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Hip Hop

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Hip Hop began to do rhythmic call-

➔ refers to street dance styles primarily and-response with the

performed to hip hop music or that audience, a technique that
have evolved as part of hip hop eventually morphed into the
culture. It includes a wide range of poetic form of rapping that
styles primarily breaking which was we know now.
created in the 1970s and made 3. Breaking
popular by dance crews in the - The dance element of hip-
United States. It is a style of dance hop, performed by dancers
with deep historical and social roots called B-Girls or B-Boys.
in African American culture. It’s a Birthed in the late 1970s in
part of a whole culture of Hip Hop, New York, breaking blended
which started in the 1970’s in the movement styles such as
Bronx, New York. jazz and martial arts with
dance styles from the
DJ Kool Herc Caribbean, Latin America,
● Clive Campbell (real name), born and Africa. B-Girls and B-
April 16, 1955 Boys got their name because
● Father of Hip Hop they danced over the DJ’s
● Jamaican-American DJ who is “breaks” at hip-hop parties in
credited for originating Hip Hop the Bronx.
music. 4. Graffiti
- It is hip-hop’s visual element.
Elements of Hip Hop The modern form of graffiti or
1. Deejaying “graff” actually began before
- DJ: The DJ existed before hip-hop music and dance,
hip-hop. It’s an acronym for but it quickly became a part
the word disc jockey. of the culture as many graffiti
Originally, the DJ’s job was artists grew up in the same
to play recorded music for an area as other hip-hop artists.
audience either on radio or Many graffiti artists are
live for an audience. But the emcees, deejays, and/or
hip-hop DJ took it to the next breakers.
level by making records
spinning into an art form Benefits of Hip Hop
called turntablism. ● Increased flexibility
2. Emceeing ● Better balance
- Emcee: an acronym for the ● Increased coordination
Master of Ceremonies. ● Development of muscle
Emcees began as hosts at ● Build self-confidence
hip-hop parties who would ● Artistic expression
prompt the breakers to ● Physical Activity
dance. Influenced by original
spoken-word artists, emcees Hip Hop Dance Styles
1. Locking feet. The youths who started
- It is a style of funk dance, Krump saw the dance as a
which is today also way for them to escape gang
associated with hip hop. The life and “to express raw
name is based on the emotions in a powerful but
concept of locking non-violent way”.
movements, which basically 4. Wacking
means freezing from a fast - It is a form of street dance
movement and “locking” in a created in the LGBT clubs of
certain position for a position, Los Angeles during the
holding that position for a 1970s disco era. The style is
short while and then typically done to 70s disco
continuing at the same speed music and is mainly
as before. distinguishable by its
Don Campbell rotational arm movements,
- He is a hip hop dance innovator. He posing and emphasis on
invented the Campbellock, better expressiveness.
known as locking, an idiosyncratic Tyrone Proctor
style that became one of the first - He is a pioneer of waacking style
street dances to gain widespread and co-founder of the Imperial
attention. House of Waacking, along with Jody
2. Popping Watley are the mother and father of
- It is a dance style that started the style both from the 1970s dance
in the late 1960’s and 70’s. group The Outrageous Waack
this dance style is Dancers.
characterized by sudden 5. Tutting
tensing and releasing of the - It is the kind of hip hop style
muscles “hitting” to the that uses the body's ability to
rhythm of beats in music, create geometric shapes,
Sam Solomon positions (such as boxes)
- He is credited as the creator of and movements,
popping and boogaloo, Sam predominantly with the use of
Solomon aka “Boogaloo Sam” right angles. It generally
founded the Electronic Boogaloo focuses on the arms and
Lockers, later known as the Electric hands, and includes the very
Boogaloos, in 1977. famous finger tutting.
3. Krumping 6. Melbourne Shuffle
- It is a street dance - It is a rave dance that
popularized in the United developed in the 1980s.
States, characterized by free, Typically performed to
expressive, exaggerated, electronic music, the dance
and highly energetic originated in the Melbourne
movement involving the rave scene, and was popular
arms, head, legs, chest, and in the 1980s and 1990s.
7. Breaking/Breakdancing
- B-boying/B-girling is an
athletic style of street dance
from the United States. While
diverse in the amount of
variation available in the
dance, breakdancing mainly
consists of four kinds of
movement: toprock,
downrock, power moves and
- It is a street dance style that
evolved as part of the hip
hop movement that
originated among African
American and Latin
American youths in the South
Bronx of New York City
during the early 1970s.

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