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Approval of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.

Prof. Dr. Canan ÖZGEN


I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of
Master of Science.

Prof. Dr. İsmet ERKMEN

Head of Department

This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully
adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science.

Prof. Dr. Yıldırım ÜÇTUĞ


Examining Committee Members

Prof. Dr. Muammer ERMİŞ (METU, EEE)

Prof. Dr. Yıldırım ÜÇTUĞ (METU,EEE)

Prof. Dr. H. Bülent ERTAN (METU,EEE)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet M. HAVA (METU,EEE)


I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and
presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare
that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced
all material and results that are not original to this work.

Name, Last name : TEOMAN ÜNAL

Signature :




Ünal, Teoman
M.S., Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Üçtuğ

December 2006, 227 pages

In this thesis an educational test bench for studying the power quality attributes of
the commonly used single-phase full-bridge diode rectifiers with power factor
correction (PFC) circuits is designed and tested. This thesis covers the active and
passive power factor correction methods for single-phase bridge rectifier. Passive
filtering approach with dc side inductor and tuned filter along with active filtering
approach via single-switch boost converter is considered. Analysis, simulation, and
design of a single phase rectifier and PFC circuits is followed by hardware
implementation and tests. In the active PFC approach, various control methods is
applied and compared. The educational bench is aimed to useful for undergraduate
and graduate power electronics course, power quality related laboratory studies.

Keywords: Power Factor Correction, passive filter methods, active PFC control




Ünal, Teoman
Yüksek Lisans, Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü
Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Üçtuğ

Aralık 2006, 227 sayfa

Bu tezde, yaygın olarak kullanılan güç katsayısı düzeltmeli tek faz tam köprü diyotlu
doğrultucuların güç kalitesi özelliklerini incelemek için eğitim test seti tasarlanmış
ve gerekli test düzenekleri geliştirilmiştir. Eğitim amaçlı olarak da kullanılabilecek
bu sistem tek fazlı diyotlu doğrultucular için aktif ve pasif çözümleri içermektedir.
Pasif çözümler olarak DC tarafa yerleştirilen endüktans filtre ile tuzak filtre
yöntemleri incelenmiş ve kullanılmıştır. Aktif yöntem olarak tek anahtarlı gerilim
yükseltici dönüştürücü devresi kullanılmıştır. Yapılan bütün uygulamalar için teorik
ve bilgisayar benzeşimine dayanan analizler, donanımsal olarak gerçekleştirilmiş ve
üzerinde ölçümler alınabilecek seviyeye getirilmiştir. Aktif güç katsayısı düzeltici
devresinde çeşitli denetim yöntemleri uygulanmış ve karşılaştırılmıştır. Geliştirilen
eğitim seti lisans ve lisansüstü güç elektroniği derslerinde güç kalitesi ile ilgili
inceleme uygulamalarında kullanılabilir niteliktedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Güç katsayısı düzenleme, pasif filtre uygulamaları, aktif PFC
kontrol yöntemleri.

To My Parents
who always support me in all aspects of my life


I would like to express my sincerest thanks to Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Üçtuğ for his
guidance, support and encouragements throughout the preparation of this thesis.

I would also like to thank Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hava for his suggestions and

I express my deepest gratitude to my parents, my father Halis, my mother Refika, my

brother Çağlar and all my family members for their encouragements throughout my
education life. Their love, care and encouragement has given me a great inner
strength to success. This work is dedicated to them.

I would also like to thank YILDIRIM ELEKTRONIK TIC.SAN. LTD. STI,

especially to Mr. Süleyman Alkan for their supports during my study period.

I am grateful to my friends in Middle East Technical University for all the support
they gave me throughout my study.


PLAGIARISM ................................................................................................................ iii

ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................... iv
ÖZ .................................................................................................................................... v
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................... vii
OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... xii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................ xvi
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Definitions........................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Harmonics and Effects on the Mains .................................................................. 7
1.4 Harmonic Current Emission Standards............................................................... 8
1.5 Power Factor Correction Methods .................................................................... 17
1.5.1 PFC Design Criteria .................................................................................. 18
1.5.2 Passive Approach ...................................................................................... 19
1.5.3 Active PFC ................................................................................................ 20 Active Two-Stage Approach..................................................... 22 Active Single-Stage Approach................................................... 24
1.5.4 Comparison of PFC Solutions .................................................................. 25
1.6 Objective and Organization .............................................................................. 27
2. PASSIVE POWER FACTOR CORRECTION ......................................................... 28
2.1 Single Phase Full-Wave Rectifier ...................................................................... 28
2.2 Passive Power Factor Correction Methods ........................................................ 35
2.2.1 LC Filter Method ...................................................................................... 35
2.2.1.a Experimental Implementation of LC Filter Method................... 46
2.2.2 Series Connected Parallel Resonant Filter ................................................ 56
2.2.2.a Experimental Evaluation of 3rd Harmonic Filter................... …58

2.2.3 Variable Inductance LC Filter Method ..................................................... 60
2.2.3.a Saturated Core Inductors ............................................................ 62
2.2.3.b Step-Gap Variable Inductor ....................................................... 65
2.2.3.c Sloped Air-Gap Inductor ............................................................ 67
2.2.3.d Design of Sloped Gap Inductance.............................................. 70
2.2.3.e Experimental Evaluation of SAG LC Filter Method ................. 73
2.3 Limitations of Passive PFC Circuits .................................................................. 76
3. AVERAGE CURRENT CONTROL OF PFC .......................................................... 77
3.1 Description of Average Current Mode Control of PFC ..................................... 77
3.2 Power Balance Analysis of the PFC Circuit ...................................................... 79
3.3 Input Voltage Feed-Forward .............................................................................. 83
3.4 Control Loop Design.......................................................................................... 89
3.4.1 Current Loop Design................................................................................ 90
3.4.2 Voltage Loop Design ............................................................................... 96
3.5 Simulation of Average Current Controlled PFC................................................ 98
3.6 Hardware Implementation of Average Current Control PFC .......................... 105
3.6.1 Functional Description of the Power Circuit ......................................... 105
3.6.2 Functional Description of the Control Circuit ....................................... 106
3.7 Design of the Average Current Controlled PFC .............................................. 108
3.8 Experimental Results ....................................................................................... 118
3.9 Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 124
4. CRITICAL CONDUCTION MODE CONTROL OF PFC ..................................... 125
4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 125
4.2 Operation of Critical Conduction Mode .......................................................... 126
4.3 Analysis of Switching Characteristics ............................................................. 129
4.4 Simulation of Boundary Conduction Mode PFC ............................................. 133
4.5 Hardware Implementation of Boundary Conduction Mode PFC .................... 137
4.5.1 Functional Description of the Power Circuit .......................................... 138
4.5.2 Functional Description of the Control Circuit ........................................ 138
4.6 Design of the Boundary Conduction Mode PFC ............................................. 140
4.7 Experimental Results ...................................................................................... 148
4.8 Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 153

5.ONE CYCLE CONTROL OF PFC .......................................................................... 154
5.1Introduction ....................................................................................................... 154
5.2 Operation of One Cycle Control ...................................................................... 155
5.3 Simulation of One Cycle Control of PFC ........................................................ 158
5.4. Hardware Implementation of One Cycle Control PFC Converter .................. 162
5.4.1 Functional Description of the Power Circuit .......................................... 163
5.4.2 Functional Description of the Control Circuit ........................................ 163
5.5 Design of the One Cycle Control PFC Converter............................................. 165
5.6 Experimental Results ........................................................................................ 174
5.7 Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 176
6.EXPERIMENTS ON POWER FACTOR CORRECTION ...................................... 177
6.1Objective ........................................................................................................... 177
6.2 Background Information .................................................................................. 178
6.3 Components of the Experimental System ........................................................ 185
6.3.1 Isolated AC Power Supply ...................................................................... 185
6.3.2 Passive Power Factor Correction System ............................................... 187
6.3.3 Active Power Factor Correction System................................................. 188
6.4 Required Measurement Equipment.................................................................. 192
6.5 Safety ............................................................................................................... 193
6.6 Experiment 1 – Single-Phase Rectifier with Capacitive Fitler ........................ 194
6.6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 194
6.6.2 Demonstrations Circuits......................................................................... 194
6.6.3 Procedure................................................................................................ 194
6.6.4 Study Questions ..................................................................................... 197
6.7 Experiment 2 – L Type Passive Fitler.............................................................. 198
6.7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 198
6.7.2 Procedure................................................................................................. 199
6.7.3 Study Questions ...................................................................................... 205
6.8 Experiment 3– Series Connected Parallel Resonant Filter ............................. 206
6.8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 206
6.8.2 Procedure................................................................................................. 206
6.8.3 Study Questions ...................................................................................... 206

6.9 Experiment 4– Variable Inductance (SAG Inductor) Method ......................... 210
6.9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 210
6.9.2 Procedure................................................................................................. 210
6.9.3 Study Questions ...................................................................................... 212
6.10 Experiment 5– Active Power Factor Correction............................................ 213
6.10.1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 213
6.10.2 Procedure............................................................................................... 214
6.10.3 Study Questions .................................................................................... 218
7.CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER WORK........................................................... 219
REFERENCES............................................................................................................. 221
APPENDIX .................................................................................................................. 226



1.1 Single Phase Rectifier with Capacitive Smoothing ................................................. 2

1.2 Waveforms for Single Phase Rectifier with Capacitive Smoothing ........................ 2
1.3 Input Current Harmonics of Single Phase Rectifier with Capacitive Smoothing.... 3
1.4 Different Current and Voltage waveforms of Single Phase Rectifier ..................... 6
1.5 Equipment Classification Chart according to IEC 61000-3-2, A14
Standard .................................................................................................... 13
1.6 Envelope of the input current used to classify Class D equipment, as
defined in the first edition of IEC 61000 -3-2........................................... 14
1.7 Simple passive PFC circuit ................................................................................... 19
1.8 a) two-stage PFC b) single-stage PFC ................................................................... 22
1.9 Boost Type Active PFC ......................................................................................... 23
1.10 Waveforms without/with PFC a) Without PFC b) Passive PFC c)Active PFC.... 25
2.1 Typical single phase rectifier ................................................................................. 28
2.2 Current and Voltage Waveforms ........................................................................... 29
2.3 Current Harmonics ................................................................................................. 30
2.4.1 Input current and voltage waveforms for single phase rectifier.......................... 31
2.4.2 Input Current Harmonics .................................................................................... 32
2.5 Simulated input voltage and current waveforms with capacitive filter.................. 33
2.6 Simulated output voltage ripple with capacitive filter ........................................... 33
2.7 Current harmonics spectrum for Co=100uF .......................................................... 34
2.8 Current harmonics for Co=470uF .......................................................................... 34
2.9 Single Phase Rectifier with LC Filter ...................................................................... 36
2.10 Normalized single phase rectifier........................................................................... 37
2.11 Simulated waveform for Lo-N=0.01...................................................................... 39
2.12 Simulated waveform for Lo-N=0.043.................................................................... 40
2.13 Simulated waveform for Lo-N=0.09mH................................................................ 40
2.14 PF, DF and DP as function of L O − N .................................................................. 41

2.15 Normalized Class D harmonic limits and Normalized input current
harmonics versus normalized filter inductance LO − N .......................................... 43
2.16 Minumum required inductance to comply with En 61000- 3-2 Class D
harmonic limits ...................................................................................................... 44
2.17 Minumum required inductance to comply with En 61000- 3-2 Class A
harmonic limits .................................................................................................... 45
2.18 Simulated Input Current and Voltage Waveform for Class D-100W ................... 47
2.20 Measured Input voltage and Current for Class D-100W ....................................... 47
2.21 Harmonic Spectrum for Input Current For Class D – 100W ................................. 48
2.22 Simulated Input Current and Voltage Waveform for Class D – 200W ................. 49
2.23 Measured Input voltage and Current for Class D – 200W..................................... 50
2.24 Harmonic Spectrum for Input Current for Class D – 200W .................................. 50
2.25 Simulated Input Current and Voltage Waveform for Class A – 100W ................ 52
2.26 Measured Input Current Harmonics For Class A-100W........................................ 52
2.27 Harmonic Spectrum for Input Current for Class A – 100W .................................. 53
2.28 Simulated Input Current and Voltage Waveform for Class A – 200W ................. 54
2.29 Measured Input voltage and Current for Class A – 200W..................................... 54
2.30 Harmonic Spectrum for Input Current for Class A – 200W .................................. 55
2.31 Series Connected Parallel Resonant Filter ............................................................. 56
2.32 Input Current and Voltage Waveform for Series Connected Paralel Filter ........... 58
2.33 Measured current of series connected parallel resonant filter for 150W System .. 59
2.34 Input current harmonics for series connected parallel resonant filter .................... 59
2.35 Required minimum Inductance for Class D........................................................... 60
2.36 Relative Permeability versus magnetization force................................................. 62
2.37 Constant Air-Gap Inductor..................................................................................... 63
2.38 Constant gap Variable Inductor ............................................................................. 64
2.39 Swinging Inductor.................................................................................................. 65
2.40 Swinging inductance variations ............................................................................. 66
2.41 Sloped Air-Gap Inductance.................................................................................... 67
2.42 Inductance Variations of Sloped Air-Gap Inductor ............................................... 69
2.43 Inductance Variations of Sloped Air-Gap Inductor ............................................... 70
2.44 Construction of Sloped Air-Gap Inductor with EI Silicon Steel............................ 71

2.45 Detailed view of the Sloped Air-Gap.................................................................... 72
2.46 Magnetic Circuit of the Sloped Air-Gap Inductance ............................................ 72
2.47 Variable Inductance Model used in Simulations ................................................... 73
2.48 Simulation results for input voltage and current .................................................... 74
2.49 Experimental results for input voltage and current ................................................ 75
2.50 Input Current Harmonics for 200W Class-D Application ..................................... 75
3.1 Average current mode control of PFC ..................................................................... 78
3.2 Variation on the capacitor voltage. .......................................................................... 80
3.3 Multiplier based control. .......................................................................................... 81
3.4 Rectified line voltage and current for 120-Vac line voltage. ................................... 84
3.5 Multiplier inputs IAC and VAOUT at 120-Vac line voltage. ....................................... 84
3.6 Rectified line voltage and current for 240-Vac line voltage. ................................... 84
3.7 Multiplier inputs I AC and VAOUT at 240-Vac line voltage........................................ 85
3.8 Block diagram of the average current PFC with feed-forward. ............................... 86
3.9 First order input voltage feed-forward sensing scheme. .......................................... 87
3.10 Second order input voltage feed-forward sensing scheme..................................... 88
3.11 First order input voltage feed-forward sensing scheme. ........................................ 88
3.12 PFC control loops................................................................................................... 89
3.13 PFC current loop. ................................................................................................... 90
3.14 Laplace domain block-schema of the current loop. ............................................... 91
3.15 Linearized model of the PFC boost converter........................................................ 92
3.16 Magnitude and phase plots of the converter transfer function Gid(s)..................... 94
3.17 a) Circuit Diagram (b) Gain response of current compensator. ............................. 95
3.18 Compensated loop gain and phase plots of the inner current loop. ....................... 96
3.19 Voltage control loop............................................................................................... 96
3.20 Small signal model of outer loop. .......................................................................... 97
3.21 Simulation block diagram of average current mode PFC. ..................................... 99
3.22 S-Transfer function for the voltage and current controller used in simulation. ... 101
3.23 Line voltage and line current simulation waveforms for 220-V input voltage at
250-W PFC system ............................................................................................. 101
3.24 Output voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 220 V input voltage
at 250-W PFC system ........................................................................................ 102

3.25 Line voltage and line current simulation waveforms for 120 V input voltage at
250-W PFC system ............................................................................................ 103
3.26 Output voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 120V input voltage
at 250W PFC system........................................................................................... 103
3.27 Step response for output voltage and input current simulation waveforms for
220 V input voltage at half-load to full-load step ............................................... 104
3.28 Block diagram of the UCC3818 controller IC. .................................................... 107
3.29 Schematic diagram of the 250-W, average current controlled PFC..................... 110
3.30 Feed-forward circuit for the UCC3818 IC. .......................................................... 114
3.31 Output voltage compensator configuration.......................................................... 117
3.32 PCB layout of the average current mode PFC circuit. ......................................... 119
3.33 Input voltage and input current waveforms ........................................................ 119
3.34 Input current harmonic spectrum. ........................................................................ 120
3.35 Output voltage and input current waveform. ....................................................... 120
3.36 Input current distortions around zero crossings. .................................................. 121
3.37 Input voltage and input current waveforms. ........................................................ 121
3.38 Input current harmonic spectrum. ........................................................................ 122
3.39 Output voltage ripple waveform. ......................................................................... 122
3.40 Input current distortions around zero crossings. .................................................. 123
3.41 Start-up behavior of the input current and output voltage .................................. 123
4.1 Block diagram of a BCM boost converter. ............................................................ 126
4.2 Current waveforms during half of an AC line cycle. ............................................. 127
4.3 Switching sequences of PFC Stage. ....................................................................... 128
4.4 Inductor Current and Corresponding Gate Signals. ............................................... 129
4.5 Switching frequency over the AC line cycle.......................................................... 132
4.6 Block diagram of simulation circuit....................................................................... 133
4.7 Voltage controller s-transfer function and current controller equation block........ 135
4.8 Line voltage, reference inductor current and actual inductor current simulation
waveforms for 220 V input voltage at 150 W PFC............................................. 135
4.9 Line voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 220 V input voltage at
150 W PFC system ............................................................................................. 136

4.10 Output voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 220 V input voltage
at 150 W PFC system.......................................................................................... 136
4.11 Transient response for output voltage simulation waveforms for
220 V input voltage at start-up and half-load to full-load step. ......................... 137
4.12 Block diagram of the MC34262 controller IC. .................................................... 139
4.13 Schematic diagram of the 150W, critical current mode PFC............................... 142
4.14 Switching frequency for 220VAC line voltage for critical current mode PFC.... 144
4.15 Switching frequency for 120VAC line voltage for critical current mode PFC.... 145
4.16 Output voltage ripple............................................................................................ 146
4.17 Transconductance type amplifier configuration................................................... 147
4.18 PCB layout of the critical conduction mode PFC circuit..................................... 148
4.19 Input voltage and input current waveforms. ........................................................ 149
4.20 Input current harmonic spectrum. ........................................................................ 149
4.21 Output voltage and input current waveforms ...................................................... 150
4.22 Input current distortions around zero crossings. .................................................. 150
4.23 Input voltage and input current waveforms. ........................................................ 151
4.24 Input voltage and input current waveforms. ........................................................ 151
4.25 Output voltage and input current waveforms....................................................... 152
4.26 Input current distortions around zero crossings. .................................................. 152
4.27 Start-up behavior of the input current and output voltage ................................. 153
5.1 One cycle control of PFC....................................................................................... 155
5.2 Transconductance type error amplifier. ................................................................. 156
5.3 Resettable integrator characteristics....................................................................... 157
5.4 Block diagram of OCC. ........................................................................................ 157
5.5 PWM signal generation.......................................................................................... 158
5.6 Simulation circuit of one cycle control. ................................................................. 159
5.7 Simulation blocks a) Output voltage controller b) Resettable integrator............... 160
5.8 Input voltage and current simulation waveforms for 220Vac input voltage ......... 161
5.9 Input voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 150Vac input voltage 161
5.10 Input voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 150Vac input voltage162
5.11 Block diagram of IR1150 PFC controller. ........................................................... 164
5.12 Schematic of 250W PFC converter with IR1150................................................. 166

5.13 Switching frequency vs. programming resistor. .................................................. 168
5.13 Outer voltage loop................................................................................................ 170
5.14 Small signal model of outer loop. ........................................................................ 171
5.15 Voltage error amplifier......................................................................................... 173
5.16 PCB layout of one cycle control PFC converter. ................................................. 174
5.17 Input voltage and input current waveforms a) 220Vac ....................................... 175
5.18 Output voltage and input current waveforms ...................................................... 176
6.1 Single-phase diode rectifier with bulk capacitive filter. ........................................ 179
6.2 Waveforms for single-phase rectifier with capacitive smoothing.......................... 180
6.3 Input current harmonics for a single-phase rectifier with capacitive smoothing. .. 181
6.4 Simple passive PFC circuit. ................................................................................... 183
6.5 Boost type active PFC............................................................................................ 184
6.6 Experiment system for single-phase power factor correction................................ 185
6.7 Isolated, variable AC power supply. ...................................................................... 186
6.8 Passive power factor correction unit. ..................................................................... 187
6.9 Active power factor correction circuit. .................................................................. 189
6.10 Circuit layout........................................................................................................ 189
6.11 Schematic diagram of 250W average current control PFC.................................. 190
6.12 Single Phase diode rectifier test circuit................................................................ 195
6.13 a) Input voltage and Current waveforms b) Input current harmonics. ................ 196
6.14 Output voltage waveforms for different capacitance values................................ 197
6.15 Minimum required inductance to comply with EN 61000- 3-2 Class A limits. .. 198
6.16 Minimum required inductance to comply with EN 61000- 3-2 Class D limits. .. 199
6.17 Single phase diode rectifier with L filter test circuit............................................ 200
6.18 Input voltage and current waveforms for 100W Class A with 10mH filter ........ 201
6.19 Harmonic spectrums for input current for Class A – 100W. ............................... 201
6.20 Input voltage and current waveforms for 200W Class A with 10mH filter ........ 202
6.21 Harmonic spectrums for input current for Class A – 200W. ............................... 203
6.22 Measured input voltage and current for Class D a) 100W ................................. 204
6.23 Harmonic spectrums for input current for Class D – 100W. ............................... 204
6.24 Harmonic spectrums for input current for Class D – 200W. ............................... 205
6.25 Single phase diode rectifier with 3rd harmonic filter test circuit.......................... 207

6.26 Current of 3rd harmonic filter for 150W system .................................................. 208
6.27 Harmonic spectrums for input current for 150W 3rd harmonic filtered rectifier. 208
6.28 Single phase diode rectifier with variable inductance filter test circuit. .............. 211
6.29 Experimental results for input voltage and current. ............................................. 212
6.30 Input current harmonics for 200W Class-D SAG application. ........................... 212
6.31 Block diagram of average current mode PFC. .................................................... 213
6.32 Connection diagram for active PFC experiments. .............................................. 214
6.33 a) Input current and voltage waveforms (b) Input current harmonics. ................ 215
6.34 Output voltage ripple for 220 V AC input voltage. ............................................. 215
6.35 Power Factor vs. Line/Load. ................................................................................ 216
6.36 Start-up behavior of the input current and output voltage. ................................. 217
6.37 Measurement method of switching characteristics. ............................................. 218



1.1. Class A absolute maximum harmonic limit ............................................................ 10

1.2. Class B absolute maximum harmonic limits........................................................... 10
1.3. Class C absolute maximum harmonic limits........................................................... 11
1.4. Class D absolute maximum harmonic limits .......................................................... 11
1.5. IEC 61000-3-2 changes........................................................................................... 16
1.6. Comparison of three solutions ................................................................................ 26
2.1. Experimental parameters of 200W rectifier............................................................ 30
2.2. Experimental results for 200W rectifier.................................................................. 31
2.3. Class D absolute maximum harmonic limits .......................................................... 42
2.4. Class A absolute maximum harmonic limits .......................................................... 44
2.5. Parameters for 100W-Class D application ............................................................. 46
2.6. Measured data for 100W Class-D application ........................................................ 48
2.7. Circuit parameters for 200W-Class D Application................................................. 49
2.8 Measured result for 200W Class-D application ....................................................... 50
2.9 Parameters for 100W-Class A Application.............................................................. 51
2.10 Measured results for 100W-Class A application ................................................... 53
2.11 Parameters for 200W-Class-A Application ........................................................... 53
2.12 Measured results for 200W-Class A application ................................................... 55
2.13. Simulation parameters of series connected parallel resonant filter....................... 58
2.14. Measured data for 150W series connected parallel resonant filter ....................... 60
2.15. Simulation parameters of Variable Inductance LC Filter Method........................ 73
2.16 Parameters of sloped air-gap inductance.............................................................. 74
2.17. Measured data for the variable inductance filter for the single phase
Rectifier................................................................................................................. 76
3.1 Simulation parameters of average current mode PFC ........................................... 100
3.2 Design parameters of 250W average current PFC................................................. 108

4.1 Simulation parameters of critical conduction mode PFC ...................................... 134
4.2 Design parameters of current conduction PFC ...................................................... 141
5.1 Simulation parameters of active PFC..................................................................... 159
5.2 Design parameters of active PFC........................................................................... 165
5.3 Comparison of control topologies.......................................................................... 176
6.1 Classification of electronic equipments by EN 61000-3-2 harmonic Standard..... 182
6.2 Maximum harmonic limits for each class type defined by EN 61000-3-2 ............ 182
6.3 Bill of materials...................................................................................................... 191
6.4 Single-phase diode rectifier experiment parameters. ............................................. 195
6.5 Measurement results for single-phase diode rectifier experiment ......................... 196
6.6 Experiment parameters for 100W L filter application - Class A .......................... 200
6.7 Measurement results for 100W single-phase diode rectifier L filter experiment .. 201
6.8 Measurement results for 200W single-phase diode rectifier L filter experiment .. 202
6.9 Experiment parameters for L filter application - Class D .................................... 203
6.10 Experiment parameters for 3rd harmonic filter .................................................... 206
6.11 Measurement results for 150W single-phase diode rectifier 3rd harmonic filter
experiment........................................................................................................ 207
6.12 Experiment parameters for variable inductance filter application ....................... 210
6.13 Measurement results for single-phase diode rectifier SAG filter experiment..... 211
6.14 Measured PF for different input voltage level ..................................................... 216
8.1.List of Commercially Available PFC Controllers.................................................. 226



1.1 Background

The usage of electronic equipments is increasing rapidly in the daily life as consumer
or industrial needs. All these electronic equipments have power supplies that obtain
required energy from utility grid. These electronic systems generally use one or more
switch mode power supplies that draw a non-sinusoidal current. This causes current
and voltage distortions that effect other equipments connected to the same power grid,
thus, lowering the capability of the power source. In order to overcome these
problems, new standards have been developed for limiting the harmonic content of the
input current. Manufacturers should find solutions for meeting these standards`

Most of power supplies consist of AC\DC converter stages based on diode or thyristor
rectifier circuits. Conventionally, this stage consists of a diode rectifier with an output
capacitor. These rectifier circuits constitute a major cause of mains harmonic
distortion. Line-frequency diode rectifiers convert AC voltage into DC output voltage
in an uncontrolled way. For low power applications (such as PCs, TVs, home
appliances, etc…) single-phase diode rectifiers are chosen owing to low cost and
simple structure. For high power applications (such as industrial equipments and
motor drives) three-phase diode or thyristor rectifiers are used.

A typical offline switch mode power supply contains full-wave bridge rectifier with a
large smoothing capacitor. This combination is one of the easiest and lowest cost

solutions for AC-DC conversion. This input rectifier with capacitive filter draws non-
sinusoidal input current from utility. The pulsating current waveform is rich of
harmonics [6], [7], [8]. A typical single-phase rectifier with capacitive smoothing and its
output voltage and input current waveforms are shown in Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.1 Single-phase rectifier with capacitive smoothing.

Figure 1.2 Waveforms for single-phase rectifier with capacitive smoothing.

This AC-DC peak detector circuit has some disadvantages. Mainly the input current
has higher harmonic content (with an especially dominant third harmonic) and a low
power factor due to distorted current waveform. A general harmonic content and THD
of single-phase diode bridge rectifier is given below in Figure 1.3. This type of
rectifier has some disadvantages such as creating harmonics and EMI, causing high
power losses due to higher rms current, requiring over rated components and reducing
power line capability.

Figure 1.3 Input current harmonics of single-phase rectifier with capacitive


This behavior of this circuit has negative effects on the utility line and on the PCC
such as deterioration of the line voltage, unbalanced currents on star windings; power
loses over line impedances, overheating and EMC problems. In the general usage,
different load groups are supplied by different phases. If one of the phases is loaded
with nonlinear loads, unbalanced currents flow through the neutral line of star
configuration. These unbalanced currents cause heating and power loss in the
conductors and voltage distortion and EMC problems occur. Moreover the harmonic
content of this pulsating current causes additional losses and dielectric stresses in
capacitors and cables, increasing currents in windings of rotating machinery and
transformers and noise emissions in many products, and bringing about early failure

of fuses and other safety components. Harmonics can affect other devices that are
connected to the same system.

In order to reduce these harmonic polluting effects, international standards such as

IEC 61000-3-2 have been developed for limiting harmonic currents. The
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) sets limits for harmonics in the
current of small single-phase or three-phase loads, less than 16 A per phase, in
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic
current emissions (IEC 61000-3-2) [1]. The circuit classifications and harmonic
limits are given in this standard. The power supply manufacturers use different
solutions for complying with the specifications. The techniques for reduction of
current harmonics are called Power Factor Correction (PFC) solutions. The aim of
PFC is providing a resistive load behavior of all power supplies.

1.2 Definitions

Power factor shows how effectively energy is transmitted to load. It also represents a
measure of distortion of the line voltage and line current and phase shift between
them. PF has range between 0 and 1 and is defined as the ratio of the real power to
the apparent power.

Real Power (Average)

Power Factor (PF) = (1.1)
Apparent Power

The real power is defined as the product of the fundamental voltage and fundamental
current and the phase displacement between the two.

Preal = V1, rms ⋅ I1, rms ⋅ cos ϕ (1.2)

where V1,rms, I1,rms are the rms values of the fundamental line current and the
fundamental line voltage, respectively, and ϕ is the phase shift between line current
and line voltage.

The apparent power is the product of rms voltage and rms current.
Papp = Vrms ⋅ I rms (1.3)

In a linear load system, the power factor depends on phase difference between Vrms
and Irms. Then, the power factor can be expressed as.

Vrms ⋅ I rms ⋅ cos ϕ

PF = = cos ϕ (1.4)
Vrms ⋅ I rms

It is shown that in the case of both sinusoidal voltage and current waveform systems
with no phase difference between fundamental component of the current and voltage
achieve unity power factor. This situation appears in resistive load circuits.

In a nonlinear load system with distorted current waveform, the rms values of the
input current and the fundamental frequency component of the input current are not
the same. The various harmonic components of the current appear as distorted power
on the line. Then the power factor expression in the case of stable line voltage can be
written as.

PF = cos ϕ = kdistortion ⋅ kdisplacement (1.5)
I rms

Where k distortion = is the distortion factor and k displacement = cos ϕ is the
I rms
displacement factor. Distortion factor describes harmonic content of the current. It
shows the difference between fundamental component of the current and actual

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) shows the ratio of the rms value of the waveform
(not including the fundamental component) to the rms value of the fundamental

n =2
n ,rms

THD = (1.6)

Then distortion factor can be written by using THD definition in Eq. (1.6):

k distortion = (1.7)
1 + (THD ) 2

In Figure1.4, it can be seen that the different voltage and current waveforms result in
different PF and THD due to distortion factor and displacement factor.

Figure 1.4 Different current and voltage waveforms of single phase rectifier.

1.3 Harmonics and Their Effects on the Mains

Harmonics are the components of any waveform at multiple frequencies of the

fundamental component. For a 50-Hz system the harmonic components occur in
even and odd multiples of the mains frequency. Generally, non-linear loads draw
distorted currents with higher harmonic content that consists of fundamental
frequency component plus harmonic components.

Most electrical equipments are designed to operate under ideal sinusoidal

environment. In the case of a harmonically polluted system the power line loses its
ideal characteristic. The practical problems that may arise from excessive harmonic
levels are [4], [5]:

– Harmonic currents flowing in the supply network generate additional energy

losses and cause distortion of supply voltage.

– Higher frequency harmonic currents cause power losses (copper and iron
losses) which result in an increase in the heating of elements. Equipment
ratings must take the presence of harmonics into account. The higher rated
neutral conductor is required to carry the added high frequency currents.

– Distorted waveforms result in poor power factor.

– Interference to equipment which is sensitive to voltage waveform

– Damage to power factor correction capacitors. Malfunction of ripple control

and other mains signaling systems, protective relays and, possibly, in other
control systems. Additional losses in capacitors and rotating machines.
Additional acoustic noise from motors and other apparatus, reducing the
efficiency of motors.

The diode bridge input circuit in a single-phase AC drive is the same as used in a
very wide range of electronic equipment such as personal computers and domestic
appliances. All of these cause similar current harmonics. Their effect is cumulative if
they are all connected to the same low voltage (e.g. 230V) supply system. This
means that to estimate the total harmonic current in an installation of single-phase
units, the harmonics have to be added directly.

The power system is designed for predefined current values and all components
belonging to this system have standard ratings and protection elements. Low power
factor devices that draw higher current from the mains reduce the efficient power
supplied by the mains. This means that low power nonlinear loads are reflected to
the mains side with higher power ratings. Since the power line system is designed for
fixed values, available power at the load side is decreased because of low power
factor loads.

Harmonic currents in the AC distribution network require higher current carrying

capacity that results in extra cost and power losses. This increasing capacity first
affects the device and then the electric utility. The wire sizes and ratings should be
increased. In residences and offices, energy meters cannot measure the reactive
power that affects dissipative circuit elements so the user is not directly penalized in
terms of utility costs for the reactive component of the power.

In ideal case the voltage at the utility side is assumed to be an ideal sinusoidal
waveform. But actually AC source has small source impedance. Highly distorted
current loads affect power line, resulting in distorting AC source voltage. The
movement of the source voltage towards to non sinusoidal waveform can affect other
equipments which are connected to the same power system.

1.4 Harmonic Current Emission Standards

The harmonic polluting effects of conventional AC rectification must be limited and

this is done in accordance with the standards of electricity utility network. To

maintain power system quality, compliance requirements for current harmonic
distortion are being enforced by national and international bodies [1], [2], [3].

The EN 61000-3-2 standard defines measurement requirements, ac power source

requirements and limits for testing the harmonic current emissions of electronic and
electrical equipment. The purpose of EN 61000-3-2 is limitation of harmonic
currents injected to the power system. After some changes, this standard applies to
any equipment with rated current up to 16 A RMS per phase for 50-Hz, 230-V
single-phase systems or 400-V three-phase mains network.

There are 4 different classes in the EN 61000-3-2 that have different limit values.
This classification is made according to:

- Number of pieces of equipment in use (how many are being used by consumers)
- Duration of use (number of hours in operation)
- Simultaneity of use (the same types of equipment used on the same time frame)
- Power consumption
- Harmonics spectrum, including phase (how clean or distorted is the current drawn
by the equipment)

There are no limits for:

- Equipment with input power P ≤ 75 W.

- Professional equipment with input power P > 1 kW.
- Symmetrical controlled heating elements with input power P ≤ 200 W.
- Independent dimming devices for light bulb
- Non-public networks.
- Medical equipment (see also 6.)
- Equipment for rated voltages less than 230 VAC (limit not yet been considered).

Equipment can be grouped into 4 classes based on the above criteria as evaluated by
the IEC committee members:

Class A: Balanced 3-phase equipment, and all other equipment, except those stated
in one of the following classes. Also all equipment does not fall into Class B, C, and
D. The maximum odd and even harmonics limits are given in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Class A absolute maximum harmonic limits

Class B: Portable tools, arc welding equipment that is not professional equipment.
Harmonic current limits are absolute maximum values and are approximately 1.5
times Class A limits. The limits are given in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Class B absolute maximum harmonic limits

Class C: Lighting equipment containing dimmers and gas discharge lamps. There are
limits on the second harmonic and also all odd harmonics. The limits are expressed
in terms of a percentage of the fundamental current.

Table 1.3 Class C absolute maximum harmonic limits

Class D: PC, PC monitors, radio or TV receivers. Input power P ≤ 600 W.

Table 1.4 Class D absolute maximum harmonic limits

Class D limits are very strict to meet as seen in Table 1.4. These limits depend on the
equipments’ power rating and apply to equipments that are connected to the utility
network for a significant part of its life cycle, resulting in great impact on the power
supply network. PCs and TVs are examples of such equipment. The current limits for

class D are expressed in terms of mA per Watt of the power consumed. Low-power
equipment has very low absolute limits of harmonic current.

All rectifier based power supplies that are directly connected to the mains are
generally classified as Class A or Class D. Such converters that have highly distorted
current waveform and used more frequently are classified as in Class D. The lower
distorted converters fall into Class A. In the power level less than 600 W, Class A
has advantages of having higher harmonic limit values (Table 1.1). So designing the
converter according to Class A limits is easier than Class D limits (Table 1.4).

Figure 1.5 Equipment classification chart according to IEC61000-3-2, A14 standard.

The harmonic standards have witnessed some changes during the last decade. At
first, The International Electrotechnical Committee- IEC developed the standard IEC
555-2 at 1982. This standard is adapted as European standard as EN 60555-2 at 1987
by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization - GENELEC.
Standard IEC 555-2 has been replaced by standard IEC 1000-3-2 in 1995 and this
standard is adapted as European standard EN 61000-3-2 by GENELEC.

The version of the standard EN 61000 -3-2 in 1995 has some different classification
aspects, especially on Class D equipments. Class D equipments were classified for
equipments having an active input power less than or equal to 600 W and a special
current waveform. An input current waveform – normalized to its peak value, Ipk –
which stays within the envelope shown in Figure 1.6 for at least 95% of the duration
of each half-period, assuming that the peak of the line current waveform coincides
with the center line.

Figure 1.6 Envelope of the input current used to classify Class D equipment, as
defined in the first edition of IEC 61000 -3-2.

The standard IEC/EN61000-3-2 has been changed in 2000 and in 2001 with
amendment A14. Now the amendment A14 is completely in force. These new
changes bring the following specifications:

- Class D is no longer defined by a 'special waveform', and applies now only to
television receivers and desktop computers. (Clearly, a switch-mode power supply
(SMPS) intended for use in a PC would need to take that into account). In the future,
other products may have to be added, but only after a full investigation.

- No limits for equipment using 75 W or less.

- Test configuration with expected maximum THC (Total Harmonic Current, no
worst-case search).
- Limits apply only to the power lines, not to the neutral.
- New average power measurement method for fluctuating loads.

Table 1.5 IEC 61000-3-2 changes

IEC61000-3-2:1995 IEC61000-3-2:2001 IEC61000-3-2:2005

CLASS D DEFINITION Special waveform envelope (75W TV, PC and Monitor (75W to 600W) TV, PC and Monitor (75 to 100W)
to 600W)
Steady and transitory Transitory only Transitory only Transitory only
16 cycles (320/267ms@50/60Hz) 200 ms (10/12 cycles@50/60 HZ) (16 200 ms (10/12 cycles@50/60 HZ)
METHODS cycles permitted through 2004)

DATA MANIPULATION Transitory only All data must be smoothed using the All data must be smoothed using the
1.5s first order filter 1.5s first order filter
PASS/FAIL FOR Every window result <150% of Every window result <150% of limit Every window result <150% of
limit of test time >100% permitted 10% of test time >100% permitted limit 10% of test time >100%
No special provision No special provision <200 time of limit only IF >150%

for 10% of test time AND average

No special provision Provision for POHC calculation Provision for POHC calculation
permitting the average of some permitting the average of some
individual harmonics to >100% individual harmonics to >100%
Proportional to measured power Allows manufacturer o specify test Allows manufacturer o specify test
CLASS C&D LIMITS power or current level provided it is power or current level provided it is
(Class D) or current & PF ,Class C
within ±10% of the measured value within ±10% of the measured value

TEST/OBSERVATION Not specially defined but to find Specified to be significantly long Specified to be significantly long
PERİOD the max. harmonics emission enough to acquire ±5% repeatability. enough to acquire ±5%
If to long select the 2.5 min. max. repeatability.
Specified to some products Detailed test procedure for certain Detailed test procedure for certain
product categories product categories. Amended
procedure for testing TV from 2001.
1.5 Power Factor Correction Methods

The need for Power Factor Correction brings a lot of new PFC methods and
applications. The most important issue is finding optimum PFC solution according to
needed application. There are several survey papers in order to help to find the best
solution for power factor correction [9], [10], [11], [12], [13]. The Power Factor
Correction methods can be classified according to following specifications:

• System level classification (passive, active)

• Number of stages (single stage, two stage)
• Circuit based classification (isolated, non isolated)
• Type of power stages (buck, boost, fly back etc…)
• Waveform based classification (sinusoidal, non-sinusoidal)
• Control methods (current mode, voltage mode)
• The other aspects (power level, cost, complexity, etc…)

Generally, two PFC approaches are commonly used in current power supply
products with high power features, i.e., passive approach and active PFC approach.
Each one has its merits and limitations and applicable field.

Passive PFC approaches are used in low-power, low-cost applications. Generally, in

this approach, an L-C filter is inserted between the AC mains line and the input port
of the diode rectifier of ac-to-dc converter. Passive PFC method is simple and low
cost but has bulky size and heavy weight and low power factor.

Active solutions are used at high power levels with high PF and low harmonic
distortion. We can classify active PFC methods as two stage and single stage by
considering number of conversion stages. The most commonly used active approach
is the two-stage approach with higher quality. Generally two-stage PFC systems
consist of a pre-regulator cascaded with a dc/dc converter. In the first stage, generally
called as pre-regulator, a non-isolated boost converter has the role of power factor
correction. This front end PFC stage converter generally operates for low harmonic

input current and intermediate dc bus voltage. The second stage operates for required
dc voltage level with higher bandwidth. The second stage generally has isolation.
The two-stage systems have higher quality with higher PF and low harmonic
distortion. However, the two-stage approach causes an increase in the total system
cost and manufacturing complexity. Especially in low-power applications, two-stage
solutions have higher cost. For reducing system cost and component count, single-
stage solutions have been introduced. In the single-stage systems, PFC, isolation and
dc voltage regulation are performed in one stage with lower component number.

1.5.1 PFC Design Criteria

Selection of the best PFC method is very important according to application. The
following factors are the main selection criteria for a PFC application for selecting
right configurations and specifications:

1. What standards and class of equipment needs will the system be required to
2. Required PF, THD, and the other factors
3. Output power level
4. Power flow (unidirectional, bidirectional)
5. Required DC voltage level
6. Input voltage range
7. Isolated or non-isolated
8. Type of load
9. Size and Weight
10. Efficiency
11. Dynamic characteristics such as holding time, ripples, transient, regulation,
12. Environmental effects (temperature, duration, pollution, humidity)
13. Noise level (EMC, EMI, RFI, etc…)
14. Cost

The designer should consider the factors above while designing a PFC circuit with
high quality. The right way is finding the best cost-performance solution depending
on the application.

1.5.2 Passive Approach

In the passive PFC approaches, passive elements are used to improve the power
quality of the power circuit. Passive elements like inductors and capacitors are placed
at the inputs or outputs of the diode bridge rectifier in order to improve current
waveform. Generally, output voltage is not controlled. Passive PFC systems are
dependent on the power system and has low power factor. Generally, line frequency
LC filters are used as a passive solution. The simple passive filter with LC
components is shown in Figure 1.7. The passive components improve current
conduction angle and reduce THD of the input current. Line frequency inductance
can be placed either on the dc or ac side of the rectifier. Due to its simplicity, the
passive LC filter could be a high-efficiency and low-cost PFC solution in order to
meet the IEC 61000-3-2 specifications. Passive power factor correction method
meets Class-A/D equipment specifications up to 300 W, at a much lower cost than a
comparable switch mode power supply (SMPS) employing active PFC techniques.
The passive PFC technique is most suitable for applications with a narrow line
voltage range. However, it can be also employed in power supplies operating in the
universal line-voltage range (90 - 265 VAC).


Ls is

vs Vo

Figure 1.7 Simple passive PFC circuit.

The major advantages of the passive PFC technique are higher efficiency, low
complexity, and lower cost. The lower component count and absence of active
switches and control circuitry, translate into higher reliability and somewhat smaller
size. Also, when compared to active circuits, the losses of the passive filters are

However, the passive filters have heavy and bulky low frequency passive elements
like line frequency inductance. The other disadvantage of the passive filters is the
unregulated varying dc bus voltage that becomes the input to the dc/dc converter.
This varying input voltage has effects on the efficiency of the dc/dc converter. The
power factor of passive PFC circuits is around 0.60 - 0.70 and, needs arrangement of
component ratings when operated under universal line voltage conditions. Generally
a large DC bus capacitance is needed in the output of the rectifier for better hold-up
time and low ripple output voltage. Meeting the Class-A harmonic requirements can
be easily done by passive filters for low-power applications but class-D applications
require passive filters of a bigger size. This bigger size brings higher cost and
physically higher dimensions.

1.5.3 Active PFC

Active power factor correction techniques are used for high quality rectifiers. Active
PFC circuits shape the input current into a sinusoidal form in phase with line voltage.
Besides they provide a regulated dc output voltage. These circuits have resistor
behaviors at the line side of the converter. Generally power factor of active PFC
circuits is close to unity with lower input current THD around 3 %. Active PFC
circuits have small size but these systems have higher manufacturing cost and
complexity. A DC-DC converter operates as an active shaper in the range of 10 kHz
to hundreds of kHz. Active switches are used in conjunction with reactive elements
in order to increase the effectiveness of the line current shaping and to obtain
controllable output voltage. Higher operation frequency provides smaller size of
reactive components such as inductors.

Traditionally, the implementation of power factor correction circuits has been
accomplished by using analog controllers. Active PFC can achieve high power factor
controlled by analog circuits using several methods. Various analog PFC ICs are
available in the electronic markets, which are manufactured by TI/Unitrode,
Fairchild, Onsemi and others manufacturers. Complete list of the available PFC ICs
and the specifications will be given in the appendix. Analog control is simple and
low cost. Continuous operation and higher operating dynamics make the analog
control suitable. But analog control has higher element count. Analog control
methods are also application dependent. It is hard to adopt a new operating condition
when a change is needed. The system should be redesigned from scratch. Recently,
power supplies are implemented by digital controllers. Recent developments in
digital control techniques and low cost digital control ICs make digital control
optimum for power supply applications. It is not easy to maintain the available
control methods with digital controllers, because these control methods require high-
speed calculations and high-speed analog to digital conversions. The operating
frequency and the speed of the digital control devices are limited. New control
strategies have been developed suitable for digital operations. Digital systems need
lower component count then analog systems, so size of the digital implementations
are smaller. Digital systems are flexible and can be operated under different
conditions by software based control strategies.

The single-phase active PFC techniques can be divided into two categories: the two-
stage approach and the single-stage approach shown in Figure1.8.

iac ( t )
v0(t )


iac (t )
v0(t )


Figure 1.8 a) Two-stage PFC b) Single-stage PFC. Active Two-Stage Approach

The most popular scheme for power factor corrected AC-DC power supplies is the
two-stage approach. In this approach, two converters share power factor correction
and dc voltage regulation roles. The front-end converter operates as power factor
corrector while shaping line current, therefore achieving unity input power factor.
The PFC front-end stage operates as dc-dc converter with regulating output voltage
and provides isolation if needed. Both converters are controlled separately.
Independent PFC controller provides sinusoidal input current with intermediate
regulated output voltage. Second DC-DC controller provides tight regulated output
voltage with high bandwidth.

The first PFC stage can be a boost, buck/boost or fly back or can assume any other
power converter topology. Generally, the boost type topology shown in Figure 1.9 is
so far the most popular configuration. It provides input-current shaping with low-
bandwidth control. With the boost-type topology, the system has some advantages
such as:
• The inductor current and the input current have the same waveform so it is
easy to apply current mode control over boost inductor.
• The system has lower EMI with the help of series boost inductor with the ac
line. Input current can be continuous or discontinuous.
• The switching element such as MOSFET or IGBT is parallel to the power
line. The system has better efficiency and low noise. But it requires extra
protection to input- output short circuit and start-up spikes.

Lboost D1

Ls is
vs S1 Co Vo

Figure 1.9 Boost type active PFC.

The boost-type PFC can be operated in continuous-conduction-mode (CCM),

discontinuous-conduction-mode (DCM), variable-frequency critical (boundary)
conduction mode. There are several control methods for high power and low current
THD. This thesis is concerned with the control methods of boost type active PFC
which are implemented experimentally. Popular control methods are explained and
the results are given by computer simulations and experimentally.

In summary, the active two-stage PFC converter has good input power factor and can
be used in wide ranges of input voltage and output power. However, the two-stage
approach suffers from an increased circuit complexity since it requires two switches
and two controllers with associated circuitry. It is very undesirable for low-power
supplies used in consumer electronic products. In the high power applications, the
two-stage system seems the best solution. Active Single-Stage Approach

If the aim for designing PFC solution for an available AC-DC converter is only
meeting the harmonic standards with lower harmonic quality and lower
manufacturing cost, the single-stage systems are suitable methods for power factor
correction. In the single-stage approach, PFC and dc voltage regulation are made by
one controller. Most single-stage topologies combine the input current shaping with
the dc/dc down-conversion in a single stage. Single-stage solution with single switch
seems to be the right solution at lower power levels (< 200 W), because reduced
component count and cost of the PFC stage provide a cheaper solution than two-
stage systems. The only controller is the DC/DC controller, which focuses on the
tight regulation of the output voltage. The input power factor of a single-stage
converter is not unity, but its input current harmonics are small enough to meet the
specifications, such as the IEC 61000-3-2 class D. Generally, the active single-stage
approach offers a performance (THD and PF) which is better than the corresponding
performance of the passive solution, but not as good as that of the active two-stage
approach. The primary advantages of this approach are lower part count and cost
than two-stage PFC topologies. With these technologies, the PF is typically >0.75
and THD is typically <80%. The major deficiency of any single-stage circuit is that
the voltage of the internal energy-storage (bulk) capacitor varies with the line voltage
and load current. Because of all process is done by single controller, the system has
higher control complexity.

1.5.4 Comparison of PFC Solutions

The above mentioned three solutions for power factor correction have advantages
over the other according to application and usage. A summary of the three methods is
given below:

Passive harmonic line current reduction

- Simple and not complex circuit
- Large and bulky low frequency reactive elements
- Less costly than active PFC
- Redesign needed for wider operation range
- No sinusoidal input current

Active harmonic line current reduction

- High power factor (close to unity) and lower THD of line current
- Higher cost and component count
- Complex to control and design
- Increased noise such as EMI, RFI

In Figure 1.10, the input voltage and current waveforms are shown for three

a b c

Figure 1.10 Waveforms without/with PFC

a) Without PFC b) passive PFC c) active PFC.

According to the above evaluation, the designer can choose best solution for power
factor correction considering selection criteria, especially power level for single-
phase power conversion. If the output power is less than 200 W, single-stage PFC
and the passive PFC are valid options. Above 200 W, the conventional two-stage
PFC seems to be the best choice. If the purpose is to obtain a sinusoidal line current,
the classical two-stage approach is the best option mainly if universal line voltage
operation is required. Passive solutions are adequate in low power for simplicity.
Single-stage solutions are a good option to meet the low frequency harmonic
regulations in low power applications with low cost [9]. A comparison chart is given
in Table 1.6.

Table 1.6 Comparison table of three solutions

THD High Low Medium
POWER FACTOR Low High Medium
EFFICIENCY High Medium Low
SIZE Medium Large Small
WEIGHT Very High Low Low
Varies Constant Varies
CONTROL Simple Complex Simple
Very low High Medium
POWER RANGE < 200-300W Any < 200-300W
Low Medium High

1.6 Objective and Organization

The aim of this thesis is to design an educational test bench that shows power factor
correction basics. The test system will have modular structure with an easy-to-
implement PFC application on it. The system consists of required power supplies and
load groups, measurement devices, passive solutions and active solutions. Popular
solutions will be implemented by the laboratory experiments.

First, the single-phase bridge rectifier will be analyzed and the available solutions
will be discussed. Passive filter methods are the easiest way to lower the current
harmonics but they are bulky and oversized. The active solutions have the best
performance in the power factor correction area but it is more complex to design
them. Also manufacturing cost is higher than passive solution. One of the aims of
this thesis is to show different solution methods. In fact, it will be shown that, the
selection of the solution is application dependent.

This thesis is organized in seven chapters. The current (first) chapter covers the
basics of the power factor correction, harmonic current standards and general
solutions for power factor correction. The second chapter deals with popular passive
power factor correction methods. Different techniques will be analyzed and
theoretical and experimental results will be verified. Also, designing passive
solutions to comply with harmonic current standards will be discussed. Average
current mode controlled active PFC is the main subject of the third chapter. Average
current mode control with boost type converter will be implemented by using
UCC3818 IC. Borderline control is analyzed in chapter four. The circuit is
implemented by MC34262. The other active control technique, One Cycle Control, is
discussed in chapter five. The control methods utilized are selected according to their
usage, performance, and popularity. An experiment manual is prepared and verified
in chapter six to help the user to understand the basics of power factor correction by
the experiments carried out in the laboratory. Finally, conclusion chapter covers the
advantages and disadvantages of the power factor correction solutions analyzed in
the thesis.



2.1 Single Phase Full-Wave Rectifier

Generally, most of the AC-DC power supplies consist of a full bridge diode rectifier
as an input stage. A bulk capacitor is installed to the output of the rectifier to regulate
the output DC voltage. As mentioned in the previous chapter, the load of the rectifier
requires low ripple supply voltage. The large capacitor supplies low ripple DC
output voltage but this shortens considerably the input current’s conduction duration.
Short current conduction interval results in a narrow pulsed current waveform. This
current waveform is rich in harmonics that have negative effects on the main side of
the system as explained in Chapter 1.

A typical single-phase full bridge diode rectifier is shown in Figure 2.1 with supply
impedance and large output capacitor filter.

Figure 2.1 Typical single-phase rectifier.

The short conduction times for diode rectifier causes short current conduction
interval because the diodes conduct only when the input voltage is greater than the
output capacitor voltage. This period is short when the output capacitor is fully
charged. The general current and voltage waveforms for a single-phase rectifier with
large output capacitor are given in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 Current and voltage waveforms.

The short period, pulsed input current consists of higher amplitude odd harmonics.
Higher current harmonics mean higher harmonic distortion of the line current. In the
case of very large output capacitor, total harmonic distortion of the current is larger
than 100% and the power factor is around 0.5. Typical current harmonics are shown
in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 Current harmonics.

An experimental system for single-phase full bridge diode rectifier is set up and the
voltage and current waveforms are displayed. The output capacitor is large enough to
ensure a low-ripple output dc voltage and the load of the system is assumed to be a
constant-power DC load such as in a DC-DC converter. As shown in Figure 2.4,
input current has pulsed waveform with high peak values. It can be seen that, input
voltage has some distortions due to distortion in the line current (voltage drop in line
impedance). The line impedance can reduce the peak of the line current. If the AC-
DC converter is close to distribution network has lower impedance and diode
rectifier draws higher peak current. If the AC-DC converter is far from distribution
network has higher line impedance and diode rectifier draws lower peak current.
This means line voltage distortion is smaller.

The parameters of the 200-W single-phase rectifier system are given in Table 2.1.
The corresponding input current and voltage waveforms are shown in Figure 2.4.1

Table 2.1 Experimental parameters of 200-W rectifier

Output Capacitor 330 µF

Input Voltage (Vrms) 230 V
Output Power 200 W
R load 480 Ω
Figure 2.4.1 Input current and voltage waveforms for single-phase rectifier. (Scales:
100V/div, 5A/div)

The input current has higher odd line harmonics as shown Figure 2.4.2. The
harmonic content of the line current is above the limits predefined in the EN 61000-
3-2 harmonic standard. The designer or manufacturer should reduce the harmonic
contents by power factor correction methods.

Table 2.1 Experimental results for 200-W rectifier

Vin Iin Pin Vo Io Po THD I fund I 3th I 5th PF

226Vrms 1.47Arms 200W 302Vdc 0.6A 180W 85% 0.77A 0.7A 0.6A 0.52

Figure 2.4.2 Input current harmonics spectrum for 200W single-phase rectifier.

The output capacitor defines the shape and the amplitude of the input line current.
Large value of output capacitor provides low ripple output voltage, however input
current has small conduction period, because diode rectifier conducts only when
input voltage is higher than output capacitor voltage. In this condition, input current
has significant harmonics and system has lower power factor. Input current distortion
can be reduced by using a smaller output capacitor. With smaller capacitance filter,
output voltage increases and the current conduction interval widens. This method is
very easy to implement and cheaper than other solutions, but the load is directly
affected by increased output voltage ripple. In the SMPS applications, generally a
DC-DC converter is inserted after diode bridge rectifier. This DC-DC converter is
designed assuming that the input voltage is stable and well regulated. In the case of
small output filter capacitance, it is hard to implement a constant power DC-DC
converter with variable input voltage. This solution can be applied if the load
accepts a largely pulsating DC supply voltage and it is used, for example, in some
handheld tools.

A single-phase diode bridge rectifier with capacitive filter is simulated for different
values of output capacitor filter. The filter capacitor is selected for two different
values, 0.5 µF/W and 2.35 µF/W. A 200-W constant power loaded single-phase
rectifier is simulated by SIMPLORER simulation tool. The input current waveforms
and output voltage waveforms are shown in Figures 2.6 and 2.7.





40m 45m 50m 55m 60m 65m 70m 75m 80m Time

Figure 2.5 Simulated input voltage and current waveforms with capacitive filter.

V0 for C0=470uF



V0 for C0=100uF


0 Time

Figure 2.6 Simulated output voltage ripple with capacitive filter.

It can be seen from these figures that, when output capacitor is reduced, input current
conduction interval increases, however output voltage ripple increases also. Usually,
this increased output ripple is unwanted in the switch mode power supply
applications. The input current harmonics for different capacitance filters are shown
in Figures 2.8 and 2.9.





0 250.0 500.0 750.0 1000.0

Figure 2.7 Current harmonics spectrum for Co = 100 µF.






0 250.0 500.0 750.0 1000.0

Figure 2.8 Current harmonics for Co = 470 µF.

Reducing output filter capacitor methods cannot provide full compliance with the
EN 61000-3-2 standard and has some drawbacks:

- Higher ripple in the output voltage of rectifier
- Higher THD of line current
- Lower power factor

This method is low cost and easy to implement. There are several passive power
factor correction methods in the literature. The most popular and often used passive
factor correction methods are investigated next.

2.2 Passive Power Factor Correction Methods

Passive power factor correction is implemented by connecting passive elements to

the diode bridge rectifier. There are various combinations of passive elements for
power factor correction with different circuit topologies [14], [15], [16], [17], [18].
Before the harmonic limiting standards, the investigators have designed passive
solutions for better PF and efficiency because there were no limits for current
harmonics. After the IEC 61000-3-2 standard was accepted, the designers had to
change the previous solutions or design new circuits obeying the standards. In this
thesis, three of the various passive power factor correction techniques are
investigated in detail and simulation and experimental results are verified. These are:

- LC filter
- Series Connected Parallel Resonant Filter
- Variable Inductance LC filter

2.2.1 LC Filter Method

The simplest passive solution to comply with the EN 61000-3-2 standard is LC filter
method. Passive LC filter power factor correction can be done by connecting one
inductor to the capacitive filtered diode bridge rectifier. Filter inductor can be placed
either on the AC side or DC side. When the inductor is connected to the AC side,
current harmonic distortion can be reduced by large inductance but voltage drop
(reduced output power) in the inductor will be large. By connecting the filter
inductor to the DC side, output power will be independent from filter inductance but
harmonic limiting capability will be lower than inductor in the AC side.

In this section, the design of single-phase diode bridge rectifier with output LC filter
complying with the EN 61000-3-2 standard is given. In the design the following
criteria are considered.

- Standard compliance
- Maximum Power Factor
- Minimum Line Current Harmonic
- Cost and Size

Optimum solutions satisfying the above criteria are given. A general single-phase
diode rectifier with LC filter is given in Figure 2.10. While designing LC filter, input
voltage is assumed as a zero-impedance source and diode rectifier is assumed
lossless (ideal diodes). The output power and output voltage are assumed constant
(large output capacitor).


Vg Vo

Figure 2.9 Single-phase rectifier with LC filter.

Single-phase rectifier in Figure 2.10 is normalized with respect to the references

values in order to analyze the rectifier system with variable elements, especially
filter inductance. The normalized diagram of single-phase rectifier with LC filter is
given in Figure 2.11.

Lo − N

I g −N

Vg − N Co − N Vo − N

Figure 2.10 Normalized single phase rectifier.

The circuit can be analyzed easily by normalization procedure [19], [20], [21]. The
operation modes of the circuit and the current waveforms depending on the output
filter inductance can be evaluated using normalization methods. The circuit variables
are converted to the normalized values by using reference values. In the rectifier
system three main reference values are utilized. These are voltage, current and the
time references. The voltage reference value (Vg (ref)) can be defined as the rms input
voltage Vg. The current reference (Ig (ref)) can be defined as the ratio of power
reference (Pg (ref)) to voltage reference (Vg (ref)). Finally the time reference (Tref) can
be defined as the line period (1/50 Hz). The new normalized values are given in the
following equations. The –N subscript indicates normalized quantity.

tN = t (2.1)

TN = T (2.2)

Vg −N = (2.3)

Ig−N = I (2.4)

Vo (2.5)
Vo−N =

Pin−N = (2.6)

The normalized value of filter inductance can be defined by rearranging voltage

balance equation of the inductance. The voltage drop (VL) on L0 can be written as:

dI L
VL = LO (2.7)

Equation 2.7 can be rewritten by using normalized values of voltages and currents

dI L−N I g ( ref )
VL−NVg (ref ) = LO (2.8)
The normalized voltage equation can then be written as:

I g ( ref ) dİ L − N dİ
VL − N = LO = LO − N L − N (2.9)
Vg ( ref )Tref dt N dt N

The normalized value of the output filter inductance then becomes:

I g ( ref ) Pg − ( ref )
LO − N = LO = LO (2.10)
Vg ( ref )Tref Vg2− ( ref )Tref

Finally the normalized expression of the output capacitor is expressed as:

Vg ( ref ) Vg2− ( ref )
CO − N = CO = CO (2.11)
I g ( ref )Tref Pg − ( ref )Tref

The normalized single-phase rectifier is simulated for different values of the

inductance filter with the following parameters by using SIMPLORER simulation
tool and DAY-POST PROCCESSOR analyzer tool. Vg-N and Pin-N are assumed to be
1.0, and the normalized output capacitance is chosen very large, such as C0-N=1000.
Power factor (PF), Displacement factor (Kd) and Distortion factor (Kp) values are

The operation modes of the rectifier can be classified according to the input current
waveform characteristics. The output filter inductance defines the input current
waveform in the case of large output capacitor and constant power load. In Figures
2.12, 2.13, 2.14, simulation results of the input current waveform with different
output filter inductances are given.

Figure 2.11 Simulation waveforms for L0-N=0.01.

Figure 2.12 Simulation waveforms for L0-N =0.043.

Figure 2.13 Simulation waveforms for L0-N =0.09.

The operating modes can be defined as Discontinuous conduction mode I (DCM I),
Discontinuous conduction mode II (DCM II), and Continuous conduction mode
(CCM) [19]. The system operates in the DCM I when the current has short
conduction duration and a high peak value with L0-N =0.01 as shown in Figure 2.12.
The system operates in the DCM II when the current has smaller zero time duration
with L0-N =0.043 the figure 2.13. The system operates in the CCM I with L0-N =0.09
as shown in Figure 2.14 when the current has no zero current interval.

The optimum filter values can be selected according to power factor (PF),
displacement factor (Kd) and distortion factor (Kp) curves due to various output filter
inductance values. The simulation results are given in Figure 2.15 [20].

Figure 2.14 Power factor (PF), Displacement factor (Kd ) and Distortion factor (Kp)
as function of L0-N.

As can be seen from Figure 2.15, the rectifier operates in DCM I for L0-N < 0.027.
For 0.027 < L0-N < 0.043, the rectifier operates in DCM II. For L0-N > 0.043, the
rectifier operates in CCM [19], [20]. The maximum power factor can be evaluated in
the CCM region to be approximately equal to 0.9. However in this region the filter
inductance has a very large value and it is impractical. The maximum power factor
for discontinuous conduction mode operation can be evaluated for L0-N = 0.016 in

When the distortion factor is increased, the total harmonic distortion is decreased.
The maximum distortion factor is Kp-max = 0.936 for L0-N = 0.03 in DCM II, which
corresponds to a THD = 37.6%. In the CCM region, Kp is independent of L0-N.

If the aim of designing passive solution is to comply with the EN 61000-3-2
standard, filter elements should be designed according to the current harmonic limits
predefined in the standard. The defined classes in the standard have different current
harmonic limits so the passive solution changes due to the application class of the
converter. In this section, the required minimum filter values are calculated in
compliance with the EN 61000-3-2 standard for Class A and D applications.

For Class D application, the harmonic limits according to EN 61000-3-2 standard is

given in Table 2.3. For direct comparison of the actual current harmonics with the
harmonics standards shown in Table 2.3, the harmonic limits are converted to the
normalized values by using reference values.

Table 2.3 Class D absolute maximum harmonic limits

The normalized harmonic limits can be written by using the values in Table 2.1 and
the reference values as [21]:

Pref HL(2i+1)ClassD
INg(2i+1) = = Vref HL(2i+1)ClassD , i = 1…..19 (2.12)

where HL(2i +1)ClassD is the limit shown in Table 2.3 for the (2i+1)th order harmonic.

The normalized harmonic limits and the simulated results for normalized 3rd, 5th and

7th harmonic currents for 230-V system are given in Figure 2.16.





1E−3 2E−3 5E − 3 1E−2 2E − 2 5E − 2 1E − 1 2E − 1 5E − 1 1E+0

L O -N

Figure 2.15 Normalized class D harmonic limits and normalized input current
harmonics versus normalized filter inductance L0-N.

From Figure 2.16, the required minimum inductance can be selected in order to
comply with the EN 61000-3-2 standard for Class D. The value of the minimum
normalized inductance is approximately L0-N = 0.004 and defined by the 3rd
harmonic. The required inductance for the power level between 75-600 W can be
calculated by using (10) and assuming L0-N =0.004. The system parameters are Vg =
230 V and f = 50 Hz. Figure 2.17 shows the required minimum inductance for
different power levels, obeying to the Class D limits in the standard EN 61000-3-2.










75 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

Figure 2.16 Minimum required inductance to comply with EN 61000- 3-2 Class D
harmonic limits.

For Class-A application, the harmonic limits according to EN 61000-3-2 standard is

given in Table 2.4. For direct comparison of the actual current harmonics with the
Class-A harmonics standards in Table 2.4, the Class-A harmonic limits are converted
to the normalized values by using reference values.

Table 2.4 Class-A absolute maximum harmonic limits

The normalized harmonic limits can be expressed by using the values in Table 2.4
and the reference values as:

IHL(2i+1)ClassD Vref HL(2i+1)ClassA

INg(2i+1) = = , i = 1…..19 (2.13)
Iref Pref

where IHL(2 i +1) ClassD is the limits shown in the table 2.2 for (2i+1)th harmonics. It

can be seen from equation (2.13) that the normalized current harmonic limit for
Class A is dependent on both the input voltage and the input power. Input voltage
reference is assumed to be 230 V. The required minimum normalized inductance is
calculated for different power levels. First the normalized harmonic limits are
calculated for different power levels for 75-600 W, then the normalized current
harmonics of the rectifier are calculated according to various normalized filter
inductances. Then the minimum intersections are taken as the required minimum
inductance. In Figure 2.18, the required minimum filter inductance for power levels
between 75-600 W is shown, which complies with the EN 61000-3-2 Class-A



75 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

Figure 2.17 Minimum required inductance to comply with EN 61000- 3-2 Class A

It can be seen from Figures 2.17 and 2.18 that, the required filter inductance for
Class A is much smaller than for Class D for the same power level. So the size of the
inductor is very small for Class-A applications because the harmonic limits for Class
A are bigger than Class D limits.

2.2.1.a Experimental Implementation of LC Filter Method

A 200-W single-phase rectifier with LC filter is simulated and verified

experimentally with the parameters calculated above in order to meet the harmonic
current standard specifications for Class A and Class D. The required minimum
inductance values are calculated and the inductors are manufactured.

100W – Class D Application:

For Class D, the single-phase rectifier with LC filter is built with the following
parameters given in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 Parameters at the 100W Class-D application

Input Power 100 W

Input Voltage (Vrms) 230 V
R Load 770 Ω
Filter inductance L 50 mH
Output Capacitor 330 µF

The minimum filter inductance is calculated as 42 mH but it is selected bigger than

that value which is suitable for 100 W applications (Figure 2.17). The simulated
current waveform and the harmonic contents are given in Figure 2.19. The
experimental result for the current waveform is shown in Figure 2.20. The
corresponding current harmonic limits and simulated and measured harmonic
spectrum are shown in Figure 2.21.




10 20 30 40 50
t [ms]

Figure 2.18 Simulation input current and voltage waveforms for Class D – 100W
(Current Scale:100x).

Figure 2.20 Measured input voltage and current for Class D – 100W (Scales:
100V/div, 1A/div).

100 W Class D Application


Normalized harmonics
limits simulated measured
3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 2.21 Harmonic spectrum for input current for Class D – 100W.

The measured data for the 100-W experimental system are given in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6 Measured results for 100W Class-D applications

Vin Iin Pin Vo Io Po THD I fund I 3th I 5th PF

226Vrms 0.57A 100W 276Vdc 0.34A 90W 55% 0.45A 0.28A 0.11A 0.81

It is shown that, an LC filter with 50-mH inductance is capable of limiting currents

in a single-phase rectifier system that can be classified in Class D 100-W application.
The current THD is decreased and also PF is increased. But some voltage drop
occurs on the filter inductance.

200W – Class D Application:
The same filter elements are used for 200-W applications with the following
parameters given in Table 2.7.

Table 2.7 Parameters of 200W Class-D applications

Input Power 200 W
Input Voltage (Vrms) 230 V
R load 380 Ω
Filter inductance 50 mH
Output Capacitor 330 µF

In fact, the minimum required inductance for 200-W Class-D application is 24 mH,
but the same filter inductance is used for LC applications. The filter inductance is
designed for the 200-W systems. The simulated current waveform is given in Figure
2.22. The experimental result for the current waveform is shown in Figure 2.23 and
the harmonic contents are given in Figure 2.24.

Figure 2.22 Simulation waveforms for Class D – 200W (Current Scale:100x).

Figure 2.23 Measured input voltage and current for Class D – 200W

(Scales: 100V/div, 2A/div).

200W Class D Application

Normalized harmonics

limits simulated measured
3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 2.24 Harmonic spectrum for input current for Class D – 200W.

The measured results for the 200-W experimental system are given in Table 2.8.

Table 2.8 Measured results for 200W Class-D applications

Vin Iin Pin Vo Io Po THD I fund I 3th I 5th PF

226Vrms 1.16A 200W 257Vdc 0.7A 190W 47% 1A 0.52A 0.14A 0.79

The minimum current harmonic limits are high for class-D applications, so the
required minimum filter inductance values are high also. The size and the weights of
these inductances increase when the operating power levels are increased. It is
shown that it is easy to meet harmonic limits for class-D applications by an LC filter
connected to bridge rectifier but the filter elements have higher weight and size.

100W – Class A Application:

The required minimum inductance is calculated from Figure 2.18. It is clear that the
required filter inductance values for class-A applications are lower than those for
class-D applications. However, the inductance values should increase if power level
is increased. A 10-mH filter inductor is selected and the experiments are verified
with the parameters in Table 2.9.

Table 2.9 Parameters for 200W Class-A applications

Input Power 100 W

Input Voltage (Vrms) 230 V
R load 870 Ω
Filter inductance 10 mH
Output Capacitor 330 µF

The simulated current waveform is given in Figure 2.25. The experimental result for
the current waveform is shown in Figure 2.26 and the harmonic contents are given in
Figure 2.27.

Figure 2.25 Simulation input current and voltage waveforms for Class A – 100W
(Current Scale:100x).

Figure 2.26 Measured input voltage and current for Class A – 100W (Scales:
100V/div, 1A/div).

100 W Class A Application


Normalized harmonics
2 limits simulated measured



3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 2.27 Harmonic spectrum for input current for Class A – 100W.

The measured data for the 100-W experimental system are given in Table 2.10.

Table 2.10 Measured results for 100W Class-A application

Vin Iin Pin Vo Io Po THD I fund I 3th I 5th PF

224Vrms 0.63A 100W 295Vdc 0.3A 88W 70% 0.44A 0.34A 0.21A 0.69

200W – Class A Application:

The same filter elements are used for 200-W Class-A applications with the following
parameters given in Table 2.11.

Table 2.11 Parameters for 100W Class-A application

Input Power 200 W

Input Voltage (Vrms) 230 V
R load 450 Ω
Filter inductance 10 mH
Output Capacitor 330 µF

The simulated current waveform is given in Figure 2.28. The experimental result for
the current waveform is shown in Figure 2.29 and the harmonic contents are given in
Figure 2.30.

Figure 2.28 Simulation input current and voltage waveform for Class A – 200W
(Current Scale:100x).

Figure 2.29 Measured input voltage and current for Class A – 200W (Scales:
100V/div, 2A/div).

200 W Class A Application


Normalized harmonics
2 limits simulated measured



3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 2.30 Harmonic spectrum for input current for Class A – 200W.

The measured data for the 200-W experimental system are given in Table 2.12.

Table 2.12 Measured results for 200W Class-A applications.

Vin Iin Pin Vo Io Po THD I fund I 3th I 5th PF

224Vrms 1.14A 200W 290Vdc 0.65A 188W 66% 0.88A 0.66A 0.35A 0.79

It is shown theoretically and experimentally that, single-phase full bridge diode

rectifier with an LC filter can be used complying with the EN 61000-3-2 standard.
The LC passive filter method is suitable for low power because the required
inductance size is very large for higher power levels. For Class-A applications, the
required minimum inductance values are smaller and this brings the smaller size of
filter inductor. The improved LC filter solutions are given in references [22], [23],
[24], [25] and [26].

2.2.2 Series Connected Parallel Resonant Filter

Power factor improvement via reducing input current harmonics for a single-phase
rectifier with a capacitive output filter can alternatively be done by using resonant
filters. There are different resonant network based passive solutions. Two main
resonant solutions are:
- Series connected series resonant band pass filter tuned at line frequency
- Series connected parallel resonant band stop filter tuned at third harmonic
[27], [28]

The resonant filters are connected between AC line and diode rectifier. Generally,
these systems have larger reactive elements. In this section, the series connected
parallel resonant filter shown in Figure 2.31 [27] is investigated and verified
experimentally, since it requires lower values of reactive elements compared to other

I in

Cr Co Vo

Figure 2.31 Series connected parallel resonant filter.

A single-phase full bridge rectifier with capacitive filter draws higher harmonic
currents from line. The most significant harmonic is the third harmonic. If this one is
reduced or cancelled, the rectifier will have higher power factor due to lower input
RMS current and lower THD. The series connected parallel resonant filter is tuned to
3rd harmonic and, generally, called as a third harmonic filter.

The proposed filter in Figure 2.31 has an input LC parallel resonant tank tuned at 3rd
harmonic. The inductance and capacitance values of the resonant tank are selected to
behave as an infinite (theoretically) impedance to the third harmonic input current
component. So the system will eliminate the third harmonic content of the input
current. This condition brings lower input rms current value with lower THD. So the
system will have higher power factor and efficiency.

The nth order equivalent impedance of the resonant tank can be defined by:

X Cr
nX Lr *
Zn = n
X (2.14)
jnX Lr − j Cr

where XLr, is the impedance of the input resonant inductor Lr at fundamental

frequency, XCr, is the impedance of the input resonant capacitor Cr at fundamental
frequency. The third harmonic impedance from (2.14) becomes infinity
(theoretically) when;

X Cr
3 X Lr = (2.15)


Lr = (2.16)
9ω 2Cr

where ω = 2π f o [27].

The single-phase rectifier is assumed lossless with no voltage drop in the diodes. The
output voltage is assumed ripple free with large output capacitor. The line voltage is
assumed sinusoidal and the load is assumed to be a constant power load. The values

of the reactive elements in the resonant filters are selected for higher power factor
defined in the section 2.2.1.

2.2.2.a Experimental Evaluation of Series Connected Parallel Resonant Filter

The proposed method in Figure 2.31 is simulated with the following parameters
given in Table 2.13. The simulation results for the input current waveform are shown
in Figure 2.32.

Table 2.13 Simulation parameters of series connected parallel resonant filter

Filter Inductance Lr 140.7 mH

Filter Capacitance Cr 8 µF

Input Voltage (Vrms) 230 V

Input Power 150 W
R load 530 Ω
Output Capacitance Co 330 µF

Figure 2.32 Input current and voltage waveform for series connected parallel
resonant filter (Current Scale:100x).

The system is implemented in laboratory with the same parameters used in the
simulations. The corresponding input voltage and current waveforms are measured.
The measured waveforms are shown in Figure 2.33. The harmonic spectrum of the
input current is measured and compared with the limit of the class-A and class-D
applications. Figure 2.34 shows the harmonic spectrum of the input current with
harmonic standard limits.

Figure 2.33 Measured current of series connected parallel resonant filter for 150W
system (Scales: 100V/div, 1A/div).

150W LC Resonance Filter Application

Normalized harmonics

2 Limit Class A Limit Class D Simulated Measured



3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 2.34 Input current harmonics for series connected parallel resonant filter

Table 2.14 Measured data for 150W series connected parallel resonant filter

Vin Iin Pin Vo Io Po THD I fund I 3th I 5th PF

229Vrms 0.69A 150W 272Vdc 0.5A 136W 40% 0.62A 0.11A 0.17A 0.66

It can be seen from Table 2.14 that, the power factor can be improved by reducing
the third harmonic component of the line current. However the filter has limited
capability to reduce the other harmonics. So the compliance for the standard EN
61000-3-2 is not easy to meet by this method. On the other hand, higher order
harmonics can be amplified because of the parallel resonance at different

2.2.3 Variable Inductance LC Filter Method

The LC filter method defined in section 2.2.1 is load dependent. If the rectifier is
supposed to operate at various output power levels, the output LC filter should be
designed for each power level or a large filter inductance should be used which is
suitable for all power levels. In the case of both situations, the inductance will have
higher size. For example, the required minimum inductance for a Class-D device is
given in Figure 2.35.









75 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

Figure 2.35 Required minimum inductance for Class D.

It can be seen from Figure 2.35 that, the inductance should be selected with higher
values to operate in the range of 75-600 W. For example a 68-mH output inductor is
enough for all power levels. However the size of the inductor is directly related to
the energy stored on it. The stored energy for 600 W is much bigger than the stored
energy in the 75 W due to higher current in it. The higher size of the inductor is
impractical. So the traditional LC filter method is not suitable for variable load
applications. The system needs a reduced inductance while the current is increasing
on it. The solution for this problem is to use a variable inductance filter proposed at
[29]. In this section, the variable inductance method for passive power factor
correction in compliance with the EN61000-3-2 standard is investigated.

This filter method can be achieved by building inductor with different discrete air
gaps that saturate under different current values that a load dependent filter provides.
The proposed variable inductance filter has lower volume and weight, approximately
half the size of the conventional filter. A 70 mH inductance with 600 W (8 A peak)
rating is needed for conventional approach in the 75-600 W range. But if a variable
inductance is used, a 70 mH inductance with 75 W is suitable for the same range.

The variable inductance can be evaluated by changing the geometrical shape of the
magnetic core of the inductor. An inductor with a fixed air-gap has constant
inductance that operates under saturation region. If the current on the inductance is
increased, the inductor now operates in saturation region and has higher reluctance.
The increased reluctance of the core reduces overall inductance.

Variable inductance can be obtained by providing different reluctance paths. This

can be done by stepped air gaps and is known as swinging inductance. The core with
different stepped air gaps has series reluctances. When the current on the winding is
increased, the reluctance path due to smaller air-gap saturates first and this reduces
the overall inductance. The optimum variable inductance can be obtained by
increasing the number of stepped air gaps in the core. This can be done by a sloped
air gap that operates on the same principle as the swinging inductance. The sloped
air gap inductance provides accurate rate of change of the inductance according to
current change in the winding.
2.2.3.a Saturated Core Inductors

Variable inductance can be obtained in a constant air-gap inductor by operating in

the saturation region. If the current passing on the inductor has higher value causing
to exceed the maximum magnetic flux density, the inductor operates in the
saturation region. In the saturation region, the magnetic core has lower permeability
causing the higher reactance. So the total inductance will reduce. If the current
increases in the saturation region, the total inductance will reduce according to the
current rise. This can be explained by core characteristics. The relative permeability
may be described as a function of the magnetic field strength.

µr = (2.17)
Hc + Ho

Hc is the value of the magnetic field intensity where µr is calculated. Hc is related

to the coil’s magnetization force (NI) by Ampere’s Law. Figure 2.36 shows the
relation of the relative permeability versus magnetization force according to
equation 2.19 for different core materials taken from Waasner Company.

Figure 2.36 Relative permeability versus magnetization force.

A constant air-gap inductance is shown in Figure 2.37.

Figure 2.37 Constant air-gap inductor.

The inductance of the constant air-gap inductor by can be expressed as:

N2 µ0 .N 2 . Ag
L= = (2.18)
Rc + Rg l
g+ c

The inductor has constant inductance before the saturation region. The relative

permeability µr of the core can then be ignored because of the very large values. If

the inductor operates in the saturation region, the relative permeability µr of the
core will be lower. In this region, the total inductance will reduce. The variation of
the inductance in the saturation region can be explained by using Ampere’s law. The
magnetic circuit of the constant air-gap inductor has the following equations.

Bg .g
N .I = H c .lc + (2.19)
Bg = µ r .µ0 .H c (2.20)

µr = (2.21)
Hc + Ho

These equations can be rearranged as:

H 0 .g .µ r 2 + ( N .I + H 0 .lc − H m .g ).µr − H m .lc = 0 (2.22)

If the second order equation in (2.22) is solved by a change of basis rule regards

to µ r , the variation of the inductance due to relative permeability in the saturation

region can be seen. The total inductance when the current changes can be defined by
this method. In Figure 2.38, an example of the variable inductance is shown.


0.07 Inductance








1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Figure 2.38 Constant gap variable inductor.

It can be seen from Figure 2.38 that, the L versus I curve shows the same
characteristic with the required minimum inductance versus power curve in Figure
2.35. The inductor has constant inductance until current reaches the saturation value

that is about 1.2 A. The relative permeability ( µ r ) determines the shape of the
inductance in the saturation range operation. The L-I curve may be accurately
controlled by introducing a stepped air-gap, where one or more gaps are operating
under saturation.

2.2.3.b Step-Gap Variable Inductor

The characteristic L versus I curve can be modified or controlled effectively by

adding more air gaps. This type of inductor is called as swinging inductor. The
swinging inductor has a two-stepped air gap as shown in Figure 2.39.

Figure 2.39 Swinging inductor.

The total inductance is assumed as the serial combination of the two gapped
inductances. We can write the inductance equation as:

N2 N2
L= + (2.23)
Rg1 Rg 2

As the current increases, the core with the smallest gap saturates first. The
inductance value is defined by the smallest gap. When the current has enough value
to saturate the smallest gap reluctance path, the new inductance value is defined by
the bigger gap. The theoretical change of the inductance with the current in the
swinging inductance is given in Figure 2.40.



Isat1 Isat2

Current I

Figure 2.40 Swinging inductance variations.

In the swinging inductance, the lower gapped section of the inductance first saturates
then the inductance will have a new, lower value. Sharp changes in the inductance
and current values can occur when the first gap side saturates. This is the
disadvantage of this type of inductance. This disadvantage can be altered by infinite
number of discrete gaps or a sloped air gap as described in the next section.

2.2.3.c Sloped Air-Gap Inductor

Swinging inductance can be improved by making the air gap variable. So we can
eliminate the drawbacks of the sharp changes of the inductance in the swinging
inductance. A sloped air-gap inductor is shown in Figure 2.41.

l (d )
l (0) l ( x)

l dx
c 0

Figure 2.41 Sloped air-gap inductance.

The air gap has the following equation according to Figure 2.41.

(G − g ) x
g ( x) = G − (2.24)

The inductance can be evaluated by the flux linkage for a small area dx in the core as
shown in the figure. Then

N 2 I µ0 N 2 ID
dλ = = dx (2.25)
dRg g ( x)

where g(x) is the length of the air gap at x as given in Equation 2.24.

Total flux linkage can be derived by the integration of the equation 2.25 between x =
0 and x.
µ0 N 2 ID
λ=∫ dx (2.26)
g ( x)

The inductance is equal to the ratio of the total flux linkage to the current. Then

λ µ0 N 2 dD G
L( x) = = ln( ) (2.27)
I G−g g ( x)

The inductance equation (2.27) gives the change of the inductance due to air-gap
geometry. When the entire gap is included the total inductance before saturation (Ld)
can be found as:

µ0 N 2 dD
Ld = ln( ) (2.28)
G−g g

When the current on the inductor exceeds the saturation current value (Isat), the core
begins to saturate with the smallest air gap x = d. By invoking the Ampere’s law
when the first saturation occurs the saturation flux density and saturation current
relationship can be obtained as:

I sat ( x ) = g ( x) (2.29)
µ0 N

The core saturates between x and d due to the value of the saturation current
value I sat ( x ) . The current value instead of saturation current value can be utilized by

using I = I sat ( x ) and the inductance equation as a function of the current for I > I sat
can be rewritten as:

µ0 N 2 dD GBsat
L( I ) = ln( ) (2.30)
G−g µ0 NI

The inductance before the saturation can be rewritten as:

µ0 N 2 dD GBsat
Ld = ln( ) (2.31)
G−g µ0 NI sat

Then equations (2.30) and (2.31) can be combined to obtain:

 ln( I )

L( I ) = Ld 1 −
I sat 
 (2.32)
ln(G ) 
 g 
The change of the inductance as a function of the current is given in Figure 2.42.

Figure 2.42 Inductance variations of sloped air-gap inductor.

The sloped gap inductance has ideal characteristics for variable load applications.
The change of the inductance versus current is more desirable than in other solutions.

2.2.3.d Design of Sloped Gap Inductance

While designing a variable inductance filter, the operating power level and the
required minimum inductance filter value should be considered.

Figure 2.43 Inductance variations of sloped air-gap inductor.

The inductance L1 is the required inductance for the minimum power level due to the
current I1 = Isat. This inductance value is equal to the inductance before saturation L1
= Ld and defined in the equation 2.29. The inductance L2 is the required inductance
for the minimum power level due to the current I2. By using the minimum and
maximum current and inductance values, the slope of the air gap can be evaluated
using Equation 2.30.

ln( )
ln(G ) = (2.33)
g L2

The sloped of air gap is defined by the required inductances and the currents due to
the operating power levels. The turns ratio N and the required air gap dimensions can
be obtained by using Equations (2.28) and (2.29).

I1 L1 (− 1)
N= (2.34)
Bsat dD ln( )

µ0 I1 N
g= (2.35)

G = ge (2.36)

The equations above can be applied to the selected core. While selecting the core,
saturation flux density and current carrying capability should be considered. The coil
should carry the maximum operating current but the core should saturate at the
saturation current. Generally an EI type silicon alloy magnetic core is used for this
application. An example of EI type sloped air-gap inductor is shown in Figure 2.44.

g G

Figure 2.44 Construction of sloped air-gap with EI silicon steel.

The detailed drawing for sloped air-gap inductor is shown in Figure 2.45.

Figure 2.45 Detailed view of the sloped air-gap.

The magnetic circuit of the variable inductor can be drawn as shown in Figure 2.46.

φd 1 φd 2 φdn
Rcd 1 Rcd 2 Rcdn

Rgd 1 Rgd 2 Rgdn

Figure 2.46 Magnetic circuit of the sloped air-gap inductance.

2.2.3.e Experimental Evaluation of Variable Inductance LC Filter Method

A single-phase diode rectifier with variable inductance filter is simulated and

verified experimentally. A 200-W system is designed in compliance with class-D
standards. The circuit parameters are given in table 2.15.

Table 2.15 Simulation parameters for 200W variable inductance application

Input Power 200 W

Input Voltage (Vrms) 230 V
R load 380 Ω
Filter inductance 80 mH
Output Capacitor 330 µF

The sloped air-gap inductance is modeled in the SIMPLORER simulation tool by

using a nonlinear inductance model. Used inductor model and corresponding
inductance are shown in Figure 2.47.

Figure 2.47 Variable inductance model used in simulations.

The simulation results for input current and input voltage of sloped air-gap
inductance are shown in Figure 2.48.

[V], [A]

Figure 2.48 Simulation results for input voltage and current

(Current Scale: 100x).

The circuit is implemented experimentally with a sloped air-gap inductance. Sloped

air-gap inductance is designed according to section 2.2.3.a. The parameters of
inductance are given in Table 2.16.

Table 2.16 Design parameters of variable inductance

Inductance Before Saturation 80 mH

Rated current 3A
Isat1 1.2A
Isat2 2A
Bsat 1.4 Tesla
Core Type EI Silicon Steel
Number of Turns, N 280
Minimum air-gap, g 0.2mm
Maximum air-gap,G 1.2mm

The measured current and voltage waveforms are shown in Figure 2.49.

Figure 2.49 Experimental results for input voltage and current (Scales: 100V/div,

The simulated and measured current harmonics are evaluated and compared with the
harmonic standards for 200-W Class-D application. The result is shown in Figure

200W Class D Application Variable Inductance

Normalized harmonics

limits simulated measured
3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 2.50 Input current harmonics for 200W Class-D application.

The measured values for the variable inductance filter for the single-phase rectifier is
given in Table 2.17.

Table 2.17 Measured results for 200W SAG filter application

Vin Iin Pin Vo Io Po THD I fund I 3th I 5th PF

228Vrms 1.11A 200W 262Vdc 0.7A 183W 42% 0.98A 0.45A 0.13A 0.8

It is seen that the sloped air-gap inductance shows the best performance in the
mentioned passive methods. The size of the inductance is lower than in the other
cases. This method has better PF and lower input current THD.

2.3 Limitations of Passive PFC Circuits

The simplicity, reliability, insensitivity to noise and surges and the no generation of
any high-frequency EMI offered by passive power factor circuits are of significant
usefulness. However, the bulky size of these filters, their poor dynamic response,
complexity and high cost, the lack of voltage regulation and their sensitivity to line-
frequency, limits their use to below 200-W applications. Moreover, even though line
current harmonics are reduced, the fundamental component may show an excessive
phase shift resulting in reduction in power factor.



3.1 Description of Average Current Mode Control of PFC

This chapter deals with the average current mode control of a single-phase boost
power factor correction circuit [31]. A detailed theoretical analysis of the average
current mode control of PFC will be reviewed and supported by hardware
implementation. The power factor correction IC, UCC3818, will be used to
implement this strategy and design and functional description of the circuit will be

The block diagram of the PFC circuit is given in Figure 3.1. The circuit consists of a
single-phase rectifier with a cascaded boost converter that provides active wave
shaping of the input current and regulation of the output voltage. Active power
factor correction is achieved by the power switch duty cycle. The switching
frequency of the converter is higher than line frequency such as 100 kHz for 50-Hz
power system. When the switch is turned on, the boost inductor stores energy from
input. At the same time, the output rectifier diode is reverse biased and the load is
supplied by the output capacitor. When the switch is turned off, the output capacitor
and the load are supplied by the input over the boost inductance.

iL ( t ) i(t )

iac (t )

vg ( t ) d(t ) v0(t )

iL ( t )

Figure 3.1 Average current mode control of PFC.

The average current controlled PFC system has two control loops. The system has
fast inner current loop that enables the input current to follow the reference current.
The reference current is multiplication of the reference shape and reference
amplitude. The reference current gets the sinusoidal shape of the input voltage. The
amplitude of the reference current is defined by the outer voltage loop. The system
has a low bandwidth outer voltage loop which programs the required input current
reference magnitude according to the power consumption of the load. This function
is done by using an output voltage regulator control circuit.

The inner current loop operates in average current mode that controls the average
input current. The input current IL(t) is compared with Iref per switching cycle and
passed through an error amplifier that produces a control voltage vc. This control
voltage is than compared with constant frequency saw tooth waveform to produce
required duty cycle of the power switch. The saw tooth waveform defines the
switching frequency. The bandwidth of the current loop is very high such as decade
of the switching frequency. The higher bandwidth current controller allows the input
current to follow reference current with lower noise.

The output loop has an output voltage controller for regulating the output voltage.
The output voltage v0(t) is compared with reference voltage vref. The voltage
controller consists of a voltage error amplifier that produces error voltage VAOUT

according to the variations in the output voltage. This error voltage VAOUT programs
the current reference magnitude.

High power factor operation is obtained by average current mode control. The input
current follows the sinusoidal reference. Finally, the input current and the voltage of
the PFC system will have the same waveform and phase.

3.2 Power Balance Analysis of the PFC Circuit

In a converter system, the output voltage should be regulated to the required level by
a voltage controller in a closed system. Generally, the output voltage is constant in a
DC-DC converter. The constant dc output voltage v0 (t) = V is obtained by a wide
bandwidth voltage controller. If the converter has constant load, the instantaneous
load power is also constant.

p0 (t ) = P0 = v0 (t )i0 (t ) = VI (3.1)

Generally, the load of a PFC system is a DC/DC converter. This load draws constant
power. But the instantaneous input power pac (t) is not constant.

pac (t ) = vg (t )ig (t ) (3.2)

where vg(t) and ig(t) are input ac voltage and current, respectively. The instantaneous
input power can be written according to resistor emulation concept by using the peak
input voltage value.

VM2 V2
pac (t ) = sin 2 ωt = M (1 − 2 cos ωt ) (3.3)
Re Re

The input power varies with time. The output capacitor provides power balance to
maintain the input-output power balance. The difference between input and output
power flows through output electrolytic capacitor. So the power on the output

capacitor can be written:

d ( 12 Cvc2 (t ))
pc (t ) = pac (t ) − p0 (t ) = (3.4)

where vc(t) is output capacitor voltage. When pac(t) > p0(t) than energy flows into
output capacitor and vc(t) increases. When pac(t) < p0(t), the capacitor voltage vc(t)
decreases. So the capacitor voltage increases and decreases for power balance action.
The changes of input power and capacitor voltage are shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 Variation on the capacitor voltage.

The output voltage regulation is achieved by comparing the actual output capacitor
voltage with reference voltage. The error voltage amplifier provides enough
amplitude information for current reference for power balance operation. A block
diagram of the outer voltage loop is shown in Figure 3.3.

I ref vc (t )

I AC VAOUT v err

Figure 3.3 Multiplier based control.

It is known that the output capacitor voltage has a 2nd harmonic component (100 Hz)
as defined in equation 3.3. The output capacitor voltage can be expressed by the
combination of DC voltage plus a second harmonic component as:

vc (t ) = V + vripple (t ) (3.5)

where vripple (t ) = Vripple cos(2ωt ) is second harmonic voltage ripple due to second

harmonic current component of the output current. This ripple voltage lags the ripple
current by 90°. It is assumed that reference voltage vref is equal to the DC
component of vc(t).

vref = V (3.6)

So the error voltage verr is equal to only second harmonic component of the capacitor

verr = Vripple cos(2ωt ) (3.7)

Assume that the voltage controller compensator has wide bandwidth so 2nd harmonic
component feeds back through the voltage error amplifier. A general equation for the
output of the voltage error amplifier VAOUT can be written as:

VAOUT = k1Vripple cos(2ωt ) (3.8)

In a multiplier based system shown in Figure 3.3, the current reference Iref is obtained
by the multiplication of the current reference waveform IAC with the output of the
voltage error amplifier VAOUT.

I ref = I ACVAOUT (3.9)

It is known that waveform component IAC of the current reference evaluated from the
rectified input voltage has only sinusoidal waveform information. So a general
equation for this component IAC can be written as:

I AC = k2 .sin(ωt ) (3.10)

So the reference current Iref can be written as:

I ref = I ACVAOUT = k2 .sin(ωt ).k1Vripple cos(2ωt ) (3.11)

The equation can then be rearranged as:

1 1 
I ref = k1k2  Vripple sin(ωt ) + Vripple sin(3ωt )  (3.12)
2 2 

It is shown in the equation above that, the 2nd harmonic distortion on the output
voltage distorts the input current reference Iref. The second order harmonic
component of the output voltage adds a 3rd harmonic component to reference current
with a half magnitude of the second harmonic component.

So in average current mode controlled PFC system, the input current is forced to
follow input current reference. If a distortion occurs in reference current also actual
input current distorts. This 3rd harmonic distortion in the input current lower PF. The
solution for lowering this distortion is to configure the output voltage error amplifier
to block the second harmonic component of the output voltage. This is done by using

an error amplifier that has lower bandwidth. The bandwidth of this controller should
be lower than 2nd order frequency of the line voltage such as 20 Hz. But lower
bandwidth means slower response. The slower transient response makes the dc
regulation worse. A designer should consider the trade-off between lower THD and
faster transient response. Generally, the load of PFC system is a second DC-DC
converter that has a tight output voltage regulation. So the designer should choose
better input current waveform. But if the second DC-DC converter needs a narrow
range input voltage, the designer should consider transient response. There are some
strategies to get better voltage loop response as given in literature [46], [47], [48],
[49]. But the solution is inside the application. Detailed analyses of the voltage loop
are given in the control circuit description section.

3.3 Input Voltage Feed-Forward

It was mentioned that a power factor pre-regulator is generally the first stage of a
two-stage power supply system. The second stage is the load of the PFC stage and
composed of a constant power DC-DC converter. So PFC stage has a constant power
load that does not change with the input rms voltage. The PFC stage maintains a
fairly constant output voltage and the load draws constant power regardless of the
variations of output voltage of the PFC stage. In a high efficient PFC circuit, if the
output load power is constant, the input power drawn from line does not change with
rms line voltage. So if there is a change in input rms voltage, the input rms current
should change inversely proportional to the rms input voltage. But it is known that
the reference current is directly proportional to the input line voltage in an average
current controlled PFC in Figure 3.1. There is a conflict between power balance and
control circuit when operated in universal line (90-270 Vac).

Basically, the current reference Iref is obtained by multiplication of the input voltage
waveform information signal IAC and the output voltage error signal VAOUT. It is
assumed that the PFC circuit operates with 120Vac input voltage VIN with constant
output power. The waveforms for the input voltage VIN and the corresponding input
current IIN for 120-Vac operation are shown in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4 Rectified line voltage and current for 120-Vac line voltage.

The multiplier inputs IAC and VAOUT are shown in Figure 3.5 for 120-Vac operation.

Figure 3.5 Multiplier inputs IAC and VAOUT at 120-Vac line voltage.

Assume PFC is operating in universal input line and the input voltage VIN is doubled
from 120 Vac to 240 Vac. When input voltage VIN is doubled, input current IIN
should be halved in order to maintain constant power to the load. The waveforms for
the input voltage VIN and the corresponding input current IIN for doubled input
voltage operation are shown in Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6 Rectified line voltage and current for 240-Vac line voltage.
The multiplier input IAC is directly proportional to the input voltage VIN. When VIN is
doubled, IAC is also doubled. The multiplier output Iref is current reference for the
actual input current IIN, has to halve, that can only be accomplished by reducing
voltage error amplifier voltage VAOUT by factor four. The multiplier inputs IAC and
VAOUT are shown in Figure 3.7 for 240-Vac operation.

Figure 3.7 Multiplier inputs I AC and VAOUT at 240-Vac line voltage.

So the optimum PFC performance is obtained by fast response voltage loop

controller in a universal power line operation. But the voltage loop limitation
problem has already been mentioned in the previous section. The outer voltage loop
controller should have small bandwidth in order to remove the second harmonic
component in the voltage feedback circuit. The output of the voltage feedback
controller should be constant in the half cycle of line frequency. If the voltage loop
controller has small bandwidth, the control circuit should be independent of the line
voltage in order to solve the problems due to the variations of the line voltage. The
solution is called as input voltage feed-forward.

The input voltage feed-forward makes the control circuit independent from the input
line voltage by modifying the multiplier concept. A new signal proportional to the
input voltage is added to the input of the multiplier. This signal is called as feed-
forward and represented by VFF. The feed-forward signal VFF is squared and inversed
so VFF signal becomes as a divider factor (1/ VFF2). The modified average control
system with input voltage feed-forward is shown in Figure 3.8.

iL (t ) i( t )

iac (t )

vg ( t ) d(t ) v0( t )

iL ( t )
I ref VAOUT vref

VFF 1 2

Figure 3.8 Block diagram of the average current PFC with feed-forward.

The new control strategy provides independent operation of voltage error controller
to the input voltage variations. In fact, the output voltage error amplifier is only
dependent on the output power. If the input voltage doubles, the doubled IAC signal is
divided by factor four by the new input feed-forward signal (1/ VFF2). So the new
current reference Iref is equal to half of the original signal before doubling line
voltage without any change in VAOUT. The new equation for the current reference Iref
can be written as:

I ref = k 2 (3.13)

The control system with input voltage feed-forward has all the capabilities for high
power factor application for universal input line. The current reference Iref is the
combination of IAC that has the waveform of the rectified input voltage and VAOUT
that is proportional to the output power. And it is mentioned that the output voltage
loop has smaller crossover frequency and the output VAOUT is constant during line

cycle. The other input IAC of multiplier is derived by a resistor dividing circuit of
rectified input voltage so IAC varies during line cycle. The third input of the
multiplier is the feed-forward signal VFF. Now the design of the feed-forward
application will be considered.

Since the feed-forward signal VFF consists of the rms input voltage information, this
signal can be obtained by resistor divider connected to the dc side of bridge rectifier.
Since the rectified input voltage has large 2nd harmonic component, the feed-forward
signal VFF should be filtered. This averaging network is done by low pass filter. The
first order averaging low pass filter for the feed-forward signal VFF is shown in
Figure 3.9.



Figure 3.9 First order input voltage feed-forward sensing scheme.

The capacitor averages the rectified input voltage waveform and reduces the 2nd
harmonic ripple. The time constant of the filter network defines the amount of the 2nd
harmonic ripple in the input of the multiplier. If time constant (RC) is smaller, the
feed-forward compensation network will have a faster response but 2nd harmonic
ripple will be high. This will reduce power factor. If the time constant is larger, there
will be too much feed-forward delay resulting in worse transient response such as
higher overshoots. The transient response can be increased with lower 2nd order
ripple distortion and can be achieved by a second order low pass filter as shown in
Figure 3.10.




Figure 3.10 Second order input voltage feed-forward sensing scheme.

A second order low pass filter network can increase the complexity and
manufacturing cost. In fact, input voltage does not change instantaneously so fast
transient response is not really required. Some new generation IC’s combines the
evaluation of IAC and VFF (e.g. UCC3817). The feed-forward signal VFF is obtained
by mirroring IAC signal so a second resistor divider circuit is removed. The new
voltage feed-forward sensing schemes is shown in Figure 3.11.




Figure 3.11 First order input voltage feed-forward sensing scheme.

The amount of ripple on the feed-forward signal VFF distorts the input current. The
low pass filter attenuates most of 2nd order harmonic but some 2nd order harmonic
exists in feed-forward signal. The distortion is the same as the voltage loop distortion
explained in the previous section. 2nd harmonic ripple in the feed-forward signal
causes 3rd harmonic distortion in the line current. But the amplitude of the 3rd
harmonic distortion is equal to the 2nd harmonic ripple amplitude in the feed-forward
signal due to squaring process. On the other hand, distortions due to feed-forward
sensing scheme and voltage loop have the same phase and are multiplied as the
inputs of the multiplier.

3.4 Control Loop Design

In average current controlled PFC application, there are two control loops that
provide a sinusoidal input current in phase with input voltage. The design of the
voltage and current loops has significant affects in the system performance, such as
amount of THD and PF. The control circuit has inner current loop that ensures the
form of Iref based on the input voltage. The outer voltage loop determines the
amplitude of the current reference Iref based on the output voltage feedback. The
outer voltage loop adjusts the inductor current amplitude to bring the output voltage
to the reference voltage. The block diagram of the control loops for an average
current controlled PFC is shown in Figure 3.12.

sin ωt
Vref VAOUT I ref v c V 0


Figure 3.12 PFC control loops.

The control loops are designed separately. The inner current loop has higher
bandwidth. The voltage loop has lower bandwidth due to distortion factors.

3.4.1 Current Loop Design

Inner current loop of average current controlled PFC needs inductor current sensing.
The sensed current via shunt resistor or current transformer is compared with
reference current that is output of the multiplier. The error between actual inductor
current and the reference current is amplified with a properly designed current
compensator. The output of the compensator is compared with a saw tooth waveform
to produce required duty cycle for the PFC boost operation. The main feature of the
average current control is the presence of the current error amplifier (compensator)
that provides controlling the average inductor current. The inner current loop block
diagram can be built with the combination of the current sensing circuit, current error
amplifier, PWM generator and power stage of the PFC boost converter as shown in
Figure 3.13.

I ref v d (t ) V
c 0


Figure 3.13 PFC current loop.

The inner current loop has large bandwidth around one decade of the switching
frequency. A small signal model of the inner current loop is needed to design a
proper compensator with optimum performance and stability. A Laplace domain of
the inner current loop is shown in the figure 3.14.

Iˆref ( s )
vˆc ( s ) dˆ ( s) iˆL ( s )

Figure 3.14 Laplace domain block-schema of the current loop.

The open loop transfer function of the inner current loop can be written as:

Ti ( s ) = Fm ( s ) Rs G p ( s )GC ( s ) (3.14)

where Fm (s) is modulator gain of the PFC controller, Rs is the current sensing
resistor, Gp(s) is power stage transfer function, and Gc (s) is current compensator
transfer function.

The transfer function of the modulator is dependent on the peak value of the ramp
voltage in the PWM controller. So the transfer function of the modulator can be
written as:

Fm ( s ) = (3.15)

where VSE is equal to the peak-to-peak amplitude of the external ramp.

A small signal model of the power converter is needed for the design of the current
compensator. The averaged small-signal model of the converter defines the
dependence of the average input current on the duty cycle. When the converter
operates at steady-state, the output voltage has small variations around a steady-state
component. The output voltage can be expressed as:

v0 (t ) Ts
= V + vˆ(t ) (3.16)


vˆ(t )  V (3.17)

The averaged small signal model of the PFC boost converter with dynamically
changed variables is shown in Figure 3.15. The linearization and the perturbation
procedure are used for completing the small signal model of the converter.

iL (t ) Ts

vg (t ) d (′t )V

Figure 3.15 Linearized model of the PFC boost converter.

The average inductor voltage of the PFC boost converter can be written as:

d iL (t )
L Ts
= vg (t ) − d ′(t ) (V + vˆ(t ) ) (3.18)
dt Ts

The nonlinear term d ′(t )vˆ(t ) in the equation (3.18) is much smaller than the linear
term d ′(t )V . Therefore, this nonlinear term can be discarded. The average inductor
voltage can be obtained as:

d iL (t )
L Ts
= vg (t ) − d ′(t )V (3.19)
dt Ts

The equivalent circuit given in Figure 3.15 is used to obtain control-to-input transfer
function by using the equation (3.19) and found by setting the independent inputs to
zero and solving the inductor current Ig. The simplified small signal transfer function
of the PFC boost converter Gp(s) is written as:

iL ( s ) V
Gp (s) = = (3.20)
d ( s ) sL

The open loop transfer function of the current loop without the current compensator
Gid(s) can be written as the combination of the power stage, sensing resistor and
PWM modulator.

Gid ( s ) = Fm ( s ) Rs G p ( s ) (3.21)


Gid ( s ) = (3.22)

The complete open loop transfer function of the current loop with current
compensator Ti(s) is

Ti ( s ) = Gid ( s )GC ( s ) (3.23)

The current compensator is designed according to the behavior of the converter

without the current compensator. The current compensator should be designed for
optimal performance and stability for overall current loop. The Bode blot of the
Gid(s) is a good reference for the design of the current compensator. The Bode plot of
the Gid(s) with arbitrary chosen values (L = 1mH, V0 = 400V, VSE = 4V) is shown in
Figure 3.16.

Bode Diagram


Magnitude (dB) 60





Phase (deg)



0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure 3.16 Magnitude and phase plots of the converter transfer function Gid(s).

It can be seen from Figure 3.16 that the power stage transfer function has a single
pole response at the usual frequencies. A two-pole, single-zero error amplifier can be
used as a current compensator in the average current control method [31], [33], [50].
A pole placed at the origin provides a higher loop dc gain and zero dc steady-state
error in the current controller transfer function Gc (s). The zero is placed to achieve
the desired phase margin for stability purposes. The other pole is placed generally at
one half of the switching frequency to filter the switching noise. A general equation
for a two-pole, single-zero current compensator is given below:

ωi (1 + ω z )
GC ( s ) = (3.24)
s (1 + s )

The construction of a two-pole, single-zero current compensator and a general gain

response are shown in Figures 3.17.a and 3.17.b, respectively.

Figure 3.17 (a) Circuit Diagram (b) Gain response of current compensator.

It is shown that, if the high frequency pole is placed at or after half of the switching
frequency to filter out the switching ripple of the sensed inductor current, it has no
effect on the gain and the phase of the current – loop gain before the half of the
switching frequency. Only the pole placed at the origin (acting as integrator) and the
zero affect the current loop gain below half of the switching frequency. The current
loop should be designed to have maximum low frequency gain and acceptable phase
margin at the crossover frequency to minimize the input current distortions. The
overall current loop transfer function can be written as:

(1 + s )
VRs ωi ωz
Ti ( s ) = (3.25)
sLVSE s (1 + s )

The compensated current loop transfer function has the following gain and phase
responses shown in Figure 3.18.

Bode Diagram

Magnitude (dB) 50


Phase (deg)


3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure 3.18 Compensated loop gain and phase plots of the inner current loop.

3.4.2 Voltage Loop Design

The outer voltage loop determines the required amplitude of the current reference
due to the requirement for the power balance operation. On the other hand, it was
mentioned that the outer voltage loop should have limited bandwidth, less than half
of the line frequency, for minimum distortion in the line current. This limited
bandwidth brings slower transient response. The outer voltage loop should be
designed for optimal transient response with minimal input current distortion due to
the 2nd harmonic component in the output capacitor voltage. The block diagram of
the outer voltage loop can be constructed with closed current loop as shown in Figure

Vref I ref IL V 0
V 0

Figure 3.19 Voltage control loop.

Assuming the inner current loop is well designed, it provides a good current
regulation according to the predefined current reference. It can be assumed that the
closed current loop has no effect in the outer voltage loop, simply behaves as a unity
gain block in the block diagram of the voltage loop shown in Figure 3.19. So the
only thing is the design of the voltage error amplifier. This voltage compensator
should be designed according to low frequency behavior of the power stage of the
PFC. Because the outer voltage loop has smaller crossover frequency around 20 Hz,
a small signal model of the power stage accurate at frequencies below 100 Hz should
be used [7], [31], [51]. The small signal model of the PFC converter consists of a
controlled power source modeled as a current source shunted by a resistor as shown
in Figure 3.20.

Figure 3.20 Small signal model of outer loop.

The variable source resistance ro is equal to the load resistance RL. ro changes when
RL changes. The load can be a resistive load or a constant power load such as a dc-dc
converter. In the case of resistive load, ro is equal to the load resistance RL and the
parallel combination of these variables defines the single pole response of the
transfer function. However, in the case of the constant power load, it has a negative
small signal resistance (-RL). The negative resistance is equal and opposite in sign to
the dc resistance and parallel combination approaches infinity. So the model
becomes a current source driving a dc capacitor. So the power stage transfer function
will have a single pole response that is placed at 0 Hz. The power stage transfer
function can be written by using this simple circuit, current source driving the dc

capacitor, by using the power changes in the output capacitor.

GPS ( s ) = (3.26)
sCV0 ∆Vaout

where ∆Vaout is equal to the voltage ripple in the capacitor voltage.

The voltage compensator should have a pole at the origin to achieve zero steady-state
error. This integral compensation adds another 90 degrees of the phase shift at low
frequency, since the transfer function of the power stage has single pole roll-off. A
zero is needed to achieve optimal phase margin and placed before the loop crossover
frequency. The location of the zero should be chosen as high as possible in frequency
considering a zero will be a dominant pole in the closed loop system. So a high
frequency zero provides better transient response in the closed loop system. The
second pole is placed at the loop crossover frequency. A two-pole, single-zero
voltage compensator is the best choice for better transient response and low current
distortion. The general definition for the voltage controller is given in the equation

ωi (1 + ω z )
GV ( s ) = (3.27)
s (1 + s )

The voltage loop is designed according to chosen output capacitor value, output
voltage ripple and allowable input current distortion.

3.5 Simulation of Average Current Control PFC

Single Phase average current mode controlled PFC circuit is simulated by

SIMPLORER simulation tool and simulation results are verified. The simulated
circuit and control blocks are shown in Figure 3.21.

Rectifier Boost Stage

D1 D3


D2 D4

SET: := ignit1:=0 (LIMIT2.VAL>SAW.VAL)

Current Loop

Abs ON23

Sine Waveform
(LIMIT2.VAL<=SAW.VAL) SET: := ig nit1:=1

PWM Modulator

Voltage Loop CON ST


Figure 3.21 Simulation block diagram of average current mode PFC.

The performance analyses of average current controlled PFC is done by simulation

methods. The input current and output voltage simulation waveforms are illustrated
and analyzed. The current waveform behavior for different input voltages and the
output voltage differences at step load conditions are verified. The circuit is
simulated with the following simulation parameters given in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Simulation parameters of average current mode PFC

Output Power, P0 250 W

Input Voltage, Vin 90-265V
Input Voltage Frequency 50Hz
Switching Frequency 100 kHz
Output Voltage, V0 400V
Boost Inductor, L 1mH
Output Capacitor, C0 330uF
Integration Formula Euler
Minimum Step Time 0.1u

The control loops for average current mode control is implemented by s-block sub-
circuit in the simulation system. The output voltage controller is chosen as a low
bandwidth error amplifier. The output voltage controller has two poles and one zero
characteristics with 20 Hz crossover frequency. A pole is placed at origin where the
other pole is placed at crossover frequency. The zero is placed before the crossover
frequency for stability reasons. The current controller is also implemented by s-block
sub-circuit. The current controller has two poles and one zero with one decade of
switching frequency crossover (10 kHz). The zero is placed at crossover frequency
and the pole is placed at half of the switching frequency to filter the higher switching
frequency noises. The used parameters for the voltage controller (GS1) and current
controller (GS2) are shown in Figure 3.22.

Figure 3.22 S-Transfer function for the voltage and current controller used in

The simulation results for the input voltage and the input current for 220-V input
voltage at full-load is shown in Figure 3.23.

Figure 3.23 Line voltage and line current simulation waveforms for 220-V input
voltage at 250-W PFC system (current scale: 10x).

The output voltage reference is defined as 400 Vdc. The output voltage and input
current simulation waveforms are at steady state for 220 V input voltage and full-
load output power is shown in Figure 3.24.

Figure 3.24 Output voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 220 V input
voltage at 250-W PFC system (current scale: 10x).

The system is simulated for the lower input voltage conditions. The input voltage is
lowered to 120 Vac and the corresponding current and output voltage waveforms are
simulated. The input voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 120 Vac at
full-load power are shown in Figure 3.25.

Figure 3.25 Line voltage and line current simulation waveforms for 120 V input
voltage at 250-W PFC system (current scale: 10x).

The output voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 120 V input voltage
at full-load are shown in Figure 3.26.

[V], [A]

5 10 15 20 25 30 35
t [ms]

Figure 3.26 Output voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 120V input
voltage at 250W PFC system (current scale: 10x).

The transient response for the outer voltage control loop is satisfied with the
simulation. The load is increased from half load to full load at steady-state and the
corresponding changes at the output voltage and input current are illustrated by the
simulation. The step response for the output voltage and input current is shown in
Figure 3.27.


[V], [A]



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
t [ms]

Figure 3.27 Step response for output voltage and input current simulation waveforms
for 220 V input voltage at half-load to full-load step (current scale: 10x).

In the above simulation results, it is shown that a sinusoidal input current waveform
is achieved for different input voltage values by the average current mode controlled
PFC. There are some distortions in the input current at the zero crossings of the input
voltage due to the lower inductor voltage at these regions. The lower inductor
voltage cannot provide enough inductor current to track reference waveform. In the
case of the lower input voltage such as 120 Vac, these distortions are smaller. The
output voltage controller has limited bandwidth and shows slower response to
transient situations. But it is seen from Figure 3.27 that the voltage and current
controller shows optimum response for load changes without any distortions or

3.6 Hardware Implementation of Average Current Control PFC

This section describes the general specifications of the power circuit and control
circuit elements of an average current controlled power factor correction system. It is
known that the single-phase PFC is shaped from a single-phase diode rectifier and a
cascaded dc-dc boost converter. The types of the components in the power circuit
with their general specifications are summarized briefly in the subsection 3.6.1.

The analog PFC controller IC, UCC3818, is chosen to implement average current
mode PFC application. The general parameters and the block diagram of the
controller are given in the subsection 3.6.2.

3.6.1 Functional Description of the Power Circuit

The power circuit consists of input bridge rectifier, filtering ac capacitor after bridge,
boost inductor, boost switch, boost diode and output capacitor. A current sensing
resistor series to power line is placed to sense the inductor current for average current
mode control.

An inrush current limiter NTC is placed at the input of the rectifier to limit the start-
up current. This inrush current limiter has cold resistance at start-up and a small
resistance when the rated current flows through it. A glass fuse is placed at the input
of the power line to protect the circuit from high input currents.

A diode is placed between the output of the rectifier and the output capacitor in order
to protect the circuit elements during the start-up. It is known that output electrolytic
capacitor draws higher currents during initial charging at the start-up so boost diode
can saturate at this current level and can damage the circuit elements such as boost
diode. This parallel diode conducts only at the start-up because the output voltage is
smaller than the input voltage. At steady-state, output voltage will be higher than the
input voltage due to boost operation.

Input bridge rectifier is selected according to required ratings of the system. This
bridge rectifier is followed by a filtering capacitor. This filtering capacitor reduces
the noise in the output of the bridge rectifier and provides a good reference
waveform for the current reference. A displacement factor occurs, if the value of this
capacitor is high.

The boost inductor, power switch and diode form the boost pre-regulator operation.
The boost inductor is made of ferrite core with appropriate ratings. The power switch
is selected as a power MOSFET with a small on-resistance. The output diode has fast
switching capability with soft recovery characteristics.

The output capacitor is one of the main elements in the power circuit. The value of
this electrolytic capacitor affects the output voltage ripple, performance of the
voltage error amplifier, hold-up time, and start-up inrush current.

A small current sensing resistor with higher power rating is used to sense the
inductor current. This is the easiest way to sense the inductor current but some power
dissipation occurs in the sensing resistor. As the system has low power level, current
sensing is a good and cheap solution. In high power applications current sensing
transformers or Hall-effect devices should be used to sense the current. But these
methods need extra circuit to amplify the sensed current to the appropriate value for
the controller.

3.6.2 Functional Description of the Control Circuit

The control circuit is implemented with the Texas Instruments integrated circuit
UCC3818 and the required external circuit elements. The UCC3818 controller IC
provides average current mode. The controller IC needs external passive components
chosen according to the application. The IC has internal reference voltage generator,
current and voltage error amplifiers, saw tooth oscillator, gate drive circuit with soft
start and peak current limiting features. The block diagram of the controller IC is
shown in Figure 3.28.

Figure 3.28 Block diagram of the UCC3818 controller IC.

The controller IC operates with constant 12-Vdc power supply. The IC has internal
reference voltage generator (7.5V) that is used as an output voltage reference in a
voltage negative feedback loop. The power supply of the IC has under-voltage
lockout circuit that ensures the turn-off of the power MOSFET in case of low power
supply of the IC (around 10 Vdc).

The controller IC has internal multiplier to produce the required reference signal. The
inputs for the multiplier are the voltage compensator output, instantaneous input
voltage signal and averaged input voltage signal (feed-forward signal). The feed-
forward signal is obtained by mirroring the instantaneous input voltage and passed
through a voltage averaging network. So there is no need for a new resistor divider
circuit to evaluate the feed-forward signal.

The voltage and current error amplifiers are formed by operational amplifiers inside
the UCC3818. The outputs of the compensators are pinned out to place the required
external passive elements for the operation and the stability of these loops.

UCC3818 has internal oscillator for the PWM circuit inside it. The frequency of the
oscillator is defined by the externally connected passive elements. The output of the

current error amplifier is compared with the saw tooth wave and produces required
gate signals. The IC has totem pole gate driver with internal clamp.

The controller IC has some internal protection circuits such as peak current limiting,
over voltage comparator and soft start circuit. The gate drive output is turned off
when the peak current limit is reached or in the case of an over voltage condition in
the output capacitor voltage. Soft start features provides a safe starting of the circuit
by gradually increasing the duty cycle at the initial operation of the circuit.

3.7 Design of the Average Current Controlled PFC

In this section, design procedure for implementing average current mode controlled
PFC with UCC3818 IC is presented. First, the design specification for the circuit is
defined as given in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Design parameters of 250W average current PFC

Output Power, P0 250 W

Input Voltage, Vin 85-270V AC
Input Voltage Frequency 50Hz
Switching Frequency 100 kHz
Output Voltage, V0 385Vdc
Input current THD 3%
Efficiency 90%
Hold-up time 50ms
Inductor Current Ripple 20%

The design process is realized by using following procedure.

1) Power stage considerations

2) Selection of the switching frequency fs
3) Selection of the boost inductor L
4) Selection of the output capacitor C0
5) Selection of the power switch elements, MOSFET and PFC diode
6) Design of the multiplier and feed-forward circuit elements
7) Design of the current loop controller
8) Design of the voltage loop controller

Average current mode controlled PFC with UCC3818 controller IC is implemented

with the selected external elements. The schematic diagram of the hardware is shown
in Figure 3.29.

Figure 3.29 Schematic diagram of the 250-W, average current controlled PFC.

1) Power Stage Considerations: A 250-W single-phase power factor correction
circuit is implemented and tested in the laboratory conditions. The average current
mode control has no limit for the power level of the PFC system. Traditionally, the
SMPS has lower power levels that are used in commercial equipments. So, 250-W
PFC is a good example to show the basics of the average current mode controlled
PFC circuit. The PFC circuit is designed to operate anywhere in the world (universal
input line).

The first issue to design the power stage is defining the output voltage level. The
output voltage should be greater than the peak of the maximum input voltage. In this
example, output voltage reference is selected as 385 Vdc. The main elements of the
circuit are boost inductor, power switch, boost diode and output capacitor. The boost
inductor is designed for the inductor ripple current at the worst case operation of the
circuit. The selection of the power switch is done by considering the rms value of the
switch current. The boost diode should have fast reverse recovery characteristics for
CCM operation. Both power switch and diode should be rated at about 20 % above
of the output voltage. The output capacitor should be selected by considering the
output voltage ripple and hold-up time.

2) Selection of the switching frequency fs: Switching frequency should be high

enough to reduce power component size but low enough to reduce the power losses.
So selection of the switching frequency is defined by the trade-off between size and
switching losses. The controller provides wide range of switching frequency (20
kHz-250 kHz). In this example, 100 kHz switching frequency is selected for better
utilization and smaller circuit elements.

3) Selection of the boost inductor L: The boost inductor determines the high
frequency ripple for the inductor current. Inductor is designed to handle maximum
peak current and defined current ripple. First, the maximum peak current that occurs
in operating at minimum input voltage has to be defined. The maximum input peak
current Iin,peak(max) is ;

2 ⋅ P0 2 ⋅ 250W
I in , peak (max) = = = 4.52 A (3.28)
η ⋅ Vin , rms (min) 0.9 ⋅ 85V

The peak to peak ripple current is defined as 20% of the maximum input peak
current. So the high frequency ripple current is:

∆I = 0.2 ⋅ I in , peak (max) = 0.9 A (3.29)

The value of the inductor is selected at the maximum input current and low input
voltage with corresponding duty ratio, D.

V0 − Vin , peak (min) 385 − 2 ⋅ 85

D= = = 0.69 (3.30)
V0 385

Vin , peak (min) ⋅ D 120V ⋅ 0.69

L= = = 0.9mH (3.31)
f s ⋅ ∆I 100kHz ⋅ 0.9 A

where D is the duty cycle, fs is the switching frequency and ∆I is the inductor current
ripple. A 900 µH, ferrite core, high frequency inductor is used with 6-A current
handling capacity.

4) Selection of the Output Capacitor C0: The capacitance and the rated voltage
value should be designed according to predefined output voltage, output voltage
ripple and hold-up time for the output voltage. Total current through the output
capacitor is the rms value of the high frequency ripple current and second harmonic
of the line current. The capacitor with voltage and current ratings grater than the
normal operating point values with smaller ESR is selected. Hold-up time is the other
selection criterion for the selection of the capacitance. Hold-up time is the length of
the time where the output voltage remains within the specified range after input
voltage is turned off. In this example hold-up time is selected as 20 ms. Calculating
the capacitance is done according to the equation (3.32).

2 ⋅ P0 ⋅ ∆t 2 ⋅ 250W ⋅ 20ms
C0 = = = 200 µ F (3.32)
(V02 − V0,min
) 3852 − 320 2

where ∆I is the hold-up time. 220- µ F, 450-V electrolytic capacitor with lower ESR
is chosen for 385-V output voltage and 250-W output power.

5) Selection of the power switches elements, MOSFET and PFC diode: The
selection of the switch elements, power switch and boost diode, depends on the
voltage and current ratings, and switching losses. The power switch and diode should
have sufficient operation ratings. Power losses should be considered while selecting
power switch. Total power loss is the sum of the switching loss and conduction loss.
Choosing a switch with minimum gate charge and switch capacitance reduces the
turn-on and turn-off losses. A small on-resistance will reduce the conduction losses.
A power MOSFET with current rating higher than the maximum peak current of the
inductor and voltage rating greater than the output voltage is chosen as power switch.
The power MOSFET, IRFP460 is used in experimental circuits. The fast recovery
boost diode, DSEI 12-06A is chosen as the boost diode with 35 ns reverse recovery

6) Design of the multiplier and feed-forward circuit elements: Multiplier is the

core of the average current mode control of PFC. The output of the multiplier defines
the reference for the input current and it is input for the current compensator. So the
multiplier should be designed properly. There are three inputs for the multiplier.
These are voltage error amplifier output (VAOUT), waveform reference for the input
current (IAC) and input voltage feed-forward (VFF). The equation for the multiplier
output (IMOUT) can be written considering the multiplier concept explained in
sections 3.1 to 3.3 as:

(VAOUT − 1)
I MOUT = I AC 2 (3.33)

where K is the multiplier constant and equal to 1/V. The IAC signal is obtained by a

simple resistor divider circuit through rectified ac line. The maximum input current
for the IAC pin of the UCC3818 is defined as 500 µA in the datasheet. A 750-kohm
resistor provides enough current for the maximum input voltage conditions (265

The feed-forward action is achieved by using the mirrored current signal and a
single-pole filter as shown in Figure 3.30. Feed-forward ensures that the control
circuit will not be affected by the input voltage variations.




Figure 3.30 Feed-forward circuit for the UCC3818 IC.

The feed-forward resistor (RVFF) can be calculated using the following equation:

RVFF = = 30k Ω (3.34)
Vin ,min( rms ) ⋅ 0.9
2 ⋅ RIAC

where RIAC is equal to the total resistance connected between the IAC pin and rectified
line voltage. The feed-forward capacitor is designed according to the filter
requirements for the controller. The feed-forwards signal contains second harmonic
ripple and this ripple distorts the current reference. The low-pass filter is designed for
the amount of the attenuation needs to be determined. In the design specifications,
the input current THD is determined as 3%. 1.5% of this distortion is allowed for the
feed-forward circuit. 0.75% is left for the output voltage controller and 0.75% for
other distortion sources such as noise, parasitic elements etc… It is known that the
rectified line voltage is a 100-Hz signal and it will consist of 66.2% second harmonic
in the averaged value. So the needed attenuation is equal to (1.5%)/(66.2%) or 0.022.
The desired gain at the second harmonic frequency (100 Hz) is 0.022. The filter pole
is placed at the crossover of the low-pass filter where the gain of the filter is equal to
unity. The pole filter can be determined by using the following linear equation:

f P = 100 ⋅ = 2.2 Hz (3.35)

The corresponding filter capacitance at the pole frequency can be calculated by:

CVFF = = 2.6 µ F (3.36)
2 ⋅ π ⋅ RVFF ⋅ f P

7) Design of the current loop controller: The theoretical derivations for the current
loop controller for the average current mode control are explained in the section
3.4.1. It was shown that, the inner current loop has higher bandwidth around one
decade of the switching frequency. It was evaluated that, the open loop transfer
function for the current loop is:

Ti ( s ) = Gid ( s )GC ( s ) (3.37)

where Gid(s) is equal to the power stage transfer function and GC(S) is equal to the
current compensator transfer function. The current compensator has two poles and
one zero characteristics. The transfer functions for the power stage and current
compensator are given as:

V0 ⋅ Rs
Gid ( s ) = (3.38)
s ⋅ L ⋅ VSE

ωi (1 + ω z )
GC ( s ) = (3.39)
s (1 + s )

The pole and zero frequencies are determined by first selecting the crossover
frequency for the current compensator. One decade of the switching frequency (10
kHz) is selected as crossover frequency. It is known that open-loop transfer function
of the current loop has unity gain at crossover. The gain for the power stage is at the

V0 ⋅ Rs 385V ⋅ 0.25Ω
Gid (10kHz ) = = = 0.383 (3.40)
s ⋅ L ⋅ VSE 10 kHz ⋅1mH ⋅ 4V

where VSE is equal to peak-to-peak ramp voltage amplitude and 4 V for UCC3818,
RS is the sensing resistor and equal to 0.25 ohm. The current compensator gain at the
crossover frequency is:

GC (10kHz ) = = 2.611 (3.41)

This gain at the crossover frequency determines the resistor value Rf for the current
compensator, which is calculated as 12 kΩ. The zero of the compensator is placed at
the crossover frequency and calculated by:

1 1
CZ = = = 1.3nF (3.42)
2 ⋅ π ⋅ R f ⋅ f c 2 ⋅ π ⋅12k Ω ⋅10kHz

The pole is placed at half of the switching frequency to filter high frequency noises.

1 1
CP = = = 265 pF (3.43)
2 ⋅π ⋅ Rf ⋅
fs 2 ⋅ π ⋅12k Ω ⋅ 50kHz

8) Design of the voltage loop controller: The output voltage compensator has
limited bandwidth to attenuate the second harmonic ripple in the feedback path. A
two-pole and one-zero compensator system is used as voltage compensator as shown
in Figure 3.31. The input for the voltage amplifier is compared with the constant
reference value, 7.5 V for the UCC3818 IC. The ratio for the output voltage divider
should be selected to divide the output voltage to this reference voltage (7.5 V).

Figure 3.31 Output voltage compensator configuration.

The gain of the error amplifier is defined by the second harmonic ripple in the output
voltage. The peak ripple for the output voltage is equal to 4 V. The distortion budget
in the current for the voltage controller is defined as 0.75%. We know that 0.75% 3rd
harmonic distortion in the input current is the result of the 1.5% 2nd harmonic ripple
in the output of the error amplifier. So the allowable ripple in the output of the
voltage amplifier can be calculated as:

0.015 ⋅ ∆VVAOUT 0.015 ⋅ 5V

GV = = = 7.5 (3.44)
Vo , RIPPLE ( peak − peak ) 8V

where ∆VVAOUT is equal to effective output voltage range of the voltage amplifier for
UCC3818. The value of the Cf is determined by:

Cf = = 210nF (3.45)
2 ⋅ π ⋅100 Hz ⋅ GV ⋅ RIN

The crossover frequency fvi for the voltage loop is selected as 10 Hz and the pole is
placed at the crossover frequency. The pole frequency is defined by the resistor Rf
and found by:

Rf = = 84k Ω (3.46)
2 ⋅ π ⋅ f vi ⋅ C f

The capacitor Cz is added for the stability of the voltage loop. Since the power circuit
has single pole characteristic, this zero improves the phase margin of the voltage
loop. Considering that a zero behaves like a pole in a closed loop system, this zero
should be placed before the crossover frequency for a good dynamic response. The
zero frequency is selected as one decade of the crossover frequency and the value for
Cz is found as:

Cz = = 2.1µ F (3.47)
f vi
2 ⋅π ⋅ ⋅ Rf

3.8 Experimental Results

Average current mode PFC circuit PCB is designed and experimental results are
verified in the laboratory. The PCB layout of the circuit is shown in Figure 3.32.

Figure 3.32 PCB layout of the average current mode PFC circuit.

The circuit is supplied with an isolated variac circuit and loaded by a resistive load.
First, the circuit is supplied by 220-Vac input voltage and corresponding input
current and voltage waveforms are illustrated. The input voltage and input current
waveforms are shown in Figures 3.33.a and 3.33.b, respectively. The corresponding
harmonic content of the input current is shown Figure 3.33. Input current has some
5th order harmonic due to the input voltage harmonics.

Figure 3.33 Input voltage and input current waveforms (Scales: 100V/div, 1A/div).

Figure 3.34 Input current harmonic spectrum.

The output voltage and input current harmonic waveforms are illustrated in Figure
3.35. The output voltage has the reference value voltage rating (385 Vdc).

Figure 3.35 Output voltage and input current waveform (Scales: 100V/div, 1A/div).

The input current has some distortions at the zero crossings of the line voltage due to
the insufficient inductor voltage to follow the reference current. The distortion in the

line current around the zero crossings of the line voltage is illustrated in Figure 3.36.

Figure 3.36 Input current distortions around zero crossings (Scale: 0.5A/div).

The input voltage is changed to 120 Vac and corresponding waveforms are
illustrated. The input voltage and input current waveforms are shown in Figures
3.37.a and 3.37.b, respectively. The corresponding harmonic content of the input
current is shown in Figure 3.38.

Figure 3.37 Input voltage and input current waveforms (Scales: 50V/div, 1A/div).

Figure 3.38 Input current harmonic spectrum.

The output voltage ripple waveforms are illustrated in Figure 3.39. The output
voltage has the reference value voltage rating (385Vdc). The input current has some
distortions at the zero crossings of the line voltage due to insufficient inductor
voltage to follow the reference current. The distortion in the line current around the
zero crossings of the line voltage is illustrated in Figure 3.40.

Figure 3.39 Output voltage ripple waveform (Scales: 5V/div, AC coupling).

Figure 3.40 Input current distortions around zero crossings (Scale: 1A/div).

Start-up response for the input current and the input voltage is verified. Due to the
soft-start structure of the control circuit output voltage reaches the steady-state
operation after a few line cycles. The input current has inrush current at start-up but
the circuit has the ability to alter this start-up current without damaging any of the
circuit elements. The start-up response of the circuit is illustrated in Figure 3.41.

Figure 3.41 Start-up behavior of the input current and output voltage
(Scales: 200V/div, 2A/div).

3.8 Conclusions

The average current mode control PFC circuit is analyzed theoretically and
simulation and experimental results are verified. It is shown that the average current
mode control seems attractive for active power factor correction circuit. However,
there is too much design procedure making the system complex. Also the number of
elements used in the circuit is high. In the following chapters, another active PFC
control method will be analyzed and verified experimentally.



4.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the analysis of single-phase active power factor correction circuit
operated in the critical conduction mode is presented. The critical conduction mode
is also called as boundary conduction mode or transition mode control. The word
“boundary” comes from the operation characteristics of the proposed control method.
In the boundary conduction mode control (BCM), the inductor current operates at the
boundary of continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction
mode (DCM).

Critical conduction mode operation is the most popular solution for the low power
applications due to the following reasons:

• The control topology needs few external components and serves simple
design process
• Low cost solution to achieve near unity power factor application
• Smaller magnetic element sizes due to the CCM operation
• Lower switching losses and stress on the power switch elements in the
application. The power switch turns-on at zero current and the reverse
recovery loss of the boost diode is minimized.

However, the switching frequency of the boundary conduction mode is not constant
and varies over a line cycle. The switching frequency at the zero crossing of the line

is higher in contrary, lower in the peak of the line cycle. So this large switching
frequency variation causes distortions in the input current. Because the inductor
current peak value is twice of the input current peak value, boundary conduction
mode is not suitable for high power applications.

This chapter describes the basics of a PFC boost converter operating at the critical
conduction mode. Operation principle and derivation of circuit parameters are
discussed. Steady-state characteristics, switching frequency derivation, input and
inductor current properties are explained throughout the chapter. Simulation and
experimental results are verified and compared.

4.2 Operation of Critical Conduction Mode

PFC boost converter such as in average current mode control is used to analyze the
basics of the critical conduction mode. A typical critical conduction mode control is
illustrated in Figure 4.1.

iL (t ) i(t )

iac ( t )

d(t ) v0( t )
Vac C R

iL (t )





Figure 4.1 Block diagram of a BCM boost converter.

The reference current is obtained by the same method as in the average current mode
control scheme. The sensed sinusoidal waveform is multiplied with the output of the
voltage error amplifier and required current reference is built. The switch current is
sensed. The power switch is turned on when the inductor current drops to zero. The
power switch is turned off when the inductor current reaches the reference current.
Thus inductor current has a triangular waveshape with a sinusoidal envelope. An
input filter capacitor is used to average the triangular waveshape thus providing a
sinusoidal input current. The resulting waveforms of inductor current IL, averaged
input current IAC and reference current IREF are shown for a half line cycle in Figure

iREF iL (t )

iAC ( t )

Figure 4.2 Current waveforms during half of an AC line cycle.

In critical conduction mode, boost converter operates in two modes. The inductor
current builds up linearly with the slope (Vin/L) during on time. Theoretically, the
on-time duration of the power switch is constant. However, due to finite switching
frequency, the switch on time varies throughout the entire cycle. Second mode
begins with the turning-off of the power switch. The inductor current decreases
linearly with the slope (V0 - Vin / L). This switching sequence repeats at every zero
crossing of the inductor current. So the inductor current is zero when the switch is
turned on. This provides a zero current turn-on, hence minimizes the switching
losses. These conduction modes are illustrated in Figure 4.3.


iL (t ) L i(t ) iL (t ) L iD i(t )

vIN iQ C R v0(t ) vIN C R v0( t )


iL , peak

vIN (v0 − vIN )



Figure 4.3 Switching sequences of PFC Stage.

The critical conduction mode control eliminates the inner current controller. A
simple on-off control with a zero current detector block is enough to implement a
boundary conduction mode control. In addition only switch current is sensed.

As a result, the inductor peak current is twice of the line peak current at the boundary
conduction mode. This control topology requires smaller boost inductor but requires
input filtering capacitor to smooth the current and minimize the EMI. Design
procedure is simple and low cost. It is suitable for low power applications due to
higher peak currents and variable switching frequency.

4.3 Analysis of Switching Characteristics

In this section, steady-state characteristics, switching-on and -off time, duty cycle,
switching frequency and their dependency on ac input voltage and power level are
discussed. The BCM boost converter operates as a power factor pre-regulator so the
input voltage and input current of the system have sinusoidal waveform without any
displacement. Thus the sinusoidal equations for the input voltage Vin(t) and input
current Iin(t) can be expressed as follows:

vin (t ) = 2 ⋅ Vin ,rms ⋅ sin(ωt ) (4.1)


iin (t ) = 2 ⋅ I in ,rms ⋅ sin(ωt ) (4.2)

The operation of the BCM control is explained in section 4.2. Actual and averaged
inductor currents with corresponding gate signals are illustrated in Figure 4.4.

iL , peak
Average( iL Ts
iL ( t )

Figure 4.4 Inductor Current and Corresponding Gate Signals.

The input current Iin is equal to the averaged inductor current IL that is half of the
peak value of the inductor current IL,peak.

iL , peak
iin (t ) = iL = (4.3)

where Ts is the switching period. So peak inductor current can be written by using
equation (4.2) as:

iL , peak = 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ I in , rms ⋅ sin(ωt ) (4.4)

The basic input power definition can be used for the derivation of the peak inductor
current. The averaged input power is equal to the product of the rms values of the
input voltage and current. Averaged input power can be expressed as

Pin TS
= Vin ,rms ⋅ I in ,rms (4.5)

Peak inductor current is a function of averaged power and rms value of input voltage.

iL , peak = 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ ⋅ sin(ωt ) (4.6)
Vin ,rms

The BCM converter operates with variable switching frequency as illustrated in

Figure 4.3. As already stated, the inductor current consists of two phases. During the
on time of the power switch, the inductor voltage is equal to the input voltage and
inductor current increases with a Vin/L slope. The inductor current in the on time can
be expressed as:

vin (t )
iL (t ) = ⋅t (4.7)

At the end of the on-time duration, the inductor current IL is equal to the peak

inductor current IL,peak. Thus

vin (t )
iL , peak = ⋅ ton (4.8)

The on time is then expressed by using equation (4.1) and (4.6) as:

2⋅ 2 ⋅ ⋅ sin(ωt ) ⋅ L
iL , peak ⋅ L Vin ,rms 2 ⋅ Pin ⋅ L
ton = = = (4.9)
vin (t ) 2 ⋅Vin ,rms ⋅ sin(ωt ) V 2 in ,rms

It is clear from equation (4.9) that, the on time ton is constant during line cycle. The
on-time duration depends on power level, inductance and input rms voltage. The off-
time duration can be explained by using the second phase of the inductor current.
During this second phase, inductor current flows through the output diode and feeds
the output capacitor and load. The inductor voltage becomes negative and inductor
current decreases with a linear (V0 - Vin )/L slope. The inductor current is equal to the
peak value at the beginning of the off-time duration and drops to zero at the end of
this second phase. The variation in the inductor current in the second phase can be
written as:

 v − v (t ) 
iL (t ) = iL, peak −  0 in ⋅ t  (4.10)
 L 

This second phase ends when the inductor current reaches zero, and the off time is
given by the following equation:

2⋅ 2 ⋅ ⋅ sin(ωt ) ⋅ L
iL, peak ⋅ L Vin , rms
toff = = (4.11)
v0 − vin (t ) v0 − 2 ⋅Vin ,rms ⋅ sin(ωt )

Off-time duration is not constant and varies during each half cycle. Total switching
period is the sum of ton and toff. Thus

TS = ton + toff = iL , peak ⋅ L ⋅ (4.12)
vin (t )(v0 − vin (t ))

The equation for the switching period TS can be expressed by using equation (4.1)
and (4.6) as:

Pin ⋅ v0
TS = 2 ⋅ L ⋅ 2
V in , rms (v0 − vin (t ))

Thus the switching frequency fs is the inverse of the switching period TS.

V 2in ,rms  2 ⋅V in , rms⋅ sin(ωt ) 

fS = 1 −  (4.14)
2 ⋅ L ⋅ Pin  v0 

This equation shows that, the switching frequency consists of a constant component
that has a value dependent on the operating point and a variable component that
makes the switching frequency vary within AC line cycle. The following figure
illustrates the variations of the switching frequency within a half AC line cycle.

Figure 4.5 Switching frequency over the AC line cycle.

The switching frequency is high near the zero crossings of the line cycle where the
inductor current has lower amplitude. Besides, the switching frequency is
approximately divided by five at the top of the sinusoid, where the inductor current
has higher amplitude. In actual implementation, the rectified input voltage is filtered
with a high frequency AC capacitor to provide a clean reference waveform. The
output voltage error amplifier determines the amplitude of the current reference. The
turn-on time is controlled by the comparison of the reference and the actual inductor
current. The power switch is turned on when the actual inductor current drops to zero
and turned off when actual inductor current reaches the reference. In the next
section, computer simulation analysis of a BCM converter will be verified.

4.4 Simulation of Boundary Conduction Mode PFC

Single-phase critical conduction mode controlled PFC circuit is simulated by

SIMPLORER simulation tool and simulation results are verified. The simulated
circuit and control blocks are shown in Figure 4.6.

Rectifier Boost Stage

D1 D3


D2 D4

Mode Controller

Abs LIMIT G(s)

Sine Waveform
Multiplier CONST

Voltage Loop

Figure 4.6 Block diagram of simulation circuit.

Computer simulation of critical conduction mode control is used for the analysis of
circuit parameters and waveforms at different operating points. The input current,
inductor current, switching signals and output voltage waveforms are illustrated and
analyzed. The current waveform behavior for different input voltages and the output
voltage differences at step load conditions are verified. The circuit is simulated with
the following simulation parameters given in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Simulation parameters of critical conduction mode PFC

Output Power, P0 150 W

Input Voltage, Vin 90-265V
Input Voltage Frequency 50Hz
Switching Frequency Variable
Output Voltage, V0 400V
Boost Inductor, L 0.8mH
Output Capacitor, C0 330uF
Integration Formula Euler
Minimum Step Time 0.1u

The output voltage controller is a low bandwidth voltage error amplifier that is built
with s-transfer function block in the simulation tool. The crossover frequency of the
voltage controller is chosen as 20 Hz. A 400-V reference voltage is used in the
comparator at the input of the voltage error amplifier. There is no inner current
controller in the critical conduction mode control. Simply an on-off control is applied
in the simulation tool. Inductor current is compared with the switch current. The
control algorithm for this type of control is realized by using equation block tool in
the simulation. The voltage controller s-transfer function block (GS1) and current
control equation block (EQUBL1) are shown in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7 Voltage controller s-transfer function and current controller equation

The circuit is simulated for 220 Vac input voltage and 150 W output power. The
input voltage, and generated inductor current reference and the actual inductor
current waveforms are illustrated in Figure 4.8. The corresponding input current is
shown in Figure 4.9.



[V], [A]



5 10 15 20 25

Figure 4.8 Line voltage, reference inductor current and actual inductor current
simulation waveforms for 220 V input voltage at 150 W PFC (current scale: 40x).




[V], [A]



5 10 15 20 25
t [ms]

Figure 4.9 Line voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 220 V input
voltage at 150 W PFC system (current scale: 40x).

The output voltage reference is set to 400 Vdc level. The output voltage waveform at
steady state with the input current is illustrated in Figure 4.10.
[V], [A]

Figure 4.10 Output voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 220 V input
voltage at 150 W PFC system (current scale: 100x).

The transient response for the output voltage at the start-up and step load response
are verified in the simulation. The load is increased at steady state and corresponding
output voltage waveform is illustrated in Figure 4.11.

Figure 4.11 Transient response for output voltage simulation waveforms for

220 V input voltage at start-up and half-load to full-load step.

4.5 Hardware Implementation of Boundary Conduction Mode PFC

In this section, the implementation of the borderline control with PFC controller IC is
explained. The analog PFC controller IC, MC34262, is chosen to implement critical
conduction mode PFC application. General specifications of the power circuit and
control circuit elements of an boundary conduction mode power factor correction
system is derived. The single-phase PFC is shaped from a single-phase diode rectifier
and a cascaded dc-dc boost converter. The types of the components in the power
circuit with their general specifications are summarized briefly in subsection 4.4.1.
The general parameters and the block diagram of the controller are given in
subsection 4.4.2.

4.5.1 Functional Description of the Power Circuit

Single-phase bridge rectifier with a cascaded boost converter is built and critical
conduction mode control is applied. The load is chosen as a resistive load. Input is
supplied by an isolated variable AC power supply. A high-frequency filtering
capacitor is installed after the bridge rectifier to smooth the output of the rectifier.
The boost inductor, boost diode, power switch and output capacitor assume the
power factor pre-regulator role. The ratings for the switching elements are chosen by
considering maximum peak current levels.

A fast acting glass fuse and a bypass diode are placed in the circuit to prevent the
components in the case over current. Also an NTC is placed in the input of the circuit
to limit the start-up current due to initial charge of the output capacitor. At steady
state, the resistance of this NTC is very small, thus provides minimum power loss in
the NTC.

A sensing resistor with smaller resistance is placed at the source of the power
MOSFET to sense the switch current. Auxiliary windings in the boost inductor are
used for the zero current detection of the inductor current. Also these windings are
used to supply controller IC.

4.5.2 Functional Description of the Control Circuit

Borderline control is implemented by the ON Semiconductor integrated circuit

MC34262 with selected passive elements. The controller is the one of the most
popular critical conduction mode IC for PFC due to easy design requirements. The
controller has internal voltage reference generator, trans-conductance type voltage
error amplifier, multiplier, zero current detector, over voltage comparator etc. The
block diagram of the controller IC is shown in Figure 4.12.

Figure 4.12 Block diagram of the MC34262 controller IC.

The MC34262 is designed for use in a pre-regulator in electronic ballasts and off-line
power supplies applications. The controller consists of all required control blocks
including protection blocks. Also gate drive circuit is adequate to drive any power
switch element such as MOSFET or IGBT.

The controller has internal output voltage error amplifier. The inverting and output
pins of this error amplifier are accessible. The non-inverting input is connected
internally to the voltage reference (2.5). The output voltage divider feedback should
be scaled to this reference level. The error amplifier is a transconductance type,
meaning that is has high output impedance with controlled voltage-to-current gain.
The gain of transconductance is around 100 µmhos. The transconductance type
amplifier provides better performance; also the inverting input of the amplifier can
be used for different purposes such as over voltage comparator. The compensation
passive elements are placed between the output of the amplifier and ground.

An overvoltage comparator is used to protect the circuit in case of over voltage at the
output capacitor. The overvoltage limit is set to 1.08 of the reference output voltage.
When this limit is exceeded, the gate is turned off until safety limits are reached

The multiplier is the core of the system. The inputs for the multiplier are the output
of the voltage error amplifier and current waveform reference. The output of the
multiplier is the reference inductor current. The actual inductor current is forced to
flow between this reference and zero.

An internal zero current detector is used to turn on the power switch when the
inductor current drops to zero. This inductor current information is taken from the
auxiliary windings of the boost inductor. The zero current detector initiates the next
on time by setting the RS Latch at the instant the inductor current reaches zero. An
internal watch dog timer is used to start or restart the converter if the drive output has
been off more than 600 µsec after the inductor current reaches zero.

The control IC is supplied with an auxiliary supply circuit. There is no need of

external power supply. An undervoltage lockout comparator has been incorporated to
guarantee that the IC is fully functional before enabling the output stage.

In the next section, design of the 150W PFC circuit with MC34262 is explained.

4.6 Design of the Boundary Conduction Mode PFC Converter

In this section, design procedure for implementing critical conduction mode

controlled PFC with MC34262 IC is presented. The circuit is implemented for low
power applications. First, the design specifications for the circuit are defined as given
in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Design parameters of current conduction PFC

Output Power, P0 150 W

Input Voltage, Vin 85-270V AC
Input Voltage Frequency 50Hz
Switching Frequency Variable
Output Voltage, V0 400Vdc
Input current THD 3%
Efficiency 90%
Hold-up time 50ms

The design process is realized using the following design procedure.

1) Power stage considerations

2) Switching frequency fs considerations
3) Selection of the boost inductor L
4) Selection of the output capacitor C0
5) Design of the voltage loop controller

Critical conduction mode controlled PFC with MC34262 controller IC is

implemented with the selected external elements. The schematic diagram of the
hardware is shown in Figure 4.13.

Figure 4.13 Schematic diagram of the 150W, critical current mode PFC.

1) Power Stage Considerations: A 150-W single-phase power factor correction
circuit is implemented and tested in the laboratory conditions. The critical
conduction mode control is suitable for the low power applications. The circuit is
designed to operate with universal input voltage range. A resistive load or a dc-dc
converter can be used as load of the circuit. A resistive load is used to carry out
experiments in the laboratory.

The output voltage reference is set to 400 Vdc with 430 Vdc over voltage protection.
The main elements of the circuit are boost inductor, power switch, boost diode and
output capacitor. The boost inductor is designed with auxiliary windings to be used
in the zero current detector. The selection of the power switch is done by considering
the rms value of the switch current. The boost diode should have fast reverse
recovery characteristics for CCM operation. Both power switch and diode should be
rated about 20% above of the output voltage. The output capacitor should be selected
by considering the output voltage ripple and hold-up time.

2) Switching frequency fs considerations: The switching frequency is variable in

the critical conduction mode control. The variation of the switching frequency during
a line cycle is explained in section 4.3. The switching frequency characteristics for
different input level are analyzed by using equation (4.14). The deviations in the
switching frequency for the 220 Vac input voltage is shown in Figure 4.14. Figure
4.15 shows the switching frequency variations for 120 Vac input voltage.

Input voltage


0 45 90 135 180

Freq vs. time


Freq (kHz)



0 45 90 135 180

Figure 4.14 Switching frequency for 220VAC line voltage for critical current mode

Input voltage


Voltage 150,0
0 45 90 135 180

Freq vs. time

Freq (kHz)

0 45 90 135 180

Figure4.15 Switching frequency for 120VAC line voltage for critical current mode

3) Selection of the boost inductor L: The inductance is designed for minimum

switching period. Assuming that the minimum switching period is equal to 40 µsec
for the universal line (85-270), the inductance value can be calculated as:

 v  2  400V 
t ⋅ 0 −V  V in ,rms (low) 40µ sec⋅ 
in , rms ( low ) − 85V  852
LP =    2 
= = 600µ H (4.15)
2 ⋅ v0 ⋅ P0 2 ⋅ 400V ⋅150W

The inductor is built from ferrite core material. The primary of the inductor is
measured as 700 µH. 80 turns are placed in the primary of the inductor. Auxiliary
windings are placed in the secondary for zero current detection and power supply for
the controller IC. 5 turns are placed in the secondary.

4) Selection of the Output Capacitor C: The output capacitor defines the output
voltage ripple and hold-up time for the PFC. The capacitance and the rated voltage
value should be designed regarding the predefined output voltage, output voltage
ripple and hold-up time for the output voltage. The capacitor with voltage and
current rating greater than the normal operating point values with smaller ESR is
selected. In this example a 330 µF electrolytic capacitor is used and corresponding
output voltage ripple is shown in Figure 4.16.

Output Ripple
Angle (degrees)

0 45 90 135 180





Figure 4.16 Output voltage ripple.

5) Design of the voltage loop controller: MC34262 PFC controller employs a

transconductance type amplifier. This is done so that multiple functions, such as over
voltage detection, can be incorporated in one IC pin. The traditional voltage type
error amplifier precludes this since in a closed loop system the Vsense pin is not
proportional to Vout. A transconductance type amplifier’s sense pin gives the true
measure of the output voltage whether the loop is in regulation or not due to
connecting compensation passive elements to output. Integral compensation can be
used as in the error amplifier. Figure 4.17 shows a transconductance type
error amplifier with capacitive compensation network.

Figure 4.17 Transconductance type amplifier configuration.

All concepts for the outer voltage loop control in average current mode control are
valid for critical conduction mode. The voltage controller should have low crossover
frequency to limit the second harmonic ripple in the output voltage. The design for
the transconductance type amplifier is straightforward. It is assumed that amplifier
has 100 µs gain and the bandwidth is set to 200 Hz. So the compensation capacitor
can be calculated as:

C= = 560nF (4.16)
2 ⋅ π ⋅ BW

where gm is the amplifier gain and BW is the bandwidth of the output voltage

4.7 Experimental Results

Critical Conduction mode PFC circuit PCB is designed and experimental results are
verified in the laboratory. The PCB layout of the circuit is shown in Figure 4.18.

Figure 4.18 PCB layout of the critical conduction mode PFC circuit.

The circuit is supplied with an isolated variac circuit and loaded by a resistive load.
First, the circuit is supplied by 220 Vac input voltage and corresponding input
current and voltage waveforms are illustrated. The input voltage and input current
waveforms are shown in Figures 4.19.a and 4.19.b, respectively. The corresponding
harmonic content of the input current is shown in Figure 4.20. Input current has some
5th order harmonic due to the input voltage harmonics.

Figure 4.19 Input voltage and input current waveforms (Scales: 100V/div, 1A/div).

Figure 4.20 Input current harmonic spectrum.

The output voltage and input current harmonic waveforms are illustrated in Figure
4.21. The output voltage has the reference value voltage rating (400 Vdc).

Figure 4.21 Output voltage and input current waveforms (Scales: 200V/div, 1A/div).

The input current has some distortions in the zero crossings of the line voltage due to
the insufficient inductor voltage to follow the reference current. In these regions the
switching frequency is very high. The controller limits the switching frequency. The
distortion in the line current around the zero crossings of the line voltage is
illustrated in Figure 4.22.

Figure 4.22 Input current distortions around zero crossings (Scale: 0.5A/div).
The input voltage is changed to 120 Vac and corresponding waveforms are
illustrated. The input voltage and input current waveforms are shown in Figures
4.23.a and 4.23.b, respectively. The corresponding harmonic content of the input
current is shown in Figure 4.24.

Figure 4.23 Input voltage and input current waveforms (Scales: 100V/div, 5A/div).

Figure 4.24 Input voltage and input current waveforms.

The output voltage and input current harmonic waveforms are illustrated in Figure
4.25. The output voltage has the reference value voltage rating (400 Vdc). The input
current has some distortions in the zero crossings of the line voltage due to the
insufficient inductor voltage to follow the reference current. The distortion in the line
current around the zero crossings of the line voltage is illustrated in Figure 4.26.

Figure 4.25 Output voltage and input current waveforms (Scales: 200V/div, 2A/div).

Figure 4.26 Input current distortions around zero crossings (Scale: 1A/div).

Start-up response for the input current and the input voltage is verified. Due to the
soft-start structure of the control circuit output voltage reaches the steady-state
operation after a few line cycles. The input current has inrush current at the start up
but the circuit has the ability to alter this start-up current without damaging any of
the circuit elements. The start-up response of the circuit is illustrated in Figure 4.27.

Figure 4.27 Start-up behavior of the input current and output voltage (Scales:
200V/div, 2A/div).

4.8 Conclusion

In this chapter, the critical conduction mode control of PFC is discussed. The
operation characteristics and dynamic responses are analyzed. Simulation and
experimental implementations are presented. The conceived system is suitable to test
the performance of a borderline control of a power factor pre-regulator.



5.1 Introduction

In this chapter, an implementation of the One Cycle Control (OCC) method, that
simplifies the design procedure for the continuous conduction mode PFC converters.
The average current and borderline control methods were analyzed in Chapter 4 and
5. Both control methods consist of a multiplier as a core element in the PFC control
with input voltage sensing. One cycle control method reduces the design complexity
and manufacturing cost of a PFC converter. A resettable integrator is the core
element of one cycle control so this control method also called as integration reset
technique [45], [55].

One cycle control technique has ability to real time response to the non-linear nature
of the switching converters. Any step chances in the voltages or the currents in the
PFC circuit can be controlled instantaneously. Duty cycle of the boost converter is
modulated to force the input to appear purely resistive. OCC control can be applied
any converter topologies.

The basic operation principle is as follows. The output of the voltage error amplifier
is integrated over the switching cycle. Since the voltage controller has small
bandwidth, the output of the voltage error amplifier is constant in a switching cycle
thus the output of the integrator is a ramp voltage. The slope of the ramp voltage
depends on the output voltage variations. This ramp voltage is compared to a voltage
reference generated by a combination of the sum of the inductor current and the
voltage error amplifier’s output. PWM generator determines the duty cycle according
to the output of the comparator. A one cycle controlled PFC converter block diagram
is shown in Figure 5.1.

iL (t ) i( t )

iac (t )

d(t ) v0(t )
Vac C R

S CLK iL (t )

Vm vref

Figure 5.1 One cycle control of PFC.

As it is illustrated in Figure 5.1, the integrator is the main control element of one
cycle control. The ramp generated by this integrator is reset at the end of each
switching cycle and ramp starts again from zero in the new switching cycle. So a
cycle-by-cycle control is achieved and called as “One Cycle Control”.

5.2 Operation of One Cycle Control

The one cycle control method requires no input voltage sensing, no analog
multiplier, and no sawtooth waveform generator. The output of the voltage error
amplifier is integrated over the switching cycle and a ramp voltage is generated. This
ramp voltage has the characteristics of outer voltage loop dynamics. The dynamics
are evaluated in switching periods providing fast response. The sensed inductor
current is compared with the output of the integrator to generate required duty cycle

for unity power factor correction. So the regulation of the output voltage is done by
the resettable integrator and sinusoidal input current waveform is achieved by PWM
generating algorithm.
The type of the voltage error amplifier is the same as with the other control methods.
The output voltage Vo is scaled to reference value. The error amplifier compensates
the error between the actual output voltage and reference. The bandwidth of the error
amplifier is small to reduce 2nd harmonic distortion. The output of the voltage error
amplifier Vm is constant during each switching cycle. A transconductance type error
amplifier is shown in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2 Transconductance type error amplifier.

The output of the integrator is a ramp voltage due to the constant output voltage of
the error amplifier in a switching cycle. The slope of the ramp is the function of the
output voltage error amplifier and proportional to the output voltage variations.
However, the output of the integrator ∫Vm must match the integrated value Vm in
each switching period. The resettable integrator characteristic is shown in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3 Resettable integrator characteristics.

Inductor current is sensed with sense circuit such as sense resistor or current
transformer. A reference for the PWM generator is obtained by subtracting the
sensed voltage from the modulation voltage Vm. The control block diagram is
illustrated in Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4 Block diagram of OCC.

The corresponding integrator output voltage ∫Vm, PWM reference signal (Vm-
G.Vsense) and gate signal for an example circuit is illustrated in Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.5 PWM signal generation.

As a result, a PWM reference signal dependant on the input current and a ramp
signal dependant on the output voltage are generated in one cycle control. The
required gate signal is generated for high power factor correction and regulated
output voltage. The input voltage sensing and multiplier block in the control system
is removed. The design process includes fewer stages.

5.3 Simulation of One Cycle Control of PFC

The simulation analysis of a one cycle controlled single-phase PFC converter is

analyzed by the SIMPLORER simulation tool. Simulated circuit is shown in Figure
5.6. The performance analysis, verification of input current and voltage waveforms,
output voltage waveforms are illustrated.

Rectifier Boost Stage

D1 D3


D2 D4




Voltage Loop

Figure 5.6 Simulation circuit of one cycle control.

Basically, simulation circuit consists of a single-phase diode rectifier with a cascaded

boost converter as power circuit. The voltage loop controller, resettable integrator
and a PWM generator is used to implement control circuit. Simulation parameters are
given in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Simulation parameters of active PFC

Output Power, P0 250 W

Input Voltage, Vin 90-265V
Input Voltage Frequency 50Hz
Switching Frequency 100kHz
Output Voltage, V0 400V
Boost Inductor, L 1mH
Output Capacitor, C0 330uF
Integration Formula Euler
Minimum Step Time 0.1u
The voltage loop controller has the same specification with the other control
methods. The low bandwidth voltage controller is implemented by the s-transfer
function block in the simulation tool. The resettable integral is implemented by
analog integrator in the SIMPLORER. The reset signal is obtained from a clock
source that defines the switching frequency. The block properties of the voltage
controller and integrator are shown in Figure 5.7.a and 5.7.b.

Figure 5.7 Simulation blocks a) Output voltage controller b) Resettable integrator.

The simulation waveforms for the different input voltages are verified for a 250W
PFC converter. Two different level input voltage is applied and corresponding input
current and output voltage waveforms are illustrated. The input voltage and current
simulation waveforms for the 220Vac input voltage are shown in Figure 5.8. The
simulation waveforms for the input voltage and input current for a 150Vac input
voltage are shown in Figure 5.9.

Figure 5.8 Input voltage and current simulation waveforms for 220Vac input voltage
(Current Scale: 5x).

Figure 5.9 Input voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 150Vac input
voltage (Current Scale: 5x).

The steady-state output voltage simulation waveform with input current is illustrated
in Figure 5.10.

[V], [A]

Figure 5.10 Input voltage and input current simulation waveforms for 150Vac input
voltage (Current Scale: 5x).

5.4 Hardware Implementation of One Cycle Control PFC Converter

General specifications for a one cycle control of PFC converter with an analog PFC
controller are explained in this section. The International Rectifier IR1150 analog
PFC controller is used to implement one cycle control. The power stage is similar
with the previously mentioned control methods. The OCC control technique serves
low complexity in design process also needs fewer external components. The types
of the components in the power circuit with their general specifications are
summarized briefly in the subsection 5.4.1. The general parameters and the block
diagram of the controller are given in the subsection 5.4.2.

5.4.1 Functional Description of the Power Circuit

Design of the power stage is similar to the average current mode control. A single-
phase bridge rectifier with a cascaded boost converter is built and critical conduction
mode control is applied. The load is chosen as a resistive load. Input is supplied by
an isolated variable AC power supply. A high frequency filtering capacitor is
installed after the bridge rectifier to smooth the output of the rectifier. The boost
inductor, boost diode, power switch and output capacitor provides the power factor
pre-regulator role. The ratings for the switching elements are chosen by considering
maximum peak current levels.

A fast acting glass fuse and a bypass diode is placed in the circuit to prevent the
components in the case over current. Also a NTC is placed in the input of the circuit
to limit the start-up current due to initial charge of the output capacitor. In the steady
state, the resistance of this NTC is very small thus provides minimum power loss in
the NTC.

Only inductor current is sensed through a sense resistor. A current transformer or

hall-effect devices can be used for current sensing providing smaller power loss.

5.4.2 Functional Description of the Control Circuit

IR1150 PFC controller IC simplifies the design of PFC converter. The number of
required external elements to implement a PFC converter is very low. The controller
IC has inner voltage loop controller with reference voltage generator, resettable
integrator, duty cycle generator and protection sub-circuits [56]. The block diagram
of the IR1150 controller IC is given in Figure 5.11.

Figure 5.11 Block diagram of IR1150 PFC controller.

IR1150 PFC controller is designed for boost converter that operates with a fixed
frequency in continuous conduction mode. A current controller provides to create a
sinusoidal input current profile analogous to input voltage in continuous conduction
mode. There are some zero crossing distortions in the input current due to the smaller
inductor voltage at zero crossing regions. A transconductance type voltage error
amplifier is used for the outer voltage loop controller. The output of this error
amplifier is integrated with a resettable integrator. A ramp signal is produced by the
integrator which defines the amplitude of the average input current. So the current
controller defines the shape of the input current and the voltage controller with
integrator defines the magnitude of the input current.

IR1150 PFC controller IC includes an internal oscillator that is programmable by

connecting external resistor. The controller IC has ability to operate between 50 kHz
and 200 kHz range. It is possible to operate at lower frequency but the size of
magnetic components will be larger.

The PFC controller IC has internal protection circuits such as over current, over
voltage, under voltage and brownout. The UVLO circuit provides safety operating
point by controlling supply voltage Vcc of the IC. Over voltage protection OVP

function protect the system from over voltage conditions. When the over voltage
limit is exceeded, gate drive will be turned off. The controller also limits the current
in the case of brownout and overload.

5.5 Design of the One Cycle Control PFC Converter

In this section, design procedure for implementing one cycle control method for a
PFC converter is presented. The circuit is implemented for 250W applications. First,
the design specifications for the circuit is define as follows;

Table 5.2 Design parameters of active PFC

Output Power, P0 250 W

Input Voltage, Vin 85-270V AC
Input Voltage Frequency 50Hz
Switching Frequency 100kHz
Output Voltage, V0 385Vdc
Input current THD 5% max
Efficiency 90%
Hold-up time 50ms

The design process is maintained by using following design procedure.

1) Power stage considerations

2) Selecting switching frequency fs
3) Selection of the boost inductor L
4) Selection of the output capacitor C0
5) Current Loop Considerations
6) Design of the voltage loop controller

The schematic diagram of the one cycle controlled, 250W PFC converter is shown in
Figure 5.12.
Figure 5.12 Schematic of 250W PFC converter with IR1150.

1) Power Stage Considerations: As the system is supposed to operate in universal
input line, the design of the power stage should be done according to the worst case
conditions. The selection of the circuit elements will be done for the low input line
voltage and high input current. A 250W single-phase power factor correction circuit
is implemented and tested in the laboratory conditions. The circuit is designed to
operate in continuous conduction mode. A resistive load or a dc-dc converter can be
used as load of the circuit. A resistive load is used to make required experiments in
the laboratory.

The output voltage reference is set to 385Vdc with 420Vdc overvoltage protection.
The main elements of the circuit are boost inductor, power switch, boost diode and
output capacitor. The selection of the input diode, power switch and boost diode is
done by considering the rms value of the switch current. Both power switch and
diode should be rated about 20% above of the output voltage. The output capacitor
should be selected by considering the output voltage ripple and hold-up time.

Maximum input power can be calculated assuming 90% efficiency at low input

P0 250W
Pin (max) = = = 278W (5.1)
η 0.9

The maximum peak input current is the key point for designing circuit element’s
values and ratings. Selection of the over current limit and the design of the boost
inductor power rating are based on the maximum peak inductor current.

2 ⋅ P0 2 ⋅ 250W
I in , peak (max) = = = 4.62 A (5.2)
η ⋅ Vin , rms (min) 0.9 ⋅ 85V

A high frequency AC capacitor is placed at the output of the rectifier to filter the
high frequency noise. The value of capacitor should not be high to avoid the phase
distortion in the input current. A 220 uF, 630V AC capacitor is used for this purpose.

2) Switching frequency fs considerations: One cycle control method operates in
constant switching cycle. The switching frequency is defined by external resistor
connected to the frequency pin in the IR1150 IC. The controller datasheet illustrates
the switching frequency versus programming resistor diagram in Figure 5.13. A 80K
metal film is used to make the operating switching frequency as 100kHz.

Figure 5.13 Switching frequency vs. programming resistor.

3) Selection of the boost inductor L: Selection of the boost converter is made

according to the maximum peak input current, maximum output power and
maximum duty cycle. These are worst case conditions and the selected inductor
should satisfy all these worst case requirements. The boost inductor determines the
high frequency ripple for the inductor current. The maximum peak current was
defined in the first step as 4.6A. The peak to peak ripple current is defined the 20%
of the maximum input peak current. So the high frequency ripple current is:

∆I = 0.2 ⋅ I in , peak (max) = 0.9 A (5.3)

Maximum duty cycle is determined at the low input line voltage’s peak value.

V0 − Vin , peak (min) 385 − 2 ⋅ 85

D= = = 0.69 (5.4)
V0 385

Required inductance is calculates as follows:

Vin , peak (min) ⋅ D 120V ⋅ 0.69

L= = = 0.89mH (5.5)
f s ⋅ ∆I 100kHz ⋅ 0.9 A

Where D is the duty cycle, fs is the switching frequency and ∆I is the inductor current
ripple. A 900uH, ferrite core, high frequency inductor is used with 6A peak current
handling capacity.

4) Selection of the Output Capacitor C0: Typically, 1uF and 2uF per output power
capacitance value is optimum for the output capacitor selection. The required
capacitance can be calculated based on the hold-up time and minimum output
voltage as:

2 ⋅ P0 ⋅ ∆t 2 ⋅ 250W ⋅ 20ms
C0 = 2 2
= = 200 µ F (5.6)
(V0 − V0,min ) 3852 − 320 2

220uF, 450Velectrolytic capacitor is used as a standard value.

5) Current Loop Considerations: The inductor current is sensed with a sense

resistor. The range for the sense voltage VSNS is between 0V and 1V. The current
amplifier has a DC gain GDC is equal to 2.5. The current sense resistor should be
selected at the minimum input voltage and maximum output power. The maximum
sensed voltage is 0.75V and maximum allowable input current is 5.5A. So the
selection of the sense resistor value is straightforward.

Vsns ,max 0.75V
Rsns = = = 0.115Ω (5.7)
I in , peak (max) 6.5 A

The sensed current is filtered by a simple RC filter to attenuate the high frequency
noise. An RC filter is placed at the input of the current sense pin.

6) Design of the voltage loop controller: The outer voltage loop controller design is
similar with the average current control technique. First, the stability analysis of the
power circuit is done. Then required compensation parameters are calculated for the
error amplifier. The block diagram for the outer voltage loop is shown in Figure 5.14.

Figure 5.13 Outer voltage loop.

The open loop gain of the voltage loop T (s) is:

T ( s ) = H1 ( s ).H 2 ( s ).H 3 ( s ).G ( s ) (5.8)

Output voltage divider consists of resistive divider circuit. The output voltage is
scaled down to the reference value (7.5 V). So the output divider transfer function
H1(s) is:

H1 ( s ) = (5.9)

Because the outer voltage loop has smaller crossover frequency around 20Hz, a small
signal model of the power stage accurate at frequencies below 100Hz should be used.
The small signal model of the PFC converter consists of a controlled power source
modeled as a current source shunted by a resistor shown in Figure 5.15.


Figure 5.14 Small signal model of outer loop.

The variable source resistance ro is equal to the load resistance RL. ro changes when
RL changes. The load can be a resistive load or a constant power load such as a dc-dc
converter. In the case of resistive load, the ro is equal to the load resistance RL and the
parallel combination of these variables defines the single pole response of the
transfer function. However, in the case of the constant power load, it has a negative
small signal resistance (-RL). The negative resistance is equal an opposite in sign to
the dc resistance and parallel combination approaches infinity. So the model
becomes a current source driving a dc capacitor. In the case of constant power source
the current to output transfer function of the converter is:

v0 1
i chg sC0 (5.10)

The multiplication of the transfer function of the power stage G(s) and PWM
modulator H3(s) is

v0 v i chg
H 3 ( s ).G ( s ) = = 0 ⋅ (5.11)
vm i chg v

i chg
The first term in Eq. 5.11 is derived in Eq. 5.10. The second term can be derived
by analyzing the control method of the one cycle control. The conversion ratio in the
one cycle control is:

v0 vm
M (d ) = = (5.12)
vg GDC ⋅ RS ⋅ ig

where vg is input voltage and consists of small signal variations.

vg = Vin + vin (5.13)

By linearization and perturbation process the nonlinear terms can be eliminated.

ig Vin
= (5.14)
vm V0 ⋅ GDC ⋅ RS

The output average current can be calculated from the input current:

 i ⋅V
ig = chg 0 (5.15)


ichg V 2in
= 2 (5.16)
vm V 0 ⋅ GDC ⋅ RS

The control to output transfer function of the power stage can be derived by using
Eq. (5.10) and (5.16) as:

v0 v i chg 1 V 2in

H 3 ( s ).G ( s ) = = 0 ⋅ = ⋅ 2 (5.17)
vm i chg vm sC0 V 0 ⋅ GDC ⋅ RS

The transfer function of power stage has a single pole roll-off characteristic that
varies with input voltage. The voltage error amplifier should be designed according
to this characteristic. A two pole and one zero voltage compensator is used in the
outer voltage loop. IR 1150 has internally transconductance type error amplifier. The
diagram of the transconductance type error amplifier with externally connected
compensator elements are shown in Figure 5.16.

Figure 5.15 Voltage error amplifier.

The transfer function of the error amplifier H2(s) is:

g m ⋅ (1 + sRgmC Z )
H 2 ( s) = (5.18)
s (C Z +C P + sRgm C Z C P )
A pole is placed at the origin to reduce steady-state error. The zero is required to
make the loop stable. The other pole is placed at the crossover frequency of the
voltage loop. A crossover frequency is selected around 20Hz to attenuate 2nd
harmonic ripple in the voltage loop. The effects of low bandwidth controller were
mentioned in chapter 4. The same procedure is maintained in average current mode
control to determine the values of the external elements. The corresponding
compensator elements values are:

Rgm = 8k Ω
C Z = 330nF (5.19)
C P = 10nF

5.6 Experimental Results

The hardware of the one cycle control PFC converter is implemented according to
above design process. The PCB layout of the circuit is shown in Figure 5.17.

Figure 5.16 PCB layout of one cycle control PFC converter.

The circuit is supplied with an isolated variac circuit and loaded by a resistive load.
The results for the input current are verified for two different input voltage levels.
The input voltage and input current waveforms are shown in Figure 5.18.a and 5.18.b
for 220Vac and 120Vac input voltage respectively.

Figure 5.17 Input voltage and input current waveforms a) 220Vac (Scales: 200V/div,
1A/div) b) 150Vac (Scales: 200V/div, 2A/div).

The output voltage is monitored with the input current. The output voltage and input
current waveforms for 250W one cycle control PFC converter is shown in Figure

Figure 5.18 Output voltage and input current waveforms (Scales: 150V/div, 2A/div).

The output voltage has about 5V second harmonic ripple. The input current has some
distortions near the zero crossings of line voltage. As the system is designed for the
worst case conditions that occur in minimum input line and maximum output power,
the circuit performance is better at minimum line voltages.

5.7 Conclusions

The verified results show that, one cycle control technique is also optimum solution
for active power factor correction. The one cycle control based design requires lower
component count that reduces manufacturing cost. A comparison table of the analog
multiplier based approaches with the one cycle control is given.

Table 5.3 Comparison table of control topologies

Design Parameter OCC
IAC Input current reference √ X
VFF feed forward filter √ X
Multiplier Output √ X
Current Amp Comp √ X
Soft Start √ √
Output Voltage Sensing & Comp √ √
Current Sensing √ √



6.1 Objective

This chapter covers the experiments based on the power factor correction concept for
single phase diode rectifiers. Implemented power factor correction system hardware
is introduced first. Then the different experiment scenarios are built and some
measurement results are illustrated. The experiments are prepared according to
undergraduate and graduate curricula and are intended to help the user to understand
the basics of power factor correction. All experiments are supported with connection
diagrams, block schemes, measurement procedure and experimental results. The
sequence of the experiments is chosen from basic to detail.

First, an experiment for a single phase diode rectifier with capacitive filter is
maintained. The aim of this first experiment is to show the sources of current
harmonics, results of these harmonic currents, international harmonic limiting
standards and needs for power factor correction. Secondly, experiments based on the
passive power factor correction solutions are maintained. Different combinations of
the passive filter elements are made and experimental results are obtained. Three
popular passive power factor correction methods are reviewed; L filter method, 3rd
harmonic filter method and variable inductor method (SAG). Finally, average current
controlled active PFC circuit is analyzed in the experiment. Current and voltage
waveforms are observed and the PF, efficiency of the system are obtained at different
operating conditions. Also switching characteristics and the power loss analyses are
made through the experiments. Connection of the systems, required measurement
and test equipment and experiment results are given in detail in all experiments.
6.2 Background Information

Most of electronic devices consist of power converter as input stage to convert the 50
Hz or 60 Hz utility power to the required voltage level. Generally, these power
converters use a diode rectifier with followed by a capacitive bulk filter to supply a
DC voltage from utility grid. This simplest way to convert AC voltage to DC voltage
has negative affects on mains. Unless some correction circuit is used, the input
rectifier with a capacitive filter circuit will draw pulsating currents from the utility
grid resulting in poor power quality and high harmonic contents that adversely affect
other users. Combination of these low quality power supplies results non-negligible
problems by the utility side. Power quality regulation companies and organizations
defined various harmonic limiting standards to limit these black affects. So, all
electronic equipment should obey the harmonic current limits defined by related
standard. Through this experiment procedure, the student will become familiar with
the importance of power factor correction (PFC) in single-phase diode rectifier by
exploring some concepts related to standards, THD and PFC circuits.

Most of power supplies consist of AC\DC converter stages based on diode or

thyristor rectifier circuits. Conventionally, for low power applications (such as PCs,
TVs, home appliances, etc…) single-phase diode rectifiers are chosen owing to low
cost and simple structure. The conventional input stage of an off-line switching
power supply design is shown in Figure 6.1. The bulk filter capacitor reduces the
ripple on the voltage waveforms into the DC converter stage. The problem with this
input circuit is that it produces excessive peak input currents and high harmonic
distortion on the line. The pulsating current waveform is rich of harmonics. This
interval corresponds to the time when the mains instantaneous voltage is greater than
the capacitor voltage. Since the capacitor must meet hold-up time requirements
(during fault conditions, the mains are disconnected from the circuit for some cycles)
its time constant is much grater than the frequency of the mains.

Ls is

vs Vo

Figure 6.1 Single-phase diode rectifier with bulk capacitive filter.

The performance of the power converter is defined by the power factor (PF) of the
circuit. Power factor shows how effectively energy is transmitted to load. It also
represents a measure of distortion of the line voltage and line current and phase shift
between them. PF has range between 0 and 1 and is defined as the ratio of the real
power to the apparent power.

Real Power (Average)

Power Factor (PF) = (6.1)
Apparent Power

Diode rectifiers behave as nonlinear loads seen by the utility side. So the PF of a
nonlinear load is defined by both displacement factor and distortion factor. Distortion
factor describes harmonic content of the current. It shows the difference between
fundamental component of the current and actual waveform.

PF = cos ϕ = kdistortion ⋅ kdisplacement (6.2)
I rms

Overall performance of a single-phase diode rectifier that shown in Figure 6.1 can be
best analyzed by evaluating the steady-state waveforms shown in Figure 6.2.

Figure 6.2 Waveforms for single-phase rectifier with capacitive smoothing.

Therefore, large pulses of current are drawn from the line over a very short period of
time, as shown in Figure 6.2. The low-order current harmonics are quite large, close
to that of the fundamental. The total harmonic distortion (THD) of the input current
shows the distortion and crest factor of the current. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
shows the ratio of the rms value of the waveform (not including the fundamental
component) to the rms value of the fundamental component.

n =2
n ,rms

THD = (6.3)

A general harmonic content and THD of single-phase diode bridge rectifier is given
below in Figure 6.3.

Figure 6.3 Input current harmonic spectrum for a single-phase rectifier with
capacitive smoothing.

The diode bridge input circuit in a single-phase AC drive is the same as used in a
very wide range of electronic equipment such as personal computers and domestic
appliances. All of these cause similar current harmonics. Their effect is cumulative if
they are all connected to the same low voltage (e.g. 230V) supply system. This
means that to estimate the total harmonic current in an installation of single-phase
units, the harmonics have to be added directly. These current harmonics result in
waveform distortion on the mains. Current harmonics may interfere with other
equipments and produce electromagnetic interference (EMI). The power utility
requires over-dimensioning of parts. Another problem is that the power utility line
cabling, the installation, and the transformer must all be designed to withstand these
peak current values.

The harmonic polluting effects of conventional AC rectification must be limited and

this is done in accordance with the standards of electricity utility network. To
maintain power system quality, compliance requirements for current harmonic
distortion are being enforced by national and international bodies. The EN 61000-3-2
standard defines measurement requirements, ac power source requirements and

limits for testing the harmonic current emissions of electronic and electrical
equipment. After some changes, this standard applies to any equipment with rated
current up to 16 A RMS per phase for 50-Hz, 230-V single-phase systems or 400-V
three-phase mains network. There are 4 different class types for electronic
equipments defined by the EN 61000-3-2 that have different limit values. The
classification of electronic equipments is given in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 Classification of electronic equipments by EN 61000-3-2 harmonic


Class-A Balanced 3-phase equipment; household appliances excluding

equipment identified as Class-D; tools (except portable),
dimmers for incandescent lamp (but not other lighting
equipment); anything not otherwise classified
Class-B Portable power tools
Class-C All lighting equipment except incandescent lamp dimmers
Class-D Single phase, under 600 W, personal computer, PC monitor, TV

Each class type has own harmonic current limits so a device should have lower input
current harmonics than the limit values. The maximum allowable input current
harmonics are listed in Table 6.2 for EN 61000-3-2 standard.

Table 6.2 Maximum harmonic limits for each class type defined by EN 61000-3-2

n Class A Class B Class C Class D

(A rms) (A rms) (% fun.) (mA/W)
3 2.3 3.45 30PF 3.4
5 1.14 1.71 10 1.9
7 0.77 1.155 7 1.0
9 0.40 0.60 5 0.5
2 1.08 1.62 2 -
4 0.43 0.645 - -
6 0.30 0.45 - -
8<n<40 1.84/n 2.76/n - -

Compliance with related standard and improvements in the PF and harmonic
distortion can be achieved by modifying the input stage of the off-line converter. The
most important issue is finding optimum PFC solution according to needed
application. Generally, two PFC approaches are commonly used in current power
supply products with high power features, i.e., passive approach and active PFC
approach. Each one has its merits and limitations and applicable field.

Passive PFC approaches are used in low-power, low-cost applications. In the passive
PFC approaches, passive elements are used to improve the power quality of the
power circuit. Passive elements like inductors and capacitors are placed at the inputs
or outputs of the diode bridge rectifier in order to improve current waveform. Passive
PFC method is simple and low cost but has bulky size and heavy weight and low
power factor. Generally, line frequency LC filters are used as a passive solution. The
simple passive filter with LC components is shown in Figure 6.4.


Ls is

vs Vo

Figure 6.4 Simple passive PFC circuit.

For example, with a large DC filter inductor, the single-phase full-wave rectifier
produces a square wave line current waveform, attaining a PF of 90% and 48% THD.
With smaller values of inductance, these achievements are degraded. Through the
experiments, three popular passive power factor correction methods are reviewed; L
filter method, 3rd harmonic filter method and variable inductor method (SAG) in
experiments 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

Active solutions are used at high power levels with high PF and low harmonic
distortion. Active PFC circuits shape the input current into a sinusoidal form in phase
with line voltage. Besides they provide a regulated dc output voltage. Generally
power factor of active PFC circuits is close to unity with lower input current THD
around 3 %. Active PFC circuits have small size but these systems have higher
manufacturing cost and complexity. Generally, a diode rectifier cascaded with a dc-
dc converter build an active PFC system. The PFC stage can be a boost, buck/boost
or fly back or can be any other power converter topology. Generally, the boost type
topology shown in Figure 6.5 is so far the most popular configuration.

Lboost D1

Ls is
vs S1 Co Vo

Figure 6.5 Boost type active PFC.

The function of this converter is to behave as an ideal resistive load for the output of
the diode rectifiers in order to eliminate the generation of line current harmonics.
Due to this characteristic, the converter is also known as a power factor pre-
regulator or resistor emulator. Average current mode controlled single-phase active
power factor circuit is analyzed in the experiment 5.

6.3 Components of the Experimental System

The user can see the performance of a single-phase rectifier circuit with or without
power factor correction and can discuss the compliance to the standard of each PFC
solution by this experimental system. The complete experiment system is shown in
Figure 6.6.

Figure 6.6 Experiment system for single-phase power factor correction.

6.3.1 Isolated AC Power Supply

Isolated AC variable power supply can be used to simulate the input voltage
connections of the power factor correction systems. This unit consists of an isolation
transformer, a variac and an energy analyzer. The isolation transformer isolates the
connected PFC system from the utility grid. The variac has capability of adjustable
0- 265V AC voltage output. This variac can simulate different input voltage level of

the active power factor correction circuits. The universal line operation and duty
cycle variation of the active PFC circuits can be tested by changing the input voltage
level. The energy analyzer has free input and output terminals. The voltage output
such as isolated or variac output can be connected to the inputs of the energy
analyzer and the output of the energy analyzer can be connected to the device under
test. The front view of the isolated adjustable AC power supply is given in Figure

Figure 6.7 Isolated, variable AC power supply.

The specifications of the AC power supply are given below:

• Single Phase Power line output
• Isolated single phase output, 2kW
• Variable single phase output, 0-265V AC, 2kW
• 3-Phase energy meter, line-to-line, line-to-neutral voltage and current
measurements, active, reactive and total power measurements, PF, THD and
frequency measurements.
• Fuse protected, LED indicated front view, durable metal cover.

6.3.2 Passive Power Factor Correction System

The passive power factor correction unit is built to make easy combination of
different passive elements with single-phase diode rectifier in order to carry out
passive power factor correction experiments. The inputs and outputs of the single-
phase diode rectifier are ready to connect any passive filter and measurement
elements. The unit has single-phase diode rectifier, inductances and capacitances for
passive filtering solutions, DC voltmeter and ampermeter for measurements, constant
and variable resistors for loading the system. The front view of the passive power
factor correction unit is given in Figure 6.8.

Figure 6.8 Passive power factor correction unit.

The components of the passive PFC unit are:

• Single-phase diode rectifier, IRF GBPC25 (400V, 25A)
• Pre-charge
• Filter Inductances

- 10 mH, 3 A, filter inductance for Class A applications
- 50 mH, 3 A, filter inductance for Class D applications
- 80 mH, 3 A, variable inductance filter (SAG) for Class D applications
- 140.7 mH, 3 A, filter inductance for 3rd harmonic input filter
• Capacitances
- 100 µF, Electrolytic capacitor
- 220 µF, Electrolytic capacitor
- 330 µF, Electrolytic capacitor
- 470 µF, Electrolytic capacitor
- 8 µF, AC capacitor for 3rd harmonic filter
• Resistive loads
- 1kΩ, 300 W, adjustable resistive load
- 500Ω, 300 W, constant resistive load
• Measurement Devices
- 0-15 A, DC digital ampermeter
- 0-750 V, DC digital voltmeter
• Emergency stop, fuse protection

6.3.3 Active Power Factor Correction System

Average current mode controlled active PFC circuit is designed to be used in the
experiments. The input and output connections, measurement points are made by
connectors. The user should combine the isolated, variable AC power supply as an
input and a resistive load as an output. The resistive loads in the passive PFC unit can
be used as load of this active PFC circuit. Average current mode controlled active
PFC circuit is shown in Figure 6.9. The circuit PCB layout and detailed circuit
schematic are shown in Figures 6.10 and 6.11 respectively. The component list is
given in Table 6.3.

Figure 6.9 Active power factor correction circuit.

Figure 6.10 Circuit layout.

Figure 6.11 Schematic diagram of 250W average current control PFC.

Table 6.3 Bill of materials

Part Number -
C1 1 0.47 µF, 600 V WIMA
C2 1 220 µF, 450 V electronic, low ESR KANDEIL
C3 2 1 µF, 50 V, ceramic
C4 1 100 µF, 25 V, electronic
C5 2 560 pF, 50 V, ceramic
C6 1 0.01 µF, 50 V, ceramic
C7 1 1 µF, 50 V, ceramic
C8 1 2.2 µF, 50 V, ceramic
C9 2 2.2 µF, 50 V, ceramic
C10 1 150 nF, 50 V, ceramic
C11 1 270 pF, 50 V, ceramic
C12 1.2 nF, 50 V, ceramic
D1 1 8 A, 600 V, bridge
D2 1 8 A, 600 V, 400 A surge
D3 1 14 A, 600 V, ultra fast diode,35ns
Diodes DSEI12-06A
D4 4 1 A, 40 V, schottky 1N5819
D5 1 1 A, 40 V, schottky 1N5819
D6 1 1 A, 40 V, schottky 1N5819
Fuses F1 1 6 A, 250 V glass fast acting type
Inductors L1 1 1 mH, 6.5 A Boost inductor
MOSFETs Q1 1 600V, 10A IR - IRFP450
R1 1 12 kΩ, 1/4 W
R2, R3 1 20 kΩ, 1 W
R4 1 20 kΩ, 1/4 W
R5 2 249 kΩ, 1 W
R6 1 274 kΩ, 1 W
R7, R11 1 10 kΩ, 1/4 W
R8 1 30 kΩ, 1/4 W
R9 2 100 kΩ, 1/4 W
R10, R19 1 12 kΩ, 1/4 W
R12 2 2 kΩ, 1/4 W
R13 1 0.25 Ω, 5 W sense resistor
R14, R15 2 4.02 kΩ, 1/4 W
R16,R17 1 383 kΩ, 1 W
R18 1 20 Ω, 1/4 W
Average current mode PFC
IC’s U1 1 TI UCC3818N
controller IC

The following experiment can be carried out by using the experimental system and
measurement devices.

- Observing waveforms for input current, input voltage and output voltage
- Obtaining power factor (PF) vs. output power (P) graphics
- Start-up response, transient response and hold-up time characteristics
- Power elements’ switching characteristics

6.4 Required Measurement Equipment

The following measurement and test equipment is required to maintain the

experiments related to power factor correction.

- AC voltmeter, min. 400V AC

- DC Voltmeter, min 600V DC
- AC Ampermeter, min 10 A AC
- DC ampermeter, min 10 A DC
- Wattmeter
- 2-channel, 80MHz, digital storage oscilloscope with higher sampling rate
- Differential voltage probes
- Magnetic, high bandwidth current probes
- Single phase power analyzer, recommended Fluke 43B power quality
- Connection cables, AC power cables

6.5 Safety

The experiments discussed here are designed for lower than 250 W power levels and
safety concerns are minimized. The user should make proper connections and show
extra care while performing the experiments. Since the user will work with
potentially higher levels of the input and output voltages, all safety precautions
should be taken before or during experiments.

Do not touch any part of the circuits (power stage or control) when the circuits are
connected to the AC sources and are up and running. Also, be extremely careful
when connecting measuring equipment to the circuit. Make all the necessary
connections when the AC source is turned off. All voltage and current measurements
should be done using isolated measurement probes. Differential voltage probes
should be used in voltage measurements while performing current measurements by
a magnetic current probe.

The load resistances are rated to maximum 300 W power rating. The maximum
output power of the circuits must not exceed this level. Also, the user should follow
the heat on these resistors. In the case of overheat on these resistors, the system
should be turned off and the user must wait until these loads get cold. An NTC is
placed to the input of the active PFC circuit to limit the inrush current. The NTC
should be cold while starting the system. Fast acting fuses and emergency stop
buttons are placed to protect the system.

6.6 Experiment 1 – Single-Phase Diode Rectifier with Capacitive Filter

6.6.1 Introduction

This experiment is intended to show the basic behaviors of the single-phase diode
rectifier with capacitive filter. It is commonly used that single-phase diode rectifiers
with capacitive filter are used mainly in the SMPS applications as an input stage.
These circuits have black effects in the mains such as higher harmonic content input

In this experiment, the input current characteristics of single-phase diode rectifier

with different output capacitive filters will be analyzed. Also output voltage and
current waveforms will be observed. The PF, THD and efficiency of the circuit will
be measured and compliance with the IEC 61000-3-2 harmonic current standard will
be analyzed.

6.6.2 Demonstrations Circuits

For this demonstration, isolated AC power source and passive power factor
correction units will be used. The input and output filter connection terminals of the
single-phase diode rectifier will be shorted and only a capacitive filter and resistive
load will be connected to the output of the diode rectifier. Input characteristics will
be analyzed by single-phase power quality analyzer and output characteristics will be
analyzed by DC ammeter and voltmeter and oscilloscope with differential voltage

6.6.3 Procedure

1. Connect the isolated 220 V AC source to the input terminals of the single-phase
diode rectifier. Short all external filter connections of the diode rectifier. Take the
pre-charge switch to ON position.

2. Make the required connections with the following experiment parameters given
in Table 6.4. Complete connection diagram of the circuit is illustrated in Figure

Table 6.4 Single-phase diode rectifier experiment parameters.

Output Capacitor 330 µF

Input Voltage (Vrms) 230 V
Output Power 200 W
R load 480 Ω

Input current and voltage waveforms are measured by single-phase power quality
analyzer. The output voltage waveform will be observed by a differential voltage

Co Vo

Figure 6.12 Single Phase diode rectifier test circuit.

3. Turn on both power switch in power supply and passive power factor correction
unit. After 3-4 seconds, take the pre-charge switch to the OFF position. Observe
input voltage and current waveforms in the scope screen of single-phase power
quality analyzer. Observe input current harmonics in the harmonic screen. Note
PF, THD, voltage and current values, harmonic current values. The measured
waveforms are illustrated in Figure 6.13.

Figure 6.13 a) Input voltage and Current waveforms b) Input current harmonics.

Measure the output voltage and current DC values and prepare a table consisting of
all collected parameters of the experimental circuit as follows.

Table 6.5 Measurement results for single-phase diode rectifier experiment

Vin Iin Pin Vo Io Po THD I fund I 3th I 5th PF

226Vrms 1.47Arms 200W 302Vdc 0.6A 180W 85% 0.77A 0.7A 0.6A 0.52

4. Change the output capacitance values to 100uF. Make all measurements

mentioned step 3.

5. By the help of a differential probe and oscilloscope, observe the output voltage
waveforms and hold-up time for both different output capacitance values. The
output voltage waveforms are given in Figure 6.14.

V0 for C0=470µF



V0 for C0=100µF


0 Time

Figure 6.14 Output voltage waveforms for different capacitance values.

6.6.4 Study Questions

1. Discuss the main causes of harmonic currents and the effects on the utility side.
Why is harmonic current limiting standard applied? Analyze the IEC 61000-3-2
current harmonic limiting standard and see how the equipments are classified and
what the maximum allowable current harmonics limits are for each class type.

2. Comment on the harmonic current levels for different capacitance values. Also
comment on the output voltage waveforms and hold-up time. If the load is a
constant power load such as a dc-dc converter, what qualifications should the
output voltage have?

3. Are current harmonic levels the same at the equipment near the utility supply
with the equipment far away from utility supply? Explain why.

6.7 Experiment 2 – L Type Passive Filter

6.7.1 Introduction

In this experiment, the harmonic current eliminating method by an inductive filter is

analyzed. An inductor is placed at the output of the single-phase diode rectifier. The
conduction time for the rectifier diodes are increased by this inductive filter.
Required minimum inductance for passive power factor correction that complies
with the IEC 61000-3-2 harmonic limiting standard is analyzed. The graphics of the
required minimum inductance versus power for Class A and Class D equipment are
shown in Figure 6.15 and 6.16, respectively. It is shown that, different class types
have different harmonic current limits so the required minimum inductance value
differs for different classes.



75 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

Figure 6.15 Minimum required inductance to comply with EN 61000- 3-2 Class A
harmonic limits.









75 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

Figure 6.16 Minimum required inductance to comply with EN 61000- 3-2 Class D
harmonic limits.

Two different experiment scenarios are devised assuming operating at different class
type equipment (Class A and Class D). First, 200W, Class A type single-phase diode
rectifier with inductive filter is analyzed. Then, 200W, Class D type single-phase
diode rectifier with inductive filter is analyzed. The filter inductance values are
chosen according to minimum required inductance values for each class. Also, for
each class type, the power level is applied to show the usage at different power

6.7.2 Procedure

1. Connect the isolated 220 V AC source to the input terminals of the single-phase
diode rectifier. Short all external filter connections of the diode rectifier except L
filter connection at the output. Take the pre-charge switch to ON position.

2. Make the required connections with the following experiment parameters.

Complete connection diagram of the circuit is illustrated in Figure 6.17.

Table 6.6 Experiment parameters for 100W L filter application - Class A.

Input Power 100 W

Input Voltage (Vrms) 230 V
R load 870 Ω
Filter inductance 10 mH
Output Capacitor 330 µF

10 mH inductor is enough to operate at both 100W and 200W class A applications.

Co Vo

Figure 6.17 Single phase diode rectifier with L filter test circuit.

3. Turn on both power switch in power supply and passive power factor correction
unit. After 3-4 seconds, take the pre-charge switch to the OFF position. Observe
input voltage and current waveforms on the scope screen of single phase power
quality analyzer. Observe input current harmonics on the harmonic screen. Note
PF, THD, voltage and current values, harmonic current values and make a table.
The measured input current and voltages are illustrated in Figure 6.18.

Table 6.7 Measurement results for 100W single-phase diode rectifier L filter

Vin Iin Pin Vo Io Po THD I fund I 3th I 5th PF

224Vrms 0.63A 100W 295Vdc 0.3A 88W 70% 0.44A 0.34A 0.21A 0.69

Figure 6.18 Input voltage and current waveforms for 100W Class A with 10mH
inductive filter (Scales: 100V/div, 2A/div).

Measure the input current harmonic values and compare with the limit values stated
in the IEC 61000-3-2. The comparison graphic is shown in Figure 6.19.

100 W Class A Application

Normalized harmonics

2 limits measured



3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 6.19 Harmonic spectrums for input current for Class A – 100W.

4. Adjust the input power to 200W by changing the load resistor approximately to
480 Ω. Measure the input current and harmonic spectrum. Also make the same
measurements mentioned in step 3.

Table 6.8 Measurement results for 200W single-phase diode rectifier L filter

Vin Iin Pin Vo Io Po THD I fund I 3th I 5th PF

224Vrms 1.14A 200W 290Vdc 0.65A 188W 66% 0.88A 0.66A 0.35A 0.79

The measured input current waveform and harmonic spectrum are shown in Figure
6.20 and 6.21, respectively.

Figure 6.20 Input voltage and current waveforms for 200W Class A with 10mH
inductive filter (Scales: 100V/div, 2A/div).

200 W Class A Application


Normalized harmonics 2 limits measured



3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 6.21 Harmonic spectrums for input current for Class A – 200W.

5. Now consider the operation with equipment belonging to Class D type. It is clear
from Figure 6.16 that, a 50mH filter inductance is enough for both 100W and
200W applications. Replace the filter inductance with a 50mH inductor. Make
the necessary measurements mentioned in steps 3 and 4 for both 100W and
200W power levels. The experiment parameters are given in Table 6.9.

Table 6.9 Experiment parameters for L filter application - Class D

Input Power 100 W 200 W

Input Voltage (Vrms) 230 V 230 V
R Load 770 Ω 380 Ω
Filter inductance L 50 mH 50 mH
Output Capacitor 330 µF 330 µF

The input current waveforms for different power levels are shown in Figures 6.22.a
and 6.22.b.

Figure 6.22 Measured input voltage and current for Class D a) 100W (Scales:
100V/div, 1A/div) b) 200W (Scales: 100V/div, 2A/div).

The evaluated input current harmonic spectrum and corresponding standard limits
are shown in Figure 6.23 and 6.24.

100 W Class D Application

Normalized harmonics

limits measured
3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 6.23 Harmonic spectrums for input current for Class D – 100W.

200W Class D Application


Normalized harmonics
limits measured
3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 6.24 Harmonic spectrums for input current for Class D – 200W.

6.7.3 Study Questions

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of passive power factor correction
solutions? Consider design complexity, usage, manufacturing and total cost, size
and weight.

6.8 Experiment 3– Series Connected Parallel Resonant Filter (3rd Harmonic

6.8.1 Introduction

The 3rd harmonic is dominant in the single-phase diode rectifier with capacitive filter.
The power factor of the circuit can be improved by removing 3rd harmonic currents.
This can be done by connecting a tuned resonant filter to the input of the diode
rectifier. The operating principle of the circuit is discussed in section 2.2.2. In this
experiment, a series connected parallel resonant filter will be analyzed. Current
waveforms will be observed. The PF, THD and efficiency of the circuit will be
measured and compliance with the IEC 61000-3-2 harmonic current standard will be

6.8.2 Procedure

1. Connect the isolated 220 V AC source to the input terminals of the single-phase
diode rectifier. Short L filters connection in the output. Take the pre-charge
switch to ON position.

2. Make the required connections with the following experiment parameters.

Complete connection diagram of the circuit is illustrated in Figure 6.25.

Table 6.10 Experiment parameters for 3rd harmonic filter

Filter Inductance Lr 140.7 mH

Filter Capacitance Cr 8 µF

Input Voltage (Vrms) 230 V

Input Power 150 W
R load 530 Ω
Output Capacitance Co 330 µF

Co Vo

Figure 6.25 Single phase diode rectifier with 3rd harmonic filter test circuit.

3. Turn on both power switch in power supply and passive power factor correction
unit. After 3-4 seconds, take the pre-charge switch to the OFF position. Observe
input voltage and current waveforms in the scope screen of single phase power
quality analyzer. Observe input current harmonics in the harmonic screen. Note
PF, THD, voltage and current values, harmonic current values and prepare a

Table 6.11 Measurement results for 150W single-phase diode rectifier 3rd harmonic
filter experiment

Vin Iin Pin Vo Io Po THD I fund I 3th I 5th PF

229Vrms 0.69A 150W 272Vdc 0.5A 136W 40% 0.62A 0.11A 0.17A 0.66

Measure the harmonic current values and compare with harmonic current standard
limits for class A and class D types.

Figure 6.26 Current of 3rd harmonic filter for 150W system (Scales: 100V/div,

150W LC Resonance Filter Application

Normalized harmonics

2 Limit Class A Limit Class D Measured



3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 6.27 Harmonic spectrums for input current for 150W 3rd harmonic filtered
single phase diode rectifier.

6.8.3 Study Questions

1. Considering the measured higher order harmonics, does the 3rd harmonic filter
method fully comply with IEC 61000-3-2 harmonic limiting standard?

2. Is it possible to design a complete 3rd harmonic tuned filter? Consider the
tolerances, losses and non-linearity of the passive elements.

3. Why isn’t the 3rd harmonic component completely removed? Compare the circuit
with an unfiltered single-phase diode rectifier circuit and explain the reasons for
the boosts in the higher order harmonics considering the resonance concept.

6.9 Experiment 4– Variable Inductance (SAG Inductor) Method

6.9.1 Introduction

A filter inductor that covers all power levels for Class D applications has higher size
and weight due to the higher inductance and higher energy level. It is possible to
make smaller inductance that is suitable for passive power factor correction. This can
be achieved by operating the inductance in saturation region. A variable air-gap
inductor, called as sloped Air-Gap (SAG), can be used for this purpose and has
different inductances for different current levels. In this experiment, the operation of
a SAG inductor with single-phase diode rectifier is analyzed.

6.9.2 Procedure

1. Connect the isolated 220 V AC source to the input terminals of the single-phase
diode rectifier. Take the pre-charge switch to ON position.

2. Make the required connections with the following experiment parameters.

Complete connection diagram of the circuit is illustrated in Figure 6.28.

Table 6.12 Experiment parameters for variable inductance filter application

Input Power 200 W

Input Voltage (Vrms) 230 V
R load 380 Ω
Filter inductance 80 mH (SAG)
Output Capacitor 330 µF

Co Vo

Figure 6.28 Single phase diode rectifier with variable inductance filter test circuit.

3. Turn on both power switch in power supply and passive power factor correction
unit. After 3-4 seconds, take the pre-charge switch to the OFF position. Observe
input voltage and current waveforms on the scope screen of single-phase power
quality analyzer. Observe input current harmonics on the harmonic screen. Note
PF, THD, voltage and current values, harmonic current values and prepare a

Table 6.13 Measurement results for single-phase diode rectifier SAG filter

Vin Iin Pin Vo Io Po THD I fund I 3th I 5th PF

228Vrms 1.11A 200W 262Vdc 0.7A 183W 42% 0.98A 0.45A 0.13A 0.8

The measured input current waveform and harmonic spectrum are shown in Figures
6.29 and 6.30 respectively.

Figure 6.29 Experimental results for input voltage and current (Scales: 100V/div,

200W Class D Application Variable Inductance

Normalized harmonics

limits measured
3 5 7 9 11 13

Figure 6.30 Input current harmonics for 200W Class-D SAG application.

6.9.3 Study Questions

1. Simulate a single-phase diode rectifier with a variable inductance filter. Use

SIMPLOER simulation tool and non-linear inductance model. Compare
simulation results with the experimental results.
2. Compare all mentioned passive PFC solutions and define limitations of passive
6.10 Experiment 5– Active Power Factor Correction

6.10.1 Introduction

Active power factor correction can be achieved by combining a pre-regulator circuit

with a single-phase diode rectifier. In this experiment, a single phase diode rectifier
with cascaded boost converter circuit is used as active PFC pre-regulator. The
experiment circuit is controlled with UCC3818 average current mode controller IC.
The input and output connections and test points can be used for different
measurements. The main features of experiment board are listed as follows:

• Designed to comply with IEC 61000-3-2

• Worldwide line operation RMS voltage range from 85 V to 265 V
• Regulated 385V, 250W (max) DC output
• Accurate power limiting and overvoltage protection

The block diagram of the average current controlled PFC is shown in Figure 6.31.

iL (t ) i( t )
Ls is
vg ( t ) d(t ) v0( t )

iL ( t )
I ref VAOUT vref

VFF 1 2

Figure 6.31 Block diagram of average current mode PFC.

6.10.2 Procedure

1. In this experiment, an isolated variable AC power source will be used as an input

AC voltage. Adjust variac to 220V AC and connect the output of the variac to the
input of the PFC circuit via energy analyzer. Connect a 250W resistive load
(R=600 Ω) to the output of the PFC circuit. Connect a 15 V dc power supply as
the control circuit power supply. The complete connection diagram for the
experiment is shown in Figure 6.32. Once all the connections are made the
system can be powered up. Power up the DC supply for the control circuitry and
then provide AC voltage.





V Vo
Diff. probe


Figure 6.32 Connection diagram for active PFC experiments.

2. Adjust the output power to 250W and measure the input current waveform and
the output voltage waveform for two different input voltage levels, 220V AC and
120 V AC. Display the input current waveforms by the single-phase power
quality analyzer and also display the input current THD at harmonic screen. The
measured input current waveform and harmonics’ spectrum for 220 V AC input
voltage are shown in Figures 6.33.a and 6.33.b.
Figure 6.33 a) Input current and voltage waveforms for 220 V AC input voltage
(Scales: 100V/div, 1A/div) b) Input current harmonics.

The output voltage should be monitored by a differential probe and digital storage
oscilloscope. The measured output voltage ripple for 220 V AC input voltage is
shown in Figure 6.34. The output voltage ripple can be best monitored by AC
coupling mode. Measure the output voltage ripple.

Figure 6.34 Output voltage ripple for 220 V AC input voltage.

Now, adjust the input voltage to 120V AC and take the same measurements
described in above.

3. In this step, the power factor of the circuit will be analyzed. Adjust the output
power from 50W to 250W by 25W steps. For each power level, measure the PF
and efficiency of the circuit by using single-phase power quality analyzer for two
different input voltage levels, 220V and 120 V AC. The measured PF for
different power level is given in Table 6.14.

Table 6.14 Measured PF for different input voltage level

Power Factor (PF)

Pout Vin=120 V Vin=220 V
50 W 0.96 0.87
75 W 0.96 0.90
100 W 0.97 0.95
125 W 0.975 0.96
150 W 0.975 0.97
175 W 0.98 0.975
200 W 0.99 0.98
225 W 0.995 0.985
250 W 0.999 0.99

The power factor versus line voltage and load power graphic is shown in Figure 6.35.

Power Factor vs. Line/Load

Power Factor

120 V 220 V
50 W 75 W 100 W 125 W 150 W 175 W 200 W 225 W 250 W
AC Line

Figure 6.35 Power Factor vs. Line/Load.

4. Active PFC circuits have high start-up currents due to the initial charge of the
output bulk capacitor. An NTC is placed in the input of the circuit to limit the
inrush current. Adjust input voltage to 220V AC and output power to 250W.
Acquire the start-up response for the input current and output voltage. Measure
the inrush current, settling time for the input current and output voltage. The
measured start-up response for input current and output voltage is shown in
Figure 6.36.

Figure 6.36 Start-up behavior of the input current and output voltage.

The active PFC circuits have slower transient response due the low bandwidth output
voltage loop controller. Connect a transient load to the output of the circuit. Power
up the system with 100W (1600 Ω) and switch to 200W (800 Ω) at the steady state.
Obtain the output voltage transient response. Comment on results.

5. In the experiment board, the inductor current is sensed via a sense resistor. The
user can monitor the inductor current by the voltage drop in this sense resistor. A
low pass filter is placed to attenuate the noise in the inductor current waveform
measurements. The drain-to-source voltage of MOSFET and anode-cathode

voltage of the boost diode can be measured with a high voltage differential probe
by connecting directly to the components. The measurement method for the
switching characteristics of the power semiconductor elements in the PFC circuit
is shown in Figure 6.37.


Ls is
vs v( t )

Figure 6.37 Measurement method of switching characteristics.

Adjust input voltage to 220 V AC and output power to 250W. Acquire the inductor
current, drain-to-source voltage of the MOSFET and anode-cathode voltage of the
boost diode. Comment on the switching waveforms for the boost converter.

6.10.3 Study Questions

1. Considering the design of the circuit, why the performance is better in the low
level input voltage conditions? Why the input current has distortions at the zero
crossings of the input voltage?
2. What are the other solutions to limit the inrush current at the start-up?
3. Why does the output voltage controller have a low bandwidth?
4. What are the solutions to reduce the switching losses in the PFC applications?
Consider soft-switching techniques, developments in semiconductor technology.



This thesis is concerned with the power factor correction methods for single-phase
converters. A complete experiment system is designed and implemented that
including passive and active solutions. The analyzed solutions are selected to their
benefits, performance and popularity.

In the first chapter of this thesis provide a general knowledge about harmonic
emission standards, classification of single-phase converters, harmonics and their
effects and solutions for power factor correction. A general survey about the passive
and active power factor correction methods are reviewed.

The second stage of the thesis involves in the passive power factor correction
methods for a single-phase bridge rectifier. Three types of harmonic filters are
analyzed and designed according to harmonic emission standard IEC 61000-3-2. A
test bench suitable for the show the performance of the DC side LC filter method, 3rd
harmonic filter method and Sloped air-gap inductor method is designed. All
theoretical and experimental results show that, a passive filtering method seems
attractive for low power application due to their low cost and few complexity
characteristics. But the size and weight of the filtering elements are the disadvantages
of the passive filtering methods.

Third stages of the thesis active power factor correction methods are evaluated. A
single-phase diode rectifier with a cascaded boost converter has advantages over the
other topologies. Then, the control techniques for active PFC are analyzed. Three of
the control methods are implemented. These are average current control, critical
conduction mode and one cycle control. The selected control methods are chosen
according to their performance, popularity and design complexity. The experimental
results show that all implemented control techniques have trade-off among them. The
average current control seems more attractive with its performance but the design of
this type control is more complex. The critical conduction mode reduces design
complexity however it is suitable for low power applications due to operating with
higher peak current levels. Finally one cycle control is implemented. The one cycle
control simplifies the design process with lower component count.

The third chapter of the thesis was dedicated to an experiment system for single-
phase power factor correction. A complete experiment procedure with the basic
information to detailed experiment procedure is prepared. The experiment steps are
supported with measurement results and waveforms. Also comments on the results
and study questions are stated in all experiments.

As a result, the harmonic polluting affects of the single-phase diode rectifier based
power converters are reviewed theoretically and experimentally. The harmonic
limiting standards and the common solutions for power factor correction are
analyzed. The popular passive and active power factor correction schemes are
analyzed and verified with simulation and experimental results. An experiment
system is built and optimized to be used by the students to help understanding the
basics of the power factor correction in the laboratory experiments.

The experiment system can be improved by using latest developments in

semiconductor technology. Power loss considerations and new techniques to reduce
these losses can be implemented. Hence this thesis is intended to be used for
educational purposes advance points can be used in power factor correction to show
the latest developments in this area.


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Part No. Company Description Year

IPS101C-D ASIC Advantage Power Factor Correction Controller 2005
IPS101I-D ASIC Advantage Power Factor Correction Controller 2005
Fairchild 8-Pin PFC and PWM Controller
FAN4803CP-1 Semiconductor Combo 2002
FAN7527BM Semiconductor Power Factor Correction Controller 2003
Fairchild Dual Output Critical Conduction
FAN7528M Semiconductor Mode PFC Controller 2006
ML4812 Semiconductor Peak Current Mode PFC Controller 1998
Standalone Power Factor
Correction (PFC) Controller in
Continuous Conduction Mode
ICE1PCS01 Infineon Technologies (CCM) 2005
Controller fo Switchmode Power
Supplies Supporting Low Power
ICE1QS01 Infineon Technologies Standby & Power Factor Correction 2004
Power Factor Controller (PFC) IC
for High Power Factor and Active
TDA4862 Infineon Technologies Harmonic Filter 2003
Power Factor Controller (PFC) IC
for High Power Factor and Active
TDA4862G Infineon Technologies Harmonic Filter 2003
Power Factor Controller IC for High
TDA4863-2 Infineon Technologies Power Factor and Low THD 2004
Power Factor Controller IC for High
TDA4863-2G Infineon Technologies Power Factor and Low THD 2004
IR1150S International Rectifier One Cycle Control PFC IC 2005
Compact Fixed Frequency
Discontinuous or Critical
Conduction Voltage Mode PFC
NCP1601ADR2 ON Semiconductor Controller 2005
Compact, Fixed-Frequency,
Continuous Conduction Mode PFC
NCP1653AD ON Semiconductor Controller 2005
GreenLine(tm) Compact Power
MC33260D ON Semiconductor Factor Controller 2003
Compact Fixed Frequency
Discontinuous or Critical
NCP1601AP ON Semiconductor Conduction Voltage Mode PFC 2005

PFC/PWM Combo Controller with
Integrated High Voltage Startup &
NCP1603D100R2 ON Semiconductor Standby Capability 2005
NCP1650D ON Semiconductor Power Factor Controller 2003
L6561P STMicroelectronics Power Factor Corrector 2002
Programmable Output Power Factor
UCC2819AN Texas Instruments Pre-Regulator 2003
BiCMOS PFC/PWM Combination
UCC28512N Texas Instruments Controller 2004
BiCMOS PFC/PWM Combination
UCC28514N Texas Instruments Controller 2004
BiCMOS PFC/PWM Combination
UCC28516N Texas Instruments Controller 2004
UCC38050D Texas Instruments Transition Mode PFC Controller 2006
UCC3817D Texas Instruments BiCMOS Power Factor Preregulator 2003
Programmable Output Power Factor
UCC3819AD Texas Instruments Pre-Regulator 2003
UCC38050P Texas Instruments Transition Mode PFC Controller 2006
UCC38051P Texas Instruments Transition Mode PFC Controller 2006
UCC3817N Texas Instruments BiCMOS Power Factor Preregulator 2003
UCC3818N Texas Instruments BiCMOS Power Factor Preregulator 2003
Programmable Output Power Factor
UCC3819AN Texas Instruments Pre-Regulator 2003
Advanced High Power Factor
UC1854BJ Texas Instruments Preregulator 2003
Advanced High Power Factor
UC2854AN Texas Instruments Preregulator 2003
Advanced High Power Factor
UC3854AN Texas Instruments Preregulator 2003
UCC28050D Texas Instruments Transition Mode PFC Controller 2006
UCC28051D Texas Instruments Transition Mode PFC Controller 2006
UCC2818D Texas Instruments BiCMOS Power Factor Preregulator 2003


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