MySQL is an open-source relational database management system known for its ease of use and scalability. This cheat sheet provides instructions for common MySQL tasks like creating and querying databases and tables, inserting, updating, and deleting data. It also covers how to connect to MySQL servers, perform data aggregation, and cast values between data types.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system known for its ease of use and scalability. This cheat sheet provides instructions for common MySQL tasks like creating and querying databases and tables, inserting, updating, and deleting data. It also covers how to connect to MySQL servers, perform data aggregation, and cast values between data types.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system known for its ease of use and scalability. This cheat sheet provides instructions for common MySQL tasks like creating and querying databases and tables, inserting, updating, and deleting data. It also covers how to connect to MySQL servers, perform data aggregation, and cast values between data types.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system known for its ease of use and scalability. This cheat sheet provides instructions for common MySQL tasks like creating and querying databases and tables, inserting, updating, and deleting data. It also covers how to connect to MySQL servers, perform data aggregation, and cast values between data types.
MySQL is a popular open-source relational database
management system known for its ease of use and scalability. CREATING TABLES QUERYING DATA INSERTING DATA Sometimes, you will need a little help while working on a To create a table: To select data from a table, use the SELECT command. To insert data into a table, use the INSERT command: project. That's why we created this MySQL Cheat Sheet. CREATE TABLE habitat ( An example of a single-table query: INSERT INTO habitat VALUES id INT, SELECT species, AVG(age) AS average_age (1, 'River'), Instructions for installing MySQL are available at: name VARCHAR(64) FROM animal (2, 'Forest'); ); WHERE id != 3 GROUP BY species Use AUTO_INCREMENT to increment the ID automatically HAVING AVG(age) > 3 You may specify the columns in which the data is added. The CONNECTING TO A MYSQL with each new record. An AUTO_INCREMENT column must ORDER BY AVG(age) DESC; remaining columns are filled with default values or NULLs. be defined as a primary or unique key: INSERT INTO habitat (name) VALUES SERVER CREATE TABLE habitat ( An example of a multiple-table query: ('Savanna'); Connect to a MySQL server with a username and a password id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, SELECT, using the mysql command-line client. name VARCHAR(64) FROM city MySQL will prompt for the password: ); [INNER | LEFT | RIGHT] JOIN country mysql -u [username] -p ON city.country_id =; UPDATING DATA To update the data in a table, use the UPDATE command: To connect to a specific database on a MySQL server using a To create a table with a foreign key: Use +, -, *, / to do some basic math. UPDATE animal username and a password: CREATE TABLE animal ( To get the number of seconds in a week: SET mysql -u [username] -p [database] id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, SELECT 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; -- result: 604800 species = 'Duck', name VARCHAR(64), name = 'Quack' To export data using the mysqldump tool: species VARCHAR(64), WHERE id = 2; mysqldump -u [username] -p \ age INT, AGGREGATION AND GROUPING [database] > data_backup.sql habitat_id INT, AVG(expr) − average value of expr for the group. FOREIGN KEY (habitat_id) COUNT(expr) − count of expr values within the group. To exit the client: REFERENCES habitat(id) MAX(expr) − maximum value of expr values within the DELETING DATA quit or exit ); group. To delete data from a table, use the DELETE command: MIN(expr) − minimum value of expr values within the DELETE FROM animal group. WHERE id = 1; For a full list of commands: help MODIFYING TABLES SUM(expr) − sum of expr values within the group. Use the ALTER TABLE statement to modify the table structure. To count the rows in the table: This deletes all rows satisfying the WHERE condition. CREATING AND DISPLAYING SELECT COUNT(*) To delete all data from a table, use the TRUNCATE TABLE To change a table name: FROM animal; statement: DATABASES ALTER TABLE animal RENAME pet; TRUNCATE TABLE animal; To create a database: To count the non-NULL values in a column: CREATE DATABASE zoo; To add a column to the table: SELECT COUNT(name) ALTER TABLE animal FROM animal; To list all the databases on the server: ADD COLUMN name VARCHAR(64); CASTING SHOW DATABASES; To count unique values in a column: From time to time, you need to change the type of a value. To change a column name: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT name) Use the CAST() function to do this. To use a specified database: ALTER TABLE animal FROM animal; In MySQL, you can cast to these data types: USE zoo; RENAME COLUMN id TO identifier; CHAR NCHAR BINARY DATE DATETIME GROUP BY DECIMAL DOUBLE FLOAT REAL SIGNED To delete a specified database: To change a column data type: To count the animals by species: UNSIGNED TIME YEAR JSON spatial_type DROP DATABASE zoo; ALTER TABLE animal SELECT species, COUNT(id) MODIFY COLUMN name VARCHAR(128); FROM animal To list all tables in the database: GROUP BY species; To get a number as a signed integer: SHOW TABLES; To delete a column: SELECT CAST(1234.567 AS signed); ALTER TABLE animal To get the average, minimum, and maximum ages by habitat: -- result: 1235 To get information about a specified table: DROP COLUMN name; SELECT habitat_id, AVG(age), DESCRIBE animal; MIN(age), MAX(age) It outputs column names, data types, default values, and To delete a table: FROM animal To change a column type to double: more about the table. DROP TABLE animal; GROUP BY habitat; SELECT CAST(column AS double); is owned by Vertabelo SA
Try out the interactive SQL from A to Z in MySQL course at, and check out our other SQL courses. | CC BY-NC-ND Vertabelo SA MySQL Cheat Sheet TEXT FUNCTIONS NUMERIC FUNCTIONS DATE AND TIME EXTRACTING PARTS OF DATES To extract a part of a date, use the functions YEAR, MONTH, FILTERING THE OUTPUT To get the remainder of a division: There are 5 main time-related types in MySQL: SELECT MOD(13, 2); -- result: 1 DATE TIME DATETIME TIMESTAMP YEAR WEEK, DAY, HOUR, and so on. To fetch the city names that are not Berlin: SELECT YEAR(CAST('2021-12-31' AS date)); SELECT name To round a number to its nearest integer: DATE – stores the year, month, and day in the YYYY-MM-DD -- result: 2021 FROM city SELECT ROUND(1234.56789); -- result: 1235 format. SELECT MONTH(CAST('2021-12-31' AS date)); WHERE name != 'Berlin'; -- result: 12 To round a number to three decimal places: TIME – stores the hours, minutes, and seconds in the SELECT DAY(CAST('2021-12-31' AS date)); TEXT OPERATORS SELECT ROUND(1234.56789, 3); HH:MM:SS format. -- result: 31 To fetch the city names that start with a 'P' or end with an -- result: 1234.568 DATETIME – stores the date and time in the YYYY-MM-DD 's': To round a number up: HH:MM:SS format. The supported range is '1000-01-01 SELECT name SELECT CEIL(13.1); -- result: 14 00:00:00' to '9999-12-31 23:59:59'. DATE ARITHMETICS FROM city SELECT CEIL(-13.9); -- result: -13 To add or subtract an interval from a DATE, use the WHERE name LIKE 'P%' OR name LIKE '%s'; TIMESTAMP – stores the date and time. The range is ADDDATE() function: The CEIL(x) function returns the smallest integer not less '1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to '2038-01-19 ADDDATE('2021-10-31', INTERVAL 2 MONTH); To fetch the city names that start with any letter followed by than x. To round the number down: 03:14:07' UTC. MySQL converts TIMESTAMP values from -- result: '2021-12-31' 'ublin' (like Dublin in Ireland or Lublin in Poland): SELECT FLOOR(13.8); -- result: 13 SELECT name the current time zone to UTC for storage, and back from UTC ADDDATE('2014-04-05', INTERVAL -3 DAY); SELECT FLOOR(-13.2); -- result: -14 to the current time zone for retrieval. -- result: '2014-04-02' FROM city WHERE name LIKE '_ublin'; The FLOOR(x) function returns the greatest integer not YEAR – stores the year in the YYYY format. greater than x. To round towards 0 irrespective of the sign of To add or subtract an interval from a TIMESTAMP or CONCATENATION a number: INTERVALS DATETIME, use the TIMESTAMPADD() function: Use the CONCAT() function to concatenate two strings: SELECT TRUNCATE(13.56, 0); -- result: 13 An interval is the duration between two points in time. TIMESTAMPADD(MONTH, 2, SELECT CONCAT('Hi ', 'there!'); SELECT TRUNCATE(-13.56, 1); -- result: To define an interval: INTERVAL 1 DAY '2014-06-10 07:55:00'); -- result: Hi there! -13.5 This syntax consists of the INTERVAL keyword, a value, and -- result: '2014-08-10 07:55:00' If any of the string is NULL, the result is NULL: a time part keyword (YEAR, QUARTER, MONTH, WEEK, DAY, TIMESTAMPADD(MONTH, -2, To get the absolute value of a number: SELECT CONCAT(Great ', 'day', NULL); HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, MICROSECOND). '2014-06-10 07:55:00'); SELECT ABS(-12); -- result: 12 -- result: NULL -- result: '2014-04-10 07:55:00' To get the square root of a number: You may combine different INTERVALs using the + or - MySQL allows specifying a separating character (separator) SELECT SQRT(9); -- result: 3 operator: using the CONCAT_WS() function. The separator is placed To add or subtract TIME from a DATETIME, use the INTERVAL 1 YEAR + INTERVAL 3 MONTH ADDTIME() function: between the concatenated values: SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', 1, 'Olivier', USEFUL NULL FUNCTIONS You may also use the standard SQL syntax: INTERVAL '1-3' YEAR_MONTH ADDTIME('2018-02-12 10:20:24', 'Norris'); -- result: 1 Olivier Norris To fetch the names of the cities whose rating values are not -- 1 year and 3 months '12:43:02'); missing: INTERVAL '3-12' HOUR_MINUTE -- result: '2018-02-12 23:03:26' OTHER USEFUL TEXT FUNCTIONS SELECT name -- 3 hours 12 minutes ADDTIME('2018-02-12 10:20:24', To get the count of characters in a string: FROM city '-12:43:02'); SELECT LENGTH(''); WHERE rating IS NOT NULL; WHAT TIME IS IT? -- result: '2018-02-11 21:37:22' -- result: 12 To answer this question, use: COALESCE(x, y, ...) CURRENT_TIME or CURTIME – to get the current time. To find the difference between two dates, use the To convert all letters to lowercase: To replace NULL in a query with something meaningful: SELECT LOWER('LEARNSQL.COM'); CURRENT_DATE or CURDATE – to get the current date. DATEDIFF() function: SELECT domain, NOW() or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP – to get the current DATEDIFF('2015-01-01', '2014-01-02'); -- result: COALESCE(domain, 'domain missing') timestamp with both of the above. -- result: 364 To convert all letters to uppercase: FROM contacts; SELECT UPPER(''); The COALESCE() function takes any number of arguments CREATING VALUES To find the difference between two times, use the -- result: LEARNSQL.COM and returns the value of the first argument that is not NULL. To create a date, time, or datetime, write the value as a string TIMEDIFF() function: To get just a part of a string: and cast it to the proper type. SELECT TIMEDIFF('09:30:00', '07:55:00'); NULLIF(x, y) SELECT CAST('2021-12-31' AS date), SELECT SUBSTRING('', 9); To save yourself from division by 0 errors: -- result: '01:35:00' -- result: .com CAST('15:31' AS time), SELECT last_month, this_month, CAST('2021-12-31 23:59:29' AS datetime); SELECT SUBSTRING('', 1, 5); this_month * 100.0 To find the difference between two datetimes (in a given unit -- result: Learn / NULLIF(last_month, 0) You may skip casting in simple conditions; the database of time), use the TIMESTAMPDIFF() function. Here's an To replace a part of a string: AS better_by_percent knows what you mean. example with the difference given in weeks: SELECT REPLACE('', 'SQL', FROM video_views; SELECT airline, flight_no, departure_time SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF( 'Python'); The NULLIF(x, y) function returns NULL if x equals y, FROM airport_schedule WEEK, '2018-02-26', '2018-03-21' -- result: else it returns the value of x value. WHERE departure_time < '12:00'; ); -- result: 3 is owned by Vertabelo SA
Try out the interactive SQL from A to Z in MySQL course at, and check out our other SQL courses. | CC BY-NC-ND Vertabelo SA