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Social Science
Submitted by -
Aditya singh Submitted to -
Mr. Devi Prasad Shukla sir
Class - 10th
(S.S.T) Teacher
Roll no - 03
TITLE - Consumer rights
OBJECTIVE - The objective of the project is to create
awareness among consumers about their
rights which will minimise the chances of
begin exploit in the market place
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher as
well as our Principal who gave me the golden opportunity to do this
wonderful project on the topic 'Consumer Rights and Consumer
Movement in India. Las

This project helped me a lot in gaining adequate knowledge about the

topic. I have completed this project after proper analysis and research
and I came to know about so many new things.

I am really thankful to all of my friends, co-partners and guide, who

have devoted their precious time in completing my project. Secondly, I
would also like to thank my parents or guardians who helped me a lot
in finishing this project within the prescribed time.

I am making this project not only for marks but also to increase my
knowledge and intellect development.

Thanks again to all who helped me.

This is a certify that the
project work consumer
rights is the bonafide work
of Aditya Singh who carried
out work under my

name and signature of

CONTENTS Particulars
1 who is consumer ?
2 Mal practises in the market place
3 need for protecting the consumers
4 way to protect consumers
5 Consumer rights
6 learning to become well in found
Any individual who buys a product or service for his personal use is called
a Consumer Consumers are the decision makers who decide which product
they want to buy, why do they buy and from which store they will make
their purchases. Consumers buy products after being influenced by
advertisement and marketing. Every time someone goes to a store and
buys a shirt, toy, beverage or anything else, they make a decision as a
consumer Consumers participate in the market place by purchasing final
goods and services as per their requirements However, consumers are
exploited in the market place because they do not insist on their rights.

Thus, being a consumer it is our responsibility to speak out and inform

manufacturers and government about our needs and wants and to make
complain or inform business alongwith other people about discontentment
with a product or service in an honest way. There should be responsibility
of being an ethical consumer and be fair and not engage in any kind of
malpractices which make all consumers pay.


Some of the malpractices are: sellers selling products at higher prices;
adulteration in food products; sub-standard products in which the quality
is far below the required standard; indulging in unfair trade practises by
weighing the product less than required; or creating artificial scarcity
through hoarding
There is need for protecting the consumers from the
malpractices exercised by the manufacturers or sellers in
the market place. It is essential especially in the
developing countries like India where most of the
consumers just go and buy products on being attracted
by the flashy representations or advertisements. Most of
the consumers act as herd of sheep that just follow one
person who they may like, eg if some consumers follow a
particular celebrity and who is acting in an advertisement
of a particular products like fairness cream, so some
followers would blindly buy that product having a belief
that it would prove to be a quality product. Thus, to
eliminate such practices it is needed to make consumers
aware about their rights.


CONSUMER FORUMS - The Consumer Movement in
India has led to the formation of various organisations
locally known as Consumer Forums or Consumer
Protection Councils. They guide consumers on how to
file cases in the Consumer Court. Many times, they also
represent individual consumer in the Consumer Courts.
These voluntary organisations also receive financial
support from the government for creating awareness
among people
CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT , 1986 - As a result of all efforts since
1960s, the Consumer Movement succeeded in bringing pressure on
businesses and firms, as well as government to improve business conduct,
which earlier was against the interests of consumers at large. In this
regard, a major step taken in 1986 by the Indian Government, was the
enactment of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, popularly known as
COPRA. This act was enforced after the formation of Consumers
International. Consumer Protection Act (COPRA), 1986 is an act of
Parliament enacted to protect the interests of consumers in India. It makes
provision for the establishment of Consumer Councils and other
authorities for the settlement of consumers' disputes and connected

Under Consumer Protection Act (COPRA), a three-tier Quasi judicial

machinery at the district. state and national levels has been set-up
for redressal of consumer disputes. The district level court deals with
the cases involving claims upto 20 lakhs, the state level courts
between ? 20 lakhs and 1 crore and the national level court deals with
cases involving claims exceeding i crore.

If a case is dismissed in district level court, the consumer can also

appeal in the state and then in national level court
Consumer Rights -The right to have information about
the quality, potency, quantity, purity, price and
standard of goods or services is known as Consumer
Rights it is very essential for the consumers to know
their nights. These rights enable consumers to file their
complaint in Consumer Court if they find violation of
their rights. The rights of consumers are given below

Right to be Protected/Right to Safety- Consumers, have the Right to

be Protected against the marketing of goods and delivery of services
that are hazardous to their life and property. Producers and service
providers need to strictly follow the required safety rules and
regulations. There are many goods (like pressure cooker's safety
valves, electrical equipments, geysers, iron, etc.) which requires
special attention to safety. If it is defective, it can cause a serious
accident. So, in this case manufacturers are required to ensure that
safety and quality of products and services are to be maintained

Right to Choose - Any consumer who receives a service in whatever

capacity, regardless of age, gender and nature of service, has the
Right to Choose whether to continue to receive the service or not
The consumer has a right to choose a good or a service and decide
to continue with it like the services of the cable operator or to buy
the toothpaste without the toothbrush even if the shopkeeper
insists on buying both As per this night, no consumer in Indian can
be trapped in the monopoly of a product in the market. In other
words, no consumer can be forced to choose a particular product
to consume as no market is allowed to be dominated by a single
Right to Seek Redressal - Consumers have the Right to Seek Redressal
against unfair trade practices and exploitation It means if any damage is
done to a consumer, he has the right to get compensation depending on the
degree of damage.Thus, it is needed to provide an easy and effective public
system by which this can can be done.As the markets are globalizing, the
direct link between the manufacturer and the final user getting distant, post
purchase grievances have to be heard through a strong redressal
system.For this, consumer disputes redressal agencies (popularly known as
Consumer Forums of Consumer Courts) are set up under the Act at District.
State and National level to provide simple and inexpensive quick redressal
against consumer complaints

Right to Represent - This right enables consumers to represent in

Consumer Courts. Many Consumers do not know how to file a complaint
in Consumer Courts. After considering this, the Consumer Movement in
India established various organisations under the name of Consumer
Forums or Consumer Protection Councils Which guide consumers on
how to file their complaints/cases in the Consumer Court These
organisations also help the consumers to represent in the Consumer
Courts, where they get compensation depending on the degree of their
Right to Consumer Education - This means every consumer should be aware
about the rights that have been provided to him/her so that he/she could
save himself/herself from being exploited at the market placeConsumer
education might refer to formal education through college and school
curriculums. Consumer awareness campaigns run by non-governmental and
governmental organisations are also a past of consumer education.


To become well-informed consumer, a person should
know his/her responsibilities The responsibility includes
to be more alert and to question about prices, quantity
and quality of goods bought and services used.
Consumers should buy quality products and for this
they should know about the quality standards/marks
which have been introduced by the Bureau of Indian
Standards (BIS). A quality mark gives consumer a visual
and easily identifiable quality assessment tool,
originating from a reliable source





Besides knowing these quality standards, there are other responsibilities of
consumers at the market place. Some of these are given below

• Avoid purchase of products or services from a company which do not provide

details of the consumer grievance officers to handle consumer grievances.

. Consumer must file a complaint if he/she is not satisfied with the quality of
product or services even for a small loss Consumers should file only a genuine

Do not get distracted by advertisements only or believe on the words of the


Consumer must look market reviews. Similarly give feedback about the product
if it is of sub-standard

Compare specifications, competition and fair prices of the goods and services
before finalising the purchase

. We should be aware and to understand the environmental consequences of our

consumption. Thus, always choose eco-friendly products.

. Being a consumer, it is our responsibility to conserve natural resources and

protect the Earth for future generations.

Thus, we can conclude that it is the collective responsibility of both the

government and consumers to create awareness about the rights of consumers
in the society which will help to minimise the prevalent malpractices in the
market place. Thus, as consumers it is our responsibility to come forward and
take the Consumer Movement ahead

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