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Mu Physics

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1. Induction 1

2. Faraday’s Law 2

3. Lenz’s Law 4

4. Induced Electric 7

5. Displacement Current 8

and Maxwell’s
1. Induction Experiments (Faraday / Henry)

 An induced current (and emf) is generated when: (a) we move a

magnet around a coil, (b) move a second coil toward/away another
coil, (c) change the current in the second coil by opening/closing a

 Magnetically induced emfs are always the result of the action of

nonelectrostatic forces. The electric fields caused by those forces
are En (non coulomb, non conservative).
2.Faraday’s Law
 Magnetic flux:

 Faraday’s Law of Induction:

- The induced emf in a closed loop equals the negative of the time
rate of change of the magnetic flux through the loop.

- Increasing flux ε < 0 ; Decreasing flux ε > 0

 Direction: curl fingers of right hand around A, if ε > 0 is in
same direction of fingers (counter-clockwise), if ε < 0 contrary
direction (clockwise).

 Only a change in the flux through a circuit (not flux itself) can
induce emf. If flux is constant no induced emf.
 If the loop is a conductor, an induced current results from emf.
This current produces an additional magnetic field through loop.
From right hand rule, that field is opposite in direction to the
increasing field produced by electromagnet.

Ex: - Generator I: a simple alternator

Ex: - Generator III: the slide wire generator

3. Lenz’s Law

- Alternative method for determining the direction of induced

current or emf.
The direction of any magnetic induction effect is such as to oppose
the cause of the effect.

-The “cause” can be changing the flux through a stationary circuit

due to varying B, changing flux due to motion of conductors, or

- If the flux in an stationary circuit changes, the induced current sets

up a magnetic field opposite to the original field if original B
increases, but in the same direction as original B if B decreases.

- The induced current opposes the change in the flux through a

circuit (not the flux itself).

- If the change in flux is due to the motion of a conductor, the

direction of the induced current in the moving conductor is such
that the direction of the magnetic force on the conductor is
opposite in direction to its motion (e.g. slide-wire generator). The
induced current tries to preserve the “status quo” by opposing
motion or a change of flux.
B induced downward opposing the change in flux (dΦ/dt). This
leads to induced current clockwise.

Lenz’s Law and the Response to Flux Changes

 Magnetic levitation:
-The principle of levitation is Lenz' rule.

1) The magnetic field created by the induced current in a metallic

sample due to time-fluctuation of the external magnetic field of
the coil wants to avoid its cause (i.e., the coil's fluctuating
magnetic field).
2) Thus, the induced magnetic field in the sample and the external
fluctuating magnetic field of the coil repel each other.

3) The induced magnetic field (and the sample) move away from its
i.e. away from the coil's magnetic field. Then, for a conical coil
(smaller radius at the bottom than at the top) the metallic sample
will move upward
due to this levitation force, until the force of gravity balances the
force of levitation. (The levitation force is larger at the bottom of
the conical coil than at the top of the coil).
 Induced Current levitation:

- The rail and the train exert

magnetic fields and the train is
levitated by repulsive forces
between these magnetic fields.

- B in the train is created by

electromagnets or permanent magnets, while the repulsive force
in the track is created by a induced magnetic field in conductors
within the tracks.

- Problems:
(1) at slow speeds the current induced in the coils of the track’s
conductors and resultant magnetic flux is not large enough to
support the weight of the train. Due to this, the train needs
wheels (or any landing gear) to support itself until it reaches a
speed that can sustain levitation.

(2) this repulsive system creates a field in the track (in front and
behind the lift magnets) which act against the magnets and
creates a “drag force”. This is normally only a problem at low

4. Induced Electric Fields

 An induced emf occurs when there is a changing magnetic flux
through a stationary conductor.
A current (I) in solenoid sets up B along its axis, the magnetic flux is:
Induced current in loop (I’):
I’ = ε / R

-The force that makes the charges move around the loop is not a
magnetic force. There is an induced electric field in the conductor
caused by a changing magnetic flux.

5. Displacement Current and

Maxwell’s Equations
- A varying electric field gives rise to a magnetic field.

 Ampere’s Law

Charging a capacitor: conducting wires carry iC (conduction

current) into one plate and out of the other, Q and E between
plates increase.

As capacitor charges, E and ΦE through surface increase.

 Displacement current (iD): fictitious
current in region between capacitor’s plates.

 Changing the flux through curved surface is equivalent in

Ampere’s law to a conduction current through that surface (iD).

 Generalized Ampere’s Law:

Valid for any surface we use: for

curved surface ic = 0, for flat surface
iD = 0. ic (flat surface) = iD (curved surface)

 Displacement current density (jD):

The displacement current is the source of B in between

capacitor’s plates. It helps us to satisfy Kirchoff’s junction’s rule: IC in
and ID out
 The reality of Displacement
- Displacement current creates B
between plates of capacitor while it
charges. (r < R)

In between the plates of the capacitor: (r < R) B = 0 at r = 0 (axis)

 Maxwell’s Equations of Electromagnetism

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