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Labs For Verification of Ohms Law Series and Parallel Circuits

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4 29/03/2023


Lab outcomes:
After completing this lab, students will be able to;
 Understand and verify ohm’s law

Corresponding CLO and PLO:

 CLO-1, PLO-4 (Modern Tool Usage)

Ohm’s law states that the voltage drop through the resistor is proportional to the current flowing
through the resistor.
Current through the resistance is proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to
the resistance under constant temperature.
For DC electric circuits, the relationship between voltage current and resistance is expressed in a
simple but very valuable law, known as ohm’s law. This law states that current I I amperes
flowing through a resistance r is equal to the potential difference V, expressed in volts across the
resistance r divided by r expressed in ohms
The current I can be increased by either increasing V or decreasing r. likewise the current I can
be decreased by decreasing V or increasing R. also note that although I and V are directly
proportional to each other, current I is inversely proportional to R.
I∞V (1)
I ∞ 1/R (2)
Combining (1) and (2), we get
V=IR (3)
Equation (3) is Mathematical Definition of Ohm Law
For metals carbon and some alloys, V/I or r is constant for any value of v if their temperature
remains constant. Conductor that obey ohm’s law are called ohmic or linear conductor, i.e. their
V-I graph is linear. Conductor that don’t obey ohm law are called non-ohmic or non-linear
conductor i.e. their V-I graph is curved.
 Power supply
 Multi-meter
 Breadboard
 Resistor
 Connection wires


Ohm's Law states that the current passing through a conductor between two points is directly
proportional to the voltage across the two points, provided the temperature and other physical
conditions remain constant. This relationship can be expressed mathematically as I = V/R, where
I is the current, V is the voltage, and R is the resistance of the conductor.

To verify Ohm's Law, you can perform the following experiment:

1. Set up a circuit with a power supply, a resistor, and a voltmeter and ammeter.
2. Measure the resistance of the resistor using a multimeter or an ohmmeter.
3. Connect the voltmeter across the resistor to measure the voltage drop across it.
4. Connect the ammeter in series with the resistor to measure the current passing through it.
5. Vary the voltage applied to the circuit and measure the corresponding current flowing
through the resistor.
6. Record the data in a table and plot a graph of voltage versus current.
7. If the graph is a straight line passing through the origin, then it confirms Ohm's Law.

If the graph is not a straight line, then the resistance of the conductor may be changing due to
temperature, or there may be other factors affecting the circuit. In this case, it is necessary to
investigate and eliminate any sources of error.

No. of Ammeter Voltmeter reading Resistance of Wire, Mean resistance
Observation reading (I) in A (V) in volt R = V/I in ohm (R) in Ohm
1 0 0 –
2 0.50 0.50 1.00
3 0.65 0.65 1.00
4 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.02
5 1.00 1.05 1.05
6 1.15 1.20 1.04
So, we can see that in each observation the voltage to current ratio is almost the same. Thus, the
voltage across the wire is proportional to the current through the wire. Hence Ohm’s law is
LAB NO. 5 05/04/2023


Lab outcomes:
After completing this lab, students will be able to;
 Build a series circuit
 Measure voltage and current in a series circuit
 Verify the mathematical relationships In a series circuit

Corresponding CLO and PLO:

 CLO-1, PLO-4 (Modern Tool Usage)

A series circuit is a circuit in which resistors are arranged in a chain, so the current has only one
path to take. The current is the same through each resistor. The total resistance of the circuit is
found by simply adding up the resistance values of the individual resistors. Equivalent resistance
of resistors in series: Req = R1+R2+…+Rn. Ohm’s law is used to validate the properties of the
series circuit. By changing the value of the resistance connected in series. You will study the
concepts of the series voltage drop. You will also calculate the amount of current and voltage
along the path series circuit are fundamental to understand how the total voltage is divided along
a series resistance path and how the current remain along the path.

 DC power supply
 Ohmmeter
 Ammeter
 Voltmeter
 Protoboard or springboard
 Connecting leads
 resistors


The analysis of a series circuit involves determining the voltage drop, current flow, and power
dissipation across each component in the circuit. Here is a step-by-step procedure for analyzing a
series circuit:
1. Draw the circuit diagram: Draw a schematic diagram of the circuit, labeling each
component with its symbol and value.
2. Calculate the total resistance: Add up the individual resistances of all the components in
the circuit to obtain the total resistance (Rtotal) of the circuit.
3. Calculate the total current: Use Ohm's Law (I = V/R) to calculate the total current (Itotal)
flowing through the circuit. This is the current that is the same through all components in
the circuit.
4. Calculate the voltage drop across each component: Use Ohm's Law again to calculate the
voltage drop (V) across each component in the circuit. This can be done by multiplying
the current flowing through the component by its resistance (V = I*R).
5. Calculate the power dissipated by each component: Use the formula for power (P = V*I)
to calculate the power dissipated (in watts) by each component in the circuit.
6. Check conservation of energy: Verify that the sum of the power dissipated by all
components in the circuit equals the power supplied by the voltage source.
7. Analyze the results: Examine the values of voltage, current, and power for each
component in the circuit to determine if they are within the expected range. If not,
investigate possible sources of error, such as faulty components or incorrect calculations.

By following these steps, you can analyze a series circuit and gain a deeper understanding of
how it operates.


As we are only interested in finding one voltage, the voltage divider rule is a good candidate.
The 1k Ω is in parallel with the 3k Ω, yielding an equivalent resistance of 750 Ω

. From here we apply VDR.

Vb = EReqR1+Req
Vb = 6V750Ω250Ω+750Ω
Vb = 4.5V

We can go further and verify the currents via KCL. For the first parallel resistor we find:

I1k = Vb1kΩ
I1k = 4.5V1kΩ
I1k = 4.5mA
And for the second resistor we see:

I3k = Vb1kΩ
I3k = 4.5V3kΩ
I3k = 1.5mA

Obviously, these sum to the entering current of 6 mA.

LAB NO. 6 05/04/2023


Lab outcomes:
After completing this lab, students will be able to;
 Build a parallel circuit
 Measure voltage and current in a parallel circuit
 Verify the mathematical relationships In a parallel circuit

Corresponding CLO and PLO:

 CLO-1, PLO-4 (Modern Tool Usage)

Parallel circuits are circuits in which there is more than one path for the flow of current. Parallel
circuit current is like begin in the main line and then split into branches of resistance. The
equivalent resistance is given by: Req = 1/R1+1/R2+1/R3+…+1/Rn. In series resistors the current
remains same but voltage is different, while in parallel circuit voltage is same but current is
different. In this ohm’s law is used to validate the concept of a parallel circuit. We will build a
parallel circuit and then measure the resistance, voltage and current. By changing the resistances
we will find that how the current changes but the voltage remains constant in parallel circuit. We
will also learn to use ohm’s law formula to calculate resistance in parallel circuit.

 DC power supply
 Ohmmeter
 Ammeter voltmeter
 Proto board
 Connecting leads
 Resistor


To analyze a parallel circuit, follow these steps:

1. Identify all the parallel branches in the circuit.

2. Calculate the total resistance of each parallel branch by using the formula 1/R_total =
1/R1 + 1/R2 + ... + 1/Rn, where R1, R2, ..., Rn are the resistances of the individual
components in the branch.
3. Add up the total resistances of all the parallel branches to obtain the total resistance of the
4. Calculate the current through each parallel branch by using Ohm's Law, I = V/R, where V
is the voltage across the branch and R is its resistance.
5. Add up the currents through all the parallel branches to obtain the total current flowing
through the circuit.
6. Calculate the voltage drop across each parallel branch by using Ohm's Law, V = IR,
where I is the current flowing through the branch and R is its resistance.
7. Verify Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) by checking that the sum of the currents through
all the branches at any point in the circuit is equal to the total current flowing into that
8. Verify Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) by checking that the sum of the voltage drops
across all the components in a closed loop in the circuit is equal to the total voltage
applied to that loop.
9. Calculate the power dissipated by each component in the circuit by using the formula P =
VI, where V is the voltage across the component and I is the current flowing through it.
10. Add up the power dissipated by all the components in the circuit to obtain the total power
supplied by the source.

By following these steps, you can analyze a parallel circuit and calculate the values of its various


In this circuit the 3k Ω resistor is in parallel with the series combination of the 2k Ω and 1k Ω.
This leads to an equivalent resistance of 3k Ω in parallel with 3k Ω, or 1.5k Ω

. From here we can find the source current.

Is = E RTotal
I s= 30V1.5kΩ
I s= 20mA

This current should split evenly down the two vertical paths as they each present 3k Ω
of resistance (10 mA each achieves 30 volts for Va

, which is the source).

The voltage divider rule is a good choice for Vb

as we know the applied voltage.

Vb = EReqR1+Req
V b= 30V1kΩ1kΩ+2kΩ
Vb = 10V

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