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Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete T-Beams

Article in International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research · February 2021


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2 authors, including:

Basava Vamsi Krishna

Malla Reddy Engineering College


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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER)
ISSN (Online): 2347-3878
Volume 2 Issue 8, August 2014

Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete T-Beams

Rajamoori Arun Kumar1, B. Vamsi Krishna2
M.Tech Scholar, Structural Engineering,, Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Secunderabad-500100, India
M.S, Assistant Professor, Structural Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Secunderabad-50010, India

Abstract: The concept of pre-stressed concrete appeared in the year 1888. In this present engineering technology Durable and
sustainable bridges play an important role for the socio-economic development of the nation. Owners and designers have long
recognized the low initial cost, low maintenance needs and long life expectancy of pre-stressed concrete bridges. This is reflected in the
increasing market share of pre-stressed concrete, which has grown from zero in 1950 to more than 55 percent today. This growth
continues very rapidly, not only for bridges in the short span range, but also for long spans in excess of length which, here therefore, has
been nearly the exclusive domain of structural steel. Many bridge designers are surprised to learn that precast, pre-stressed concrete
bridges are usually lower in first cost than all other types of bridges coupled with savings in maintenance, precast bridges offer
maximum economy. The precast pre-stressed bridge system offered two principal advantages: it is economical and it provides minimum
downtime for construction. Pre-stressing is the application of an initial load on the structure so as to enable the structure to counteract
the stresses arising during its service period. In this present project I am going to know the behavior of pre-stressed concrete beam, how
they stressed, percentage of elongation, pressure applied to make beam stressed. This thesis completely going to do in a practical
approach that on a major bridge having 299 mts span, 36 no’s of PSC Beams & 8 no’s of RCC Beams. My attempt is on PSC Beams,
where the Beam post tensioning values, rate of elongation & behavior can be defined after stressing. The main code that I follow in this
course is IS: 1343 – 2012. The title is Code of Practice for Pre-stressed Concrete. It is published by the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Remembering that am expected to know IS: 456 - 2000 which is the Code of Practice for Structural Concrete. Some of the provisions of
IS: 456 are also applicable for Pre-stressed Concrete.

Keywords: PSC T-Beam, IRC: 1343-2012, IRC: 5-1998, IRC: 6-2000, IRC: 18-2000, IRC: 21-2000, IS: 6006-1980.

1. Introduction members, the pre-stress is commonly introduced by

tensioning the steel reinforcement. The earliest examples of
Bridge is life line of road network, both in urban and rural wooden barrel construction by force-fitting of metal bands
areas. With rapid technology growth the conventional bridge and metal tyres on wooden wheels indicate that the art of
has been replaced by innovative cost effective structural pre-stressing has been practiced from ancient times. The
system. One of these solutions present a structural PSC tensile strength of plain concrete is only a fraction of its
system that is T-Beam. PSC T-beam, have gained wide compressive strength and the problem of it being deficient in
acceptance in freeway and bridge systems due to their tensile strength appears to have been the diving factor in the
structural efficiency, better stability, serviceability, economy development of the composite material known as "reinforced
of construction and pleasing aesthetics. PSC beam design is concrete". The development of early cracks in reinforced
more complicated as structure is more complex as well as concrete due to incompatibility in the strains of steel and
needed sophisticated from work. In the place of PSC T- concrete was perhaps the starting point in the development of
beam if we talk about RCC T- beam geometry is simple and a new material like "pre-stressed concrete". The application
does not have sophisticated in construction. Bridge design is of permanent compressive stress to a material like concrete,
an important as well as complex approach of structural which is strong in compression but weak in tension,
engineer. As in case of bridge design, span length and live increases the apparent tensile strength of that material,
load are always important factor. These factors affect the because the subsequent application of tensile stress must first
conceptualization stage of design. The effect of live load for nullify the compressive pre-stress. In 1904 Freyssinet1
various span are varied. In shorter spans track load govern attempted to introduce permanently acting forces in concrete
whereas on larger span wheel load govern. Selection of to exist the elastic forces developed under loads and this idea
structural system for span is always a scope for research. was later developed under the name of "pre-stressing".
Structure systems adopted are influence by factor like
economy and complexity in construction. The 24 m span as 3. Advantages of Pre-Stressed Concrete
selected for this study, these two factor are important
aspects. In 24 m span, codal provision allows as to choose a Pre-stressed concrete offers great technical advantages in
structural system i.e. PSC T- beam. This study investigates comparison with other forms of construction, such as
the structural systems for span 24 m and detail design has reinforced concrete and steel. In the case of fully pre-stressed
been carried out with IRC loadings and IS code books. The members, which are free from tensile stresses under working
choice of economical and constructible structural system is loads, the cross-section is more efficiently utilized when
depending on the result. compared with a reinforced concrete section which is
cracked under working loads. Within certain limits, a
2. Basic Concepts of Pre-Stressing permanent dead-load may be counteracted by increasing the
eccentricity of the pre-stressing force in a pre-stressed
Pre-stressed concrete is basically concrete in which internal structural element, thus effecting savings in the use of
stresses of a suitable magnitude and distribution are materials. Pre-stressed concrete members possess improved
introduced so that the stresses resulting from external loads resistance to shearing forces, due to the effect of compressive
are counteracted to a desired degree. In reinforced concrete pre-stress. This reduces the principal tensile stress. The use

Paper ID: J2013338 37 of 42

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER)
ISSN (Online): 2347-3878
Volume 2 Issue 8, August 2014
of curved cables, particularly in long-span members, helps to Figure shows the two pre-stressed beams under the action of
reduce the shear forces developed at the support sections. A post-tensioning and applied loads. The loads cause both the
pre-stressed concrete flexural member is stiffer under simple-span beam and cantilever beam to deflect down,
working loads than a reinforced concrete member of the creating tensile stresses in the bottom of the simple-span
same depth. However, after the onset of cracking, the beam and top of the cantilever beam.
flexural behavior of a pre-stressed member is similar to mat
of a reinforced concrete member. The use of high-strength
concrete and steel in pre-stressed members results in lighter
and slender members than is possible with reinforced
concrete. The two structural features of pre-stressed
concrete, namely high-strength concrete and freedom from
cracks, contribute to the improved durability of the structure
under aggressive environmental conditions. Pre-stressing of a. Reinforced concrete cracked under load
concrete improves the ability of the material for energy
absorption under impact loads. The ability to resist repeated
working loads has been proved to be as good in pre-stressed
as in reinforced concrete.

The economy of pre-stressed concrete is well established for

long-span structures. According to Dean6, standardized
precast bridge beams between 10 and 30 m long and precast
pre-stressed piles have proved to be more economical than b. Post-tensioned concrete before loading
steel and reinforced concrete in the United States. According
to Abeles7, precast pre-stressed concrete is economical for
floors, roofs, and bridges of spans up to 30 m. and for cast in
situ work, up to 100 m. In the long-span range, pre-stressed
concrete is generally more economical than reinforced
concrete and steel.

4. Applications of Pre-Stressed Concrete

Notable examples of pre-stressed concrete structures in India
c. Post-tensioned concrete after loading

a) The Lubha bidge24, the nation's longest single-span 6. Materials for Pre-Stressed Concrete
typecontinuous Bridge built across a 30 m deep gorge of 5.1 High-Strength Concrete Mixes
the Lubha river in Assam.
b) Gomti aqueduct, which is the longest and the biggest Pre-stressed concrete requires concrete which has a high
aqueduct in India comprising 9.9 m deep pre-stressed compressive strength at a reasonably early age, with
concrete girders each weighing as much as 5500 kN comparatively higher tensile strength than ordinary concrete.
over a span of 31.8 m, located in Uttar Pradesh. Low shrinkage, minimum creep characteristics and a high
c) Ball tank, Tom bay, Maharashtra, consisting of a pre- value of Young's modulus age generally deemed necessary
stressed concrete, tank of 4 million liter capacity for the for concrete used for possessed members. Many desirable
department of atomic energy. properties, such as durability, impermeability and abrasion
d) The Boeing hanger at Santa Cruz airport with a hoof resistance, age highly influenced by the strength of concrete.
consisting of barrel shells supported on pre-stressed
concrete edge beams spanning over 45.73 m. With the development of vibration techniques in 1930, it
became possible to produce, without much difficulty, high-
strength concrete having 28-day cube compressive strength
5. Principle of Pre-Stressing
in the range of 30-70 Nmm2. The minimum 28-day cube
compressive strength prescribed in the Indian standard code
The function of pre-stressing is to place the concrete
IS: 1343-1980 is 40 N/mm2 for pre-tensioned members and
structure under compression in those regions where load
30 N/mm2 for post tensioned members. The ratio of standard
causes tensile stress. Tension caused by applied loads will
cylinder to cube strength may be assumed to be 0.8 in the
first have to cancel the compression induced by the pre-
absence of any elegant test data. A minimum cement content
stressing before it can crack the concrete. Figure shows a
of 300 to 360 kg/m3 is prescribed mainly to cater to the
plainly reinforced concrete simple span beam and fixed
durability equipments. In high-strength concrete mixes, the
cantilever beam cracked under applied load. Figure shows
water content should be as low as possible with due egad to
the same unloaded beams with pre-stressing forces applied
adequate workability, and the concrete should be suitable for
by stressing post-tensioning tendons. By placing the pre-
compaction by the means available at the site. It is a general
stressing low in the simple-span beam and high in the
practice to adopt vibration to achieve thorough compaction
cantilever beam, compression is induced in the tension
of concrete used for possessed members.
zones; creating upward camber.

Paper ID: J2013338 38 of 42

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER)
ISSN (Online): 2347-3878
Volume 2 Issue 8, August 2014
To safeguard against excessive shrinkage, the code compressive strength of concrete, but at a deceasing rate.
prescribes that the cement content in the mix should Several empirical formulae have been recommended in
preferably not exceed 530 kg/m3. The specified works cube various national codes for the computation of secant modulus
strength of 40 N/mm2 equated for possessed members can of elasticity of concrete, which is invariably expressed as a
easily be achieved even at the age of seven days using rapid function of the compressive strength of concrete.
hardening Portland cement.
According to the Indian standard code IS: 1343 (Under
Table 1: Maximum Permissible Stresses in Concrete revision)
1 2 IS: 1343-1980 Fc = 5000 N/mm2
Varies linearly from 0.54 to 0.37 fck for post-
5.5 High-Tensile Steel
tensioned work and from 0.51 to 0.44 fck for pre-
At Transferce compressive stress
tensioned work depending on the strength of For pre-stressed concrete members, the high-tensile steel
concrete. used generally consists of wires, bars, or strands. The higher
At Transferce Tensile stress − tensile strength is generally achieved by marginally
increasing the carbon content in steel in comparison with
mild steel. High-tensile steel usually contains 0.6 to 0.85 per
Varies linearly from 0.41 to 0.35 fck depending on cent carbon, 0.7 to 1 per cent manganese, 0.05 per cent of
At Service load compressive stress
the strength of concrete. sulphur and phosphorus with traces of silicon. The high-
carbon steel ingots are hot-rolled into rods and cold-drawn
through a series of dies to reduce the diameter and increase
Type 1 members : none Type 2 members : Tensile
the tensile strength.
stress not to exceed 3 N/mm2 . Type 3 members :
At Service load Tensile stress Hypothetical tensile stress vary from 3.2N/mm2 for The specifications of hard-drawn steel wire for pre-stressed
M-30 to a maximum of 7.3 N/mm2 for M-50 Grade concrete (as drawn wire) are covered in the Indian standard
of concrete depending upon the limiting crack- width. code IS: 1785 (part II)-198324.

The process of cold-drawing through dies decreases the

5.2 Shrinkage of Concrete
durability of the wires. The cold-drawn wires are
subsequently tempered to improve their properties.
The shrinkage of concrete in pre-stressed members is due to
Tempering or ageing or stress relieving by heat treatment of
the gradual loss of moisture which exults in changes in
the wires at 150-420°C enhances the tensile strength. The
volume. The drying shrinkage depends on the agree¬ gate
cold-drawn stress relieved wires are generally available in
type and quantity, relative humidity, water/cement ratio in
nominal sizes of 2.5,3,4,5,7 and 8 mm diameter and they
the mix, and the time
should conform to the Indian standard code IS: 1785(part D-
5.3 Creep of Concrete
The hard-drawn steel wires which are indented or crimped
The progressive inelastic strains due to creep in a concrete
are preferred for pre-tensioned elements because of their
member are likely to occur under the smallest sustained
superior bond characteristics. The specification for indented
stresses at ambient temperatures. Shrinkage and creep of
wires are covered in IS: 6003-198326. The small diameter
concrete are basically similar in origin, being largely the
wires of 2 to 5 mm are mostly used in the form of strands
result of the migration of water in the capillaries of the
comprising two, thee or seven wires. The helical form of
cement paste. The loss of pre-stress due to creep of concrete
twisted wires in the strand substantially improves the bond
can be estimated by the creep coefficient method, as
strength. Two- and 3-ply strands are made up of 2 mm and 3
recommended in the Indian Standard Code IS: 1343-80.
mm diameter individual wires, while the 7-ply strands are
twisted using wires of 2 to 5 mm diameter. The nominal
5.4 Deformation Characteristic of Concrete
diameter of 7-ply strands varies from 6.3 mm to 15.2 mm.
The properties of strands are covered in IS: 6006-1983.
The complete stress-strain characteristic of concrete in
compression is not linear, but for loads not exceeding 30 per
cent of the crushing strength, the load deformation behavior
may be assumed to be linear. The deformation characteristics
of concrete under short-term and sustained loads is necessary
for determining the flexural strength of beams and for
evaluating the modulus of elasticity of concrete, which is
required for the computation of deflections of pre-stressed
members. The short-term modulus of elasticity, which is
specified in most of the codes, corresponds to the secant
modulus determined from an experimental stress-strain
relation exhibited by standard specimens under loads of one
third of the cube compressive strength of concrete. The
modulus of elasticity of concrete increases with the average

Paper ID: J2013338 39 of 42

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER)
ISSN (Online): 2347-3878
Volume 2 Issue 8, August 2014
Table 2: Mechanical properties of uncoated stress –Relieved and permissible stresses in the Fourth revision published in
Strand (IS: 6006-1983) 2000s.
Tolerances Nominal
Nominal on the cross Breaking 0.2 percent
class Designation diameter of nominal sectional area load proof load 6.2 Indian Roads Congress Bridge Loading Standards
strand (mm) diameter of of minimum(N) minimum(N)
strand strand(mm2)
− 2−ply 2mm
2−ply 3mm

Highway bridge decks have to be designed to withstand the
3−ply 3mm −

− 21.21 38,250 32,460 live loads specified by the Indian Roads Congress. The
7.9 mm 7-ply 7.9 ⁄− 0.4 37.4 64,500 547000
different categories of loadings were first formulated in 1958
and they have not changed in the subsequent revisions of
₊ 1964, 1966 and 2000. The standard IRC loads specified in
9.5 mm 7-ply 9.5
⁄− 0.4
51.6 89,000 75600
IRC: 6-2000 are grouped under four categories as detailed

⁄− 0.4
6.3 IRC Class AA Loading
11.1mm 7-ply 11.1 69.7 1,20,100 102300

Two different types of vehicles are specified under this

₊ category grouped as tracked and wheeled vehicles. The IRC
12.7 mm 7-ply 12.7
⁄− 0.4
92.9 1,60,100 136200
Class AA tracked vehicle (simulating an army tank) of 700
kN and a wheeled vehicle (heavy duty army truck) of 400 kN

are shown in Fig. 2.1. All the bridges located on National
⁄− 0.4
Highways and State Highways have to be designed for this
15.2 mm 7-ply 15.2 139.4 2,40,200 204200 heavy loading. These loadings are also adopted for bridges
located within certain specified municipal localities and
₊ along specified highways. Alternatively, another type of
2 9.5 mm 7-ply 9.5
54.8 1,02,300 87000
loading designated as Class 70 R is specified instead of Class
A A loading.

6.4 IRC Class 70 R Loading

IRC 70 R loading consists of the following three types of

₊ vehicles.
11.1 mm 7-ply 11.1 74.2 1,37,900 170200
a) Tracked vehicle of total load 700 kN with two tracks

each weighing 350 kN.
b) Wheeled vehicle comprising 4 wheels, each with a load
of 100 kN totaling 400 kN '
c) Wheeled vehicle with a train of vehicles on seven axles
₊ with a total load of 1000 kN
12.7 mm 7-ply 12.7 98.7 1,83,700 156100
The tracked vehicle is somewhat similar to that of Class A A,

except that the contact length of the track is 4.87 m, the nose
to tail length of the vehicle is 7.92 m and the specified
minimum spacing between successive vehicles is 30 m. The
wheeled vehicle is 15.22 m long and has seven axles with the
₊ loads totaling to 1000 kN. The bogie axle type loading with 4
15.2 mm 7-ply 15.2
140 260700 221500
wheels totaling 400 kN is also specified. The details of IRC
Class 70 R loading vehicles are shown in Fig. 2.2. The 700

kN tracked vehicle is common to both the classes, the only
difference being the loaded length which is slightly more for
the Class 70 R. Here second category is the wheeled type
comprising 1000 kN train of vehicles on seven axles for the
Class 70 R and a 400 kN bogie axle type vehicle for the
Class AA.
7. Bridge Loading Standards
The Class A loading is a 554 kN train of wheeled vehicles on
6.1 Evolution of Bridge Loading Standards
eight axles. Impact is to be allowed for all the loadings as per
the specified formulae which is different for steel and
The first loading standard (IRC: 6) in India was published by
concrete bridges. The various categories of loads are to be
the Indian Roads Congress in 1958 and subsequently
separately considered and the worst effect has to be
reprinted in 1962 and 1963. The Section-II of the code
considered in design. Only one lane of Class 70 R or Class
dealing with loads and stresses was revised in the second
AA load is considered whereas both the lanes are assumed to
revision published in 1964. The metric version was
be occupied by Class A loading if that gives the worst effect
introduced in the third revision of 1966. The IRC: 6 Code
has been revised to include the combination of loads, forces

Paper ID: J2013338 40 of 42

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER)
ISSN (Online): 2347-3878
Volume 2 Issue 8, August 2014
6.5 IRC Class A Loading widely used method for pre-stressing of structural
concrete elements is longitudinal tensioning devices
IRC Class A type loading consists of a wheel load train .Pre-stressing by the application of direct forces between
comprising a truck with trailers of specified axle spacing and abutments is generally used for arches and pavements
loads as shown in Fig. 2.3. The heavy duty truck with two while flat jacks are invariably used t structures, such as
trailers transmits loads from 8 axles varying from a tanks and pipes, it is com in concrete by circular pre-
minimum of 27 kN to a maximum of 114 kN. The Class A stressing. With the development of expansive cements,
loading is a 554 kN train of wheeled vehicles on eight axles. pre-stress in concrete can be developed by chemical pre-
Impact has to be allowed as per the formulae recommended stressing.
in the IRC: 6-2000.
9. Tensioning Devices
6.6 IRC Class B Loading
The various types of devices used for tensioning steel ac
Class B type of loading is similar to Class A loading except grouped under four principal categories, namely:
that the axle loads are comparatively of lesser magnitude.
The axle loads of Class B are a 332 kN train of wheeled 1. Mechanical.
vehicles on eight axles. 2. hydraulic,
3. Electrical (thermal), and
4. Chemical.

10. Pre-Stressed Concrete Bridges

Pre-stressed concrete is ideally suited for the construction of
medium- and long-span bridges. Ever since the development
of pre-stressed concrete by Freyssinet in the early 1930s, the
material has found extensive application in the construction
of long-span bridges, gradually emplacing steel which needs
costly maintenance due to the inherent disadvantages of
corrosion under aggressive atmospheric conditions.

Solid slabs are used for the span range of 10 to 20 m. while

T-beam slab decks are suitable for spans in the range of 20 to
40 m. Single or multi cell box girders ac preferred for larger
spoils of the order of 30 to 70 m. Pre-stressed concrete is
ideally suited for long-span continuous bridges in which
precast box girders of variable depth are used for spans
exceeding 50 m. Pre-stressed concrete has been widely used
throughout the world for simply-supported, continuous,
balanced cantilever, suspension, hammer-head and bridle-
chord type bridges in the span range of 20 to 500 m.

11. Codes & Standards

The design of various components of the structure, in general
Figure 2.1: IRC Class AA Tracked and Wheeled Vehicles are based on provisions of IRC/IS Codes.

8. Pre-Stressing Systems Wherever IRC code is silent, reference is made to other

Indian/International codes and standards. The list of IRC
The various methods by which pre-compressive is follows: Codes (latest revisions) given below will serve as a guide for
the design of structures.
1. Generation of compressive force between the structural
element and its abutments using flat jacks. IRC: 5-1998 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice
2. Development of hoop compression circumferential wire for Road Bridges, Section I – General Features of Design.
winding. IRC: 6-2000 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice
3. Use of longitudinally tensioned steel embedded in for Road Bridges, Section-II – Loads and Stresses.
concrete or housed in ducts. IRC: 21-2000 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice
4. Use of the principle of distortion of a statically for Road Bridges, Section-III – Cement Concrete.
indeterminate structure either by displacement or by IRC: 18-2000 Design Criteria for Pre-stressed Concrete
rotation of one part relative to the remainder. Road Bridges (Post Tensioned Concrete) (Third Revision).
5. Use of deflected structural steel sections embedded in IRC: 22-1986 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice
concrete until the hardening of the latter. for Road Bridges, Section-VI –Composite Construction.
6. Development of limited tension in steel and compression IS: 6006-1983 Indian Standard Specification For Uncoated
in concrete by using expanding cements. The most Stress Relieved Strand For Pre-Stressed Concrete.

Paper ID: J2013338 41 of 42

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER)
ISSN (Online): 2347-3878
Volume 2 Issue 8, August 2014
Author Profiles
12. Conclusions
Rajamoori Arun Kumar, (M.Tech)
The following conclusions are drawn upon:

1. Bending moments and Shear force for PSC T-beam

girder are lesser than RCC T-beam Girder Bridge.
Which allow designer to have lesser heavier section for B. Vamsi Krishna did my M.S in Structural
PSC T-Beam Girder than RCC T-Girder for 24 m span. Engineering and also obtained Assistant
2. Moment of resistance of steel for both has been Professor in Civil Engineering from Malla Reddy
evaluated and conclusions drawn that PSC T-Beam Engineering College (Autonomous), India. I
Girder has more capacity for 24 m and more than 24m served as Junior Bridge Engineer in Era Infra
of span. Projects Limited, and done via ducts Contract works in L&T
3. Shear force resistance of PSC T-Beam Girder is more Metro Rail, Hyderabad. And now working as Assistant
compared to RCC T- Girder for 24 m span. Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Malla
4. As we go Total Super structure of a Bridge Project the Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Secunderabad. I
Quantity of steel and the Cost of concrete for PSC T- had good extensive teaching knowledge in Design and
Beam Girder is less than RCC T-Beam Girder as Analysis subjects and even in practical knowledge. I have
quantity required by T-beam Girder. published 6 research papers at International journals 1 paper
5. Deflection for PSC T-beam Girder is less than RCC T- in International Conference and 1 paper under review. My
Beam Girder Bridge. area of research interest includes Design of Concrete
6. Durability for PSC T-beam Girder is more than RCC T- structures and sensing structural behavior by using pressure
Beam Girder Bridge. sensors.

[1] Krishna Raju, N., Design of Concrete Mixes (4th
Edition), C.B.S. Publishers New Delhi, 2002.
[2] Freysssinet, E., the Birth of Pre-stressing, Cement &
Concrete Association, London, Translation.
[3] Reynolds, C.E and Steedman, J., Reinforced Concrete
Designers Hand Book, Concrete Publications Ltd.,
London, 1974.
[4] IS: 10262 - 1982. Indian Standard Guide Lines for
Concrete Mix Design, Indian Standards Institution, New
Delhi. 1983.
[5] IS: 1343 - 1980 Indian Standard Code of Practice for
Pre-stressed Concrete (First revision). Indian Standards
Institute, New Delhi, 1981,
[6] IS:456 - 1978. Indian Standard Code of Practice for
Plain and Reinforced Concrete (third revision). Indian
Standards Institution, New Delhi, 1979
[7] IS: 1785 (Part II) - 1983, Indian Standard Specification
for Plain Hard-Drawn Steel Wire for Pre-stressed
Concrete. Part II as drawn wire, (2*1 revision), Indian
Standards Institution. New Delhi, 1983
[8] IS: 1785 (Part I) - 1983. Indian Standard Specification
for Plain Hard-drawn Steel Wire for Pre-stressed
Concrete. Part I cold-drawn stress relieved wire. (Dnd
revision), Indian Standards Institution. 1983.
[9] IS:6003-1983, Indian Standard Specification for
Indented Stress-Relieved Wire for Pre-stressed
Concrete. (1st revision), Indian Standards Institution,
New Delhi, (1strepint). April 1990.
[10] IS: 6006-1983, Indian Standard Specification for
Uncoated Stress Relieved Strand for Pre-stressed
Concrete (First revision), Indian Standards Institution,
New Delhi, first reprint. October 1989.
[11] Surya Prakash as a Designer in Sheladia Associates Inc
and Sew Infrastructure Limited

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