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Machine Learning in Electromagnetics: A Review

and Some Perspectives for Future Research

Danilo Erricolo Pai-Yen Chen Anastasiia Rozhkova Elahehsadat Torabi
Dept. of ECE Dept. of ECE Dept. of ECE Dept. of ECE
University of Illinois at Chicago University of Illinois at Chicago University of Illinois at Chicago University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL USA Chicago, IL USA Chicago, IL USA Chicago, IL USA

Hakan Bagci Atif Shamim Xianglian Zhang

Division of Computer, Electrical, Division of Computer, Electrical, Division of Computer, Electrical,
and Mathematical Science and and Mathematical Science and and Mathematical Science and
Engineering (CEMSE) Engineering (CEMSE) Engineering (CEMSE)
King Abdullah University of King Abdullah University of King Abdullah University of
Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia Thuwal, Saudi Arabia Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Abstract—We review machine learning and its applications in II. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS
a wide range of electromagnetic problems, including radar,
communication, imaging and sensing. We extensively discuss some Typically, in order to have a fully trained NN, one needs to
recent progress in development and use of intelligent algorithms provide a sufficiently large set of data points, i.e., inputs and
for antenna design, synthesis, and characterization. We also their corresponding outputs. For antenna designs, this data set
provide some perspectives for future research directions in this can be built by intensively performing numerical simulations
emerging field of study. for different inputs and/or their combinations. In [2], design
goals and objectives (e.g., resonant frequency, directivity, and
Keywords—Electromagnetics, Artificial Neural Network,
efficiency) as functions of geometric parameters of a microstrip
Machine Learning, Deep Learning
antenna (e.g., slot and gap) have been investigated using the
I. INTRODUCTION intelligent method. Microstrip antennas with different slot sizes
and air gaps were first simulated using a commercial software,
In the past few years, there has been growing interest in
machine learning (ML), more specifically artificial neural IE3D, and the corresponding antenna characteristics were
networks (ANN) and one part of its broader family - deep recorded to construct the data set for training (and also testing)
learning (DL). To date, ML and DL have been demonstrated to the NNs. The trained NN took a fraction of second to calculate
be effective in image classification, speech processing, and other radiation properties of an antenna with a set of randomly
information processing tasks. Very recently, ML and DL have generated design parameters. In [3], the date set was
been further extended to complex electromagnetic problems, constructed using empirical formulas for a single-feed
such as structural design and optimal parameter extraction for circularly polarized square microstrip antenna. The results
antennas, beamforming algorithms for adaptive antenna arrays, showed that Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm may help
and data interpretation for radar and MIMO systems. Although designing a practical antenna with desired operating frequency
many ML and DL algorithms have been proposed, choosing the and bandwidth (or Q-factor). In [4], the a contoured beam
most appropriate one for a specific electromagnetic problem is reflect array composed of antenna elements was designed using
still an open-ended question. A comprehensive review of NNs. The method of moments (MoM) was used to generate the
applications of neural network (NN) in smart antennas has been training data points. It was shown that the ANN can be faster
conducted in [1]. The advantages of NN-assisted antenna than the MoM by a factor of 100, when both techniques are used
systems reside in the reduced computational complexity and to compute radiation characteristics of an unknown antenna. In
time, lower cost compared to alternatives, and highly accurate [5], an ANN has been used to predict aperture antenna shape,
data analysis. In that review paper, results predicted by ML and demonstrating capabilities of dynamically producing the
DL models agree quite well with theory, numerical simulation,
desired radiation pattern. In contrast, currently existing
and measurements.
numerical approaches take days to analyze the design. This

978-1-7281-0563-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1377

technique is particularly useful for computing radiation One of the first applications of the NNs to the beamforming
characteristics of a non-uniform aperture shape, which has no problem was described in [13], where the authors developed a
closed-form solution. neural-based analog circuit implementation for handling the
NN can also be applied to synthesize equivalent material minimum variance distortion-free response (MVDR)
properties. In [6] an ML-based approach has been exploited to beamforming problem. The Hopfield-type NN was used to find
obtain the desired material properties of a magneto-dielectric the weights of the uniform linear array (ULA), so as to obtain
substrate, by means of optimizing the size and volume fraction the optimal array pattern. The main advantage of this approach
of constitutes. The applicability of each intelligent algorithm is the reduced computational time compared to the conventional
depends on the electromagnetic problem considered. For numerical algorithms. Following this pioneering work, other
example, a rectangular patch antenna was analyzed in [7] with types of NN were applied to beamforming problems.
four types of ANN algorithms. The results show that the radial In [14], a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN)
basis function (RBF) may be the most suitable one for was used for the same purpose. During the performance phase,
evaluating the resonant frequency. the RBFNN produced outputs to previously unseen inputs by
interpolating between the inputs used (seen) in the training
phase. The results were obtained for 1-D (linear array of 10
III. OPTIMIZATION elements) and 2-D (8ɯ8 array of isotropic elements) cases. The
ML and DL have also been vastly used for the optimal solution obtained by the NN was compared to the array pattern
design of antennas. In [8], reinforcement learning was obtained by the optimal Wiener solution. In both cases, the
developed for optimizing the antenna tilt angle, showing a results obtained by the NN were in a good agreement with the
~30% improvement in the sum data rate of the network. A new optimal solution.
method, called surrogate model assisted differential evolution There have been several works comparing different
for antenna synthesis (SADEA), was presented in [9]. This intelligent methods used for the array synthesis. In [15], the
method involves the Gaussian process ML. Compared to the authors applied Elman recurrent neural network (ERNN) and
commonly used differential evolution and particle swarm trained it using LM and resilient backpropagation (Rprop)
optimization, SADEA can achieve comparable results, but algorithms for the ULA with five omnidirectional elements and
enabling a 3 to 7 times speed enhancement for the design half-wavelength spacing. Having compared these supervision
process. In [10], MoM and genetic algorithm were integrated algorithms, they concluded that LM, although consuming more
for conducting performance analysis and optimization at the memory, can outperform other algorithms.
same time. Such a method may improve the computational A hybrid beamforming setup comprising an analog
efficiency and accuracy of the antenna design process. beamforming (ABF) network with adjustable beamwidth
followed by a zero-forcing baseband processing block was
IV. DEFECTIVE ELEMENTS proposed in [16]. The optimal configuration for the ABF
Another issue in the field of antenna design and application network was selected based on the estimated angle of arrival
is real time adjustment. Large antenna arrays have many (AoA) of the various user equipment. AoA was estimated by
applications like sonar, radar and communication. Faulty Capon method or MUSIC. Several techniques of ML, such as
antenna elements in these large arrays cause distortion in the k-nearest neighbors (kNN) and support vector classification
radiation pattern and other characteristics of the antenna. One (SVC), or DL, such as MLP were used. When their
method to deal with element failure is calibration systems classification accuracy was compared, MLP outperformed both
which might be bulky and costly for a certain application [11]. kNN and SVM. However, the authors mentioned that it might
In [11], an ANN has been introduced as a promising solution to not be true for the multipath scenario.
locating the fault elements in a 16-element array from its In many downlink MIMO applications, DL and deep
distorted radiation pattern using a multi-layer perceptron neural network (DNN) can provide approximate solutions that
(MLP). The number of the failed elements is assumed to be are similar to those obtained by weighted minimum mean
three, after considering the low probability of more faulty square error (WMMSE) method, while increasing considerably
elements in practice. NN can also be applied to modify the the computational time, especially for a large number of
pattern distorted because of the failed elements by changing the transmitting antennas [17]. In [17], two types of DNN (i.e.,
magnitude and phase of the excitation of each element via ML supervised and unsupervised learning) were explored and the
and SVM [12] one with unsupervised training showed better performance.
A novel ML-coordinated beamforming solution was
proposed in [18]. In that work, the DL model was used to
V. BEAMFORMING predict the base stations (BS) beamforming vectors directly
Adaptive beamforming, which steers the main beam to the from the signals received at the distributed BSs using only omni
desired angle and cancels the nulls along interference or quasi-omni beam patterns. The main advantage is that the
directions, is important in many wireless communication and DL model does not require any training before deployment, as
radar applications. A class of beamforming problems can be it learns and adapts to the environment. As compared to the
approached involving ML. baseline solution, the DL-coordinated beamforming achieves a
noticeable gain, especially when users are moving with high

speed and when the BSs deploy large antenna arrays. With VII. CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
sufficient learning time, the DL model efficiently adapts to Based on the above discussions, ML approaches could be
changing environment, yielding a robust beamforming system. successfully applied to different kinds of electromagnetic
problems, with aims of reducing computational complexity,
VI. DIRECTION OF ARRIVAL (DOA) ESTIMATION allowing faster real-time operation, and helping to deal with
problems of complicated structures when accurate simulation is
DoA estimation is another problem that has been either impossible or very challenging. Though the performance
solved using ML. So far, many papers devoted to this problem of the ML-based system depends on the quality of the training
have demonstrated that ML may improve the DoA estimation. data, once the training phase is done, the model can work very
Particularly, the deep neural network (DNN) was applied to the fast and accurate.
case of ULA in [19], making possible the detection of signals One main drawback of ML is the large amount of data
coming within a 120 degree sector and showing better needed for the training [18]. In turn, this may require a large
performance than multiple signal classification (MUSIC). This time to generate the data [9]. Efforts are then required to reduce
methodology was designed for a switched-beam system (SBS) the number of samples for the training, which may be critical
for direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) for the use of ML methods for many real-time applications.
applications. The main advantages over MUSIC are speed and Intelligent approaches may be developed to augment machine
simplicity, whereas a drawback could be the operation in a 120 learning methods by making use of prior knowledge stemming
degree instead of a 180 degrees domain. Later on, in [20], a from the understanding of electromagnetic problems. Ray-
similar problem was solved for 180-degrees sector by tracing methods [24] provide a way to introduce prior
modifying the DNN configuration, which also make estimation knowledge, while preserving a simple understanding of the
less insensitive to array imperfections, such as non-ideal sensor basic physical phenomena that are involved. Ray-tracing
design and manufacture error, array installation and inter sensor methods are generally fast and can be applied to electrically
mutual interference, and background radiation. The proposed large problems. Ray-tracing methods have been applied to find
method showed better robustness compared to MUSIC. the ray trajectories that most contribute to a specific
For electronically steerable parasitic array radiator antenna phenomenon. For example, they have been applied to radar
(ESPAR), the DoA estimation problem was solved by means of problems in [25]-[27] for identifying the most likely
SVC in [21]. The one-versus-all classification was done for propagation channels in a beamforming application.
received signal strength (RSS) values recorded at the antenna’s
output port. The antenna radiation patterns measured precisely
in an anechoic room were used as the training data. The VIII. REFERENCES
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