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General Anatomy


Anatomy Group
Dr Naser Radwan, MD
Dr Amjad Abu Alqumboz, MD
Dr Adham AlZanoun, MD
How to Learn Anatomy


S. Snell


Course outline
Lect. No. Lecture title
1 Introduction to anatomy and Basic terminology
2 Basic structures : skin , fascia , muscle , joints , bone , cartilage
3 Thoracic wall
4 Abdominal wall (1)
5 Abdominal wall (2)
6 Inguinal region
7 Pelvic wall
8 Abdominal Cavity : general concept , omentum , peritoneum
9 Neck (1)
10 Neck (2)
11 Skull
12 Face
13 Cardiovascular system
14 Nervous system + Vertebral column
It is a Greek word
( Ana-Tome) : meaning
cutting up.

Anatomy :
the study of the structure
of body parts and their
relationships to one
Subdivisions of anatomy
• Gross anatomy

• Microscopic anatomy
- Cytology ( study of cells)
- Histology (study of tissues)

• Developmental anatomy (Embryology)

• Comparative anatomy
Gross anatomy
• Regional :
all structures in one part of the body ( such as the
abdomen or leg)

• Systemic :
gross anatomy of the body studied by system

• Surface :
study of internal structures as they relate to the
overlying skin.
Parts of human body
1. Head & Neck

2. Trunk : thorax

3. Extremities
upper limb
lower limb
Descriptive Anatomic Terms
Anatomic position

• The body is assumed to

 Standing.
 Feet together.
 Arms to the side.
 Head and eyes and
palms of the hands facing
Anatomic position
• Supine position : the body is lying in the back

• Prone position : the body is lying on the front

with face downwards
Anatomical Planes
• Coronal (or Frontal)
separates the body
into Anterior and
Posterior parts

• Horizontal ( or
separates the body
into Superior and
inferior parts
Anatomical Planes
• Median (Sagittal) Plane:
is a vertical plane
passing through the
center of the body ,
dividing it into equal right
and left halves.

• Paramedian Plane:
is planes situated to one
or the other side of the
median plane and
parallel to it.
Anatomical Planes
Anatomical Planes
Anatomical terms

• Medial : means towards

the median plane

• Lateral : means away

from the median plane
Anatomical terms
- Superior (cranial =
means towards head .

- Inferior (caudal):
means towards the feet
Anatomical terms

- Proximal:
means near (towards) the

- Distal:
means (away) far from the
Anatomical terms

- Anterior (ventral) :
means towards the front of
the body

- Posterior (dorsal):
means towards the back of
the body
Anatomical terms
- Superficial: means towards the surface of the
body. ‫سطحي‬

- Deep: means away from the surface of the


Internal and external are used to describe the

relative distance of the structure from the center of
and organ or cavity.
Anatomical terms
• Ipsilateral refers
to the same side of
the body

• Contralateral
refers to opposite
sides of the body
Terms related to movement
• Flexion : is a movement that takes place in a sagittal
plane. ( it is usually anterior movement, but it is
occasionally posterior , as in the case of the knee joint)

• Extension : is straightening the joint and usually takes

place in posterior direction.

• Lateral flexion : is a movement of the trunk or neck

Terms related to movement
Rotation : is the
movement of a part of the
body around its long axis.

Medial rotation : results

in the anterior surface of the
part facing medially .

Lateral rotation : results

in the anterior surface of the
part facing laterally.
Terms related to movement
Pronation of the forearm is a
medial rotation of the forearm
….the palm of the hand faces

Supination of the forearm is

a lateral rotation of the forearm
from the pronated position so
that the palm of the hand
comes to face anteriorly
Terms related to movement
• Abduction : is a movement of
limb away from the midline of the
body in coronal plane
• Adduction : is a movement of a
limb toward the body in the
coronal plane

In the fingers and toes, abduction

is applied to the spreading of
these structures and adduction is
applied to the drawing together of
these structures .
Terms related to movement

• Retraction : • Protraction :
is to move backward is to move forward
Terms related to movement
• Inversion : • Eversion :
is the movement of the foot is the opposite movement
so that the sole faces in a of the foot so that the sole
medial direction faces in a lateral direction
Regional terms
There are many visible landmarks on the surface of the body:
Regional terms
Body cavities
• 2 internal body cavities :

- Dorsal body cavity

- Ventral body cavity

Body cavities
Dorsal body cavity

- Cranial cavity : in the skull ,

encases the brain

- Vertebral or spinal cavity :

runs within the bony vertebral
column , encloses the delicate
spinal cord .
Body cavities
Ventral body cavity
The more anterior and larger of
the closed body cavities.

- Thoracic cavity

- Abdomino-pelvic cavity :
it houses internal organs
collectively called the viscera
- There are separated by
diaphragm , a dome-shaped
muscle important in breathing.
• Thoracic cavity :
Surrounded by chest wall and
subdivided into :
Right pleural cavity : surround
right lung
Mediastinum : contains the
trachea , esophagus and
major vessels
Left pleural cavity : surround
left lung
also contain , pericardial
cavity : surrounds heart
• Abdomino-Pelvic cavity
Contains the peritoneal cavity

Abdominal cavity : contains

many digestive glands and

Pelvic cavity : contains

urinary bladder m
reproductive organs & last
portion of digestive tract

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