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Essential Epidemiology An Introduction For Students and Health Professionals 3rd Webb Test Bank

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Essential Epidemiology An Introduction

for Students and Health Professionals

3rd Webb Test Bank
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Multiple Choice 1
Answer: B. The point prevalence is 2.3% at the beginning of 1999. We are told that 2.3%
of the population were infected at the start of the year – as they are already infected
this is a measure of prevalence. As we do not know the total population at risk of HCV
infection we cannot calculate either an incidence rate (A) or incidence proportion (C).

Webb, Bain & Page. Essential Epidemiology, 3rd Edn. 2

Multiple Choice 1

4. What is the difference between the incidence proportion and the incidence rate?

A. The incidence proportion measures the proportion of people who develop disease
during a specified period, whereas the incidence rate measures how quickly people
are developing disease
B. The incidence proportion measures how quickly people are developing disease,
whereas the incidence rate measures the proportion of people who develop disease
during a specified period
C. The incidence proportion measures the number of people with disease in a
population at a specific point in time, whereas the incidence rate measures the
number of new cases of disease that occur in the population.
D. None of the above

Answer: A. The incidence proportion measures the proportion of people who develop
disease during a specified period. It presents the number of new cases in a designated
time period (the numerator) as a proportion of the total number of people at risk at the
start of the period (the denominator) and has no units e.g. 1% (in six months). In
contrast, the incidence rate measures how quickly people are developing disease over
time and it has units of time e.g. 10 per 1000 per year.

5. A new treatment is developed that prevents death but does not produce recovery
from a previously lethal disease. Which of the following will occur?

A. Prevalence will increase

B. Prevalence will decrease
C. Incidence will increase
D. Incidence will decrease

Answer: A. Prevalence is a function of incidence (the rate at which new cases of disease
occur) and duration (how long an incident case continues to have the disease). If cases
no longer die from the disease their duration of life with the disease present necessarily
increases, hence prevalence increases. The new treatment will not, however, affect how
quickly new cases occur so it will not affect the incidence of the disease.

6. A study aims to determine the incidence and prevalence of a particular disease within
the local government area of Winchelsea. What factors would decrease the
prevalence of the disease within this study catchment area?

A. Shorter duration of disease

B. Increasing case‐fatality from the disease
C. In‐migration of healthy people to the area
D. All of the above

Webb, Bain & Page. Essential Epidemiology, 3rd Edn. 3

Multiple Choice 1
Answer: D. All of the above. Prevalence is a function of incidence (the rate at which new
cases of disease occur) and duration (how long an incident case continues to have the
disease). A and B both reduce the time people have the disease, while an increase in the

Webb, Bain & Page. Essential Epidemiology, 3rd Edn. 4

Multiple Choice 1

denominator without a change in the numerator (C) necessarily reduces the size of the

7. The following table shows data from an epidemiological study. What is the incidence
rate among those who are exposed to the factor under study?

Number of episodes Person‐years (py) at risk

Exposure Present 700 1950
Absent 300 2250
Total 1000 4200

A. 35.9 per 100 py

B. 35.9 per 100,000 py
C. 35.9 per 1000 py
D. 13.3 per 100,000 py
E. 23.8 per 100 py
F. None of the above

Answer: A. The incidence rate in the exposed = 700 ÷ 1950 py = 0.359 = 35.9 per 100 py.
It would be 359 per 1000 py (C) or 35,900 per 100,000 py (B).

8. According to the table below, which food is the most likely cause of the outbreak of
food poisoning?
Food Number of people Number who ate
who ate that food the food and got
Cold chicken 86 34
Potato salad 54 38
Egg sandwiches 76 40
Fruit pie and cream 32 12
Cheese 48 12

A. Cold chicken
B. Potato salad
C. Egg sandwiches
D. Fruit pie and cream
E. Cheese

Answer: B. The potato salad is the most likely culprit because it has the highest attack
rate (38 ÷ 54 = 70.4%). This can’t be definitive, given the challenges of recall and the fact
that most people will eat a number of foods in addition to that causing the problem, but
it (and to a lesser extent the egg sandwiches, attack rate = 40 ÷ 76 = 52.6%) stand out
from the crowd, and both are known to be potential sources of food poisoning.
Food Number of people Number who Attack
who ate that food ate the food Rate
and got sick

Webb, Bain & Page. Essential Epidemiology, 3rd Edn. 5

Multiple Choice 1

Cold chicken 86 34 39.5%

Potato salad 54 38 70.4%
Egg sandwiches 76 40 52.6%
Fruit pie and 32 12 37.5%
Cheese 48 12 25.0%
9. The following are all characteristics of the prevalence of a disease except one, which

A. It includes all of the existing cases of disease in a community

B. It depends on the duration of the disease process
C. It can be used to help determine the health care needs of a community
D. It depends on the incidence of disease
E. It is always measured over time

Answer: E. Prevalence is measured at a single point in time. (An exception is period

prevalence which counts all cases that were present at some point during a given time

10. Community A and community B both have crude mortality rates for ischaemic heart
disease (IHD) of 4 per 1000 population per year but the age‐adjusted IHD mortality
rate in community A is 5 per 1000 population compared to 3 per 1000 population in
community B. Which of the following is correct?

A. Community A has a younger population than community B

B. Community A has an older population than community B
C. Diagnosis is more accurate in community A
D. Diagnosis is more accurate in community B

Answer: A. Mortality from IHD increases with age. If the age‐adjusted rate is higher than
the crude rate in population A then, on average, population A must be younger than the
standard population. In contrast, the age‐adjusted rate in population B is lower than the
crude rate so this population must, on average, be older than the standard population.
Community A therefore has a younger population than community B. The accuracy of
diagnosis (C, D) is irrelevant.

11. A 50 year old Australian male is watching the news in 2014 and hears that the current
life expectancy for males has risen to 80 years. Does this mean he can expect to live
for another 30 years?

A. Yes. If life‐expectancy at birth is 80 years and he has already lived for 50 years, he can
expect to live for an additional 30 years (50 years + 30 years = 80 years)
B. No. If life‐expectancy at birth is 80 years and he has already lived for 50 years, he can
expect to live longer than 80 years, because the probability of dying differs over the
C. It is not possible to answer this question, because mortality rates in the population
will change in the future.

Webb, Bain & Page. Essential Epidemiology, 3rd Edn. 6

Multiple Choice 1
D. None of the above.

Webb, Bain & Page. Essential Epidemiology, 3rd Edn. 7

Multiple Choice 1

Answer: B. No. If life‐expectancy at birth is 80 years and he has already lived for 50
years, he can expect to live longer than 80 years, because the probability of dying differs
over the life‐course. This expectation can be calculated from the life table, and if he has
reached 50 an Australian man can expect to live another 32 years and reach 82. The
difference used to be much greater when there were many more deaths in early life.
(And remember, this expectation is calculated on current death rates, so the true
expectation is probably longer again, given continuing improvements in health care and

Webb, Bain & Page. Essential Epidemiology, 3rd Edn. 8

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