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Easy Enhancement Workbench

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Custom field extensions of data objects are common requirements in implementation projects.
The EEW is the newer kind of tool that supports you with this activity.

The EEW is less a framework than a tool that enables you to make field extensions of data
objects. The extension mechanism that underlies the tool can be seen as a framework through,
as its works by customizing includes and enhancement structures.

EEW (Easy Enhancement Workbench) originated from SAP CRM server.

There are two procedures are available for enhancing purpose

➢ Manual Processing:
o The activation and assignment of fields to customizing include via transaction
code SE11. To do so, you need to know that the customizing include is actually
available in the corresponding ABAP dictionary structure or table that you wish to
enhance. In this way you will not need to make use of EEW

➢ Processing with EEW:

o In this case, you define the extensions of the selected objects by using the EEW
and its processing transaction EEWB.
o The workbench largely resembles the object navigator (SE80) in its outward
appearance and will enable you to decrease further development work. Data base
tables, screens, and application logic around the extension are automatically
o The transaction will there by allow you to extend dictionary objects without
specific ABAP knowledge and speed up the development and maintenance of
field enhancements
o Technically, an extension created with the EEW does not differ from one manually
created. In both cases, transportable objects will be generated.
o For this reason, you will be asked to store respective transport requests, both
customizing and workbench, when starting to work with the EEW.

Master Data Enhancements:

Below are the following central master data objects of the SAP SCM platform, which also exists in

➢ Business Partner (BUPA)

➢ Business Partner Relationships (BUPR)
➢ Relationship Type (RELTYPE)
➢ SCM Master Data (SCM_MD)

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

For the above objects you can create extensions on the EEW.

In case “SCM Master data (SCM_MD) is not available or not shown in system, please implement
SAP NOTE 1430069 and follow the advice given in that note.

Once you customize all configurations as per the SAP NOTE, now you can able to see the
SCM_MD (SCM Master Data Objects) in the list

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Transaction Code: EEWB

➢ Create a Project:

Click on create project button.

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

➢ Create an enhancement for the project

Right Click on the project and click on “Create Enhancement”.

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

While Creating an Enhancement provide following details

Name: Enhancement Name (As per the naming standard)

Description: Free Text
EEW Business Object : SCM_MD (choose from F4 list and configure from OXT4 transaction)
Extension Type: ADD_NEW_FIELDS (From Configuration)

Once you click enter, wizard will open to proceed further

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

➢ Using the extension Wizard

Click on continue step by step configurations as per the wizard till complete

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Select the appropriate object selection, where you need to enhance

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Provide Frame title to appear in screen.

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Add list of fields you required in the frame, by using simple default mode or export mode

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Where you required these fields to be added, by default as per your selection it will
display the objects.

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Enable the fields to appear in screen. If you click continue system will provide you the
complete status as below.

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Click on complete and activate button to complete your wizard.

To activate system will take time 😊, Hold On for few minutes.

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Now you completed your EEWB setup with simple steps.

Note: Same like if you want to add fields SCM Locations, Packaging materials, Location
Product, Storage Data, Warehouse Product, Storage type Product

➢ Check the results

As shown above we add required custom fields in Product Header data (/SAPAPO/MAT1)

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Click on Display

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

All your added new fields are appeared in screen level.


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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Transaction Data Enhancements:

➢ You can only enhance document and non-EWM enabled master data objects in manual
➢ Special enhancement structures called EEW structures exists and that all are active in the
respective data objects that can be changed by adding an append, which is possible
without modifications the standard objects.
➢ Below are the areas where you can find EEW structures
o Warehouse Requests (Including EGR)
o WT
o HU
o TU
o Vehicle
o Door
o Available and physical stock
o Packaging Specification
o VAS Orders
o Quality inspection Document
o Indirect Labor task
o MFS Telegram
o Shipment
o Freight Order
➢ The EEW structures were built-in by SAP to the associated structures, or database tables,
belonging to the object.

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

➢ For example, adding new field in EEW structure for HUs, then field appear for HU
Database tables, as well as in the internal structures and in display (Warehouse
management Monitors)
➢ Adding custom fields for these objects will have to follow the classic method via append
structures. Automatically generated screen enhancements are also not supported with
EEW structures enhancements.
➢ Many UIs of individual data objects in SAP EWM build on the SAP list viewer (ALV)
though, and the EEW structures are included in the respective ALV list underlying the
display structures. This is the reason why custom fields are often found in the list view of
data objects but not in the form view.
➢ If available for the object, you can implement BADIs to have the fields appear in the form
view as well. Below are the list of BADIs available for enhancements.

Document Object Enhancement Spot for UI Extension


IMG Path: SCM EWM | EWM | Business Add-ins (BADIs) for EWM | Cross process settings
| Delivery -Warehouse Request | Screen enhancement for customer enhancement

Applicable transactions:











Document Object Enhancement Spot for UI Extension

Expected GR /SCWM/ES_GR

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

IMG Path: SCM EWM | EWM | Business Add-ins (BADIs) for EWM | Good Receipt Process
| Enhancement for Goods Receipt Process | Define enhancement for goods receipt

Applicable Transactions:




Document Object Enhancement Spot for UI Extension


IMG Path: SCM EWM | EWM | Business Add-ins (BADIs) for EWM | Cross Process settings
| Value added services | BADI: Screen exit for VAS header

Applicable Transactions:








Document Object Enhancement Spot for UI Extension

Packaging Specification /SCWM/ES_PS_UI

IMG Path: SCM EWM | EWM | Master Data | packaging Specification | Packaging
Specification user Interface

Applicable Transactions:


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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Finding the Easy Enhancement workbench enhancement structures:

Go to ABAP Dictionary (SE11), try below search strings




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Easy Enhancement Work Bench


➢ Enhancing the delivery interface by custom data

➢ Showing the custom data in the form view of the ODO item

Below custom development shows how we can transfer additional data from ERP to EWM via
the delivery interface and use this data further.

Two BADI enhancements and two structure enhancements will be required to get this to work

Enhancing the delivery interface by custom data:

1. Passing custom data from SAP ERP into the delivery interface (SAP ERP) by using BADI

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2. Enhancing the data object of the outbound delivery request (ODR) in SAP EWM,
enhancement of structure /SCDL/INCL_EEW_DR_ITEM_STR)
3. Passing custom data from the delivery interface to the ODR in SAP EWM by using BADI
4. Enhance the data object of the ODO in SAP EWM, enhancement of structure

Process step or Test data

Step Physical Activity System Activity

Create SAP ERP ➢ SAP ERP outbound delivery is
outbound delivery created and replicated to SAP EWM
when saved
➢ Replicating the delivery will include
a custom data field that will be
passed to SA EWM and stored in
the ODR and ODO on the item level

Step 1:

System: ERP

Go to SE19: Give BADI: SMOD_V50B0001

Method: EXIT_SAPLV50K_007

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Easy Enhancement Work Bench

Implement Logic in method: EXIT_SAPLV50K_007

CONSTANTS: c_fieldname TYPE name_feld VALUE ’ZZFIELD1,’

c_fieldvalue TYPE char255 VALUE ’A’.
DATA: ls_bapiext TYPE bapiext.
* Fill extension structure,
* Simple example with one field per item only
CLEAR ls_bapiext.
ls_bapiext-param = <fs_lips>-vbeln.
ls_bapiext-row = <fs_lips>-posnr.
ls_bapiext-field = c_fieldname.
ls_bapiext-value = c_fieldvalue.
APPEND ls_bapiext TO et_extension2.

Step 2:

You need to enhance data dictionary structure /SCDL/INCL_EEW_DR_ITEM_STR for the ODR with
additional field ZZFIELD1. To do so

Go to SE11 and enhance it with an append structure that contains the custom field.

Step 3:

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Passing the value of custom field from the extension structure of the interface to the ODR item
into SAP EWM. To do so,

Implement BADI /SCWM/IF_EX_MAPIN_OD_SAVEREPL, which included in enhancement spot


METHOD /scwm/if_ex_mapin_od_saverepl~mapin.
CONSTANTS: c_fieldname TYPE name_feld VALUE ’ZZFIELD1’.
DATA: lv_posnr TYPE /scdl/dl_itemno,
lv_vbeln TYPE vbeln_vl.
break-point id z108A.
LOOP AT ct_dlv_request
LOOP AT <fs_dlv_req>-t_item
READ TABLE <fs_item>-t_keymap_item
INTO DATA(ls_keymap) INDEX 1.
lv_vbeln = ls_keymap-docno.
lv_posnr = ls_keymap-itemno.
READ TABLE it_bapi_extension2
WITH KEY param = lv_vbeln
row = lv_posnr
field = c_fieldname.
MOVE <fs_bapiext>-value TO <fs_item>-s_eew-zzfield1.



Step 4:

Before the custom data can be passed from the delivery request to the delivery order, we must
enhance the data dictionary structure /SCDL/INCL_EEW_DLV_ITEM_STR of the delivery order by
the custom field. To do so, go to SE11 and enhance it same as step 2.

Since the transfer of the custom data of the delivery request to the delivery order works
automatically for identically named fields in both structures, you do not need to implement the
BADI definition /SCDL/TS_DATA_COPY of the transition service.

This would only be required in the case different named fields, because the automatic transfer is
executed via the move-corresponding command.

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Showing custom data in the FORM view of the ODO Item

1. Create a function group

2. Creating dynpros and subscreens
3. Displaying the custom field in the UI of the ODO.

Step 1:

Create a new function group (for example Z_DLV_UI) and include a new PBO and
PAI module in it as shown below

CALL METHOD /scwm/cl_dlv_ui_badi_mgmt=>pbo_item
iv_transaction = /scwm/if_ex_dlv_ui_screen=>sc_ta_prdo.

Example PBO Module for the Form View of the ODO Item
CALL METHOD /scwm/cl_dlv_ui_badi_mgmt=>pai_item
iv_transaction = /scwm/if_ex_dlv_ui_screen=>sc_ta_

Step 2:

Now we need to create a Dynpro (for example, 1000) of type “Sub screen.” This sub screen
should include our custom field that we want to display in form view. Use the enhancement
structure /SCDL/INCL_EEW_DLV_ITEM_STR for the definition of the field in the screen painter.
You can read about the procedure in more detail in the BAdI documentation of the IMG node
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Extended Warehouse Management _ Cross-Process Settings _
Delivery -Warehouse Request _ BAdI: Screen Enhancements for Customer Enhancement

Step 3:

Finally, you still need to implement the method DEFINE_ITEM_EXTENSION of BAdI

/SCWM/EX_DLV_UI_SCREEN, which is assigned to enhancement spot /SCWM/ES_DLV_
The newly created function group and sub screen need to be set in the
BAdI method.

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METHOD /scwm/if_ex_dlv_ui_screen~define_item_extension.
ev_repid = ’SAPLZ_DLV_UI’.
ev_dynnr = ’1000’.

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