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Biological Reviews - 2023 - Poorter

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Biol. Rev. (2023), pp. 000–000.

doi: 10.1111/brv.12995

Successional theories
Lourens Poorter1,* , Lucy Amissah2, Frans Bongers1, Iris Hordijk1, Jazz Kok1,
Susan G. W. Laurance3, Madelon Lohbeck1, Miguel Martínez-Ramos4,
Tomonari Matsuo1, Jorge A. Meave5 , Rodrigo Muñoz1, Marielos Peña-Claros1 and
Masha T. van der Sande1
Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group, Wageningen University & Research, PO Box 342, 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, PO Box UP63, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana
Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science (TESS), James Cook University, 14-88 McGregor Rd, Smithfield 4878,
Queensland, Australia
Instituto de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, Morelia CP 58190, Michoacan, Mexico
Departamento de Ecología y Recursos Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, Mexico City 04510, Mexico


Succession is a fundamental concept in ecology because it indicates how species populations, communities, and
ecosystems change over time on new substrate or after a disturbance. A mechanistic understanding of succession is
needed to predict how ecosystems will respond to land-use change and to design effective ecosystem restoration strategies.
Yet, despite a century of conceptual advances a comprehensive successional theory is lacking. Here we provide an over-
view of 19 successional theories (‘models’) and their key points, group them based on conceptual similarity, explain con-
ceptual development in successional ideas and provide suggestions how to move forward.
Four groups of models can be recognised. The first group (patch & plants) focuses on plants at the patch level and consists of
three subgroups that originated in the early 20th century. One subgroup focuses on the processes (dispersal, establish-
ment, and performance) that operate sequentially during succession. Another subgroup emphasises individualistic spe-
cies responses during succession, and how this is driven by species traits. A last subgroup focuses on how vegetation
structure and underlying demographic processes change during succession. A second group of models (ecosystems) provides
a more holistic view of succession by considering the ecosystem, its biota, interactions, diversity, and ecosystem structure
and processes. The third group (landscape) considers a larger spatial scale and includes the effect of the surrounding land-
scape matrix on succession as the distance to neighbouring vegetation patches determines the potential for seed dispersal,
and the quality of the neighbouring patches determines the abundance and composition of seed sources and biotic dis-
persal vectors. A fourth group (socio-ecological systems) includes the human component by focusing on socio-ecological sys-
tems where management practices have long-lasting legacies on successional pathways and where regrowing vegetations
deliver a range of ecosystem services to local and global stakeholders.
The four groups of models differ in spatial scale (patch, landscape) or organisational level (plant species, ecosystem, socio-
ecological system), increase in scale and scope, and reflect the increasingly broader perspective on succession over time.
They coincide approximately with four periods that reflect the prevailing view of succession of that time, although all
views still coexist. The four successional views are: succession of plants (from 1910 onwards) where succession was seen
through the lens of species replacement; succession of communities and ecosystems (from 1965 onwards) when there was a more
holistic view of succession; succession in landscapes (from 2000 onwards) when it was realised that the structure and compo-
sition of landscapes strongly impact successional pathways, and increased remote-sensing technology allowed for a better
quantification of the landscape context; and succession with people (from 2015 onwards) when it was realised that people and
societal drivers have strong effects on successional pathways, that ecosystem processes and services are important for
human well-being, and that restoration is most successful when it is done by and for local people.
Our review suggests that the hierarchical successional framework of Pickett is the best starting point to move forward as
this framework already includes several factors, and because it is flexible, enabling application to different systems.
The framework focuses mainly on species replacement and could be improved by focusing on succession occurring at

* Author for correspondence (Tel.: +31 317 486216; E-mail:

Biological Reviews (2023) 000–000 © 2023 The Authors. Biological Reviews published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Cambridge Philosophical Society.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
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2 Lourens Poorter and others

different hierarchical scales (population, community, ecosystem, socio-ecological system), and by integrating it with more
recent developments and other successional models: by considering different spatial scales (landscape, region), temporal scales
(ecosystem processes occurring over centuries, and evolution), and by taking the effects of the surrounding landscape (land-
scape integrity and composition, the disperser community) and societal factors (previous and current land-use intensity) into
account. Such a new, comprehensive framework could be tested using a combination of empirical research, experiments,
process-based modelling and novel tools. Applying the framework to seres across broadscale environmental and disturbance
gradients allows a better insight into what successional processes matter and under what conditions.

Key words: assembly, community, dispersers, ecosystem, landscape, secondary, socio-ecological system, species, succes-
sion, vegetation.


I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
(1) Concepts and definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
II. Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
(1) Study selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
(2) Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
(3) Conceptual diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
(4) Classification of models and timeline of development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
III. Review of successional models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
(1) Relay floristics (Clements, 1916) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
(2) Individualistic model (Gleason, 1926) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
(3) Initial floristic composition (Egler, 1954) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
(4) Life form replacement (Clements, 1916; Budowski, 1965; Gomez-Pompa & Vazquez-Yanes, 1981) . 6
(5) Forest stand development (Watt, 1947; Whitmore, 1975; Oliver, 1980) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
(6) Tree functional groups (van Steenis, 1958; Budowski, 1965; Finegan, 1996) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
(7) Ecosystem development (Odum, 1969) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
(8) Nucleation (Yarranton & Morrison, 1974) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
(9) Facilitation, tolerance, and inhibition (Connell & Slatyer, 1977) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
(10) Competitor, stress-tolerator and ruderal (CSR) plant strategies (Grime, 1979, 2006) . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
(11) Vital attributes (Noble & Slatyer, 1980) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
(12) Resource ratio (Tilman, 1985) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
(13) Successional processes (Walker & Chapin, 1987) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
(14) Hierarchical successional framework (Pickett et al., 1987a,b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
(15) Temporal scales (Walker & Wardle, 2014) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
(16) Spatial scales (Arroyo-Rodríguez et al., 2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
(17) Source and disperser limitation (Dent & Estrada-Villegas, 2021) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
(18) Land-use intensity (Jakovac et al., 2021) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
(19) Socio-ecological systems (Balvanera et al., 2021) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
IV. Four main groups of models reflect the development in conceptual thinking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
V. Development in successional thinking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
(1) Four periods with different views on succession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
(2) Facilitation and inhibition in successional model development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
VI. Towards a comprehensive successional theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
VII. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
VIII. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
IX. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

I. INTRODUCTION vegetation (i.e. secondary succession). Succession is one of

the most widely used concepts in ecology because it integrates
Succession is a fundamental concept in ecology because it different ecological fields and is globally applicable (Pickett,
indicates how populations, species, communities, and ecosys- Meiners & Cadenasso, 2011). In addition, succession has
tems change over time after disturbance has created a new attracted much attention in the Anthropocene because
substrate [i.e. primary succession (Miles & Walton, 1993; global change (i.e. land-use change and climate change) is
Walker & Del Moral, 2003)] or has removed part of the creating disturbance regimes of increasing frequency and

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Successional theories 3

intensity that cause severe losses in biodiversity, ecosystem but sometimes forgotten, successional models we hope to
functioning and contributions of nature to people. It is an open motivate researchers to test and expand existing models,
question whether succession can recover such losses. Therefore, thus contributing towards the development of a compre-
a mechanistic understanding of succession is urgently needed, to hensive successional theory.
understand and predict how species and ecosystems respond to
global change and to design and implement effective ecosystem
(1) Concepts and definitions
restoration strategies. This last aspect is vitally important to sup-
port global ambitions to restore 3.5 million km2 of degraded For the development and use of any theory, it is important
land by 2030 (Holl, 2017) and to support global initiatives such to define its elements and concepts clearly from the start.
as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (UNEA, 2019). This increases clarity and understanding, facilitates com-
Successional theories can provide the mechanistic basis to munication, and prevents misunderstanding, as scholars
underpin such predictions and designs (but see Rapson, 2023). may have different ideas in mind when using the same
There are several excellent reviews on succession that sum- terms or when using different terms referring to the same
marise successional patterns, processes, and ideas by focusing ideas.
respectively on succession in general (Miles, 1987; Burrows & Succession is defined here as the changes displayed by an
Burrows, 1990; Glenn-Lewin, Peet & Veblen, 1992), pri- ecosystem over time following a disturbance. These changes
mary succession (Miles & Walton, 1993; Walker & Del occur in a range of ecosystem attributes, such as species
Moral, 2003), different disturbance types (Clements, 1916; diversity and composition, vegetation structure, ecosystem
Prach & Walker, 2020), different study systems such as tem- processes and soils (Poorter et al., 2021). Most successional
perate old fields (Meiners, Pickett & Cadenasso, 2015), trop- theories have focused on plants, probably because the field
ical pastures (Peterson & Carson, 2008), and tropical was developed by plant ecologists, because plants are seden-
forests (Chazdon, 2014), conceptual advances (Pulsford, tary and can easily be identified, and because they are pri-
Lindenmayer & Driscoll, 2016), empirical evidence mary producers that account for most of the ecosystem
(Drury & Nisbet, 1973; Connell & Slatyer, 1977), new tools structure and processes and have cascading effects on other
and approaches (Connell & Slatyer, 1977; Meiners trophic levels (Connell & Slatyer, 1977). Therefore, most suc-
et al., 2015), and the implications for restoration cessional concepts and definitions we present here are related
(Temperton et al., 2004; Walker, 2007). Despite numerous to plant succession.
conceptual advances made over the past century, a compre- A successional pathway is a temporal change in state variables
hensive successional theory is currently lacking (Peterson & displayed by a successional system (Lebrija-Trejos et al.,
Carson, 2008; Meiners et al., 2015). This is partly because of 2010). It can encompass changes in community types, system
the heterogeneous nature of succession, where a bewilder- states, or species composition and abundance (Pickett,
ing array of different successional pathways is observed Collins & Armesto, 1987a). Successional pathways can be
across different study systems (Clements, 1916), and even highly variable, as they may vary across vegetation types,
within single sites (Vandermeer et al., 2004; Norden within a vegetation type, and even within a site
et al., 2015). Perhaps this bewildering number of succes- (e.g. Vandermeer et al., 2004; Norden et al., 2015).
sional pathways has led to an equally bewildering number A successional mechanism is a factor (e.g. seed availability) or
of successional theories and explains why there is not yet a process (e.g. facilitation, competition) that causes succes-
comprehensive theory available (Meiners et al., 2015). sional change. Mechanisms can operate at different organisa-
A comprehensive theory is also lacking because scholars tional levels, such as the species level or community level
have focused on different components of the successional (Pickett et al., 1987a).
process, on different ecosystems, have used different termi- A successional model is a conceptual representation of how
nology, and hold fundamentally different views on succes- successional change works. It specifies the relationship
sion (Pickett et al., 1987b; Pickett et al., 2011). A few studies between the various stages of the successional pathway and
have reviewed successional theories, but they either evalu- the successional mechanisms that cause the change from
ated a limited number of theories (Pulsford et al., 2016) or one stage to the next. Such a model can be verbal, diagram-
presented them in the form of a rather succinct narrative matic, or quantitative (Pickett et al., 1987a).
on theory development (Walker & Del Moral, 2003; A successional theory is more comprehensive than a succes-
Peterson & Carson, 2008; Meiners et al., 2015). A full appre- sional model. It is not only a conceptual representation of
ciation of the wealth of available theories, their conceptual the whole successional process and its underlying mecha-
details and their conceptual differences and generalities still nisms, but it should also clearly state and explain the (i) defi-
remains elusive. To advance successional theory further, we nitions, (ii) assumptions, and (iii) relationships amongst all
(i) provide an overview of successional models and their key components of the successional model, ideally using a con-
points in a standardised way, (ii) group successional models ceptual diagram. It provides (iv) predictions about the direc-
based on similarities in concepts and approaches, (iii) build a tion of general successional patterns, and (v) (testable)
timeline of models to explain the conceptual development in hypotheses for the underlying mechanisms (Pickett
the ideas about succession, and (iv) provide suggestions on et al., 1987b). Ideally, such a theory is sufficiently general to
how to move forward. By summarising the most influential, be globally applicable across biomes, but also sufficiently

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4 Lourens Poorter and others

flexible and detailed to be context dependent and locally tropical successional models have been less easily
relevant and realistic. absorbed by the mainstream literature.
The formulation of a global, comprehensive succes-
sional theory is clearly a daunting task, which explains
why, despite various attempts, it has not been developed (2) Terminology
yet. Given the diversity, complexity and heterogeneity of Because the study of succession is nearly as old as the field of
succession, a single ‘final’ comprehensive theory may be ecology (Cowles, 1899; Clements, 1916), over the past cen-
elusive, but striving towards it will increase our under- tury the use and meaning of successional terminology under-
standing and generalisation. Here we contribute towards went substantial changes. To facilitate comparison and
the development of such a comprehensive theory by increase readability, throughout this review we use current
reviewing foundational papers in the field of succession terminology. To be explicit about these changes, and to
that have provided different successional models or mech- ensure that the original meaning is not lost in translation,
anisms. Henceforth, we will refer to them as successional we also present at first use the original terminology in italics.
models, rather than as successional theories, because few
of them comply with the stricter definition of theory as pre-
sented above. We discuss general successional models, and (3) Conceptual diagrams
pay special attention to forest succession because it
includes most life forms (from lichens, mosses, herbs, For each model we made a graphical conceptual diagram
grasses to shrubs and trees), and presents therefore the lon- (or adapted the original diagram) to summarise the key ideas
gest and fullest successional gradient. We also include of the model. To facilitate comparisons amongst conceptual
models that can explain tropical forest succession, because diagrams, we use colour-coded boxes that refer to similar
they have been less absorbed by the mainstream literature. concepts: disturbance is shown in white; factors or processes
Tropical forest succession provides an acid test for succes- that operate at a larger scale than the patch are shown in dark
sional models, as it is more complex because of (i) the large green; succession at the patch level in light green; environ-
number of species, life forms and functional guilds mental factors in blue; and socio-ecological factors in orange.
involved, (ii) the strong co-evolution between plant and
animal species, and (iii) the highly complex forest (4) Classification of models and timeline of
structure. development
This review is organised in four sections. First, we briefly
summarise 19 successional models and explain their key To provide a synthetic overview of the overwhelming quan-
ideas, assumptions, strengths and limitations using a standar- tity of successional models, we group them based on similar-
dised format (see Section III), so that it is easier to compare ities in concepts and approaches. This grouping allows us to
successional models directly. Second, we identify main understand their essence, identify common points, and high-
groups of successional models based on similarities in con- light differences. Finally, to explain the development in suc-
cepts and approaches. Third, we build a timeline of models cessional thinking, we place the four main groups of models
and explain the development in successional thinking. along a timeline.
Fourth, we provide suggestions how to integrate current
models and move forward.


II. METHODS In this section, we briefly present each model and (i) explain
the key ideas and summarise these in a graphical conceptual
diagram to make the line of thought explicit; (ii) identify the
(1) Study selection
main assumptions as this may indicate whether the model is
Selecting papers to include in a review is always chal- reasonable and under what set of conditions it applies; (iii)
lenging, as the difference between a foundational paper, evaluate two main strengths and limitations; (iv) explain the
a paper that presents a theory, and those that provide development in successional thinking, and how it builds fur-
hypotheses or empirical findings is often implicit and ther on earlier models; (v) provide additional remarks on
gradual. As a starting point, we focused on successional how the model has been used and tested, or under what suc-
models that are generally applicable to different ecosys- cessional conditions it applies. Using this standardised format
tems around the globe. We enriched this with more allows us to understand and appreciate each model, and to
recent studies published over the last 15 years, and with compare them more directly. We present the models mostly
studies on forest succession because it is one of the focal in chronological order, as this clarifies the development in
points of this review. To cover multiple ecosystems we successional thinking. When models focused on the same
include successional models from both temperate and topic or when they are conceptually very similar, we present
tropical zones, as for historical and geographical reasons and discuss them together.

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Successional theories 5

(1) Relay floristics (Clements, 1916) main limitation of Clements’ model is, therefore, that he
postulates the existence of a single, predictable successional
Key ideas: according to Clements (1916), succession is driven
pathway whereas in reality there are many different path-
by six consecutive processes that operate during different
ways and multiple potentially stable endpoints, even within
stages of vegetation development (Fig. 1): (i) a disturbance
the same climatic zone and within the same site.
creates an open site that is available for colonisation (nudation,
Additional remarks: Egler (1954, p. 414) coined Clements’
in his terminology); (ii) seed dispersal to the new site
theory ‘Relay floristics’ because ‘the torch of predominance
(migration); (iii) species performance, i.e. seed germination,
is relayed along from one floristic group to another’.
plant establishment and growth (ecesis); (iv) plants compete
for the same limiting resources (competition); (v) plants modify
the abiotic and biotic environment in terms of microclimate,
soils, and resources (reaction); and (vi) succession progresses (2) Individualistic model (Gleason, 1926)
until environmental conditions and species composition Key ideas: the individualistic model postulates that plant asso-
change little and a final stable endpoint is reached (stabilisa- ciations and successional stages (e.g. grassland, shrubland,
tion). Although Clements considered succession to be contin- and forest) are the result of individual plant and species
uous, he distinguished marked successional stages based on a responses (Gleason, 1926). This model (Fig. 2) identifies two
dominant life form or species. He identified a common ter- main causes of succession: (i) species dispersal (migration),
restrial successional sequence starting with lichens, transi- and (ii) environmental selection. Seed availability in the sur-
tioning into mosses, herbs, grasses, shrubs, and finally trees. rounding landscape and proximity to adjacent vegetation
Assumptions: Clements made an analogy between the devel- determine the patterns of species dispersal and hence, succes-
opment of a plant community and the development of a plant sional pathways. Successional pathways are highly variable
organism that is born, grows, matures, reproduces and dies. and unpredictable simply because they depend on which spe-
Although Clements acknowledged that there can be different cies disperse into the site. After establishment, environmental
successional pathways, he assumed, based on this analogy, selection occurs in which species performance or abundance
that vegetation in the same macroclimatic region should fol- declines when the average environmental conditions are fur-
low (in general) the same successional pathway (a series of ther away from their optimum. At the same time, plants
seres) leading to the same climax vegetation. respond to and can modify their environment.
Strengths: Clements (1916) summarised the existing succes- Assumptions: apart from dispersal, successional shifts in spe-
sional knowledge from temperate North America. This cies composition may only occur when environmental condi-
allowed him to develop a general, coherent, and highly struc- tions change during succession.
tured model about the main mechanisms underlying vegeta- Strengths: this model provides a simple mechanism for suc-
tion succession that can be applied to different situations cession (immigration and species environmental require-
while using many examples to clarify his ideas. As such, ments and tolerances), which is applicable to all vegetation
Clements (1916) provided much of the theoretical founda- types and can be tested (see Section VI). It recognises dis-
tion for succession that we still use today. persal limitation (migration) as a key determinant of succession,
Limitations: the analogy between vegetation succession and that pioneers are characterised by high mobility, and
the development of an organism is interesting, but of course a explains why the order of arrival (priority effects) matters
plant community is not a single entity or an organism. The for succession.

Fig. 1. Relay floristics (Clements, 1916). Species succession (light green boxes) is driven by a series of consecutive processes; a
disturbance (white box) creates a new site. Seed dispersal to the new site leads to differential species performance (germination,
establishment, growth), which is modified by changes in abiotic and biotic conditions (1, blue box) and competition (2). Over time,
the rate of successional change will decline (3), leading to stabilisation of the community into a climax vegetation, until a new
disturbance creates an open site (4), resetting succession to an earlier successional stage.

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6 Lourens Poorter and others

Fig. 2. Individualistic model (Gleason, 1926). Species composition of a patch is the result of the presence of individual species (7).
Disturbance creates an open site (1) that is available for colonisation by species and modifies environmental conditions (2). The
surrounding landscape (proximity to the nearest vegetation and its species composition, dark green box) determines (3) seed
dispersal (light green), and hence, species availability (4). Species-specific responses to the environmental conditions (blue) then
determine if the species is filtered by the environment (5) and can establish and become abundant in the patch. Species can also
modify the environmental conditions (6).

Limitations: it does not consider other mechanisms beyond conceptual extremes of a continuum; actual succession
migration and environmental selection, and focusses on the depends on both factors and is somewhere in between.
individual plant and species level, hence to understand suc- Assumptions: the IFC model assumes that all species are (i)
cession you must know and understand what each individual spatially widely distributed (i.e. through a high abundance
species does, which is labour intensive and makes it difficult or an effective dispersal mechanism), (ii) present as seeds or
to generalise across regions. seedlings during the agricultural phase (which should be long
Additional remarks: Gleason was visionary; his ideas are very enough for species accumulation to occur), (iii) able to
similar to current community assembly theory, which states create a seed bank (most applicable to temperate or
that species are filtered from the regional species pool based early-successional species).
on species traits, dispersal filters, and environmental filters. Strengths: the IFC provides a simple contrast to the RF
He presents many ideas currently still used in ecology model, only based on timing of species arrival and establish-
(community assembly, the role of the regional species pool, ment. The original article contains a nice diagrammatic visu-
landscape, the important role of dispersal limitation, eco- alisation of the salient differences, which can be tested with
physiological responses to environmental conditions, chance longitudinal data.
and unpredictability). His emphasis on species-specific Limitations: the IFC model only considers internal, auto-
responses also explains why succession in species-rich systems genic causes for succession, but no external, allogenic
is so unpredictable. causes. It does not explain the mechanisms that drive suc-
cessional turnover of life forms or species, why species
groups become dominant (fast growth?), drop out (maxi-
(3) Initial floristic composition (Egler, 1954) mum longevity attained? outcompeted?) or cannot regen-
erate below their own canopy. In addition, this model
Key ideas: Egler (1954) focuses on succession (vegetation does not consider additional immigration over time,
development) on abandoned agricultural pasture or crop which normally occurs in diverse vegetation types such
fields (‘old fields’) and discusses two contrasting successional as tropical forests.
models based on the timing of species arrival; relay floristics
(RF; Clements, 1916), and initial floristic composition
(IFC). RF refers to the successive appearance and disap- (4) Life form replacement (Clements, 1916;
pearance of species groups. Each group establishes (invades) Budowski, 1965; G omez-Pompa &
Vazquez-Yanes, 1981)
at the site at a certain stage of its development, and soon
makes conditions unsuitable for themselves but suitable Key ideas: life form (sometimes referred to as growth form) is
for colonisation by the next group. As a result, dominance determined by the size, morphology, woodiness and life-
is relayed from one floristic group to another span of a plant. One of the most general successional pat-
(Section III.1). By contrast, in the IFC model (Fig. 3) all spe- terns is the replacement of small short-lived life forms
cies are present at land abandonment, and no additional (LFs) by tall long-lived LFs (Clements, 1916; Budowski,
immigration occurs. Over time, different groups of species 1965; Gomez-Pompa & Vazquez-Yanes, 1981) (Fig. 4).
become dominant and replace each other based on differ- This replacement is probably caused by a trade-off between
ential competitive abilities. RF and IFC represent the rapid colonisation ability of small LFs versus strong

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Successional theories 7

Additional remarks: LF replacement is clearest in primary

succession on newly formed bare substrate, as it depends on
species arrival, environmental modification, and species
interactions. In general, LF replacement in primary succes-
sion may follow the following order: mosses may arrive first
through their ubiquitous, light spores, and together with
microbial crusts they can capture, bind, and stabilise soil par-
ticles leading to soil development. Then lichens build up the
organic nitrogen pool through atmospheric nitrogen fixation
and induce weathering and substrate formation. They are
replaced by herbaceous and woody nitrogen fixers that can
establish in the accumulated substrate with increased water-
holding capacity, and are in turn replaced by increasingly
taller LFs when the vegetation builds up (Miles &
Walton, 1993). By contrast, secondary succession is charac-
terised by many legacies, such as well-developed soils and
abundant propagules (seed bank, resprouts, and advanced
regeneration). As a result, at the onset of succession there
may be many LFs (e.g. in swidden agriculture), dominance
of one LF (e.g. in pastures) (Egler, 1954), or dominance of
shade-tolerant longer-lived LFs (in the case of cyclic forest
succession). It should be noted that primary and secondary
succession provide categorical descriptions for succession fol-
lowing different types of disturbances. Yet, different types of
disturbance result in a continuum of initial site conditions
and legacies. As a result, primary and secondary succession
Fig. 3. Initial floristic composition model (Egler, 1954), in
may overlap to some extent (Miles & Walton, 1993; Walker &
which all species are present at the time of agricultural
abandonment as propagules or seedlings, and different species Del Moral, 2003), and may have less effect on succession
groups (weeds, grasses, shrubs, trees, as indicated by different compared to climate or the surrounding landscape
colours) either establish and/or become dominant at different (Vítovcova et al., 2021).
points in time. Each line represents a different species.

competitive ability for light by tall LFs (colonisation–

competition trade-off; Tilman, 1994). Therefore, a successional
pathway includes several LFs, often in the following order of
arrival (although not each LF is present in each sere and
their position in the sequence may change): lichens and
mosses (mostly in the temperate zone), annual-, bi-annual-
and perennial herbs, grasses, ferns (which may occur at
any time, because of easy dispersal by spores), scramblers,
herbaceous vines, shrubs, woody lianas (mostly in the tro-
pics) and finally palms (in the tropics) and trees.
Assumptions: the predicted order of LF replacement implic-
itly assumes a trade-off between colonisation and (light)
Strengths: LF replacement is the most ubiquitous succes-
sional phenomenon for different types of succession (primary,
secondary, cyclic) across the globe. Species are easily classi-
fied into LFs and this can be done in a consistent way across Fig. 4. Life form (LF) replacement where small, short-lived LFs
biomes, enhancing comparability and generalisation. are replaced by taller, longer-lived LFs. Each LF is indicated by
a different colour. Several species of the same LF that differ in
Limitations: each LF contains many species that may differ
abundance co-occur at the same time (indicated by the
strongly in their traits and successional position (Wright multiple lines for each colour) and LFs gradually replace each
et al., 2005). Hence, LF replacement provides a physiognomic other (as indicated by the overlapping lines for different LFs).
description of succession, and can therefore explain the In general, LF replacement may follow the order indicated in
mechanisms underlying species replacement only to a limited this diagram, although not each LF is present in each sere and
extent. their position in the sequence may change.

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8 Lourens Poorter and others

(5) Forest stand development (Watt, 1947; vertical stratification. Stems are excluded because new plants
Whitmore, 1975; Oliver, 1980) cannot establish in the shade and pioneers die because of
Key ideas: many vegetation types consist of a shifting mosaic of light competition and thinning. Vertical stratification
patches in different successional phases (Watt, 1947), also (i.e. layering) occurs as some trees dominate the canopy (the
known as cyclic succession. After disturbance, patch pioneers) while others are suppressed, stay behind, and form
development consists of an aggrading phase when vegetation a second layer. The understorey-reinitiation stage is characterised
by canopy tree mortality and gap formation. It starts when
builds up, and a degrading phase when the dominant plants
the canopy opens up when some canopy trees die, or when
become senescent and die (Watt, 1947). Cyclic succession is
typical of forests where a small-scale disturbance such as a the understorey environment is favourable for the regenera-
treefall creates a canopy gap, thus initiating patch develop- tion of herbs and shade-tolerant trees. In the old-growth stage
ment (Fig. 5). Van Steenis (1958) was one of the first to recog- senescence, disease, and disturbances cause trees to die and
nise that old-growth tropical forests consist of a shifting disintegrate alone or in groups, which releases understorey
mosaic of patches in different phases of successional develop- plants and results in tree stems in all size classes.
Strengths: a simple successional model based on
ment. Patch development is initiated by the formation of a
canopy gap that may be closed in due time due to rapid ver- development of patch structure and underlying demographic
tical regrowth of regenerating plants. Patch development is processes. It can be applied to small- and large-scale distur-
characterised by four different phases ( gap, building, mature, bances (Chazdon, 2014).
and degenerate) (Whitmore, 1975; Oldeman, 1990), which Limitations: it does not make a clear prediction of what spe-
together form the forest growth cycle. Another disturbance cies will dominate when in succession and in what canopy
may take place at any time. Larger stand-replacing distur-
Development: the stand development model emphasises the
bances (such as crown fires) lead to comparable successional
patterns in temperate forests, where four successional phases three-dimensional structural development of the vegetation
can be distinguished based on development in stand structure and its associated demographic processes, whereas the LF
and its underlying processes (Oliver, 1980; Peet & replacement model (Section III.4) emphasises more the
Christensen, 1980; Oliver & Larson, 1996). The stand- physiognomic development of the vegetation, and how it is
initiation stage is characterised by rapid germination, establish- caused by the life-history traits of these LFs. Ideas derived
from the stand development model have also been imple-
ment and growth. Plants can establish or regrow at a site
through advanced regeneration (i.e. plants that have already mented in mathematical models of forest succession, such
established before disturbance), resprouting from damaged as forest gap models (Shugart Jr & West, 1980).
stems or roots, or through germination from the seed bank Additional remarks: in the tropics, stand development after
or seed rain, while high light conditions result in rapid height agriculture is faster because of productive growing condi-
growth. The stem-exclusion stage is characterised by canopy clo- tions, regeneration is continuous throughout stand develop-
ment because of later arrival of mammal-dispersed species
sure and light limitation, followed by high mortality and
and larger shade tolerance, and canopy structure is therefore

Fig. 5. Forest stand development (Oliver, 1980). Four stand-development phases following a large disturbance. In the stand-
initiation stage plants establish through advanced regeneration, resprouts or germination. The stem-exclusion stage is
characterised by canopy closure, which results in thinning and vertical stratification. The understorey-reinitiation stage starts with
gap formation, which allows for the regeneration of new shade-tolerant trees. The old-growth stage is characterised by senescence
of some canopy trees and trees in all size classes. Different species are indicated by different crown colours and letters.

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Successional theories 9

more heterogenous and complex, and less clearly layered communication amongst researchers and comparisons across
(Budowski, 1965; Chazdon, 2008). regions.
Limitations: functional groups may represent the (arbitrary)
extremes or landmarks along a continuum, as tree species
(6) Tree functional groups (van Steenis, 1958; show a continuum in their traits, performance, shade toler-
Budowski, 1965; Finegan, 1996)
ance (Poorter & Bongers, 2006), lifespan (Condit, 2022),
Key ideas: the herbaceous and shrub-dominated phase in for- and successional position.
est succession lasts only a few years to decades, whereas the Development: whereas the LF replacement model
tree-dominated phase lasts one to several centuries. Life form (Section III.4) considers trees to belong to one single func-
(LF) replacement explains, therefore, only a small part of for- tional group, the tree functional group model explains how
est succession (<5 years in the tropics), with the remainder succession is driven by plant strategy variation within the tree
explained by the large variation in tree strategies group. Although forest structure and tree functional groups
(Budowski, 1965; Finegan 1996). This is especially the case mutually affect each other during succession, the stand devel-
for species-rich tropical forests where tens to hundreds of tree opment model (Section III.5) focusses on changes in forest
species coexist. Tropical ecologists have classified tree species structure and how it affects light conditions, demographic
in 3–6 successional groups, ranging from early-, to mid-, to processes and, hence, tree functional group replacement,
late-successional species. whereas the tree functional group model focuses on the suc-
Pioneers (nomads) are the first species to establish in a gap cessional replacement of functional tree groups, with changes
and need to grow and reproduce before the gap closes and in forest structure as an emergent property.
they die (van Steenis, 1958). Van Steenis (1958) termed pio- Additional remarks: a recent demographic modelling study
neers ‘nomads’, as they have to move around and disperse (Rüger et al., 2023) shows that LLPs increase during tropical
their seeds in space or time in order to colonise a new gap forest succession but that there is little successional replace-
somewhere else. He recognised three groups: short-lived pio- ment, and as a result they form a dominant, stable compo-
neers (SLPs <10 years), long-lived pioneers (LLPs, ca. nent of old-growth forests, partly in line with Budowksi’s
100 years) that establish after large disturbances and may (1965) ideas.
form even-aged stands, and shade-tolerant species (dryads –
or forest nymphs) that establish in the shade and grow up to
different maximum sizes in different forest strata. (7) Ecosystem development (Odum, 1969)
Budowski (1965) focused on succession after larger-scale
Key ideas: during succession, ecosystems develop in a predict-
disturbances, by evaluating succession on abandoned agri-
able way over time because communities modify the environ-
cultural fields. He recognised four successional stages
ment, resulting in a stable ecosystem with maximum biomass
(Fig. 6), each with its corresponding dominant functional
in homeostasis with the environment (Odum, 1969). Odum
group and life-history traits. Pioneers and early successional spe-
(1969) discusses the successional development of six groups
cies are not only light demanding, but also drought tolerant
because they experience atmospheric drought in their hot
early successional environment. Late-successional species are
tall, deciduous, and often also part of the dry forest climax.
Climax species are later successional, old-growth species and
shade tolerant.
Finegan (1996) recognised four successional phases based
on LFs and the longevity of the dominant trees (Fig. 6).
The first phase (<5 years) is dominated by herbs, shrubs
and climbers, during which SLP trees establish. The second
phase (10–30 years) is dominated by SLPs that form a dense,
even-aged stand, under which shade the species of the first
phase disappear. The third phase (75–150 years) is domi-
nated by LLPs that establish early in succession and form
dense, even-aged stands. Both phases last as long as the life-
span of the dominants. The fourth phase is dominated by
shade-tolerant (ST) species that recruit continuously during
Assumptions: trees belong to distinct functional groups Fig. 6. Tree functional groups. During the first 5 years of
rather than showing a continuum in strategies. tropical forest succession, herbaceous life forms (herb, shrub,
Strengths: species classification into a few successional vine) establish and are replaced by short-lived pioneer trees.
groups is relatively easy, especially when they are tied to a They are followed by long-lived pioneers and shade-tolerant
species (Finegan, 1996). The corresponding terminology of
specific forest development stage (see Budowski, 1965). As
Budowski (1965) is shown in parentheses.
with life forms, the use of successional groups facilitates

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10 Lourens Poorter and others

Fig. 7. Ecosystem development (Odum, 1969). During succession, six groups of ecosystem attributes (related to energetics, nutrient
cycling, community structure, life history, selection pressure, and homeostasis) develop over time. For each attribute it is predicted
whether they increase ("), decrease (#) or show an optimum (\) over time.

of 24 ecosystem attributes related to energetics (i.e. carbon to K-selection (favouring slow growth, high survival, delayed
stock and sequestration), structure, life history, nutrient reproduction and high parental care) in later successional
cycling, selection pressure, and homeostasis (Fig. 7). environments where the availability of some resources is
Energetics: gross primary productivity increases over time low and, as a result, there is more competition.
due to build up of vegetation, but because of increased Homeostasis: homeostasis refers to the ability of an
maintenance costs respiration catches up, leading to a mid- organism or a system to keep the internal conditions
successional peak in net primary productivity and an asymp- unchanged, so that the system remains in a stable state.
totic increase in aboveground biomass over time. The food During succession, symbiosis increases (i.e. biological interac-
chain changes from linear, grazing-dominated plant–herbi- tions between organisms such as mutualism, parasitism, pre-
vore–carnivore chains in open herbaceous vegetations, to dation, and commensalism) leading to biotic control and
complex web-like food chains dominated by detritivores in stability, increased resilience (‘resistance to external perturbations’)
closed forest vegetations. and information content, and as a result a decrease in
Community structure: species richness increases due to the entropy (i.e. randomness or chaos; see Margalef, 1963).
arrival of new species, species evenness increases because Strengths: this model provides a holistic, ecosystem-level
dominant pioneer species decline in abundance, and there perspective on succession, by focussing on six complementary
is an increase in vertical stratification and spatial heterogene- groups of ecosystem attributes and by considering the whole
ity. The carbon and nitrogen pool size increase due to auto- biotic community (i.e. not only plants but all organisms). It
trophic assimilation, nutrient uptake, and biological nitrogen makes clear predictions of how attributes should change dur-
fixation, and an increasing part of the nutrients is moved ing succession, and is therefore testable. Succession is
from the soil and locked up in biomass. described in terms of energy flows in the system, which facil-
Nutrient cycling: nutrient cycles become more closed as itates comparisons amongst different ecosystems.
mature systems have greater capacity to entrap and hold Limitations: although clear predictions are made about how
nutrients with denser and deeper root systems. Nutrient ecosystem attributes should change during succession, some-
uptake rate from the soil is initially fast because of rapid plant times the mechanisms are not clear.
growth but decreases over time when plant growth slows Development: both Clements (1916) and Odum (1969)
down. With the accumulation of biomass, detritus becomes assumed that succession is mostly autogenic, orderly and pre-
more important for nutrient cycling. dictable; Clements from a taxonomic point of view, and Odum
Life history: during succession, species niches become nar- from an ecosystem point of view. Clements compared vegeta-
rower because of increased species packing and competition. tion development with the development of an organism,
Organisms and species become taller, and consequently, life whereas Odum compared ecosystem development with the
cycles become longer and more complex. long-term evolutionary development of the biosphere to attain
Selection pressure: selection shifts from r-selection (favouring homeostasis. Most prior successional models had only focused
rapid growth and reproduction) in early-successional envi- on species replacement. Odum (1969) was the first to discuss
ronments, where the availability of some resources is high, changes in species richness, evenness and ecosystem

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Successional theories 11

development, probably because it coincided with the emer- remarks). Development: the model builds on the ideas of Clem-
gence of systems ecology and ecosystem approaches in the ents (1916) by focusing on facilitation and life form replace-
1960s. ment. Its spatial focus coincides with the development of
Additional remarks: Odum pointed out that humans are statistical tools for pattern analysis in the 1950s and 1960s,
mostly interested in maximising the production services of and with the emergence of spatial ecology as a research field.
ecosystems by keeping them in an early-successional state. Additional remarks: nucleation is important during primary
By contrast, other important regulating and cultural services succession where microclimatic conditions are harsh, the
are provided by later successional ecosystems. Because of this substrate is less developed, and facilitation and soil develop-
trade-off, he proposed multifunctional landscapes based on ment are key. Nucleation is also important during secondary
land sparing (productive early-successional systems and succession, for example in rangelands where nurse shrubs
late-successional conservation areas) and land sharing (com- may protect regeneration from animal browsing (Olff
bining production and conservation). et al., 1999; Smit et al., 2007). In abandoned fields, remnant
trees may act as a food source and perching site for birds
and mammals. This increases seed input and speeds up suc-
(8) Nucleation (Yarranton & Morrison, 1974) cession, especially of later successional, animal-dispersed tree
Key ideas: plant species such as shrubs and trees can act as species that otherwise would take a long time to arrive
nuclei of regeneration (Fig. 8), as other species can regenerate (Guevara, Purata & Van der Maarel, 1986; Holl
below their crown because of more benign microclimatic et al., 2020) (although in some successions endozoochorous-
conditions (less solar radiation, cooler, and more humid), dispersed tree species are the first colonisers).
trapping of organic material, and improved soil conditions
(Yarranton & Morrison, 1974). This results in a landscape
mosaic of different regeneration patches that increase in size (9) Facilitation, tolerance, and inhibition (Connell &
Slatyer, 1977)
over time and eventually coalesce, resulting in a uniform veg-
etation. This process is called nucleation, in analogy to nucle- Key ideas: successional species replacement is the result of
ation in physics where it is a first step in the formation of a three types of species interactions (‘models’), in which pio-
new structure due to self-assembly. Hence, depending on neer species can have a positive (facilitation), neutral (tol-
the successional starting point, vegetation mosaics can be erance) or negative (inhibition) effect on later
the result of open patches in a closed vegetation matrix (van successional species (Connell & Slatyer, 1977) (Fig. 9). In
Steenis, 1958) or of vegetation patches in an open landscape facilitation, pioneers modify the environment so that it
matrix (nucleation). becomes more suitable for later successional species to
Strengths: it explains why early succession can be heteroge- establish and grow to maturity. Facilitation is most likely
neous, resulting in mosaic-like landscapes, and highlights the to occur during heterotrophic degradative succession, pri-
key role of (remnant) nurse trees. mary succession (with no prior soil development), early in
Limitations: the nucleation model focused initially on only secondary succession, and under harsh environmental
one successional mechanism (facilitation) although later conditions. In tolerance, changes in environmental condi-
other mechanisms were included as well (see Additional tions have neutral effects on the recruitment and growth to

Fig. 8. Nucleation (Yarranton & Morrison, 1974). When isolated pioneer plants become established, the abiotic conditions below
their crown improve (1) which facilitates the regeneration of later successional species below the crown (2). Lateral patch expansion
leads to patch coalescence and a more uniform landscape (3). Later studies highlighted the role of these isolated, and sometimes
remnant trees to attract seed dispersers, which defecate their seeds, leading to a high quantity and diversity of later successional
species (4; Guevara et al., 1986). Additionally, in herbivore-dominated landscapes, isolated plants provide safe regeneration sites by
protecting seedlings from herbivores (5; Smit et al., 2007).

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12 Lourens Poorter and others

species, although pioneers often reduce the recruitment,

growth, and survival of later successional species which is,
in fact, ‘inhibition’ (Finegan, 1984).
Development: most successional models thus far were devel-
oped by plant ecologists and most of the focus was therefore
on plant competition for resources driving succession. Simi-
larly, at that time community structure theory was nearly
entirely focused on competition (Hutchinson, 1957;
MacArthur, 1984). Connell & Slatyer (1977) advanced suc-
cessional theory by presenting two new successional mecha-
nisms: tolerance and inhibition.

Fig. 9. Facilitation, tolerance, and inhibition (Connell & (10) Competitor, stress-tolerator and ruderal (CSR)
Slatyer, 1977). Pioneers can affect succession by later plant strategies (Grime, 1979, 2006)
successional species in three ways. Pioneers can have a positive
effect (facilitation) by improving site conditions, a neutral effect Key ideas: three groups of plant strategies (Fig. 10) determine
(tolerance) because later successional species are tolerant to the dominance of species during different types of succession.
changed environmental conditions, or a negative effect Ruderals (R) are adapted to productive and disturbed habitats;
(inhibition) by occupying the site and preventing the they rapidly colonise an area following disturbance, grow
establishment of other species. fast, reproduce rapidly, have a short lifespan, and comprise
a narrow range of life forms (LFs, annual and perennial
herbs). Competitors (C) are adapted to productive, little-
maturity of later successional species. Successional disturbed habitats; they rapidly acquire limiting resources
replacement is solely driven by life-history characteristics through fast horizontal or vertical expansion and growth,
because pioneers arrive quickly and have short life cycles, and consist of a wide range of LFs (perennial herbs, shrubs,
and later successional species arrive more slowly, live trees). Stress-tolerators (S) are adapted to unproductive
longer, and can tolerate low-resource conditions. In inhi- (i.e. stressful) habitats with little disturbance: they increase
bition, pioneers inhibit establishment (‘invasion’) by pre- persistence through slow growth and conservative resource
emptying the space or by reducing the growth of later use, and consist for example of lichens, mosses, and perennial
successional species. Once the pioneer dies because of dis- plants. The strategies are visualised using a triangle, where
turbance, pathogens, or senescence, it can be replaced by each strategy occupies a different corner of the triangle
another pioneer or by a later successional species. Because (Fig. 10) and different LFs occupy different areas of the trian-
pioneers are short lived, they will be replaced more often gle (Fig. 10). The three sides of the triangle reflect a spectrum
than long-lived later successional species. As a result, pio- of intermediate strategies (SR, CR, CS). Different types of
neers will decline and long-lived species will increase in succession are predicted to show different successional
abundance during succession. Successional patterns in pathways through CSR space. Primary succession, such as
community composition can, therefore, be explained by on bedrock, starts with stressful conditions (hot, dry, no
species longevity alone. soil, few nutrients) but conditions gradually improve when
Assumptions: because pairwise species interactions are soil is formed and organic material, nitrogen and vegeta-
thought to drive succession, it seems that Connell & Slater tion build up over time. As a result, different plant strate-
(1977) only consider successional seres that involve a few gies dominate over time, showing an upward trajectory
dominant pioneer and late-successional species, rather than from S to C (Fig. 10). Secondary succession varies with habitat
many species within each group that all differ in their life- productivity. In productive habitats, succession starts out
history traits, and thereby in their effects and responses. with ruderal species that rapidly colonise the open site.
Strengths: this is a simple classification of species interactions They are replaced by competitive species when the vegeta-
based on positive (facilitation), neutral (tolerance) and negative tion closes, which are themselves replaced by stress-
(inhibition) effects. It emphasises the additional role of biotic tolerant species when light becomes limiting and nutrients
interactions such as herbivores, predators, and pathogens in are locked up in the vegetation or the microbial biomass
succession (although this is not really included in their three (Fig. 10). In unproductive habitats where vegetation
models), and predicts how the successional pathway changes biomass remains low, succession moves directly from the
with disturbance size and intensity (see Bazzaz, 1984). ruderal to the stress-tolerant phase (Fig. 10). Disturbances
Limitations: all three postulated mechanisms operate often such as grazing may modify successional pathways. Over-
at the same time during succession for some species pairs, grazing by ungulates, geese or rabbits, may create open
and therefore it is not clear how this will steer the overall suc- spots in the vegetation, thus providing establishment
cessional pathway (Finegan, 1984). The difference between opportunities for annual ruderals, and setting back suc-
tolerance and inhibition also is not clear; the tolerance mech- cession. Alternatively, moderate grazing removes the
anism assumes that pioneers have neutral effects on ‘tolerant’ most palatable species (first the ruderals, then the

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Successional theories 13

Fig. 10. Competitor stress-tolerator and ruderal plant strategies (Grime 1979, 2006). Plant species show different strategies to deal
with disturbance and stress. Ruderals (R, left corner) are adapted to productive disturbed environments, competitors (C, top
corner) to productive undisturbed environments, and stress tolerators (S, right corner) to unproductive, undisturbed environments.
Along these axes intermediate strategies (SR, CR, CS) occur, and different life-forms tend to occupy different positions in the
CSR plane (indicated by the ovals/circles). Successional pathways are shown as arrows for primary succession on bedrock
(black circles), secondary succession in productive environments (dark-grey circles) and unproductive environments (light-grey
circles). During succession there is a shift in the balance between disturbance, competition and mineral nutrient stress and, hence,
the strategies of the dominant species as visualised by the trajectory through the CSR plane. The size of the circles reflects the
vegetation biomass.

competitors), thus speeding up succession towards stress- Development: the CSR model is in line with the individualis-
tolerant species. tic model of Gleason (1926), goes beyond life-history traits,
Assumptions: the scheme assumes that adaptations to differ- and has spurred the current interest in trait-based
ent resource stresses (mineral constraints, shade, drought) approaches to describe species quantitatively and understand
and different non-resource stresses (heat, cold, extreme pH) species performance.
are the same. This is not necessarily the case, so in reality Additional remarks: recently, Pierce et al. (2017) developed a
there may be more strategy axes than three (Craine, 2009). global method to quantify CSR strategies using soft, continuous
Strengths: the CSR strategy approach is highly appropriate to traits, which represents a significant advance to the use and
understand succession, as it explicitly focuses on plant responses application of the CSR strategy scheme across the globe.
to disturbance (R), and is globally applicable because it focuses
on a wide range of environmental conditions, ranging from pro- (11) Vital attributes (Noble & Slatyer, 1980)
ductive competitive environments (C) to unproductive, stressful
environments (S). It is one of the first theories that makes predic- Key ideas: three groups of ‘vital’ life-history attributes determine
tions about the direction and rate of succession, and how it var- the position of a species in a successional pathway following dis-
ies with resource supply and herbivory. turbance (Noble & Slatyer, 1980): (i) the regeneration mode
Limitations: the scheme was initially developed for temper- (i.e. mode of arrival and persistence), (ii) species performance
ate herbaceous vegetation, and has therefore been less (i.e. the ability to establish and survive to maturity), and (iii)
applied to woody LFs or other vegetation types. Few studies the timing of different life stages (Fig. 11). First, the regeneration
have actually quantified species position in the triangle, as mode indicates how species persist during disturbance
this requires data on seedling relative growth rates under (e.g. through thick bark, resprouting, or germination from the
standardised conditions (for the position along the SR axis), seed bank after fire) or arrive after disturbance (through dis-
and data on maximum leaf canopy height, lateral spread, persal). Second, species can establish and grow to maturity in
and litter depth (for the position along the CR axis). There- three ways: tolerant species can tolerate a wide range of condi-
fore, most studies have used CSR strategies in a conceptual tions and regenerate continuously, intolerant species can only
way to interpret their data. establish immediately after disturbance because they are

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14 Lourens Poorter and others

a superior competitor and becomes dominant at a certain

(supply) ratio of these two resources, (iii) community compo-
sition should change when the availability of the resources
changes (Fig. 12). The major limiting resources are often a
belowground soil resource (especially nitrogen, or water)
and an aboveground resource (light). During primary and
secondary succession there is generally a shift from soil
resource limitation to light limitation when the vegetation
builds up. As a result, there is a replacement of small, short-
lived, fast-growing and fast-reproducing early-successional
species by tall, long-lived, and slow later successional species.
Quantitative predictions of species change are made based
on a simple mathematical model based on the resource sup-
ply rate, the amount of resource consumed per unit biomass,
maximum biomass gain and biomass loss (e.g. due to herbiv-
ory). The process of competition is graphically illustrated by
showing for multiple species the resource-dependent growth
Fig. 11. Vital attributes (Noble & Slatyer, 1980). Changes in responses to two resource axes.
species composition during succession are determined by the Assumptions: assumes that species replacement is driven
disturbance regime (timing, frequency) that filters out species only by resource supply trajectories over time and by inter-
(as indicated by the vertical dashed line) based on their specific competition amongst plant species.
vital attributes (1). Three groups of vital attributes are Strengths: makes quantitative predictions about species
distinguished, related to arrival and persistence (generative
turnover based on a simple and elegant mechanistic model.
or vegetative regeneration), species performance (i.e. the
ability to establish and grow in the community: intolerant, It is very general because it focuses on the main two limiting
tolerant, and specific later successional requirements), and resources (above- and belowground) and can therefore be
the time to reach a life stage (reproductive maturity, applied to primary and secondary succession and to mature
longevity of species population in the community, longevity vegetation.
of the propagule pool). Limitations: it is difficult to quantify size-dependent uptake
of light and nutrient resources, especially for taller and
longer-lived plants. Consequently, the model has only rarely
intolerant to competition by other plants, and specialist species been parameterized, and then mostly for herbaceous species.
require specific environmental conditions or a specific disperser The model ignores other successional processes that are not
and establish later in succession. Third, the timing of different related to competition (e.g. dispersal, facilitation).
life stages indicates the time to (i) reproductive maturity, (ii) max- Development: builds upon the ideas of Gleason (1926) that
imum lifespan, and (iii) local extinction because all propagules succession is driven by individualistic responses to the envi-
are lost from the community. These three groups of vital attri- ronment and develops this for competition for multiple
butes, together with the timing of disturbance, then determine resources. It is perhaps the only real successional theory, in
the replacement sequence of species over time and hence, all the sense that it is mechanistic, quantitative, and makes clear
possible successional pathways (Fig. 11). predictions.
Strengths: this was one of the first predictive models of suc- Additional remarks: succession is only directional or repeat-
cessional species replacement based on very simple decision able if the resource-supply trajectory is directional or
rules. It allows evaluation of how different disturbance sce- repeatable. If temporal gradients during succession and spa-
narios result in different successional pathways in terms of tial gradients in mature vegetation show the same resource
species and functional composition. ratio trajectories, then in both cases there should be the same
Limitations: the model only predicts species occurrence, but replacement of species along these gradients. Importantly,
not species’ relative abundance. successional pathways are totally dependent on the trajectory
Development: the model builds on the ideas of Gleason of resource supply, which therefore can explain the large
(1926) of individualistic species behaviour, and further variety of successional pathways observed in nature.
develops the ideas of Drury & Nisbet (1973) that succession Huston & Smith (1987) also modelled species abundance
can only be understood based on species life-history traits during succession based on competition for above- (light)
related to colonising ability, performance in different envi- and belowground resources (water, nitrogen). In addition,
ronments, and longevity. they also included inversely correlated life-history traits.

(12) Resource ratio (Tilman, 1985) (13) Successional processes (Walker & Chapin, 1987)
Key ideas: the resource ratio hypothesis postulates that (i) Key ideas: succession is governed by a combination of different
plants compete for two limiting resources, (ii) each species is ‘processes’ (stochastic environmental variation, interactions,

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Successional theories 15

graze on early successional herbs, whereas insect herbivores

and pathogens are important later in succession when they
affect trees.
Strengths: provides a holistic view of succession by focusing
on different processes, and makes clear explicit predictions
on how these processes vary during succession (thus explain-
ing species replacement) and with site productivity (thus
explaining variation across seres).
Limitations: not all response variables are processes.
Although the qualitative direction of the predictions makes
sense, the shape of the curves (sigmoidal, bell-shaped) is in
some cases somewhat arbitrary.
Development: together with Odum (1969) and Grime (1979,
2006), this was one of the first studies that actually made
Fig. 12. Resource-ratio model (Tilman, 1985). Population informed qualitative predictions about the direction of suc-
growth response of two species (A and B) to two resources (soil cession (i.e. on the relative importance of different mecha-
nitrogen and light). Isoclines (the solid lines with right angles) nisms or plant strategies) (Walker & Del Moral, 2003). The
show for each species the resource combination where net predictions of this model have been confirmed for competi-
population growth is zero. Below or to the left of these tion and facilitation, but have not been tested as widely for
isoclines species are not able to persist. The rectangular planes the other processes.
indicate where only one species occurs, where one species Additional remarks: Walker & Chapin (1987) suggest that
wins, or where both species stably coexist (the area between
their predictions can also be extended to the type of succes-
the dotted lines). Species A is an early-successional species with
low N and high light requirements and species B is a later- sion, where primary succession generally occurs in severe
successional species with high N but low light requirements. environments and secondary succession in favourable
During succession the resource-supply trajectory (dot-arrows) environments.
changes from high light in year zero of succession to high soil
nitrogen in year seven. Accordingly, the species composition
changes from dominance by species A from years 0 to (14) Hierarchical successional framework (Pickett
2, coexistence with similar biomass from years 3 to 4, and et al., 1987a,b)
dominance by species B from years 5 to 7.
Key ideas: a series of papers (Pickett et al., 1987a,b, 2011; Pick-
ett & McDonnell, 1989; Pickett, Cadenasso & Meiners, 2009,
and life-history traits). The relative importance of these dif- 2013; Meiners et al., 2015) present a hierarchical framework
ferent successional processes may shift during succession, to analyse succession. They identify three hierarchical levels
and may vary with environmental conditions that affect succession, varying from proximate, direct causes
(i.e. favourable, productive environments versus severe, at the highest level, to ultimate, indirect causes at the lowest
unproductive environments) (Fig. 13). Stochastic events such level (Fig. 14). The highest hierarchical level presents the
as patterns in rainfall or flooding determine plant establish- three main sequential causes of succession: (i) site availability,
ment. This may be more important early in succession (ii) differential species availability, and (iii) differential spe-
(in open environments), and in unproductive environments, cies performance. These three causes apply to all temporal
when few resources are available. Similarly, facilitation by and spatial scales of vegetation dynamics, and emphasise
nitrogen fixers or nurse plants may be more important early commonalities in causes of species replacement. The
in succession or in unproductive environments, when soil fer- intermediate level indicates the mechanisms (such as inter-
tility is low and climatic conditions are harsh. Conversely, actions, contributing processes, or conditions) that cause change
plant competition is more important later in succession and at the highest level. The lowest level indicates the modifying
in productive environments, when there is dense vegetation. factors that affect change at the intermediate level, for
In productive environments, a life-history trait like rapid example soil conditions or presence of competitors. These
potential growth rate is important early in succession when organism- and site-specific features at the lowest level
pioneers rapidly colonise space, but in unproductive environ- are thought to explain the large variation in successional
ments fast growth rate is only important later in succession pathways observed.
when soil fertility has been improved by vegetation build Assumptions: the framework assumes that succession
up. Plant–microbe interactions such as mycorrhizae increase is sequential (although immigration, germination and
in importance during succession in productive environments growth occur continuously), that the successional mecha-
and are always important in unproductive environments as nisms are hierarchical, and that there are no feedback
they increase nutrient and water uptake. Plant–animal inter- loops.
actions such as mammalian herbivory are important early in Strengths: the framework (i) provides a comprehensive
succession and in productive environments, as they tend to understanding of succession; (ii) is straightforward and

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16 Lourens Poorter and others

Fig. 13. Successional processes (Walker & Chapin, 1987). Relative importance of different successional processes for species
replacement at different successional stages [colonisation (C), maturation (M), and senescence (S) in productive, favourable
environments (continuous line) and unproductive, severe environments (dashed line)]. Each panel represents a different
successional process. From Walker & Chapin (1987).

simple, because it focuses on the three main sequential causes succession, and deserves much more attention than it
of succession; (iii) is universally applicable; (iv) can easily be has received to date.
adjusted by selecting that subset of factors that is relevant
for local succession; (v) is sufficiently general to include multi-
ple (sub)models and to accommodate new ones; and (vi) (15) Temporal scales (Walker & Wardle, 2014)
allows both generality and local realism (i.e. site and situation Key ideas: plant succession can be explained by processes that
specificity). operate at different timescales (from seconds to millions of
Limitations: because of the flexibility and the all- years) where short-term processes drive plant succession
encompassing list of relevant factors and mechanisms, few and long-term processes constrain succession (Walker &
studies have quantified all components, making it almost Wardle, 2014) (Fig. 15). Short-term processes, such as soil
impossible to test the framework and leaving little room for nutrient fluxes and plant physiology, operate at micro-
generalisation. Initially the framework did not include feed- timescales (seconds to days) and influence processes such as
back loops. biotic interactions and plant life cycles, which operate at local
Additional remarks: the framework builds on Clements (1916) timescales (days to years), and both drive the first decades of
as the three main causes are the same as Clements’ first plant succession. Long-term geological, evolutionary, and
three processes. It is not so much a successional theory soil processes operate at the timescale of thousands to mil-
that provides predictions, but a structured and very lions of years and can constrain the next centuries of succes-
complete framework with which to analyse succession. sion by setting boundaries to the potential rates and
As such, it provides the most comprehensive view on trajectories. For example, geology determines the parent

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Successional theories 17

Fig. 14. Hierarchical successional framework (Pickett et al., 1987a,b). Succession is the result of three general, sequential causes
(second row): site availability, species availability, and species performance. The general causes are determined by underlying
mechanisms (third row) which, in turn, are shaped by site-specific factors (bottom row). Species performance is shaped by a
number of factors related to environmental constraints, autoecology, and biotic interactions of plants with plants, animals, and soils.

material and, hence, soil properties, and soil processes deter- and corridors). It determines forest cover, edge, core area,
mine soil formation. Macro-evolution determines the and fragmentation, and landscape connectivity that in
regional species pool and which species traits and adaptations combination determine the availability of seeds, dispersal
can be filtered into the local successional community. agents, mesoclimate, and competing invasive species. The
Strengths: it provides an integrated framework to analyse local scale (a patch) determines patch size, shape, and iso-
how ecological processes operating at different timescales lation, microclimate and soil conditions. This local envi-
affect succession. ronment together with biotic interactions (plant–animal,
Limitations: it focuses only on one aspect of succession plant–soil, plant–plant) determines plant life cycle processes
(i.e. plant species replacement) rather than ecosystem devel- (composition and structure of adult plants, reproduction,
opment. The framework intends to use succession, which dispersal, growth and survival) that shape, in turn, forest
operates at an intermediate timescale, to link ecological pro- regeneration.
cesses that operate at shorter and longer timescales. Perhaps Strengths: this model highlights the role of different spatial
for this reason it considers ecosystem processes such as scales on succession, which may explain the large variation in
decomposition and soil formation as drivers of succession, successional pathways observed across and within landscapes.
rather than components of succession. Limitations: it only addresses the spatial aspects of succes-
Development: it provides a longer term perspective on suc- sion; the temporal aspects (how do vegetation attributes
cession (millions of years) than usually studied (centuries), change during succession) are not considered. Succession
and highlights the role of long-term soil development for suc- within a stand is said to be driven by the plant life cycle,
cession, as loss or immobilisation of phosphorus can lead in but this is mostly treated as a black box.
the long term to P limitation, biomass degradation, and ret- Development: the model was developed because forests in
rogression (Wardle, Walker & Bardgett, 2004). human-modified tropical landscapes are increasingly frag-
Additional remarks: it highlights the role of plant–soil feed- mented and degraded, with large consequences for succes-
back, plant–plant interaction and multitrophic interactions sional pathways. The model builds therefore on recent
in steering succession. For example, early-successional plant developments in the field of fragmentation and landscape
species can have negative plant–soil feedback loops with soil ecology.
pathogens that facilitate plant species replacement, whereas Additional remarks: it hypothesises that the largest variation
later successional species can have positive feedback loops in forest successional pathways is found at an intermediate
with mycorrhizal fungi that impede species replacement. availability of forest habitat (20–50% of surrounding forest
cover), which was confirmed by a recent meta analysis
(Arroyo-Rodríguez et al., 2023). At low habitat amount
(16) Spatial scales (Arroyo-Rodríguez et al., 2017) (<20%) there are too few seed trees and dispersal agents left,
Key ideas: succession is influenced by a set of factors that oper- leading to arrested succession; at high habitat amount
ate from broad to small spatial scales (region, landscape, and (>50%), there is little seed limitation and succession proceeds
local patch) (Arroyo-Rodriguez et al., 2017) (Fig. 16). The rapidly and predictably, whereas at the intermediate habitat
regional scale (>several km2) sets the broad context, as it deter- amount there is more variation in land cover type and config-
mines the climate, topography, disturbance regime, and the uration and, hence, in successional pathways. The model also
regional species pool. The landscape scale (hectares to km2) emphasises that chronic human disturbance leads to rudera-
refers to a spatially heterogeneous area consisting of a mosaic lization and impoverishment of the regional species pool and
of different land cover types (such as forests, agricultural areas, degradation of forest fragments.

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18 Lourens Poorter and others

Fig. 15. Temporal scales (Walker & Wardle, 2014). Succession is shaped by factors that operate at different timescales. Micro-scale
processes such as physiological plant responses affect local processes such as plant life cycles (1), which in turn drive species
replacement during succession (2). Geological processes that operate at long timescales such as montane uplift and plate tectonics
determine macro-evolution (6) and soil processes (5) which, in turn, constrain succession (3, 4). Macro-evolution may also affect soil
processes, for example when plant species with specific adaptations (nitrogen fixation, cluster roots) increase nutrient uptake and
modify soil chemistry and processes (7). The factors are ordered according to their temporal scale (x-axis), from seconds to the left
and millions of years to the right. Factors are partly overlapping in terms of the timescale at which they operate, as indicated by
the horizontal overlaps between boxes. Factors that overlap in time may influence each other mutually, as indicated by double-
headed arrows. Abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic disturbances (white box) influence all factors, as indicated by the dashed box.

Fig. 16. Spatial scales (Arroyo-Rodriguez et al., 2017). Succession is influenced by factors operating from broad to local spatial scales.
Regional climate, topography, and socio-economic conditions (not shown) affect land use, and hence, landscape and patch
characteristics (1). The landscape context determines patch isolation (2). Both the landscape and the patch affect the local biotic
environment (seed dispersers) and abiotic environment (microclimate and resources) (3). The regional species pool (5) together with
local conditions (4) shape succession by affecting the plant life cycle and species composition. The model highlights the role of
landscape characteristics [forest cover, intactness (i.e. the opposite of fragmentation) and remaining forest quality in terms of
diversity and old-growth species] and patch characteristics (patch size, and proximity to neighbouring forest patches) in succession.

(17) Source and disperser limitation (Dent & the fruit traits of the source plants and the traits (such as gape
Estrada-Villegas, 2021) width, dietary preferences, and body size) of the animal
Key ideas: the speed and direction of succession is more deter- species.
mined by propagule availability than by the environmental Strengths: this model highlights the importance of seed avail-
requirements of the plant species. This is especially the case ability and animal dispersers for succession. Source and dis-
for fragmented landscapes, where both seed sources and dis- perser limitations are especially important in human-modified
fragmented landscapes.
persers can be remote, rare, or absent, and for tropical forests
where most plant species (65–95%) are animal dispersed. Limitations: less relevant for succession of wind-dispersed
The interaction between the seed source and the dispersal communities.
vector determines seed movement through the landscape Development: the importance of animal dispersers for succes-
and, hence, local seed availability and successional pathways sion has only recently been emphasised, as most successional
(Dent & Estrada-Villegas, 2021; Palma et al., 2021) (Fig. 17). models were developed in the temperate zone, where wind is
the predominant dispersal vector. The decline of habitat
Source limitation indicates that insufficient seeds are produced
to saturate potential recruitment sites, and is determined by area, landscape integrity and animal abundance has
the abundance, composition, fecundity, and location of increased awareness of the importance of dispersers for plant
reproductive plant species and by pollinators. Disperser limita- community assembly.
tion is determined by the abundance, composition, behaviour Additional remarks: the relative importance of different dis-
and dietary preferences of animal dispersal vectors. persal modes is predicted to change during tropical forest
The interaction between source and disperser depends on succession: wind and bats are especially effective in open
environments, and their importance declines during

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Successional theories 19

higher resprouting ability, wood density, lower leaf nutrient

concentrations and a clonal habit.
Strengths: this model provides a straightforward analysis of
how humans affect succession by modifying landscape integ-
rity and land-use intensity.
Limitations: it focuses on previous land use but does not dis-
cuss the fact that local people often still use and manage
regrowing secondary forests, which is difficult to quantify,
as use and management are highly dynamic and vary over
space and time.
Development: it expands the hierarchical framework of Pick-
ett et al. (1987a,b) (Section III.14) and the spatial framework
of Arroyo-Rodríguez et al. (2017) (Section III.16) by including
the effects of landscape integrity and land-use intensity on
species availability and performance (see Chazdon, 2003).
Additional remarks: the combination of landscape integrity
and previous land-use intensity determines the bottlenecks
for regeneration and, hence, the feasibility of different resto-
ration strategies. In relatively intact landscapes with light
land use, more seed sources are available and natural regen-
Fig. 17. Source and disperser limitation (Dent & Estrada- eration can take place. Under intermediate conditions natu-
Villegas, 2021). Characteristics of seed source plants and ral regeneration should be assisted through weeding or
animal dispersers (dark green boxes) determine seed dispersal fencing, and in fragmented landscapes with intense use,
through the landscape (1), followed by plant establishment that planting should be carried out. Extractive types of land use
depends on the combination of local resource availability and such as mine pits and soil quarries arguably represent the
species niches (2). This affects stand succession (3) creating a most intense form of previous land use. For a discussion on
feedback loop, where changes in species composition lead to succession on such heavily disturbed sites, and possibilities
successional changes in local seed source availability (4) and for their passive restoration, see Prach et al. (2019).
changes in species composition and habitat affect successional
changes in the local disperser community (5).

(19) Socio-ecological systems (Balvanera et al., 2021)

succession. By contrast, birds and non-volant mammals pre- Key ideas: humans and regrowing vegetation form a socio-
fer a structurally more complex habitat and later successional ecological system, resulting in a (shifting) mosaic of patches in
plant species as their food source, and their contribution to which agriculture and regrowth may alternate in time and
the seed rain increases during succession. space (Fig. 19). Management practices during the agricul-
tural phase, mediated by the interplay of societal, economic,
and ecological factors such as burning and ploughing, have
long-lasting legacies on vegetation development during the
(18) Land-use intensity (Jakovac et al., 2021)
regrowth phase (see Section III.18), whereas the regrowth
Key ideas: landscape integrity and land-use intensity affect spe- phase affects humans by providing a range of ecosystem ser-
cies availability and species performance and, hence, succes- vices (Balvanera et al., 2021). During forest regrowth, ecosys-
sional pathways (Jakovac et al., 2021) (Fig. 18). Higher tem processes and functions recover, resulting in an increase
landscape integrity refers to a higher and more continuous sur- in ecosystem services for local and global stakeholders
rounding forest cover (see Section III.16) and more remnant (Balvanera et al., 2021). Local stakeholders benefit from an
trees on agricultural fields. Land-use intensity focuses on the increase in provisioning services (e.g. number of useful spe-
legacies of past land use practices, and can be described in terms cies, timber volume) and regulating services (soil fertility,
of the duration (time since forest conversion or continuous use), improved microclimate, and water availability), while global
spatial extent (i.e. size), frequency (of burning, ploughing or stakeholders benefit from an increase in regulating services
cropping), intensity (livestock density, use of heavy machinery, such as carbon storage and sequestration, and from habitat
use of pesticides, herbicides or fertilisers, weeding), and length services such as biodiversity conservation (Naime
of the practices. A higher land-use intensity generally leads to et al., 2020; Balvanera et al., 2021; Cortés-Calderon
a higher abundance of disturbance-adapted species (weeds, et al., 2021; Siddique et al., 2021).
lianas, and invasive species such as Leucaena leucocephala, Imperata Strengths: the model acknowledges and assesses the role of
cylindrica, and Chromolaena odorata) that compete with regenerat- humans in succession, which allows a better understanding
ing trees. Land-use practices also filter species based on their of land use and forest cover dynamics at the landscape
traits, leading to communities dominated by species with a scale.

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20 Lourens Poorter and others

Fig. 18. Land-use intensity (Jakovac et al., 2021). Humans transform the landscape (top row) and directly or indirectly determine
succession (bottom row, light-green boxes). Socio-economic factors determine landscape integrity (dark-green box), land-use
intensity (orange box), and site availability (white box). Site availability initiates succession. Landscape integrity affects species
availability through propagule production and dispersal (1). Past land-use intensity varies in duration, extent, frequency, intensity,
and length, which all leave different environmental legacies that affect species availability (2) and performance (3). The developing
successional community has successional feedback loops and modifies the environment thus affecting species performance (4) and
contains reproductive trees that affect local seed availability (5).

Limitations: it may result in a rather anthropocentric and processes (dispersal, establishment, and performance) that
utilitarian view on succession. To date, people’s management operate sequentially during succession after disturbance.
practices during the successional process have been little This subgroup is based on the pioneering work of Clements
studied (but see Lohbeck, Rother & Jakovac, 2021), while (1916), who provided a complete and structured analysis of
management practices, such as enrichment planting and succession, laying the foundations for many of our current
assisted natural regeneration, may change the speed ideas about succession. A second subgroup emphasises the
and direction of succession, increase the value of secondary individualistic species responses during succession, and how
forests for local people and have the potential to reduce this is driven by functional species traits. It is based on the
trade-offs and land-use conflicts. visionary ideas of Gleason (1926) who challenged the orderly
Development: in human-modified tropical landscapes, sec- and predictable view on succession provided by Clements
ondary forests are often the main forest type left, leading to (1916), explaining why successional pathways can be context
increased human use and modification of successional path- dependent and unpredictable. These ideas are implemented
ways (see Arroyo-Rodríguez et al., 2017). In such landscapes, in recent individual-based mathematical models of forest suc-
succession can only be understood by including the human cession (e.g. Pacala et al., 1996). A third subgroup focuses on
component. The more integrative socio-ecological system how vegetation structure and underlying demographic pro-
perspective on succession is the result of an increased realisa- cesses change during succession (Watt, 1947; Yarranton &
tion that long-term forest conservation and restoration is only Morrison, 1974; Oliver, 1980).
possible by including, rather than excluding the roles, and Ecosystems: the second group considers a larger hierarchical
perspectives of local people. scale and focuses generally on ecosystems (Odum, 1969;
Walker & Wardle, 2014) but also on how processes operating
at larger spatio-temporal scales affect succession (Walker &
Wardle, 2014). With the development of systems ecology in
IV. FOUR MAIN GROUPS OF MODELS REFLECT the 1960s (Fig. 21), a more holistic view of succession was
THE DEVELOPMENT IN CONCEPTUAL provided by considering the complete ecosystem, i.e. biota,
THINKING interactions, diversity, ecosystem structure, energetics and
processes. Some of these aspects were already mentioned
Although each model addresses multiple and sometimes but not developed by Clements (1916).
overlapping issues, they can be tentatively grouped into four Landscape: the third group considers a larger spatial scale
groups that differ in their focus on a specific integration level. and includes the effect of the surrounding landscape on suc-
They focus respectively on patch development and plants, cession (Arroyo-Rodríguez et al., 2017; Dent & Estrada-
ecosystems, landscape, and social ecological systems Villegas, 2021). The distance to, and connectivity with,
(Fig. 20). These groups differ in integration level and increase neighbouring forest patches determines the dispersal dis-
in hierarchical and spatial scale and scope, reflecting the tance, and the quality of the neighbouring patches deter-
increasingly broader perspective on succession over time. mines the abundance and composition of seed trees and
Plants & Patch: the first, large group focuses on plants at the animal dispersal vectors. Deforestation, forest degradation
patch level, and consists of three subgroups, which all have and fragmentation determine to a large extent the landscape
their roots in the early 1900s. One subgroup focuses on the quality, the regional species pool, and successional pathways.

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Successional theories 21

Fig. 19. Socio-ecological system (SES, Balvanera et al., 2021). The SES consists of a social subsystem (orange) and an ecological
subsystem (green). The ecological subsystem consists of three different land-use types (mature forest, agricultural land, and
secondary forests in different stages). The social subsystem consists of smallholders, local communities or groups, and institutions
that mutually influence each other. The social subsystem affects the ecological subsystem through land-use conversion (1) from
mature forest or secondary forest to agricultural land, or through land abandonment that leads to natural regrowth towards
secondary forest. It also affects the ecological subsystem through active management interventions. The ecological subsystems
deliver different ecosystem services (also known as nature’s contribution to people) to different components of the social subsystem,
such as private smallholders and public stakeholders (2). Diagram after Balvanera et al. (2021).

Socio-ecological systems (SES): a fourth group of models Walker & Del Moral (2003) grouped successional models
includes the human component by focusing on socio- based on contrasting perspectives on succession and science as
ecological systems (Balvanera et al., 2021; Jakovac holistic (i.e. an integrated view; e.g. Clements, 1916), neo-holistic
et al., 2021). Management practices during the agricultural (e.g. Odum, 1969) versus reductionistic (i.e. reducing the system to
phase, such as burning, weeding and ploughing, have long- its parts; Gleason, 1926) and neo-reductionistic [e.g. Egler (1954)
lasting legacies on vegetation development during the functional groups]. In addition, they classified some successional
regrowth phase. In the tropics, the transition between models based on their approach as verbal models that focus
the agricultural and regrowth (or fallow) phase is gradual, respectively on species interactions [i.e. autogenic succession
as farmers combine annual crops with perennial ones (Connell & Slatyer, 1977; Grime, 1979, 2006; Noble &
(e.g. bananas, manioc, and trees), and use the regrowth phase Slatyer, 1980)] or processes [i.e. a combination of allogenic
for animal browsing and harvesting of fuelwood and other and autogenic succession (Pickett et al., 1987a; Walker &
forest products. Farmers and regrowth form, therefore, a Chapin, 1987; Burrows & Burrows, 1990)] or as mathematical
socio-ecological system, in which regrowing forests deliver a models (Shugart Jr & West, 1980; Tilman, 1985).
range of ecosystem services to the local, regional, and global Meiners et al. (2015) classified successional models based
community. on their approach as phenomenological (e.g. Clements, 1916;
Successional models can be classified in different ways Gleason, 1926; Watt, 1947), statistical [e.g. Markov models
(van Hulst, 1992). We have grouped the models based on (Horn, 1975); gap-phase models (Shugart Jr & West,
their integration level, which differentiates clearly from the 1980)], mechanistic [e.g. Connell & Slatyer (1977); functional
classification focus of earlier reviews. These different classifi- groups (Grime, 1979; Tilman, 1985); individual-based
cations provide different perspectives on succession, and models (Pacala et al., 1996)], or other types of successional
therefore additional understanding. models [e.g. Odum, 1969; resilience (Holling, 1973)].

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22 Lourens Poorter and others

Succession of communities and ecosystems (1965 onwards). From the

mid-1960s, a more holistic view on succession emerged that
considered the complete ecosystem and ecosystem processes
(e.g. flows of energy and matter such as carbon, nutrients and
water). This coincided with the development of systems ecology,
and the idea that ecosystems and the Earth were self-organised,
self-regulated, and striving towards homeostasis (Fig. 21)
(Odum, 1969), as for example reflected in the Gaia hypothesis
(Lovelock & Margulis, 1974). It also coincided with theoretical
development in community ecology that put more emphasis
on community assembly, plant–plant interactions such as
competition (MacArthur, 1984), and the role of plant–animal
and plant–soil interactions (Connell & Slatyer, 1977).
Succession in landscapes (2000 onwards). Landscape ecol-
ogy developed in the 1980s in the strongly human-
transformed temperate zone (Fig. 21). This resulted in
the development of the landscape and network approach
in conservation biology, where nature reserves in fragmen-
ted landscapes were connected with corridors
(Mace, 2014). By contrast, in the tropics most biologists
studied succession in relatively sparsely populated, intact
forest landscapes, where the successional forest fallow
Fig. 20. Development of successional theories over time. Four
was part of the shifting cultivation system. Widespread
main groups of theories are distinguished (Patch & plant,
Ecosystem, Landscape, Socio-ecological system) that differ in deforestation and landscape transformation gained
integration level and increase in scale and scope, reflecting the momentum in the tropics in the mid 1970s, and had strong
increasingly broader view of succession over time. The first effects on forest degradation and regeneration, and hence,
foundational paper for each group of theories is provided in succession. Landscape research was also facilitated by
parentheses. Patch & Plant consists of three subgroups, related improved remote-sensing technology and the increased
to Processes, Individualistic species behaviour and traits, and availability of remote sensing data of high spatial and tem-
Structure. poral resolution. This may explain why a focus on land-
scape effects and dispersal limitation in succession took
place from the 2000s onwards, and coincides with the
V. DEVELOPMENT IN SUCCESSIONAL increasing importance of the landscape approach in
THINKING forest-restoration projects (Mansourian et al., 2020).
Succession with people (2015 onwards). With the ambition of
(1) Four periods with different views on succession ecological research to become more relevant for society, more
researchers have explicitly studied the effect of people on ecosys-
In the timeline of successional model development, four tem functioning, rather than excluding them. This led to the
periods can be distinguished with different views on succes- realisation that succession can be strongly influenced by people.
sion (blue bars in Fig. 21). These periods reflect the prevailing This focus coincides with an increased emphasis on the impor-
view of succession at that time, although note that these views tance of ecosystem processes and services for human well-being
continue to coexist, as indicated by the overlapping blue bars (Costanza et al., 1997), the establishment of the Intergovernmen-
in Fig. 21. The four successional views and corresponding tal Panel for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (Díaz
tentative time periods are: succession of plants (from 1910 et al., 2019) and a socio-ecological systems approach in conser-
onwards), succession of communities and ecosystems (from vation that recognises the interconnectedness of nature and peo-
1965 onwards), succession in landscapes (from 2000 ple, and that addresses the needs of both nature and people
onwards) and succession with people (from 2015 onwards). (Mace, 2014). Such an approach is especially relevant for the
Succession of plants (1910 onwards). During the period 1910– application of successional principles in the United Nations
1965, succession was seen mainly through the lens of plant decade of restoration (2020–2030) where restoration is deemed
species replacement. This was perhaps because the field most successful when it is done by and for local people.
was developed by botanists and because ecology was strongly
influenced by the Zurich Montpellier school of phytosociol-
ogy (see Fig. 21), which focused on species assemblages (2) Facilitation and inhibition in successional model
(i.e. groups of co-occurring species) and their replacement development
over space and time. It also coincided with the rather roman- So when did the development in successional thinking become
tic North American view of nature as wilderness, and a strong facilitated or arrested? When reading the different successional
focus on natural autogenic processes in succession. models, and their discourse, we noticed several things.

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Successional theories 23

Fig. 21. Timeline of successional model development. Four main groups of models are distinguished (on left), each with its own
timeline (coloured horizontal line), and the year (indicated by the pin), name, and author(s) (in italics) of the contributing models.
The blue boxes along the timeline indicate four periods with different views on succession (all four views currently coexist).
The arrows below the timeline indicate the time of main development of different fields in ecology (note that each of these fields
continue to develop to the present). Huston & Smith’s (1987) model on shade and drought tolerance is included in the figure but
not discussed as an individual model in Section III, although it is briefly mentioned in Section III.12 on Tilman’s (1985) resource
ratio model. Biol., biology; Ecol., ecology; Ecos., ecosystem; SES, socio-ecological system.

First, there is often a priority effect followed by inhibition. nearly half a century before Gleason’s ideas were picked up
Clements (1916) provided a thorough review of successional by Drury & Nisbet (1973), with an emphasis on species life-
studies up to that time, and was the first to provide a struc- history traits. Since the 1970s a reductionist approach
tured coherent theory. Maybe as a result of this priority effect became dominant in ecology, leading to a revival of Glea-
and completeness, Clements (1916) dominated successional son’s ideas and an emphasis on trait-based approaches in suc-
thinking for decades, but perhaps also inhibited the develop- cessional ecology.
ment of new ideas. Third, new disciplines, fads, and fashions can facilitate
Second, there is a lag-time for novel ideas. A decade after new views on succession. Clearly, new fields in ecology and
Clements (1916), Gleason (1926) published an individualistic the availability of new tools has enabled new perspectives
model of succession, postulating that succession is the result on succession. For example, the development of systems biol-
of dispersal limitation and individual species responses to ogy in the 1960s allowed Odum (1969) to develop his model
the environment. His visionary ideas were clearly far ahead of ecosystem development; the development of statistical
of his time and little appreciated. It is said that for this reason techniques and spatial ecology in the 1960s allowed Yarran-
he left ecology and became a herbarium curator. It took ton & Morrison (1974) to develop their nucleation model; the

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24 Lourens Poorter and others

new emphasis on experimental ecology in the 1970s stimu- number of successional pathways, and greater emphasis on
lated Connell & Slatyer (1977) to develop their interaction the unpredictability of succession (e.g. Norden et al., 2015)
model; the emphasis on population biology in the 1970s compared to temperate succession.
allowed Noble & Slatyer (1980) to develop their vital attri- Seventh, technological advances play an important role.
butes model; and the recent focus on human causes of global Initial successional ideas were based on field observations
change has stimulated thinking about anthropogenic effects and simple measurement tools to quantify plant succession,
on successional pathways (Balvanera et al., 2021; Jakovac such as rulers and diameter tapes. Technological develop-
et al., 2021). ment has greatly increased our ability to quantify plant,
Fourth, action is reaction; recent developments tend to patch, ecosystem, and landscape structure and processes,
dominate the debate. Many successional models and reviews and to scale up across space and time. This has opened up
appeared in response to new developments in the preceding new questions, and allowed us to consider and explore the
5–10 years. For example, in response to Clements’ (1916) role of traits, ecosystems and landscape in succession. For
model on the directionality of succession, Gleason (1926) for- example, the development of remote-sensing tools allowed
mulated his individualistic model on the unpredictability of Arroyo-Rodríguez et al. (2017) to assess landscape effects on
succession. The reductionistic view on species and interac- succession, while radiotracking enables monitoring of dis-
tions of Drury & Nisbet (1973) and Connell & Slatyer perser movement, and microsatellites allow quantification
(1977) was a response to the holistic view of ecosystem devel- of dispersal distances between seedlings and parent plants
opment of Odum (1969). While Connell & Slatyer (1977) (Dent & Estrada-Villegas, 2021). Advances in different tech-
advocate a reductionist approach and a focus on experimen- nologies (e.g. spatial, physiological) now allow us to examine
tal tests of species interactions such as tolerance and inhibi- the same questions from a different perspective.
tion, Finegan (1984) argued that such ideas should be tested Finally, there is a move from scientists advancing society to
using field data, and for an appreciation of the role of facili- society advancing scientists. In the first three quarters of the
tation (see Callaway, 2007). 20th century, scientists were largely autonomous, but with
Fifth, there are periods in which theory is based on first an increasing demand for science to become more relevant
principles versus periods when theory is based on syntheses. to society, science has started to follow societal trends. Many
Ecology experienced a boom in the 1960s and 1970s when recent ideas in succession (e.g. succession in landscapes, suc-
many outstanding conceptual thinkers developed principles cession with people) follow societal developments in the field
that stimulated theoretical development. In the following of nature conservation (moving from nature despite people,
decades there was more emphasis on data-driven tests of to nature for people, to nature with people; Mace, 2014),
these theoretical ideas through field studies, experiments, the debate on land-use change and climate change (e.g. by
and statistical analyses, facilitated by increased computa- analysing the carbon sequestration and mitigation potential
tional power and more advanced statistical tools. An expo- of secondary forests; Chazdon et al., 2016), and the impor-
nential increase in the number of published studies allowed tance of including people (e.g. by using the landscape
meta-analyses and syntheses (Guariguata & Ostertag, 2001; approach, addressing sustainable development goals, or in
Walker & Del Moral, 2003; Becknell, Kissing Kucek & the UN decade of restoration).
Powers, 2012; Prach & Walker, 2020), while comparative
studies (Prach et al., 2014) and network-based big-data anal-
ysis (e.g. Poorter et al., 2019) provided opportunities formally
to compare different sites, yield generalisation, appreciate VI. TOWARDS A COMPREHENSIVE
local site deviations, consolidate theory and generate new SUCCESSIONAL THEORY
Sixth, models have moved from a temperate towards a We have provided an overview of 19 successional models
tropical view of succession. Much successional theory was that have been foundational for our thinking about succes-
developed in relatively species-poor, temperate systems. sion. Many of these foundational papers and models are rich
The high species diversity in the tropics led to less emphasis in ideas, but sometimes forgotten, and rarely tested. Part of
on pairwise species interactions, as the number of interac- the problem is that models have focused on different
tions rapidly becomes unmanageable, and a move away from components of succession, use different terminology and
a species-based approach to a trait-based approach. The approaches, and have differing views on succession.
higher species diversity also means larger diversity in LFs, The other problem is that succession typically occurs over
more variation across species in terms of recruitment and longer timespans than research budgets last and researchers
competitive capacities, and more opportunities for niche dif- are able to monitor. Despite the bewildering number of
ferentiation, making the successional pathway longer and models, they can be classified into four groups that focus on
more variable. The strong co-evolution in the tropics a different spatial scale (patch, landscape) or organisational
between plants and their animal pollinators and dispersers scale (plant species, ecosystem, socio-ecological system).
results in slower arrival of plant species and a stronger These groups increase in scale and scope, and reflect the
emphasis on dispersal limitation (e.g. Dent & Estrada- increasingly broader perspective on succession over time.
Villegas, 2021), the role of landscape context, a larger As a result, successional models become more encompassing

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Successional theories 25

and realistic, with the potential for stronger global generalisa- new hypotheses. Relatively new tools may facilitate empirical
tion. Unfortunately, increased complexity comes also at the studies. Remote sensing allows not only quantification of the
expense of an increased difficulty to test them. current landscape context but also of land-use history using
Currently, the hierarchical framework of Pickett the LANDSAT archive (Dutrieux et al., 2016), patch struc-
et al. (1987a,b, 2009) and Pickett & McDonnell (1989) ture using Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR)
(Fig. 14) is the best model to develop further because it (Falkowski et al., 2009), patch composition using hyperspec-
includes several factors and processes, is flexible and allows tral analysis (Garcia Millan & Sanchez-Azofeifa, 2018), and
both generality and local realism (i.e. is site and situation spe- monitoring of patch development over time using drones
cific) (see Section III.14). Their hierarchical framework (de Almeida et al., 2020). The measurement of functional
focuses mainly on species replacement, and could be traits allows comparison of taxonomically different species,
improved by including more recent developments and ele- and hence, different study sites using the same quantitative
ments from other models (see Fig. 20), for example by includ- ecological yardstick (Westoby, 1998; Poorter et al., 2021). A
ing different spatial scales (plant neighbourhood, patch, functional trait approach provides a more mechanistic
landscape, region), more hierarchical scales (ecosystem, understanding of succession as it allows to understand how
socio-ecological system), processes that operate at a wider plants respond to the environment (in terms of dispersal,
range of timescales (months and millennia) and by taking establishment, and growth), and how plants affect the envi-
the effects of the surrounding landscape and humans into ronment (in terms of ecosystem functioning) (Lavorel &
account more extensively. The framework should also Garnier, 2002). Camera trapping, acoustic monitoring, and
include clear predictions of how, and in what direction next generation sequencing allows quantification of the dis-
(increase, decrease) the mechanism affects succession, as tribution, abundance, and activity of animals and their effects
many of the current models do not make clear predictions. on dispersal (Dent & Estrada-Villegas, 2021).
An extended framework could function not only as a vehicle Experimental studies allow us to remove the large num-
for verbal comparison but also for conducting meta-analyses ber of confounding factors and really test hypotheses and
on specific drivers, and for making predictions and develop- the underlying mechanisms. For example, seed and seed-
ing hypotheses about how and why different ecosystem attri- ling addition or removal experiments can show if succes-
butes recover over time. Applying such an extended sion is constrained by dispersal limitation or
framework to seres across broadscale environmental gradi- establishment limitation (Palma et al., 2021); adding or
ents in precipitation, temperature, elevation, soil fertility, removing competing species, nitrogen fixers, mycorrhizal
and disturbance will allow better insight into the successional fungi and soil microbes can demonstrate the role of com-
models and processes that matter under what conditions petition, facilitation, and other biotic interactions (van
(Poorter et al., 2019; Prach & Walker, 2020; Vítovcova der Putten et al., 2013); while adding or removing
et al., 2021). A comprehensive successional model could allow resources (e.g. light through shade cloth, water through
us to address many current questions in the field of succes- rainout shelters) can demonstrate how abiotic conditions
sion, it could accommodate context-dependent effects and affect species performance (Berendse, 1998).
successional pathways, and therefore meet the long-pursued Process-based modelling studies allow for removal of con-
goal of more accurate predictions. founding factors, integration of different mechanisms, scaling
The successional framework and successional models, or up across space and time, a longer time perspective on suc-
parts of them, such as specific cause–effect relationships cession, and to do sensitivity analysis regarding the relative
or mechanisms, can be tested using a combination of comple- importance of different factors, to do scenario analysis and
mentary approaches such as empirical field studies, experi- to make quantitative predictions (Shugart Jr & West, 1980;
ments, and modelling, that can feed and enrich each other Pacala et al., 1996; Schmitt et al., 2020).
(see van der Sande et al., 2017; Chang & Turner, 2019; and The increased availability of open-source data on species,
references therein). traits, remote sensing and environment, and the establish-
Empirical field studies can use a combination of longitudi- ment of global research networks, such as the 2ndFOR
nal and chronosequence approaches (Walker & Del research network on secondary forests, facilitate global
Moral, 2003) and novel tools. Longitudinal studies establish syntheses and comparisons (e.g. Poorter et al., 2021). This will
plots, quantify the environmental conditions, and monitor allow better testing of successional hypotheses, improved
them over time. This allows us to follow community assem- understanding of context dependence and local
bly, quantify variation in successional pathways, and assess deviations in succession, and the improvement of current suc-
the underlying mechanisms. Chronosequence studies use a cessional models. We call researchers to use and test
space-for-time substitution, in which plots are established successional models more often, rather than seeing and docu-
that differ in age since disturbance. This assumes that all plots menting what ‘happens’ in the field, and to contribute to the
start under similar conditions, which is not necessarily the development of a comprehensive successional theory, for
case, but allows a long-term perspective on succession, rang- example by performing meta-analyses on elements of a com-
ing from decades to millions of years (Walker et al., 2010). prehensive theory. This will help us to understand better and
Such empirical studies allow us to describe succession, pro- predict the impacts of land-use change and climate change on
vide firm evidence for real-world patterns, and generate ecosystems, to design successful ecosystem-restoration

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26 Lourens Poorter and others

strategies that are tailored to local site conditions and needs, (7) The hierarchical successional framework of Pickett
and to turn ecology into a more predictive science. et al. (1987a,b) is the best vehicle for further integration
because it already includes several factors and processes
and is flexible, allowing application to different systems.
The framework focuses mainly on species replacement and
VII. CONCLUSIONS could be improved by including succession occurring at dif-
ferent hierarchical scales (population, community, ecosys-
(1) Four groups of successional models can be recognised tem, socio-ecological system), and by integrating it with
based on conceptual similarities. The first group (patch & more recent developments and other successional models:
plants) focuses on plants at the patch level and consists of by considering different spatial scales (landscape, region),
three subgroups which are derived from ideas from the early temporal scales (ecosystem processes occurring over centu-
20th century. One subgroup focuses on the processes (dis- ries, and evolution), the effects of the surrounding landscape
persal, establishment, and performance) that operate sequen- (landscape integrity and composition, the disperser commu-
tially during succession. Another subgroup emphasises nity) and societal factors (previous and current land-use
individualistic species responses during succession, and how intensity). Such an improved model should make clear pre-
these are driven by species traits. A last subgroup focuses dictions regarding how these factors affect succession.
how vegetation structure and underlying demographic pro- (8) A comprehensive framework will allow us to address
cesses change during succession. many current questions in successional ecology. Applying
(2) A second group of models (ecosystems) provides a more the framework to seres across broadscale environmental gra-
holistic view of succession by considering the ecosystem, its dients in precipitation, temperature, elevation, soil fertility,
biota, the interactions, diversity, and ecosystem structure and disturbance, will allow better insights into what succes-
and processes. sional models and processes matter under what conditions.
(3) The third group (landscape) considers a larger spatial (9) The successional framework and successional models
scale and includes the effect of the surrounding landscape (or parts thereof) can be evaluated using a combination of
matrix on succession as the distance to neighbouring vegeta- complementary approaches. Empirical field studies can com-
tion patches determines the potential for seed dispersal, and bine longitudinal plot studies that monitor community
the quality of the neighbouring patches determines the abun- assembly with chronosequence studies that provide a long-
dance and composition of seed sources and biotic dispersal term perspective, and with novel tools (such as remote sens-
vectors. ing, functional traits, acoustic monitoring and genetic
(4) A fourth group (socio-ecological systems) includes the markers) to quantify successional processes. Experimental
human component by focusing on socio-ecological systems studies can add or remove resources, plant species, and biotic
where management practices have long-lasting legacies on interactions, thus testing mechanisms, while process-based
successional pathways and where regrowing vegetations models can integrate different mechanisms, scale up across
deliver a range of ecosystem services to local and global space and time, and make quantitative predictions.
stakeholders. (10) The combination of a comprehensive successional
(5) The four groups of models differ in spatial scale (patch, framework with the three complementary research
landscape) or organisational level (plant species, ecosystem, approaches will increase our understanding of succession
socio-ecological system), increase in scale and scope, and and advance successional theory.
reflect the increasingly broader perspective on succession
over time.
(6) The four groups coincide approximately with four
periods that reflect the prevailing view of succession of that
time, although all views still coexist. The four successional VIII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
views are: succession of plants (from 1910 onwards) where
succession was seen through the lens of species replacement; We thank all the colleagues friends, projects, and workshops
succession of communities and ecosystems (from 1965 that have helped to shape our ideas on succession, and Karl
onwards) when there was a more holistic view on succession; Prach and an anonymous reviewer for their helpful
succession in landscapes (from 2000 onwards) when it was comments that improved this review. L. P., F. B., I. H.,
realised that the structure and composition of landscapes J. K., M. T. v. d. S. and T. M. were supported by
strongly impact successional pathways, and increased remote European Research Council Advanced Grant PANTROP
sensing technology allowed better quantification of the land- (nr 834775) to L. P. and M. T. v. d. S. was supported by
scape context; and succession with people (from 2015 the Veni research programme of the Dutch Research Coun-
onwards) when it was realised that people and societal drivers cil (NWO-VI.Veni.192.027). J. A. M. and R. M. were sup-
have strong effects on successional pathways, that ecosystem ported by Direccion General de Asuntos de Personal
processes and services are important for human well-being, Académico, UNAM, Grant PAPIIT-IN217620, M. P-C.
and that restoration is most successful when it is done by was supported by the Aspasia programme of the Dutch
and for local people. Research Council (Aspasia 015.014.006).

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Successional theories 27

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