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907 Titrando

8.907.8003EN / 2022-01-12
Metrohm AG
CH-9100 Herisau
+41 71 353 85 85

907 Titrando


8.907.8003EN / 2022-01-12 /
Technical Communication
Metrohm AG
CH-9100 Herisau

This documentation is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

This documentation has been prepared with great care. However, errors
can never be entirely ruled out. Please send comments regarding possible
errors to the address above.

Deficiencies arising from circumstances that are not the responsibility of
Metrohm, such as improper storage or improper use, etc., are expressly
excluded from the warranty. Unauthorized modifications to the product
(e.g. conversions or attachments) exclude any liability on the part of the
manufacturer for resulting damage and its consequences. Instructions and
notes in the Metrohm product documentation must be strictly followed.
Otherwise, Metrohm's liability is excluded.
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Titrando system ............................................................. 1
1.2 Instrument description ......................................................... 2
1.3 Titration modes – Measuring modes – Dosing com-
mands .................................................................................... 3
1.4 About the documentation ................................................... 5
1.4.1 Symbols and conventions ........................................................ 5
1.5 Safety instructions ................................................................ 6
1.5.1 General notes on safety ........................................................... 6
1.5.2 Electrical safety ........................................................................ 6
1.5.3 Working with liquids ................................................................ 7
1.5.4 Flammable solvents and chemicals ........................................... 7
1.5.5 Recycling and disposal ............................................................. 7

2 Overview of the instrument 8

3 Installation 10
3.1 Setting up the instrument .................................................. 10
3.1.1 Packaging .............................................................................. 10
3.1.2 Checks .................................................................................. 10
3.1.3 Location ................................................................................ 10
3.2 Connecting a controller ...................................................... 10
3.2.1 Operation .............................................................................. 10
3.3 Connecting MSB devices .................................................... 15
3.3.1 Connecting a dosing device ................................................... 16
3.3.2 Connecting a stirrer or titration stand .................................... 17
3.3.3 Connecting a Remote Box ..................................................... 18
3.4 Connecting USB devices ..................................................... 19
3.4.1 General ................................................................................. 19
3.4.2 Connecting a USB hub ........................................................... 20
3.4.3 Connecting a printer .............................................................. 20
3.4.4 Connecting a balance ............................................................ 21
3.4.5 Connecting a PC keyboard (only for operation with Touch
Control) ................................................................................. 22
3.4.6 Connecting a barcode reader ................................................. 23
3.5 Setting up the titration vessel ........................................... 24
3.5.1 General ................................................................................. 24
3.5.2 Titration vessel for volumetric KF titration ............................... 25
3.6 Connecting sensors ............................................................ 29
3.6.1 Connecting a pH, metal or ion-selective electrode .................. 29
3.6.2 Connecting a reference electrode .......................................... 30

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ III

Table of contents ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

3.6.3 Connecting a polarizable electrode ........................................ 30

3.6.4 Connecting a temperature sensor or an electrode with inte-
grated temperature sensor ..................................................... 31
3.6.5 Connecting the iConnect ....................................................... 31
3.6.6 Differential potentiometry ...................................................... 34

4 Karl Fischer titration 36

4.1 Volumetric titration ............................................................ 36
4.1.1 Principle of the volumetric Karl Fischer titration ...................... 36
4.1.2 Endpoint determination ......................................................... 36
4.1.3 Karl Fischer reagents .............................................................. 37
4.1.4 Application of the Karl Fischer titration .................................. 37
4.1.5 Working with water standards ............................................... 37
4.1.6 Sample addition .................................................................... 39
4.1.7 Optimum working conditions ................................................ 41

5 Operation and maintenance 43

5.1 General notes ...................................................................... 43
5.1.1 Care ...................................................................................... 43
5.1.2 Maintenance by Metrohm Service .......................................... 43

6 Troubleshooting 44
6.1 General ................................................................................ 44
6.2 Karl Fischer titration ........................................................... 44
6.2.1 ............................................................................................. 44
6.3 SET titration ........................................................................ 46
6.3.1 ............................................................................................. 46

7 Appendix 47
7.1 Remote interface ................................................................ 47
7.1.1 Pin assignment of the remote interface .................................. 47

8 Technical specifications 51
8.1 Measuring interface ........................................................... 51
8.1.1 Potentiometry ........................................................................ 51
8.1.2 Temperature .......................................................................... 51
8.1.3 Polarizer ................................................................................ 52
8.2 Power connection ............................................................... 53
8.3 Ambient temperature ......................................................... 53
8.4 Reference conditions .......................................................... 53
8.5 Dimensions .......................................................................... 53
8.6 Interfaces ............................................................................. 54

9 Accessories 55

IV ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Table of contents

Index 56

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ V

Table of figures ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Table of figures
Figure 1 The Titrando system .......................................................................... 1
Figure 2 Front 907 Titrando ............................................................................ 8
Figure 3 Rear 907 Titrando ............................................................................. 9
Figure 4 Connecting the Touch Control ......................................................... 11
Figure 5 Connecting the computer ................................................................ 14
Figure 6 MSB connections ............................................................................ 15
Figure 7 Connecting a dosing device ............................................................. 17
Figure 8 Connecting an MSB stirrer ............................................................... 18
Figure 9 Connecting the rod stirrer to the titration stand ............................... 18
Figure 10 Connecting the Remote Box ............................................................ 19
Figure 11 Connecting a printer ....................................................................... 21
Figure 12 Schematic configuration of magnetic stirrer, electrode and buret tip
during a titration. a) stirring direction clockwise, b) stirring direction
counterclockwise. ............................................................................ 24
Figure 13 Connecting a pH, metal or ion-selective electrode ........................... 29
Figure 14 Connecting a reference electrode .................................................... 30
Figure 15 Connecting a polarizable electrode .................................................. 30
Figure 16 Connecting a temperature sensor or an electrode with integrated tem-
perature sensor ............................................................................... 31
Figure 17 Plugging in the mini USB adapter cable ........................................... 32
Figure 18 Plugging in the 854 iConnect .......................................................... 32
Figure 19 Removing the protective cap ........................................................... 33
Figure 20 Aligning the guide pin ..................................................................... 33
Figure 21 Attaching the electrode ................................................................... 33
Figure 22 Unplugging the 854 iConnect ......................................................... 34
Figure 23 Connectors of the Remote Box ........................................................ 47
Figure 24 Pin assignment of remote socket and remote plug ........................... 47

VI ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 The Titrando system

The Titrando is the heart of the modular Titrando system. Operation is car-
ried out either by a Touch Control with a touch-sensitive screen ("stand-
alone titrator") or by a computer with a corresponding software.
A Titrando system can contain numerous, various kinds of instruments.
The following figure provides an overview of the peripheral devices you
can connect to the 907 Titrando.

USB Sample Processor
Dosing Interface Robotic Titrosampler Input 1 / 2 Touch Control


Relay Box


On Remote Box

PC keyboard




USB hub





Balance Stirrer / Ti Stand Dosino Dosimat

Figure 1 The Titrando system

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 1

1.2 Instrument description ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Up to three control instruments (Titrando, Dosing Interface, USB Sample

Processor, etc.) can be controlled via USB connection during operation
with the 900 Touch Control.
You can request information on special applications in the "Application
Bulletins" and "Application Notes", available free of charge via the
Metrohm representative responsible. Various monographs on the subjects
of titration techniques and electrodes are also available.
Updating the device software is described in the help of the correspond-
ing PC software.

1.2 Instrument description

The 907 Titrando has the following characteristics:
■ Operation
Operation is carried out by means of a touch-sensitive Touch Control or
with a high-performance PC software.
■ MSB connectors
Four MSB connectors (Metrohm Serial Bus) for connecting dosing devi-
ces (Dosimat with exchange unit or Dosino with dosing unit), stirrers,
titration stands and Remote Boxes.
■ USB connectors
Two USB connectors, through which devices such as printers, PC key-
boards, barcode readers or additional control devices (USB Sample Pro-
cessor, Titrando, Dosing Interface, etc.) can be connected.
■ Measuring interface
Depending on the model version, one or two measuring interface(s).
Each measuring interface has one measuring input each for:
– a potentiometric electrode (pH, metal or ion-selective electrode)
– a separate reference electrode
– a temperature sensor (Pt1000 or NTC)
– a polarizable electrode
– an iConnect (measuring interface for electrodes with integrated
data chip, so-called iTrodes)

2 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 Introduction

1.3 Titration modes – Measuring modes – Dosing com-

The 907 Titrando supports the following titration modes, measuring
modes and dosing commands:
Dynamic equivalence point titration. The reagent is added in variable
volume steps.
Measuring modes:
– pH (pH measurement)
– U (potentiometric voltage measurement)
– Ipol (voltametric measurement with selectable polarization cur-
– Upol (amperometric measurement with selectable polarization
Monotonic equivalence point titration. The reagent is added in con-
stant volume steps.
Measuring modes:
– pH (pH measurement)
– U (potentiometric voltage measurement)
– Ipol (voltametric measurement with selectable polarization cur-
– Upol (amperometric measurement with selectable polarization
Endpoint titration at one or two specified endpoints.
Measuring modes:
– pH (pH measurement)
– U (potentiometric voltage measurement)
– Ipol (voltametric measurement with selectable polarization cur-
– Upol (amperometric measurement with selectable polarization
Endpoint titration during which the measured value is kept constant.
Measuring modes:
– pH (pH measurement)
– U (potentiometric voltage measurement)

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 3

1.3 Titration modes – Measuring modes – Dosing commands ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Volumetric water content determination according to Karl Fischer.
Measuring modes:
– Ipol (voltametric measurement with selectable polarization cur-
– Upol (amperometric measurement with selectable polarization
The following measuring modes can be selected for measurements:
– pH (pH measurement)
– U (potentiometric voltage measurement)
– Ipol (voltametric measurement with selectable polarization cur-
– Upol (amperometric measurement with selectable polarization
– Conc (concentration measurement with or without standard
– T (temperature measurement)
The measuring modes for standard addition are listed separately only in
tiamo™. In Touch Control they are integrated in the measuring mode
MEAS Conc.
The following measuring modes can be selected for measurements:
– auto (automatic addition of the standard addition solution by
specifying a potential difference)
– dos (automatic addition of the standard addition solution by
specifying the single volume increments)
– man (manual addition of the standard addition solution)
Electrode calibration.
Measuring mode:
– pH (calibration of pH electrodes)
– Conc (calibration of ion-selective electrodes)
Electrode test for pH electrodes.
This mode is listed separately only in tiamo™. In Touch Control, the
electrode test is a component part of the CAL calibration mode.
■ Dosing commands
The following commands for dosing can be selected:
– PREP (rinsing the cylinder and tubings of an exchange unit or
dosing unit)
– EMPTY (emptying the cylinder and tubings of a dosing unit)
– ADD (dosing a specified volume)
– LQH (carrying out complex dosing tasks with a Dosino)

4 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 Introduction

1.4 About the documentation


Please read through this documentation carefully before putting the

instrument into operation. The documentation contains information
and warnings which the user must follow in order to ensure safe opera-
tion of the instrument.

1.4.1 Symbols and conventions

The following symbols and formatting may appear in this documentation:

Cross-reference to figure legend

The first number refers to the figure number, the sec-
ond to the instrument part in the figure.
Instruction step
Carry out these steps in the sequence shown.
Method Dialog text, parameter in the software
File ▶ New Menu or menu item
[Next] Button or key
This symbol draws attention to a possible life-threat-
ening hazard or risk of injury.
This symbol draws attention to a possible hazard due
to electrical current.
This symbol draws attention to a possible hazard due
to heat or hot instrument parts.
This symbol draws attention to a possible biological
This symbol draws attention to possible damage to
instruments or instrument parts.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 5

1.5 Safety instructions ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

This symbol highlights additional information and

1.5 Safety instructions

1.5.1 General notes on safety


Operate this instrument only according to the information contained in

this documentation.

This instrument left the factory in a flawless state in terms of technical

safety. To maintain this state and ensure non-hazardous operation of the
instrument, the following instructions must be observed carefully.

1.5.2 Electrical safety

The electrical safety when working with the instrument is ensured as part
of the international standard IEC 61010.


Only personnel qualified by Metrohm are authorized to carry out service

work on electronic components.


Never open the housing of the instrument. The instrument could be

damaged by this. There is also a risk of serious injury if live components
are touched.
There are no parts inside the housing which can be serviced or replaced
by the user.

Supply voltage


An incorrect supply voltage can damage the instrument.

Only operate this instrument with a supply voltage specified for it (see
rear panel of the instrument).

6 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 Introduction

Protection against electrostatic charges


Electronic components are sensitive to electrostatic charges and can be

destroyed by discharges.
Do not fail to pull the power cord out of the power socket before you
set up or disconnect electrical plug connections at the rear of the

1.5.3 Working with liquids


Periodically check all system connections for leaks. Observe the relevant
regulations in respect to working with flammable and/or toxic fluids
and their disposal.

1.5.4 Flammable solvents and chemicals


All relevant safety measures are to be observed when working with

flammable solvents and chemicals.
■ Set up the instrument in a well-ventilated location (e.g. fume cup-
■ Keep all sources of flame far from the workplace.
■ Clean up spilled liquids and solids immediately.
■ Follow the safety instructions of the chemical manufacturer.

1.5.5 Recycling and disposal

This product is covered by European Directive 2012/19/EU, WEEE – Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
The correct disposal of your old instrument will help to prevent negative
effects on the environment and public health.
More details about the disposal of your old instrument can be obtained
from your local authorities, from waste disposal companies or from your
local dealer.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 7


2 Overview of the instrument


907 Titran

iTrode rea


Figure 2 Front 907 Titrando

1 Bottle holder 2 "On" LED

With holding clamps, for two reagent bot- Lights up when the Titrando is ready for
tles. operation.

8 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2 Overview of the instrument

1 6

4 8

5 10

Figure 3 Rear 907 Titrando

1 Type plate 2 USB connector (USB 1 and USB 2)

Contains specifications concerning supply USB ports (type A) for connecting printer,
voltage, instrument type and serial number. keyboard, barcode reader, additional Titran-
dos, USB Sample Processor, etc.

3 Connector (Controller) 4 MSB connector (MSB 1 to MSB 4)

For connecting a Touch Control or a PC with Metrohm Serial Bus. For connecting external
installed PC software. Mini DIN, 9-pin. dosing devices, stirrers or Remote Boxes.
Mini DIN, 9-pin.

5 Power socket 6 Measuring interface 1 (Input 1)

7 Electrode connector (Ind.) 8 Electrode connector (Ref.)

For connecting pH, metal or ion-selective For connecting reference electrodes, e.g.
electrodes with integrated or separated ref- Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Socket B,
erence electrode. Socket F. 4 mm.

9 Temperature sensor connector (Temp.) 10 Electrode connector (Pol.)

For connecting temperature sensors (Pt1000 For connecting polarizable electrodes, e.g.
or NTC). Two B sockets, 2 mm. double Pt wire electrodes. Socket F.

11 Electrode connector (iConnect)

For connecting electrodes with integrated
data chip (iTrodes).

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 9

3.1 Setting up the instrument ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

3 Installation

3.1 Setting up the instrument

3.1.1 Packaging
The instrument is supplied in protective packaging together with the sepa-
rately packed accessories. Keep this packaging, as only this ensures safe
transportation of the instrument.

3.1.2 Checks
Immediately after receipt, check whether the shipment has arrived com-
plete and without damage by comparing it with the delivery note.

3.1.3 Location
The instrument has been developed for operation indoors and may not be
used in explosive environments.
Place the instrument in a location of the laboratory which is suitable for
operation and free of vibrations and which provides protection against
corrosive atmosphere and contamination by chemicals.
The instrument should be protected against excessive temperature fluctua-
tions and direct sunlight.

3.2 Connecting a controller

3.2.1 Operation
Two different versions are available for operating the 907 Titrando:
■ A Touch Control with touch-sensitive screen. It forms a "stand-alone
instrument" together with the 907 Titrando.
■ A computer enables operation of the 907 Titrando with the help of a
PC software, e.g. tiamo.


Take care to ensure that the power cord is pulled out of the power
socket before either setting up or disconnecting connections between
the instruments.

10 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation Connecting a Touch Control


The plug is protected against accidental disconnection of the cable by

means of a pull-out protection feature. If you wish to pull out the plug,
you first need to pull back the outer plug sleeve marked with arrows.

Connect the Touch Control as follows:

1 ■ Insert the plug of the Touch Control connection cable into the
Controller socket.

Figure 4 Connecting the Touch Control

2 ■ Connect the MSB devices (see chapter 3.3, page 15).

■ Connect the USB devices (see chapter 3.4, page 19).

3 ■ Connect the Titrando to the power grid (see chapter,

page 12).

4 ■ Switch on the Touch Control.

The Touch Control power supply is supplied through the Titrando.
Automatic system tests are performed on both instruments at the
time of activation. The On LED on the front of the Titrando lights up
when the system test has been completed and the instrument is
ready for operation.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 11

3.2 Connecting a controller ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


The Touch Control must be shut down properly by deactivation with the
power switch on the rear of the instrument before the power supply is
interrupted. If this is not done, then there is a danger of data loss.
Because of the fact that the power supply for the Touch Control is pro-
vided through the Titrando, you must never disconnect the Titrando
from the power grid (e.g. by deactivating with a connector strip) before
you have deactivated the Touch Control.

If you would prefer not to position the Touch Control directly next to the
Titrando, then you can lengthen the connection with the 6.2151.010
cable. The maximum connection length permitted is 5 m. Connecting the instrument to the power grid


Electric shock from electrical potential

Risk of injury by touching live components or through moisture on live
■ Never open the housing of the instrument while the power cord is
still connected.
■ Protect live parts (e.g. power supply unit, power cord, connection
sockets) against moisture.
■ Unplug the power plug immediately if you suspect that moisture has
gotten inside the instrument.
■ Only personnel who have been issued Metrohm qualifications may
perform service and repair work on electrical and electronic parts.

Connecting the power cord

Accessories Power cord with the following specifications:

■ Length: max. 2 m
■ Number of cores: 3, with protective conductor
■ Instrument plug: IEC 60320 type C13
■ Conductor cross-section 3x min. 0.75 mm2 / 18 AWG
■ Power plug:
– according to customer requirement (6.2122.XX0)
– min. 10 A

12 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation


Do not use a not permitted power cord!

1 Plugging in the power cord

■ Plug the power cord into the instrument's power socket.
■ Connect the power cord to the power grid. Connecting a computer

The 907 Titrando requires a USB connection to a computer in order to be
able to be controlled by a computer software. Using a 6.2151.000 con-
troller cable, the instrument can be connected directly, either to a USB
socket on a computer, to a connected USB hub or to a different Metrohm
control instrument.
You need administrator rights for the installation of driver software and
control software on your computer.

Cable connection and driver installation

A driver installation is required in order to ensure that the 907 Titrando is
recognized by the computer software. To accomplish this, you must com-
ply with the procedures specified. The following steps are necessary:

1 Install the software

■ Insert the computer software installation CD and carry out the
installation program directions.
■ Exit the program if you have started it after the installation.

2 Establishing the cable connections

■ Connect all peripheral devices to the instrument, see chapter 3.3,
page 15.
■ Connect the instrument to the power grid if you have not already
done this (see chapter, page 12).
The "On" LED on the 907 Titrando is not yet illuminated!
■ Connect the instrument to a USB connector (type A) of your com-
puter (see manual of your computer). The 6.2151.000 cable is
used for this purpose.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 13

3.2 Connecting a controller ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


Figure 5 Connecting the computer

The instrument is recognized. Depending on the version of the Win-
dows operating system used, the driver installation proceeds differ-
ently afterwards. Either the necessary driver software is installed
automatically or an installation wizard is started.

3 Follow the instructions of the installation wizard.

The "On" LED on the 907 Titrando lights up when the driver installa-
tion has been completed and the instrument is ready for operation.

If problems should occur during installation, contact your company's IT

support team.


The plug on the instrument end of the 6.2151.000 controller cable is

protected against accidental disconnection by means of a pull-out pro-
tection feature. If you wish to pull out the plug, you first need to pull
back the outer plug sleeve marked with arrows.

Registering and configuring the instrument in the computer

The instrument must be registered in the configuration of your computer
software. Once that has been done, you can then configure it according
to your requirements. Proceed as follows:

14 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

1 Setting up the instrument

■ Start the computer software.
The instrument is automatically recognized. The configuration dia-
log for the instrument is displayed.
■ Make configuration settings for the instrument and its connectors.
More detailed information concerning the configuration of the
instrument can be found in the documentation for the respective
computer software.

3.3 Connecting MSB devices

In order to connect MSB devices, e.g. stirrers or dosing devices, Metrohm
instruments are equipped with up to a maximum of four connectors on
what is referred to as the Metrohm Serial Bus (MSB). Various kinds of
peripheral devices can be connected in sequence (in series, as a
"Daisy Chain") at a single MSB connector (8-pin Mini DIN socket) and con-
trolled simultaneously by the respective control instrument. In addition to
the connection cable, stirrers and the Remote Box are each equipped with
their own MSB socket for this purpose.
The following figure provides an overview of the instruments that can be
connected to an MSB socket, along with a number of different cabling

Stirrer / Ti Stand

Remote Box

Ti Stand / Stirrer
Relay Box

Dosino / Dosimat

Dosimat / Dosino
Figure 6 MSB connections
The control instrument determines which peripheral devices are suppor-

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 15

3.3 Connecting MSB devices ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


When connecting MSB devices together, the following must be

■ Only one device of the same type can be used at a single MSB con-
nector at one time.
■ Dosing devices of the 700 Dosino and 685 Dosimat plus type cannot
be connected together with other MSB devices on a shared connec-
tor. These dosing devices must be connected separately.


Exit the control software before you plug in MSB devices. When it is
switched on, the control instrument automatically recognizes which
device is connected to which MSB connector. The operating unit or the
control software enters the connected MSB devices into the system
configuration (device manager).

MSB connections can be extended with the 6.2151.010 cable. The maxi-
mum connection length permitted is 15 m.

3.3.1 Connecting a dosing device

Four dosing devices can be connected to the instrument (MSB 1 to MSB
The types of dosing devices that are supported are:
■ 800 Dosino
■ 700 Dosino
■ 805 Dosimat
■ 685 Dosimat plus
Proceed as follows:

1 Connecting a dosing device

■ Exit the control software.
■ Connect the connection cable of the dosing device to one of the
sockets marked with MSB on the rear of the control device.
■ Start the control software.

16 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

Figure 7 Connecting a dosing device

3.3.2 Connecting a stirrer or titration stand

You can use the following instruments:
These devices have a built-in magnetic stirrer (stirring "from below"):
■ 801 Stirrer
■ 803 Ti Stand
This device has no built-in magnetic stirrer (stirring "from above"):
■ 804 Ti Stand with rod stirrer 802 Stirrer
Connect a stirrer or a titration stand as follows:

1 Connecting the stirrer or titration stand

■ Exit the control software.
■ Connect the connection cable of the magnetic stirrer or of the
titration stand to one of the sockets marked with MSB on the
rear of the control instrument.
■ 804 Ti Stand only: Connect the rod stirrer to the stirrer connector
(socket with stirrer symbol) of the titration stand.
■ Start the control software.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 17

3.3 Connecting MSB devices ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Figure 8 Connecting an MSB stirrer

Figure 9 Connecting the rod stirrer to the titration stand

3.3.3 Connecting a Remote Box

Instruments that are controlled via remote lines and/or that send control
signals via remote lines can be connected via the 6.2148.010 Remote Box.
In addition to Metrohm, other instrument manufacturers also use similar
connectors that make it possible to connect different instruments
together. These interfaces are also frequently given the designations "TTL
Logic", "I/O Control" or "Relay Control" and they generally have a signal
level of 5 volts.
Control signals are understood to be electrical line statuses or electrical
pulses (> 200 ms) which display the operating status of an instrument or
which trigger or report an event. Sequences on a variety of instruments
can thus be coordinated in a single complex automation system. However,
no exchange of data is possible.
Proceed as follows:

1 Connecting the Remote Box

■ Exit the control software.

18 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

■ Connect the Remote Box connection cable to one of the sockets

marked with MSB on the rear of the control instrument.
■ Start the control software.

Figure 10 Connecting the Remote Box

You can connect the following instruments to the remote connector,

among others:
■ 849 Level Control (fill level monitoring in a canister)
■ 731 Relay Box (switch box for 230/110 volt alternating current sockets
and low-voltage direct current outlets)
■ 843 Pump Station (for complex sample preparations or for rinsing
external titration vessels)
The Remote Box also has an MSB socket at which a further MSB device,
e.g. a dosing device or a stirrer, can be connected.
You will find precise information concerning the pin assignment of the
interface on the Remote Box in the appendix.

3.4 Connecting USB devices

3.4.1 General
The 907 Titrando has two USB connectors (type A sockets) for peripheral
devices with USB interfaces. The Titrando functions as a USB hub (distribu-
tor) no matter how it is operated. If you wish to connect more than two
devices to the USB, you can also use an additional, commercially available
USB hub.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 19

3.4 Connecting USB devices ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


If you operate the 907 Titrando with the aid of the Touch Control, take
care to ensure that the Touch Control is switched off when you set up
or disconnect connections between the various instruments. If you use
a PC software to control the 907 Titrando, you should exit the program
before you set up or disconnect the USB connections.

3.4.2 Connecting a USB hub

If you wish to connect more than two devices to the USB connector of the
907 Titrando, you can also use an additional commercially available USB
hub (distributor). If you operate the 907 Titrando with the help of the
Touch Control, then you should use a USB hub with its own power supply.
Connect the USB hub as follows:

1 Switch off the Touch Control and/or exit the PC software.

2 With the aid of the 6.2151.020 cable, connect the USB connector of
the 907 Titrando (type A) with the USB connector of the hub (type B,
see manual for the hub).

3 Switch on the Touch Control.

The USB hub is recognized automatically.

3.4.3 Connecting a printer

Printers that are connected to the 907 Titrando with Touch Control must
meet the following requirements:
■ Printer languages: HP-PCL (PCL 3 to 5, PCL 3GUI), Canon BJL Com-
mands or Epson ESC P/2
■ Printer resolution: 300 dots/inch or 360 dots/inch (Epson)
■ Paper size: A4 or Letter, single-sheet feed.
Connect the printer as follows:

1 Switch off the Touch Control.

2 With the aid of the 6.2151.020 cable, connect the USB connector of
the 907 Titrando (type A) with the USB connector of the printer (type
B, see manual for the printer).

3 Switch on the printer first, then the Touch Control.

20 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

4 Configure the printer in the device manager of the Touch Control

(see Touch Control manual).

Figure 11 Connecting a printer

3.4.4 Connecting a balance

■ Operation with a PC software:
– Connect the balance directly to the serial connector (COM) of
the computer. This is usually 9-pin and marked with the symbol
■ Operation with Touch Control:
– You will need the 6.2148.050 USB/RS-232 adapter to connect a
The following table offers an overview of the balances that you can use
together with the 907 Titrando and of which cable you will need for con-
nection to the RS-232 interface:

Balance Cable
AND ER, FR, FX with RS-232 inter- 6.2125.020 + 6.2125.010
face (OP-03)
Mettler AB, AG, PR (LC-RS9) In the scope of delivery for the
Mettler AM, PM, PE with interface 6.2146.020 + 6.2125.010
option 016
Also from Mettler: ME 47473
or adapter and either ME 42500
hand switch or ME 46278 foot
Mettler AJ, PJ with interface
option 018
Mettler AT 6.2146.020 + 6.2125.010
Also from Mettler: ME 42500
hand switch or ME 46278 foot
Mettler AX, MX, UMX, PG, AB-S, 6.2134.120

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 21

3.4 Connecting USB devices ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Balance Cable
Mettler AE with interface option 6.2125.020 + 6.2125.010
011 or 012
Also from Mettler: ME 42500
hand switch or ME 46278 foot
Ohaus Voyager, Explorer, Analyti- Cable AS017-09 from Ohaus
cal Plus
Precisa balances with RS-232-C 6.2125.080 + 6.2125.010
Sartorius MP8, MC, LA, Genius, 6.2134.060
Shimadzu BX, BW 6.2125.080 + 6.2125.010

Operation with Touch Control

Connect the balance as follows:

1 Plug in the USB plug of the USB/RS-232 adapter at the USB connec-
tor of the 907 Titrando.

2 Connect the RS-232 interface of the USB/RS-232 adapter with the

RS-232 interface of the balance (see table for cable).

3 Switch on the Touch Control.

4 Switch on the balance.

5 Activate the RS-232 interface of the balance if necessary.

6 Configure the RS-232 interface of the USB/RS-232 adapter in the

device manager of the Touch Control (see Touch Control manual).

3.4.5 Connecting a PC keyboard (only for operation with Touch Con-

The PC keyboard is used as an aid for text and numerical input.
Connect the PC keyboard as follows:

1 Insert the USB plug of the keyboard into one of the USB sockets of
the 907 Titrando.

22 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

2 Switch on the Touch Control.

The keyboard is recognized automatically and entered in the device

3 Configure the keyboard in the device manager of the Touch Control

(see Touch Control manual).

3.4.6 Connecting a barcode reader

The barcode reader is used as an aid for text and numerical input. You can
connect a barcode reader with USB interface.

Operation with Touch Control

Connect the barcode reader as follows:

1 Insert the USB plug of the barcode reader into one of the USB sock-
ets of the 907 Titrando.

2 Switch on the Touch Control.

The barcode reader is recognized automatically and entered in the
device manager.

3 Configure the barcode reader in the device manager of the Touch

Control (see Touch Control manual).

Settings on the barcode reader:

Program the barcode reader as follows (see also the manual for the bar-
code reader):

1 Switch the barcode reader to programming mode.

2 Specify the desired layout for the keyboard (USA, Germany, France,
Spain, German-speaking Switzerland).
This setting must match the setting in the device manager (see the
Touch Control manual).

3 Make sure that the barcode reader is set in such a way that Ctrl char-
acters (ASCII 00 to 31) can be sent.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 23

3.5 Setting up the titration vessel ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

4 Program the barcode reader in such a way that the ASCII character
02 (STX or Ctrl B) is sent as the first character. This first character is
normally referred to as the "Preamble" or "Prefix Code".

5 Program the barcode reader in such a way that the ASCII character
04 (EOT or Ctrl D) is sent as the last character. This last character is
normally referred to as the "Postamble", "Record Suffix" or "Postfix

6 Exit the programming mode.

3.5 Setting up the titration vessel

3.5.1 General
During the titration, it is important that the solution be well-mixed. The
stirring rate should be high enough for a small "vortex" to appear. If the
stirring rate is too high, then air bubbles will be aspirated. This results in
incorrect measured values. If the stirring rate is too low, then the solution
at the electrode will not be correctly mixed. In order to ensure that mea-
surement is carried out in a well-mixed solution following addition of the
titrant, the buret tip should be placed in a position where the turbulence is
high. In addition, the distance between the addition of the titrant and the
electrode should be as large as possible. Also take into account the stirring
direction (counterclockwise or clockwise) when positioning electrode and
buret tip (see figure below).
a) b)

1 1

2 2
3 3

Figure 12 Schematic configuration of magnetic stirrer, electrode and

buret tip during a titration. a) stirring direction clockwise, b)
stirring direction counterclockwise.

1 Magnetic stirrer 2 Electrode

3 Buret tip

24 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

3.5.2 Titration vessel for volumetric KF titration

Mounting the KF titration cell


3 4



Proceed as follows:

1 Screw the 6.2013.010 clamping ring tightly to the support rod.

2 Fix the 6.1414.030 vessel lid of the KF titration cell (with correctly
inserted sealing ring from the 6.1244.040 sealing set) to the support
rod. Keep the locking lever pressed down until it can be released at
the desired position.

3 Fasten the 6.1415.220 (or 6.1415.250) titration vessel with a

6.1903.020 (or 6.1903.030) stirring bar inside on the vessel lid. Fold
back the holding bracket upwards while doing so. The markings on
the vessel lid and on the plastic ring must be aligned above one
another. Afterwards, press the holding bracket downwards in order
to fix the titration vessel. The levers of the holding bracket must
enclose the pins of the plastic ring on the titration vessel in order to
ensure a secure hold.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 25

3.5 Setting up the titration vessel ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

4 Adjust the height of the KF titration cell by pressing the locking lever.
It should almost touch the surface of the stirrer. The position can
now be fixed by readjusting the clamping ring.
Once the height of the KF titration cell has been adjusted correctly,
the entire cell can be raised and swiveled as required by pressing the
locking lever.

Filling the adsorber tube

Before insertion, the 6.1403.040 adsorber tube must be filled with the
6.2811.000 molecular sieve. Proceed as follows:

6.2811.000 2


1 Insert a small cotton plug into the bottom of the adsorber tube. Do
not pack the cotton too tightly.

2 Fill the molecular sieve up to the ¾ level.

3 Place a small cotton plug on the molecular sieve. Do not pack the
cotton too tightly.

4 Seal the adsorber tube with the appropriate cover.

26 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

Inserting the dosing tip, aspiration tip and buret tip

6 6.1805.200

6.1543.060 4 5

6.1543.110 2

3 6.1543.120
6.2730.030 1
1 1

Proceed as follows:

1 Place the three screw nipples from 6.2730.030 (including O-rings,

but without stoppers) in the rear openings of the vessel lid.

2 Insert the 6.1543.110 dosing tip through the screw nipple in the
middle rear opening.

3 Insert the 6.1543.120 aspiration tip through the screw nipple in the
right rear opening.
When solvent is aspirated, the end of the aspiration tip must touch
the vessel base, but it must not inhibit the action of the stirring bar.
The aspiration tip can, if needed, be pulled out of the solvent.

4 Insert the 6.1543.060 buret tip through the screw nipple in the left
rear opening.

5 Screw the 6.1805.200 PTFE M8 tubing of the aspiration bottle onto

the aspiration tip.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 27

3.5 Setting up the titration vessel ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

6 Screw the 6.1805.200 PTFE M8 tubing of the solvent bottle onto the
dosing tip.

Inserting electrode, adsorber tube and septum stoppers

6.2104.020 5

6 6.1403.040



3 1

Proceed as follows:

1 Introduce the 6.2730.020 septum stopper (with septum inserted)

into the front opening of the vessel lid.

2 Insert the O-rings of the electrode and of the adsorber tube into the
middle openings of the vessel lid.

3 Screw the two 6.2730.010 screw nipples into the openings with the
O-rings. Do not screw too tightly.

4 Introduce the 6.0338.100 double Pt electrode into the left-hand

opening and then tighten the screw nipple until it seals.

5 Screw the 6.2104.020 electrode cable tightly onto the electrode.

28 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

6 Insert the filled 6.1403.040 adsorber tube on the right of the elec-
trode into the remaining opening and then tighten the screw nipple
until it seals.

3.6 Connecting sensors

The measuring interface contains the following measuring inputs:
■ Ind. for a potentiometric electrode (pH, metal or ion-selective elec-
■ Ref. for a separate reference electrode
■ Temp. for a temperature sensor (Pt1000 or NTC)
■ Pol. for a polarizable electrode
■ iConnect for an iConnect (measuring interface for electrodes with
integrated data chip, so-called iTrodes)

3.6.1 Connecting a pH, metal or ion-selective electrode

Connect the pH, metal or ion-selective electrode as follows:

1 Plug the electrode plug into the Ind. socket of the 907 Titrando.

Figure 13 Connecting a pH, metal or ion-selective electrode


The electrode cable is protected against accidental disconnection

of the cable by means of a pull-out protection. If you wish to pull
out the plug again, you first need to pull back the outer plug

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 29

3.6 Connecting sensors ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

3.6.2 Connecting a reference electrode

Connect the reference electrode as follows:

1 Plug the electrode plug into the Ref. socket of the 907 Titrando.

Figure 14 Connecting a reference electrode

3.6.3 Connecting a polarizable electrode

Connect the polarizable electrode as follows:

1 Plug the electrode plug into the Pol. socket of the 907 Titrando.

Figure 15 Connecting a polarizable electrode


The electrode cable is protected against accidental disconnection

of the cable by means of a pull-out protection. If you wish to pull
out the plug again, you first need to pull back the outer plug

30 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

3.6.4 Connecting a temperature sensor or an electrode with integrated

temperature sensor
A temperature sensor of the Pt1000 or NTC type can be connected to the
Temp. connector.
Connect the temperature sensor or the electrode with integrated tempera-
ture sensor as follows:

1 Insert the plugs of the temperature sensor into the Temp. sockets of
the Titrando.

Figure 16 Connecting a temperature sensor or an electrode with

integrated temperature sensor


Always insert the red plug into the red socket. This is the only way
that shielding against electrical interference can be ensured.

3.6.5 Connecting the iConnect

The external measuring interface 854 iConnect can be connected to the
iConnect connector.

Connecting the 6.2168.000 mini USB adapter cable to an


If the mini USB adapter cable is not connected to the instrument yet, pro-
ceed as follows:

1 Plug the mini USB adapter cable (2) into the iConnect connector of
the instrument (1). Observe the correct orientation (markings).

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 31

3.6 Connecting sensors ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Figure 17 Plugging in the mini USB adapter cable

Depending on the instrument's model version, there may be several
iConnect connectors.

2 Leave the adapter cable plugged in to protect the connector inside

the instrument (1) against mechanical impact.

Connecting the 854 iConnect to the adapter cable

Make sure that the mini USB adapter cable is connected to the instru-
The 854 iConnect can also be connected while the instrument is switched

1 Plug the plug of the 854 iConnect (3) into the socket of the mini USB
adapter cable (2). Observe the correct orientation (markings).

Figure 18 Plugging in the 854 iConnect

As soon as the instrument is switched on, the 854 iConnect is detec-
ted automatically and entered as measuring input into the device

Connecting the electrode

The 854 iConnect is used as measuring input for iTrodes (electrodes with
integrated memory chip).

32 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

Connect the electrode as follows:

1 Remove the protective cap of the 854 iConnect.

Figure 19 Removing the protective cap

2 Align the guide pin (5) of the electrode with the recess in the 854
iConnect (4).

Figure 20 Aligning the guide pin

3 Attach the electrode to the 854 iConnect.

Figure 21 Attaching the electrode

The guide pin guarantees correct connection in such a way that the
contact pins cannot be damaged.

4 Tighten the screw cap by hand.

If there is an electrode in the sensor list of the firmware or software,
the electrode is detected automatically when connecting it.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 33

3.6 Connecting sensors ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


Mount the protective cap again as soon as the 854 iConnect is not in
use anymore and no electrode is connected.

Removing the 854 iConnect

The 854 iConnect can also be removed while the instrument is switched

1 Unplug the 854 iConnect (3) from the socket of the mini USB adapter
cable (2).

Figure 22 Unplugging the 854 iConnect

2 Leave the mini USB adapter cable (2) plugged into the socket of the
instrument (1).


Position the mini USB adapter cable in such a way that it cannot be
removed by accident.


For further information on the 854 iConnect, see Manual iConnect 854,
article number 8.854.8002.

3.6.6 Differential potentiometry

Potentiometric measurements with high-ohm measuring chains can be
disrupted by electrostatic and electromagnetic fields in media with low
conductivity. Use our 6.0229.100 Solvotrode or other special electrodes
for pH measurements in organic solvents. If no reliable measurements are
possible with these, then a 6.5104.030 (230 V) or 6.5104.040 (115 V) dif-

34 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 3 Installation

ferential amplifier can be used. The differential amplifier is connected to

the high-ohm measuring input (Ind.).

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 35

4.1 Volumetric titration ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

4 Karl Fischer titration

4.1 Volumetric titration

4.1.1 Principle of the volumetric Karl Fischer titration
The volumetric Karl Fischer titration is the classic method of water
content determination. It works with a methanolic solution of iodine, sul-
fur dioxide and a base as buffer substance. If an aqueous sample is titra-
ted, then several reactions take place that can be summarized in the fol-
lowing sum equation:

H2O + I2 + [RNH]SO3CH3 + 2 RN ⇄ [RNH]SO4CH3 + 2 [RNH]I

According to the equation above, I2 reacts quantitatively with H2O. This

chemical equation serves as a basis for the water content determination.
The classic Karl Fischer method has undergone continuous further devel-
opment in recent years. This development did not concern itself solely
with the refining and automation of reagent dosing, but also with improv-
ing endpoint indication and reagents. The disadvantage of this method is
that the reagents are not completely stable. This means that the titer has
to be re-determined on a regular basis.

4.1.2 Endpoint determination

The titration endpoint is determined by an electrometric indication
method. Double Pt wire electrodes or double Pt ring electrodes are used
for this purpose. A distinction is made between the following two indica-
tion methods:

Biamperometric indication (Upol)

A constant potential is applied to the electrodes and the resulting current
is measured.

Bivoltametric indication (Ipol)

A direct or alternating current is applied between the two electrodes and
the resulting potential is measured.

36 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Karl Fischer titration

4.1.3 Karl Fischer reagents

One-component reagents
They contain all the reactive parts in a single solution – iodine, sulfur diox-
ide and a base, dissolved in an appropriate alcohol.

Two-component reagents
The reactive parts are distributed among two separated solutions. The
titration reagent contains iodine in methanol. The KF solvent is a solution
of sulfur dioxide and a base in methanol. It is used as a working medium
in the KF titration cell.

4.1.4 Application of the Karl Fischer titration

The volumetric Karl Fischer titration is the method of choice for determin-
ing quantities of water between 0.1 and 100%. It has the advantage that
even solid and pasty samples can be added directly to the titration vessel.
In addition, various organic solvents can be used that are tailored to the
respective samples.

4.1.5 Working with water standards Certified water standards
Commercially available, certified water standards with a water content of
10.0 ± 0.1 mg/g should be used for validating the instrument as a whole,
integrated system. Practical recommendations

For validation, it is essential to work very accurately. In order to minimize
any measurement inaccuracies that could occur, the sample preparation
and the sample processing should proceed in accordance with a defined

1 Put on gloves (always with Karl Fischer titration).

2 Use a clean syringe.

3 Take a new ampoule of water standard and shake it briefly.

4 With a folded paper towel held between thumb and index finger,
break open the ampoule at the marking.

5 Draw approx. 1 mL of the water standard into the syringe.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 37

4.1 Volumetric titration ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

6 Pull the piston of the syringe up to the end and swing the syringe
back and forth somewhat.
The inside of the syringe is being rinsed by water standard and freed
from water contamination.

7 Dispose of the used water standard in a waste bottle.

8 Draw the rest of the water standard into the syringe, aspirating as lit-
tle air as possible.

9 Push out any air bubbles that may be present in the syringe.

10 Wipe off the needle with a lint-free paper towel and cover it with the
appropriate cap.

11 Place the syringe on the balance and press [TARA].

12 As soon as the drift on the 907 Titrando is stable, take the syringe by
hand, press [START] and inject approx. 1 mL of the water standard
through the septum.
There are two possibilities:
■ Version 1:
Inject the water standard without immersing the needle in the
reagent liquid. If a little drop remains on the end of the needle, it
must be aspirated back before pulling the needle out of the sep-
The water standard should not be sprayed from the syringe onto
the electrode nor onto the wall of the titration vessel.
■ Version 2:
Inject the water standard directly under the surface of the reagent
Take care to ensure that you do not aspirate any liquid when you
withdraw the syringe from the reagent liquid.

13 Close the syringe with the same cap and place it back on the bal-

14 Read off the value displayed by the balance and enter it as sample
size on the Touch Control or in the PC software (e.g. tiamo).

38 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Karl Fischer titration

15 The next determination can be started as soon as the determination

has been finished and the titration cell has been conditioned (drift
stable) again.

4.1.6 Sample addition

This chapter contains a few notes concerning sample addition. Further
notes can be found in the publications of the reagent manufacturers and
in the Karl Fischer monograph published by Metrohm. Size of the sample size

The sample weight should be small in order to be able to titrate as many
samples as possible in the same electrolyte solution and in order to keep
the titration time short. However, ensure that the sample contains at least
50 µg of H2O. The following tables provide clues for the sample size.

Table 1 Approximate sample size in grams (5 mL buret)

Water content of KF reagent 1 KF reagent 2 KF reagent 5
the sample
0.5% 0.1–0.9 0.2–1.8 0.5–4.5
1.0% 0.05–0.45 0.1–0.9 0.25–2.25
5.0% 0.02–0.18 0.05–0.45
10.0% 0.03–0.22

Table 2 Approximate sample size in grams (10 mL buret)

Water content of KF reagent 1 KF reagent 2 KF reagent 5
the sample
0.5% 0.2–1.8 0.4–3.6
1.0% 0.1–0.9 0.2–1.8 0.5–4.5
5.0% 0.02–0.18 0.04–0.36 0.1–0.9
10.0% 0.02–0.18 0.05–0.45
25.0% 0.02–0.18
50.0% 0.02–0.09

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 39

4.1 Volumetric titration ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Table 3 Approximate sample size in grams (20 mL buret)

Water content of KF reagent 1 KF reagent 2 KF reagent 5
the sample
0.5% 0.4–3.6
1.0% 0.2–1.8 0.4–3.6
5.0% 0.04–0.36 0.08–0.72 0.2–1.8
10.0% 0.02–0.18 0.04–0.36 0.1–0.9
25.0% 0.02–0.14 0.04–0.36
50.0% 0.02–0.18

KF reagent 1: 1 mL KF reagent reacts with around 1 mg H2O

KF reagent 2: 1 mL KF reagent reacts with around 2 mg H2O
KF reagent 5: 1 mL KF reagent reacts with around 5 mg H2O Working with liquid samples

Liquid samples are added with a syringe. The samples can be injected
two different ways:
■ One uses a syringe with a long needle, which one immerses in the
reagent during the injection.
■ One uses a syringe with a short needle and aspirates the last drops
back into the needle.
The best way for you to determine the injected sample amount is to
reweigh the sample.
Glass syringes should be used for the determination of traces and val-
idations. We recommend obtaining these from a specialized syringe
Highly volatile samples and samples of low viscosity should be
cooled before sampling. Doing so avoids losses while working. The syringe
must, however, not be cooled directly, as condensation could form. For
the same reason, no air may be aspirated into a syringe into which a
cooled sample has been aspirated beforehand.
Samples of high viscosity can be thinned by heating. The syringe must
be heated as well. The same target can be reached by diluting with suit-
able solvents. In this case, the water content of the solvent has to be
determined and subtracted as blank value.
Viscous samples can be added to the measuring cell with a syringe
without needle. You can use the ground-joint opening for this. The best
way for you to determine the added sample amount is by reweighing the

40 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 4 Karl Fischer titration Working with solid samples

If possible, solid samples are to be extracted or dissolved in a suitable sol-
vent. The resulting solution is injected, during which a blank value correc-
tion for the solvent must be carried out.
If no suitable solvent can be found for a solid sample, or if the sample
reacts with the Karl Fischer reagent, then a Karl Fischer oven should be
If solid samples have to be directly added to the titration cell, they can be
inserted through the ground-joint opening. While doing so, take care to
ensure that
■ the sample releases its moisture completely.
■ no side reaction with the Karl Fischer reagent takes place.
■ the surface of the electrode is not covered by the sample substance
(incomplete KF reaction!).
■ the Pt wires of the indicator electrode do not become damaged.

4.1.7 Optimum working conditions Drift
A constant drift in the range of ≤ 10 µL/min is all right. Lower values are,
however, quite possible. Higher but stable values will still produce good
results, because the drift can be compensated.
A constantly high drift can be caused by water-containing deposits in
inaccessible parts of the titration vessel. In these cases, shaking the titra-
tion vessel can reduce the value. Make sure that there are no drops above
the liquid level in the titration vessel.
When you work with a Karl Fischer oven, a drift ≤ of 10 µL/min is all right.
The drift depends on the gas flow (the smaller the gas flow, the lower the
drift). Reagent replacement

The electrolyte solution must be replaced in the following cases:
■ The titration vessel is too full.
■ The drift is too high, and cannot be reduced by shaking the titration
Exhausted electrolyte solution is best disposed of by aspiration. To do this,
you can use, for example, an 803 Ti Stand with built-in membrane pump.
An advantage is that the titration vessel does not have to be disassem-
In the event of severe contamination, the titration vessel can be rinsed
with a suitable solvent which is also aspirated.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 41

4.1 Volumetric titration ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Indicator electrode

A new indicator electrode can take a certain warm-up time for forming
the surface. During this time unexpectedly long titration times and high
measurement results can occur. This phenomenon will, however, disap-
pear after a short time of use. In order to accelerate the setting of a new
indicator electrode, the 907 Titrando can be conditioned e.g. over night.
A contaminated indicator electrode can be carefully cleaned with an abra-
sive agent (6.2802.000 polishing set or toothpaste). After the cleaning,
rinse with ethanol.
The two Pt wires of the indicator electrode should run as parallel as possi-
ble to one another. Check the Pt wires before inserting the electrode.

42 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 5 Operation and maintenance

5 Operation and maintenance

5.1 General notes

5.1.1 Care
The 907 Titrando requires appropriate care. Excess contamination of the
instrument may result in functional disruptions and a reduction in the ser-
vice life of the otherwise sturdy mechanics and electronics.
Spilled chemicals and solvents should be removed immediately. Above all,
the plug connections on the rear of the instrument (in particular the
power socket) should be protected from contamination.


Although this is extensively prevented by design measures, the power

plug should be unplugged immediately if aggressive media have pene-
trated the inside of the instrument, so as to avoid serious damage to
the instrument electronics. In such cases, Metrohm Service must be

5.1.2 Maintenance by Metrohm Service

Maintenance of the 907 Titrando is best carried out as part of an annual
service, which is performed by specialist personnel of the Metrohm com-
pany. A shorter maintenance interval may be necessary if you frequently
work with caustic and corrosive chemicals.
Metrohm Service offers every form of technical advice for maintenance
and service of all Metrohm instruments.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 43

6.1 General ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

6 Troubleshooting
6.1 General
Problem Cause Remedy
The "On" LED is not The Touch Control or the 1. Check the plug connections.
illuminated, even computer has not been 2. Switch on the Touch Control or the com-
though the instru- switched on yet or the puter.
ment is connected plugs are not correctly
to the power supply. plugged in.

6.2 Karl Fischer titration

Problem Cause Remedy
The drift is very high The titration cell is leaking. ■ Check the seals and the septum. Replace if
during conditioning. necessary.
■ Replace the molecular sieve.

The drift becomes The sample releases water ■ Adjust the method.
greater after each very slowly. ■ Add solubility promoter.
titration. ■ Increase the temperature (possibly using a
KF oven).
■ See technical literature.

A side reaction is taking ■ Use special reagents.

place. ■ Adjust the method (increase/decrease the
temperature, external extraction).
■ See technical literature.

The pH value is no longer Add buffer (see technical literature).

in the optimum range.

The titration will not The titration cell is leaking. ■ Check the seals and the septum. Replace if
be finished. necessary.
■ Replace the molecular sieve.

The minimum increment is Select the user-defined titration rate and

too low. increase the minimum volume increment (see
manual/help of the software used).

The stop criterion is unsuit- Adjust the control parameters (see manual/
able. help of the software used):

■ Increase the stop drift.

44 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 6 Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Remedy

■ Select a short delay time.

See also: The drift becomes

greater after each titration.

The sample is over- The increments at the end ■ Select the user-defined titration rate and
titrated. of the titration are too reduce the dosing rate (see manual/help of
high. the software used).
The following experiment provides a clue
for the optimum dosing rate: During condi-
tioning, display the drift and add sample
without starting the titration. Select a value
below the highest drift as dosing rate.
■ Stir faster.

The amount of methanol in ■ Replace the working medium.

the working medium is too ■ Reduce the amount of solubility promoter,
low. if working with solvent mixtures, see tech-
nical literature.

The electrode may be cov- Wipe off the electrode with ethanol or a suit-
ered. able solvent.

The solution Replace the working medium.

becomes darker
after each titration. The electrode may be cov- Wipe off the electrode with ethanol or a suit-
ered. able solvent.

The electrode has a short 1. Check the Pt wires.

circuit. 2. Activate the electrode check.

The endpoint is The dosing rate outside the Select the user-defined titration rate and
reached too quickly. control range is too high. reduce the dosing rate (see manual/help of the
software used).

The titration times The buffer capacity of the Replace the working medium.
with volumetric solvent may be exhausted
titration are con- with two-component
stantly longer. reagents.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 45

6.3 SET titration ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

6.3 SET titration

Problem Cause Remedy
The titration will not The minimum dosing rate is Select the user-defined titration rate and
be finished. too low. increase the minimum rate (see manual/help of
the software used).

The stop criterion is unsuit- Adjust the control parameters (see manual/
able. help of the software used):

■ Increase the stop drift.

■ Select a short delay time.

The sample is over- The control parameters are Adjust the control parameters (see manual/
titrated. unsuitable. help of the software used):

■ Select Titration rate = slow.

■ Select the user-defined titration rate and
increase the control range.
■ Select the user-defined titration rate and
reduce the maximum rate.
■ Select the user-defined titration rate and
reduce the minimum rate.
■ Stir faster.
■ Arrange the electrode and buret tip to an

The electrode responds too Replace the electrode.


The titration time is The control parameters are Adjust the control parameters (see manual/
too long. unsuitable. help of the software used):

■ Select Titration rate = optimal or fast.

■ Select the user-defined titration rate and
decrease the control range.
■ Select the user-defined titration rate and
increase the maximum rate.
■ Select the user-defined titration rate and
increase the minimum rate.

The results are The minimum dosing rate is Select user-defined titration rate and decrease
spread widely. too high. the minimum rate (see manual/help of the
software used).

The electrode responds too Replace the electrode.


46 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 7 Appendix

7 Appendix

7.1 Remote interface

The 6.2148.010 Remote Box allows devices to be controlled which cannot
be connected directly to the MSB interface of the Titrando.

Figure 23 Connectors of the Remote Box

1 Cable 2 MSB connector

For connecting to the Titrando. Metrohm Serial Bus. For connecting external
dosing devices or stirrers.

3 Remote connector
For connecting instruments with a remote

7.1.1 Pin assignment of the remote interface


Figure 24 Pin assignment of remote socket and remote plug
The above figure of the pin assignment applies for all Metrohm instru-
ments with 25-pin D-Sub remote connector.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 47

7.1 Remote interface ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

+5 V approx. 50 kΩ Pull-up
tp > 20 ms
active = low, inactive = high

Open Collector
tp > 200 ms
active = low, inactive = high
IC = 20 mA, VCEO = 40 V
+5 V: maximum load = 20 mA

The following tables offer information concerning the assignment of the

individual pins and their function:

Table 4 Inputs and outputs of the remote interface

Assignment Pin No. Function*
Input 0 21 Start
Input 1 9 Stop
Input 2 22
Input 3 10 Quit
Input 4 23 –
Input 5 11
Input 6 24
Input 7 12
Output 0 5 Ready
Output 1 18 Conditioning OK
Output 2 4 Determination
Output 3 17 EOD
Output 4 3
Output 5 16 Error
Output 6 1
Output 7 2 Warning

48 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 7 Appendix

Assignment Pin No. Function*

Output 8 6
Output 9 7
Output 10 8
Output 11 13
Output 12 19
Output 13 20
0 volts / GND 14
+5 volts 15
0 volts / GND 25

* Signal activated only for operation with Touch Control.

Table 5 Explanation of the individual functions

Function Explanation
Start The current method is started at the time of acti-
tpulse > 100 ms
Stop The current method is canceled (Stop) at the time
of activation.
tpulse > 100 ms
Quit The current command in the determination run
will be canceled at the time of activation.
tpulse > 100 ms
Ready The instrument is ready to receive a start signal.
Conditioning OK The line is set when Conditioning with SET titra-
tion and KFT titration is at OK. The line remains
set until the determination is started with
Determination The instrument performs a data-generating
EOD End of Determination.
Pulse (tpulse = 200 ms) after a determination or
after a buffer/standard solution during calibration
using a Sample Processor.
Error The line is set for error message display.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 49

7.1 Remote interface ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Function Explanation
Warning The line is set for warning message display.

50 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 8 Technical specifications

8 Technical specifications

8.1 Measuring interface

Depending on the version, the 907 Titrando has one (version 2.907.0010)
or two (version 2.907.x020) galvanically isolated measuring interface(s).
The measuring cycle is 100 ms for all measuring modes.

8.1.1 Potentiometry
One high-ohm measuring input (Ind.) for pH, metal or ion-selective elec-
trodes and one measuring input (Ref.) for separate reference electrodes.
Input resistance > 1 · 1012 Ω
Offset current < 1 · 10–12 A (under reference conditions)
Measuring mode
Measuring –13 to +20 pH
Resolution 0.001 pH
Measuring ±0.003 pH
accuracy (±1 digit, without sensor error, under reference conditions)

Measuring mode
Measuring –1,200 to +1,200 mV
Resolution 0.1 mV
Measuring ±0.2 mV
accuracy (±1 digit, without sensor error, under reference conditions)

8.1.2 Temperature
A measuring input (Temp.) for temperature sensors of the Pt1000 or NTC
type with automatic temperature compensation.
R (25 °C) and B value can be configured for NTC sensors.
Measuring range
Pt1000 –150 to +250 °C
NTC –5 to +250 °C
(R (25 °C) = 30,000 Ω and B (25/50) = 4,100 K)

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 51

8.1 Measuring interface ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Pt1000 0.1 °C
NTC 0.1 °C

Measuring accu-
Pt1000 ±0.2 °C
(Applies for measuring range –20 to +150 °C; ±1 digit; without sensor
error, under reference conditions)
NTC ±0.6 °C
(Applies for measuring range +10 to +40 °C; ±1 digit; without sensor
error, under reference conditions)

8.1.3 Polarizer
One measuring input (Pol.) for polarizable electrodes.
Measuring mode Determination with adjustable polarization current
Polarization cur- –122.5 to +122.5 µA (increment: 0.5 µA)
rent –125.0 to +125.0 µA: non-guaranteed values, dependent on reference
voltage +2.5 V
Measuring –1,200 to +1,200 mV
Resolution 0.1 mV
Measuring ±0.2 mV
accuracy (±1 digit, without sensor error, under reference conditions)

Measuring mode Determination with adjustable polarization voltage

Polarization –1,225 to +1,225 mV (increment: 25 mV)
voltage –1,250 to +1,250 mV: non-guaranteed values, dependent on reference
voltage +2.5 V
Measuring –120 to +120 µA
Resolution 0.1 µA

52 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 8 Technical specifications

8.2 Power connection

Supply voltage 100 to 240 V
Frequency 50–60 Hz
Power consump- Maximum 45 W
Fuse Electronic overload protection

8.3 Ambient temperature

Nominal function +5 to +45 °C
range at max. 80% relative humidity
Storage +5 to +45 °C

8.4 Reference conditions

Ambient tempera- +25 °C (±3 °C)
Relative humidity ≤ 60%
Instrument status Instrument in operation at least 30 min

8.5 Dimensions
Width 142 mm
Height 227 mm
Depth 231 mm
Weight 2.7 kg (without accessories)
Material (housing) Poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT)

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 53

8.6 Interfaces ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

8.6 Interfaces
USB connectors
USB ports 2 USB downstream ports (type A sockets), 500 mA each, for connect-
ing peripheral devices such as printers, keyboards, barcode readers or
RS-232/USB Box (Metrohm order no. 6.2148.020).

"Controller" connector
Controller port USB upstream port with auxiliary power supply (Mini DIN socket) for
connecting Touch Control or computer for controlling the 907
Touch Control With integrated Touch Control cable.
Computer With 6.2151.000 cable.

MSB connectors (Metrohm Serial Bus)

Dosing device Connector for a maximum of 4 external dosing devices, models Dosi-
mat or Dosino (MSB 1 to MSB 4).
Stirrer Connection of a maximum of 4 stirrers.
Stirrer control: Switching on/off manually or coordinated with the titra-
tion sequence.
Speed in 15 steps and shift direction can be selected.
Remote Box Connection of a maximum of 4 Remote Boxes. Remote Boxes can be
used to actuate and monitor external devices.

54 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 9 Accessories

9 Accessories
Up-to-date information on the scope of delivery and optional accessories
for your product can be found on the Internet. You can download this
information using the article number as follows:

Downloading the accessories list

1 Enter into your Internet browser.

2 Enter the article number (e.g. 907) into the search field.
The search result is displayed.

3 Click on the product.

Detailed information regarding the product is shown on various tabs.

4 On the Included parts tab, click on Download the PDF.

The PDF file with the accessories data is created.


Once you have received your new product, we recommend download-

ing the accessories list from the Internet, printing it out and keeping it
together with the manual for reference purposes.

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 55

Index ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

6.2151.000 controller cable ..... 13 LQH ..................................... 4 P
685 Dosimat plus ..................... 16 PREP ..................................... 4 PC keyboard
700 Dosino .............................. 16 Dosing device Connect ............................. 22
800 Dosino .............................. 16 Connect ............................. 16 Pin assignment ......................... 47
801 Stirrer ................................ 17 Driver software Power connection .......... 9, 12, 13
803 Ti Stand ............................. 17 Install ................................. 13 PREP ........................................... 4
804 Ti Stand ............................. 17 Printer ...................................... 20
805 Dosimat ............................ 16 E
Electrode R
A Connect ............................. 29 Reagent replacement ................ 41
ADD ........................................... 4 Electrode test Remote
ELT ....................................... 4 Interface ............................. 47
B Electrostatic charge .................... 7 Pin assignment ................... 47
Balance .................................... 21 EMPTY ....................................... 4 Remote Box
Barcode reader Connect ............................. 18
Connect ............................. 23 I
Indicator electrode S
C Warm-up time .................... 42 Safety instructions ...................... 6
Calibration mode Installation Sample
CAL ...................................... 4 Driver software ................... 13 Liquid ................................. 40
Computer Instrument description ................ 2 Solid ................................... 41
Connect ............................. 13 Instrument type .......................... 9 Sample size
Connect Size .................................... 39
Balance .............................. 21 K Sensor
Barcode reader ................... 23 Keyboard Connect ............................. 29
Computer ........................... 13 Connect ............................. 22 Serial number ............................. 9
Dosing device ..................... 16 KFT ............................................ 4 Service ....................................... 6
MSB devices ....................... 15 SET ............................................. 3
PC keyboard ....................... 22 L STAT ........................................... 3
Power grid .......................... 12 LED STDADD ..................................... 4
Printer ................................ 20 On ...................................... 44 Stirrer
Remote Box ........................ 18 LQH ........................................... 4 Connect ............................. 17
Stirrer ................................. 17 Stirring direction ....................... 24
Titration stand .................... 17 M Supply voltage ............................ 6
Touch Control ..................... 11 Maintenance ............................ 43 System test ............................... 11
USB hub ............................. 20 MEAS ......................................... 4
Connector Measuring interface ................ 2, 9 T
MSB ..................................... 2 Measuring mode ........................ 3 Temperature sensor
USB ...................................... 2 MEAS ................................... 4 Connect ............................. 29
Controller STDADD ............................... 4 Titrando system .......................... 1
Connector ............................ 9 MET ........................................... 3 Titration mode ............................ 3
Metrohm Serial Bus MSB, see also DET ...................................... 3
D "MSB" ...................................... 15 KFT ....................................... 4
DET ............................................ 3 MSB MET ..................................... 3
Device software Connect devices ................. 15 SET ....................................... 3
Update ................................. 2 Connector ............................ 9 STAT ..................................... 3
Differential potentiometry ......... 34 MSB connector ........................... 2 Titration stand
Dosing command ....................... 3 Connect ............................. 17
ADD ..................................... 4 O Titration vessel
EMPTY .................................. 4 Overview of the instrument ........ 8 Equipping ........................... 24

56 ■■■■■■■■ 907 Titrando

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Index

Touch Control V Two-component reagents ... 37

Connect ............................. 11 Volumetric KF titration Water standard .................. 37
Application ......................... 37 Working conditions ............ 41
U Endpoint determination, biam-
Update perometric (Upol) ............... 36 W
Device software .................... 2 Endpoint determination, bivol- Water standard
USB tametric (Ipol) ..................... 36 Certified ............................. 37
Connector ............................ 9 One-component reagents ... 37
USB connector ........................... 2 Principle ............................. 36
USB hub Sample size ........................ 39
Connect ............................. 20 Tips for daily practice .......... 37

907 Titrando ■■■■■■■■ 57

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