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Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1

Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

Lesson 10
The Position of Planets, Rulers and Signficators

by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A.

Topics Covered in this Lesson:

1. The Position of Planets & the PAC-DARES Method
2. The Keywords for the Planets, Houses and Signs
3. The Planets in the Houses
4. The Planets in the Signs
5. The Rulers in the Houses
6. Exercises and Homework

In the last lesson we studied the key indications of the signs in depth. We have now
completed the first nine lessons of the course, which cover the basic background material
of Jyotish. We've learned about its origins and philosophy, particularly karma, fate, and
free will. We've also learned basic astronomy so that we know the mechanics of
calculating a chart. Most importantly we've learned in depth about the building blocks of
astrology: the planets, houses, and signs. This initial information provides a solid basis
for the practice of Jyotish. As astrologers we always need to refer back to the basics and
expand upon our understanding of the planets, houses, and signs. This makes our
interpretations and predictions more specific, accurate, and insightful, which is our
ongoing goal.

We are now ready to interpret the natal chart, which will be the focus of the remainder
of the course. This means interpreting the combined influences of the planets, houses,
and signs, whereas up until now we've only studied their individual properties. We
haven't yet combined them with each other, for instance, planets with houses, planets
with signs, or planets with other planets. Earlier in the course I compared the process of
learning Jyotish to learning a foreign language. First you learn the alphabet, from which
you're able to create words. Only after you've built your vocabulary are you ready to
construct sentences. The alphabet and words of Jyotish are the planets, houses, and
signs. We're ready now to construct "astrological sentences," which is synonymous with
interpreting the natal chart. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

The Position of Planets and the PAC-DARES

It can be an overwhelming experience to attempt to interpret a natal chart. On the one
hand the natal chart is deceivingly simple. After all, there are only nine planets sitting in
little boxes. How complicated can that be? On the other hand, you know by virtue of
being human that we're complicated species. Even if we're not complicated then we at
least do a good job of complicating things, especially our lives! Therefore, you may think
that this two-dimensional natal chart sitting in front of you, either on a thin piece of paper
or computer screen, must be complicated to interpret as well. So, how do you go about
extracting all that unique and varied information about a person? Where do you begin?

In order to assist students in this process, my Jyotish guru, K.N. Rao, has coined the
memory device PAC-DARES, which we've discussed earlier in the course.
This is an acronym for (P) Position, (A) Aspects, (C) Conjunctions, (D) Dhana
Yogas, (A) Arishta Yogas, (R) Raja Yogas, (E) Exchanges, and (S) Special Yogas. If
you're ever going to make sense of a natal chart, you must see the PAC and the
DARES of each planet. Natal chart interpretation begins with applying these steps.
Rao says:

“[The PAC-DARES method] is a consolidated check-list, which

every astrologer must practice before giving a prediction.”

Just understanding the PAC of the planets in the chart will help you construct an
abundance of astrological sentences about the person whose chart you're interpreting.
PAC stands for:

Position (P) = The position of the planet by house, and sign. Position also includes the
house(s) that the planet rules or disposits.

Aspects (A) = The aspects that the planet makes and receives.

Conjunctions (C) = The conjunctions that the planet makes and receives.

This interpretation becomes further refined with the second part of the memory device,
DARES, which involves the yogas or planetary combinations. We will discuss these
beginning in Lesson 13.

In the next lessons we will concentrate on learning PAC. Aspects and Conjunctions will
be covered in the next lesson, while this lesson is devoted to learning to interpret Position
- the position of a planet in a house and sign, the position of the ruler of the house, and
the position of the significator of the house. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

The Planet’s Nature: Natural vs. Temporal Significations

As we're analyzing the planets position in the natal chart it's important to remember that a
planet carries with it many meanings, because it has two natures: natural and temporal.
A planet's natural nature is unchanging and is based on three things: 1) its general
qualities, 2) its status as a benefic or malefic planet, and 3) the houses it significates.
These are the qualities that it always carries regardless of what condition the planet is in
by house or sign position, house rulership etc. Whereas its temporal nature changes
according to the house(s) that it rules based on the ascendant in the chart. Please see

The Planets Nature

Natural Temporal
(never changes) (changes by ascendant)
General Qualities
Position - including house rulership,
Status as Malefic/Benefic
Aspects, Conjunctions, and Yogas.
House(s) it Significates

For instance, Venus's natural nature means that it always represents certain qualities like
romance, creativity, beauty, and art in any chart. It also always has the status as a natural
benefic. In addition, it also always significates certain houses: the 4th house (vehicles),
and the 7th house (marriage). The houses that a planet is the significator for were listed
in the descriptions of the planets in lesson 5. Here is that information again all in one

Planetary Significators of the Houses

Planet House(s)
Sun 1 (body), 9 (father), 10 (career, authorities)
Moon 4 (mother, mind, home)
Mars 3 (will), 6 (accidents, enemies, disease, competition)
2 (speech), 3 (communication), 5 (education),
Mercury 10 (career)
2 (income), 5 (children, spiritual study, investments),
Jupiter 9 (teachers, travel, fortune), 10 (career), 11 (gains)
Venus 4 (vehicles), 7 (relationships, spouse)
6 (disease) 8 (obstacles, chronic illness, death, longevity),
Saturn 10 (career) 12 (losses, expenditures, renunciation)
Rahu 8 (changes, upheavals)
Ketu 12 (moksha, liberation, losses) Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

These are the generally agreed upon houses that a planet will significate, however,
some authors give slightly different lists. This is the one that I use and have found the
most helpful.

Notice in this list how Jupiter is the significator for the most houses of any planet
- 2, 5, 9, 10, 11. This shows how expansive Jupiter's nature is, as well as how
important it is in the chart since it represents so many houses and qualities. It also
shows why Jupiter is considered the planet of wealth, since it is the significator for 4
houses of wealth - 2, 5, 9, and 11.

A planet's temporal nature, on the other hand, will be based on its condition in the
chart: its position, its house rulership, aspects and yogas etc. For instance, for Aries
ascendant, Mercury will rule the 3rd and 6th houses and will carry the qualities of those
houses to wherever it is positioned. In this case, if Mercury were placed in the 10th
house of career, then there would be two reasons to believe that the person could have a
career involving communication, or communication technology like computer work.
This is because Mercury is not only the natural significator for the 3rd house,
representing communication or communication technology, but it is the temporal ruler
of the 3rd house for Aries ascendant as well.

The difference between natural and temporal natures can be illustrated by our
relationship with our parents. For instance, your father's natural or unchanging quality is
that he will always be your father no matter what. He will always play that role.
However, if you go to his work place his role will change. In that environment he
becomes an employee, or administrator, or whatever job title he has. The role changes
with the temporal environment. Likewise, the natal chart is the temporal environment the
planets, which adds temporal qualities to the unchanging natural qualities of the planet.

The important point to remember is that a planet will carry both its natural and
temporal nature to whichever house it is positioned in the natal chart.

Quiz #59:
Which houses have only one significator? 1) 1,
3, 5, 8, 11
2) 1, 4, 7, 9, 12
3) 1, 3, 6, 11
4) 1, 7, 11
5) It's a trick question. None of the above. The
answer is at the end of the lesson. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

Astrologers as Chemists
Astrologers are like chemists, because both disciplines study the effect of combined
influences. Just like a chemist has to first learn the properties of a single chemical
element before adding a second, third, or fourth element, so it is with astrologers. Chart
interpretation is based on the combined or blended influences, and the deeper we
understand the planets, houses, and signs, the easier it will be to understand what will
happen when they are blended together. A good chemist is keenly aware of the properties
of each chemical element before he adds one to the other, because the combined
influences could cause a dramatic result, like an explosion. Likewise with astrology.
However, in astrology the blended influences describe every possible manifestation in
the world. This is because all of the elements of earth (physical), air (mental), water
(emotional), and fire (spiritual), are represented by the planets, houses, and signs as
we've seen in the previous lessons.

Understanding combined influences is the point where astrology gets tricky, and where it
can get complicated very quickly. Therefore, we start with the simplest, and most
obvious combinations - the positions of the planets in the houses and signs. Astrology is
based on astronomical observation as we've discussed in Lessons 3 and 4. The most
obvious observation is of a planet being placed in a position (house) in the night sky,
with the backdrop of a sign constellation behind it. It's objective and undeniable to both
astronomers and astrologers. Astrologers add meaning to that combination and interpret
its effect on the lives of human beings, which is the point where astrology diverges from
the field of astronomy. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

So, what are the combinations of the planets in the houses and signs that need to be
learned? There of course are 9 planets, 12 houses, and 12 signs, therefore the
combinations are:

• 9 Planets x 12 houses = 108 combinations

• 9 Planets x 12 signs = 108 combinations
• 9 Planets x 12 houses x 12 signs = 1296 combinations!

A book that spends a 1/2 page describing each of these 1296 combinations would be at
least 648 pages long, or the length of a long novel! This may already sound
overwhelming for a student who wants to learn this material. However, this is only the
beginning, because it's only a single planet placed in a house and sign. For instance, it's
like Jupiter placed in the 10th house in the sign of Capricorn. This doesn't even take into
account aspects or conjunctions from any of the other planets! You may get a good
handle on what Jupiter in the 10th house in the sign of Capricorn means, but then what
happens to your well defined interpretation if Saturn is conjunct Jupiter? It messes up
your neat and tidy interpretation - leave it to Saturn to do that! What happens if Saturn,
Venus and Mars are all conjunct Jupiter? What happens if the person is born on February
3, 1962 when all the planets, except Rahu, were with Jupiter in Capricorn? Welcome to
the wonderfully complicated world of astrological combinations!

February 3, 1962 - conjunction of eight planets in Capricorn! Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

Keywords: An Astrologer's Cornerstone

To simplify the process of combining planets, houses, and signs all astrologers use
keywords, whether they consciously know it or not. They're every astrologer's
cornerstone. In other words, the only way to make logical sense of the vast complexity
of astrological combinations is to have certain favorite words or phrases that we refer to
again and again. Keywords allow us to have a logical internal dialogue going on like,
"Okay, Jupiter is in the 10th house. Jupiter represents teaching, and the 10th
house is the house of career. This person could be a teacher." We've taken one
memorized keyword about Jupiter and combined it with another memorized keyword
about the 10th house. The end result is an interpretation of what that could mean.

In this lesson we're going to make this process of using keywords a conscious process.
You already have some keywords memorized about the planets, houses, and signs based
on any study of Jyotish you've done, as well as lessons 5, 7, and 9 of this course. In each
of these three lessons there was a list of keywords which are what we'll be working from
in this lesson. It's simply a matter of putting these to use in combinations with each other.
In this lesson we'll be listing interpretations of combinations in Einstein's chart, as well as
giving you the opportunity to create interpretations using your own natal chart in the
exercises and homework assignments at the end of the lesson.

Many astrology books give you a list of interpretations of the combinations for the
planets in the houses, and perhaps even the planets in the signs. This 'cookbook approach'
is a common way to learn especially in the beginning. It is helpful no doubt to refer to
these lists, which is why we'll provide them in this lesson.
However, we shouldn't become too dependent on them, and must instead learn to rely on
our own interpretive logic. If books and lists become our crutch, then it only serves to
delay the development of our own interpretive logic, without which it's not possible to be
a successful astrologer. So the process of creatively combining your own keywords will
be of great help to you in your development as an astrologer.

Practicing astrology is like performing a delicate surgery. Your client is attentive Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

to whatever you say while you carefully dissect them. Imagine lying on the table after
your surgeon opens you up and then he says, "Hold on a minute. I just need to refer to
my reference books so I can remember how to do this procedure." You're going to
lose all confidence in him, and wish you weren't there. Likewise, we need to see
memorizing keywords as the necessary training of our trade so that we will have all the
information we need at the forefront of our minds.

You may ask, "How do you decide which are the keywords? A planet, house or
sign can represent such a long list of indications." In the previous lessons we've
identified essential indications of the planets. An example I used was fluids for the
Moon. From that one word we can generate a long list of related words represented by
the Moon like water, ocean, oil etc. Ideally a keyword will jog our memory and help us
generate a long list of related indications. The other factor is that a keyword should be
useful for chart interpretation. The main intention of astrology should be helpful to
others. Therefore, fluids may not may not make it into a keyword list because it's not an
indication for the Moon that is commonly utilized in an astrological session. Therefore, I
suggest focusing on the more words (or phrases) that you find to be the most helpful. For
simplicity, we'll work with the list of keywords from lessons 5, 7, and 9 for use in
creating combinations of planets in the houses and signs in this lesson.

The Keywords for the Planets, Houses, and Signs

The following list of keywords are from the lessons 5, 7, and 9 and serves as a quick
snapshot review of the planets, houses, and signs that we can use in combining them
with one another. The sooner that we can memorize keywords the easier making
interpretations will be.

The Meaning of Each Placement

It's very useful for interpretation to memorize not only keywords, but to also memorize
what each of the planets, houses, and signs placement means in the chart. For instance,
the Sun's placement in the chart generally means where we shine, are confident, express
ourselves, and exercise power and authority. I've given short descriptions like this for
each of the planets, houses, and signs before their list of keywords, so that you will
have a general idea of what their placement means. This will help you get a snapshot
idea of the interpretation, and the keywords will add depth to this.

Keywords for the Planets

Keep in mind that even though the key indications of the planets, houses, and signs are
universal, there will be variations on how they're expressed culture to culture, and at
different times in history. As astrologers we constantly need to adapt to the clime and
time we live in. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

Sun: The Sun's placement in the chart shows where we shine, are confident, express
ourselves, exercise power and authority, and can be arrogant.

Soul (atman), one's identity, personality, purpose, aspirations, overall health, vitality,
body, appearance, self-confidence, charisma, fire, will power, creative self-expression,
intelligence, conscious mind, career status, occupation, father, males, authorities,
political power, organizational ability, organizations, governments, leadership.

Moon: The Moon's placement in the chart shows what we frequently think about,
having feelings for, are interested in, where we feel most comfortable, receive and give
support, get rejuvenated, and can be the most vulnerable emotionally.

Mind (not intellect) - thoughts, feelings, perceptions, mental attitude, conditioned mind,
general happiness, peace of mind, sub-conscious, psychology, mother, females, the past,
family heritage, memory, sleep, imagination, water, fluids, ocean, support, food
preparation & consumption, nourishment, receptivity, vulnerability, sensitivity,
dependence, home, domestic life, comforts, fertility, birthing process, early childhood,
children, parenting, sweet speech, the public, popularity.

Mars: Mars's placement in the chart shows where we are active, ambitious, passionate,
strong, courageous, and can have the most conflict.

Strength and power, physical activity, energy, ego-centric desire, passion, lust, will,
initiative, impulsivity, stamina, fighting spirit, competition, sports, the warrior, military,
martial arts, weapons, enemies, conflicts, controversies, litigations, tools, sharp objects,
machines, fire (inflammations, burns, fever), practicality, fixing things,
property/buildings, accidents (wounds, cuts, injuries).

Mercury: Mercury's placement in the chart shows where we apply our intellects,
communicate our ideas, what captures our intellectual interest and want to learn, and
where we can be ungrounded.

Intellect (not mind), speech, communication, articulation, writing, publishing, wit &
humor, logic, reasoning, specific details, sociability, networking, education, learning,
teaching, languages, grammar, mathematics, astrology, commerce & trade, quick
movement, short distance travels.

Jupiter: Jupiter's placement in the chart shows our path of growth, wisdom and
spiritual development, our ideals, dharma and purpose, what inspires us, where Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

wealth and opportunities unfold, and where we can be self-righteous.

Wealth, fortune, expansion, growth, wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, one's philosophy
and/or religion, ideals, dharma (one's duty), reputation, higher education, gurus &
teachers, religious rites, traditions, classical learning, law, ethics, morality, solutions,
ministry, faith, opportunities, diplomacy, long distance travel.

Venus: Venus's placement in the chart shows where we express ourselves creatively,
experience love, harmony and beauty, and can be self-indulgent.

Love, romance, spouse, marriage, marital happiness, happiness in general, sensuality,
five senses, sexuality (urge to merge), lust, pleasure, enjoyment, indulgence,
prosperity, luxuries, comforts, adornments (clothes, jewelry, perfumes), vehicles,
people-orientation, social connections, festivities, charm, charisma, diplomacy,
harmony, beauty, creativity, arts (art, music, dance, poetry), design, aesthetics,
refined tastes, culture, nature, pets and animals.

Saturn: Saturn's placement in the chart shows where we face our hardest
lessons, experience limitation, where we need structure, security, order,
responsibility and discipline, and where we can work hard and be fearful.

Sorrows and misfortunes, losses, grief, separation, dejection, ugliness, death, old age,
poverty, longevity, detachment, renunciation, solitude, isolation, structures, foundations,
limitation, contraction, restriction, pressure, discomforts, focus, concentration, delays,
obstacles, responsibility, humility, perseverance, patience, doubt, fear, anxiety, shame,
guilt, fatigue, exhaustion, chronic diseases, debility, difficult lessons, poverty, ability to
manifest through hard work.

Rahu: Rahu's placement in the chart shows where we have strong desires,
attachments, and are driven to explore materialistic ambitions, experiment and behave
in an unconventional manner.

Extroversion, unorthodoxy, non-conformists, rebellion, new technology, magic, mass
communication, mass trends, delusion (Maya) sudden changes, inconsistency,
changeability, ups and downs, compulsive desires, instinctual drives, deviant
behavior, corruption, foreigners and foreign places, traveling, materialistic power,
difficult to diagnose diseases, snakes.

Ketu: Ketu's placement in the chart shows where we are detached, unmotivated, lack
desire, experience doubt, and disillusionment, and are driven to explore spiritual, or
metaphysical pursuits. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

Introversion, occult knowledge (astrology, psychology, mysticism), mystical experience,
liberation (moksha), silence, isolation, withdrawal, monasticism, renunciation, simplicity,
detachment, self negation, austerities, psychic sensitivity, deep perception, intuition,
psychological imbalance, illusion, deception, manipulation, doubt, lack of motivation,

Keywords for the Houses

1st House: Planets placed in the 1st house describe one's main character traits,
personality, physical constitution, and appearance.

Self, main personality traits, identity, individuality, ego, persona, mannerisms, overall
health in general, body, physical constitution, appearance, vitality, longevity,
beginning of life, early childhood, one's foundation, orientation to life, purpose, vision,
aspirations, intellect, happiness in general, livelihood, profession, fame, recognition,
self-confidence, dignity, honor.

2nd House: Planets placed in the 2nd house describe one's source of income, ability
to earn money and make acquisitions, quality of speech, level of honesty, and food

Money, income, wealth, acquisitions, resources, assets (especially moveable), speech
especially quality of speech, truthfulness and falsehood, food, clothes, luxuries,
comforts, jewelry, childhood family, eyesight, education through oral tradition,
memory, manners, politeness, modesty.

3rd House: Planets placed in the 3rd house describe one's strength of will, courage,
interests, hobbies, desires, goals, what one expresses and communicates, siblings
specifically first younger sibling.

Communication, media, writing, hobbies, arms, hands, sports, fine arts, music, drama,
siblings, allies, will, determination, efforts, stamina, desires, goals especially short term,
short distance travel.

4th House: Planets placed in the 4th house describe one's mind: thoughts, perceptions,
and emotions, home, property, mother, and family in general.

Domestic life, home, land, property, fixed assets, mother, family, ancestry, relatives,
near and dear ones, mind, emotions, psychology, private life, privacy, happiness,
education especially compulsory through high school, vehicles. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

5th House: Planets placed in the 5th house describe what one wants to learn, is
passionate about, their deepest interests and creative pursuits, children, specifically 1st
child, spiritual practices, and the good karma that one has from the past (past life merit).

Children, creativity, self-expression, fine arts, poetry, music, drama, writing,
intelligence, intellect, deep interests, what one's passionate about, inspiration, expression
of emotions, talents, skills, past life merit, education especially non- compulsory like
college, students, disciples, wisdom, giving counsel, discrimination, virtue, morals,
spiritual practice, mantras, devotion, worship, ishta devata or deity, romance, love
affairs, investments, speculations, gambling, risk taking, sports, recreation, games,

6th House: Planets placed in the 6th house describe one's health and how one goes out
of balance causing disease, conflicts, accidents, and opposition.

Enemies, competition, opposition, battles, debts, loss, theft, humiliation,
imprisonment, conflicts, disputes, obstacles, worries, litigation, accidents, disease
especially acute, illness, healing, health regiments, routines, habits, exercise,
service, employment, daily work, making improvements.

7th House: Planets placed in the 7th house describe one's relationships in general,
specifically romantic relationships, and the qualities of one's partner.

Marriage, marital happiness, relationships, courtship, significant others,
partnerships, business partnerships, business in general, social connections, sexual
union, sexual desire, adultery, residence in foreign countries, foreign places,
journeys, death.

8th House: Planets placed in the 8th house describe one's process of transformation
and change, obstacles, hidden pursuits like metaphysics, research, or sexuality, other
people's money especially spouse, chronic illness, and the cause of death.

Longevity, life force, death, chronic illnesses, other's money especially spouse,
inheritance, loans, legacies, grants, sudden gains, sudden misfortunes, defeat, intrigues,
scandals, obstacles, upheavals, misery, sudden change, breaks, separation, secrets,
hidden knowledge, research, occult sciences, metaphysics, mysticism, transformation,
deviant behavior, unorthodox, unconventional, alternative. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

9th House: Planets placed in the 9th house describe one's religious or spiritual tradition,
guru, teachers, father, philosophical ideals, and travel.

Father, teachers, guru, devotion, religion, temples, spiritual path, knowledge, wisdom,
philosophy, ideals, inspirations, law, dharma, ethics, morals, faith, righteousness, dignity,
leadership, virtuous deeds, charities, kindness, institutions of higher learning like
graduate school, long distance travel, fortune, prosperity.

10th House: Planets placed in the 10th house describe one's profession, employment,
employers, authorities, actions, public influence.

Profession, career, work, business, actions, achievements, fame, public reputation,
status, position, responsibilities, authorities, government, public institutions,
leadership, political power.

11th House: Planets placed in the 11th house describe one's long term goals and
desires, gains, side income, support from influential people, groups or organizations,
next older sibling.

Financial gains, income from career, money come easily, side income, profits, status,
recognition, honors, rewards, promotion, fulfillment of desires, long term goals,
organizations, groups, institutions, friends, society at large, elder siblings especially the
next elder sibling, illness.

12th House: Planets placed in the 12th house describe one's losses,
expenditures, debts, renunciation, and pursuit of spiritual liberation.

Losses of all kinds, expenses, debts, expenditures, litigation, downfalls, confiscation,
illness, convalescence, hospitalization, isolation, confinement, imprisonment, living in
foreign country, mystical knowledge, renunciation, moksha, liberation, endings, misery,
sorrow, anguish, decline, waste, obstacles, impediments, giving to charity, illegal deeds.

Keywords for the Signs

Aries: Planets placed in Aries in the chart become more active, assertive,
ambitious, impulsive, aggressive, and independent.

New beginnings, fresh creative energy, fiery, initiative, drive, ambition, assertive,
pioneering, being first, active, self-centered, independent, aggressive, militant,
adventurous, courageous, strong, competitive, domineering, critical, angry, Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

headstrong, impatient, impulsive.

Taurus: Planets placed in Taurus in the chart become more practical, stable,
dependable, patient, productive, and creative.

Accumulation of resources, comforts, luxuries, productive, practical, steady,
dependable, determined, rigid, stubborn, materialistic, patient, consistent, persistent,
gentle, cautious, creative, sensual, affectionate, romantic, aesthetic, artistic, charming,

Gemini: Planets placed in Gemini in the chart become more intellectual, inquisitive,
communicative, social, logical, changeable, and restless.

Communication of ideas, absorbing information, intellectual, knowledgeable,
articulate, clever, curious, inquisitive, social, logical, quick, agile, changeable,
adaptable, indecisive, restless, ungrounded.

Cancer: Planets placed in Cancer in the chart become more sensitive to feelings,
emotional, caring, gentle, passive, receptive, intuitive, security-minded, and domestic.

Sensitivity to feelings, mothering, caregiving, supportive, protective, security- minded,
gentle, compassionate, intuitive, imaginative, domestic, home, mind, psychology, fluids,
receptive, open, moody, impressionable, dependent, passive.

Leo: Planets placed in Leo in the chart become more creative, expressive, outgoing,
energetic, vibrant, dramatic, dynamic, competitive, authoritative, and dominant.

Self-expressive, creative, leadership, competitive, outgoing, confident, dynamic,
dramatic, playful, energetic, vibrant, powerful, noble, loyal, dignified, royal,
authoritative, arrogant, proud.

Virgo: Planets placed in Virgo in the chart become more analytical, critical, systematic,
organized, detail-oriented, orderly, efficient, purifying, and practical.

Analytical, logical, discerning, detail-oriented, depth of knowledge, practical, precise,
organized, orderly, systematic, synthesizing, efficient, purifying, conscientious, critical,
obsessive, narrow minded.

Libra: Planets placed in Libra in the chart become more relationship-oriented, Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

social, harmonious, diplomatic, creative, artistic, and progressive.

Relationship-oriented, social, charming, friendly, diplomatic, harmonious, artistic,
creative, aesthetic, beautiful, progressive, superficial, indecisive, vain.

Scorpio: Planets placed in Scorpio in the chart become more intense, passionate,
powerful, bold, excessive, extreme, deep, transformative, intuitive, and mysterious.

Intense, passionate, powerful, bold, magnetic, charismatic, deep, insightful, mysterious,
metaphysical, intuitive, transformative, excessive, extreme, reckless, possessive,
secretive, deceptive, manipulative, rebellious, angry.

Sagittarius: Planets placed in Sagittarius in the chart become more idealistic,

philosophical, adventurous, pioneering, progressive, active, dynamic, positive,
optimistic, and benevolent.

Idealistic, philosophical, wise, visionary, aspiring, adventurous, pioneering,
progressive, loves challenges, active, dynamic, positive, optimistic, expansive,
benevolent, ethical, dogmatic, self-righteous, unrealistic.

Capricorn: Planets placed in Capricorn in the chart become more hardworking,

responsible, organized, practical, conservative, disciplined, serious, and reserved.

Hardworking, persevering, responsible, diligent, focused, organized, structured,
practical, conservative, disciplined, mature, humble, serious, negative, guilty,
constrictive, inhibited, limited, shy, reserved, rigid, fearful, doubting.

Aquarius: Planets placed in Aquarius in the chart become more innovative,

humanitarian, inventive, technological, progressive, liberal, selfless, humble, loyal,
impersonal, and detached.

Innovative, humanitarian, inventive, technological, progressive, eccentric, liberal,
democratic, radical, altruistic, alternative, original, unique, selfless, humble, loyal,
impersonal, aloof, cold, detached, negative, serious, shy, withdrawn.

Pisces: Planets placed in Pisces in the chart become more intuitive,

introspective, sensitive, receptive, flexible, open-minded, unifying, passive,
dependant, impractical, and unfocused. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Mystical, wise, psychic, intuitive, introspective, sensitive, compassionate, empathetic,
receptive, flexible, open-minded, creative, imaginative, unifying, expansive,
idealistic, visionary, romantic, impressionable, vulnerable, passive, dependent,
impractical, dreamy, ungrounded, unfocused, isolated, escapist.

The Planets in the Houses

We now have a list of keywords in one place from which to work from to begin to
combine keywords and make interpretations. Working from lists is helpful, especially in
the beginning, but keep in mind that every list has its limitations.
Everything we know about a planet, house, or sign is useful for an interpretation. All of
that can't possibly fit into a keyword list. The usefulness of a list, therefore, whether on
paper or in our heads, is to give us a starting point to jog our memory. Ideally, from one
good keyword a long stream of meanings will be generated. That's why we want to
make the effort to memorize keywords.

Developing Interpretive Logic

Memorizing keywords that you can combine together is a great first step in learning to
interpret a chart. However, it's only an intermediary step. Our goal is to understand the
meaning behind the planets, houses, and signs so well that we don't need to refer to a list
anymore. An important goal of this course is to teach interpretive logic, which means
that you know not only what something means but why it means that. When you can
back up your interpretation with a logical explanation you'll develop confidence and
versatility as an astrologer. I like to think that the best astrologer in the world could sit
beside me while I'm giving a reading, question why I've come to that conclusion, and I
could give a satisfactory explanation. I want you to have that same level of confidence,
and you will, as you develop your interpretive logic.

Here's an example of interpretive logic for combining keywords for Mars's placement in
the 10th house. You can think of interpretive logic as developing an internal dialogue
that goes something like this:

“Okay, Mars's placement in the chart shows where we are active,

ambitious, passionate, strong, courageous, and can have the most
conflict. Alright, so Mars is placed in the 10th house, and the 10th
house describes one's profession, employment, employers,
authorities, actions, public influence. I got it, this person has a lot of
energy and ambition in the area of their career. ”

It would be easy to defend this interpretation, "This person has a lot of energy and
ambition in the area of career." Mars represents energy and ambition, and Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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the 10th house represents career. Of course, there are many other interpretations that
could have been made. Here's a few more from a different perspective:

"You know, he's probably very gutsy and and likes to take risks in
his work with Mars in the 10th house, because Mars represents
courage. Also, since Mars represents an area of conflict, it could
mean that his strength and assertiveness could get him into conflict
with his employers. He's certainly no push-over."

In this interpretation, you'll notice that Mars's keyword "courage" has led to the
description of similar character traits for Mars, like "gutsy," and "likes to takes risks."
Also, "strength" could be extended to mean "assertive," which could be the reason why
there could be conflict with employers. Mars likes to take charge and dominate. Making
interpretations is an art. Don't worry about using keywords verbatim. Think of what they
mean, and be creative. If you gain nothing more from this course than to learn to think
astrologically for yourself, then I will have succeeded in teaching you Jyotish. It's this
kind of internal dialogue demonstrated in these examples that will really help you in
developing your interpretive logic, without which you cannot practice Jyotish effectively.

KISS: Keeping it Simple and Separate

A common stumbling block with students is to look at a house with multiple planets and
to get overwhelmed. As I said earlier, Vedic astrology can get very complicated very
quickly. For instance, take the four planet placed in the 10th house in Einstein's chart.
Where do you begin? How do you interpret how they'll effect one another?

We're going to make it easy by interpreting one planetary combination at a time. Like the
chemist, we need to have a sufficient understanding of the separate components before
we blend them together. Just learning what a planet in a house, or a planet in a sign
means is a huge step in interpreting the natal chart. Every separate planetary influence is
important, so we need to see them separately first and develop a thorough method to be
the most accurate in our interpretations. In the following lessons, we'll see how the same
interpretation in Einstein's chart gets modified by adding in the other influences like the
aspects of planets to one another, the strength of the planets, and the yogas that the planet
is involved in. First we need to learn to separate out the different influences and keep it
simple. I call this the KISS method: Keep It Simple and Separate.

The Two Categories of Interpretations

Keep in mind that when we're interpreting a planetary combination, we're providing
information within two broad categories: character traits and event Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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outcomes. These correspond to our inner or outer life respectively. One is

psychological/spiritual information, while the other is predictive information. Usually
clients are not satisfied with just hearing insights into their personality, they want to
hear predictions about future events, and vice versa.

It's helpful to distinguish between the two kinds of information so that you can have a
balanced view of what you're providing someone when interpreting their chart.
Astrologers typically emphasize one or the other based on their value system, or what
they think their client wants to hear. Generally, Western astrologers emphasize giving a
psychological profile, while Vedic astrologers emphasize giving predictions. However,
this doesn't suggest that Vedic astrology is less accurate than Western astrology in
describing the psychological or spiritual traits of a person. I believe it can be more
accurate. It merely suggests general differences in cultural values between the West and
the East. The point is that it's important to know your client, and understand what kind of
information they want to receive from you.

The Two Categories

Character Traits Event Outcomes
Psychological/Spiritual Predictive
Inner Outer
Example: Example:
“Ambitious, entrepreneurial, “Will have a successful career,
independent, resourceful.” could own your own company.”

Example Chart of Planets in the Houses

Below I've given short interpretations for each of the nine planet's placement in the
example chart that we've been using throughout the course of Albert Einstein. These are
not meant to be thorough interpretations of all the possible outcomes of that combination,
but only a sample based on the logic of combining keywords. We don't need to be
thorough right now. We need to see examples of interpretive logic, and we need to
practice. There are many possible interpretations that could be made. The important thing
is that it is logical. After each interpretation below I've included a logical explanation, so
that you can see examples of what I mean by interpretive logic.

While we're combining the keywords of the planets in the houses in Einstein's chart,
keep in mind the metaphor of the theatre that we discussed in Lesson 8. The planets are
the characters or actors, while the houses show the scene, or the stage sets that the
planets are acting. The signs are the costumes that the planets are wearing, as well as
the decor of the stage sets. The planets are the important actors, while the houses show
where, or in what domain of life they're influencing. Lastly, the signs show how
they're behaving. Both the houses and the signs provide useful information for
interpretation about the planets. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Here's the list of Albert Einstein's planetary house placements:

Planet in House
Sun 10th House
Moon 6th House
Mars 8th House
Mercury 10th House
Jupiter 9th House
Venus 10th House
Saturn 10th House
Rahu 8th House
Ketu 2nd House Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Interpretations and Logical Explanations

Let's now look at the sample interpretations of each of the nine planets in their
respective house placements, as well as the logical explanations for each.
Please refer to your list of keywords from the previous section to help you see the
logic used in combining keywords in the interpretation.

1. Sun 10th House

Shines and commands authority in his profession, is a leader, has public
influence, self-confidence, and political power.

Logical Explanation
The Sun's placement represents where we shine, express ourselves with confidence,
and command authority. When it's in the 10th house it influences one's profession, and
makes one a leader with public influence. Einstein demonstrated this kind of
leadership and public influence, being a leader in his field of theoretical physics.
People with Sun in the 10th house often make a significant public impact, which
Einstein certainly did.

2. Moon 6th House

Interested in service, healing, making improvements and increasing efficiency in the
physical world. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Logical Explanation
The Moon's placement represents where we feel emotionally comfortable, supported,
what we think about or are interested in. When it's in the 6th house it shows that the
person has an attitude of service, and wants to help make things more efficient in the
physical world. Einstein had this attitude of service and demonstrated that he wanted to
improve life on earth. For instance he regretted inventing the atom bomb because of
how it could damage life on earth.

3. Mars 8th House

Has energy, strength, and ambition in the area of research, hidden knowledge, and

Logical Explanation
Mars's placement represents where we have energy, passion, ambition, and strength.
When it's in the 8th house it shows that the person applies this to the 8th house, which is
the realm of metaphysics, research and hidden or occult knowledge. Einstein not only
had energy and power behind his physics research but he did research on energy and
power itself. So planets in the 8th house show what kind of research one would do as

4. Mercury 10th House

Uses his intelligence and intellect in the area of profession, communicates his ideas
through the written or spoken word. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Logical Explanation
Mercury's placement represents where we apply our intellect communicate our ideas,
and what we want to learn. When it's in the 10th house it shows that the person has an
intellectual career, where he communicates his ideas to the public. This is a
combination of an intellectual person who could be an educator which Einstein was. He
communicated his ideas through both the written and spoken word, and frequently gave
lectures. He also had to sell his ideas publically in order to get them accepted. Mercury
is a salesman and can use his wit to sell his ideas.

5. Jupiter 9th House

Is interested in spiritual or religious knowledge, acquiring wisdom, self-
development, teaching, and pursuing his ideals.

Logical Explanation
Jupiter's placement represents where we gain inspiration, grow spiritually, express our
ideals, and feel a sense of purpose. When it's in the 9th house it shows that the person is
inspired by spiritual or philosophical knowledge, acquiring wisdom, as well as teaching
it. This is a combination for a college professor which Einstein was. Jupiter is a teacher
(guru) and the 9th house is the house of institutions of higher education, like colleges and
universities. Jupiter in the 9th house is also a combination for someone who is a
philosopher, someone who inspires people, which Einstein aptly demonstrated by
through his many quotes. In fact, he is said to be one of the most quoted people of all

6. Venus 10th House Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Is creative and people-oriented in his profession and strives to bring love and beauty
into the world.

Logical Explanation
Venus's placement represents where we express our creativity, and experience love and
beauty. When it's in the 10th house it shows that the person expresses his creativity and
is people-oriented through his profession and public life.
Einstein had charm which won him friends, which is indicated by Venus in the 10th
house. His words were eloquent and poetic and Venus is a poet. Few people also knew
that Einstein played music everyday throughout his life, being an accomplished
violinist. Venus's creativity in the 10th house was expressed musically and he performed
publically on occasion.

7. Saturn 10th House

Is hard working, responsible, organized, and disciplined in his profession.

Logical Explanation
Saturn's placement represents where we can work hard, be responsible, and disciplined.
When it's in the 10th house it shows that the person can work hard and be responsible,
organized, and disciplined in his profession. Saturn in the 10th house can also represent
someone who does routine, menial, busy work. Einstein did have jobs like this, for
instance, when he worked as a clerk in a Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Swiss patent office.

8. Rahu 8th House

Has a strong desire to explore new, innovative directions in research, hidden
knowledge, and/or metaphysics.

Logical Explanation
Rahu's placement represents where we have strong desires, want to explore new territory,
and can be unorthodox and innovative. When it's in the 8th house it shows that the person
has a strong desire to explore hidden knowledge, and research unusual, innovative, and
metaphysical subjects. This combination shows the pioneering, innovative quality of
Einstein's research that led him to make completely original discoveries.

9. Ketu 2nd House

Is detached about earning money, acquiring material possessions, and may
experience financial loss.

Logical Explanation
Ketu's placement represents where we are detached, have a spiritual outlook, lack
desire and are unmotivated. When it's in the 2nd house it shows that the person is
unmotivated by wealth, building one's resources, and acquiring possessions. Ketu in
the 2nd house showed that Einstein was not a materialist. He didn't have a money
motive behind his accomplishments. Ketu in the 2nd Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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house is often seen in the charts of people who are more spiritually inclined, than
materially inclined, which Einstein certainly was.

Quiz #60:
Which planetary placement in Einstein's chart shows that he's a professor?
1) Mercury in the 10th house.
2) The 10th house ruler in the 9th house.
3) Jupiter in the 9th house.
4) The 9th house ruler in the 10th house.
5) It's a trick question. All the above. The
answer is at the end of the lesson.

The Planets in the

Signs Modifying an Interpretation

We've now completed the basic analysis of the placement of the planets in the houses in
Einstein's chart. When you're first looking at a chart, the planets in the houses is visually
the most obvious combination to identify. This a good place to begin, but it's only the
beginning. From here on it's a matter of further refining and modifying this
interpretation, which is what we'll be doing in the remainder of this lesson, as well as in
the following lessons. In K.N. Rao's PAC-DARES method we start with (P) placement -
the placement of the planet in a house and sign. This is also an important factor in
determining the strength of the planet (lesson 12). Then we add the (A) aspects and (C)
conjunctions (lesson 11).
Lastly, we add the yogas or DARES (lessons 13-16). Once we've completed analyzing
the PAC-DARES of a planet we will have a very accurate interpretation.

As astrologers we're constantly weighing influences, and trying to get as accurate as we

can in our interpretation as we consider all the various factors. Each factor modifies and
refines the interpretation. Like the chemist, it's a matter of considering the outcome that
occurs when we blend of a little of this, plus a little of that, plus any number of other

The next step right now is to interpret the sign placement of each of the planets.
Eventually, interpreting the house placement of a planet will coincide with the
interpretation of the sign placement, but for now we're going to keep it simple and
separate, so that you can focus fully on each step. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Example Chart of Planets in the Signs

Let's now combine the planets with the signs in Einstein's chart. Keep in mind that the
signs are the costumes that the planets where and that they effect the behavior of the
planet. For instance, the Sun in Aries will behave very differently than the Sun in
Pisces. In Einstein's chart, the fact that his Sun is in the 10th house in Pisces modifies
our previous interpretation of just the Sun in the 10th house. Below I'll first give an
interpretation for the planet in the sign, and then a logical explanation that blends in the
previous house interpretation.

Here's the list of Albert Einstein's planetary sign placements:

Planet in Sign
Sun Pisces
Moon Scorpio
Mars Capricorn
Mercury Pisces
Jupiter Aquarius
Venus Pisces
Saturn Pisces
Rahu Capricorn
Ketu Cancer Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Interpretations and Logical Explanations

Let's now look at the sample interpretations of each of the nine planets in their
respective sign placements, as well as the logical explanations for each. Please again
refer to your list of keywords from the previous section to help you see the logic used in
combining the keywords in the interpretation.

1. Sun Pisces

Shines and expresses himself with wisdom, mystical perception, intuition,
imagination, open-mindedness, idealism, and sensitivity.

Logical Explanation
The Sun's placement in Pisces indicates the personality of a philosopher and a mystic.
Einstein's Sun in Pisces in the 10th house means that his profession made him a leader in
his field, but a leader characterized by the qualities of Pisces like wisdom, intuition, and
imagination. It's well known that the great scientific discoveries that made him famous,
came to him first through intuition. Some of his famous quotes are, "The only real
valuable thing is intuition," and "The most beautiful thing we can experience is
the mysterious." His authority and profound influence was based in his mystical
perception. Sun in Pisces is not rigid, but flexible, and open-minded. This made him non-
dogmatic in his views, and likeable in how he expressed himself. For instance, it is
known that he had good-natured debates about his theories with other scientists and
famous individuals, most notably the Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw.

2. Moon Scorpio Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Has strong feelings, profound mystical insight, and is intuitive.

Logical Explanation
The Moon's placement in Scorpio indicates that the person has strong and intense
feelings. Scorpio is ruled by Mars, the planet of strength, and because Scorpio is a water
sign it can indicate emotional strength and intensity. The Moon is a watery planet and
when it's placed in a water sign it increases the feeling nature. Once when Einstein's
experiments didn't bring the results he expected he wrote, "They do not shake my
strong feeling between the existence of a relation between gravity and
electricity." This strong intuitive conviction led him to pursue his unified field theory,
even amidst disappointments and opposition. The 6th house represents overcoming
obstacles to achieve something or make improvements in the physical world. The Moon's
placement in the 6th house in Scorpio indicates that he had to defend his theories, and
fight opposition. He once said, "Great spirits have always encountered violent
opposition from mediocre minds." Another point is that the Sun and Moon are the
personality indicators in the chart along with the Ascendant and Ascendant lord. Because
both Einstein's Sun and Moon are in water signs it increases his intuitive, mystical and
visionary nature.

3. Mars Capricorn

Has energy, strength, and ambition to work hard, persevere, and accomplish his goals.
Logical Explanation
Mars's placement in Capricorn indicates that the person has a lot of energy, strength and
ambition to apply to his work. Capricorn is the sign of work, ruled by Saturn, the serious,
persevering planet of hard work. When Mars is in Capricorn it is able to work
effectively, and accomplish his ambitions in the tangible material world. Capricorn is an
earth sign, representing the physical world. However, in Einstein's chart Mars is in the
8th house, which represents metaphysics, research, and seeing beyond the obvious
physical realm. This indicates that Einstein's research dealt with the physical realm,
which makes sense since he was a physicist. Capricorn is also the sign of structure and
Einstein's research dealt with the hidden structure and order of the universe. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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4. Mercury Pisces

Has an intuitive intelligence, is open-minded and flexible in his ideas, and uses his
imagination to think expansive thoughts.

Logical Explanation
Mercury is a planet of logic and reason, however, Pisces is not a logical sign. It's
opposite the logical and analytical sign of Virgo. Therefore, when Mercury is in Pisces it
functions differently. It becomes an intuitive intelligence that doesn't rely on logic, but
depends on spontaneous insight. Einstein first intuitively glimpsed his theories, then later
backed them up with logical mathematical formulas. He failed math in grade school.
Why? It's because Mercury in Pisces is not strong in mathematics. It has to work harder
at it. Einstein once said, "Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics. I can
assure that mine are still greater." Pisces is an imaginative, non-linear and expansive
sign. He's considered a genius, but his genius was in thinking outside of the box of
convention. The 10th house shows our accomplishments and mark we live in the world.
It took a scientist with Mercury in Pisces in the 10th house to invent theories that
challenged the established scientific beliefs and shook how we perceive the universe.
Pisces is also a unifying, non-dogmatic sign, and Einstein developed the unified field
theory, unifying space and time.

5. Jupiter Aquarius Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Inspired by progressive, innovative inventions and humanitarian ideals.

Logical Explanation
Jupiter's placement shows what inspires the person and when it is in Aquarius it indicates
that they are progressive and innovative in their ideals. They may like to think up original
inventions and be on the cutting edge of technology. This was the case with Einstein.
With Jupiter in the 9th house in Aquarius he liked to teach and inspire people with his
original perspectives and humanitarian ideals. He once said, "Any intelligent fool can
make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -
and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction." This is quite an ironic
statement since Einstein's theories led to the invention of nuclear power and the atomic
bomb. Because of his humanitarian ideals he deeply regretted having any part in ushering
in the nuclear age. He later said, "The release of atom power has changed
everything except our way of thinking...the solution to this problem lies in the
heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker."

6. Venus Pisces

Has a love of beauty, is creative, imaginative, charming and romantic.

Logical Explanation
Venus is the planet of creativity and it flourishes in the expansive, imaginative and
creative sign of Pisces. Being a water sign, Pisces is fluid, flexible, and adaptable to any
kind of creative expression. This is the ideal environment for Venus to express all its
qualities like its love of beauty, harmony, charm, and romance. In Einstein's chart not
only is Venus in the sign of Pisces, but it's in the 10th house where it influences his
public life and is seen by others. He was known for his magnetic charm and humor that
often captivated his audiences. He was also known for his musical abilities that we
discussed earlier. Lastly, he was also an irrepressible romantic and his secret love affairs
were well known. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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7. Saturn Pisces

Can put structure and form to his expansive, imaginative and intuitive ideas.

Logical Explanation
Saturn's is the great organizer. It's able to create a structure and form to whatever it
works with. However, Pisces is a formless, unlimited and expansive sign. The gift of
Saturn in Pisces is that it's able to organize abstract, creative and imaginative ideas and
create a form for them. In Einstein's case, Saturn in Pisces in the 10th house helped him
to organize his theories which sprung from his imagination and intuition. It also was
responsible for Einstein's dubious distinction of being an absent-minded professor. This is
because Saturn in Pisces may be good for organizing abstract ideas, but it's virtually
useless for keeping tangible things orderly, like the papers in one's office. Pisces's dreamy
and imaginative nature is not good with details in the physical world. It's opposite Virgo,
the sign of efficiency, order, and cleanliness. Einstein was known for having a
fantastically messy desk, and would frequently misplace things. He once defended his
habits by saying, "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is
an empty desk?"

8. Rahu Capricorn

Has a strong desire for achievement, and is willing to persevere and work hard. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Logical Explanation
Rahu's placement shows where the person has strong desires and attachments. When it's
placed in Capricorn it indicates that this applies to the area of work and one's
achievements, since Capricorn is the natural 10th sign of the zodiac, which represents our
profession. Capricorn's also simply the sign of work because it's ruled by Saturn, the
planet of hard work and perseverance. Einstein's Rahu in Capricorn in the 8th house
indicates that he had a strong desire to make significant advances in his research and that
he was willing to do what it took to get his theories recognized by the scientific
community. It's a known fact that he worked so hard that his marriage was often strained.
Rahu in Capricorn in the 8th house also shows that he was a pioneer, and pursued
unorthodox ideas in his research. It also shows that his research applied to the physical
world and its structure, which the sign of Capricorn represents being an earth sign.

9. Ketu Cancer

Has deep intuitive feelings, and is detached about domestic comforts.

Logical Explanation
Ketu is the planet of intuition, and the water signs are the intuitive signs. Therefore, Ketu
in Cancer heightens the intuitive qualities of Ketu. Cancer is also the sign of one's
emotions being ruled by the Moon, which could mean that the person has deep intuitive
feelings and hunches. With four planets in Pisces, another water sign, Einstein's chart
shows someone who is already very intuitive. He doesn't need Ketu in Cancer to indicate
these qualities. However, Ketu in Cancer reinforces his strongly intuitive and imaginative
nature and how profoundly it influenced him. Ketu in Cancer in the 2nd house represents
that Einstein was also very detached about money and acquisitions, particular domestic
comforts which Cancer and the 2nd house represent. The written accounts from his wives
show that he spent a lot of time traveling giving lectures all over the world, which could
be one reason why he wasn't attached to his domestic life and the comforts of his home. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Quiz #61:
Which planetary placement in Einstein's chart is not helpful for productivity in his
1) Mars in Capricorn.
2) The ruler of the 5th house in the 10th house.
3) Ketu in the 2nd house.
4) Saturn in the 10th house.
5) It's a trick question. None of the above.
The answer is at the end of the lesson.

The Rulers in the Houses

The Importance of the Ruler of the House

We've now completed both the basic analysis of the position of the planets in the houses
and the signs in Einstein's chart. We've also seen how that when we blended in the
interpretation of the planets in the signs it modified the previous planets in the houses
interpretations. To review, in the PAC-DARES method (P) stands for Position of a
planet in three respects:

1) Its Position in a house

2) Its Position in a sign
3) Its Position as the ruler of a house

The position of a planet, first of all, is significant because of its position in a house, and
sign. This will tell you a great deal about the planets function in the chart. For instance,
in Einstein's chart, we saw how Mercury's position in the 10th house in Pisces
contributed to his development of intuitive ideas about theoretical physics, which had a
major impact on the way we think about the structure of the universe, particularly how
we view time and space.

However, Mercury is not only just Mercury. It's the ruler, or dispositor, of the 1st and
4th houses in Einstein's chart, because these houses correspond to the signs of Gemini
and Virgo, which are the signs that Mercury rules. Therefore, the third significance of a
planets position in the chart is as the ruler of a house, or houses, depending on whether
they rule one or two houses.

As a quick review of house rulership from Lesson 4 each planet rules at least one sign,
except Rahu and Ketu. The Sun and Moon rule one sign each, while Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn rule two signs each. These signs will correspond to different
houses depending on the ascendant. Please review the following chart of sign rulerships: Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

Why is the ruler of the house so important? For four reasons:

1) Linking Houses. The first and most important reason is that a planet will carry the
effects of its house rulership(s) to wherever it's placed. In other words, the ruler's house
placement creates a link between the house that it's placed in, and the house(s) it rules.
Understanding this principle is key to being able to interpret the chart correctly, as we
shall see in the following lessons. In Einstein's chart, this gives us two additional
interpretations - the ruler of the 1st in the 10th house, and the ruler of the 4th in the 10th
house. So now we begin to blend houses with other houses, instead of just a planet in a
house. Both of these will mean something different, as we shall see below, as we give
interpretations for all the rulers in the houses in Einstein's chart.

2) Temporal Status. The second reason is that a planet becomes either a temporal
benefic or malefic based on which house(s) it rules. We've discussed this principle
previously in Lesson 4. A quick review is that the snapshot rule is: if a planet rules one
of the trinal houses 1, 5, or 9 then they become a temporal benefic, otherwise
they're a temporal malefic. This is the "1, 5, 9 rule." There's an advanced method of
calculating the temporal status of a planet, but it can be very confusing for students,
which is why we'll save this discussion for the Level 2 Course. For now the "1, 5, 9 rule"
is enough. In Einstein's chart, Mercury becomes a temporal benefic as the ruler of the 1st
house, so it will generally bring benefic results to its position in the 10th house. This adds
to the fact that Mercury is always a natural benefic along with Jupiter, Venus, and the
Moon, unless it's associated with malefics in the chart.

3) Dispositorship. The third reason is that the ruler of the house is the landlord of a
house, which makes the planets, who are positioned in its house, its tenants. Just like in a
typical landlord/tenant relationship, if there's tension with the Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

landlord the tenants can not be happy and comfortable in the house. This is why the
other word for ruler is dispositor, because the dispositor effects the disposition of the
planet(s) it rules. It effects the happiness of a planet, and therefore effects how it
functions in the chart. For instance, if the dispositor of a planet is in a dusthana house 6,
8, or 12, and aspected by malefics, then it will effect the planet itself in a negative way.
The opposite is true if it's in benefic houses, like trines or angles, and aspected by

In Einstein's chart, Mercury is placed in the sign of Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. Therefore,
Jupiter becomes Mercury's dispositor. Jupiter is placed in a trinal house, which is a
benefic house placement, and it's not aspected by malefic planets. We'll discuss aspects
in the following Lesson 11, so don't be concerned if you don't understand how Jupiter is
not aspected by malefics.

4) Natural Friendships. The fourth reason is that tension or harmony is created

between the dispositor and the planet(s) it rules, simply if the planets are natural friends
or not based on the two families of friendships. This principle was also discussed in
Lesson 4 previously. The two families of natural friends are:

Family of Friends #1 Family of Friends #2

Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter Mercury, Venus, Saturn

Notice that Rahu and Ketu are not included in this list. This is because this distinction is
used for planets that rule houses, and Rahu and Ketu don't rule any houses.

An example of this principle in Einstein's chart, is to again use Mercury placed in Pisces,
which is ruled by Jupiter. You can see by the table above that Mercury and Jupiter do not
belong to the same family of natural friends. This indicates that Mercury is weaker by
sign placement when placed in Jupiter's signs. We will go much deeper into this concept
in Lesson 12, when we learn all the rules for determining the strength of a planet.

Interpreting Planets Versus Houses

There is an important distinction between analyzing the planets in a chart versus
analyzing the houses that is useful to make. Interpreting the natal chart is essentially
analyzing the influences of the planets. The planets rule interpretation. They are the
embodiment of the divine for the purpose of creation, and their position in the natal chart
represents the unfoldment of individual karma. A planet means a "wanderer" whereas the
houses and signs never change positions. Without the planets movement through the
zodiac there would be no astrology. The PAC-DARES method, therefore, is the essential
checklist to follow for analyzing any planet in the natal chart. If you follow these steps
then you will get a very complete understanding of the planet's condition in the chart. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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However, in the process of interpreting a chart, we usually analyze the chart from the
vantage point of the houses. For instance, if we want to understand career, then we focus
primarily on the 10th house. If we want to understand relationship, then we focus on the
7th house etc. The steps for analyzing the houses uses a different checklist of three steps
that we need to be aware that incorporates the PAC-DARES method. These three steps
are analyzing:

1) The House
2) The House Lord
3) The Significator(s) of the house

We first analyze the house in question itself, by analyzing each planet that influences
that house. Then we analyze the planet that happens to be the lord of that house. Lastly,
we analyze the planet(s) that is the significator of the house, which we discussed earlier
in the lesson. How we analyze the planets involved in these three steps is by using the
PAC-DARES method. It can be confusing to start to accumulate lists of steps in
interpretation and therefore it's helpful to make this basic distinction between analyzing
planets versus houses.

Example Chart of the Rulers in the Houses

We've seen above why the ruler of a house is so significant in the chart. The most
important reason is that it creates a link between houses as stated in the first reason
above. In the following interpretation of the rulers in the houses in Einstein's chart, notice
how the ruler carries the qualities of the house it rules into the house it's placed in. This
principle is used over and over in chart interpretation, which is why I'm emphasizing its
importance. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

Here's the list of Albert Einstein's rulers of the houses:

House Ruler House
1st Lord (Mercury) 10th House
2nd Lord (Moon) 6th House
3rd Lord (Sun) 10th House
4th Lord (Mercury) 10th House
5th Lord (Venus) 10th House
6th Lord (Mars) 8th House
7th Lord (Jupiter) 9th House
8th Lord (Saturn) 10th House
9th Lord (Saturn) 10th House
10th Lord (Jupiter) 9th House
11th Lord (Mars) 8th House
12th Lord (Venus) 10th House

Interpretations and Logical Explanations

Let's now look at the sample interpretations for the rulers in the houses in Einstein's
chart, as well as the logical explanations for each. Please again refer to your list of
keywords from the previous section to help you see the logic used in combining the
keywords in the interpretation.

1. 1st Lord (Mercury) 10th House

Is career-oriented, focused on achievements, and self-confident in his profession.

Logical Explanation
The 1st house shows our orientation to life, how we view the world, so when its lord is
placed in the 10th house the person is career-oriented. The 10th house represents not only
our career, but our achievements, and the mark we leave on Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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the world. When the 1st lord is in the 10th house the person is focused on their
achievements, and self-confident in attaining them. This placement of Einstein's 1st lord
further solidifies our interpretation that he was focused and hard working, which was
shown with Saturn's placement in the 10th.

2. 2nd Lord (Moon) 6th House

Earns through service, healing, or detailed work, values work over acquiring luxuries,
experiences some financial challenges.

Logical Explanation
The 2nd lord's position shows how we earn money, so it's placement in the 6th house can
represent 6th house type of work like service, or healing work. It can also represent work
that is very detailed, analytical, and precise, because the 6th house corresponds to the
sign of Virgo, the sign of detail. Einstein earned through very analytical and detailed
work, being a teacher and researcher. The ruler's placement represents our values about
that house, so the 2nd lord placed in the 6th house, a house of work (artha), shows
placing more value on work than on acquiring materialistic things. This is another clue,
like Ketu in the 2nd house that Einstein was not very materialistic. The 2nd lord in the
6th house, can show financial challenges, because the 6th house is a dusthana house.
Einstein did have periods in his life where he struggled financially.

3. 3rd Lord (Sun) 10th House Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Has a career as a writer or speaker, is determined to fulfill his career goals, and may
travel for his work.

Logical Explanation
The 3rd house corresponds to Gemini, a sign of communicating one's ideas through the
written or spoken word. When the 3rd lord goes to the 10th house it brings these qualities
into one's career. Einstein both wrote and gave lectures to promote his ideas. He also had
to travel frequently, and the 3rd house is a house of travel, particularly short distance
travel. The 3rd lord's placement house shows where we focus our will, courage and
determination. The 3rd lord in the 10th house is another clue, like Mars in the 8th house,
that he had to defend his research, and engage his will and determination to promote his

4. 4th Lord (Mercury) 10th House

Has a career that involves the mind and psychology, works from home.

Logical Explanation
When the 4th lord is placed in the 10th house it can represent someone who's a
psychologist. Einstein wasn't one, but he did have deep insight into human nature, which
can be seen by his many quotes. For instance, he once said, "A human being is a part
of a whole. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something
separated from the rest. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to
our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task
must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion
to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." The 4th lord
in the 10th house also can represent someone who works with homes, real estate, or
simply who works from home. Professors often spend a significant amount of time at
their home office preparing for lectures or writing, which was most likely the case with

5. 5th Lord (Venus) 10th House Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Has a career that utilizes his creativity, and intelligence, and needs to be inspired in his

Logical Explanation
The 5th house is the house of creative self-expression. It represents what we produce and
create, like children. When the 5th lord is in the 10th house it means that being able to
express one's creativity in one's work is an important value.
One's work needs to be inspiring. Einstein produced his own theories and was a writer,
teacher, and lecturer. This is all creative and inspiring work. The 5th house is also the
house of intelligence and education. Einstein's work was intellectual in nature and he was
an educator.

6. 6th Lord (Mars) 8th House

Challenges with competitors and enemies, potential for chronic illness.

Logical Explanation
The 6th house represents those who oppose us, like competitors and enemies. When the
6th lord goes to the 8th house it increases the possibility of obstacles and challenges
from them. This combination represents the opposition Einstein faced by the
established scientific community. With the 6th lord in the 8th house it also represents
the possibility of acute illnesses escalating into a chronic illness, since the 6th house is
acute illness and the 8th house is chronic illness. This did occur later in Einstein's life. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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7. 7th Lord (Jupiter) 9th House

Meet's spouse at an institute of higher learning, marriage is a spiritual path, and source
of major learning and growth.

Logical Explanation
The 7th house represents the spouse, so where the 7th lord is placed can represent the
environment that the spouse is met. In Einstein's case, the 7th lord is in the 9th house
which represents institute of higher learning. He met his first wife at the Swiss
Polytechnic School where they were both physics students. The 9th house also represents
one's spiritual path, and when the 7th lord is placed there it shows that one's married life
is a major source of growth and learning.

8. 8th Lord (Saturn) 10th House

One's career is associated with metaphysics or scientific research. There can also be a
lot of change and instability, or one's work entails short term projects, or frequent

Logical Explanation
The 8th house is an unstable influence. When the 8th lord is in the house of career, it
can represent that work is sporadic, or that one does short term projects and then takes
time off. It bring unconventionality into the work place and also can represent that one
is involved in metaphysical studies or scientific research. This combination in Einstein's
chart reinforces the other indications for a career in original research, like Rahu and
Mars in the 8th house. Also, his Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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lifestyle of frequent traveling and giving lectures can be explained from the 8th lord in
the 10th house, because his work schedule constantly went through changes.

9. 9th Lord (Saturn) 10th House

Has a career in teaching, imparting knowledge and wisdom, and his work involves

Logical Explanation
The 9th lord placed in the 10th house connects the house of teaching, wisdom, higher
education with the house of one's profession. This is a classic combination for a college
professor, which reinforces the earlier interpretation for a college professor of Jupiter in
the 9th house. It also connects the house of travel, especially long distance travel to
foreign countries, to one's work. Einstein traveled frequently to teach and lecture as has
been mentioned previously.

10. 10th Lord (Jupiter) 9th House

Has a career in teaching, imparting knowledge and wisdom, and his work involves

Logical Explanation
Either the 10th lord in the 9th house or the 9th lord in the 10th house can represent a
career in teaching, and imparting wisdom and knowledge. It also represents the same
pattern of traveling for one's work mentioned in the previous Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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11. 11th Lord (Mars) 8th House

One's long term desires are to perform research, study metaphysics, and to
transform one's consciousness.

Logical Explanation
The 11th lord represents our long term goals and desires because it is the highest of
the kama or desire houses. When the 11th lord is placed in the 8th house it shows that
one has a lot of desire for 8th house matters like metaphysics, research, and
unconventional, original thinking. This certainly fits for Einstein since he was known
for his original research and theories that he developed. He also was interested in
metaphysics and transforming his consciousness through mystical experiences, like
exploring the realm of the mysterious.

12. 12th Lord (Venus) 10th House

Moves overseas to live in a foreign country due to his work, brings metaphysical
knowledge into his work.

Logical Explanation
The 12th house is the house of residence in a foreign country. Being the 12th from the
1st house, it represents loss of one's birth place. When the 12th lord is placed in the
10th house, the loss of one's birth place is due to one's work. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Einstein left Germany at age 16 in order to study and develop his career. Later in his life,
at age 54 he took a job as a professor at Princeton University in the US. The 12th house
is a moksha or metaphysical house, along with the 4th and 8th houses. In Einstein's case,
all of the moksha lords are placed in the 10th house of career. This reinforces that his
work was strongly influenced by mystical perception and intuition.

Putting It All Together: The Steps of Analysis

We've now shown how to analyze the position of a planet in a house, sign, and in terms
of the house(s) it rules. This first step (P) of the PAC-DARES method will give you a
large amount of information about any chart as we've seen in Einstein's chart. In the
following lessons we'll refine and modify this initial interpretation by following the next
steps of analyzing the (A) aspects, (C) conjunctions, and (DARES) yogas that the planet
is involved in.

Learning these steps for analyzing a planet is absolutely essential for natal chart
interpretation. It's impossible to practice Jyotish without following these steps.
However, when we want to analyze a house we need to remember to analyze the
planetary influences on three things:

1) The House
2) The House Lord
3) The Significator(s) of the house

To demonstrate these three steps, let's take the example of analyzing the 9th house, the
house of fortune, in Einstein's chart. Since we haven't learned the remaining PAC-
DARES steps of aspects, conjunctions and yogas, we'll just focus on the first step of (P)
Position like we've done in this lesson.

We first would analyze the house itself:

1) The House: Jupiter is in the house with no other planets. We then would
analyze Jupiter using PAC-DARES and first analyze Jupiter's (P) position.

- Jupiter in the 9th house

- Jupiter in Aquarius
- Jupiter as the 7th lord in the 9th house
- Jupiter as the 10th lord in the 9th house

2) The House Lord: Saturn is the ruler of the 9th house. We then would analyze
Saturn using PAC-DARES and first analyze Saturn's (P) position.

- Saturn in the 10th house

- Saturn in Pisces
- Saturn as the 8th lord in the 10th house Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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- Saturn as the 9th lord in the 10th house

3) The Significator(s) of the house: For review, the signficators of each of the
twelve house were listed in the beginning of the lesson. Referring to the table, we see that
Jupiter and the Sun are the significators of the 9th house. If we wanted to know about
fortune, guru, spiritual tradition etc. we'd analyze Jupiter. If we wanted to know about the
father we'd analyze the Sun. Let's say we want to know about the father, so we would
analyze the Sun using PAC-DARES and first analyze the Sun's (P) position.

- The Sun in the 10th house

- The Sun in Pisces
- The Sun as the 3rd lord in the 10th house

When we take these steps of analyzing the house, house lord, and significator(s) using
PAC-DARES we will acquire the majority of information that we need for
understanding anything in the chart. Of course, there are many advanced techniques and
subtleties in Jyotish, but these steps here are the primary workhorse that any
accomplished Vedic astrologer will use. These are what we'll be focusing on over and
over again in our study of Jyotish.

Quiz #62:
Which statement is false about the 8th lord is in the 10th house?
1) Experiences breaks in one’s career.
2) Could be a researcher.
3) Is good at making money through career.
4) Could be an astrologer.
5) It's a trick question. All of the above.
The answer is at the end of the lesson.

Exercises and Homework

In this lesson we began interpreting the natal chart, starting with analyzing the positions
of the planets - in the houses, signs, and as rulers of houses. We used Einstein's chart as
an example of how to combine keywords. Now, it's time to apply this to your own chart
and practice making your own interpretations. I want you to dive in, and not be afraid of
"getting it wrong." This is only practice. Your interpretations don't need to be long or
thorough. The important thing is that they are logical. If they're logical then they will be
accurate. A short sentence is enough, just like the sample interpretations in Einstein's
chart. In a reading that's usually all that you have time to say anyway. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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The Art of Interpretation

I remember in one of the first classes that I took on Vedic astrology, I was amazed that
the teacher encouraged the students to make any interpretation at all - logical or illogical.
It was as if the teacher was just satisfied to get the students involved and participating.
Some of their interpretations were way in left field, just based on spontaneous flashes of
intuition. Intuition is great and necessary to use in Jyotish, but intuition will work better
for you after you have a firm footing in the mechanics. First, let your focus be to develop
interpretive logic. I remember thinking to myself that if I was the teacher I would do it
differently. I'd ask students to depend on logic and explain why they came up with that
interpretation. So now that's what I'm encouraging you to do. You'll learn Vedic
astrology much quicker this way, and you'll become a better astrologer. Logic plus
intuition is the crowning achievement of a great astrologer. It's combining the science
with the art of astrology. This comes after many years of experience, just like a virtuoso

While we're practicing speaking the language of Jyotish, it's natural that in the early
stages of learning a language that our vocabulary is limited. It doesn't matter. As we
deepen our knowledge and experience, we naturally become more agile and versatile just
like with forming more complex sentences while learning a language. Later you'll not
only speak more fluently, you'll also sing, because interpretation is an art. In other words,
the interpretation will flow out of you quite effortlessly and will utilize not just your
intellect but your heart and intuition as well.

In the following exercise, we'll work with filling out the next step in the Natal Chart
Skills Form, and in the homework assignments we'll practice making interpretations.

Materials needed:

- Pen
- Your South and North Indian Natal Chart Skills forms filled out from Lessons 4, 6,
and 8.

The Positions Exercise

1) The Position of Planets and Rulers in the Houses
This exercise has you identify the placement that each planet is in in your own chart, as
well as the house(s) that it rules, and writing it into the Natal Chart Skills form. The Natal
Chart Skills form was designed as an exercise for identifying the key interpretive points
that you don't want to miss when preparing for a reading. Each time you fill out this form
you train your mind to think in the language of Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Jyotish principles. The more you think in Jyotish, the more fluent you will become in the
language. This is why I encourage you to take the time to fill this out before giving any

Take a look at your own chart with the Natal Chart Skills form with the Planets, Houses,
and Signs Exercises filled out from the previous lessons (Lessons 4, 6, and 8). Identify
each planet's house position, as well as the house(s) that it rules, and write this into the
appropriate boxes. The 'Position' columns are located just below the Signs Exercise and
look like this:

As an example, again see Albert Einstein's natal chart with the planets exercises filled out
from Lesson 4:

Here's an example of the positions of the first three planets, the Sun, Moon, and Mercury
filled out in Einstein's chart:

The Natal Chart Skills form with this exercise filled out in Einstein's chart is
included at the end of this lesson. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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2) Repeat
Repeat the above Positions Exercise using the North Indian version of your chart that you
filled out in Lessons 4, 6, and 8. Save both the South Indian and North Indian versions of
your chart for future exercises.

3) Extra credit
For extra credit fill out the Positions Exercise in the Natal Chart Skills form of the
person's chart you've been working on in Lessons 4, 6, and 8. Again, save their chart for
future exercises.

Natal Chart Skills Summary

We have now completed the first four sets of exercises of the Natal Charts Skills

- The Planets Exercises (see Lesson 4)

- The Houses Exercises (see Lesson 6)
- The Signs Exercises (see Lesson 8)
- The Positions Exercise:

1) The Position of Planets and Rulers in the Houses:

Identify the placement that each planet is in in, as well as the house(s) that it rules,
and write it into the appropriate box in the Natal Chart Skills form.

Homework Assignments
1) Getting Flashy
Create your own flash cards for each of the planets, houses, and signs. Buy a pack of 4 x
6 inch index cards from your local office supply store. Then, on the blank side write the
name of a planet, and on the lined side write the planets keywords as well as what the
planets placement means in the chart, as I've given in this lesson. Feel free to add or
subtract from the keywords list I've given, and make it your own. It could be just five of
your favorite keywords. Repeat for each planet, house, and sign so that you have a total
of 33 cards - 9 planets, 12 houses, and 12 signs. Here's an example flash card: Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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After you've made your flash cards there are several ways to work with them. You can
quiz yourself using one card at a time. For example, close your eyes and pick one planet
card. Then, without looking at the keyword side, try to recall as many keywords as you
can. Turn it over and see how you did. Next, try a second time with the same card, and
see how many more you can remember. Repeat it over and over until you've recalled all
of the keywords. After you're satisfied with your recall on the individual flash cards, try
combining a planet and a house. Sit back and see what kind of logical interpretation you
can come up with. Think what the blending of their keywords could possibly mean.
internal dialogue that we demonstrated in this lesson. Lastly, advance to combining all
three - a planet, house, and sign.

The flash cards can become a companion that you carry around with you. While you're
waiting in line at the supermarket you can study them, and quiz yourself.

Another way to work with the flash cards is to work with a friend. Ask them to hold
the flash cards and show you one at a time. While you try to recall the keywords, they
can help you by giving you hints. If you can do this with another astrologer than that
would be ideal, so that you can talk about what the various possible interpretations of a
combination could be.

2) Self Discovery
Write short interpretations of the planets position - in the houses, signs, and as rulers
of houses - in your own chart. Use the three-page form included in this lesson to fill in
your interpretations.

Again, your interpretations don't need to be long or thorough. The important thing is that
they are logical. Refer to the flashcards that you just made, and/or the keywords list in
this lesson so that you can clearly see what keywords you're combining.

You'll have 33 interpretations to make, so settle in to devoting some time to this. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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If it takes you 5 minutes to write one interpretation then it will take about 2 1/2 hours
(160 minutes) to finish this assignment. If you fill out two per day then it will take about
two and a half weeks.

Some combinations you'll know right away and others will take some real thought and
time. You may sit there and scratch your head saying, "What could THAT possibly
mean!!?" That's a good place to be - it means your stretching yourself.
When you give a reading you're going to be in that place some percentage of the time.
Don't just do the easy ones, do them all. The good thing is that you know yourself, and
you'll be able to evaluate whether the interpretation is accurate or not.

By doing them you'll not only learn some more Jyotish, you'll discover some things
about yourself too. Giving yourself a reading is a good process of self discovery. For
instance, you might realize that it's because the ruler of the 4th house is in the 6th house
that you have a tendency to get into conflicts with your mother. It could be interesting to
also realize that it's because you have Venus in the 4th house that you feel a lot of
affection for her too.

3) Diving In
Give a short reading to a close friend or family member based on the positions of the
planets in their chart - in the houses, signs, and as rulers of a house. It's a very different
process to write an interpretation than it is to talk to someone live by phone or in person
about their chart. Dive in. Make it light and fun. Again, don't worry about making
mistakes or being "wrong." You can easily make qualifying statements to them like, "I'm
only beginning so don't take this too seriously," or "I'd just like to find out if this seems
accurate to you." It will be fine if you pose as a student who is just trying to see if they
can understand their chart. No harm done. If the reading is accurate, it will feel right to
them. Just be careful of playing the expert, and giving them information that they could
take too seriously or become discouraged by. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 10 The Position of Planets, Rulers & Significators

Other people may say to you that you're not ready to dive in, like in this cartoon. Don't
listen to them. Just dive in, and have fun. I can honestly say that I've learned the most
about Jyotish by talking to people about their charts, whether it's a casual or a
professional reading. So don't wait, start now. It's the best way to learn because nothing
is more valuable than experience. Keep the reading short, it could even be just 10

I'd highly recommend filling out the Natal Chart Skills Form before giving the reading.
This will help you get very familiar with their chart and give you more practice. If that
feels like too much work, don't let that stop you. Dive in, and talk the language of
Jyotish with someone you feel comfortable with.

Quiz Answers
59. 1, 7, 11
60. It's a trick question. All the above.
61. Ketu in the 2nd house.
62. Is good at making money through career. Copyright © For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Interpreting the Position of Online Course Level 1
Astrology Name: Lesson 10 - Homework


1 Sun House

Sun Sign of

2 Moon House

Moon Sign of

3 Mars House

Mars Sign of

4 Mercury House

Mercury Sign of

5 Jupiter House

Jupiter Sign of

6 Venus House

Venus Sign of 5 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Interpreting the Position of Online Course Level 1
Astrology Name: Lesson 10 - Homework


7 Saturn House

Saturn Sign of

8 Rahu House

Rahu Sign of

9 Ketu House

Ketu Sign of 5 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Interpreting the Position of Online Course Level 1
Astrology Name: Lesson 10 - Homework

1 Ruler of the 1st House House

2 Ruler of the 2nd House House

3 Ruler of the 3rd House House

4 Ruler of the 4th House House

5 Ruler of the 5th House House

6 Ruler of the 6thHouse House

7 Ruler of the 7th House House

8 Ruler of the 8th House House

9 Ruler of the 9th House House

10 Ruler of the 10th House House

11 Ruler of the 11th House House

12 Ruler of the 12th House House 5 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Natal Chart

    Navamsha
From: To:
Name: Count from the cardinal sign
of the element of the planet. 1
Date: Navamsha = 3o 20’
 Place: 

 

Quadrants Alternate Lagnas

10th Lagna Moon L Sun L Dasha L
   

From: To: From: To:
Odd signs count from the
sign of the planet - even
signs from the 9th away. 1
Dashamsha = 3o

Dharma Artha Kama Moksha Angle Succed. Cadent Masc. Fem.

1,5,9 2,6,10 3,7,11 4,8,12 1,4,7,10 2,5,8,11 3,6,9,12 Odd Even

Abbreviations: CM=Chandra Mangala, LK=Lakshmi, VS=Vasumat, NB=Neecha Banga, VP=Vipareeta, R/K= Rahu/Ketu forming Raja Yogas, PV=Parivartana, MP=Mahapurusha Yoga: BMP=
Bhadra, MMP=Malavya, RMP=Ruchaka, HMP=Hamsa, SMP=Shasha, GK=Gajakesari, PK/SK=Papa/Shubha Kartari, CB=Combust, GN=Gandanta, PW=Planetary War, KD=Kuja Dosha,
KM=Kemadruma, AM=Amala, Dusthana Yogas: AV=Ava, NI=Nissva, MR=Mriti, KU=Kuhu, PA=Pamaru, DU=Dushkriti, NIR=Nirbhagya, DUR=Dur, DA=Daridra, etc.
© Vaughn Paul Manley,
Natal Chart
Fire Earth Air Water Card. Fixed Mut.
Aries+ Taurus+ Gemini+ Cancer+ Aries+ Taurus+ Gemini+

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Rahu Ketu

In Rules In Rules In Rules In Rules In Rules In Rules In Rules In In
P Position
A Aspects (Gives to H#)
A Aspects (Gives to PL)
A Aspects (Receives)
C Conjunctions
Asc Moon
D Dana Yogas: combos of 1, 2, 5, 9, 11; CM, LK, VS
A Arishta Yogas: 1, 1L, Mo, Su + 6, 8, 12, Malefics
R Raja Yogas: 1, 4, 7, 10 + 1, 5, 9; NB, VP, R/K
E Exchanges or Parivartana Yogas: PV
S Special: MP, GK, PK/SK, CB, GN, PW, KD, KM, etc

Abbreviations: CM=Chandra Mangala, LK=Lakshmi, VS=Vasumat, NB=Neecha Banga, VP=Vipareeta, R/K= Rahu/Ketu forming Raja Yogas, PV=Parivartana, MP=Mahapurusha Yoga: BMP=
Bhadra, MMP=Malavya, RMP=Ruchaka, HMP=Hamsa, SMP=Shasha, GK=Gajakesari, PK/SK=Papa/Shubha Kartari, CB=Combust, GN=Gandanta, PW=Planetary War, KD=Kuja Dosha,
KM=Kemadruma, AM=Amala, Dusthana Yogas: AV=Ava, NI=Nissva, MR=Mriti, KU=Kuhu, PA=Pamaru, DU=Dushkriti, NIR=Nirbhagya, DUR=Dur, DA=Daridra, etc.
© Vaughn Paul Manley,
Natal Chart
Name: Date: Navamsha
Time: Place: From: To:

Quadrants Alternate Lagnas

1st4th7th10th LagnaMoon LSun L Dasha L

Dashamsha Transits
From: To: From: To: Date: Time:

Dharma Artha SunMoksha Moon

Kama Mercury
Angle Succed. Cadent Venus Fem. Mars
Masc. Fire Jupiter Air
Earth Saturn
Water RahuFixed Ketu
Card. Mut.
1,5,9 2,6,10 In
3,7,11 Rules
4,8,12 In Rules 2,5,8,11
1,4,7,10 In Rules
3,6,9,12 In Rules EvenIn
Odd Rules
Aries+ In Rules
Taurus+ Gemini+InCancer+
Rules Aries+ In Taurus+ Gemini+
A Sun
Aspects (Gives to H#)
Aspects (Gives to PL)
A Mer
Aspects (Receives)
C Ven
Mar Asc Moon
D Jup
Dana Yogas: combos of 1, 2, 5, 9, 11; CM, LK, VS
A Sat
Arishta Yogas: 1, 1L, Mo, Su + 6, 8, 12, Malefics
Raja Yogas: 1, 4, 7, 10 + 1, 5, 9; NB, VP, R/K
E Ketu
Exchanges or Parivartana Yogas: PV
Special: MP, GK, PK/SK, CB, GN, PW, KD, KM, etc.

Abbreviations: CM=Chandra Mangala, LK=Lakshmi, VS=Vasumat, NB=Neecha Banga, VP=Vipareeta, R/K= Rahu/Ketu forming Raja Yogas, PV=Parivartana, MP=Mahapurusha Yoga: BMP=
Bhadra, MMP=Malavya, RMP=Ruchaka, HMP=Hamsa, SMP=Shasha, GK=Gajakesari, PK/SK=Papa/Shubha Kartari, CB=Combust, GN=Gandanta, PW=Planetary War, KD=Kuja Dosha,
KM=Kemadruma, AM=Amala, Dusthana Yogas: AV=Ava, NI=Nissva, MR=Mriti, KU=Kuhu, PA=Pamaru, DU=Dushkriti, NIR=Nirbhagya, DUR=Dur, DA=Daridra, etc.
© Vaughn Paul Manley,
Natal Chart
Su 1 XX 10 11 12 Lg 19 1
Me 11 XX
Sa 12 XX
Ve 24 XX
    Navamsha
Ju 5 XX 9 Ke 10 X 2 From: To:
Name: Albert Einstein Count from the cardinal sign
of the element of the planet. 1
Date: 3/14/1879 Time:
Navamsha = 3o 20’
11:30 am Place: Ulm,
 Germany 
Ma 4 XX 8 Notes: 3
Ra 10 X

 
7 Mo 22 XX 6 5 4

Quadrants Alternate Lagnas

10th Lagna Moon L Sun L Dasha L
  e   1 0 3 5

From: To: From: To:
Odd signs count from the
sign of the planet - even
signs from the 9th away. 1
Dashamsha = 3o

Dharma Artha Kama Moksha Angle Succed. Cadent Masc. Fem.

1,5,9 2,6,10 3,7,11 4,8,12 1,4,7,10 2,5,8,11 3,6,9,12 Odd Even
Sun   
Moon   
Mer   
Ven   
Mar   
Jup   
Sat   
Rahu   
Ketu   
Total 1 6 0 2 4 3 2 2 8
Natal Chart
Fire Earth Air Water Card. Fixed Mut.
Aries+ Taurus+ Gemini+ Cancer+ Aries+ Taurus+ Gemini+
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
0 2 2 6 3 2 5
Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Rahu Ketu
In Rules In Rules In Rules In Rules In Rules In Rules In Rules In In
P Position 10 3 6 2 10 1, 4 10 5, 12 8 6, 11 9 7, 10 10 8, 9 8 2
A Aspects (Gives to H#)
A Aspects (Gives to PL)
A Aspects (Receives)
C Conjunctions
Asc Moon
D Dana Yogas: combos of 1, 2, 5, 9, 11; CM, LK, VS
A Arishta Yogas: 1, 1L, Mo, Su + 6, 8, 12, Malefics
R Raja Yogas: 1, 4, 7, 10 + 1, 5, 9; NB, VP, R/K
E Exchanges or Parivartana Yogas: PV
S Special: MP, GK, PK/SK, CB, GN, PW, KD, KM, etc
Abbreviations: CM=Chandra Mangala, LK=Lakshmi, VS=Vasumat, NB=Neecha Banga, VP=Vipareeta, R/K= Rahu/Ketu forming Raja Yogas, PV=Parivartana, MP=Mahapurusha Yoga: BMP= Bhadra,
MMP=Malavya, RMP=Ruchaka, HMP=Hamsa, SMP=Shasha, GK=Gajakesari, PK/SK=Papa/Shubha Kartari, CB=Combust, GN=Gandanta, PW=Planetary War, KD=Kuja Dosha, KM=Kemadruma,
AM=Amala, Dusthana Yogas: AV=Ava, NI=Nissva, MR=Mriti, KU=Kuhu, PA=Pamaru, DU=Dushkriti, NIR=Nirbhagya, DUR=Dur, DA=Daridra, etc.
© Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A.

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