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College of Business
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon



Author Title Year Method Participant Findings Similarities Differences Source


Mehak Generation Gap: An 2017 The 200 individuals from There were some issues A study has been done that The outcomes focused on
Aggarwal Emerging Issue in Society methodology different age groups between different generations urge explore inter- how the young and old publication/
Saumya Singh, included including children due to many reasons like lack generational aspects mutually benefited from 320183778_973_Generation_Gap_
Sahil getting in entering the age of of communication, different their social competence. An_Emerging_Issue_of_Society
Srivastava, contact with puberty and parents perspectives, cultural variables,
Pammi Gauba people above 40yrs of age. and the effect of technology.
The researchers concluded that
both generations agreed they
were facing some difficulty
understanding each other.

Dr. Devinder To Study the Generation 2022 Purposive randomly selected The study revealed that there is The study assesses the In this
Dhalla (h.c), Gap and Personality sampling from the Capital of a generation generation gap and its study the researchers took
Paras Dhalla Profile: An Explorative Uttarakhand is a gap using six dimensions: determinants having Social Expectations,
Study small town “THE social expectation, economic congruence with personality Economic Development,
DOON VALLEY – development, distinct attitude, profiles. Distinct attitude,
Dehradun”. Total of communication gap, Communication Gap,
250 individuals education and technology Education and
among generations on GGQ. Technology considers the
The study also revealed that dimensions to find the
there is a significant difference congruence in a better way.
in personality profiles among

Silvia Puiu Title: Generation Z – A New 2016 Surveys number of 111 Gen Z prefers to do is stay on Youngsters belonging to this The difference in Social
Type of Consumers youngsters chat with friends and use social generation have many things Media platforms that they article-detail?id=541897
media and the internet, not in common in terms of have used and the
playing games for example, or thinking, behavior, difference between their
checking e-mails. So, decisions, and preferences, communication
companies should be focused but they are still unique. preferences.
on word of mouth, and social
media channels and less on
newsletters. A new generation
of youngsters requires a new
generation of marketing
strategies to be successful. An
e-book from Havas People
offers six tips for companies in
their relationship with
Generation Z: grab their
attention quickly and create
„snack able” content, meaning
short, concise, using images or
videos; visualization is very
important for youngsters so
marketing campaigns should
use this in their favor; create

shareable content (useful or

something emotional); embed
diversity; rapid communication
with youngsters on social
Mudassir Personal and In-store 2019 A self- from 422 purposive Results revealed that personal As predicted, the effect of
Results are inconsistent
Husnain, Factors influencing impulse administered selected respondents factors, that time availability on impulse
with the earlier studies that pdf/10.1177/2278533718800625?
Bushra buying behavior among survey was is, time availability and family buying behavior was
found impulse buying fbclid=IwAR1h7O7fb2Xj81JbVW
Rehman, Fauzia Generation Y Consumers of used to elicit influence have a significant significant and consistent
increases as consumers XMO2bXrgXShNJuLu2nGX503Cn
Syed, small cities. information and positive impact on the with the earlier studies (Jung
have more money A30GPdOHrS465FiM
Muhammad impulse buying behavior of Chang, Yan, & Eckman, availability (Badgaiyan &
Waheed Akhtar Generation Y consumers in 2014) Verma, 2015; Beatty &
Pakistan, also in-store factors Ferrell,
except money availability have 1998). According to Jeon
significant (1990), there is a marginal
impact on impulse buying association between
behavior impulse buying and money
Marcin The Differences between August The A group of 357 Baby At the purchasing stage, the Generations X and Y at Studies show significant
Lipowski Generations in Consumer 2017 sampling Boomers was representative of the younger similar frequencies use differences in consumer publication/
Behavior in the Service was selected conducted, 390 – Generation as well as Baby Internet channels to behavior of different 319192403_The_Differences_betw
Sales Channel by drawing from Generation X Boomers prefers the stationary purchase services. generations regarding the een_Generations_in_Consumer_Be
starting and 356 – from channel. However, in the case selection of channel havior_in_the_Service_Sales_Chan
points. Generation Y. of Generation Y, the frequency marketing at the stage of nel
of point-of-sale purchases is seeking information and
very close to the frequency of service purchase. The
online purchases. Perhaps the differences relate in
youngest consumers quickly particular to Baby Boomers
adopt new channels for new and Generation X and Y.
goals to use them. The degree
of variation in the behavior of
buyers is the greatest in the
case of frequency of using
online channels by people from
Generations X and Y. In this
case, the differences indicated
in the background apply not
only to representatives of
Generation X but also to
Generation Y.
Frinz Andrey D. Generation Y and Z Filipino April As this study Their statistician Despite the increase in sales in the significant difference in file:///C:/Users/Juliet/Downloads/
Dulay1 Consumers’ Purchasing 2022 will conduct advises a total of 300 the e-commerce industry, the the purchasing behavior of Paper+30+(2022.4.1)+Generation+
, Rosemarie P. Behavior on Electronic quantitative respondents Philippines falls short of other respondents under the Y+and+Z+Filipino+Consumers
Liban2 ✉ Products in descriptive- countries in expanding and factors: Product-Related %E2%80%99+Purchasing.pdf
James Russell Shopee and Lazada comparative advancing Details,
G. Rustia3 research, the e-commerce. The COVID-19 User-Generated Content,
, Marjorie Mae researchers pandemic has modified and and Online Marketplace
R. Tayag4 and will claimed to change Filipino Factors in terms of their
Mary administer a consumers’ online purchasing generation using the
Caroline survey behaviors independent sample t-test.

Castaño5 questionnair permanently. Regardless of

e their generations, Filipino
adapted and consumers are all looking
modified. forward to making their online
The purchases
questionnair worthwhile, proven in this
e will be study. Consumers will try to
self- know and search for every
administered detail about the electronic
, consisting products as much as
of close- possible, even from outside the
ended platform, to conclude in
questions to purchasing the product or not.
answer Since physical assessment
efficiently to when purchasing
achieve the through online marketplaces is
study’s not possible. After completing
objective. this research study, the
The survey researchers found that Filipino
will be consumers’
conducted most influential purchasing
via Google behavior on electronic products
Forms and is the Product-Related Details,
sent to specifically the Brand, Price,
different Quality,
volunteers and Advertisement. The
who have researchers anticipated the
purchased results, as this study will aid
their Shopee and especially Lazada
electronic align and fixing the
products on availability of information and
Shopee and placement of the products sold
Lazada for on the platform.
the last six
Valaei, Naser; Generation Y consumers’ 2017 partial least A sample of 250 The results indicate that brand investigating the factors The study focuses only on
Nikhashemi, buying behaviour in fashion squares- respondents is used to and self-identity are the factors influencing the Gen-Y one generation content/doi/10.1108/JFMM-01-
SR. apparel industry: a structural assess the that most shape Gen-Y consumers’ attitude and 2017-0002/full/html
moderation analysis equation measurement and consumers’ attitudes towards purchase intention
modelling structural models fashion apparel

Melissa Wong, Generational Differences in 2008 Occupationa Australians: Baby The results are not supportive This study about This research examined
Elliroma Personality and Motivation: l Personality Boomers, Gen Xs, of the generational stereotypes generational differences whether personality and publication/
Gardiner, Do They Exist and What Questionnair and Gen Ys. that have been pervasive in the motivational driver 235251893_Generational_Differenc
Whitney Lang, Are the Implications for the e and the management literature and the differences exist across es_in_Personality_and_Motivation
and Leah Workplace? Motivation media. Specifically, few three generations of _Do_They_Exist_and_What_Are_t
Coulon Questionnair meaningful differences were working Australians he_Implications_for_the_Workplac
e found between the three e

generations. Moreover, even

when differences have been
observed, these have related
more to age than generation
Jagdish Sheth. J Impact of Covid-19 on 2020 The lockdown and social This examine the consumer The purpose of this
Bus Res. consumer behavior: Will the distancing to combat the covid- behavior. research paper is to pmc/articles/PMC7269931/
old habits return or die? 19 virus has generated examine the impact of
significant disruptions on Covid-19 pandemic on
consumer behavior. All consumer behavior
consumption is time bound and
location bound. With time
flexibility but location rigidity,
consumers have learned to
improvise in creative and
innovative ways
Hanny A comparative study of 2021 Online consumers who It is found that (1) Gen-X, This study investigates Gen- the study examines the
Nasution,Yulia generations X, Y, Z in food survey was purchased food from Gen-Y, and Gen-Z perceived X, Gen-Y, and Gen-Z in relationships among full/
Hendri Yeni purchasing behavior: the used to restaurant using different value during the their purchasing behaviour customer value, customer 10.1080/23311975.2022.2105585
&Ratna relationships among obtain data online application pandemic, (2) Gen-X found to satisfaction, and eWOM
Roostika customer value, satisfaction, during COVID-19 be the cohort that is most across three generations.
and Ewom concerned with safety value in
selecting food compared to the
other two cohorts, meanwhile
Gen-Y is the cohort with the
highest concern on information
value, (3) customer value has
significant impact on
satisfaction and eWOM for
Gen-X and Gen-Z, however for
Gen-Y, customer value impacts
satisfaction significantly,
surprisingly, it has no impact
on eWOM.
Frinz Andrey D. Generation Y and Z Filipino 2022 Quantitative- Consumer After completing the online To identify if there is a To describe the most
Dulay1 , Consumers’ Purchasing Comparative survey where the research was significant difference influential purchasing index.php/jbms/article/download/
Rosemarie P. Behavior on Electronic Study conducted only on the between the purchasing behavior done by online 3081/2695/7569
Liban2, James Products in Shopee and participants who recently behavior of Generation Y Filipino consumers on
Russell G. Lazada purchased an electronic and Generation Z Electronic Products in
Rustia3 , product/s (in 6 months), Shopee and Lazada among
Marjorie Mae respondents are also verified the following: Product-
R. Tayag4 and by answering what specific Related Details, User-
Mary Caroline product or category of Generated Contents, and
Castaño5 electronic products they Online Marketplaces.
recently purchased and bought
on Shopee or Lazada.
The core topic is Filipino
Consumers, who are also the
main focus of this study. As

stated in the earlier portion of

this paper, Filipinos are
cautious about their online
purchase avoiding non-
essential purchases. Despite the
pandemic and other limitations,
Filipinos will likely spend on
electronic product/s deemed
necessary, proffers
convenience, and value the
consumer’s money.
(Euromonitor, 2021).
Nonetheless, out of 300
respondents, 210 participants
purchased an electronic
product/s for their personal
needs, and the findings on
most of the purchased
electronic product/s in this
study are connection/charging
cables. The product is
reckoned to be the most needed
product by every consumer, as
consumers charge their
electronic devices daily.
Supporting the result, the
development of smart cities in
the Philippines and the increase
of electronic devices in the
household would increase the
demand for wires and cables in
the Philippines market
(6WResearch, 2021). The
researchers comprehend the
different Consumer’s
Purchasing behaviors as
discussed in core topic 2.
Based on the results, Filipino
consumers’ most influential
purchasing behavior on
purchasing electronic products
in Shopee and Lazada is the
Product-Related Details such
as brand, quality, price, and
advertisements. To further
know about the purchasing

behavior of the respondents,

the researchers also asked who
the respondents searched for
information about the product,
and 91.03% answered by
browsing the Internet.
According to the statistics of
Kemp, Filipinos spend an
average of 10 hours and 56
minutes on the Internet where
they can encounter different
electronic product/s and
information about them. The
first hypothesis pertains to no
significant difference between
the purchasing behavior of
Generation Y and Generation Z
on Electronic Products in
Shopee and Lazada, which is
proven by the study results. In
all given factors: Product-
Related Details, UserGenerated
Contents, and Online
Marketplace Factors, both
generations have the same
behavior. Rejecting the second
hypothesis, Filipino
Consumers do not prefer
purchasing an electronic
product/s from Shopee. Based
on the results, Filipino
consumers prefer purchasing
on Shopee. In contrast with the
third hypothesis, Filipino
Consumers do not prefer
purchasing electronic product/s
from Lazada, which is proven
true and garnered only 16.33%.

Samuli Laato, Unusual purchasing 2020 Web-survey University students The structural model results This research studies the For addressing the research
A.K.M. behavior during the early and employees in showed a clear relationship unusual purchasing behavior gaps above, we adapted the science/article/pii/
Najmul Islam , stages of the COVID-19 Finland between the intention to self- of different generations. stimulus-organism- S0969698920304598
Ali Farooq , pandemic: The stimulus- isolate and the intention to response (S-O-R)
Amandeep Dhir organism-response approach make unusual purchases. This framework (Mehrabian and
result empirically showed that Russell, 1974) and propose

the unusual purchasing two dependent variables:

behavior observed in March unusual purchasing and
2020 globally was linked to voluntary self-isolation.
quarantine preparations.
Pejman Startups and Consumer 2022 Quantitative Customer online-users The results of the IPMA This study evaluated the This analytical study
Ebrahimi, Aidin Purchase Behavior: where 57.7% and matrix showed that all the impact of startup technology empirically tested the 2289/6/2/34
Salamzadeh, Application of Support 42.3% were male and research variables in terms of innovations and customer proposed hypotheses using
Maryam Vector Machine Algorithm female while the age performance in the COVID-19 relationship management structural equation
Soleimani, category of most pandemic in Hungary are in (CRM) performance on modeling (SEM) and
Seyed respondents (42.1%) good condition, which shows customer participation, SmartPLS 3 techniques.
the important role of startups in
Mohammad was 25–34 years. value co-creation, and Moreover, they used a
consumer purchase behavior
Khansari, Hadi consumer purchase behavior support vector machine
during the epidemic. Due to the
Zarea and technological innovations of (CPB) (SVM) algorithm to verify
Maria Fekete- startups, items such as service the model’s accuracy.
Farkas innovations, product
innovations, and process
innovations are in good
condition from the consumers’
point of view.
Haslinda Examining the interlink of 2022 Quantitative The targeted The study uncovers significant This research studies the The current study examines
Hassan, social media use, purchase Online- respondents of the associations between social link between social media the relationships between science/article/pii/
Hafizah behavior, and mental health survey study are social media media use and purchase and purchasing behavior social media use and S1877050921022158
Mohamad users from three behavior, as well as the impact mental health, and purchase
Hsbollah and generations: Gen X of social media use on users’ behavior and mental health.
Rosli Mohamad (born 1965-1980), mental health, particularly
among the X, Y, and Z
Gen Y (born 1981-
generations. However, there is
1994), and Gen Z
no evidence to support the
(born 1995-2012). significant association between
The baby boomers purchase behavior and users’
(born 1946-1964) are mental health.
excluded. The
younger generations
have been found to
use social media more
frequently than baby
Neil Howe and The New Generation Gap 2007 In contrast, the Boomer-like This examines the
William Strauss generations always found a differences and distinction sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/
way to claim more than their between generations. thenewgenerationgap.pdf
share of the credit and accept
less than their share of blame.
Small wonder, then, that the
Boom types kept stepping in
and out of generational
arguments. If history tells us

that the Boom-Thirteenth

quarrel will worsen over the
coming decade, it also suggests
when and how this new
generation gap could resolve
itself. The experience of their
likeminded ancestors suggests
that once Boomers start
entering old age, they will ease
their attacks on Thirteeners.
Once they see their values
focus taking firm root in
American institutions-and once
their hopes are fixed on a new
and more optimistic (post-
Thirteenth) generation—
Boomers will lose interest in
the quarrel.
Susan Hart Today's Learners and 2017 Baby boomers favor face-to- Identify strategies for The author conducted an
PhD. Educators: Bridging the face interactions, whereas bridging generational gaps extensive review of the science/article/abs/pii/
Generational Gaps millennials communicate literature to explore the S1557308717300100
through various technologies characteristics of current
such as Snapchat, Twitter, learners and educators and
Facebook, and others. Online identify strategies for
communication is another way bridging generational gaps
to keep the teaching–learning in preparing nurses to
environment fluid through e- thrive in the current health
mail, discussion boards, care environment.
Facebook, learning
management systems, weekly
announcements, virtual office,
document sharing,
webliography, and
synchronous chat (Koeller,

For millennials, technology is

their first language, whereas
for most educators, technology
is a second language. As
educators find ways to adopt
learner-centered teaching
strategies, generational
collaboration is essential in

providing an environment to
enhance critical thinking and
technology skills. Students
constantly interact through
Facebook, GroupMe,
Snapchat, YouTube, Instagram,
Twitter, blogs, and Wikis to
connect with their peers.
Educators need time and
support in learning to use a
variety of technology
(Litchfield & Matteis, 2016).
Frank Mangold, The overstated generational 2022 Online- two representative We showed that millennials The aim is to disentangle the The current research aims
Sebastian Stier, gap in online news use? A Survey and independently and boomers navigate the generational gap on the to consolidate and extend pdf/10.1177/1461444821989972
Johannes consolidated infrastructural collected samples of digital news environment in browsing histories of two the infrastructural view on
Breuer, and perspective German Internet users structurally similar ways. representative samples. online news use.
Michael aged 14–65 who Establishing whether these age
Scharkow agreed to use a cohorts move across the long-
tracking software that tail of niche media by
hooks into the web combining exactly the same
browsers on their news outlets will require the
desktop computers observation of a much larger
and/or smartphone number of Internet users’ web
browsing behaviors. Moreover,
parsing out the specific topics
and opinions encountered by
news website visitors would
require full-URL-level data
and content analysis data.
Shlomo Ben- Making generational 2017 Individual Baby Boomers – mid- In this case, they are measuring The aim of the study was to This research does not
Hur and David differences work: What Directions 1940s to mid-’60s intrinsic motivation – that is, move beyond the general measure behavior, so the knowledge/articles/making-
Ringwood empirical research reveals InventoryT (n=3,263) the areas in which people mythology of generational findings do not describe generational-differences-work-
about leading millennials M (IDI) derive an internal feeling of differences and to identify what different generations what-empirical-research-reveals-
assessment Gen X – mid-’60s to satisfaction and personal the exact ways in which do. about-leading-millennials/
late ’70s (n=4,623) fulfillment. There are relatively motivational characteristics
minor differences between the
Gen Y – early ’80s to median values in intrinsic
motivation between Baby
early ’90s (n=1,472)
Boomers and Gen X. It
suggests that it potentially
Gen Z – early ’90s to takes a lot to change
date (n=92) motivational DNA, or at least
that the factors that really
influence motivational drivers
were not necessarily
experienced during this period.

differences between
Millennials and their
predecessors, bearing in mind
that the graph measures
motivational DNA, not
behavioral characteristics.
Millennials have higher
expectations of achievement
(Excelling), bringing a greater
sense of urgency to accelerated
growth and career progression.
Interestingly, there is strong
evidence to suggest less
originality in this generation
than the stereotype might
suggest. Comparatively
speaking, Millennials have a
more significant
informational need than their
predecessors. They clearly
like to be kept in the loop,
finding an ongoing flow of
information reassuring as
well as informative. They also
like to understand the “how
to,” reflecting their need for
others to be granular and
specific in their instructions.
They are likely to feel
uncomfortable in “last-minute”
scenarios, preferring some
degree of advance notice to an
extent that might be
underestimated by others. If
previous generations are
unaware of these variances, it
makes it more difficult for
them to make good behavioral
choices and to calibrate the
ways in which they keep newer
generations informed (and vice
versa). Newer generations also
appear to manifest a greater
degree of caution (higher on
Stability and Structuring, lower
on Creating), which suggests
that they will be more
comfortable driving innovation
when they can do so
collectively and with input and

validation from others.

Miss. Anjali Consumer Behaviour: A 2017 The A quantitative study Consumer behavior is a literal The preference, choices, The Kids, adolescents,
Bhalerao and Literature Review collected of 300 respondents study of the behavioral pattern demands, attitudes, and grown-up short_pdf/1503858014_1095-1103-
Dr. Rajesh data were was carried out in the of consumer leading to their actions of consumers are adult, mid-age, and old age mccia968_ijetsr.pdf?
Kumar Pandey analyzed Ludhiana region. buying preferences &attitude. interlinked. people have different fbclid=IwAR0PFdzfKT1fs5hOm99
with Consumer Behavior is a personalities and different YDst9olqsj6JJqNkJKQhzuUNCqou
descriptive dynamic aspect having the sets of values. The rO4YoUbnCxH0
statistics, potential to magnetize attractive
Chi-Square, businesses. The main purpose features of products may
Friedman behind marketing a product is have a separate impact on
test and to satisfy the demands and the different age groups of
Kendall’s wants of the Consumers. The consumers, also it may
W-test study of consumer behavior have separate
helps to achieve this purpose. impact on the area where
This review study was people dwell.
completed broadly under five
heads: Factors affecting
Consumer Behavior, Factors
linked to demography,
Consumer Preferences &
attitude, Quality &Innovation,
and existing Models of
Consumer Behavior. This
comprehensive study has
demonstrated the possible
facets of understanding
consumer behavior. Such
studies of consumer behavior
help marketers to recognize
and forecast the purchase
behavior of consumers. It
further helps marketers not
only to understand what
consumers purchase but helps
to understand why they
purchase it. Thus, with the help
of the recommended model, it
will be easy to know how the
consumer’s behavior is
influenced and what are the
main factors influencing
consumers in today’s modern
era. The advisory notion
further supports the momentum
of gaining business prospects.
Lenka Svajdova Consumer Behaviour during March The The selection file will Based on the research, it can be 19
Pandemic of COVID-19 2021 questionnair contain 414 concluded that there has been a consumer-behaviour-during-

e survey respondents to be change in consumer behavior pandemic-of-covid-19/

method will selected. To obtainin the Czech Republic because
be used to relevant data, random
of restrictions that have been
achieve the selection will be used
introduced to reduce the spread
goals of this to select the sample
of COVID-19. In all analyzed
article. The which guarantees
sectors – sales of food,
questionnair maximum drugstore goods, clothing and
e survey representativeness of
footwear, and electronics, there
takes place the research. The was an increase in sales
online and is selection will contain
volumes through online
a method of the entire structure of
channels. For drugstore goods
personal the surveyed file and food, there was a change in
interviewing considering the age.
the structure of purchases and
. the frequency of purchases.
Demand for clothing, footwear,
and electronics, which were
closed due to government
measures, decreased, despite a
growing number of online
purchases. The question
remains whether the changes
will be permanent, or
customers will return to their
original shopping habits.
Prof. Sudarshan A Study on Factors July 15, A The sample size is The research reveals the factors In the automobile industry,
A. Pawar influencing on 2016 convenience 265 Customers who which impact customers’ as there is tough delivery.php?
Buying Behavior of sampling own a car buying decision when their competition, Conditions of ID=2111170270070291030051000
Customers technique is purchase or buys a car. Even competition are changing 00116082067026021000060079050
used in the customers give more rapidly and companies that 02808606901006800102511502810
research importance to the brand, strategize and react to these 50580550390601030031140240780
Data is Safety, Price and changes promptly and 65123029107020114044064023023
collected Product attributes factor while quickly are the 01102400200610912600808405707
through a they buy the car. Suggestions most successful. Due to 3052125099087121090108070018
structured for further research include technological 00301110807609100110409009911
questionnair the area of consumer behavior developments, physical 8100091069075075122080122&E
e. and brand equity in buying differences between XT=pdf&INDEX=TRUE
different brands of cars. products have
Especially decreased. Differentiation
Indian brands need to focus on should be made on the
various areas like more safety meaning products bear
features, advanced technology, instead of on their physical
and advanced communication features. The buying
strategies. process of consumer
behavior is of more
importance to
marketing practitioners
than the consumption
Bindia Daroch, A study on factors limiting March The Most of the as per the results total of six
Gitika Nagrath, the online shopping 4, 2021 respondents respondents who factors came out from the content/doi/10.1108/RAMJ-07-

Ashutosh Gupta behavior of consumers were participated were study that restrains consumers 2020-0038/full/html
selected postgraduate students to buy from online sites – fear
based on the and educators. The of bank transactions and faith,
convenient total population size traditional shopping is more
sampling was indefinite and the convenient than online
technique. sample size used for shopping, reputation and
The primary the study was 158. A services provided, experience,
data were total of 170 insecurity, and insufficient
collected questionnaires were product information, and lack
from distributed among of trust.
Surveys with various online users,
the help of out of which 12
self- questionnaires were
administered received with
questionnair incomplete responses
es. and were excluded
from the analysis.
Russell J. COVID-19 Generation: A 2020 Consumers The Covid-19 pandemic has The Covid-19 pandemic has This academic article https://www.
Zwanka Conceptual brought along a whole range of brought along a whole range explores what impacts the Highstreetstaskforce
and Framework of the stressors to many consumers of stressors to many Covid-19 pandemic will /resources/
Cheryl Consumer Behavioral Shifts around the world, whether consumers around the likely have on consumer details/?id=d40428f1
Buff to be Caused by the through health concerns, world. behaviour, and if this will -c6e3-4aa8
COVID-19 Pandemic bereavement, or job insecurity. vary by age, with a ‘Covid- -aea4-528f2637e5e1
Therefore, this suggests that 19 generation’ potentially
we could see consumers emerging. It covers topics
seeking out a sense of such as stockpiling, online
experience to buffer against shopping, consumer
negative emotions, and a experience, localism,
hedonistic return to ‘you only consuming/working from
live once’ mentalities. home, and changing
However, this will likely beliefs. It is useful for
remain in small social circles thinking about how a high
for some time, as concerns street or town centre might
about germs and health could transform to satisfy local
persist, or, alternatively, sought communities and visitors in
in online environments. light of changing consumer
behaviours - whether a
retailer or place manager.
Damien Marketing to the (new) 2017 Consumers Since each generation has Human morphology, tastes, The relationship between https://www.
Chaney, generations: unique expectations, attitudes, perceptions, and each generation and the
Mourad summary and perspectives experiences, generational lifestyles change media also influence publication /315629497_
Touzani, and history, lifestyles, values, and significantly over a lifetime, promotional strategies and Marketing
Karim demographics, marketing leading to substantial operations. While for _to_the_new_
Ben research should aim to improve changes in buying generations Y and Z, the generations
Slimane understanding of the behaviors. Marketing Internet is now a major _summary_and_
consumption behavior of each specialists may then note feature of everyday perspectives
generation, particularly in that specific behaviors practices and routines, this
terms of the consequences of match specific age groups, is not necessarily the case
purchasing behavior. and use this match for for other generations.
segmentation, targeting, and

positioning. Age is also

inescapable in marketing
strategy, as it influences
consumers’ physical,
psychological, sociological,
and cultural features, thus
making their relationships
with products and brands
wholly dependent on age.
Anders Parment Generation Y vs. Baby 2013 Exploratory Generation y and Marketing has long relied on Generational cohorts and Environmental events https://www.
Boomers: Shopping Approach Baby Boomers the use of market their purchase patterns experienced during one's
Behavior, buyer segmentation. While birth age strongly support the coming of age create values publication /257431027_
involvement and has been a useful way to create contention that different that remain relatively Generation_
Implications for Retailing groups, it describes segments cohorts have different unchanged throughout Y_vs_Baby_Boomers
but does not help to understand values, attitudes, and one's life. Such values _Shopping_behavior_
segment motivations. preferences that provide a common bond for buyer_involvement_
However, environmental significantly influence their those in that age group, or and_implications_for
events experienced during purchase patterns. generational cohort. _retailing
one's coming of age create Segmenting by ‘coming of
values that remain relatively age’ age provides a richer
unchanged throughout one's segmentation approach
life. Such values provide a than birth age.
common bond for those in that
age group, or generational
cohort. Segmenting by
‘coming of age’ age provides a
richer segmentation approach
than birth age.
Ludvik The effect of COVID-19 on 2021 Questionnair Adult Consumers Fear appeal (fears for the The global COVID-19 Consumer shopping https://www.
Eger, consumer shopping e survey health and economic fears) is pandemic has seriously behavior during the
Lenka Behaviour Generational associated with changes in affected societies and COVID-19 pandemic publication /350056046_The_
Komarkova, cohort perspective customer behavior and economics around the world generally depends on fear. effect_of_COVID-19
Dana influences traditional and and has hit various sectors _on consumer_
Egerova, and online shopping related to of society in different ways. shopping_behaviour
Michal COVID-19. The findings This unprecedented situation _Generational _
Micik demonstrate significant has several consequences for cohort_
differences as well as the everyday life of perspective
similarities in consumer consumers and has
behavior between generations. dramatically changed how
businesses act and
consumers behave.
Wahyuningsih Customer Value, 2013 Questionnair Consumer The relationship between Relationships with customer Examine the relationships https://www.
Wahyuningsih Satisfaction and e customer value and behavioral satisfaction and behavioral among customer value,
Behavioral Intentions: the intentions is mediated by intentions differ from one satisfaction, and behavioral publication /305195707_
Effects of Consumer satisfaction. This study has search type to another intentions based upon a Customer_Value_
Search Behavior confirmed that there is a typology of consumer Satisfaction_and
positive relationship between search behaviors. _Behavioral_
customer value and customer Intentions_
satisfaction, and a positive the_Effects_of
relationship between _Consumer_

customer value and Search_

behavioral intentions. Behavior
Tao Chen, The Impact of 2022 Experimenta Participants with The results showed that Different factors can affect This study investigated the https://www.
Premaratne Online Reviews l approach online shopping consumers’ attention to purchasing behavior impact of online product
Samaranayake, on experiences negative comments was reviews on consumers articles/10.3389/
XiongYing Consumers’ Purchasing significantly greater than that purchasing decisions by fpsyg.2022.865702
Cen, Meng Qi, Decisions to positive comments, using eye-tracking. /full
and Yi-Chen especially for female
Lan consumers. Furthermore, the
study identified a significant
correlation between the visual
browsing behavior of
consumers and their purchase
KGM Hultman, Linking improvisational 2018 Structural Customer The study finds that Different factors can affect How the tone of the https://www.
Abena behavior equation salesperson improvisation is customer behavior salesperson–customer
Animwaa to customer modelling associated with customer relationship (whether publication/328261983
Yeboah-Banin, satisfaction: the relational technique satisfaction. It also finds the cordial or coercive) drives _Linking_improvisational
and Nathaniel dynamics extent of cordiality between and conditions salesperson _behavior_to_
Boso salespersons and their improvisation and its customer_satisfaction
customers predicts but does not implications for customer _The_relational_
enhance the value of satisfaction. dynamics
improvisation for customer
satisfaction. The reverse is true
for customer exercised
coercive power which is not a
significant driver of
improvisation but can
substantially alter its benefits
for the worse.
Mukaram Impact of Sales Promotion 2019 Convenience the sample of 297 was Analysis through correlation The study is all about the The study focused on sales
Khan, Amna on Consumer Buying Sampling collected by selecting and regression modeling help Buying Behaviour of promotion as the factor papers.cfm?abstract_id=3441058
Tanveer, and Dr Behavior: A Case of Modern walk-in customers at to conclude that buy one get consumers affecting consumer buying
Syed Sohaib Trade, Pakistan 25 one free, price discounts and Behaviour
Zubair supermarkets/hyperm coupons are positively related
arkets in Lahore to consumer buying behavior,
(Pakistan) whereas, free samples and
bonus packs are not
significantly related to the
dependent variable.
Laura Impulse buying behavior: an 2017 The The final valid sample Results show that the offline The study offers a better The research focuses on
Aragoncillo, online-offline comparative researchers consisted of 212 channel is slightly more understanding of impulse consumer’s impulse buying content/doi/10.1108/SJME-03-
and Carlos Orus and the impact of social conducted participants and the encouraging of impulse buying buying which has had an behavior on both the 2018-007/full/html
media an online majority are female. than the online channel; factors important influence on physical
self- that encourage online impulse consumer behavior. and the online channels but
administered buying explain this behavior to paying special attention to
survey to a the latter
address the greater extent than do
research discouraging factors; social
questions. networks can have a big impact

The on impulse
sampling buying.
consisted of
a non-
Mehmet The moderator role of 2021 Online Customer Perceived threat affected Different factors can affect Fear, panic and uncertainty https://www.
Saglam and E. perceived susceptibility and Questionnair anxiety and that perceived customer purchasing can affect customer
Basak Tavnam severity in relationship e susceptibility and severity had behavior behavior 1/article/view/1819
perceived threat, anxiety, a moderator role in this
and impulsive buying in relationship, and that anxiety
COVID-19 period had an effect on impulsive
buying. Furthermore, that
perceived susceptibility and
severity had a moderator role
in this relationship.
Maxwell Iskiev How Each Generation 2023 Survey When it comes to making The generational differences They focus on the shopping
Shops in 2023 purchase decisions, all in terms of purchasing strategy of each generation gen-z-retail-trends/
generations are highly including the payment
influenced by price, quality, method of the generations.
and product reviews. Gen Z,
Millennials, and Gen X also
value brands that have active
communities around them and
a social media presence.
Additionally, whether a
percentage of the proceeds
from their purchase will be
donated to charity is highly
important to Gen Z.
Square How Generational 2017 Some differences in purchase Purchase behavior has Square Publication
Publication Differences Affect Purchase behavior can be attributed to affects in generational bottom-line/reaching-customers/
Behavior life stage and income. differences. generational-influences-in-buying
Doreen Bloch Gen X vs Y – Factors Majority of the population Marketers are trying to Didn’t include generation Z https://www-zilliondesigns-
Shaping Consumer from Generation X are patriots gauge unique behavioral
Behavior and would like to show firm patterns of consumers.
allegiance through their infographics/gen-x-vs-y-factors-
personality and actions. It is shaping-consumer-purchase/?
difficult to change their amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=
opinion and hence their loyalty mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM
towards certain brands. They %3D#aoh=16820717758758&refer
will not risk their money to try rer=https%3A%2F
out a new brand.
Millenniums are more om
achievement oriented with %20%251%24s&ampshare=https
optimism, realism and high %3A%2F
morals. In contrast to their

predecessors, they tend to be %2Fblog%2Finfographics%2Fgen-

more tolerant and attracted to x-vs-y-factors-shaping-consumer-
spirituality. They have high purchase%2F
morals and great sense of civic
duty. The younger millenniums
are extremely fun-loving, street
smart and social. They are
highly competitive and tend to
enjoy attention and applause.
Jenna Kamal US Gen Z retail trends: 2023 Ultimately, it’s never been Talks about: How they shop, Talks only about generation
How does Gen Z shop in more important for brands to why they shop, what they Z and did not include gen
2023 consider how consumers are buy. X and Y. marketing/how-each-generation-
collectively feeling and keep in shops-differently
mind the impact crisis overload
is having on many people.
Frinz Andrey D. Generation Y and Z Filipino 2022 Quantitative- Consumer After completing the online survey To identify if there is a To describe the most
Dulay1 , Consumers’ Purchasing Comparative where the research was significant difference influential purchasing behavior index.php/jbms/article/download/
Rosemarie P. Behavior on Electronic Study conducted only on the between the purchasing done by online Filipino 3081/2695/7569
Liban2, James Products in Shopee and Lazada participants who recently behavior of Generation Y and consumers on Electronic
Russell G. purchased an electronic product/s Generation Z Products in Shopee and Lazada
Rustia3 , (in 6 months), respondents are among the following: Product-
Marjorie Mae R. also verified by answering what Related Details, User-
Tayag4 and specific product or category of Generated Contents, and
Mary Caroline electronic products they recently Online Marketplaces.
Castaño5 purchased and bought on Shopee
or Lazada.
The core topic is Filipino
Consumers, who are also the main
focus of this study. As stated in the
earlier portion of this paper,
Filipinos are cautious about their
online purchase avoiding non-
essential purchases. Despite the
pandemic and other limitations,
Filipinos will likely spend on
electronic product/s deemed
necessary, proffers convenience,
and value the consumer’s money.
(Euromonitor, 2021). Nonetheless,
out of 300 respondents, 210
participants purchased an
electronic product/s for their
personal needs, and the findings
on most of the purchased
electronic product/s in this study
are connection/charging cables.
The product is reckoned to be the
most needed product by every
consumer, as the consumers
charge their electronics devices
daily. Supporting the result, the

development of smart cities in the

Philippines and the increase of
electronic devices in the
household would increase the
demand for wires and cables in
the Philippines market
(6WResearch, 2021). The
researchers comprehend the
different Consumer’s Purchasing
behaviors as discussed in core
topic 2. Based on the results,
Filipino consumers’ most
influential purchasing behavior on
purchasing electronic products in
Shopee and Lazada is the Product-
Related Details such as brand,
quality, price, and advertisements.
To further know about the
purchasing behavior of the
respondents, the researchers also
asked who the respondents
searched for information about
the product, and 91.03%
answered by browsing the
Internet. According to the
statistics of Kemp, Filipinos spend
an average of 10 hours and 56
minutes on the Internet where
they can encounter different
electronic product/s and
information about them. The first
hypothesis pertains to no
significant difference between the
purchasing behavior of Generation
Y and Generation Z on Electronic
Products in Shopee and Lazada,
which is proven by the study
results. In all given factors:
Product-Related Details,
UserGenerated Contents, and
Online Marketplace Factors, both
generations have the same
behavior. Rejecting the second
hypothesis, Filipino Consumers do
not prefer purchasing an
electronic product/s from Shopee.
Based on the results, Filipino
consumers prefer purchasing on
Shopee. In contrast with the third
hypothesis, Filipino Consumers do
not prefer purchasing an

electronic product/s from Lazada,

which is proven true and garnered
only 16.33%.

Samuli Laato, A. Unusual purchasing behavior 2020 Web-survey University students and The structural model results This research studies the For addressing the research
K.M. during the early stages of the employees in Finland showed a clear relation between unusual purchasing behavior gaps above, we adapted the science/article/pii/
Najmul Islam , A COVID-19 pandemic: The intention to self-isolate and of different generation. stimulus-organism-response S0969698920304598
li Farooq , Aman stimulus-organism-response intention to make unusual (S-O-R) framework (Mehrabian
deep Dhir approach purchases. This result empirically and Russell, 1974) and
showed that the unusual propose two dependent
purchasing behavior observed in variables: unusual purchasing
March 2020 globally was linked to and voluntary self-isolation.
quarantine preparations.
Cyberchondria and perceived
severity had similar effects on the
two measured behavioral
responses. Thus, although the two
behaviors (unusual purchasing and
voluntary self-isolation) are clearly
distinct from one another, both
were strictly related to COVID-19,
and were predicted by the same
In addition, we would like to
emphasize two surprising findings.
First, in contrast to our theorizing,
neither exposure to online
information sources nor
information overload had a
statistically significant effect on
how severely individuals perceived
the pandemic situation. However,
both increased cyberchondria,
which is a state of health anxiety.
The way we measured perceived
severity was information-based.
Thus, it is possible that people
experiencing information overload
due to being exposed to too many
sources of information about
COVID-19 were unable to process
and conceptualize what was going
on, which hindered their ability to
perceive the actual severity of the
situation. Regardless, through
cyberchondria, exposure to online
information sources and
information overload had an
impact on intention to self-isolate
and intention to make unusual

Second, when examining the

effects of self-efficacy, we noticed
that one dimension (self-isolation
self-efficacy) had a statistically
significant positive influence on
intention to self-isolate. The other
measured dimension (purchasing
self-efficacy) had no impact on
making unusual purchases. This
asymmetrical role of self-efficacy
highlights the benefit of
decomposing self-efficacy in
relation to behaviors to get a fine-
grained understanding of its
impacts in specific contexts. Self-
efficacy is about an individual's
level of belief of being able to
carry out a given behavior. Thus,
people with higher self-efficacy
are able to maintain control of the
situation and refrain from
performing unusual behavior.
Isolation is a rational and
recommended form of behavior in
the case of contagious diseases
like COVID-19. Therefore, it makes
sense that self-efficacy positively
influences intention to self-isolate.
In contrast, high purchasing self-
efficacy was linked to the belief
that the individual is capable of
making purchases at will
regardless of possible quarantine
measures or global food supply
chain disruptions. Thus, high
purchasing self-efficacy also
carried the belief that there was
no need to make unusual
purchases. However, we found
self-efficacy still played a role in
unusual purchasing via the
measured significant relation
between intention to make
unusual purchases and intention
to self-isolate.

Pejman first_page 2022 Quantitative Customer online-users The results of the IPMA This study evaluated the This analytical study
Ebrahimi, Aidin settings where 57.7% and matrix showed that all the impact of startup technology empirically tested the 2289/6/2/34
Salamzadeh, Order Article Reprints 42.3% were male and research variables in terms of innovations and customer proposed hypotheses using
Maryam Startups and Consumer female while the age performance in the COVID-19 relationship management structural equation modeling
Soleimani, Purchase Behavior: Application category of most pandemic in Hungary are in good (CRM) performance on (SEM) and SmartPLS 3

Seyed of Support Vector Machine respondents (42.1%) condition, which shows the customer participation, value techniques. Moreover, they
Mohammad Algorithm was 25–34 years. important role of startups in co-creation, and consumer used a support vector machine
Khansari, Hadi consumer purchase behavior purchase behavior (CPB) (SVM) algorithm to verify the
Zarea and Maria during the epidemic. Due to the model’s accuracy.
Fekete-Farkas technological innovations of
startups, items such as service
innovations, product innovations,
and process innovations are in
good condition from the
consumers’ point of view.

Haslinda Examining the interlink of 2022 Quantitative The targeted The study uncovers significant This research studies the The current study examines
Hassan, Hafizah social media use, purchase Online- respondents of the associations between social media link between social media the relationships between science/article/pii/
Mohamad behavior, and mental health survey study are social media use and purchase behavior, as well and purchasing behavior social media use and mental S1877050921022158
Hsbollah and users from three as the impact of social media use health, and purchase
Rosli Mohamad generations: Gen X on users’ mental health, behavior and mental health.
(born 1965-1980), Gen particularly among the X, Y, and Z
Y (born 1981-1994), generations. However, there is no
and Gen Z (born 1995- evidence to support the significant
2012). The baby association between purchase
boomers (born 1946- behavior and users’ mental health.
1964) are excluded. In line with other studies, we
The younger found that social media use is a
generations have been significant driver of purchase
found to use social behavior (β = .190, p.05). The
media more frequently finding indicates that purchase
than baby boomers. activities can make consumers
happy [50] as opposed to being
stressed. Despite the advantages
of using social media, such as
convenience and saving time,
several studies have suggested a
likely negative effect of social
media use on mental health. For
example, a descriptive study on
the impact of social media
networking on students’ mental
illness and psychological well-
being, has revealed that more
than 60% of the respondents have
either severe or extremely severe
anxiety levels, followed by
depression (31%) and stress (20%).
Our finding similar, implying that
the longer people use social
media, the more likely their
mental health will be affected.
The findings add to the existing
body of knowledge on the
relationship between social media
use and purchase behavior, as well

as the relationship between social

media use and users’ mental
health, and purchase behavior and
mental health. People's mental
health may be jeopardized if they
spend too much time on social
Neil Howe and The New Generation Gap 2007 In contrast, the Boomer-like This examines the differences
William Strauss generations always found a way to and distinction between sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/
claim more than their share of the generations. thenewgenerationgap.pdf
credit and accept less than their
share of blame. Small wonder,
then, that the Boom types kept
stepping in and out of
generational arguments. If history
tells us that the Boom-Thirteenth
quarrel will worsen over the
coming decade, it also suggests
when and how this new
generation gap could resolve itself.
The experience of their likeminded
ancestors suggests that once
Boomers start entering old age,
they will ease their attacks on
Thirteeners. Once they see their
values focus taking firm root in
American institutions-and once
their hopes are fixed on a new and
more optimistic (post-Thirteenth)
generation—Boomers will lose
interest in the quarrel.
Susan Hart PhD. Today's Learners and 2017 Baby boomers favor face-to-face Identify strategies for The author conducted an
Educators: Bridging the interactions, whereas millennials bridging generational gaps extensive review of the science/article/abs/pii/
communicate through various literature to explore the S1557308717300100
Generational Gaps
technologies such as Snapchat, characteristics of current
Twitter, Facebook, and others. On- learners and educators and
line communication is another identify strategies for bridging
way to keep the teaching–learning generational gaps in preparing
environment fluid through e-mail, nurses to thrive in the current
discussion boards, Facebook, health care environment.
learning management systems,
weekly announcements, virtual
office, document sharing,
webliography, and synchronous
chat (Koeller, 2012).

For millennials, technology is their

first language, whereas for most
educators, technology is a second
language. As educators find ways
to adopt learner-centered

teaching strategies, generational

collaboration is essential in
providing an environment to
enhance critical thinking and
technology skills. Students
constantly interact through
Facebook, GroupMe, Snapchat,
YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, blogs,
and Wikis to connect with their
peers. Educators need time and
support in learning to use a variety
of technology (Litchfield &
Matteis, 2016).
Frank Mangold, The overstated generational 2022 Online- two representative and We showed that millennials and The aim is to disentangle the The current research aims to
Sebastian Stier, gap in online news use? A Survey independently boomers navigate the digital news generational gap on the consolidate and extend the pdf/10.1177/1461444821989972
Johannes consolidated infrastructural collected samples of environment in structurally similar browsing histories of two infrastructural view on online
Breuer, and perspective German Internet users ways. Establishing whether these representative samples. news use.
Michael aged 14–65 who age cohorts move across the long-
Scharkow agreed to use a tail of niche media by combining
tracking software that exactly the same news outlets will
hooks into the web require the observation of a much
browsers on their larger number of Internet users’
desktop computers web browsing behaviors.
and/or smartphone Moreover, parsing out the specific
topics and opinions encountered
by news website visitors would
require full-URL-level data and
content analysis data.
Shlomo Ben- Making generational 2017 Individual Baby Boomers – mid- In this case, they are measuring The aim of the study was to This research does not
Hur and David differences work: What Directions 1940s to mid-’60s intrinsic motivation – that is, the move beyond the general measure behavior, so the knowledge/articles/making-
Ringwood empirical research reveals InventoryTM (n=3,263) areas in which people derive an mythology of generational findings do not describe what generational-differences-work-what-
about leading millennials (IDI) internal feeling of satisfaction and differences and to identify different generations do. empirical-research-reveals-about-
assessment Gen X – mid-’60s to personal fulfillment. There are the exact ways in which leading-millennials/
late ’70s (n=4,623) relatively minor differences motivational characteristics
between the median values in vary.
Gen Y – early ’80s to intrinsic motivation between Baby
early ’90s (n=1,472) Boomers and Gen X. It suggests
that it potentially takes a lot to
Gen Z – early ’90s to change motivational DNA, or at
date (n=92) least that the factors that really
influence motivational drivers
were not necessarily experienced
during this period. differences
between Millennials and their
predecessors, bearing in mind that
the graph measures motivational
DNA, not behavioral
characteristics. Millennials have
higher expectations of
achievement (Excelling), bringing a
greater sense of urgency to

accelerated growth and career

progression. Interestingly, there is
strong evidence to suggest less
originality in this generation than
the stereotype might suggest.
speaking, Millennials have a more
significant informational need
than their predecessors. They
clearly like to be kept in the loop,
finding an ongoing flow of
information reassuring as well as
informative. They also like to
understand the “how to,”
reflecting their need for others to
be granular and specific in their
instructions. They are likely to feel
uncomfortable in “last-minute”
scenarios, preferring some degree
of advance notice to an extent
that might be underestimated by
others. If previous generations are
unaware of these variances, it
makes it more difficult for them to
make good behavioral choices and
to calibrate the ways in which
they keep newer generations
informed (and vice versa). Newer
generations also appear to
manifest a greater degree of
caution (higher on Stability and
Structuring, lower on Creating),
which suggests that they will be
more comfortable driving
innovation when they can do so
collectively and with input and
validation from others.

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