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JMR&T Environmental, Economical and Technical Aspects Smelters in Chile

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j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 2 1 3 e2 2 5

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Review Article

Environmental, economic and technological factors

affecting Chilean copper smelters e A critical review

Kevin Perez a,b, Norman Toro a,*, Edelmira Ga

 lvez c, Pedro Robles d,
Ryan Wilson e, Alessandro Navarra e
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Universidad Arturo Prat, Almirante Juan Jose Latorre 2901, Antofagasta,
1244260, Chile
Departamento de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica y Procesos de Minerales, Universidad de Antofagasta, Antofagasta, 1270300, Chile
Departamento de Ingenierı́a Metalúrgica y Minas, Universidad Catolica del Norte, Av. Angamos 610, Antofagasta,
1270709, Chile
Escuela De Ingenierı́a Quı́mica, Pontificia Universidad Catolica De Valparaı́so, Valparaı́so, 2340000, Chile
Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, 3610 University Street, Montreal, QC, H3A
0C5, Canada

article info abstract

Article history: Chile is the world's leading copper producer (28.3%) and maintains approximately 23.0% of
Received 28 January 2021 current global reserves. Chile is faced with a significant risk posed by its collection of the
Accepted 5 August 2021 most unsustainable and antiquated smelter operations among major copper producers
Available online 13 August 2021 worldwide. Moreover, forecasts also indicate a trend toward higher proportions of copper
sulphide ores that carry high impurities, especially arsenic. To achieve the planned pro-
Keywords: duction increases, improve competitiveness in the global market, and reduce reliance on
Smelters technology international smelting capacities, Chile must make significant and justifiable investment
Arsenic into new and/or existing smelting operations through equipment modernization. The
Sulfur dioxide required investment for upgrades may be on the order of billions of dollars.
Smelting costs This review analyzes current roadblocks faced by the Chilean copper smelters and
potential solutions according to environmental, economic and strategic factors. Recent
advances in smelting technologies have focused on flash and bath smelting; despite a
general trend toward flash furnace systems, recent bath furnace methods (e.g. China's SKS-
BBS) are equally promising, particularly for varying and complex feeds. Strategic policies
should focus on regionalized, non-integrated custom smelters, which can handle ores from
a variety of sources while reducing overall operating costs. The government must play a
fundamental role to incentivise the investments necessary to develop new smelter oper-
ations and upgrade existing infrastructure. With a large portion of copper concentrate
exports coming from privately owned mines, synergistic efforts with industry partners will
be crucial to increase overall smelting capacity and position Chile as a global leader in the
smelting of copper concentrates.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY license (

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (N. Toro).
2238-7854/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
214 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 2 1 3 e2 2 5

1. Introduction hypogene sulphides to be gradually exposed to weathering

conditions [16].
There is continual projected growth in the global copper in-
dustry, wherein the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) indicated 1.2. Processing of Chilean copper ores
that around 20.0 million tonnes of copper were produced
worldwide in 2020 [1], which agreed with the projections made Chilean copper oxide ores that are processed by hydrometal-
by Cochilco [2]. Of this, 80% comes from the pyrometallurgical lurgy are becoming increasingly scarce (estimates suggest a
processing of copper sulphide ores which are processed in potential decrease from 30.8% in 2015 to 12% by 2027);
smelters [3e5]. Chile is the world's leading copper producer conversely, the proportion of copper sulphide ore is continu-
with a 28.3% share [6], and maintains 23.0% of current global ally growing as deposits are mined to increasingly greater
reserves [7]. Presently, part of the country-level strategy is to depth [2]. Sernageomin pointed out that 39.2% of refined
increase the 5.8 million tonnes of annual copper output up to copper is currently produced through hydrometallurgical
6.2 million tonnes in 2027 [2]. As copper is an essential processing, while most of the output (60.8%) is achieved via
resource in several broad economic sectors, including infra- flotation-smelter approaches [17]. A report developed by
structure, construction, transportation, and electronic and COCHILCO [2] projects that the proportion of copper sulphide
electrical equipment, its consumption is projected to increase concentrates will increase by 50% (3.9 to at least 5.4 million
steadily over the years due to increasing world population, tonnes annually) from 2014 to 2026, corresponding to roughly
and continued modernization and electrification [8e12]. 90% of Chilean copper mining production. However, the
flotation-smelter approach incurs significant environmental
1.1. Geological context liabilities, such as tailings dams [17,18]. It is expected that for
every tonne of Cu that is collected by froth flotation, 151
Copper deposits in Chile are part of the large Andean Copper tonnes of tailings are produced [2,19]. Currently, there are 92
Province, which has been identified as one of the most mining operations defined as environmental liabilities [20].
important sources of copper worldwide for over a century [13]. Chilean smelters produce 1.4 million tonnes of copper
The Andean Province is characterized by a series of long and anodes annually, which corresponds to 36% of the domestic
notably linear orogen-parallel metallogenic belts. Deposits in flotation concentrate, while the remainder is processed in
the central Andes (from southern Peru to central Chile and foreign plants (64%) [20]. There are currently seven copper
adjacent Argentina) are dominated by epithermal-porphyry smelters in Chile: Chuquicamata, Caletones, Potrerillos,
copper mineralized systems [13]. These magmatic- Herna  n Videla Lira (HVL), Ventanas, Chagres, and Altonorte;
hydrothermal deposits, which include both sulphide and of these, only three have an electrorefinery: Chuquicamata,
oxide minerals precipitated from aqueous solutions at Potrerillos and Ventanas. Moreover, the five state-owned
elevated temperatures, are characterized by large tonnages smelters (Chuquicamata, Ventanas, Potrerillos, HVL and
and relatively low ore grades (generally <1%) [14]. From a Caletones) are among the ten most expensive in the world
geological perspective, they are also typified by the dissemi- [21], yet the two privately owned smelters (Altonorte and
nated nature of their ore minerals (with vein and stockwork Chagres) are among the most economically competitive in
formations) within and adjacent to large, altered intrusive Latin America. The capacity, production, and distribution of
bodies [14]. equipment of the Chilean smelters are reported in Table 1.
The most productive porphyry copper belts appear to have China stands out among the countries with the highest
formed in contractional tectonomagmatic belts, often linked copper smelting capacities, processing approximately 40% of
to shallow flat-slab subduction zones and typified by crustal global copper concentrates. Without an adequate supply of
thickening and high rates of uplift and exhumation [13,15]. copper from domestic sources to feed their plants, there is a
Uplift and exhumation are responsible for the combination of strong reliance on copper concentrate imports from countries
sulphide and oxide minerals and related supergene (second- like Chile and Peru which do not have sufficient state-wide
ary) enrichment observed at many of the supergiant smelting capacities.
(24e25 Mt) porphyry copper deposits such as Escondida, This review highlights the main difficulties and limits
Chuquicamata, and El Teniente [15]. This exposes the original which are currently preventing the development of new
deeper, hypogene (primary) sulphide assemblages to weath- smelters (or expansion of existing plants) in Chile. These is-
ering processes of the subaerial environment. The action of sues are analysed and presented with respect to environ-
descending waters, with simultaneous oxidation and chemi- mental, economic, and technological factors.
cal weathering, leaches metals and other elements from the
uppermost exposed succession and re-precipitates them near
the reduction-oxidation (redox) boundary marked by the 2. Environmental considerations
paleo-watertable; an oxide-sulphate zone forms in oxidizing
conditions above this limit, while a sulphide zone forms in Among the challenges to the Chilean copper industry are low
reducing conditions below this level. Two main factors affect grades, high energy consumption [22], and environmental
the relative sizes and grades of oxide and sulphide zones: 1) impact due to gaseous and particulate emissions [9]. The
high water-to-rock ratios that benefit supergene mineral for- Chilean Ministry of the Environment considers aspects such
mation, and; 2) a watertable descent rate that allows primary as air quality (sulphur, arsenic, heavy metals, particulate
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 2 1 3 e2 2 5 215

Table 1 e Chilean smelters and their main characteristics.

Smelters Integrated to a mine Smelting capacity Production Refinery Sulphur Metallurgical
(Yes/No) (kt/y) (kt/y) (Yes/No) capture (%) equipment
Chuquicamata Yes 1400 450 Yes 85e90 1 FSF, 2 TC, 3 PSC, 2 RSCF
Altonorte No 1160 350 No >96 1 NR, 3 PSC, 1 SF
Potrerillos Yes 680 177 Yes 80e90 1 TC, 3 PSC, 2 RSCF
Herna n Videla No 450 84 No 80e90 1 TC, 2 PSC, 1 ESCF
Ventanas Yes 430 105 Yes >95 1 TC, 3 PSC, 1 ESCF
Chagres Yes 660 140 No >96 1 FSC, 3 PSC, 2 RSCF
Caletones Yes 1370 400 No 95 2 TC, 4 PSC, 4 RSCF

FSF: Flash smelting furnace; TC: Teniente converter; PSC: Peirce-smith converter; NR: Noranda reactor; RSCF: Rotary slag cleaning furnace; ESCF:
Electric slag cleaning furnace; SF: Slag flotation.

matter PM2.5 and PM10), noise emissions, and water quality (combustion of coal, gasoline, oil, etc.), as well as natural
(surface, continental and oceanic). The Ministry's mission is to sources such as volcanoes and forest fires. The National
guarantee the health of the environment in which smelters Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS, in US) for sulphur
may operate, for example, the quality of life for local com- dioxide is 1300 mg/m3 for a duration of 3 h, 365 mg/m3 for 24 h
munities, flora, fauna, agriculture and livestock [23]. and 80 mg/m3 as annual arithmetic mean [30,33]. To prevent
The air quality surrounding smelters is a broad concern adverse lung effects, recommended occupational exposure
internationally, as well as within Chile. The World Health limits vary between 0.5 and 2 ppm, depending on the country
Organization (WHO) estimates that about seven million peo- or region. Pulmonary problems and sensory irritation can
ple die each year from exposure to fine particles contained in occur at concentrations higher than 1 ppm [34]. Yet in spite of
polluted air, 90% of which correspond to poorer countries, increasingly stringent regulations, copper smelters remain
mainly located in Asia and Africa. Surprisingly, environ- major contributors to SO2 emissions, resulting from the
mental pollution may have contributed to 7.6% of all deaths combustion of copper and iron sulphides [35]. This issue is
worldwide in 2016 [24]. Fine particles penetrate deep into the becoming increasingly important in Chile as many of the de-
lungs and cardiovascular system, causing diseases such as posits are mined to depth, depleting cleaner ores from the
strokes, heart disease, lung cancer, chronic obstructive upper oxide zones and accessing more sulphide-rich zones
pneumopathy and respiratory infections [25]. The WHO re- from below the paleo-watertable [13,16].
ports that air pollution is a critical risk factor for non- On December 12, 2013, Supreme Decree No. 28 of the
communicable diseases; in fact, it contributes to a significant Chilean Ministry of Environment was published in the Official
portion of disease-related deaths, including 24% of all adult Gazette, which establishes emission standards for copper
deaths from heart disease, 25% by strokes, 43% from chronic smelters and arsenic emission sources. This new standard
obstructive pneumopathy, and 29% from lung cancer [26]. dictates the maximum sulphur and arsenic emission levels
Currently, 91% of people breathe polluted air, and more than that Chilean smelters must meet and updates the required
half of the urban population was exposed to environmental percentage of capture and fixation of these gases (95%). This
pollution at least 2.5 times above levels recommended by the is defined as the capacity of an emitting source, expressed as a
WHO [27,28]. Among the key indicators that are analysed in percentage, of collecting, retaining, and reducing one or more
the air quality for copper smelters are SO2 emissions in the toxic substances or precursor elements of contaminants (like
acid plant chimneys, particulate matter emission in chimneys sulphur and arsenic). The deadline to comply with these re-
(dryer and electric furnace), visible fumes at the outlet of the quirements expired in December 2018 [36] (See Table 2).
furnaces, and uptake of arsenic and sulphur in all furnaces This decree is causing significant investments in both
that generate gases. equipment and processes, especially for the aging smelters of
the early and mid-twentieth century. Moreover, maritime
2.1. Sulphur dioxide shipping of concentrates is being subjected to strong environ-
mental requirements that increase material handling costs.
Sulphur dioxide is one of the leading air pollutants; in fact, it is
one of six contaminants designated as critical by the US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [29]. Its presence is Table 2 e Maximum emission limit of SO2 and As for
closely correlated to economic and industrial growth, so an existing sources [29].
increasingly large part of the population is exposed to this Emission source SO2 (kt/year) As (t/year)
compound. SO2 is a respiratory irritant associated with car-
Altonorte 24.0 126
diovascular problems, and several studies have shown its Caletones 47.68 130
connection with the risks of cardiorespiratory mortality and Chagres 14.40 35
obesity; however, a definitive correlation regarding harmful Chuquicamata 49.70 476
doses of SO2 has yet to be established [30e32]. Herna n Videla Lira 12.88 17
The primary sources of SO2 emissions are industrial ac- Potrerillos 24.40 157
Ventanas 14.65 48
tivities that are fed with sulphide-containing materials
216 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 2 1 3 e2 2 5

New smelters must operate with a minimum gas capture of  Optimize the fluidized bed drying plants (PM and S capture)
98%, a percentage that will soon also be required for older  Reduce the visible fumes from the fire refining furnace (PM
smelters. It is estimated that the investment required for this capture)
industrial sector to comply with the regulations fluctuates
between US $2 billion to US $5 billion. In other countries (e.g. Altonorte
Germany, Japan, China), smelters are also subject to strict
environmental regulations, but they have largely succeeded in  Replace the rotary dryer with a steam dryer (PM capture)
attaining the minimum allowable emissions due to the mod-  Implement double-contact absorption in acid plant No. 3 (S
ern technology they use [35]. capture)
In 2015 the Minerı́a Chilena journal summarized information  Enhance the primary gas management system (PM, As and
concerning the most essential equipment upgrades to enhance S capture)
the capture of sulphur, as well as particulate matter and  Installation of a continuous emission monitoring system
arsenic, in compliance with Supreme Decree No. 28 ([35]). The that includes validation and external audits (PM, As and S
requirements are organized for each of the smelters as follows: capture)
 Reduction of visible fumes from the refining furnace (PM
Chuquicamata capture)

 A technological change is required in the concentrate Chagres

dryers (PM and S capture)
 Replace primary and secondary hoods in conversion (As  Install a gas treatment system in the refining and casting
and S capture) section of the smelter (PM and As capture)
 Enable a fifth converter (S capture)  Extend slag treatment capacity for converters (PM, As and S
 Repair the fugitive gas system of the flash furnace (As capture)
capture)  Upgrade the feed preparation and drying (PM and S
 Install a gas treatment system in the refining and casting capture)
section of the smelter (As capture)
 Upgrade acid plants to apply double-contact absorption to As of 2017 [37], three smelters already met the new stan-
off-gas streams (As and S capture) dards imposed by Supreme Decree No. 28: i) Altonorte, which
required an investment of US $100 million to capture 97% of
Potrerillos SO2 and more than 95% of As; ii) Chagres, which invested US
$70.5 million capturing 98% of SO2 and 95.54% of As; and iii)
 Improve the gas capture and transport that connect the Ventanas, where investments of US $159 million were made,
converters to the acid plant (As and S capture) reaching a capture greater than 95% of SO2 and 95.28% of As
 Upgrade acid plants to apply double-contact absorption to [37]. Chuquicamata estimated an investment of US $
off-gas streams (As and S capture) 948 million, Potrerillos US $ 523.5 million; Caletones US $
 Replace the primary and secondary hoods in conversion 573.23 million. Details concerning Enami's Herna  n Videla Lira
(As and S capture) (HVL) smelter had not been presented in 2015 since the
 Install a slag flotation system (PM, As and S capture) smelter was completing a prefeasibility study for a major
 Install a gas treatment system in the refining and casting overhaul; the estimated requirements were estimated to be
section of the smelter (As capture) US $ 646 million [38], to install modern bottom-blown furnaces
[39]. However, these costs were later found to be untenable,
Ventanas and HVL is now opting for incremental improvements that
can mimic the advantages of modern furnaces [40], and is
 Install secondary gas collection in conversion (As and S experimenting with state-of-the-art sensors [41].
capture) In general, these pyrometallurgical operations cause resid-
 Upgrade the treatment of exhaust gases in the chimneys of ual elements to concentrate within slags and off-gas dusts,
the acid plant (PM, As and S capture) including quantities of copper, nickel, lead, zinc, arsenic,
 Upgrade gas capture from Teniente and slag cleaning fur- sulphur, antimony and mercury [42]. In particular, arsenic and
naces (As and S capture) sulphur must be captured using equipment such as electrostatic
 Upgrade the converter off-gas treatment (As and S capture) precipitators and wet scrubbers; the main investments in Chil-
 Eliminate the visible fumes from the fire refining furnace ean smelters have been focused on adapting and implementing
(PM capture) these technologies to upgrade the acid plant and emissions
capture of the various smelting and converting furnaces.
2.2. Arsenic
 Reduce emissions from the gas cleaning plant (PM and S
capture) The issues of SO2 and As capture are often coupled, as
 Install a slag treatment plant for converters (PM, As and S described in the previous section. The current section focuses
capture) exclusively on arsenic, however, noting that current and future
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 2 1 3 e2 2 5 217

Chilean ores are increasingly burdened with As, as cleaner concentrates be smelted within Chile, as many of the overseas
sulphide ores, as well as oxides, are exhausted. Indeed, the safe custom smelters may refuse to process them. Considerable
control and disposal of As is a challenge for the pyrometallur- advancements have also been made in hydrometallurgical
gical industry under current global environmental norms processes that capture As in the formation of scorodite [42,57],
[43e47]. In fact, 10% of the world supply of copper concentrates which have gained importance in Chile. A hydrometallurgical
already have arsenic levels above the penalty level (0.2%) [21]; approach originally developed by Cominco Engineering Ser-
Mayhew et al. [48] stated that in 2020 the average arsenic in vices Limited (CESL), now owned by Teck, involves the pres-
copper concentrates would reach values of 0.22%. Fig. 1 dis- sure oxidation leaching of mineral feeds; the Aurubis smelter
plays the distribution of the arsenic concentration in copper in Hamburg successfully applies the CESL process for high-
concentrates, where 45% of the concentrates have arsenic arsenic copper concentrates [48]. The challenge of high-
levels below 0.1%, and 50% have contents between 0.1%-1%, arsenic concentrate will nonetheless continue to drive tech-
and 5% have figures greater than 1% [21]. nological innovations, as the portion of copper concentrates
A typical copper concentrate feed for a Chilean smelter is that are high-arsenic is projected to rise internationally from
composed of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), chalcocite (Cu2S), digenite 8% (reported in 2018) to an estimated 13% in 2028; both hy-
(Cu9S5), covellite (CuS) and bornite (Cu5FeS4). However, there drometallurgical and roasting treatments have been shown to
is also the presence of some Cu sulfosalts that contain sig- capture over 98% of the arsenic, although the operational
nificant amounts of As and Sb such as enargite (Cu3AsS4), costs remain problematic [58].
luzonite (Cu3AsS4), tennantite (Cu12As4S13) and tetrahedrite
(Cu12Sb4S13) [49]. It is difficult for concentrators to selectively
float copper minerals to avoid the recovery of arsenic ores due 3. Economic considerations
to similar flotabilities [50].
The presence of arsenic in Chilean copper concentrates Smelter economics are driven by a variety of factors including,
mainly affects the pyrometallurgical industry in the following but not limited to, market demand and supply chains,
aspects: geopolitical and socio-economic landscapes, plant logistics,
asset management strategies, technology, and system process
 Requirement for blending with low-arsenic ores or other efficiencies. Chilean smelters have high operational costs in
forms of pre-treatment [51]. comparison to the rest of the world, especially China. More-
 Issues in quality and physical properties of copper anodes over, all the Chilean smelters were developed with aging
[52]. technologies of the 20th century, and hence suffer from both
 Environmental impacts due to fugitive emissions of economic and environmental inefficiencies. The various fac-
arsenic compounds [50,53]. tors that have contributed to the current state of the industry
in Chile are grouped and discussed hereunder in terms of
The most common arsenic-bearing copper sulfosalt is smelter configurations (i.e. integrated vs. custom), relative
enargite, which is also the primary contaminant in Chilean competitivity in the global context, and strategic economic
chalcopyrite concentrates [54,55]. The application of roasting and logistical considerations for future development.
and smelting methods to these concentrates, causing arsenic
contamination, is thus a severe concern for exhaust gases [56]. 3.1. Integrated versus custom smelters
Starting in 2015, the Ministro Hales mine (in Northern
Chile) has applied a partial roasting process to its high arsenic Unlike integrated smelters, which are tied to individual mines,
concentrates, prior to shipping them to the Chuquicamata custom smelters receive concentrate from several mining
smelter [46]. As the remaining Chilean smelter feeds are projects rather than being dependent on a single source for
increasingly laden with enargite and other arsenic minerals, it feedstock. As a result, custom smelters generally have greater
is likely that they will increasingly undergo this form of flexibility in terms of processing options and related configu-
roasting. Moreover, there may be an environmental driver (as ration parameters. Of the seven Chilean smelters, only two
well as an economic driver) that these arsenic-bearing (Altonorte and HVL) are considered custom facilities; it is
notable that the remaining five integrated smelters are all
among the ten least cost-efficient plants in the world.
5% Fig. 2 shows that indeed the net costs of the integrated
smelters are very high compared to the custom (i.e. non-
Arsenic content in
concentrate less than 0.1% integrated) smelters. This supports the proposed strategy of
investing mostly in custom smelters, to position Chile as a
45% Arsenic content in
concentrate greater than world leader in the smelting of copper concentrate. Custom
0.1% and less than 0.5% smelters are more economically competitive, typically in the
50% Arsenic content in
concentrate greater than first quartile of the cost curve. This is because the financial
and operational approaches are aimed at smelting and not at
other unit stages. Integrated smelters that are constrained to
only one feed source are commonly faced with other process
decisions, including mineral exploitation, crushing, and
Fig. 1 e World copper concentrates production categorized mineral concentration [37].
by arsenic content [21].
218 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 2 1 3 e2 2 5



Costs (US$/t)
170 181
200 134 115
86 82 90 93
100 57 42 22 26
Workforce Gross Fuels Other costs Credits for Credits for Net cost
power sulfuric energy

Smelter integrated with mine Custom smelter

Fig. 2 e Costs associated with integrated and non-integrated Chilean smelters [59].

Custom smelters also have the added potential to intro- ~75 Mt by 2030 and nearly 250 Mt by 2050 [60,62,63] [Tabelin
duce different types of feeds altogether, such as recycled et al., 2021; Forti et al., 2020; Phengsaart et al., 2020]. There are
materials. With the onset and proliferation of Industry 4.0, several examples of copper smelters in Europe and Asia suc-
electrical and electronic equipment wastes (herein referred to cessfully using copper scrap from e-waste materials as a
as e-wastes) represent one of the fastest-accumulating waste secondary feed, including Boliden's Ronnskar smelter (Swe-
streams in modern society. Though production has kept pace den), Dowa's Kosaka smelter (Japan) and Aurubis' Hamburg
with global demand to this point, copper is seen as an facility (Germany) [60] [Tabelin et al., 2021].
important crossover material in the clean energy transition
and projections show that annual demand will rise by nearly 3.2. Competitivity of Chilean smelters
10 Mt over the next 30 years [60,61] [Tabelin et al., 2021; WBG,
2020]. With several of the world-class porphyry copper de- Smelting within Chile is very costly and not particularly
posits in the advanced stages of mine life production, and competitive in the global context. The operational cost
evolving geopolitical and socio-economic views that slow the structure for a typical smelter is typically dominated by en-
process of bringing new operations online, recycled e-wastes ergy (35%) and both direct and indirect labour (40%). However,
could play a vital role in meeting future global demand for additional costs within the Chilean industry can reach up to
copper and other precious metals. To highlight this potential, 52% of the total [64], which indicates an unresolved potential
worldwide e-waste production has increased steadily at a rate that may be attained through modernization [59]. For
of 3e5% per annum since 2010, and is forecasted to reach example, Fig. 3 shows substantial differences in the average

Smelter opera ng costs (US$/t)

500 454
300 238
196 174 198
200 176 159 152
99 99 77
100 66 49
35 46 62 31
22 0
Workforce Gross Fuels Other costs Credits for Credits for Net cost
power sulfuric energy

China Chile Best Chilean smelter

Fig. 3 e Comparison of smelting costs for Chile and China [59].

j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 2 1 3 e2 2 5 219

cost of Chilean and Chinese smelters. The contrast is notable manufactured products.’ [66]. A senior advisor to ENAMI,
in terms of labour, as wages in Chinese industry are modest in Claudio Dodds, added another variable to the equation, which
comparison to its main competitors (196 US$/t). Moreover, the also reinforces the need for the modernization of Chilean
Chilean energy costs are also higher, since five of the Chilean smelters: “In Chile, we have the problem that there are many
smelters use the antiquated Teniente Converter (6 units in mines that as they deepen their level of exploitation, arsenic
total, as Chuquicamata has two units). This aging technology levels increase, especially in the area of Chuquicamata. They
consumes more total energy (both in feed preparation and are non-exportable concentrates, and nobody is going to buy
smelting) compared to more current technologies, such as them, so you have to take charge” [66].
modern flash or continuous bath smelting [65]; a closer look at The five government-owned smelters (Chuquicamata,
competing technologies is presented in Section 4. Potrerillos, Ventanas, Caletones and HVL) have the highest
Codelco's director of smelter and refinery optimization, costs, which can be observed in Fig. 4. These plants are the
German Richter, has observed that most Chinese smelters oldest in the country and are indeed inefficient. Private com-
‘range between 10 and 18 cents per tonne treated, where the panies appear to have better managed Chilean smelting op-
industry average is at 21 cents, meanwhile, the costs of our erations, given the relative competitiveness of both the
most expensive smelters have become twice the general Altonorte and Chagres; however, they are still far from
average’. ‘Smelters are a complicated business in the copper attaining the cost-effectiveness of the most modern Asian
industry chain. The rate of return is likely to be the lowest smelters (Fig. 4) [66].
compared with the upstream operations (i.e. the mining Table 3 compares the average net costs by region, with
operation). Or even with the next stages, like semi- China dominating, while Latin American smelters are the

Glogow II
Glogow I
La Caridad
Copper Cliff
Mount Isa
Olympic Dam
Aunubis - Hamburg East
Dias D'Ávila
Tongling (jinchang)
Tu corin
Tongling (Jinguan)
Chifeng Jinjian
Shandong Xiang
Chifeng Jinfeng
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Di rect ca sh cost (c/lb)

Chilean copper smelters Interna onalcopper smelters

Fig. 4 e Cost statistics according to smelting plants [67,68].

220 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 2 1 3 e2 2 5

poorest performers. The focus of modern smelter develop-  Combined high salaries, overstaffing and/or lack of
ment strategies is to reduce costs using the most suitable automation
technologies that provide high treatment capacity and emis-  Low metallurgical recovery
sion control. In 2002 Chile produced 21.7% of refined primary  Insignificant utilization of marketable by-products (noble
copper, while China produced 11.4%. China has subsequently metals, rare earth, etc.)
invested in creating solutions for operational and environ-  Inadequate investment in new technologies
mental enhancements. By updating technologies, tightening
environmental laws, and investing in both new and existing It is worth mentioning that smelting costs in Chile average
smelters, they have managed to achieve the largest global 135 US$/t of concentrate, whereas in China these costs are
smelting capacity from the year 2000 onwards [67,68]. around 50 US$/t. In addition, since the rapid expansions of
Table 4 gives an estimate made by Codelco in the year 2011, 2000 onward, China has maintained low costs, and has
in which an investment of between US$ 680e890 million was incentivised sulphur capture and increased energy efficiency.
projected for the control of polluting gases of their smelters to
reach the mandated 95% capture (Supreme Decree 28). Table 5 3.3. Strategic economic and logistical considerations
shows that the actual investments made until 2018 signifi-
cantly surpassed the 2011 estimate, reaching approximately An increase in the supply and consumption of concentrates is
US $ 2.2 billion. The downside of these investments is that expected in the coming years, but it will be accompanied by
they have been reactive and have not necessarily led to sus- increasingly difficult mining conditions. Examples of such
tained production improvements; moreover, they should conditions include lower grades [69], higher hardness of rocks
perhaps have been made decades earlier (1990e2000) so that [22], longer haul distances, in addition to potential environ-
Chilean smelters would have remained globally competitive. mental transport restrictions due to contamination risks in
Comparing the current condition of Chilean smelters to maritime environments.
those of other countries, it can be deduced that the high costs By 2026, Chile is projected to produce approximately 6 Mt of
are mainly due to: refined Cu annually, with approximately 50% more sulphide-
derived copper than was the case in 2017 [70]. Furthermore,
the quantity of complex concentrates will increase due to
Table 3 e Total direct costs of smelting by country or mining projects that confront significant levels of arsenic,
region [67,68]. both in Chile and Peru. Experts have pointed out that the
sustained increment of arsenic and other impurities (like
Region Net cost per smelter (US$/t)
bismuth, antimony, etc.) will result in higher treatment costs,
China 267
penalties, and market acceptance difficulties. The economic
Africa 342
penalties applied to concentrates with high arsenic contents
Others Asia 373
Japan 406 vary depending on the importing country; in the investigation
Australia 489 of Lane et al. [71] it is reported that in Japan, arsenic penalties
Europe 573 begin at 0.2 wt.%, meanwhile they begin at concentrations
North America 588 greater than 0.5 wt.% in China [59].
Latin America 597 Due to the significant technological growth of China in the
smelting sector, Japan and the rest of the western countries
have not been able to compete in terms of costs but have kept
Table 4 e Estimated investment for Codelco smelters their foundries for strategic reasons [66]. Meanwhile, Chile is
made in 2011 [67,68]. continuing to carry out a business strategy that is aimed at
Smelter Investment for DS Black smoke Total custom smelters [66], as described in Section 3.1.
28 compliance removal (million China continues to import large quantities of concentrate
(million US$) (million US$) US$) to economically justify its high smelting capacity and supply
Chuquicamata 120e150 30e40 150e190 its expansive industry and large population. This processing
Potrerillos 140e180 80e110 220e290 imbalance poses a risk to Chile, which has only 9% of the
Ventanas 50e70 30e40 80e110 world smelting capacity and remains dependent on China's
Caletones 140e180 90e120 230e300 facilities (>30% of global capacity) [66]. Moreover, China's
Total 680e890
smallest smelters (1000 kt/year of concentrate) are of a similar
size to Chile's largest (1200 kt/year of concentrate), as
described in Table 6. Indeed, China, Japan and Germany all
outperform Chile in terms of sulphur capture, unit cost and
copper recovery. Table 6 also highlights that smelters in these
Table 5 e Actual investment made by Codelco in the
other countries are fitted with electricity generation (as the
2013e2018 period [67,68].
exothermic smelting reactions produce steam), and the ability
Smelting plant Investment between to capture other valuable metals (Au, Ag, Cr, Rare Earths, etc.);
2013 and 2018 (million US$)
this aspect will be revisited in Section 4.2.
Chuquicamata 1034 It is imperative to revamp the Chilean copper smelting
Potrerillos 426
industry, which requires new strategic policies that allow
Ventanas 629
greater competitiveness and sustainability.
Caletones 113
Total 2202
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 2 1 3 e2 2 5 221

Table 6 e Comparison of parameters between smelters of different countries [66].

Parameters Unit China Japan Germany Chile
Concentrate smelting capacity kt/year 1000e1500 1200 1200 320e1200
Sulphur capture % 98 99 98.5 95
Unit cost US$/t 267 406 419 500e890
Copper recovery % 98e98.5 98e99.5 98 95e97.3
Electric energy recovery Yes/No Yes Yes Yes No
Recovery of other metals Yes/No Yes Yes Yes No

Some of the proposed options include: with respect to evolving ore feeds and increasing levels of
impurities projected for many of the mature large-scale
 Optimize existing assets within the country, including logis- Chilean mining projects.
tical coordination that favours custom smelting operations
 Invest in new assets with better technologies and higher 4.1. International technology benchmarking
 Incentivize foreign conglomerate companies to build The equipment used by the 20 largest copper smelters in the
modern smelters in Chile by ensuring their continued ac- world has been analysed, in order to ascertain what the
cess to Chilean copper supplies Chilean trend should be; interestingly, it can be observed that
despite having relatively large capacities of Chilean smelters,
The coordinating and upgrading assets for domestic their high operating costs persist in tandem with their envi-
smelting of Chile's concentrates, can serve to redefine do- ronmental problems.
mestic reserves, particularly if the environmental challenges From Table 7, Chilean smelters are predisposed to old
of SO2 and arsenic can be managed. technologies of bath fusion (Teniente converter and Noranda
Reactor), whereas other countries use modern flash and bath
smelters. Chilean smelters have deficiencies from both envi-
4. Technological considerations ronmental and economic perspectives; yet the major in-
vestments of recent years (Table 5) may help restore the
The implementation of modern technology and system pro- competitivity of Chilean smelters. Table 8 summarizes the
cesses will be vital in response to several of the challenges costs and world production of each type of equipment, mainly
currently faced by the Chilean smelting industry. In order to featuring flash furnaces and bath furnaces. In general both
make appropriate decisions in the selection of new equipment have similar costs, with a minor difference of only 2 US $/t.
or approaches, it is important to first understand how the Interestingly, 44% of world production is through flash
Chilean foundries compare with the rest of the industry, as furnace systems, although there is a relative downward trend
well as the leading technologies currently in use (proven track in this technology; according to Watt and Kapusta [72], in 2003
record) or being tested. This is particularly true for cases their proportion had been as high as 49%. Subsequently, the
where retrofitting existing plant facilities is deemed the most use of equipment such as Vanyukov, Top-Submerged Lance
amenable option. Technological innovation through research furnaces and SKS bottom-blown smelting (BBS) furnaces have
and development will likely also play a critical role, especially increased [73].

Table 7 e Top 20 copper smelters in order of production capacities [21].

Smelter Country Capacity (kt/y) Technology
Guixi China 900 Outokumpu Flash (O. F.)
Birla Copper India 500 O. F., Ausmelt, Mitsubishi Convert (M. C.)
Chuquicamata Chile 450 O. F., Teniente Converter (T. C.)
Hamburg Germany 450 O. F., Contimelt
Toyo Japan 450 O. F.
Saganoseki Japan 450 O. F.
El Teniente Chile 400 Reverberatory/T. C.
Jinchuan China 400 Reverberatory/Kaldo Converter
Jinchuan China 400 Flash smelter
Jinguan China 400 Flash smelter
Xiangguang China 400 O. F.
Sterlite India 400 Isasmelt process

Norilsk Russia 400 Reverberatory electric. Vanyukov

Pirdop Bulgaria 360 O. F.
Ilo Perú 360 Isasmelt process
Onahama Japan 354 Mitsubishi/Reverb.
Jinlong China 350 Flash smelter
Yunnan China 350 Isasmelt process
Kansanshi Zambia 350 Isasmelt process
Naoshima Japan 342 Mitsubishi Continuous
222 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 2 1 3 e2 2 5

Table 8 e Type of technology in copper smelters [21].

Sulfuric acid plant Concentrate dryer

Fluidized bed
Fluidized bed
Technology Average Costs World production Number of
(US$/t of Cu) participation (%) operations


Flash 72 43 22
Bath 74 34 23
Mixed 113 20 7
Others 151 3 3

Upgraded configuration

Double contact

Double contact
Double contact
Double contact
Double contact
Double contact
Simple contact
Flash smelting technology has indeed had positive results
compared to bath furnaces, however the emerging Chinese
bath technologies such as SKS-BBS [74,75] have also presented
good results. SKS-BBS is currently among the candidate op-
tions to upgrade the Chilean foundry Herna  n Videla Lira. It is

Slag cleaning electric furnace

Slag cleaning electric furnace

Slag cleaning electric furnace

generally thought that bath smelting is more adaptable to
varying and complex feeds than flash smelting; however, the

Slag Treatment
antiquated bath smelting approaches are not necessarily
effective at off gas capture. Nonetheless the newer bath
smelting technologies seem to achieve 99% SO2 capture [72] in
addition to their adaptability to complex feeds. Beyond the


SKS-BBS, there are additional bath smelting technologies that
have been implemented in China such as the side-blowing
furnace (SBF) that is used in Nerin (China) [39,76,77], and the

Concentrate dryer
Dongying two-step copper smelting process, the latter of

Fluidized bed
Fluidized bed
which is composed of one submerged lance smelting furnace
(SLS) integrated with two submerged lance converting-


refining furnaces (SLCR) [78e80].

4.2. Upgrading of Chilean smelters

Simple and double contact

Sulfuric acid plant
Section 2.1 included a series of improvements that Chilean
smelters must make to adapt to the new Chilean environ-
mental regulations. In addition to replacing their core smelt-
Double contact

Double contact
furnace e Slag cleaning electric furnace Simple contact
Simple contact
Simple contact

Simple contact
Table 9 e Operational changes to reduce gas emissions in Chilean smelters.

ing and converting furnaces, Table 9 shows some major

technological changes projected in these smelters.
Current configuration

An examination of Table 9 highlights that slag treatment

should change from treatment in electric furnaces to flotation;
flotation has kinetic disadvantages and lower copper recovery
yet results in a much lower environmental impact due to the
fact that the electric furnace causes the generation of sulphur
dioxide. On the other hand, the treatment of gases with high
sulphur content should be performed within double contact
sulfuric acid treatment plants instead of the single contact
Slag Treatment

versions that have dominated previous generations.

Chilean smelters have several important challenges that
electric furnace
electric furnace

electric furnace

must be overcome to restore their international standing. In

recent years, Codelco achieved great progress with the open-
ing of the Divisi

on Ministro Hales and its high arsenic content

roaster [46]. Other innovations such as the packed bed
developed by the Universidad de Chile also stand out [81,82], as
Slag cleaning
Slag cleaning
Slag cleaning
Slag cleaning
Slag cleaning

Slag cleaning

well as the scorodite arsenic capture [42,57]. The Chilean


copper industry and R&D sector must adapt to the increasing

portion of arsenic within its sulphide concentrates, as it con-
tinues to develop technological solutions and operating
 n Videla Lira

practices [41].
As discussed at the end of Section 2.1, the equipment costs

for gas capture and slag treatment were between US $ 70.5



million for Anglo-American's Chagres smelters that required


comparatively small upgrades to ensure or exceed compli-

ance, and US $ 948 million for Codelco's Chuquicamata
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 2 1 3 e2 2 5 223

smelter which continue to require massive upgrading; these creation of regionalized, non-integrated custom smelters, which
upgrades include the items listed in Table 9. The HVL smelter have the best cost-effectiveness.
had evaluated a possible complete overhaul with an estimated Chile has antiquated smelters, but there are many exam-
cost of US $646 million [38] which on a per tonnage basis ples worldwide (Europe and Japan) of old smelters that were
would have been the most radical change. However, this modernized and reached high and globally recognized quality
major overhaul will not be applied, as incremental techno- standards [72]. Justifiably large investments are needed to
logical enhancements are now seen as a favourable option. In support projects focused on reducing costs and improving the
particular, the replacement of the air injection system capture of harmful gases.
 res) of the antiquated Teniente and Peirce-Smith con-
verters with modern shrouded sonic injectors [40], can lead to
smaller volumes of offgas with higher concentration of SO2 Declaration of Competing Interest
which is favourable for increased capture and acid generation;
a similar approach is already embedded within modern The authors declare they have no conflict of interest.
furnace designs [39]. Additionally, HVL will be experimenting
with state-of-the-art sensors described in [41] which may ul-
timately lead to a better coordination of furnace operations,
thus increasing the productivity; earlier plant dynamics Acknowledgments
studies indicated that such incremental improvements could
be significant [83]. The hope is that HVL can attain the gov- rez acknowledges the infrastructure and support of the
Kevin Pe
ernment prescribed levels of SO2 capture without undertaking doctoral program in mineral process engineering at the Uni-
a complete overhaul. versidad de Antofagasta and thanks to Centro CRHIAM Project
ANID/FONDAP/15130015. Pedro Robles thanks the Pontificia
Universidad Cato lica de Valparaı́so for the support provided.
5. Conclusions
Chilean copper smelters are collectively the most unsustain-
able of any major copper producing country, due to decades of
relatively low investment and technological development, as
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