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Soil Stabilization Using Plastic

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International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 229

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2022 | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

To Enhance Soil Stabilization by Using

Plastic Waste
Aditya Patel1*, Shiva Sahu2, Ujala Gangwar3, Anand Bhatt4
Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Axis Institute of Technology & Management, Kanpur, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Axis Institute of Technology & Management, Kanpur, India

Abstract: Soil stabilization could be a method of improvement soil stabilization, the soil is treated in such manner so as to
of the physical and Engineering properties of soil, like increasing improve its physical conditions or properties to make it more
bearing capability, shear strength, etc. which may be utilized by
stable and durable. Soil stabilization becomes necessary when
dominant compaction or addition of appropriate blends like
cement, lime and waste materials like ash, waste Plastics & bottles a highway and any type of structure are required to be built over
etc. Recently, the utilization of plastic product, like polythene (PE) weak soil or poor bearing capacity. It is a necessary part of
bottles and polypropylene (PP), has been considerably increased, increase the durability and stability of the structure and
which can cause several environmental problems. Therefore, it's building. Soil stabilization is segregating some impurities from
vital to seek out strategies to manage these waste materials while the soil; we get good outcomes for our construction work. So,
not inflicting any ecological hazards. We use these strategies is to
it is very good technique to makes strong compressive strength,
use plastic wastes as a soil stabilizing material. We think that this
new technique of soil stabilization may be effectively want to meet bearing capacity to protect soil from failure. Therefore, in
the challenges of society, to cut back the quantities of waste, present study stabilization of soil is reviewed by using locally
manufacturing helpful material from non-useful waste materials. available plastic waste products of plastic bottles are used in
The impact of the stabilization was evaluated through polishing off stabilization of soil in the form of strips of suitable dimensions.
normal laboratory tests. In our project we perform soil tests like The objective of this study was improving properties of soil in
water content, Liquid limit test, plastic limit test, specific gravity
economical way and reducing environmental pollution, and
of soil & Triaxial shear test etc. Plastic like searching luggage is
employed to as reinforcement to perform the CBR studies whereas minimizes the problems of plastic waste disposal.
commixture with soil for rising engineering performance of sub A. Methods of Soil Stabilizations
grade soil. Plastic strips obtained from waste plastic were mixed
indiscriminately with the soil. We performed UU- triaxial test on 1. Mechanical Methodology of Stabilization: During this
soil at different percentages and get various conclusions procedure, soils of various gradations area unit mixed along to
accordingly, test was allotted on indiscriminately strengthened soil get the specified property within the soil. This could 2 be done
by varied proportion of plastic strips at varied percentages of at the location or at another place from wherever it is often
plastic in proportions. transported simply. The ultimate mixture is then compacted by
the same old strategies to urge the desired density.
Keywords: Plastic bottles, CBR, Compaction, Triaxial shear
test. 2. Additive Methodology of Stabilization: It refers to the
addition of factory-made merchandise into the soil, which in
1. Introduction correct quantities enhances the standard of the soil. Materials
like cement, lime, bitumen, ash etc. area unit used as chemical
Stabilization is the technique of improvement of soil capacity
additives. Generally, totally different fibers are used as
and some methods applied for modifying the properties of soil
reinforcements within the soil. The addition of those fibers
for engineering performance. Soil stabilization techniques
manifest itself by 2 methods -
always prefer to increase the soil capacity. Some material such
a) Orienting fiber reinforcement: The fibers area unit
as cement, lime and fly ash are main component of soil
organized in some order and every one the fibers area unit
stabilization techniques. Methods of soil stabilization may be
placed within the same orientation. The fibers area unit ordered
grouped under two main types: (a) Modification of soil
layer by layer during this sort of orientation.
properties of existing of admixture, and (b) Modification of
b) Random fiber reinforcement: This arrangement has
properties occur at fix proportion stabilization materials. The
separate fibers distributed haphazardly within the soil mass.
soil stabilization technique is the system of improve the bearing
The blending is finished till the soil and also the reinforcement
limit of soil utilization of controlled compaction, proportioning
kind a lot of or less uniform mixture. Materials utilized in this
additionally the option of reasonable admixture or stabilizer is
kind of reinforcements area unit typically derived from paper,
used as soil adjustment or “The strategy for improving the
nylon, metals or alternative materials having varied physical
building properties of soil by embracing different adjustment
procedure is named as soil adjustment”. In these techniques of
*Corresponding author:
A. Patel et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 5, NO. 5, MAY 2022 230

2. Literature Review increasing the shear strength of soil, bearing capacity of

i) Tarun Kumar (et. al) (2018) foundations and for improving the natural soil subgrade for
This study is carried out on the development of the roadways construction of highways and airfields. In this they are used
which is very important and required to be strong enough to plastic bottle strips and plastic bag strips for stabilization. From
support different loads. To meet these challenges plastic wastes this study conclusion made is there is increase in CBR value of
are used in the forms of strips of various sizes for identifying a soil and maximum CBR is achieved when 0.75% amount of
the required percentage amount of plastic strips and providing plastic bottle strips are added to the soil after further addition of
the alternative way for disposing the plastic wastes. To the strips there is decrease in the CBR value. In case of plastic
study this reinforcing effect of mixed plastic strips in soil, a bag strips, it has been observed that 2% of the total weigh of the
series of standard proctor and unsoaked CBR tests have been soil is the optimum proportion of the strips, we can also state
conducted and based on this it is observed that the maximum from this study that strips cut out of plastic bottles are better
dry density of plastic mix soil decreases with increase of option than strips of soil bags, to increase the CBR value of the
percentage of plastic strips, and for CBR increases with soil.
increase of percentage of plastic strips within a certain limit. v) A. K. Choudhary (et. al) (2010)
Based on this conclusion should be drawn is that by increasing Attempts have been made in this study to demonstrate the
the amount of plastic contents, the value of the MDD decreases potential of reclaimed HDPE as soil reinforcement for
whereas the value of OMC increases. There is increase in CBR improving engineering properties of the sub grade soil. Strips
value for soil with increasing the percentage of plastic strips. obtained from waste plastic with various dimensions were mix
The maximum CBR value is obtained when the percentage of randomly with soil and find out appropriate amount of HDPE
the plastic strips is 0.8% of dry weight of soil. Hence 0.8% of strips. They performed tests and interpreted the data based on
strips having length of 2cm is considered as required amount. the ratio of length to width of the strip.
ii) Sayli D. Madhavi (et. al) (2017)
This study reviews the experimental program conducted for 3. Methodology
stabilization of black cotton soil in the Amravati, a Capital of Site Selection:
newly formed Andhra Pradesh state. They performed series of • The soil was collected from Mawai, Banda (U.P).
CBR testings to find out optimum amount of plastic content is • We have selected this site because it has highly
required for obtaining maximum CBR value. It can be sensitive Black-cotton soil.
concluded that CBR percentage goes on increasing up to 4% • The soil present at this site has very poor shear strength
plastic content in the soil and there on it decreases with and has highly shrinkage and swelling properties.
increasing the plastic content. For the construction of any civil Why We Choose Black-cotton soil?
engineering structure the foundation is very important as it • We choose black-cotton soil because it consist high
supports the structure and to achieve this strength stabilization amount of montmorillonite clay minerals, which have
of soil is required. Soil stabilization is done by addition of highly shrinkage and swelling characteristics.
suitable admixtures like cement, lime, sand, fly ash. It is • Because of this high swelling and shrinkage nature, the
required to incorporate the new techniques of soil stabilization structures constructed on these soils are experience
which can be effectively used to meet the challenges of society, cracks.
to reduce the quantities of the waste and producing useful • This property of soil can also make foundation
material from the non-useful material which cannot easily unstable and weak.
• Hence, there is a need for improving black-cotton soil
iii) Sharan Veer Singh (et. al) (2017)
to suite as foundation material.
This paper focus on the soil stabilization by using plastic
Materials Used:
waste products. The plastic inclusion can improve the strength
1. Black-cotton Soil: Soil collected from Mawai, Banda
thus increasing the soil bearing capacity of the soil. Uses of
plastic waste as reinforcement which reduces the disposal
problem of the waste materials. Infrastructure is a major sector
that propels overall development of Indian economy. For any
Structure foundation has the prime importance, the strong
foundation plays very important role. An expansive soil such as
black cotton soil creates problems in foundation and for this
stabilization of soil is required.
iv) Kiran Kumar Patil (et. al) 2017
Stabilization of soils is an effective method for improving the
properties of soil. The main objective of any stabilization
technique used for increasing the strength and stiffness of soil,
workability and constructability of the soil. Plastic such as
shopping bags is used for reinforcing the soil for improving the
Fig. 1. Black-cotton soil
various properties of soil. Applications of stabilizing of soil are
A. Patel et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 5, NO. 5, MAY 2022 231

2. Waste Plastics: The waste plastic was collected from determination of plastic limit is defined as minimum water
nearby disposal sites. content at which soil become crumple or crack when rolled in
to 3mm diameter threat. In our project the plastic limit of black
cotton soil is 35%.

Fig. 3. Flow curve

Fig. 2. Waste plastics
Determination of Specific Gravity:
Laboratory Tests: Specific gravity is the ratio of unit weight of dry soil solids
In this project there are various tests are required to perform to unit weight of water. It can be computed by using 50ml flask
in laboratory. These Tests are as- or by Pycnometer. Unit of specific gravity is kN/m3. In our
1. Water Content Test. project Specific gravity of soil is 2.66.
2. Liquid Limit Test. Determination of Shear Strength Parameter by UU triaxial
3. Plastic Limit Test. test:
4. Specific Gravity Test. UU Test: In our project we used triaxial unconfined undrain
5. Triaxial Shear Test. test i.e., UU test because it is suitable for saturated clay with
short term analysis under undrain condition at fast loading rate.
Determination of Water Content test UU-test is also suitable for construction of building, road over
Weight of Clean non-corrosive empty container W1 = 15gm. saturated clays. This test takes only 5 to 7 minutes instantaneous
A small quantity of wet soil sample placed in container and expulsion of pore water is not permitted in both stages. A
weighed W2 = 58gm. cylindrical soil specimen is subjected to three compressive
The weight of dry soil with container W3 = 53gm. stresses in mutually perpendicular directions and one of these
Now, we know that water content i.e., three stresses being increased until specimen fails in shear.
Initially, a confining pressure (σ3) is applied through water
w = Ww/Ws = (W2-W3) / (W3-W1) w = (58-53)/(53-15) around the specimen in an impermeable membrane. The
w = 13.15%. vertical stress becomes major principal stress (σ1) while the
confining pressure σ3 acts in other two principal directions. The
Determination of Liquid Limit: intermediate principal and minor principal stresses are equal to
It is defined as minimum water content at which soil has each other.
tendency to flow. At liquid limit, soil passes from plastic stage
of consistency to liquid stage of consistency and vice-versa. All 4. Results and Discussion
soils at liquid limit pose some negligible shear strength of 2.7 In our project various tests are conducted on soil sample like-
kN/m2. Soil having higher value of liquid limit passes high Water content, liquid limit, Plastic limit, Specific Gravity
compressive volume change is also more. Triaxial shear test. The test result values are as,
From the graph we obtained the liquid limit (WL)
corresponding to 25 number of blows i.e., WL = 58%. Table 1
Determination of Plastic Limit: Test results
Sr. No. Tests on soil sample Results
It is defined as minimum water content at which soil is in 1. Water Content Test 13.15%.
plastic stage of consistency or behaves as plastic material. At 2. Liquid Limit Test 58%
plastic limit, soil passes from plastic stage of consistency to 3. Plastic Limit Test 35%
semi – solid stage of consistency and vice-versa. For 4. Specific Gravity Test 2.67

Table 2
UU- triaxial test results
S. No. Sample Specification Cohesion (C) Friction angle (Ø) % Increase in shear strength
1. Sample without Plastic 0.80 5.10 ---------
2. Sample with 1% waste Plastic 0.85 5.30 6.52%
3. Sample With 2% waste Plastic 0.91 5.80 15.18%
4. Sample With 3% waste Plastic 1.03 50 25.38%
A. Patel et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 5, NO. 5, MAY 2022 232

After the investigation of UU-triaxial test we get the results • We can make our environment pollution free by using waste
as shown in table 2. plastics as a stabilizer.
• This new technique of soil stabilization is effectively wanted
5. Conclusion to meet the challenges of society and it will considerably
• From the results obtained by experimental study it was enhance the properties of soil utilized in construction of road
observed that addition of waste plastic increases the value infrastructure, foundation, stabilization of hill, pavement
of cohesion (C) and also increases the friction angle & sub grade and alternative totally different fields as per the
hence, shear strength also increased. requirements and adaptability.
• But if we added maximum amount of plastics then MDD
and internal friction angle reduced. References
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plastic strips”, IRJET, May 2018.
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• With the addition of 3% plastics cohesion in increased by [3] Sharan Veer Singh, Mahabir Dixit “Stabilization of Soil by Using Waste
Plastic Material: A Review”, International Journal of Innovative Research
28.75% & shear strength increased by 25.38%. in Science, Engineering & Technology, vol. 6, no. 2, February 2017.
• Shear strength parameters can be determined by DST [4] Kiran Kumar Patil, Shruti Neeralagi, “Soil Stabilization Using Plastic
(Direct Shear Test) also. Waste”, International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering &
Science, vol. 5, no. 7, July 2017.
• In our project we mainly focused on the performance of [5] A. K. Choudhary, J. N. Jha and K. S. Gill “A Study on Behaviour of Waste
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[6] IS: 2720 (part-11)
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