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Applying digital twin technology in ed-

ucation and research
- A case study of PTC automation line

Abdlkarim Alsaleh





Date: June 8, 2021

Author: Abdlkarim Alsaleh
Examiner: Kristina Eriksson
Advisor: David Simonsson, University West
Programme: Distance Master in Robotics and Automation
Main field of study: Automation with a specialization in industrial robotics
Credits: 120 Higher Education credits
Keywords: Digital Twin, Visual Commissioning, Automation, Academia
Template: University West, IV-Master 2.10
Publisher: University West, Department of Engineering Science
S-461 86 Trollhättan, SWEDEN
Phone: + 46 520 22 30 00 Fax: + 46 520 22 32 99 Web:


This thesis work investigates the possibilities and limitations of using digital twin technology
to create virtual automation lines which can be used in education and research to conduct
automation labs virtually. The PTC automation line at University West has been used as a
case study in this thesis. The digital twin created in this work consists of three key parts: a
virtual model of the automation line created in Visual Components Premium 4.2, system
control (PLC-control program) created in TwinCat 3, and a Beckhoff ADS communication
protocol that connects the virtual model with the PLC program.
Using a virtual model of industrial-like lab equipment in place of a real system can bring
several benefits. It can increase visibility and safety in the system. It can also increase the
accessibility of the system. Conducting virtual labs and experiments can also help in reducing
the total cost of the system. The virtual twin of the automation line built in this work can be
used to help the users to conduct automation labs and experiments virtually and to test their
PLC programs offline.


This thesis work was carried out in the spring of 2021 as a part of my study in the master
program in automation and robotics (distance, 2 years) at University West in Trollhättan,
Sweden. First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor David Simonsson and my examiner
Kristina Eriksson for providing me with all the needed help and support during the project.
I would also like to thank Gabriel Sebastian from the division of production systems at Uni-
versity West for all his help during this work.


This master degree report, Applying digital twin technology in education and research, was written as
part of the master degree work needed to obtain a Master of Science with specialization in
Robotics degree at University West. All material in this report, that is not my own, is clearly
identified and used in an appropriate and correct way. The main part of the work included
in this degree project has not previously been published or used for obtaining another degree.

June 8, 2021
__________________________________________ __________
Signature by the author Date

Abdlkarim Alsaleh


SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................III
PREFACE .............................................................................................................................................. IV
AFFIRMATION ....................................................................................................................................... V
CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................... VI
SYMBOLS AND GLOSSARY .....................................................................................................................IX

Main Chapters
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 PROBLEM FORMULATION ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 AIM AND RESEARCH QUESTION .............................................................................................................. 2
1.4 DELIMITATION .................................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 OUTLINE............................................................................................................................................ 2
2 RELATED WORK ............................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 DIGITAL TWIN ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Digital twin concept .............................................................................................................. 3
2.1.2 Digital twin and cyber-physical system ................................................................................ 3
2.1.3 DT dimensions....................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 DIGITAL TWIN ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES .................................................................................................. 4
2.2.1 Physical-world enabling technologies................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Virtual model enabling technologies .................................................................................... 4
2.2.3 Data management enabling technologies............................................................................ 5
2.2.4 Services enabling technologies ............................................................................................. 6
2.2.5 Connections enabling technologies ...................................................................................... 6
2.3 DT LEVELS OF INTEGRATION .................................................................................................................. 6
2.3.1 Digital model ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.3.2 Digital shadow ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.3 Digital twin ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 MODELLING ....................................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 SIMULATION ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.5.1 Simulation vs emulation ....................................................................................................... 7
2.6 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION .................................................................................................................... 8
2.6.1 Controller .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.6.2 Industrial communication ................................................................................................... 10
2.7 COMMISSIONING .............................................................................................................................. 10
2.7.1 Virtual commissioning (VC) ................................................................................................. 11
2.7.2 Virtual commissioning stages ............................................................................................. 11
2.7.3 Virtual commissioning workflow ........................................................................................ 12
3 METHOD ..................................................................................................................................... 13

3.1 DATA COLLECTING ............................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 DATA PROCESSING............................................................................................................................. 13
3.2.1 Physical device modelling ................................................................................................... 14
3.2.2 Logical device modelling ..................................................................................................... 14
3.2.3 System control modelling ................................................................................................... 14
3.2.4 Communication................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 RESULT EVALUATION ......................................................................................................................... 15
4 DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION ..................................................................................................... 16
4.1 AUTOMATION LINE SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................................ 16
4.2 AUTOMATION LINE WORKFLOW ........................................................................................................... 17
4.3 MODELLING ..................................................................................................................................... 18
4.3.1 Physical model building ...................................................................................................... 18
4.3.2 Logical model building ........................................................................................................ 19
4.3.3 System control building ...................................................................................................... 23
5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................... 29
5.1 RESULT ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................. 29
5.2 DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................................................... 30
6 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................. 31
6.1 FUTURE WORK AND RESEARCH ............................................................................................................ 31
6.2 CRITICAL DISCUSSION......................................................................................................................... 31
6.3 GENERALIZATION OF THE RESULT .......................................................................................................... 32
7 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................ 33

List of Figures
Figure 1: DT three-dimensional model. Adopted from [4]. .......................................................................... 4
Figure 2: DT five-dimensional model. Adopted from [4]. ............................................................................. 5
Figure 3: Classifying of DT enabling technologies. Adopted from [13]. ....................................................... 5
Figure 4: Different levels of the digital twin. Adopted from [6] and [8]. ...................................................... 6
Figure 5: Automation levels. Adopted from [27] and [29]. .......................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Productivity-flexibility relation in different automation systems. Inspired by [26] ...................... 9
Figure 7: PLC internal structure. Adopted from [34]. ................................................................................. 10
Figure 8: Virtual commissioning development stages. Adopted from [45]. ............................................... 11
Figure 9: Model configurations applied in commissioning. Adopted from [47]. ........................................ 12
Figure 10: Virtual commissioning workflow. Adopted from [48]. .............................................................. 12
Figure 11: Data processing layout. Adopted from [48]. ............................................................................. 14
Figure 12: Automation line layout .............................................................................................................. 16
Figure 13: Layout of Automation line communication. Adopted from line specifications......................... 17
Figure 14: State diagram of an assembly station. ...................................................................................... 18
Figure 15: An assembly station................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 16: Modelling behaviours in Visual Components. ........................................................................... 20
Figure 17: Part of the global Python script “”. ........................................................................... 20
Figure 18: Behaviours and features of the AGV. ........................................................................................ 21
Figure 19: AGV Python scripts. ................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 20: Behaviours added to all robots.................................................................................................. 22
Figure 21: Structure of the PLC program. ................................................................................................... 23
Figure 22: Global variable list. ................................................................. Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat.
Figure 23: Code inside the function “FindCode”. .................................... Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat.
Figure 24: Flowchart of the control programs. ....................................... Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat.
Figure 25: HMI used to test the robot-level function blocks. .................. Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat.

Figure 26: Connected variables between Visual Components and TwinCat.Fel! Bokmärket är inte
Figure 27: Part of the sub-program used to test the function blocks. .... Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat.


Symbols and glossary

AGV Automated Guided Vehicle: A mobile robot used mostly in industrial to

transport production materials.
CAD Computer-Aided Design
CPS Cyber-Physical System
DCS Distributed Control System
DT Digital Twin
EPR Enterprise Resource Planning
FDB Function Block Diagram: A graphical PLC programming language.
HiL Hardware in the Loop
HMI Human-Machine Interface: A human interface use mainly in automation
to connect the user to the system
IL Instruction List: A text-based PLC programming language.
I/O Input/Output
IoT Internet of Things
LD Ladder Diagram: A graphical PLC programming language.
MES Manufacturing Execution Systems
MiL Model in the Loop
OPC UA Open Platform Communications United Architecture: A client-server
communication protocol used mainly in automation to connect the ma-
chines and controllers
PiL Process in the Loop
PLC Programmable Logical Controller
POU Program Organization Unit
PTC Production Technology Centre (University West)
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SFC Sequential Function Chart: A graphical PLC programming language.
SiL Software in the Loop
ST Structured Text: A text-based PLC programming language.
VC Visual Commissioning

Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Introduction

1 Introduction

This chapter introduces the master’s thesis by giving a brief background of the thesis
topic, the definition of the research problem, the aim and the research qustion, and the
study delimitation and outline.

1.1 Background
Laboratory work is an essential component in research, education, and engineering
training. The majority of the universities and academic centres are equipped with mod-
ern laboratories. However, access to these laboratories might be restricted due to vari-
ous factors. In distance learning and research, for example, the physical labs equipment
is not always accessible for students and researchers. Another example of the restriction
factors is the restriction caused by the current Covid-19 pandemic over the last two
To address this problem, the universities and academic centres need to adopt new
approaches in learning and research processes. One of the suggested approaches is to
build a virtual representation (a digital twin) of the laboratory equipment. This allows
the students and researchers to perform experiments virtually using simulation soft-
Most of the studies and research carried out on digital twins focus on their indus-
trial, commercial, and civil applications. However, there is a shortage of research that
addresses the applications of digital twin technology in research and education. This
project aims to contribute to filling the knowledge gap in this field.
The base of this project is the digital twin technology (DT). The digital twin is an
emerging technology, and it is considered a part of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). In
addition to DT and CPS, this work contributes to other research areas such as automa-
tion, virtual commissioning, smart manufacturing, and industry 4.0.

1.2 Problem formulation

The division of Production Systems at University West is rebuilding their Production
Technology Centre (PTC) automation line. This automation line is used primely to con-
duct certain labs in the master programs in robotics and automation as well as for un-
dergraduate education and in research. In parallel with the rebuilding process, there is
a plan to build a virtual laboratory (a digital twin) based on the new design of the auto-
mation line. This virtual laboratory will help the distance students and researchers to
test and debug their implementations of the labs before conducting them in the real
laboratory. For certain labs, it will be sufficient to conduct the labs virtually for gaining
the required knowledge.
This thesis work will investigate the possibilities and limitations of using such a
virtual laboratory in education and research.

Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Introduction

1.3 Aim and research question

The purpose of this master’s thesis is to investigate the possibilities to employ digital
twin technology in education and research by building and evaluating a virtual model
of the automation line in PTC in University West. The result of this project can be
extended to other industrial-like lab equipment used in research or/and education. The
main goals of this master’s thesis are to:
− build a digital twin of the PTC automation line using Visual Components and
− and validate and evaluate the virtual model and the logic control of the digital
RQ: What are the possibilities and limitations of applying digital twin technology in
education and research to conduct industrial-like labs virtually?

1.4 Delimitation
The focus of this study will be on the virtual commissioning of the new automation line
in university West PTC. The experiment used to compare the physical lab performance
to the virtual lab performance will be limited to one robotic cell of the automation line.
This experiment will be done by Behzad Far as part of his master’s thesis work [1]. The
practical part of this study will be designed and implemented using Visual Components
premium 4.2, AutoCAD 2021 and TwinCat 3. The physical behaviours of the modelled
components, such as gravity and inertia, will not be considered in this study.

1.5 Outline
The content of this work is structured in six main chapters. The first chapter provides
an overview of the thesis topic and addresses the thesis problem, objective, and limita-
tion. The second chapter is a literature review that surveys books and scholarly articles
to provide the required theoretical background information on the thesis topic. In the
third chapter, the methods and the work procedure used in this thesis work are pre-
sented. The design and implementation of the practical part of the research are pre-
sented in the fourth chapter. In the fifth chapter, the outcome of this study is presented
and evaluated. The recommendations, improvement and suggested future work are dis-
cussed in the sixth chapter.

Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Related work

2 Related work

In this section, the theoretical background of the key concepts in this thesis is presented.
The aim is to build the required knowledge by studying and interpreting relevant and
most recent literature.

2.1 Digital twin

In the current era of the technological revolution, there are massive volumes of data
generated by sensors and smart devices. The need for processing this data has paved
the way for several new technologies. Digital twin (DT) is one of those emerging tech-
nologies. The key enabling factors for digital twin technology are the internet of things
(IoT) and the possibility to collect data in real-time [2]. DT is one of the key milestones
in the development of the Industry 4.0 concepts [3], and it can enhance the system by
[3], [4], [5]:
− Increasing the visibility in the system.
− Increasing visibility reduces both maintenance cost and energy consumption.
− Increasing efficiency and safety.
− Optimizing of the system operations.
− Fusing different information technologies such as cloud computing, simulation
and IoT.

2.1.1 Digital twin concept

Presently, there is no common standard definition of DT in both research and industry,
and the definitions vary based on the area of application [6]. In addition to the lack of
a standard definition of the digital twin concept, the digital twin is usually confused with
other similar concepts such as simulation and cyber-physical system (CPS) [7].
Tao, Zhang and Nee in [4] listed the most used definitions of the digital twin in
academia and industry. Based on these definitions they described the digital twin “as a
virtual representation that interacts with the physical object throughout its lifecycle and provides intelli-
gence for evaluation, optimization, prediction”.
According to Agalianos et al. in [3], a digital twin system consists of a physical entity,
a virtual model, and connections between the physical and virtual spaces. Fuller et al.
described the digital twin as seamless and bidirectional integration of data between the
physical and digital spaces of a system [8].

2.1.2 Digital twin and cyber-physical system

DT and CPS are two closely related concepts as both systems aim to achieve seamless
integration between the virtual and the physical spaces [4]. However, the borders be-
tween the two systems are not completely clear in academia [7]. Furthermore, Tao,
Zhang and Nee [4] considered DT as a focused application of CPS.
According to Tao et al. in [9], a CPS system is defined as “the integration of computational
and physical processes”. Whereas DT is described as a real-time optimization of a physical
system by using a digital replica of the system.

Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Related work

The main focus in CPS is on communication, computing, and control [4], [9]. How-
ever, DT technology focuses more on virtual modelling. Sensors and actuators are the
key components in CPS while data and models are the main components of DT [9].

2.1.3 DT dimensions
Tao et al. [10] found that there are two models of DT in research: the three-dimensional
model and the five-dimensional model. In the three-dimensional model, DT has three
core components: physical space, virtual space, and connection. This model is illus-
trated in Figure 1.
In addition to the core components of the three-dimensional model, the five-di-
mensional model has two extra components: data and service [11], [12], [13]. The struc-
ture of the five-dimensional model is shown in Figure 2.
The virtual model represents the mapping of the physical system properties, behav-
iours, and rules in the virtual world. The services in DT are used to encapsulate the
complicated functions of DT into simple and user-friendly modules [4], [12]. Data in
this model is considered the main driver of the digital twin model. Data in a five-di-
mensional model can be obtained from physical systems. Data can also be collected
from virtual models and services. Connections are used to allow data exchange between
DT different core components [4], [13].

2.2 Digital twin enabling technologies

Tao, Zhang and Nee in [4] as well as Qi et al. in [13] classified enabling technologies of
DT into five categories based on the core components of the five-dimensional frame-
work shown in Figure 2. The key technologies applied to DT are shown in Figure 3.

2.2.1 Physical-world enabling technologies

These technologies are used mainly for perceiving data and cognizing the physical en-
tities. Some examples of the technologies in this category are sensing, measurement and
process technologies [13].

2.2.2 Virtual model enabling technologies

Modelling is the cornerstone of digital twin technology, and it aims to build and process
a virtual replica of the physical entities. The key modelling technologies used in DT are
geometric modelling and physics simulation [13].

Figure 1: DT three-dimensional model. Adopted from [4].

Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Related work

Figure 2: DT five-dimensional model. Adopted from [4].

2.2.3 Data management enabling technologies

The key functions of data management technologies are to collect, store and process
system data, other functions are to fuse the data from different sources and to visualize
this data. The key technologies in the data management category are storage technology
and fusion technology [13].

Figure 3: Classifying of DT enabling technologies. Adopted from [13].

Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Related work

2.2.4 Services enabling technologies

Digital twin integrates various technologies which enable monitoring, simulation, and
diagnosis of the system. Two examples of the services enabling technologies are soft-
ware and platform technology and algorithm [13].

2.2.5 Connections enabling technologies

Effect data exchange between the core components of DT requires several assistive
technologies such as communication technology, internet technology and security tech-
nology [13].

2.3 DT levels of integration

Based on how the data is exchanged between the physical and virtual spaces, the digital
twin technology is classified into three categories: digital model, digital shadow, and
digital twin [6], [8]. Figure 4 shows DT different levels of integration.

2.3.1 Digital model

In this model, there is no automated flow of data between the physical space and the
virtual space, and the data is updated manually in both directions. The changes in the
physical system do not affect the virtual model automatically and vice versa [6] [8]. Ac-
cording to Lu et al. [7], the digital model is a simulation rather than a digital twin system.

2.3.2 Digital shadow

If there is an automated flow of data from the physical space to the virtual space, the
model is defined as a digital shadow. In this model, changes in the status of the physical
system have a direct impact on the virtual model. The changes in virtual model status,
however, have no impact on the physical system.

2.3.3 Digital twin

In this model, the real-time data can flow in both directions and the changes in the
status of the physical system can directly affect the virtual model and vice versa [3], [6],
[8]. The flow of real-time data makes it possible to create effective digital twin systems
with the capability to predict and model the dynamic changes in the system [3].

Figure 4: Different levels of the digital twin. Adopted from [6] and [8].

Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Related work

2.4 Modelling
White and Ingalls defined a model in [14] as “an entity that is used to represent some other
entity for some defined purpose”. A model, in general, is an abstraction of a real complex
system and it is used mainly to study the behaviour of the real system when the system
under control cannot be observed directly due to the high cost of experimenting with
the real system or because of unsafety issues [14], [15]. There are three basic types of
models: physical models, mathematical models, and computer models.
Loper referred to physical models in [15] as iconic models. Physical models can be
static or dynamic. A static physical model is a scale model of the real system being
modelled. Static physical systems do not change with respect to time while dynamic
physical models do change with time [16]. A typical example of a static physical model
is the scaled-down model of a building under construction. The wind tunnel is a typical
example of a dynamic physical model.
Dym in [17] defined the mathematical model as “a representation in mathematical terms
of the behaviour of real devices and objects”. Mathematical models are usually represented using
a set of mathematical equations involving a set of variables and they are classified into
two basic categories: continuous models and discrete models. In continuous models,
the variables “vary continuously in space and time, while the variables in discrete models vary discon-
tinuously” [18].
Depending on how they change over time, the mathematical models can also be
divided into static mathematical models and dynamic mathematical models. When
mathematical models are implemented and manipulated using computers, they called
computer model [16].

2.5 Simulation
Simulation and modelling are very closely connected concepts. According to Singh in
[16], mathematical modelling can be considered as a simulation, and mathematical sim-
ulation can be considered as modelling.
Simulation is a practical process that aims to conduct experiments on a model of a
real system to study the behaviour of the system of interest [14]. Simulation, according
to White and Ingalls, is a practical method used to study a real system by developing a
model of the system and performing experiments on this model to understand the be-
haviour of the system under control [14].
Based on the nature of the system variables, Sokolowski and Banks in [19] classified
simulation models into three categories: discrete event simulation, continuous simula-
tion, and Monte Carlo simulation. In continuous simulations, the system variables are
continuous functions of time while in discrete event simulations, the variables are dis-
crete functions of time. Monte Carlo simulation uses probabilities to model the system
behaviour. The outcomes of the model are predicted based on randomly generated
samples of input variables.

2.5.1 Simulation vs emulation

Simulation models are abstractions of real systems and they hold different levels of
simplification and approximation and therefore, there is a notable difference between
the performance of the real system and the model. This difference is proportionally
related to the complexity of the system and the level of the simplification of the model.
Emulation models can help to narrow this performance gap [20].

Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Related work

McGregor defined an emulation model as a model “where some functional part of the
model is carried out by a part of the real system” [21]. Emulation is employed basically in the
development and validation phases of the system life cycle [22].
The key difference between emulation and simulation models is the purpose of the
modelling. With simulation models, the primary aim is to analyse the system behaviour
and performance by trying and testing different scenarios and parameters [21] [23].
Emulation models aim to test the system logical control with various operating condi-
tions. Emulation models can be used as a risk-free training tool. Another important
difference is that emulation models should be run almost in real-time while simulation
models can run faster than the real-time of the modelled system [21].

2.6 Industrial automation

Industrial automation is the combination of “the process control and information systems”.
The industrial automation system aims to increase productivity, low production cost
and enhance product quality [24]. An automation system consists mainly of two com-
ponents: the controlled process (the plant) and the controller [25]. According to How-
kins in [26] the key components of an industrial automated system are machinery, con-
trol, computing, and communication.
The structure of a traditional automation system, according to Durkop et al. in [27],
can be divided, in general, into five different levels as shown in Figure 5. The structure
is derived from the automation pyramid model of the International Society of Automa-
tion standard (ISA-95) [28]. In this model, the upper three levels are optional. Level 4
is the highest, and it is responsible for the management of the whole business and lo-
gistic process of the enterprise. The plant management level is responsible for the man-
agement of the entire manufacturing process. The operator level is used to monitor and
control the system devices and process using a set of HMIs. On the control level (level
1), the system controllers (PLCs) manipulate field level I/O signals such as sensors and
actuators signals [27], [29].
According to Hawkins in [26] and Groover in [30], there are three types of industrial
automation: fixed industrial automation, programmable industrial automation, and flex-
ible industrial automation. A process in a fixed industrial automation system is mainly
set to produce one type of products. It is often very expensive to change the product

Figure 5: Automation levels. Adopted from [27] and [29].

Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Related work

in fixed automation. With programmable automation, the system can be used to pro-
duce new products by re-programming it and without changing the current equipment.
The cost of changing the product in programmable automation is considerably low
compared to fixed automation systems. With flexible industrial automation, it is possi-
ble to use the same programming and equipment to produce a variety of products. The
relation between productivity and flexibility for the previous automation systems is
shown in Figure 6.

2.6.1 Controller
Controllers are considered to be the key parts of the industrial automation system as
they carry out the computing and the management of I/O signals in the system [31].
There are essentially four basic types of industrial controller: mechanical, pneumatic,
hydraulic, and electronic controllers. Electronic controllers can take two forms: a dis-
tributed control system (DCSs) and programmable logic controllers (PLCs) [24]. DCSs
are mainly used in process control and it is beyond the scope of this study.

Programmable logic controller (PLC)

Bolton in [32] and [33] defined a programmable logic controller as a digital electronic
“microprocessor-based” controller that can store instructions in its memory and processes
these instructions to control industrial processes. The key components of a PLC system
are a central processing unit, memory, power supply and IO interfaces. The basic struc-
ture of a PLC system as well as its external connections with peripheral equipment is
shown in Figure 7.

PLC programming
The majority of key PLC manufactures follow international standard IEC 61131‐3
which is considered as a guideline for programming modern PLC systems. IEC 61131‐
3 defines five PLC programming languages. Three of these programming languages are
graphical and two are text-based. The graphical programming languages are Function
Block Diagram (FBD), Ladder Diagram (LD), and Sequential Function Chart (SFC),
while the text-based programming languages are: Structured Text (ST) and Instruction
List (IL) [34].

Figure 6: Productivity-flexibility relation in different automation systems. Inspired by


Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Related work

Figure 7: PLC internal structure. Adopted from [34].

ST is a high-level C-like PLC programming language and this makes it very useful
in programming complex control tasks. IL, on the other hand, is an Assembly-like low-
level language. and IL is used mostly for retaining compatibility with older PLC systems.
LD is the most used PLC programming language because of its simplicity and also due
to its similarity to the traditional electrical relay diagram. SFC is very effective in pro-
gramming state-based control and/or sequential control. SFC, however, cannot be used
as a stand-alone language and it is used always with another standard language such as
ST or LD [34].

2.6.2 Industrial communication

An industrial communication system is a network used to transfer data between con-
trollers and other devices in the system such as sensors, I/O devices, and actuators [35].
The transferred data can be of different forms. It can be textual or numerical data. It
can be in form of digital or analogue I/O signals [31].
There are currently many different industrial communication protocols and tech-
nologies applied in automation systems. This includes DeviceNet, OPC UA, Profinet
to name but a few. Profinet is a real-time protocol for communication over industrial
networks in automation systems. It is based on the EIC 61158 standard [36]. DeviceNet
is a low-end device-oriented network designed primarily to interface devices in the
lower level of the automation system (sensors, actuators) with system controllers. A
single DeviceNet network can connect up to 64 nodes [37]. OPC Unified Architecture
(OPC UA) is “a platform-independent communication protocol for industrial automation, developed
by OPC Foundation” [38].

2.7 Commissioning
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE) has defined the commissioning process as “a quality-oriented process for achiev-
ing, verifying, and documenting that the performance of facilities, systems, and assemblies meets defined
objectives and criteria” [39].

Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Related work

Commissioning is the last phase in the life cycle of a system building or upgrading
and it works as a bridge between the design and the operation of the system. Commis-
sioning is performed usually by a dedicated commission team in cooperation with the
operators and other technical staff [40].
Commissioning has typically three phases: pre-commissioning, core commissioning
and Start-up [41]. The pre-commissioning is the whole activities performed during the
system building phase to prepare the system for the core commissioning phase. The
core commissioning phase is to put the system equipment and sub-systems into their
“initial operation”. In the start-up phase of commissioning, the system is put into its actual
planned operation.

2.7.1 Virtual commissioning (VC)

With real commissioning, the system cannot be tested and validated before it is built.
This often results in delays and increase the cost during the start-up phase of the system.
Virtual commissioning (VC) is used mainly to overcome this problem by decreasing the
time required during the commission phase [42]. Virtual commissioning enhances real
commissioning by detecting system errors and bugs in the early stage before the real
commissioning is started [43].
Virtual commissioning, according to Vermaak and Niemann in [44], is “the simulation
of a system in a virtual environment”. The simulation model is used for the validation of the
system. Virtual commissioning starts in the early stage of system development before
the physical system is built.
Using a commissioning virtual environment makes it possible to reconfigure and
upgrade an existing system easily. This can be achieved due to the ability to perform the
virtual commissioning of the system in parallel with the production and assembly pro-

2.7.2 Virtual commissioning stages

There are several techniques used during the development and test of automation sys-
tems. This includes a model in the loop (MIL), a process in the loop (PIL), hardware in
the loop (HIL) and software in the loop (SIL). During the VC development lifecycle,
however, three of these models are mainly used. These models are MIL, SIL, and HIL
[45]. Figure 8 shows the development stages of VC while Figure 9 shows the configu-
rations of different VC models.
Model in the loop (MIL)
Model in the loop is the first stage in the VC development process [45]- [46]. In MIL
both the controlled process and the controller are replaced with simulation models [25].
Software in the loop (SIL)

Figure 8: Virtual commissioning development stages. Adopted from [45].

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Figure 9: Model configurations applied in commissioning. Adopted from [47].

According to Cech et al. in [47], the software in the loop stage is the integration between
the simulation model of the system and the real controller.
Hardware in the loop (HIL)
As demonstrated in [45], the hardware in the loop is the last stage in virtual commis-
sioning. In this stage, the real hardware and software are used to test the system [47].
However, Lee and Park in [48] referred to this stage as real commissioning rather than
HIL. They considered that HIL involves a virtual system and a real controller.

2.7.3 Virtual commissioning workflow

Modelling in virtual commissioning can be divided into three sub-tasks: physical device
modelling, logical device modelling and system control modelling [49]. Physical device
modelling is used to transfer the physical design of the device to a digital representation.
The physical device modelling includes both the geometric and kinematic attributes of
the modelled system [49], [48]. The logical device modelling is used to represent the
behaviour of the modelled system in response to the control program [48]. System con-
trol modelling is to build the control program (PLC program) required to control the
logic of the system [49]. Figure 10 describes the workflow of the virtual commissioning

Figure 10: Virtual commissioning workflow. Adopted from [48].

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Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Method

3 Method

The method section describes the procedures and techniques used to solve the study
problem. This includes identifying the problem as well as collecting and processing the
data. This includes also analysing the result of the study [50].

3.1 Data collecting

The digital twin of the automation line is built using Visual Components premium 4.2
and TwinCat 3. The data required to build the digital twin can be divided into two key
parts: geometrical data and behavioural data. Geometrical data include all required ge-
ometrical information such as CAD models of the key parts of the automation line.
Behavioural data describe how the line component behave in response to control com-
mands and signals. The geometrical and behavioural data of the automation line are
obtained from the division of production systems at University West.
The majority of geometrical data are obtained from a layout created in RobotStudio
which is a simulation and offline programming tool from ABB. This layout is used to
get the information required to build a similar layout of the automation line in Visual
Components. Some of the geometrical data are provided in form of Standard Triangle
Language (STL) files which can be imported directly to the Visual Component. This is
especially true for the products parts (cylinders, octagon, plates, containers).
The behavioural data of the automation line are provided in the project description.
The description gives detailed information about the automation line suggested work.
This includes the following:
− A brief introduction to the new automation line.
− Communication layout
− Description of the states of the stations
− Description of assembly flow in the stations
− Description of the function blocks required to control the robots
− Description of the stations' input/output signals

3.2 Data processing

To process the collected data and convert it into the needed digital twin, three key
modelling types are required, namely, physical device modelling, virtual device model-
ling, and system control modelling. In this work, Visual Components premium 4.2 is
used for both physical device modelling and logical device modelling while control sys-
tem modelling is performed using TwinCat 3 software. Since the models that build the
digital twin are located in two different software programs, a communication protocol
is needed to integrate these models. The processing layout is shown in Figure 11.

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Figure 11: Data processing layout. Adopted from [48].

3.2.1 Physical device modelling

Physical device modelling is the process of transferring the physical design of a device
to a digital representation. The physical device modelling includes both the geometric
and kinematic attributes of the modelled device.
The majority of the layout components can be added directly from the Visual Com-
ponents library. This is especially true for the standard components in Visual Compo-
nents such as robots, fences, and tables. Non-standard components, which are not pro-
vided are modelled using AutoCAD software when they cannot be modelled easily us-
ing Visual Components.

3.2.2 Logical device modelling

Logical device modelling is the process of defining the behaviour of the modelled de-
vice in response to the control logic and signals. The most commonly used approach
to defining and controlling the behaviour of the modelled component is to add a Py-
thon script to the component. Python scripts make it possible to control the component
behaviour in a very effective and flexible way. Adding signals and sensors to the mod-
elled components are other examples of logical device modelling.

3.2.3 System control modelling

System control modelling is the process of building the control logic (PLC program)
required to control the system. System control modelling includes generally the follow-
ing key steps:
− Defining and connecting the global variables
− Building the functions blocks and other helper sub-programs
− Building the main program
− Designing the HMIs

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3.2.4 Communication
The key parts of the digital twin of the automation line reside in different software
programs. A communication protocol is, therefore, required to allow these parts to
communicate and exchange data. There are two options of communication protocol
available to connect Visual Components models and TwinCat projects. These options
are Beckhoff ADS and OPC UA. In this work, however, the Beckhoff ADS protocol
will be used due to its simplicity in both implementation and configuration.

3.3 Result Evaluation

The practical work and the result of this study will be tested and evaluated continuously
during the implementation of the model. In the physical modelling phase, the modelled
components of the automation line will be checked to ensure that they are modelled
according to the specifications. During the logical modelling phase, the modelled com-
ponents will be tested by using Python scripts test code. In the system control modelling
phase, the PLC’s function blocks, and the other program organization units will be
tested using test program organization units (POUs) and test HMIs. The virtual model
created in this work will also be tested by Behzad Far as part of his master’s thesis work

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Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Design & Implementation

4 Design & Implementation

This work aims to investigate the possibilities and limitations of building a digital twin
of automation lab equipment and using the digital twin to conduct automation labs and
experiments virtually. The new PTC automaton line at University West was used as a
case study in this work. More specifically, the automation line project in the course
Automation System (ATM700) was used for modelling and testing the digital twin. In
the course project, the automation line is designed to produce three similar types of
products. Three colour codes (red, blue, and green) are used to distinguish between
these products. Each product is assembled of three key parts of the same colour. The
parts are a plate, a cylinder, and a screw. Special pallets (assembly containers) are used
in production as fixtures during the assembly process. Other pallets (storage containers)
are used to store the assembly parts in the buffers of the assembly stations.

4.1 Automation line specification

Figure 12 shows the layout of the automation line. The line consists of nine robotic
cells (STN100 – STN900) and one automated guided vehicle (AGV). The automation
line uses a master/slave configuration where STN500 is the master and the other cells
(assembly stations) are slaves. The master (STN500) is an input/output station, and it
is designed to perform the main control of the production line. STN500 is also used to
supply and direct the assembly pallets to the different assembly stations via AGV and
also to store the finished products. Each station in the line is controlled by a dedicated
PLC. All assembly stations as well as the AGV are connected to the I/O station through
an OPC UA communication server as illustrated in Figure 13. PTC automation line is
constructed to work according to the following specifications and requirements:

Figure 12: Automation line layout

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Figure 13: Layout of Automation line communication. Adopted from line specifica-
− I/O station works as the communication medium for all other stations in the
line including the AGV. A station in the line can therefore communicate directly
only with the I/O station.
− All the product parts are made of metal, and they can trigger the conductive
sensors used in the robot tools to detect and identify the assembled parts in the
assembly containers.
− I/O station performs the line main control logic, and it assigns tasks to all sta-
tions in the line.
− The empty assembly containers are supplied to the assembly stations by the I/O
− All storage buffers in the assembly stations are initially loaded by the staff with
random pallets of parts.
− The pallets of parts have a predefined quantity of items.

4.2 Automation line workflow

The assembly process is performed according to the following steps. First, a plate is
placed in its position in the assembly container. A cylinder then is added to the plate.
Lastly, a screw is added to the product. All parts should have the same colour as the
assembly container.
The production process starts by manually loading the buffers with assembly con-
tainers and parts. Every station scans its buffer storages and stores the storages content
details. The I/O station supplies the line with an empty assembly container. The con-
tainer is directed to the first assembly station that has the required part. The workflow
of an assembly station in the automation line is organized according to the general al-
gorithm shown in List 1. The state diagram of an assembly station is shown in Figure

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Figure 14: State diagram of an assembly station.

1: Scan plates in station buffer

2: Update details of buffer
3: State = 100 (Ready state)
4: WHILE there are orders Do
5: IF station is booked by IO station THEN
6: State = 200 (Busy state)
7: IF AGV is at station THEN
8: State = 300 (Processing state)
9: Scan to find colour of pallet provided by AGV
10: Scan previously assembled parts on pallet.
11: Assemble missing parts in assembly pallet
12: Update buffer details
13: Send order for next assembly
14: Place pallet on AGV
15: Set station to ready state (100)
16: Wait for next production order

List 1: Assembly station workflow.

4.3 Modelling
Modelling in this work comprised physical and logical models building as well as the
development of the system control. Through the model building, the following assump-
tions were made:
− The line is designed to produce three products in each production cycle.
− The products are assembled in a sequence which means that there is only one
assembly station working at any time of the production cycle.

4.3.1 Physical model building

The physical modelling phase was performed in Visual Components Premium 4.2, and
it involved building a model that possesses the geometric and kinematic attributes of
the modelled automation line. The dimensions and location of a component in the line
are good examples of these geometric attributes, while the acceleration, deceleration
and linear speed of the moving components are typical examples of the kinematic at-
tributes. Three methods were used to physically model the automation line parts in
Visual Components. The methods involved adding components from the built-in li-
brary, creating geometries from scratch, and/or importing existing geometries.
Most of the components required to build the model were found in the Visual Com-
ponents standard library. Some of these components, such as ABB robots, were used
directly without any modification, while the other components, e.g., working tables,

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required some modifications to their default properties before using them. Figure 15
shows the key geometries in an assembly station.
Some of the required automation line components were not provided in the stand-
ard library of Visual Components but rather provided as pre-made 3D cad models. This
was especially true for the containers and the assembly parts (plates, cylinders, octa-
gons). These models were imported to the Visual component and even added to the
The components that were neither found in the Visual Components standard library
nor created in other software were created from scratch. The components with simple
geometries were built directly in Visual Components Premium using its modelling fea-
tures. For example, the fixtures on the working table shown in Figure 15 were built
using this approach. The components with more complicated geometries required spe-
cial CAD software to build them. One instance of these components is the docking
station of the AGV (Figure 15) which was created in AutoCAD 2021.
Validation in this phase was done by drawing a comparison between the modelled
layout and the physical layout of the automation line. This involved checking that the
geometric and kinematic attributes of the modelled components were set according to
the specifications.

4.3.2 Logical model building

The physical models created in the previous phase are usually passive. In other words,
they cannot respond directly to the logic control commands and signals. Through log-
ical modelling, certain behaviours and features were added to these components to
make them active. Figure 16 shows the available behaviours in the Visual Component
software. The most commonly used behaviours and features in this work are signals,
sensors, Python scripts and frames.

Figure 15: An assembly station.

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Figure 16: Modelling behaviours in Visual Components.

Python scripts were used in logical modelling to add internal logic to the compo-
nents of the line. This logic allows the components to behave effectively in response to
the external and internal commands and signals. Most of the Python scripts used in this
work were defined locally inside their related components. Some Python scripts were
however defined globally outside any component. In this case, their code could be im-
ported and used by all local scripts. Figure 17 shows a part of the global code used in
this work.

Figure 17: Part of the global Python script “”.

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Signal behaviours, on the other hand, were used to give the components and their
behaviours the ability to interact with each other. The sensors were especially useful for
detecting and identifying certain components in the automation line. The frames were
added mostly to define the positions of the robots in the virtual environment.
It was not required to model all automation line components logically. This kind of
modelling was only required for the parts that involve directly in the production pro-
cesses. This includes the AGV, the robots, the sensors, and the dock stations.
AGVs in the standard library of VC are initially passive. They require additional
behaviours and features to be able to interact with their environment. Figure 18 shows
the behaviours and features added to the AGV, and Figure 19 shows a part of the
Python script used to control the AGV. The vehicle behaviour was used to define the
AGV as a moving component that can be controlled by a Python Script. The NextSta-
tion signal is an integer sent by the PLC program to indicate the ID of the station the
AGV is moving toward. MoveAGV is a function used to moves the AGV between two
positions using a set of pre-defined paths between fixed points on the automation line
floor. The surface of the AGV is equipped with a sensor that is triggered when the
AGV is loaded with an assembly container. This sensor was modelled using a ray cast
sensor which is a behaviour in Visual Components used mainly to measure distances
and detect components in Visual Components 3D models. Three signals may be used
in combination with a raycast sensor behaviour. These signals are a range signal, a com-
ponents signal and a Boolean signal. The Boolean signal is triggered when there is a
component within the detection threshold of the sensor. The component signal used
to identify what component detected by the sensor and the range signal is used to store
the distance between the sensor and the detected component.
The main difference between the I/O robot and the other robots in the line is that
there are no assembly processes performed in the I/O station. Despite this difference,
these robots have almost the same added behaviours and features. The key behaviour
required for all robots is the inductive sensor. The inductive sensor is attached to the

Figure 18: Behaviours and features of the AGV.

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Figure 19: AGV Python scripts.

robot arm and is used to check for the pre-assembled parts on an assembly container.
In Visual Component, the inductive sensors were modelled using the raycast sensor
behaviour, a Boolean signal, and a component signal. The other behaviours required by
the robots were the order-related and position-related signals. Order-related signals
were used to receive the control orders from the PLC-control program and to send the
current status of the robot to the PLC program. Position-related signals were used to
set the different positions of the robot arm. Figure 20 shows the behaviours added to
all robots in the line.
Every dock station in the automation line is equipped with a sensor to detect if the
AGV is docked at the station or not. The behaviour of this sensor was modelled in
Visual Components in the same manner used to model the robot tool inductive sensor.
The same applies to the scanner stations attached to the working tables where raycast

Figure 20: Behaviours added to all robots.

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sensors were used along with the appropriated signals to detect the type of the scanned

4.3.3 System control building

The system control logic (PLC-control program) plays a key role in monitoring and
controlling the physical automation line. As with the real system, a PLC-control pro-
gram is required to monitor and control the virtual model. The PLC program, in this
work, was developed using Beckhoff TwinCat version 3, and it was built based on a
pre-defined template. This template contains the data structures and the function blocks
required to control the robots in the real automation system.
In the real environment, every station has its own controller and, therefore, its own
PLC-control program. OPC UA communication architecture is used to allow the sta-
tions to exchange data. In this configuration, the I/O station is working as an OPC UA
server and the assembly stations and the AGV as OPC UA clients. Although this con-
figuration was still applicable in the virtual environment, it was not implemented in this
work where a one-PLC configuration was used in its place. With the new configuration,
One PLC program has been used to monitor and control the whole automation line.
The PLC program was organised using different types of program organization units
(POUs) according to the structure shown in Figure 21. The PLC program was built
using the following steps:
− Defining the global variables.
− Building the function blocks and the helper functions.
− Building the program organisation units (POUs).
− Building the human-machine interfaces (HMIs).

Figure 21: Structure of the PLC program.

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− Connecting the PLC program variables with the Visual Components signals.
− Testing and validating the program.

Global variables
The global variables are required to exchange data between the PLC program and the
virtual model. They can also be used to change data between different POUs of the
program. In this work, the global variables were organised into global variable lists
(GVL). Figure 22 shows the global variables defined in every assembly station.

Functions and Function blocks

Functions and function blocks (FB) are used to perform tasks inside PLC programs.
They help to write a well-organised PLC program. The key difference between the func-
tions and the functions block is the number of their output. A function block can have
more than one output, while a function can only have one output. Figure 23 shows the
FindCode function code, which converts the Boolean values of its inputs to scanner
sensors to an integer value. The output integer value of the function is used to identify
the type of scanned container based on the signals of the scanner sensors.
Many function blocks have been implemented in this PLC program. These function
blocks can be categorised into the following three levels: robot-level, station-level, and
system-level function blocks. The function blocks used at the system level are necessary
to control and/or interact with the whole automation line. The function block used to
control the AGV is an example of the function blocks in this category.
Station-level function blocks are used mainly to control the operations of the whole
automation cell. SupplyEmptyContainer500 and ScanAssembledParts100 (Figure 21)
are two examples of the function blocks in this category. The first function block is
used by the I/O station (STN500) to supply the empty containers to the system, while

Figure 22: Global variable list.

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Figure 23
the other is used by the first assembly station (STN100) to check for the assembled
parts in the currently received assembly container.
At the robot level, the function blocks are required to control the operations of the
robots. These operations include, for example, moving the arms of the robots to pre-
defined positions in the cell, picking and placing parts and containers, and assembling
parts. The function blocks which control the robots in the virtual environment have
the same structure as the function blocks used to control the robots in the real system.
This can help to smoothly transfer the PLC program between the two environments.
A full list of the robot-level function blocks can be found in Appendix A.

Program organisation units (POUs)

The system control logic used in this work was organised using the structure shown in
Figure 21. In this configuration, one PLC project is used to control and monitor the
whole automation line. The project uses a directory structure to store and organise its
POUs in a hierarchical manner. Every station in the line has its own root folder in the
structure. The root folder of a station contains all the functions, function blocks and
subprograms needed to control the station. Every station, as well as the AGV, has its
main control program. The control program of a station is designed to control all the
station subprograms, and it is defined to be executed continuously as long as the PLC
program is running. The logic used to control stations varies based on the function of
the controlled station. There are thus three different types of control programs used in
this PLC project. Figure 24 illustrates the flowcharts of these three control programs.
The implementation of these control programs in TwinCat can be found in Appendix

Human-machine interfaces (HMIs)

Human-machine interfaces are used to connect the automation line staff and users to
the system. HMIs are not compulsory parts in this work and the virtual automation line
can be built and run perfectly without using any kind of user-machine interfaces. How-
ever, for testing purpose, one HMI was implemented in the PLC program. This HMI
was used mainly to test and validate the implementations of the robot-level function
blocks. As shown in Figure 25, the HMI is divided into two parts. The upper part is
used to test the function blocks controlling the moving and picking/placing actions.
The lower part is used to test the scanning and assembling function blocks.

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Figure 24: Flowchart of the control programs.

Figure 25: HMI used to test the robot-level function blocks.

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Beckhoff ADS (Automation Device Specification) interface was used in this work to
connect the PLC program to the virtual model. The key rationale behind choosing
Beckhoff ADS was its simplicity in comparison to the OPC UA interface.
The connection between the 3D model and the PLC program was established by
pairing the global variables in TwinCat with their related signals in Visual Components
using the connectivity feature in VC. Two sets of variables are used in this connection,
simulation-to-server variables, and server-to-simulation variables. AS the names sug-
gest, the simulation-to-server variables refer to the Visual Components signals con-
nected to their related input variables in the PLC program, while the server-to-simula-
tion variables refer to the PLC program variables connect to their related input signals
in Visual Components. Establishing a connection between Visual Components and
TwinCat required the following steps: adding the server, editing, and testing the con-
nection, and pairing the variables. In the first step, a Beckhoff ADS server was added
using the Visual Components connectivity configuration panel. The next step was to
set the ADS port and test the connection providing that the default port used by Twin-
Cat 3 is 851. The last step was to add the required simulation and server variables to
the server and to pair them with their related variable in the PLC program. Figure 26
shows a part of the connected variables between the Visual Components layout and the
TwinCat PLC program.

The last step in system control modelling was to test and validate the model. This was
done in two levels, POUs level and project level. At the first level, all the PLC project
POUs, such as the functions and the function blocks, were tested individually with the

Figure 26: Connected variables between Visual Components and TwinCat.

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help of the Visual Components model. This was especially true for the robot-action
function blocks where a test program and a test HMI (Figure 25) were used to test
them. A part of the test program is shown in Figure 27.
At the project level, the whole PLC project was tested. The I/O station (STN500),
the AGV and three assembly stations (STN100-STN300) in the virtual model were used
to perform the required test experiments. During the test process, different scenarios
of buffers contents were tried, and the behaviour and the performance of the connected
virtual model were observed and evaluated.

Figure 27: Part of the sub-program used to test the function blocks.

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Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Results and discussion

5 Results and discussion

In this chapter, the results of building the virtual model are presented, analysed, and

5.1 Result analysis

The main objective of this work was to investigate the possibilities and difficulties of
applying the digital twin technology in academia and research to enable conducting of
automation labs remotely. This was conductet by building a digital twin of the PTC
automation line and testing the digital twin by trying different scenarios and configura-
tions base on the initial contents of the buffers of the cells shown in Table 1. The main
goal of these experiments was to evaluate the model performance and to investigate if
the model works according to the provided specifications and requirements.
Table 1. Description of the initial contents of the buffers of the stations in three testing scenarios.
Station Buffer Scenario1 Scenari2 Scenario3
1 Red plates Blue screws Red cylinders
STN100 2 Red cylinders Green cylinders Green plates
3 Red screws Red plates Red plates
1 Green plates Green screws Blue plates
STN100 2 Green cylinders Red cylinders Green cylinders
3 Green screws Blue plates Red screws
1 Blue plates Red screws Green screws
STN100 2 Blue cylinders Blue cylinders Blue screws
3 Blue screws Green plates Blue cylinders
1 Red assembly container
STN100 2 Green assembly container
3 Blue assembly container
In the first scenario, all assembly processes required to produce one product is per-
formed completely in one assembly station. In the second scenario, the assembly pro-
cesses required for every product are performed in three different assembly stations. In
the last scenario, the buffers are filled randomly, and the assembly sequence required to
complete one production cycle varies based on the contents of the buffers. The
YouTube link to the third scenario simulation video can be found in Appendix C.
Running the virtual automation line using the three previous configurations gave
almost the same results. The model was able to complete the production cycle smoothly
and without any issues. This was especially true when the simulation speed factor in
Visual Components was equal to or less than 1. With higher values of simulation speed
factor, the model was mostly able to complete the production cycle, but the model
performance was not always stable. The model did not run smoothly and there were
time lags between some assembly processes in the experiments. This behaviour of the
model is explicable in terms of the latency in the connection between the Visual Com-
ponents and TwinCat. Another reason for this behaviour is that increasing the simula-
tion speed factor affects only the simulation time of the model inside Visual Compo-
nents, and it has nothing to do with the running speed of the PLC program. Some

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signals sent from the PLC program to the Visual Components program will not be
received at the time when they are needed. This problem could be solved by increasing
the delay time between functions calls in the Python scripts in Visual Components, but
this solution increased the total time required to perform one production cycle.
Behzad Far in [1] has used the virtual models built in this project in an experiment
as a part of his master thesis work. The experiment involved creating a PLC program
to produce one product using one assembly station. According to Behzad Far, the as-
sembly process was tested in both manual mode and auto mode and the virtual mode
functioned perfectly in both modes.

5.2 Discussion
The model in this work was built using three main applications, namely, Visual Com-
ponents 4.2, TwinCat 3 and AutoCAD 2021. Building a well-functioning model re-
quires therefore good knowledge of these applications. Although there are a lot of suit-
able resources to learn AutoCAD, that is not the case when it comes to learning Visual
Components and TwinCat. The Courses and lessons offered by Visual Components
Academy are useful resources to learn the basic of modelling in Visual Components,
but they are probably not sufficient to acquire in-depth knowledge of the application.
It is also very hard to navigate through and find information in the TwinCat help system
which is the main source of information about the application and its programming
Writing, testing, debugging and troubleshooting the code that controls the virtual
model was extremely hard in this project. First of all, it was not easy to choose the
proper languages that suit the different tasks in TwinCat. It was also very hard to debug
the code in TwinCat especially for the code written in the ST language. The logic used
in this work to control the virtual model is split into two parts, the PLC program code
created in TwinCat and the Python scripts code created in Visual components. These
two parts are connected using a communication protocol. This structure makes it even
harder to debug and troubleshoot the code. It was also very tricky to use some function
blocks inside sub-programs written in ST language. This was especially true for the
timers and for the function blocks that contain timers.

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Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Conclusion

6 Conclusion

At the end of this work, it has been proved that it is possible to use the digital twin
technology to build virtual representations of the industrial-like lab equipment used in
education and research. The virtual models can be used to conduct certain labs virtually.
This answers the first parts of the research question of this work. The second part of
the RQ, related to the limitations of using these virtual twins, is answered in the follow-
ing sections.

6.1 Future Work and Research

The model developed in this thesis work is a digital model which is a digital twin with
the lowest level of data integration. This is because in this model, there is no automated
flow of data between the physical system and the virtual system, and the data is updated
manually in both directions. Future extra work is required to convert this model to a
real digital twin with full data integration where the real-time data can flow in both
directions and the changes in the status of the physical system can directly affect the
virtual model and vice versa.
There are two communication architectures available to connect TwinCat PLC pro-
grams with Visual Components models. These architectures are Beckhoff ADS and
OPC UA. In the literature, there are not enough resources that address these two ar-
chitectures. Further research might be required to investigate these architectures and/or
to make a comparison between them.
This virtual model uses the Beckhoff ADS architecture, and it is highly recom-
mended to test the model with the OPC UA architecture. This is important to investi-
gate the difference between the two architectures and to evaluate their performance
when they are implemented using the same PLC program and Visual Component
model. This can help to choose the architecture that gives the best performance with
the least time delay.
The current implementation of the PLC program includes all the code required to
control the I/O station and all other assembly stations involved in the production cycle.
When the virtual automation line will be used in education to help the students to test
their PLC program offline, it is crucial to remove the code of the station/stations as-
signed to the students and to encrypt the code of the other stations.
This virtual model has not been tested yet in a practical way. It is therefore very
helpful to find a system to collect and analyse feedback from the model users and to
use the feedback to improve the model.

6.2 Critical Discussion

Although the virtual model of the PTC automation line can be used directly at least for
educational purpose, some improvements may be done to make it more practical and
effective. First of all, the content of the buffers of the stations is hard-coded inside the
Visual Components model. This means that the content of the buffers is predefined,
and it is, therefore, impossible to change the content of these buffers without modifying

Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - Conclusion

the model. An effective solution for this problem will be utilizing an algorithm to ran-
domly fill the buffers with the pallets and parts.
In the real automation line, every station has its controller and thus its PLC program.
However, the system control implemented in this work uses only one PLC program to
control all the stations in the automaton line. This configuration was very helpful in
simplifying the implementation of the system control and its connection with the virtual
model. This can, however, be seen as a drawback because, with the current configura-
tion, it is hard to isolate or take control over individual stations in the line and also to
assign tasks to the virtual model users.

6.3 Generalization of the result

Using virtual automation lines in education and research instead of the real ones can
bring several common benefits. The virtual models increase visibility and give a better
overview of the system components. The safety of the system is improved by using
virtual models in comparison with the real automation lines. The virtual automation
lines are environmentally friendly as they consume extremely less power and materials
than the physical automation lines [51] and [52].
In summary, this work proves that it is very beneficial to use virtual automation labs
in academia, especially when they are used in parallel with physical labs. The digital
models increase the accessibility of modelled systems. This is especially crucial when
the access to the physical systems is restricted due to time, location or other constraints
such as the Covid pandemic restrictions in the last two years. The virtual automation
labs are very useful tools for testing and debugging the system control programs before
they are uploaded to the real controllers. They can also be used to optimize the mod-
elled systems by using what-if scenarios.
The modelling processes and technique used in this work can be applied to all sim-
ilar industrial-like lab equipment especially for those used in education. In some re-
search labs where more accurate and realistic results are required, the model needs to
fulfil extra requirements. Among other things, the latency in signal transfer between the
virtual model and the control program should be as small as possible. For certain ap-
plications, it is also very crucial to build an extremely accurate physical model where the
dimensions and positions of the modelled components are very close to those in the
real system. Other factors should be considered while building the model. Examples of
these factors the effect of inertia and gravity force of the modelled components on the

Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Applying digital twin technology in education and research - References

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Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Short descriptive title of the work - Appendix A: Robot-level function blocks

Appendix A: Robot-level function blocks

Function block Description

The function block is used to move the ro-

bot arm to the AGV position before picking
from or placing plates on the AGV.

The function block is used to move the ro-

bot arm to the buffer position at the work-
ing table before picking from or placing
plates on the storages places at the buffer.

The function block is used to move the ro-

bot arm to the home position.

The function block is used to move the ro-

bot arm to the scanner position at the work-
ing table.

Appendix 0:1
Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Short descriptive title of the work - Appendix A: Robot-level function blocks

Function block Description

The function block is used to move the ro-

bot arm to the assembly position at the
working table.

The function block is used to pick/place

pallets from/on a specific storage place on
the table.

The function block is used to pick/place

pallets from/on the AGV surface.

The function block is used to pick/place

pallets from/on the AGV surface.

The function block is used to pick/place

pallets from/on the scanner.

Appendix 0:2
Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Short descriptive title of the work - Appendix A: Robot-level function blocks

Function block Description

The function block is used to scan assembly

pallets to detect the assembled part at a spe-
cific assembly position.

The function block is used to pick a produc-

tion part from a specific storage place and
leave it in a specific position on the assem-
bly pallet.

Description of the inputs/outputs used in the function blocks.

Pin Type Data type Description
mxEnable Input Boolean Enable the function block
mxPick Input Boolean Picking mode (true: pick, false: place)
msStorageNo Input Integer Define the storage ID
mwPartno Input Integer The part ID on the assembly pallet
mwPickPartno Input Integer The position of the part in the storage
mxDone Output Boolean A flag indicates completing of FB execution
mxExecuting Output Boolean True while FB is running
mxError Output Boolean A flag indicates FB execution error

Appendix 0:3
Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Short descriptive title of the work - Appendix B: Main control programs

Appendix B: Main control programs

B1. STN100 control program:

Appendix 0:4
Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Short descriptive title of the work - Appendix B: Main control programs

B2. AGV control program:

B3. STN500 control program:

Appendix 0:5
Degree Project for Master of Science with specialization in Robotics
Short descriptive title of the work - Appendix C: Simulation video link

Appendix C: Simulation video link

Appendix 0:6

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