Acute Leukemias
Acute Leukemias
Acute Leukemias
• Define : heterogenous group of malignant
disorders which is characterised by
uncontrolled clonal proliferation and
accumulation of blasts cells in the bone
marrow and body tissues
• Sudden onset
• If left untreated is fatal within a few weeks or
• Classification :
– Acute
• Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL & B-ALL)
• Acute myeloid leukemia
• Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a
heterogeneous group of neoplastic disorders
with great variability in clinical course and
response to therapy, as well as in the genetic
and molecular basis of the pathology.
Acute Leukaemogenesis
Epidemiological evidence :
1. Hereditary Factors
• Fanconi’s anaemia
• Down’s syndrome
• Ataxia telangiectasia
2. Radiation, Chemicals and Drugs
• Intracellular control of proliferation
- p53
- IRF1 (Interferon regulatory factor)
• Immune response
- T and B lymphocytes
- NK cells
• Acute leukemia cause morbidity and mortality
through :
– Deficiency in blood cell number and function
– Invasion of vital organs
– Systemic disturbances by metabolic imbalance
Deficiency in blood cell number or function
results in:
• Infection
- Most common cause of death
- Due to impairment of phagocytic function
and neutropenia
Deficiency in blood cell number or function
results in:
- Due to thrombocytopenia or 2o
DIC or liver disease
- normochromic-normocytic
- severity of anaemia reflects severity of disease
- due to ineffective erythropoiesis
Invasion of vital organs (brain, lungs) associated with:
1. Hyperleukocytosis:
- causes increase in blood viscosity
- predisposes to microthrombi or acute bleeding
2. Leucostatic tumour
- Rare
- in vascular system forms macroscopic pseudotumour –>
erode vessel wall cause bleeding
Metabolic imbalance:
due to disease or treatment
- Hyponatremia vasopressin-like subst. by
- Hypokalemia due to lysozyme release by
- Hyperuricaemia- spont lysis of leukemic
blast release purines into plasma
• 75-80% of acute leukemias
• Incidence: variable (1.8-3/100,000)
• Rare in childhood (10%-15%)
Differentatial diagnosis
1. Reactive leukocytosis
2. Mononucleosis
3. Blast crisis CML
4. Bone marrow aplasia
5. CLL
Diagnostic tests
• Anamnesis + physical examination
• Blood test results + manual smear blood
• Blood type
• Biochemical and coagulation test results
• Imaging studies ( usg, chest radiography)
• Lumbar puncture to detect leukaemic cells in the
cerebrospinal fluid, indicating involvement of the
CNS(ALL and AML M4&M5)
+ histopathological examination & flow cytometry
Diagnostic tests
1. BM aspiration biopsy
a/ ≥ 20% blasts in the smear
b/ cytochemical study( reactions: POX, PAS, esterase, Sudan)
c/ immunophenotyping ( cluster of differentation-CD):
- immune type
- prognostic factors
d/ genetic tests:
- cytogenetic (classical, FISH)
- molecular (PCR)
2. Trepanobiopsy (histopathology)
Clinical symptoms
* anemia- normochromic, normocytic
* granulocytopenia (WBC –high (usually) >200x109/l,
WBC-low (less) <1.0x109/l and presence of blasts
in PB
* thrombocythopenia : <10x109/l
* bleeding disorder
* fewer of unknown origin
* infections
* weakness
Clinical symptoms
• splenomegaly
• hepatomegaly
• lymphadenopathy
• skin infiltration
• bone pain
• signs of CNS seizure
• metabolic disorders : hypercalcemia, hyperuricemia
• thromboembolic complications
Clinical symptoms-leukemic
infiltration in the tissues
Clinical symptoms-bleeding
Classification of AML
• WHO classification
- based on genetic abnormalities
FAB Classification
M0 minimally differentiated acute myeloblastic leukemia
M1 acute myeloblastic leukemia, without differentation
M2 acute myeloblastic leukemia, with granulocytic maturation
t(8;21)(q22;q22), t(6;9)
M3 promyelocytic, or acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) t(15;17)
M4 acute myelomonocytic leukemia inv(16)(p13q22), del(16q)
M4eo myelomonocytic together with bone marrow eosinophilia inv(16),
M5 acute monoblastic leukemia (M5a) or acute monocytic leukemia
(M5b) del (11q), t(9;11), t(11;19)
M6 erythroid leukemia, including erythroleukemia (M6a) and very rare pure
erythroid leukemia (M6b)
M7 acute megakaryoblastic leukemia t(1;22)
M8 acute basophilic leukemia
WHO Classification
Acute myeloid leukemias with specific genes alterations
AML with t(8;21)(q22;q22)(AML1/ETO)
AML with inv(16)(p13;q22) or t(16;16)(p13;q22)(CBFβ/MYH11)
APL with z t(15;17)(q22;q21)(PML/RARα) and variants
AML with 11q23 (MLL); t(9;11)(p22;q23)(MLLT3/MLL)
AML with t(6;9)(q23;q34)(DEK/NUP214)
AML with inv(3)(q21;q26.2) or t(3;3)(q21;q26.2)(RPN1/EVI1)
Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia with
AML with NPM1 mutation
AML with CEBPA mutation
WHO Classification
II. AML followed by MDS lub MDS/MPD
III. AML associated with the previous treatment
IV. Myeloid sarcoma
V. AML associated with Down syndrome
Prognostic factors at the time of the
High risk 79% (CR: 40-60%, EFS: 5-10%)
- meet any of the criteria:
* age >60 years old
* severe state at the diagnosis
* secondary AML
* Initial leukocytosis >20G/l
* Unfavorable cytogenetic factors:
11q23, del9q, monosomy 5, 7, del(5q),
del(7q), t(3,3), inv(3), t(6,9), t(9,22), 20q, 21q,
17p, complex karyotype changes ≥ 3
Prognostic factors at the time of
the diagnosis
Intermediate 16% (CR: 70 - 80%, EFS: 20-40%)
Complete remission(CR): < 5% blasts in the BM, normal blood test results, no
changes in physical examination
- Elderly patients
- AML associated with low risk of relapse
- Autologous
- Allogenic
● The most common type before the age of 15 and at the same time
represents 76% of all acute leukemias in this age group, peak
disease - 2-5 years (6.2 per 100 000)
● The lowest incidence at age 25-45 years (0.4 per 100 000)
later, steady growth (2.4 per 100 000 - more than 75 years)
● Adult ALL represents about 20% of all types of acute leukemias
Morphology of lymphoblasts
Types L1, L2, L3 acc. FAB
Morphology of lymphoblasts
Types L1, L2, L3 acc. FAB
The FAB classification
● OS (22% vs 41%)
MRD investigation in ALL
● MRD (Minimal residue disease) -> only genetic/flow cytometric tests can reveal
the presence of blasts when complete hematological remission was achieved
● Persistent cell blasts can cause leukemia and full relapse (60-70%)
● Other tests:
1. Immunophenotyping - allows the detection of a 1 leukemic cell in 1,000 -10,000
marrow cells (0.1 to 0.01%) and may use two strategies :
- a qualitative study based on the phenotype aberrantny(„quadrans”)
- quantitative study based on a study power of expression of antigens
(„empty spaces”)
2. RQ-PCR - to detect rearrangments within the genes encoding immunoglobulin(B-
ALL), TCR (T-ALL)/ rearrangments in fusion genes like BCR/ABL+
This method allows the detection of a 1 leukemic cell in 100000 - 1 mln of bone
marrow cells (0,001% do 0,0001%)
Risk in ALL acc. PALG
Standard risk (SR)
Meet all of the criteria:
• Age < 35 years old
• WBC < 30 G/l
• common lub pre-B lub cortical-T
• Ph(-) / BCR/ABL(-)
• t(4;11)(-) / MLL/AF4(-)
• MRD(-) post induction/or consolidation
High risk(HR)
meet only one criteria:
• Age > 35 years old
• WBC > 30 G/l
• pro-B lub mature-B lub pro-T lub pre-T lub mature-T
• Ph(+) / BCR/ABL +)
• t(4;11)(+) / MLL/AF4(+)
• MRD(+) post induction/or consolidation
• no CR after one induction
Treatment - Induction I
Prednisone 60 mg/m2 po (≥ 35 lat: 40 mg/m2); days: -7 do -1
Induction - EVAP
Prednisone 60 mg/m2 po (≥ 35 lat: 40 mg/m2); dni 1 do 28
Vincristin 1,5 mg/m2 (do 2 mg); days: 1, 8, 15, 22
Epirubicin 50 mg/m2 (≥ 35 lat: 40 mg/m2); days: 1, 8, 15, 22
Peg-Asparaginase 1000 IE/m2 ; day 13
After 34-35 days – control BM biopsy -> clinical response and MRD
Post remission ALL
Hypomethylating drugs
Azacytidine, decytabine
Monoclonal antibodies
gemtuzumab (anty- CD33)
Imatinib, dazatinib, nilotinib, FLT3 inhibitors (ABT-869;
AC 220)
Farnesyltransferase inhibitors
Thank you