., 2009), which show that top management commitment plays a anticipation of unmet customer and stakeholder needs, leading to the
significant role in the successful implementations of organizational generation of new opportunities for business model innovation and
changes. Second, we experienced that cross-functional skills in the sustainable growth (Muff et al., 2017; Rosati & Faria, 2019a;
team proved to be particularly useful during the process. This was par- Scheyvens et al., 2016).
ticularly relevant in Phase 3, as team members from different func- We have devised a managerial approach that addresses the per-
tions provided a wide array of perspectives on SDG-related business sistent lack of approaches supporting business model innovation for
opportunities and risks. The observed advantages of the cross- the SDGs. This gap in research and practice leads to a suboptimal
functional nature of teams are in line with previous studies in innova- business contribution to the SDGs. This study addressed this gap by
tion management (Love & Roper, 2009), new product development proposing a six-phase approach developed through a constructive
(Edmondson & Nembhard, 2009; Sarin & Mahajan, 2001), operations research method and based on academic and practical knowledge of
management (Santa et al., 2010), and corporate sustainability business model innovation, sustainable development, and corporate
(Longoni & Cagliano, 2015). In this respect, Longoni and Cagliano sustainability management. The proposed managerial approach helps
(2015) show that cross-functional executive involvement and worker organizations assess their SDG contribution, explore and prioritize
involvement positively affect strategic alignment between lean SDG-oriented business opportunities and formulate business model
manufacturing and social and environmental sustainability. According innovation strategies accordingly.
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F I G U R E 4 Ørsted's future business model—output of Phase 6 of the managerial approach (adapted from Bocken, 2015 and Bocken
et al., 2018, and based on the information included into Ørsted, 2020a, Madsen & Ulhøi, 2021, and Kötter & Heil, 2018)

From an academic perspective, this paper delivers a novel con- citizens/users). To this end, their understanding overcomes potential
tribution to the scientific literature on business model innovation, managerial cognition limits by taking advantage of the described
sustainable development, and corporate sustainability management. supportive approach, which draws on agile visual management tools,
It does so by first systematizing knowledge of existing approaches, such as the SBM Canvas, the SDG Impact Assessment tool, and the
guidelines, and tools related to the connection between business Gap Frame (Eppler & Platts, 2009; Eriksson & Fundin, 2018; Jin
models and the SDGs. Then, it uses this knowledge to generate a et al., 2021; Knight & Paroutis, 2019; Paroutis et al., 2015). The
managerial approach to inspire business model innovation for the illustrative application sheds light on how to implement the approach,
SDGs. The proposed approach addresses the assessment of organi- as it provides insight to companies about the robust and structured
zational SDG contribution and the identification of relevant SDG integration of the SDGs into business model innovation aimed
business opportunities and risks. Other tools, methods, and primarily at generating optimized positive contributions. Although the
approaches might be derived from this managerial approach, upon practical application focuses on a private sector organization, the
which scholars can build more contextualized and specific use design principles of the approach enable its application to different
cases. The approach can be adapted and tailored towards analyzing organizational settings and size. Lastly, practical implications also
different sectors and business model innovation strategies, and it include the possibility of promoting SDG-oriented collaboration
can be used in connection to extant tools in the fields of sustain- mechanisms and behaviors between organizations operating in a
able development and corporate sustainability to extend their reach business ecosystem. Indeed, deploying the approach in a cross-
and impact. organizational setting may enable the growth of cross-fertilization and
From a practical perspective, the proposed managerial approach joint collaborative initiatives (e.g., industrial symbiosis) oriented to
can support organizations in exploring opportunities, challenges, and increase SDG impact across the business ecosystem (Bertello
risks related to business model innovation for the SDGs by integrating et al., 2022; Manring, 2007; Volkmann et al., 2021).
an SDG perspective into a business model innovation journey. Some research limitations can be identified. First, as a conceptual
The proposed approach offers a structured pragmatic roadmap sup- work, we intended to develop a generic framework that offers limited
porting managers and consultants in assessing, pivoting, and imple- insight into sector-specific aspects. Second, the empirical dimension
menting business model innovation for the SDGs by fostering an of the illustrative application of the proposed approach was limited to
iterative learning process that originates emerging SDG-driven oppor- secondary data collection. Third, we highlighted tools and applications
tunities, challenges, and risks. Implementing this evolutionary pathway that are mostly focused on the private sector. To address these limita-
facilitates participatory decision making by calling into action different tions and inspire future research development, we look forward to the
company actors. Regardless of their knowledge of business manage- work of scholars and practitioners advancing the approach put forth
ment principles, different company actors may effectively contribute in this paper. Promising lines of investigation include (i) instantiating
to suggesting new sustainability-related insights from other view- the managerial approach in a broad set of industrial sectors, geogra-
points (e.g., technical, commercial, administrative, logistical, as phies, and company sizes to check for potential adjustments and
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New business solutions with the sustainable development goals

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