Business Law Chapter 6
Business Law Chapter 6
Business Law Chapter 6
According to Section 10 of the Act, all agreements are contracts if they are
made for lawful consideration and with a lawful object. The words 'object'
and 'consideration ' in Section 23 are not used interchangea bly. They are
different in meaning. Object is the purpose or design for which agreement
is entered into whereas the consideration is the act, abstinence or promise
made at the desire of the promisor. Thus, it is necessary that both the object
and the c·o nsideration of an agreement must be lawful.
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CASE LAW: *K.M. Karn ath vs. K.R. Balig a & Co. (195 9)
Facts : A sold liquo r to B witho ut license. B did not pay the
price and A
filed a suit again st B for recov ery of price. Held, A could
not recov er the
price as the sale was unlaw ful. The sale of liquo r witho ut licen
se is forbid -
den by law, i.e., unde r the Excis e Act, 1944.
1. An agree ment by a debto r not to raise the plea of limita
tion is void unde r
the Limit ation Act, 1963. [Ram a Murt hy vs. Gopayya (1917))
2. An agree ment betwe en husb and and wife to live separately
is invalid
unde r the Hind u Marriage Act, 1955 as it violates the provi sions
of the said
Act {A.E. Thim mal Nai.du vs. Raja mma l (1968))
3. A loan grant ed unde r a prom issor y note to the guard
ian of a mino r to
enabl e him to celebrate the mino r's marriage in contr avent ion
of the Child
Marriage Restr aint Act, 1929 :vas held illegal, and could not
_be reco~ere~,
smce the purpo se of borro wing was of such a natur e that zf perm
woul d defea t the provi sions of the sai,d Act [Chandra Sreenivasa itted ll
Rao vs.
lCorrapati Raja Rama Maha na Rao (1951)) .
llNI I' t ~ 1NIHAN n>N Tl{A CT AC'J~ IR72 lta
Pnr u ft.2
fur the divi sion amo ng them of
1. A, B and (.' t•111,·r i11to ,111 a~rec'lltc!Hl
~ai11s an1 uin·d or to I><' <1C'(/llired1 hy them
hy fraud. The agr eem ent is void,
as its ohf< 'd ,:,· 1mla1\'f11l.
2. A. l><·i11~ agl'11t for a /a,ult!d proprieto
r, agre es for mon ey, wi~ hou t the
lease of land belo ngin g to his
knowlt'dgc• of his principal, tu uhlai11 for Ba void, as it imp lies a frau d by
p1i11cipal Thc a~n: emt!11t l>etwct!II A
and B is
cmu·ealmt•nf, l~v A, on !tis prin cipa l
a bom b at CTC Mal l
1. A agre es to pay ~ 20,0 00 to B for blas ting
of B on fire is unl awf ul and
2. An agr eem ent to put the 'Honda City ' car
hen ce void.
1. An agreement to bribe witnesses to give evidence. fals e
2. An agreement to give money to the judge or officer of the court for sec,,r.
~i1~1g:..:1'..::.·u~d~g~111=e~n~t~in~fa:=..:v-=o.:_u__r_:_o:._f _li·_1i~ga_n_t_t_·n_a_su_i_t._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
(v) Trafficking in public offices and titles. Agreeme nt for the sale or
transfer of public offices or the procurem ent of public title (like Bharat
Ratna or Param Veer Chakra) in considera tion of money are illegal being
opposed to public policy. Such agreemen ts, if enforced , would encourag e
inefficiency and corruptio n in public life.
r •., , -··-· .•-·• ... - •· .,
i CASE LAW: *N.V.P. Pandian vs. M.M. Roy AIR (1979)
~- .
Facts : N paid a certain sum of money to M who agreed to arrange a seat
for Ns son in a Medical College. On Ms failure to get the seat, Nfiled a suit
for refund of the paid sum. Held, the agreemen t was against public policy
and therefore, N could not get refund of the paid sum.
P gives directions to his agent, A to buy certain flat for him in Dwarka. A
tells P that no flat is available for sale in that area cmd buys tlze flat for
himself. ff the same is discovere d subse9uen t~v by P, h e ma_v ,·ompel A to
sell it to him (P) at the pru:e which A paul for tt;
A (father of the hridt') promises
m_ents worth r 5,00,0UO to B
to give cash worth r 2 OU 000 au
(/~tlw d onu;
hrs daughter. The agreement ts ~ of the bridegroom) ~n tile ,narriagl! vi
vu,d and cannot be eu/orct'd, crn
. (1) In case A lzas given rnuncy d
cannot recover the m /rum B. «m i orn am en ts at the time of marriage, he
(rl) In case A has no given (lw sta
cannot be recovered tfro ~~d amount
nt h,m by /tlmg a suit. ,m d ornaments, the .san11;
(iii) Ho1-vever, in case A has given amoun t and umament5, the same
their value can be recuver<!d if marria ge is noL perfor med
(X) Miscellaneo11:s cas~s. The following agreem ents are also void as being
osed to pu bhc pohcy :
opP d.
(a) Agreements ten mg to create monopolies.
(b) Agreements to defrau d reven ue author ities. .
(c) Agreements where by person s are induc ed to give eviden ces m a
Civil Court for a mone tary consideration.
(d) Agreements to influe nce election to public offices.
(e) Agreements not to bid agains t each other.
' - - - . - -
Sections 24, 57 and 58 of the Contr act Act deal with cases if the same
agreement contai ns both legal and illegal terms, i..e., object or consid eratio n
is partially legal and partia lly illegal. These are discussed as follows :
1. Agreements void if consid eratio ns and object s unlaw ful in part
(Sec. 24). Wher e an agreem ent contains several distin ct promi ses
to do some acts legal and other acts illegal, and the legal act is not
severable from the illegal one ( i..e., the consid eratio n for legal and
illegal act is a single sum of money), the whole agree ment is illegal
and void.
( .
A promis es to superi ntend, on behalf of B, a legal manuf acture r of indigo
and an illegal traffic in other articles. B promis es to pay to A a salary of
r 10,000 a year. The agreem ent is void, the object of As promis e, andcase,
consideration for B promise, being in part unla\lvful In the given
there is single sum of ~ 10,000 for the legal and illegal act, therefo re, the
whole agreem ent is illegal and void
2. Reciprocal prom ise to do things legal and also other things ille-
gal (Sec. 57). Wher e there is a recipr ocal promi se to do things legal
and also other things illegal, an the legal act is severa ble fron1 the
illegal one (i..e., the consid eratio n for legal act and illegal act is dif-
ferent), the legal act is a contra ct and the illegal act is a void agree-
A andB agree t'1at A shall sellB a house for r 10,000, bw tluu. i/B uses itas
a gambling house, he shall pay A 50,000 for it. The first set of n:ciproca/
Promises, namely to sell the house and to pay r 10,000 /or it, is a commc c.
The second set is for an object, namely, that B may use thtJ house
as a gambling house, and is a void agreement.
r ara ~.6 \ ~It I . l~tHr\S c. ON1 RM T Al T. 1872
. _ ..... ~ bninch l,rh11( IIIPgnl (S'ec. 58). In th e c d '---
3. 41tr,wn tn•r P''"'" 1·"•-, ~•n nltc111n1h <' 1womi"t', om~ hram: h o f \\ ti<.
,l1 . .~t=-'l. the kf!n1 l,randl alone can he c nf orcc .
l· l · I 1 d th
<·ga an e '>thtr
: d. B · ti1ar A 5 f1all f7a\' B t' J 000. for wllic/z B .~hall a/te rwor,J.~
-~ 0 ,, ocrre ., ' . ' . • . l'd ·•
dcli, •cr 10 Aeither rice or smuggled op1w1L _Tlus LS a va , contract tr, de.
Tin., , rice. and a ,·oid agr·eemen t as to tl1e opwm.
I . Agrees 10 p<J)' I' 10,000 to B _to_ purchase smuggled laptop from hinL The
a1?·c<mt'11t between A and B LS illegal and void because of illegal considr:r·
tJ1ld ~~ulw,t"" '!"'J borrowr,· I' 1,000 /rom C. C nm aln·m•s fc.-'<'<>i·er th(! mo,it!:,;
knt lfr~l pei·11 ve o/ ti,,: fuel that ht! WWi tl\\l<lrt' of ilw imrpose or ,wt, cl:i Ju.,
l~mlmg 0 / num~y wu~ c:ul/"teru/ lo u \ oid ""n•em,•111, i.e. \\,•,v•erin,,_, a~r't!c!·
nrenl J o ~
in the said B,ank i:ri,, . . . '"tion?o ;lf~ prom1se to pay him, 1,00,000. A pro-
cures the saidjbg ,jp( B;but fB fails,to' pay the promised amount to A. Can A
recover,this ~Qunf frb,n B,?,:, ~ •1 · , ,. ·
[Hint. No~ A,:ca~~6f recover because the agreement for the procurement of
emplo~ent in 'consideration of money is illegal being opposed to public policy
and the p~ciple of restitution is not applicable in case of illegal agreement.]
· 4• A gives money to B, a manied woman, to obtain a divorce from C: her hus-
, ~and. A,. (the lender) promised to marry her subsequently. Can A recover the
.,atnount? ,.·: .·
~ ! Nd, the - p ~se of lending is immoral in .t~~ given case and A, therefore,
.- ',,, _,,,., \,~e¢9ver the3mount. Refer to case: Ba1v1J1 vs. Hamda Nagar (1885)]
. ;,-J'*~-·f-~Jf:,.:,'.</,:/:<-0:, i:' .. ' , .
. f f J 00, 000 . A
--- -- -~ --=:;;:i--;,: i0 ;:;;;~f/i~: ·
ll N11 I • I ° '
I •ra I I0ning money. Cf ~ rl cs
,gkd J!<trn ~
1 I . from II in rp,1.
,·oris 1< (f. l<'nd I?
I, II ht·
i'if.' ,, suc n·c, . •
5, A ai:n·,·s 1o huv ,m '. I •\dw know s I 1, pu
, ., tran sact ion hctw ccn A
hon o\1, lhi~ 111111111111 \' 0'.n ,\·rv or lhi~ n111ou111. W
A t 11r Iht Hu . usc 1111·n·· is. coll
\ lwca ·gala le'
agrc ,1 Icrnc·n Is· arc al~o lam tccJ
. ii nw1i
11 ~u , • ·
n,1 . . .. .,,tf .
IHint. No, 1w ,, ,ll no~ -~m ~\s ad ions in case o1,11(
an,\ n,m d 1lw n1Hat{, .,l 11 ·• -- -- -- -- -- -. J
" ith iHqrnlit\l
,,, e•
.. :'I An agreement
. y 1·s valid.
. h ahen enem . t · ]'t'
(m, eme nt mad e WJt an h b one part y hav ing no mte res m l 1-
(il') An agre . agre eme nt w ere y ation.
( ,•) Champcrty es is an . t anot her .in.litig . ·
gation, agre to assIS
aw. ome vo1'd.
(201 I·,
"'· n ts .are void ab-m
. al a eem ents do not bec
l agrc
,1) ColJ
((vir) emc
l transactmns to an illeg gr
. 'd . ·
Sem. l, 2012)
te mon opol y 1s v01 •
(1'iir) An agreeme nt to crea , . f hich is unlawfuJ in part is valid.
g bje• :;r; :~:~ ::~: ::: : a bett er posi·
tion than that of
(i\:) Agre
(x) In case equoa]
s oft the
Hints to True or False Statements
True Statements : ( ir), (vr), ( viii) and (x).
I False Statements:
used in Sec tion 23 mter-
(,) The words 'object and consideration' are not
ect is the purp o~e o:
I changeabfy. They are different in me_aning. Obj
i design for which agreemen! is ente red mtodesr w~e reas the con s~er at1o n >
the act, abstinence or promise mad e at the re of the prom1sor. 1