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SPE 106160 Kinetic Parameters For Dilute Epoxy Resins Measured by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectros

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SPE 106160

Kinetic Parameters for Dilute Epoxy Resins Measured by Nuclear Magnetic

Resonance Spectroscopy
Richard D. Rickman, SPE, J. Michael Wilson, SPE, and Jim D. Weaver, SPE, Halliburton

Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers

must be fractured to provide conductivity to the productive
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield zone.
Chemistry held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 28 February–2 March 2007.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
Proppant Flowback Control
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to Proppant flowback from fracture-stimulated wells can cause
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at problems with both surface and subsurface equipment.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
One solution that can reduce or eliminate proppant
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is flowback is to coat the proppant with a curable liquid resin.4
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous The coated proppant is transported to the fracture during
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, Texas 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
stimulation operations. As the resin cures, the proppant is
consolidated. This helps prevent the production of the coated
Abstract proppant with the produced fluids. This approach is used on
Thermosetting resins are employed in a wide variety of new completions. Curable resins can also be used as a
oilfield applications. The development of dilute resin proppant flowback remediation treatment on previously
formulations offers several advantages over conventional resin fracture-stimulated wells.
systems and new resin applications are making increasing use In this approach, a dilute form of the curable liquid resin is
of dilute formulations. Knowledge of the thermodynamic injected into the fracture, followed by an afterflush to re-
properties of the resin system is essential to ensure that they establish the fracture conductivity.5 The thin coating of resin
perform as expected. We report here on the use of nuclear on the proppant cures and locks the proppant into a hardened,
magnetic resonance, NMR, to measure activation energies, permeable proppant pack.
enthalpies, entropies, and frequency factors for the curing of a
diglycidylether bisphenol A epoxy resin with a modified Diagenetic Degradation of Proppant Pack/Fracture
cycloaliphatic amine hardener. Results calculated with this Face
technique are presented here and are in good agreement with An issue that has recently been brought to the attention of the
values calculated using more conventional techniques. oil field community is the diagenetic degradation of the
proppant pack and/or the fracture face.6 In short, the
Introduction introduction of materials foreign to the reservoir, i.e. proppant
Epoxy resins are an important subset of thermosetting and frac fluids, can disturb the geo-chemical equilibrium that
polymers because of to their relatively low cost, good exists in the reservoir. This can result in the rapid production
performance characteristics, and application versatility. They of new minerals that can appear as overgrowth on the
are used in technical applications that range from structural proppant itself or as porosity-filling materials. As a result of
adhesives, to coatings and composite matrices. Applications this process, fracture width can be reduced and porosity lost;
for curable resins in downhole operations are also numerous both conditions will result in conductivity loss. It has been
with their use dating back to the early 1960s.1 Four of these shown that by coating the proppant and fracture face with a
applications are discussed below. thin resin coating this degradation mechanism can be reduced.

Near-Wellbore Consolidation Formation Fines Stabilization

An alternative to conventional sand control completions using Yet another application for liquid curable resins is to stabilize
gravelpacks and screens is chemical consolidation. In this formation fines. In this case a very dilute formulation of the
approach, a curable resin is injected into the region resin is injected into the formation.7 As the resin cures, a thin
surrounding the near-wellbore, followed by an afterflush to coating is deposited onto the formation materials, essentially
displace excess resin from the pore spaces.2 As the resin cures, locking the fines into place and thus preventing their
the formation is transformed into a hardened, permeable mass. migration. A key benefit to using a low resin concentration
An alternative to this approach is to inject the resin into the formulation in this application is that no afterflush is required.
formation without the subsequent afterflush.3 Permeability in Key to obtaining desired performance of the liquid resin
the near-wellbore area is dramatically reduced so the zone systems downhole is achieving proper cure after placement.
2 SPE 106160

Therefore knowledge of certain thermodynamic properties of process. The (resin-hardener)/diluent samples were prepared
the resin is requisite. If the resin cures too rapidly, several from a single stock solution and placed in NMR tubes. The
problems can arise: (1) the resin can cure in the tubulars tubes were sealed under vacuum and stored in a Dewar filled
resulting in their plugging; (2) the resin may cure in the with liquid nitrogen to retard the curing process until they
formation before having a chance to coat, thus plugging the were ready for analysis.
pore throats; or (3) the resin may cure on the proppant before
fracture closure and grain-to-grain contact has been initiated; NMR
in this case, the proppant pack will not consolidate and The natural abundance 13C DEPT 135 (distortionless enhanced
proppant flowback control is not assured. There are several by polarization transfer) experiment10 was chosen to determine
methods routinely used to measure the thermodynamic the kinetics for resin polymerization after some initial
properties of resin systems. exploratory investigations. This experiment was chosen for
several reasons. In the 13C DEPT 135 experiment, only the
Measurement of Thermodynamic Parameters carbon atoms with attached hydrogens appear in the spectra.
Numerous analytical techniques are available to measure Carbon atoms with no attached hydrogens disappear and, more
thermodynamic parameters associated with the curing of resin importantly, resonances from carbons with either CH or CH3
systems. The most widely used is differential scanning appear to be “up,” while all CH2 resonances are 180 degrees
calorimetry (DSC). DSC is a technique wherein the amount of out of phase or “down.” This greatly simplified spectral
heat required to increase the temperature of the sample and a interpretation and integration of the spectra. At each
reference is recorded as a function of temperature. When the temperature investigated, the probe tune and match was
sample undergoes a change in its physical state, i.e. curing, the performed on a sample of the resin and solvents but no
amount of heat required to maintain the temperature changes hardener. Field homogeneity adjustments (shimming) were
depending on whether the process is endo- or exothermic. This also made on this sample at the test temperature. Once the
difference can be plotted against temperature and resin solutions were placed in the probe and brought to the
mathematical treatment of this curve can reveal information desired test temperature, a quick re-shimming operation was
such as the enthalpy of reaction, ΔHrxn, the activation energy, performed and an automated acquire program was started to
Ea, and the pre-exponential or frequency factor, ln (A), for the record the spectra with time. The time between each
reaction. acquisition period (wait time) was adjusted depending upon
In addition to DSC, other techniques include dynamic the particular resin solution and temperature. As the
mechanical analysis (DMA), differential thermal analysis, experiments were conducted at the higher temperatures, hence
DTA, and to a much lesser extent nuclear magnetic resonance faster rates, the wait time between data acquisition was
(NMR). 8, 9 shortened.
Many of the previous studies of resin curing by NMR Because this is a natural abundance 13C experiment,
were geared to elucidating structural information about multiple scans were required for each data point collected.
intermediate and final reaction products. It is believed that this Typically, a total of 168 scans was adequate to acquire data
is the first application of this technique to measure with good signal to noise ratio and suitable for integration.
thermodynamic parameters for the resin system curing process The acquisition of each data point required 20 minutes to
for oilfield applications. complete; the wait time between acquisitions varied from 20
Resin systems where the bulk of the formulation consists minutes to zero (for the higher temperatures).
of non-reactive diluents (up to 98% v/v) pose a special At the onset, line broadening was expected, in the carbon
problem for conventional DSC. The endotherm from the resonances of molecules that had already reacted, because of
evaporation of the diluent very often masks the exotherm from the expected shortening of the longitudinal relaxation time
the curing resin. Pressure cells can compensate for this; (T1) and introduction of small variances of chemical shift. In
however, in a sample that weighs 10 mg, only 2-3% may be fact, the expectation was to see the unreacted monomer signals
curable resin. perched on top of broad polymer humps. This was not
With these limitations in mind, we illustrate how NMR can observed in any of the spectra.
be used to measure certain thermodynamic parameters Integration of the aromatic carbon resonance signals was
associated with the curing of a highly diluted epoxy-amine performed using Bruker BioSpin TopSpin® software and,
resin system. comparing this against the internal standard, enabled the
polymerization kinetics to be determined by measuring the
Experimental disappearance of the aromatic “monomer” carbons with time.
The epoxy/hardener system used here is a diglycidylether Results and Discussion
bisphenol A (DGEPA) -type resin along with a modified Fig. 1 shows a 13C DEPT 135 NMR spectrum of the
cycloaliphatic amine hardener. Additives include viscosity epoxy/amine system. As the resin system cures, the NMR
modifiers, coupling agents, and surfactants to aid in wetting signal from the aromatic carbon decreases, as seen in Fig. 2.
the substrate. This system is designed to be used in wells with The cured resin deposits, as a thin film coating, on the wall of
bottomhole temperatures below approximately 105oC. the NMR tube. The NMR signal decreases until all of the
A suite of resin concentrations were investigated ranging epoxy is consumed (the amine hardener is in excess). To
from 2.5% to 25%. The resin was diluted in a non-reactive follow the curing process we calculate the ratio of the peak
solvent, i.e. the diluent was not consumed during the curing areas of signals arising from the resin, IRes, to that of an
SPE 106160 3

internal standard, IIPA. This value is then plotted against time. for the autocatalytic reaction have been reported that are 10 to
The cure rate constant for the reaction, k, is then: 25% lower than the noncatalytic reaction activation energy,
for this case the ratio of activation energies for the 2.5% resin
I Re s system to 25% resin system is 0.81, which is in agreement
I IPA with the previously published values.11,14,15 The value for ln
k =− …………………………...…………….(1)
(A), Fig. 9, also decreases with decreasing concentration; this
is to be expected as the probability for two reactant molecules
with k having units of s-1. Figs. 3–5 are plots generated in this to collide decreases as their concentration diminishes.
manner for three different temperatures. In this case, the 2.5%
resin solution was used. Conclusions
The rate constant is assumed to have an Arrhenius We report here thermodynamic values calculated using NMR
dependence on temperature thus the following equation holds: for the curing of DGEBA with a cycloaliphatic amine
k = Ae( − Ea / RT ) ………………………………………(2) hardener. Rate constants, activation energies, frequency
factors, and activation entropies and enthalpies were
where A is the pre-exponential or frequency factor, Ea is the calculated for this reaction in formulations containing 2.5% to
activation energy, R is the universal gas constant, and T is the 25% resin. The values for the higher concentrations compare
temperature in Kelvin. By plotting ln (k) against the reciprocal favorably with previously published data.
of the temperature (for at least three different temperatures) an For very dilute solutions, lower activation energies were
Arrhenius plot is generated. Fig. 6 is such a plot for the 2.5% measured. One possible explanation is that in dilute resin
curable resin system. systems the autocatalytic cure mechanism dominates.
Linear regression gives the slope, Ea/R, and the intercept,
ln (A). Table 1 summarizes this information for all four Acknowledgements
curable resin formulations tested. These values are in good The authors would like to thank the management of
agreement with previously published values for the Halliburton for its support of these studies and permission to
epoxy/amine reaction. 11–13 publish this paper.
Recall that Ea is the minimum kinetic energy two colliding
molecules must have in order to react. The activation enthalpy, References
ΔHa, is the difference between the transition state of the 1. Treadway, B.R., et al.: “Studies of a New Process to
reactants and their ground state. In general, ΔH a ≈ Ea . Consolidate Oil Sands with Plastics,” JPT (Dec. 1966) 1537.
2. Penberthy, W.L. and Shaughnessy, C.M.: “Sand Control,” SPE
The entropy of activation, ΔSa, and ΔHa can be calculated Series on Special Topics Vol. 1, SPE (1992) 74.
using the Eyring equation which has the following form: 3. Nguyen, P.D., et al.: “Stabilizing Wellbores in Unconsolidated
Formations for Fracture Stimulation,” SPEPF (Nov. 2000) 262.
k ΔH a 1 k ΔS
ln( ) = − * + ln( b ) + a …………….(3) 4. Alqam, M.H., et al.: “Experimental Study on Additives Systems
T R T h R Used for Proppant Flowback Control in a Hydraulic Fracturing
Treatment,” paper SPE 106358 presented at the 2006 SPE
where kb is Boltzmann’s constant and h is Plank’s constant. Technical Symposium of Saudi Arabia, Dhahran, 21–23 May.
An Eyring plot for the 2.5% curable resin system is given in 5. Nguyen, P.D., et al.: “Remediation of Proppant Flowback—
Fig. 7. By plotting ln (k/T) versus 1/T a linear regression Laboratory and Field Studies,” paper SPE 106105 presented at
yields a slope equal to -ΔH/R and an intercept equal to (23.76 the 2007 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry,
+ ΔS/R). Table 2 gives the entropy and enthalpy of activation Houston, TX, 28 February–2 March.
for the curing of the epoxy/amine resin system at various 6. Weaver, J.D.., et al.: “Sustaining Conductivity,” paper SPE
epoxy concentrations. Using the following equation: 98236 presented at the 2006 SPE International Symposium and
Exhibition on Formation Damage Control, New Orleans, 13–17
ΔGa = ΔH a − T ΔS a ……………………………..….(4) 7. Rickman, R.D., et al.: “Application of Curable Thin Films for
Sand Control,” paper SPE 98228 presented at the 2006 SPE
the temperature-dependent free energy of activation ΔGa, can International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage
Control, New Orleans, 13–17 February.
be calculated for a range of temperatures. For all four cases
8. Zhabg, X., et al.: “The Chemistry of Novolac Resins: 3. 13C and
studied here, the contribution from T ΔS a is relatively minor, 15
N N.M.R. Studies of Curing with Hexamethylenetetramine,”
so ΔGa ≈ ΔH a . Polymer 38 #23, 5835 (1997).
9. Tavares, M.I., et al.: “13C Solid-State NMR Analysis of the
An interesting observation is made when plotting Ea as a DGEBA/TETA Epoxy System,” J. App. Poly. Sci. 78, (2000)
function of the resin concentration in the dilute system (Fig. 2358.
10. Timothy, D.W.: “High Resolution NMR Techniques in Organic
8). For dilute systems (5% or less resin), a decrease in the
Chemistry,” Claridge, Pergamon Press, Vol. 19 (1999).
activation energy is noted. Two mechanisms are generally 11. Mezzenga, R., et al.: “Effects of the Branching Architecture on
accepted for the epoxy/amine curing reaction, one is the Reactivity of Epoxy-Amine Groups”, Macromolecules 33,
noncatalytic and the other is catalytic.11,13 A possible 4373 (2000).
explanation is that in systems where the majority of the 12. Grenier-Loustalot, M. and Grenier, P.: “The Role of Impurities
formulation is a nonreactive diluent, the contribution from in the Mechanisms and Kinetics of Reactions of Epoxy Resins
noncatalytic processes is relatively minor. Activation energies
4 SPE 106160

and their Effects on Final Resin Properties”, Brit. Poly. J. 22, 14. Francis, B., et al.: “Cure Kinetics and Morphology of Blends of
303 (1990). Epoxy Resin with Poly (Ether Ether Ketone) Containing
13. Rocks, J., et al.: “The Kinetics and Mechanism of Cure of an Pendant Tertiary Butyl Groups,” Polymer 44, 3687 (2003).
Amino-Glycidyl Epoxy Resin by a Co-Anhydride as Studied by 15. Lee, J.Y., et al.: “Effect of MDA-Endcapped CTBN on the Cure
FT-Ramam Spectroscopy,” Polymer 45, 6799 (2004). Kinetics of Epoxy System by Autocatalytic Cure Rate
Expression,” J. Mat. Sci. 35 #14, 1573 (2000).

Table 1—Measured Activation Energy

and Pre-Exponential Factors
Resin System Ea ln (A)
(% DEGBA Resin) (kJ/mol) (rate/[min-1])
25 69 23
6.25 67 23
5 65 20
2.5 55 15

Table 2—Calculated Enthalpies and Entropies

Resin System ΔHa ΔSa
(% DEGBA Resin) (kJ/mol) (J/(mol∗K))
25 66 -61.3
6.25 63 -62
5 62 -88
2.5 52 -133

H2 H2

Relative Intensity

Concentration, ppm

Fig. 1—13C DEPT135 spectrum of the epoxy/hardener system with IPA.

SPE 106160 5

Fig. 2— 13C DEPT135 spectra of the epoxy/hardener system at different time during the experiment.

Fig. 3— Ratio of the peak areas of DGEBA and internal standard as a function of time, at 30°C and 2.5% resin.
6 SPE 106160

Fig. 4—Ratio of the peak areas of DGEBA and internal Fig. 5—Ratio of the peak areas of DGEBA and internal standard as
standard as a function of time, at 40°C and 2.5% resin. a function of time, at 60°C and 2.5% resin.

Fig. 6—Arrhenius plot (ln(k) vs. 1/T) for the 2.5% resin Fig. 7—Eyring plot (ln(k/T) vs. 1/T) for the 2.5% resin formulation.

Fig. 8—Ea as a function of resin concentration. Fig. 9—ln(A) as a function of resin concentration.

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