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2019 P6 FSC Mendaki PSLE (Full)

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Section A: (18 × 2 MARKS)

For questions 1 to 18, three options are given. Choose the correct answer for each
question and write the number in the brackets provided.

1. Which of the following organisms has a 4-stage life cycle?




( )

2. Which of the following is not an insect?




( )

3. The table below shows Andy’s answer to statements about fungi.

Statements True False

A: Fungi are decomposers √
B: Fungi reproduce by seeds √
C: Fungi can make its own food √

Which statements did Andy answer correctly?

(1) A and C

(2) B and C

(3) A and B

( )

4. In which organ does gaseous exchange take place?

(1) nose

(2) lungs

(3) windpipe

( )

5. Who made the correct statement about pollination?

Pollination can only occur between two flowers.

The pollen grains from the anther are transferred to the stigma.

Pollination occurs only at night.

Who made the correct statement?

(1) Samuel

(2) Linda

(3) Khairul

( )

6. Which of the following correctly shows the transport of water in a plant?

(1) Root Stem Leaf

(2) Leaf Stem Root

(3) Root Stem Leaf

( )

7. The diagram below shows the circulatory and respiratory systems in a human
working together. Arrows W, X, Y and Z represent blood vessels in the body.


respiratory circulatory other parts of

system system the body


Which comparison between the blood vessels is correct?

(1) W contains more oxygen than X.

(2) Z contains less carbon dioxide than X.

(3) Z contains more carbon dioxide than Y.

( )
8. Study the food chain below.


Which of the following statements is correct?

(1) Organism A is a food consumer.

(2) Organism B is both a prey and predator.

(3) Organism C is the only predator in the food chain.

( )

9. Steven placed two similar set-ups X and Y as shown below. He changed the
amount of detergent in each set-up, while keeping all other variables constant.

Pond water Pond water
with 3 drops with 10 drops
of detergent of detergent


He recorded his results in the table.

Number of duckweeds at first 15 15
Number of duckweeds after a week 12 8

Steven was trying to find out if ____________________________________ .

(1) the amount of detergent affects the growth of duckweeds

(2) duckweeds grow better on the surface of water

(3) duckweeds absorb water through its roots

( )

10. Ali used a shopping bag to carry the following items:

What are the properties of the shopping bag that helped Ali to carry the items?

(1) strong

(2) transparent

(3) ability to float

( )

11. Which of the following are sources of light?

A Sun
B Mirror
C Flame of a candle

(1) A only

(2) A and C only

(3) A, B and C

( )

12. Susan set up the circuit as shown below. When she closed the three switches, she
observed that the light bulb lit up and the alarm rang.

switch 1

switch 3

switch 2


Which switch should she open such that the alarm is turned off while the light
bulb remains lit?

(1) Switch 1

(2) Switch 2

(3) Switch 3

( )

13. The diagram below shows the changes in states of water.


Ice Water Water Vapour


Based on the above diagram, heat gain take place at _____________.

(1) A and C

(2) B and D

(3) A, B, C and D

( )

14. Study the flow chart carefully.


Does it have No


Does it have a No
definite shape?


Which of the following describes a non-matter and a solid?

Non-matter Solid

(1) A C

(2) A B

(3) B A

( )

15. Paula had three magnets A, B and C. To compare the strength of the magnets, she
brought each of them near a pile of pins and recorded the number of pins attracted
by each magnets.
Distance between Number of pins
magnets and pins (cm) attracted
A 3 5
B 6 4
C 9 5

Which magnet is the strongest?

(1) A

(2) B

(3) C

( )

16. The diagram below shows three objects.

table on floor kite in the sky canoe on water

Which object(s) is the force of gravity acting on?

(1) Table only

(2) Table and kite only

(3) Table, kite and canoe

( )

17. Alex pushed a heavy box over 3 different surfaces; polished glass, wooden surface
and rough cemented pavement. The graph below shows the forces Alex applied as
he pushed the box.

Which one of the following correctly identifies the polished glass surface and the
cemented pavement?

Polished glass Rough cemented pavement

(1) B A

(2) B C

(3) A B

( )

18. Benjamin covered a jar tightly with a piece of plastic wrap so that air could not enter
the jar. The diagrams below show the jar after Benjamin heated it.

Which of the following statements is true?

(1) The mass of the air in the jar increased.

(2) The air in the jar loses heat and expands.

(3) The volume of the air in the jar increases as it gains heat.

( )

Write your answers in the blank spaces provided.
The number of marks available is shown in the brackets [ ] at the end of each question
or part question.

19. Look at the picture below and fill in the blanks. [2]

The eagle has a streamlined body to help it fly ________________ and

_______________ claws to catch its prey.

20. Tick in the boxes that best describes a non-flowering plant. [2]

Statements True False

A non-flowering plant can
produce fruits.
A non- flowering plant can
make its own food.

21. Circle the words that describes the animal below. [2]

Outer covering: fur / scales / moist skin

Reproduce by: laying eggs / giving birth

22. Study the fruits below.

Fruit A Fruit B

Write down the letters A and B in the correct boxes to identify the method of
dispersal of each fruit. [2]

Dispersal method Fruit

by animal
by wind

23. The diagram below shows a block of ice.

Process X

a) The temperature of the ice is at __________________ oC [1]

b) Process X is called _______________________ . [1]

c) Heat is ( gained / lost ) during Process X [1]

24. A candle is lit in the middle of a dark room.

a) The candle flame can be seen by our eyes because it

_________________________________________ . [1]

b) Other than light energy, the flame gives off _________________ energy. [1]

c) Shadows are formed when light ________________________. [1]

25. Bijay wanted to find out if the type of material placed in front of the torchlight will
affect the rate of photosynthesis. He conducted the experiment in a dark room.

tracing paper inverted boiling tube


beaker of water

inverted funnel

water plant

a) Bubbles are produced. Name the gas. [1]


b) He changed the tracing paper to a metal plate of the same shape and size.
What would he notice about the bubbles after 10 min? [1]



c) Which material should he choose to increase the number of bubbles? [1]

Circle the correct answer. ( glass / wood / silk )

26. Three adult plants, P, Q and R are found along a river bank and their young plants
are found in locations p, q and r respectively.

r R

a) Match the plants P, Q and R to their methods of seed dispersal below. [2]

Plant Method of seed dispersal

P● ● By water

Q● ● By explosive action

R● ● By animals

b) What is the advantage for plants which disperse their seeds or fruits as far
away as possible from parent plants? [1]



27. Maz set up the experiment as shown below.

Cloth at
Cloth at

flask flask


S beaker S beaker

Set-up A Set-up B

a) Circle what Maz would observe in setup B after 5 minutes. [1]

(Bubbles escaped from tube S. / Water level in tube S rises. / Nothing happens.)

b) Describe what would Maz see in Set-up A after 5 minutes. Explain. [2]




28. The diagram below shows the amount of undigested food as it enters parts of the
digestive system.

amount of

parts of digestive
mouth stomach small large system
intestine intestine

(a) Complete the bar graph to show the amount of undigested food at the stomach. [1]

(b) Based on the graph, where does the most digestion take place? [1]


(c) Draw lines to connect the organ to its correct function. [2]

Organ Function
to absorb excess water from
small intestine undigested food

to absorb digested food into

large intestine the blood vessel

29. Zhi Xuan set-up different electrical circuits as shown below.

Set-up 1 Set-up 2 St-up 3

a) What was Zhi Xuan trying to find out from the experiment? [1]


b) He found that the bulb in Set-up 3 did not light up, but the bulbs in Set-ups 1 and
2 did. Explain two possible reasons for this to happen. [2]

Reason 1: ________________________________________________________

Reason 2: ________________________________________________________

30. Bala bought a toy see-saw which has dolls that move continuously up and down
using magnets.

a) Identify the poles A and B. [2]

A: ____________ pole B: ______________ pole

b) What can Bala do to make the dolls move up and down faster? [1]



c) Will the toy work if one of the magnets was flipped? Explain. [1]




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