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Unit 3 Bcom

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A. Software Soft ware is a collection of programs or instructions. Which we can’t touch and see are
called Soft ware. Software deals with the tools/ devices/ instruments, which are connected to the
computer system (like keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, speakers, …, etc).
Software is referred as an organized set of instructions which when executed by means of a
given computing device that delivers the desired result by considering various processes and
It is an organized set of instructions capable of accepting inputs, processes them and delivers the
result in the form of functions and performs as expected by the user

Needs of software: A software is considered as an essential component that performs various tasks
based upon its type. However, certain types of softwares implement operations others are used for
running the system. Moreover, a software is a set of instructions which helps the system to process
the information. It allows a system user to also interact with underlying hardware and enables the
users to perform task. Basically, software implements all the necessary functions of a computer. So,
due to this a computer without a software is considered to be a useless material that is made up of
metals and plastic.

2Q. Define software? What are the types of software?

A. Software is a set of instructions, data or programs that can be used to operate a computer and
perform the particular task.

Types of Software
Computer software is normally classified into two broad categories:
a. System Software
b. Application Software

System Software: System software includes general programs written for a computer. It consists of
prewritten programs and documentation supplied by the manufacturer along with the computer.
These programs are held permanently in the machine.

The primary objectives of this software are

➢ Enhance the efficiency of hardware utilization and
➢ Make the computers simple to use.
operating system(DOS,windows etc)
utility programs(antivirus,disk cleanup tools etc)

Application Software: The software that helps the user in some specific task is referred to as
application software. A single program or a set of programs forms the application software. An
application software can be built for any kind of application like graphics, word processors, media
players, database applications, telecommunications etc.

Word processing software
Spread sheet software
Presentation software
Graphics software
Educational software

3Q. WRITE A SHORT NOTE ON UTILITY software/programs?

A. Utility program is a set of programs that are required for proper maintenance of computer
system. It also helps in supporting and enhancing the program and data in the computer. Some
of the examples include anti-virus utility, data compression utility, cryptographic utility, disk
compression utility, disk partitioning utility and disk cleaner utility, backup etc.
The utility programs can be requested by application programs while executing them.
Some of them are as follows,
❖ Disk cleaners are used to identify the files that are not useful and allow users to
delete them.
❖ Disk partitions will divide the individual drive into various logical drives.
❖ Disk checkers are used to identify the corrupted hard disk contents and delete them.
❖ Disk compression is used to improve the disk capacity by compressing or
decompressing the disk contents.
❖ Antivirus utilities are used to scan the system for virus effected areas.

File managers are used to provide methods to perform routine management tasks like
moving, deleting, copying, modifying the data sets.
Some of the Utility programs are:
• Language Translators
• Assemblers
• Compilers
• Interpreters, etc.

4Q.Write about language translators?

A. Language Translator
A language translator is a system software which translates a computer program
written by a user into a machine understandable form

Types of Language Translators

There are mainly three types of translators that are used to translate different programming languages
into machine-equivalent code:

1. Assembler

2. Compiler

3. Interpreter


An assembler translates assembly language into machine code.

Assembly language consists of mnemonics for machine op-codes, so assemblers perform a 1:1
translation from mnemonic to direct instruction.

Advantages of Assembler

 As a 1 to 1 relationship, assembly language to machine code translation is very fast.

 Assembly code is often very efficient (and therefore fast) because it is a low-level language.

 Assembly code is fairly easy to understand due to the use of English, like in mnemonics.

The Drawbacks of Using Assembler

 Assembly language is written for a certain instruction set or processor.

 Assembly language tends to be optimized for the hardware it is designed for, i.e it is often
incompatible with different hardware.
 Lots of assembly code is needed to do a relatively simple task, and complex programs require
lots of programming time.


A compiler is a computer program that translates code written in a high-level language into a low-level
language, machine code.

The most common reason for translating source code is to create an executable program (converting
from high-level language into machine language).it translates the entire program and also reports the
errors in the source program encountered during the translation.

Advantages of using a compiler

 Source code is not included; therefore, compiled code is more secured.

 Because the program generates an executable file, it can be run without the need for the source

Disadvantages of using a compiler

 Before a final executable file can be created, object code must be generated; this can be a time-
consuming process.

 The source code must be 100% correct for the executable file to be produced.


An interpreter program executes other programs directly, running through the program code and
executing it line-by-line. Interpreters are written for multiple platforms; this means code written once
can be immediately run on different systems without having to recompile..

Advantages of using an interpreter

 easier to debug (check errors) than a compiler.

 It is easier to create multi-platform code, as each different platform would have an interpreter
to run the same code.

Disadvantages of using an interpreter

 Source code is required for the program to be executed, and this source code can be read,
making it insecure.

 Due to the on-line translation method, interpreters are generally slower than compiled


A. Application Software: The software that helps the user in some specific task is referred to as
application software. A single program or a set of programs forms the application software. An
application software can be built for any kind of application like graphics, word processors, media
players, database applications, telecommunications etc.

1. Word Processor: Word processor is a special program used for performing work processing. It is
capable of processing the text based documents. It enable a user to create, edit an manipulate the text
2. Spreadsheet: Spreadsheets or worksheets can be defined as a work space that consists of
interrelated columns,. They are built with cells arranged in the form of rows and columns. The rows are
aligned horizontally across the screen and columns are aligned vertically down.

3. Database Management: A database management system is a software that defines a database, stores
the data, supports a query language, produces reports and creates data entry screens.

4. Graphics Software: Graphics is a software which is implemented through a system in order to create,
view, store, edit and print the pictures, drawings, graphs etc.

5. Entertainment Based Software: A computer system can be used as an entertainment tool. Computer
video games are the examples belongs to this category.

6. Educational Based Software: When a computer is installed with education software, it can be used as
a teaching and learning tool. Some of the examples of such software are teaching mathematics,
grammar, language or any other subject.

7. Personal Assistance Software: This type of software is mostly used in personal computers for various
purposes such as, (i) Storing and retrieving the personal information. (ii) Planning and Managing the
contacts, finances schedule etc.



MS-Word is a most commonly used word processing application. This application can be used to
prepare documentation, notes, reports, officials, letters, files, memos, etc. A Ribbon is present at top
of a word document. It arranges group of tools and commands into various categories referred to as tab.
The various other features of MS-Word are formatting text in a document, Moving, Copying, Saving,
Searching words and Mail Merge.


1. Word-wrap: automatic arrangement of text in lines of specified length without the necessity of
touching the return key.

2. Justification: automatic alignment of text to both the left and right margins.

3. Alignment: positioning text or numbers to specified margin and tab settings.

4. Centering text on a line.

5. Pagination: automatic division of a document into pages of specified numbers of lines.

6. Page Numbering: automatic sequential numbering of pages.

7. Headers and Footers: option of creating standard blocks of text that will automatically appear at the
top or bottom of each page in a document.
8. Mail Merging: automatic combining a letter with a mailing list to generate multiple copies of the letter
with the different addresses and other variable information filled in.

9. Automatic Spelling Checker and Corrector. Automatic spell check is available along with correct
options which helps the user in typing the documents.

10. Entering Text: When entering text in word, users make some mistakes, which is not a matter of
concern in MSWord. This is because incorrect or mistyped words are highlighted with a red marker.

11.Editing Text: Editing is a powerful feature of MS Word that allows user to rectify their mistakes made
at the time of typing text. The mistakes can be either spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. The
different options for editing documents are cut,copy,paste,insert,delete etc.


1. Business and Workplace : – In Business word processing is used for generate bills, cash memos,
joining letters, receipts, letterhead and all various types of accounts management related work.

2. Home based and Education : – In Home, word processing is used for writing letters, create a birthday
card , invitation card by using text, word art, shapes, colors, and images. Like a diary for personal use, in
which you can write your day to day actives. Such as you can type and print the shopping list in the
paper. In Education, create notes and assignments, create lecture script by using text, word art, shapes,
colors, and images.



A programming language is a computer language that is used by programmers (developers) to

communicate with computers. It is a set of instructions written in any specific language ( C, C++, Java,
Python) to perform a specific task.

The different types of programming languages are,

• Machine-level language
• Assembly language
• High-level language

MACHINE LANGUAGE: Machine language is a low-level language made up of binary numbers(1s & 0s) or
bits that a computer can understand. It is also known as machine code or object code and is extremely
tough to comprehend. The only language that the computer understands is machine language . Machine
Language is also called as First Generation Language.

1. It is easily understood by the computer.
2. The time taken for executing the program is very less.
3. The computational speed is very high.

1. It is very difficult for a human to understand.
2. The length of programs written in machine language is very large.
3. It is difficult to correct or modify the programs.
4. It is a machine dependent language.


An assembly language is a low-level language used basically for programming computers. This language
not only implements a symbolic representation of numeric machine code but also implements other
constants that are required to program a specific CPU architecture. Initially, assembly languages were
developed in 1950’s. This language was referred to as Second Generation Language (2GL).

Assembly language is generally used for,

1. Performing direct hardware manipulation

2. Accessing the processor’s instructions
3. Addressing critical performance issues.

If a program is written in assembly language,

 Then it comprises of sequence of instructions called mnemonics.

 These instructions correspond to a series of executable instructions.
 A utility program known as assembler is used for converting these executable instructions into
machine language instructions.
 Every instruction written in assembly language comprises of opcode and at least one operand.
 Opcode is the symbolic name given to a single executable machine language instruction.
 Operands refer to the address of data situated in the storage.

1. Assembly languages reduce the cost of associated ROM chips because of the reduced code
2. Assembly language helps the programmer to understand the way the computer operates.
3. Assembly language programs are easy to understand and use.
4. It is easy to perform modifications.
5. It is easy to identify the errors, locate and correct the errors.

1. The execution time is more
2. It is a machine-dependent language.
3. A programmer requires proper knowledge of the hardware.


 A high-level language is a language used for computer programming.

 High-level languages are very much similar to human languages.
 These languages are easier to read, write and maintain.
 Compiler or interpreter is responsible for converting the programs written in high-level
languages into machine language instructions.
 These languages are said to be machine-independent.
 These languages allow programmers to write programs using simpler terms.
1. These languages are easier to read.
2. These are machine-independent languages.
3. Corrections and modifications can be done easily.

Disadvantages: The execution time is more since the HLL instruction needs to be converted into
assembly language and then to machine language.

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